The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 25, 1888, Image 2

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Tha Plattsigouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
Is published everv evening except .Sunday
and Weekly every Thurxday morning. Kegls
tered at the Mt4nice, riailriuouth. Nebr..j. matter. Oillce comer of Vine and
FUtn meets.
One copy one ear In advance, by mail... -So oo
One coiiy per moiitli, by ranter M
One copy per week, by carrier, 15
One eopy one year, in advance $1 M
One copy atx iuuuidm. In advance 75
Republican State Convention.
The republican electors of the state of
Nebraska are requested to send delegates
from their several counties to meet in
convention at the city of Lincoln Thurs
day, August 23, at 2 o'clock p. in.,
for the purpose of placing in nomiuntiun
candidates for the following state offices.
Lieutenant Governor.
Secretary of State.
State Treasurer.
Auditor of Public Accounts.
Attorney General.
Commissioner of Public Linda and
And the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before the convention
The several counties are entitled to re
presentation as follows, being based upon
the vote cast for lion. Mamuel iuaxweii,
iudire. in 18S7. "iving one delegate at
large to each county, and for each loO
votes, and major fraction tlicreoi:
Adam 1-1
Aiittbipe .
Arthur i
Maine -
.lltllllNOII K
Keylia l'aha.
.. . G
Ifcmil H
li.ix mute J
Itrnwn !'
Lincoln M
JtiifTalo !
Mcl'hernon ..
Nemaha... .
Co. !
5-lar . ;"i
'Iihc...... '
t'h rry
Clieyeiioe 1'
Clav 11
Co. fax '
Ousfur 1 "
Nui-kolli C
O.oe 12
. 5
. 4
" si
lawson Hj
lixun !
. 7
. 7
Ked Willow..
Dodire 1-'
lu-:his 27
Fillmore 1"
Frontier 10
Sarpy S
taiinaers it
Seward to
!..., I'll
- tant.ui
. . t - .... -
ioper ft
(irant 1
Hall Hi
Hamilton 1"
llarUu Ml
Il.iyeH.... 4i
Hitchcock '
Molt 14
Howard 71
Jefferson i
Washington it
Wayne 6
Weboter 9
Wheeler :
Unorganized Ter.
Tolal 671
It is recommended that no proxies be
ndn.itted to the convention except such as
arolield by persons residing in the coun
ties from which the proxies arc given.
To Chairmen County Central Commit
tees: Wuereas, At the republican state con
vention held at Lincoln October 3, 18S7,
the following resolution was adopted:
Jleolred, That the state central com
mittee be instructed to embrace in itsc:dl
for the next 6tate convention the submis
sion of the prohibition question to there
publican voters at the republican pri
Therefore, in accordance with the
above resolution, the several county cen
tral committees are hereby instructed to
include in their caII for their next county
convention the submisaion of the prohi
bition question to the isepcblioan' voters
at the republican primaries.
Geo. D. Meiklejohx, Chairman.
, Walt. M. Seeley, Secretary.
It 13 quite true, as declared by Col.
Kradley, of Kentucky, that the republican
party has'no wish "to lift the veil that
ob3Curcs the sorrows au 1 conceals the
woes" caused by the rebellion. But it is
equally true, as he further asserts, that
"we de3ire to teach the nsing generation
that it was the damnable heresies of the
democratic party which led to us all this
great desolati'n." Forgiveness U one
thing; forgetfulness is another. We may
say and do say that those who fought to
destroy the Union shall enjoy all the
rights and privileges of citizens; but it
does not follow that we are bound to
ignore the fact that they were in the
wong, and that the sentiments for which
they contended were false and pernicious.
The fact that they fought bravely does
not imply that they fought for what was
true and good, and that we should ac
cordingly place their cause on the same
footing with the one which they opposed.
"We cannot afford to concede that the re
hellion was justifiable in any sense or to
any extent It is our duty to insist that
the war was something more than a mere
contest between states over accidental
and technical issues. The struggle cost
. too much to be treated in that indifferent
way; the sacrifices were too great to be
trivialized in such a careless manner.
The republican party is pledged to
maintain the position that the south took
up arms against the government without
just cause or provocation, and fought
desperately for four years to perpetutc
one of the most hideous infamies in all
history. There were two sides to the con
flict, and one was wholly right, while the
other was wholly wrong. The best that
history can ever say of the attempt to de
stroy the Union is that it was prosecuted
with signal courage and fortitude. In all
other respects it was an undertaking th.t
invited only reproach and execration, j
There is no question of relative right and
wrong in the case. Thc democratic,
party is doing its utmost to change the
record and make it appear that secession
was justifiable at least to the extent that
nobody bhould be blamed for it, and that
fidelity to the Union was at best only a
matter of sectional choice and prejudice
It is thus that the two parties arc dis
tinctly and irreconcilably divided. To be
a rccpublican a man must hold that the
men who died for the Union perished in
a thoroughly riteou performance of
duty; to be a democrat he must contend
that the men who died on the other side
were equally patriotic and deserving of
praise of honor. That is the simple
truth, and it is useless to discuss the sub
ject from any other point of view. The
democratic party encouraged and pro
moted the conspiracy of Jeff Davis and
his associates, and sympathized with
them from Sumpter to Appomattox; and
it is practically the same party today
that it was when it thus commended it
self to the scorn and reproach of all loyal
people. Globe Democrat.
Harmonious interiors, the art of deco
rating a home at small expense, so as to
transform the crude baseness of angulari
ty and formality into tasteful adornment,
is the subject of an exceedingly able essay
in the June number of Woman, written
by Ella Rodman Church. Practical ed
ucation of th's kind, available to persons
of all circumstance1, is the basis of the
mission, which Woman is so admirably
fulfilling in behalf of the wives, and
mothers, and sisters of America. The
teachings of this one article in the June
issue arc worth to every reader the cost
of five years subscription to the magazine.
$2.7." a year. Woman Publishing Co.,
New York.
; raigut ur dairying Capacity.
An increase in freight car carrying capa
city from ten to twenty tons nominal load
has been accomplished within the lastdecada
Freight cars, as now built, are intended to
carry twice their weight in load, while for a
number of years before the Increase was
made the weight of the possible load was
generally assumed as that of the box car in
which it was carried. The narrow gango
movement, though not sucessf ul in changing
the standard width of American railroads,
served, we think, a useful purpose in calling
attention to the relations between dead and
paying weight, with the result, as stated, of
increasing the relative load carried. Rail
way Review.
A Large Pair of Shoes.
A shoemaker, of Atlanta, Ga., has just
finished the largest pair of shoes ever made
for actual uso. It took a piece of leather
containing 1,040 square inches to make tbe
uppers, and 1,900 to ruaka tbe soles. That is
3.000 square inches altogether. If that
leather were cut into strips an eighth of an
inch wide and made into one long string, the
string would bo 24,000 inches long. Tbe
shoes weigh eight and one-quarter pounds.
The soles are fourteen inches long, 5$ wide
and S inches deep. That doesn't couut the
heel, which would add another inch to tbe
depth. Chicago Herald.
Forcing the Issue.
A Brash street boy with a piece of black
cloth on bis hat was playing in front of the
house the other day when a man stopped and
"Are you in mourning, bub?
"Yes, sir."
"Father or mother!'
"Neither one."
"Oh. it's a brother or sisterP
-No. sir. I've put it on to see if grandpa
won't die and give us a rest. Detroit Free
A Heathen Convert's Shrewdness.
Converts from heathenism can sometimes
quote Scripture for their own benefit. In
Madagascar lately a teacher applied for an
increase of salary. "Cut, my frjend," said
tSlj missionary, "I shall have to consider the
casa of the other teachers shall I notf "Oh,
it does not matter that; you need not tell;
our Savior has taught us to give our alms in
ecretf Whether this "doubly private" in
terpretation availed the applicant, we axe
not informed. Christian Inquirer.
$500 Reward
We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liyer Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They aro purely yegetable, ' and never
fail to give satisfaction., Large boxes
jontaining 30 sugar coated pul3, 2oc,
For sale by nil druggists. Ileware of
counterfeits and imitations. I he genu
ine manufactured only by John O. Well
& Co., 8C2 W. JIadison St. Chicago, Its
Sold by W. J. A arrick.
We now publish music each week
in the Weekly Hekald. Everybody
should be a uiuu.ian, The pieces furn
ished in the paper will be found as pop
ular as any costing 50 cents. Everybody
should take the paper. We are endeav
oring to make it a great success, and feel
quite confident we can suit all.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are va
rious, and statistics show conclusively
that more persons die from disease of the
hroat and lungs than any other. It is
probable that everyone, without excep
tion, receives vast numbers of. Tubercle
Germs into the system and where these
germs fall upon suitable soil they start
into life and develop, at first slowly and
is shown by a slight tickling sensation in
the throat and if allowed to continue their
ravages they extend to the lungs produc
ing Consumption and to the head, caus
ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous
and if allowed to continue will in time
cause death. At the onset you must net
with promptness; allowing a cold to go
without attention is dangerous and may
loose you your life. As soon as you feci
that something is wrong with your throat,
lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos
shee's German Syrup. It will giye jou
immediate relief. " -
Climbing Up the Mountain Side on a Nar
row Gang- Railroad Track A Flock of
Vultures An Extraordinary Sight A
Narrow Escape.
At 4 o'clock in the afternoon we began the
ascent of the Ilex river mountains, and al
though our freight train consisted all told of
only six loads, two empties and the guards'
van, it was necessary to take up another lo
comotive. The grade is ten inches t) the
rail, and continuous from the base to the
tunnel on the summit of tbe mountain,
and requires four hours to climb. Puff I
puff I puff I labored the tiny machines, mere
toys as compared to your mountain Moguls,
and slowly, very slowly, we crawled up the
mountain side over the ever curving, winding
track. The day had been terrifically hot.
The broiling, seething sun's rays beat down
with an unrelenting force that caused even
our Kaffirs to seek shelter under the wagons,
the Boers to lay down their pipes and our
oxen to pant for air. The colonels bad each
soiled half a dozen handkerchiefs in wiping
the perspiration from their beated brows,
and token to towels in their efforts to keep
their faces dry.
We were probably half way up the moun
tain side when we noticed that tbe sun no
longer shone on the distant peaks, though we
knew that it must be at least an hour high.
Tbe specks in the sky had doubled in num
ber and were moving In a circle. Tbe at
mosphere should have been much cooler at
the altitude we had now gained, but instead
it had grown hotter and more stifling. Our
men through fear and beat were well nigb
exhausted; even the bold Americans were
restless and began to earnestly watch for
something to come down from the sky, over
the mountains, up the valley or out of the
earth, they did not know when or from
where, but they were experiencing that ab
sorbing, terrorizing feeling that something
is going to happen.
Nearly an hour of these uncomfortable
sensations had passed when 1 noticed a white
mist creeping around the rugged side of tbe
king peak of tbe range to our left. Steadily
on it crept, d )wn gulches, over chasms and
around huge bowlders, until tbe whole
mountain was enveloped in a thick mist, save
the extreme summit, that looked like drift
ing snow. On, on came tbe rolling, soft,
treacherous, pure white, beautiful mist One
peak disappeared, then annother, and still
another was annihilated wiped out of exist
euce, so far as we were concerned. A breeze
sprang up, bringing cooler air and relieving
our sufferings a little, and in a moment the
thick, slimy, sultry cloud was upon us. We
now knew the storm was at hand and that
the flock of asvogela knew it was coming.
One of them had seen tbe train and tbe oxen
on it, and no doubt thought, as asvogels
think, (bat some of tbe animals would be
killed by the terrific mountain storm, and so,
signaling to its companions, they hovered
over us, waiting for the storm to pass.
It had now grown quite dark. To reach
the tunnel at the top of the grade before the
storm could catch us was the great desire of
all aboard tbe train. We had only four
miles to travel to reach it Once there we
could run near the further end, come to a
stop and wait till the storm was over, and
enjoy tbe protection of 100 or 200 feet of
earth and stone above us. The engineers
and fireinjen of pur little locomotive realized
tbe importance of gaining this place of
safety and exerted their utmost efforts to
accomplish that end. Chool chool chooi
puffed the engines, and slowly, very slowly
we crawled up. The breeze stiffened into a
wind; the wind to a gala; the gale into a
hurricane. The mist had rolled down the
mountain side, up, over and beyond the
eastern side of the range. Now came tbe
"nigger heads," with their eyes, mouths and
cars shooting out fiery dashes of vivid light
uing, struggling with each other for the lead
"in guiding the storm clouds that followed
behind, battling one another with their zig
zag, forked tongues, whila canyqns . and
mountain sides echoed and re-echoed the
boom and roar of heaven's artillery. Ilere,
there, everywhere came flash after flash in
quick succession, each flash an awful bolt
with a report that began like the crack of a
thousand rifles and ended like the voices of a
thousand cannon.
Full well we knew that no shower, but a
deluge of rain, would follow these black,
ragged clouds that shot out in advance of tbe
rain clouds, so aptly named "nigger heads,
on account of tiwir resemblance to a negro's
woolly head. They are highly charged with
electricity, and present to the unsheltered
traveler a thrilling realization of his perilous
position. Never before had I seen more than
one "nigger bead" at a time; here were three,
and each extraordinarily charged with elec
tricity. Three times 1 saw a flash, a blazing
ball, which, in Jess time than I can tell it,
burst, throwing out tails of fire in every
direction, somewhat resembling a great sky
rocket. The report that followed was truly
terrible to bear and awful to feel, for it
shook the old mountains to their very center.
On, on came the storm, roaring, shrieking,
howling, tearing its way through the moun
tains, uprootifig trees and dislodging tons of
beavy rocks that were hurled down the
gulches, crushing everything before them
and pounding the ground tintil the whole
earth seerned quivering and trembling
through foar.
It is quite impossible to reach the tunnel,
for the torrent is rushing down upon us, and
is, in fact, pouring down with unrelenting
fury. What if a tree or bowlder should be
thrown across the track. Slower, still slower
we climb up tbe grade are we moving? We
can feel no rnotion nor bear tbe locomotive
struggling on. (iood heavens! .we are moving
backward. Tbe rain has vtt the track, a
curve has brought us facing tbe wind, and
we are at tbe mercy of fate. The wheels
slide on the track like the runners of a sleigh
on tbe snow. Tbe engineers have lost con
trol of their engines, and faster and faster
backward we ga Can you picture a position
rnarp perilous than- oursl Would we reach
the bottom safe; Wld we plunge over a
precipice down into a canyon where tbe
trestlework has been washed away! Would
any of us be left to tell the tale of the acci
dent! A thousand such thoughts rushed
through my mind as we slid faster and faster
do;rn, down the track we had labored so
hard to climb. The abor pf hours was de
stroyed in a few minutes. V?e reached the
bottom of the grade without other damage
than the shaking of tbe locomotives so badly
as to unfit them for further use until re
paired. We remained at the bottom of the
grade all tbo next day, until two other loco
motives arrived with which to continue our
journey. Capo Colony Cor. San Francisco
In flard Lack.
What's the matter, Dumley f You look d.
eoDteuted and utihappyP
"1 am; 1 just found a three cent piece ani
when 1 saw it on tbe sidewalk I'm blamed if
1 didat tbiok it was a dime." The Epoch.
Vcxas Cattla Trained to Bellow "Hall
Columbia" A Unique Concert.
It was now about 5 o'clock and the sun
was rapidly approaching tbe horizon. Tbe
bovine orchestra was to perform as usual at
0, or about sunset, just before feeding time.
Mr. Ileminway led the way to the home
corral, a heavily timbered stockade Just over
the crest of a hill and about 'a quarter of a
mils from tbe house. The cowboy band
which had ridden out to meet him accom
panied the party on horseback. It was a
cool but calm April evening, the air balmy
with the fresh prairie air and the faint per
fumes of wild flowers. As they approached
tbe stockade melodious bellowings sounded
over the pale. Within were just twenty of
the most intelligent beasts in the whole herd
of 60,000. Brawny, big boned, long horned
and muly some of tbem smooth limbs,
sleek coats and bright eyes marking them as
crack cattla. They moved forward in a
leisurely, self contained way and stood look
ing at the cowboys Six of tbe latter dis
mounted, came inside with their trombone,
cornet, French horn, big horns and cymbals.
Each cowboy took up a position by a partic
ular ox.
Six of tbe cattle were now separated from
their fellows and led by tbe boras to skeleton
stalls of light poles, constructed so the beasts
faced in towards tbe center of the inclosure
and were ranged on tbe soft grass side by
side, near enough to touch the tips of each
other's horns. The cowboy with the cornet
stood immediately in front of a light brindled
heifer that had an exceedingly vivacious
aspect and was very quick on its feet. The
trombone confronted an almost jet black
steer that proved to have a high voice of
great reverberatory power. The cymbals
flanked a red bull, while the other horns
were pointed at bright eyed cows that re
garded the whole strange scene with an ex
perienced air and anticipatory delight.
Tbe Ileminway party stood slightly to one
side, the unofUciating cowboys, to the num
ber of forty or more, in a group near them.
Just as the sinking sun reached the horizon
and seemed to linger for a moment before
saying good night, Mr. Herainway gave tbe
The cowboys at once struck up "Hail
Columbia,'' playing that fine old air with
much spirit and tolerable correctness. With
the first note from each instrument the ani
mal in its front raised its neck, opened its
mouth to the widest capacity, and throwing
its head back gave prolonged and musical
utterance to sonorous sounds which, if they
were not singing in the human sense, consti
tuted something remarkably like it
The accord between the instruments and
the vocal accompaniment of tbe bovine
chorus was perfect. There was one harmoni
ous volume of sound, that echoed far and
wide with singular power and sweetness, car
rying through tbe charmed air strains of the
western patriots' favorite song and mellow
ing in the distance to a grand choral ode.
But the most interesting part of the unique
performance was yet to coma When the
strains of tbe horns died away the cowboy
performers withdrew and joined the other
cowboys. The bovine chorus was left to
itself. Mr. Ileiniuway drew a revolver from
bis pocket and fired a shot As the smoke
curled up in the fading sunlight, the steers
opeued their mouths, threw their beads back
and in perfect harmony went again through
the air they had just finished. The ring and
volume and sweetness of their voices were
now distinctly apparent They chanted ab
solutely correctly and lacked only articula
tion to be the champion sextet of the vocal
world. John Paul Bocock in New York
The Can of ,,'!gehackell;!
A tourist in Tyrol watched two hot
beaded youths, who, having got into some
dispute over money matters, had agreed to
settle it by a resort to what in that
country fs called "Fingerhackeln." This
game, or rather struggle, is a simple
trial of strength of arm and biceps. The
table is cleared, and the two competitors
seated opposite each other, with the table be
tween them, stretch out tbeir right hands sc
as to let them meet in the center. Each,
bending the middle finger into the shape of a
hook, entwines it with that of his rival. At
a given signal each begins to pull, the object
!eing to drag tbo antagonist across the board.
Both were strapping young fellows, each
eager to show off his prowess, and the fact
that they were well known adepts at it ren
dered the struggle doubly interesting. Vio
tory swayed hither aud thither; the most pro
digious efforts were made to wrest the slight
est advantage from the foe, the subtlest ruses
coming into play, tbe most impossible con
tortions of the body undergone; and yet the
issue seemed as far from decision as at the
very outset
With set teeth, rigid features and heaving
breasts, tbe two young fellows tug and pull,
and neither will give in. Their bands are of
an angry red, tbe veins swollen to double
their usual size, while drops of perspiratiqn
on their foreheads tell of their almost super
human exertions.
Watching the face of one, the observer aU
at once saw a look of agonizing pain shoot
across it His band dropped; the struggle
was at an end- Poor fellow! his finger is
maimed for life; for tbe principal muscle has
been rent in the fierce struggle. His antago
nist, by a sudden jerk one of the numerous
stratagems of fingerhackeln has succeeded
in unbending his adversary's finger.
One very frequently sees in Tyrol a man
wjt)j a finger bent nearly doqble on the right
hand. It you ask the cause, you will icyaf l
ably be told that it happened while ''finger
hackeln. " Youth's Companion.
John Was All night.
"Your husband is out pretty late o' nights,
Mrs. Cally."
"Yes, Mrs. Dally; his business keeps him
late, you know." ,
"Are you sure it's business? These men
aint to be trusted too far, Mrs. Cally. I
speak from experience."
"Well, I guess my John Is all right" '
"What makes you so confident?'
"Well, he shaves only once a week, and
then be grumbles about having it to do. He
doesn't give the least bit of attention to his
personal appearance; indeed, I have bard
work in keeping him tidy. Then be won't
put a drop of cologne ou his handkerchief,
"That's enough, Mrs. Cally. There's no
female in his case, that's sure. He's all right"
Boston Courier.
Tho Czar's Rest Engineer.
Tbe Russian imperial househo Id has con
eluded an arrangement with the engineer,
M, &ozeU, regarding the great irrigation
works which are to be carried out in the ex
tensive territories in the Murghab valley
which have been acquired by the czar. M.
Kozell, who is of Polish origin, was in 1863
the commander of an insurgent battalion of
bis countrymen. He was taken prisoner by
the Russians and sentenced to death, but suc
ceeded in making his escape to France, where
he subsequently carried out several import
ant engineering works. After the war la
1870-71, in which he fought against the Ger
mans, he returned to Russia, and as a punish
ment for bis former rebellious conduct be
bad to serve as a private in a Cossack regi
ment for four years. New York Tribune.
Eureka leat Market
JJeel, rorit, JiuiU'ii, veal s:i:u loimiy.
I invito all to give mc a trio 1.
Sugar Cured Mcats, Ham?', I'ik m), I.nrd, t tc, etc. Fni-h OjM is in Cnn r.i d I nlk
at lowest liying prices. Do int fail to tivc n t yi-vr J ntu i.u&c.
I- 2? IB 13 Xj H ,
Where a magnificent stock of Gcoils and Fair
J'ricob abound.
they are headquarters for all cf Fruits
and Vegetables.
We are receiving Freeh Strawberries every
Oranges, Lerrcrs ar.d ccr.stently cn
hand. '
Just received, a vsriety cf Csrr.ed Ccujre.
We have Pure Maple CugEr sr.d re or 1st eke.
Jonathan IIatt.
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &c
ot our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans ar.d bulk at
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and lirain Treat nirnt
a guarantee specific for Hysteria,
Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neuralpia, Head
ache. Nerveiuf l'rcst ration caused Ly theme
ol alcohol ortohacco, W&keiti!nSK.A-entii! De
preMon, Softenicp of the lrai n teenli irg in in -sauity
aud leaduK t misery, decay and ieath,
t-remature old Ate. Karreme.'s, I.osa of r w
er in either m-x. Ii.v Lesce s anfl Si c r
matriho?a caused hy ov-r-exertion of the
brain, eelfsibuse orover-indnljccnce. Kach h x
contains one worth's treatment. 1 to a tux
or six boxes for 5.00, stut by n ail jxeiaidor
receipt of pike
To cure any caee. With each order received
by us for six boxes, accompanied with ?5 oo.
we will send the purchaser iur written guaran
tee to return the money if the tu atn.ent does
not effect a cure. Guarantees fcsurd only by
Will J. Warrick sole agent. flattMimuth. Neb.
If you want n good silver watcli
send ns 30 subscribers to the Weekly
Herald. . - .
J. W. Mabthn.
The standard rttmdy for liver rcm
plalnt is West's Liver Pill they never
disappi ict ycu. SO pills 25c. At War
rick's drug store. .
We will fcive a. silver watch, that is
warranted by the jewelry men of this
city, to any. or.e vho blinds us 15 yt-aily
caIi i lub&ciibt-rs to the Daily Hljwi.p.
Choicest Brands of Cigais,
including our
flor de Pepperbcrgo' erf 'E vm
always in stock. Nov. 26. 1883.