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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1888)
THE JM1LV JIEUaLIJ: FLAl-rsfliouni, niSAKASKA, Fill U A V, JUNE 22. " issfc. The Plattsmoutb Daily Herald. KNOTTS BRO S., . Publishers & Proprietors. T1IE I'LATTS MOUTH I1CBALD I.i published every evening except Sunday and Weekly every Thursday rooming. KeKis tered at the Mwtonice, l'laUnioutli. Nebr.. i-s fcoiid-clA.4 matter. Office coruer of Vine and VilUx ntreets. TK1MS ton DAILY. One copy one year In advance, by mail. c no tie 15 One copy per month, by carrier, One copy per ween, uy currier, TERMS FOR WKEKLY. One copy one year. In advance $1 One copy tlx mourns, in advance Republican State Convention. The republican electors of the fctate of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their several counties to meet in convention at the city of Lincoln Thurs day, August 23, 18S?S at 2 o'clock p. ni., for the purpose of placing in nominatiou candidate for the following state oiliccs. Governor. Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of State. State Treasurer. Auditor of Public Accounts. Attorney General. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. And the transaction of such other busi ness ns may come before the convention. TIIK AI'l'OllTIOXMENT. The several counties are entitled to re presentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for lion. Samuel Maxwell, judyc, in ls-17, giving one delegate nt l:irfr i.i P!i-1i r-ountv. and for each 150 votes, and major fraction thereof: NiLXTIKi. votes II COL' NT IKS. YOTKS. Adaiiia .... Antelope ... Arthur... . l;l.ii-ie. liotm Hox J'.utte. lirown U;ilT;il ... JMiller J '.art "a CViIar C'liose Ch-rry riieyenne.. flay Colfax uining.... Custer .folinson Kearney Kevlia 1'alia Keith Knox Lancaster.... Lincoln I.oan Loup Madison . . .. .. 8 .11 Mcl'licnon 1 Merrick 7 Nance... Nemaha... tf Nuckolls 0 Oue 12 I'awnee. s .1 -j Perkins lTJIMerce.. o I'olk... 4 Dakota. 6 1 1 . V4 7!llatte.. .10 Dawson Phelps. 7 nivnn liiittcliarnsun i lii,i.f . l-j'Ked Willow 7 Douglass 27;slire 1 4iSarnV. Fillmore lolSminders U Kr.nL-liii . TlSeward 10 Frontier lo'Sheri-tan Furnas ; Sherman Untie lalSinux Oarfield.... ajManton.. tiosper 5 Thayer.. (irant 1 Thomas . Oroeley 4; Valley t Hall. Hi Washington Hamilton , liaiian.... Hayes.... . in Wavne. . '. s Webcter 9 . 4 Wheeler 3 Hitchcock . 6 oik 1 Holt l4 L'norcanized Ter 1 Howard 7 .lelTerson 9 Total 671 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention except such as are held by persons residing in the coun ties from which the proxies are given. To Chairmen County Central Commit tees: Whereas, At the republican state con vention held at Lincoln October 5, 1SS7, the following resolution was adopted: liesolced, That the state central com mittee be instructed to embrace in its call for the next state convention the submis sion of the prohibition question to there publican voters at the republican pri maries, Therefore, in accordance with the above resolution, the several county cen tral committees are hereby instructed to include in their call for their next county convention the submission of the prohi bition question to the hepcblicax voters at the republican primaries. Geo. P. Meiklejoiix, Chairman. Walt. M. Seeley, Secretary. The stars and stripes will "knock out" the old bandana, even if the latter gets a star and bar annex. What may be the little cloud no larg er than a man's hand on the labor hori zon, is the strike of a few of the em ployes of the Reading Iron Works in con sequence of a ten per cent redaction of wages. The bulk of the men have tem porarily accepted the reduction under protest, awaiting the action of the Coun cil of the Knights. This is clearly a good time for the iron-workers to ask what would happen if the adminstration of the coun'ry should be turned completely over to the tender mercies of the free traders X. Y. Tribune. The July number of the American 3Iagaiine is being prepared with a view of making it especially appropriate for s immer reading. While fully maintain ing its high literary character, preference will be given to the lighter clss of litera ture. A feature will be a notable sympo sium discussion, by the leading Ameii can authors, of the Cbace International Copyright BilL Frederic G. Mather will c intribute au amusing and interesting description (fully illustrated) of New & England singing schools as they flourish e I sixty or seventy years ago. Mrs, C a lotte Reeve Conover will furnish an illustrated paper on "Housekeeping by the United State Government," describing the Veterans' Home near Dayton, Ohio. Jlrs. Admiral Dahlgren will supply 1 short story entitled "A Night's Adven ture." 4 VTTSiTNd DEMOCRATIC El UBERANCE. ' A newcomer in the country might be led to believe, on taking a glance at the liaaduness of some 01 tue leaning c.Mtic iournals, that the election had "ither just been held nd the republican party been beaten overwhelmingly, or that organization is so weak, despondent and demoralized that no clligent member belonging to It has the faintest hope of party victory this year. Or if the same newcomer should read the democratic papers more carefully and converse with democratic politicians he might acquire the notion that the great value of Cleve land' public 6ei vices, coupled with Thurmau's patriotism and statesmanship. would assure the ticket the support of all the thoughtful, public-spirited citizens of hc country. Indeed, this particular individual, after reading and listening to these utterances, would, in all proba bility, take the view that the presumption of the republicans in desiring to choose a ticket for themselves at all was a sort of political sacrilege which the sensible, de cent and self-rcsncctiti" people of the country would effectively and fittingly recent at the polls. This, as we have intimated, would be the view which the stranger would take of the situation. The "old inhabitant," however, would not fall into any such error. lie would remember that in 1880 the democrats were even more confident of winning than they are this year. When Maine at that time, two months before the presidential election, chose a a fusion governor, the democratic newspa- jers began to frame cabinets for "Presi dent" Hancock, and the democratic politicians started, figuratively speaking. out on their task of turning the republi can "rascals" out of the 100,000 federal ollices, and putting 100,000 demcratic "reformers" into their places. Hie re cord shows, though, that in that canvass Gen. Hancock failed of election. The ease and grace with which the democrats, in their newspapers, were electing Greeley throughout the canvass of 1872 is well remembered. In that campaign the Gieeley hat was as common and conspic uous as the Thurman bandana is likely to be this year, and, as is the case with the latter emblem, the hat was relied 011 tn tfiiie.1i the sensibilities and inflame the zeal of the populace and to win support, finniplinw. when the electoral votes were counted, it was found that Grant had 280 out of 3GG cast. There is no possibility that the democrats will be beaten this veur as overwhelmingly as they were in 1872. There is a possibility, indeed, al though not a probability, that they may win, but it is an exceedingly hazardous thing to begin liguring with much conti rlenee. on the result before midnight of November 6 next. Globe Democrat. Improved Passenger Car. An improved railway passenger coach is so arranged that if it falls oil a bridge into tue water the side panels, roof and ends of the car become disconnected and float about as life rafts. Air cushions are attached to th various parts to insure greater buoyancy. This might do very well if accidents were certain to occur over water, but unfortu nately they are not. New York Tribune. Trunks for Sioux IJaiullcB. An article in the trader store which fiu.I? a ready sale with these dandy bucks i trunks. They are not very particular u3 to whether a trunk is covered with sine or leather, so the interior is lined witb higt-ly colored paper, the lock works pruiieTiy no- justed and the lid inside is adorned with picture. Detroit Free Press. Lights for a llooiu. A fancy in lighting a room discards over head chandeliers and uses side lights. Sof tened effects are produced by colored shades to lamps, and by the dim light of candles and gas light irritation upon the nerves of sight is avoided. Chicago lleraliL A AVomau's Invent lou. A woman's invention is a baby wagon for the house, thoroughly padded, in which the baby cannot bo hurt, even if it tips over. The wason can be turned into a cradle and mado iuto a swing. The heat of a presidential eamiiaign is suf ficient to render possible tropical products in the north: candi-dates. for instancy $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, mdigestiou, constipation or costiveucss we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with They are purely vegetable, ana never Fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Well & Co.. 8(52 W. "Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold by W. J. Warrick. We now publish music in the "Weekly Herald. each week Everybody should be a musician. The pieces furn ished in the paper will be found as pop ular as any costing 50 cents. Everybody should take the paper. We are endeav oring to make it a great success, and feel quite confident we can suit all. An Explanation. What is this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will rememlier a few years ago the word Malaria was comparatively un known, todiiy it is as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers only the nuaningof another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it is used with nervous diseases, as they and Malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called Diliousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise f rs nt n Atai-aeaA rnnilitinn fif tii T.i vcr Nfhich in performing its functions finding Vannot dispose of the bile through the V -AJUgll t I1C MM1. I1I vul i vug - X . 1. .1.. ...... n nAiiotnv nart'nno tn. X Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc. ( you -re suffering can well appreci- ke a c- We recommeud Green's An- gust Flow v Nits cares are marvelous. WORDS TO THE UNWISE MOTIVES WHICH SHOULD GOVERN THOSE WHO MATE FOR LIFE. Ererjr Consideration Weighed Kxcept the Laws of Heredity Crime and IMneiwe Transmitted from Generation to Gener ation Importance of Sanitary Marriage. Men and women in marrying seem to weigh every consideration rather than the natural and scientific laws of heredity. They form alliances from motives of comfort, conveni ence, business, influence, riches, pique in fact, for well nigh every purpose under the sun except that of securing the most iierfect offspring. Strict reusoners hold that even the passion of love should weigh as nothing in the scales with that. When the laws of sanitary parentage shall have been thor oughly mastered and systematized and become generally known and acted, upon, then we may look for that marked amelioration of our kind or wbicn poets ana pmiosopiaers have dreamed. Let the reader ask himself how many instances he has known where the solo reason for remaining single was actual ill health, or the suspicion that some taint had been inherited which was likely to de velop into disease some time in after life. He must acknowledge that if he knows of any sucn cases tiiey are very lew niueeo. The reasons for marriage are evident to all.' There are, too, sufficient reasons why some people should not many. The latter, how ever, weigh but little against the former. To secure a partner to share their labors is what influences many men to take unto themselves wives. MARRIED FOR A IIOME. How often we hear it said that this one and that one "married for a home." Tho impression would imply a lock of sentiment, and certainly does sound eminently practi cal. And yet, undoubtedly, many happy marriages have been contracted by those whoso first prompting was a desire for that comfort and peace one rarely finds except in "a home of his own. That this is a selfish world, none can deny. Each seeks to use tho other for purposes of his own, and life with us all is one constant struggle, or we are soon left behind in the headlong scramble. Only in our homes can we find rest. A yearning for sympathy prompts many to marry, and naturally we choose mates with kindred hopes and aspirations with ourselves. If one does not marry, ho sooner or later learns to feel that the world has little interest in him beyond what he contributes to its welfare and selfish ends. Man and wife labor for each other's good; each contributes to the other's welfare. Not alwavs the first reason for marriage is tho gratification of love. As has been said: "This is the highest sentiment of the human heart. Intellect pales before it. The sacred book could have said nothing more exalted when it avowed that 4God is love.' All hu man hearts have somewhere and sometimes a desire to love and be loved. A loveless life is a starved life. Love warms human nature; it sets it on fire. It can receive its highest development only in marriage. The loves between friends are very beautiful, but the love between man and woman in a perfect marriage is divine." These are some of the reasons for marriage. Others might be given, but it is purposeless to consider them. Any one of the many weighs sufficiently in any case where the ten dency exists. The child of consumptive parents rarely, hesitates to enter the holy state. Nor does the young man or woman with a mother or father in the madhouse often feel that it is a duty to remain single lest that terrible misfortune be theirs by in heritance. In fact, notwithstanding some grave and fatal malady has reapiieared down the line for generation after generation, sel dom, if ever, is a member of that family de terred from marrying, although he could scarcely commit a greater sin when he does so. Hence certain diseases are perpetu ated which might otherwise possibly become extinct, and children are brought into the world to drag out a sickly existence, and eventually succumb, after months, if not years, of intense suffering. In the human race there is a process of natural selection favorable to the improvement of the race, "but," says one writer, "it is interfered with by other influences money, caste and other social considerations. Choice is in this way restricted. A rich husband is preferred to a handsome or healthy or one. A large dowry may induce a man to put up with a scrofulous wife. A consumptive young lady may have a good connection. An exhausted, broken down roue may have a title or an es tate. We know what people mean by a 'good match.' It never means health or beauty or intellect. It may not even mean good morals or disposition. THE HEREDITY OF CRIME. "Seriously, people who think of getting married ought to think a littlo more about it. There are persons who ought not to marry. There are persons who would be criminal if they handed down to posterity tho physical, moral or mental results of a bad organization or of their vicious demor alization. Our most careful scientists tell us that drunkenness is hereditary ; that many crimes arc hereditary; that madues3, murder and suicido ore hereditary. Our criminal population is composed of the children of criminals. The prisons are filled with a criminal raco as the workhouses are filled with a raco of paupers. Change of condi tions, no doubt, may redeem such a race, but it would bo safer to discourage its perpetuation. Men and women marry for themselves when they 6hould marry for their posterity. The greatest gratitude a man can owo to his grandfather is for giving him a good, wise, healthy grandmother, and vice versa. Shakespeare makes ono of his char acters thank his mother fervently for giving him such a father. How many a man and woman havo earned the curses of their chil dren for giving them bad fathers or moth ers." Says one writer: "Many think love between two persons justifies their marrying. This is not so. Beautiful as this passion is, heavenly as is its source, it dots not justify doing a wrong to offspring which may curse generations yet unborn. We use the word curse advisedly, for disease is the greatest of all curses and indirectly leads to crime. A majority of all criminals are either diseased or have an imperfect physical development. Those who have spent much time in criminal courts must have observed that a majority of persons convicted of crimes are inferior in their physique. They ennnot earn an honest living by honest work, and so they try to do it by light fingered employments. Besides, there is acquired quite enough dis ease on life's journey, without transmitting the infirmities of one generation to another." We repeat, the subject of sanitary mar riage is one on which the world sadly needs enlightenment. We have simply given food for thought. Even from the little that baa beau said it must appear that those who con template marriage, if otherwise than healthy, should weigh well tho step they are taking. Not only should they seek wise counsellor t'.xir phj-siciansbut a like duty is as plain 1 foro all whose constitutions have been im paircd. B'wtoa Herald. TJTE DEADLY DRUGS WHICH ARE COMING INTO USE IN PLACE OF ALCOHOL. What New York City KruegUU Say on the Subject The Mania for Treating One's Own Ailment Narcotics, Stimu lants and Sopor i Acs, An up town druggist who was spoken to about the subject said: "I sell a good deal of both chloroform and ether without pre scriptions, but I dont consider that, so long as my drugs are not intended for suicidal employment or murder, I have any right to ask what is going to be done with them. I know what the law is, but deem that a drug gist must exercise some discretion in con forming to it. v"hy, a majority of the things on my shelves, things not commonly classed as poisons, either, a person could kill himself with if he were fool enough to take too much of them. And bore's a 'respect that gives us pause' when we think of strictly applying the law. A groat many persons are told by their physicians to take this or that medicine, do so, find themselves bettered or cured; subsequently havo a recurrence of the old symptoms, and, remembering what did them good before, come around and demand it. Very possibly the druggist knows them, understands why they want the drug, or has sense enough to understand that they are tell ing the truth when they make a frank state ment of the situation. What is the apoth ecary to do? Even if the man wants a deadly poison, he knows how to take it, wants it for a good reason, and is bound to get it some where. Would my refusing him make him go off and get a prescription? Not much, unless mine was the only drug town. Another thing: "I don't believe there are any people in tho world who have such a mania for treating their own ailments and exchang ing recipes as Americans havo. Every street is full of men who have attended medical lectures with the idea of being doctors, and who have abandoned that purposo, but still think they know enough of medicine to treat their own maladies and advise their friends. And, of course, with tho American disposi tion to play every hand for all it is worth, they havo little confidence in anything but the most powerful drugs. So from these various directions comes a mora or less legit imate and certainly honest demand for my 'cold pizen,' and I just use ray own best judgment, in each individual case, about sup plying it. "I have a good deal of call for hydrate of chloral, but hardly so much as a few years ago, when it was a fashion. Bromide of pot assium is also in good, steady, anl, I fancy, increasing demand among ladies with weak nerves and gentlemen of super convivial habits. The use of rnorphinw is, I should say, increasing, while that of laudanum and the crude opium is falling off. When I say 'use' I mean improper use of course, aiid when I Bpeak of a diminished demand for t he crude opium I except tho kind used for smoking, which is altogether different from the medi cinal sort. That does not pass through my hands at all, and about the call for it I know nothing. Morphine is generally used hypo dermieally. It is now practicablo to get a complete outfit for that vice as cheaply as seventy-five cents, and that, together with certain supposed advantages in that method of administration, has popularized the habit Tens of thousands of persons of whom you would never suspect it are addicted to the vice. 'Cocaine V No. There are few or, I may say, no demands for it, except from doctors, some of whom, I regret to say, have got into tho habit of demanding it altogether too frequently. Drugs accredited with a power of stimulation of the 6tomach, heart or nervous systeni especially the latter are more and more commonly usedr You would be astonished could you know bow many per sons havo contracted a habit of using capsi cum, ginger, calisaya, strychnia, quinine, digitalis, phosphorus, and the thousand and one nostrums compounded for stimulative purposes. I verily believe that at least ono person in every hundred in tho community has such a confirmed habit - 'Cannabis ludi cusf No. There is but little call for it, even in prescriptions, for the reason, I think, thai invaluable as it is when fresh, cf full strength, and reliable, its active principle is so volatile that you never are sure of what its effects will be. Could it be depended upon it would bo ono of the least injurious and most agree able of tho intoxicants." Another druggist said: "I used to sell a great deal of narcotic, soporific and stimu lant drugs while clerking in a big Broadway store, but in this new place of my own not much, as yet. No, I don't suppose it is be cause people have stopped taking them, not by any means, but simply for tho reason that I have not yet been here long enough for 3 them to get to know mo and feel that they f , . i r , , can approacu mowitn commence, persons who are habitual users of drugs generally get to be quite secretive about their vice, you know. I do, however, sell a vast deal of a very excellent bitter calisaya cordial that I put up myself; and another preparation, a tonic, containing phosphorus, strychnia and some other valuable ingredients. Both are iiold nt my soda fountain, and two out of every three persons at least of those who call for soda will have one or the other, or some times both of those preparations. I even have customer? who stop every morning and get vials of them to take down town to their oCices for uso during the day, and who stop nt night and leave the empty vial3 to be re filled for tho next day. At night, at home, they have big bottles to draw from if they want to keep up their stimulation." Tho mention of tho opium smokers by the preceding druggist suggested tho inquiry of an exceptionally clever literary man, who was casually met one day at Yuet Sing's store, "whether tho breaking up of the 'joints' had diminished opium smoking in New YorkT "Not at all," he replied; "there is more of it now than there ever was before. It is simply carried on with more secrecy, that is all. The palo faced barbarian has not the ghost of a show to run John Chinaman in his way. The Mongol is too cunning. If he wants to smoke opium ho will smoke opium, and the only way to make him stop it is to kill him. But it is by no means Chinamen alone who 'hit the pipe.' There are more Melican men and women in New York ad dicted to the habit than there are Chinamen who practice it, and they are by no means the offscourings of society' to quote the pet phrase of the people who want everybody else to live in their way. Very respectable men, yes, and women, too, smoke opium. And the 'joints' are not closed. Those known to the police are, it i3 true, but I, who am recognized as one who occasionally hit3 the pipe' and can be trusted, could show you a dozen places where you might smoke the wad of Oriental delight in any degree of stylo you pleased." A German druggist, who developed in con versation a conscientiousness almost as big as his ears or his feet, would not even talk about the use of drugs otherwise than by pre scription, lest he might bo violating the law. He knew nothing about such things, ho said, and was scandalized and horrified beyond measure when the writer asked him for some "LUO grain strychnia pellais." .All bo could S. wcrtlv ir,c C1s nu it I owitr New York Sun. - Eureka Meat Market. T. J. THOMAS WHOLESALE AND Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Vonlliy. )) I invito all to givo me a "trio 1. Sugar Cured Meats, limns, Encrn, I.nrJ, ftc, etc. Frli Ojftus in Cun Hi d Tulk at lowest liying pmth. Do not fail to th e li e yi.ur i ntioiingc. Z. PE AEL 2v , -DEALER IN- STOVES, FURNITURE,. -AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. -LATEST WINDOW KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. PICTTJHE FRAMES SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND FURNITURE -FOR ALL FINE :-: FURNITURE -YOU SHOULD CALL ON- hbitet Where a magnificent J'ricos UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY HENRY BOECK, CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH Bereft Will call your attention to the fact that they are headquarters for all Hinds of Fruity and Vegetables. We are receiving Freeh Strav. terries every day. Oranges, Lemcns and Eananss constantly cn hand. Just received, a variety of Ccr.ned Scupe. We have Fure 1aple Sugar and r.o itisteke. BENNETT & TUTT, Jonathan IIatt-. J. W. Mabthis. CITYffflEATifflARKET. PORK PACKERS and dkalkrs in BUTTER AND EGGS. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &c ot our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. C3rIVE 'IHmE OATnTn HEALTH IS WEALTH ! TREATMENT Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Ttrain Tieatnr-iit a uuarantee nct-ific for Hysteria Dizz nes-i. Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia, Il-al-acite. NerveouB l'restratiou caused ly the nt-e ot a'eoliol or toliacro. W akefulncss. Mental De pression, Soltenint; of tbe Iirain refultirg in in sanity and leadirg t misery, decay sud 'at)i, rremature od Ape. Tarrei ness. Lose of Few er in either s x. Juvt luitfry Lost-es auo f-jer-mat'-rrlia-a caused l.y over-exertion of Mie brain, eelfatuse or ovt-r-lndiilfrei'Ce h"aeh b x contains or.e iroi:ih' tieauntrt. SI to a box or six boxes for 55.00, st lit by mail jjicjaidoc receipt of pi ice WE GUARANTEE SIX ECXES To cure any case. Willi eacli order received by us for six boxes, aceonipan ed with (5 00, we will send tbe purclinser t.ur wiiiten guaran tee to return tlie money ir the tn atineut does not effect a cure. ;usirantef s isud only by Will J. Warrick sole agent. i'laUnnwulh. Kt b. If you want a good silver watch, send us SO subscribers to tbe Weekxy Herald. I - ! RETAIL PKALKll IN KINDS OF- STYLES OF- OTJRTA2NS MADS TO OBDER VINE. I LAlTf-MCLTII, ri?. EMPORIUM CLASSES OF- .solans:' stock of Goods and Fair abound. PLATTSMOUTH, NELEASKA T q Tbcstandaid nmtdy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pills ; tlu-y never disapp int you. 30 .ills 25c. At War- rick's drug fctore. We will give a silver watch, that is warranted by the jewelry nuu of thi9 cify, to any one who brings us 15 yearly ca-.b subscribers to the Daily Hfiuld. JULIUS F EPFEF.BEF.G. MANTFACltMB CF ATM WHOLESALE & RETAIL CEAI-EIt IN HIE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our ' Flor de Pepperbero trd EvC FCLI, LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nor. 26, 1865. F - v