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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1888)
Til' DAILY HERALD: Jr'LA'rX'BMOuTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 18S8. f j Tha CotA.omcn Room. I Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. KlNtrf, Detlt, Boekwood Iluildlng, ltphone So. U. Dr. Kleins. Office In Shirwood Work. Rel 4 pare Cor. Sixth rnn-l (j ran We, Trleplione . 42. Dm. Kinllh. the Palnln IlmtWIs, tlon Block, oirr Cltixrn' Hank, I'UtUinouth. CITY CORDIALS. The "YV willjhold a regular meet ing at the Presbyterian church tonight. All members arc requested to be present. It is reported that "Mick" Guirc, of Whitman, Neb., is soon to assume editor ship of our local contemporary, the Jour nal. The Y. L. K. H. A. will give a lawn social at the home of Mrs. W. S. Wise, Fri.lav cvcninir. June 22. llefreshments The Way of the Reporter. What a reporter will come in contact with and what he is obliged to stand.can only be faintly guessed at by inexperienc ed people. If he does not write up his news to suit everybody at the same time, some one is ready to jump on him, for what reason he knows not, but explana tions are not given, and he is preached to. threatened with death, perhaps, looked nn with rnntpniDt bv others, while a few She's coming. "MickM Guirc and C. Whopper tell whoppers. "She" demands a full house and "she" must be obeyed. . A lar"e number today when told hopes entertained for her recovery that She " was coining, answered jrn clause Brekcnfield took a of ice cream and cake. Everybody is fc oq the sidc of hinl Hg ie htt3 cordially invited to be present. Mrs. 8. A. Davis is recovering grad ually from the severe attack of rheuma tism which she has been afflicted with for Borne time and now there are strong trip suited them by a few words which he has been fortunate enough to drop in the right place. Considering all, a man is not at all safe. If he shows up a good extention of a voird npois from each shoul der, he will probably navigate and sail The Sewerage Boom. The following letter has been received by the city authorities, and indicates that the improvements contemplated in Platts- mouth will at once be commenced and pushed forward to a speedy completion as fast as men and muscle can do it. The contractors are here ready to begin work and nre as anxious as any of our citizens to hurry matters; they have only lr.n wAitincf to know that the sale of . 0 the bonds was complete. The letter set tles the matter beyond any doubt, as the bonds are most certainly drawn up legal ly and will pass the closest scrutiny; this assures us of one much needed improve ment and the paving will atonee follow: Boston. Mass., June 18, 1888. W. K. Fox. City Clerk, Plattsmouth, Neb. Dear Sir: Keceived your tavor SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK IT . . . r Ladies', Chi dren's and ntants MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. through without a scratch. If he is un- I - 1-11 . I a r " 1 l,ln I I a 1 a tt ftlflniT H r- I rnrtnnntA Oil rt II IT II T t I If Hlllil 1 I. lit? IB 1I(H 1C i xr .irtrin- , atn finfl HUl fi Or All it II I OfliLl IiUIJt:i 3 WHO: I tO IjliHSU III U'MVIUUJt Mii 3 0 I luuuuuiu "uh" " I VI ICLUifc ukv vuv.n - We called at the Plattsmouth Can- rungements there for a business which he to be stepped on or kicked o the the . Storm Water sewer uu ning factory this morning and saw them and another gentleman of this city pro- 8iaewalk and the only way ne can g- v to tke up and pay for 1 0,000 puttin" up peas. The peas arc being put pose to open up here. Success to them. any satisfaction is to write cm up of the bonda. Now you had better get un whole so that when the cans are Mr. Sherman, of the Journal office, next day, taking chances of having a lhc ,j01uls aU registered by the state opened for use they will not be mashed. ba8 8eCured the services of a "Jack" at death sentence passed on him next tnne auditor ami ship "Z?t The peas arc of excellent growth, look whitman, a3 his cUef correspondent. As yet, no deaths have been reporb.d peas nice and taste good. The funeral of Mrs. Florence Kcesler took place this morning from the resi dence of her husband, Vallery place, at 10 o'clock. Kev. Alexander conducted the funeral service. She was buried in the OA- Hill cemetery. She was reaeh- ,.r:.., nf lifi- bcin'? in her uine- Since he has a claim on him, why not put him in the "Sherman Stables" with the rest of the "Jacks " - -Mr. Daniel Burris has been quite successful since he lias started on his tour around tlio city with a subscription paper asking donations for the assistance to Jcdd Vance. So far he has received sui- . i x .. . l : t 1 mi f among tne newspaper iruww.j . . t, con r . .V 1 I .vooo- I -"'" "" J ' . ... seyeral sentences oi acaui nave m.r-- struetion of the sewers. We take it tor ed on some of the struggling new men. jrranteel from what you say in your last nr- v.., f lonmrxl linw thov have lttpr that vou will need about 10,000 a i,t Lnnth. Boston exchange is lust as good an escaped me um. '- - f v.-l- Tn rewrA to the . T . l l ill Yla f0 they all are apparently working aiong ns ..., cfanf1:nfr nnr Bank, we would in the days of yore, with not a thought k: ,ii refer you to any commercial nf tUo Annrror in which thev stand, nrob- a.rrarv in the United States. Awaiting . -'---o"-- " 1 "I-l J ing the prune or, ue.g . .. . Jc(ld Vance. o iar ne uas rtxcieu. uif- i are still safe on the banks of your reply, we are, cetnth year, and had only been married a scr),)tions to the amount of about f ,5. . rp The uosition of a Yours truly, We are sorry to see one so She died of con- bhort time. youug called away sumption. Messrs. C. Fisher and B. F. Bryant, of Crestou. who arc traveling in the iu Minn Beoson. who returned this morning from Beatrice where he has been engaged trying a suit wherein Perry Walker and Saml Barker of this place were plaintiffs, received a telegram con- the evergreen shore. The position of a reporter is to be compared to that of a policeman, he is liable to be knocked out for trying to be impartial and doing Ins duty to the best of his ability. However, it is a great consolation to be alive and to Spitzer & Co. terest of the brotherhood of engineers taining the verdict of the jury, namely, know t"icre are some j(,ysand comforts in and firemen, were in the city yesieniay, $5400 for the plaintilts. and la.t night Mr. Bryant addressed the Th(! .lemocrats are apparently takim . . , . 1 .... 1 - - . boys. Although only a aay s nowee nan interest in the convention which is been c'.ven, Fitzgerald's hall was crowd -cd by engineers and outsiders. In the afternoon he addressed the brotherhood at their hall. At each speech the boys were very enthusiastic and still claim that they have a solid foothold, and are apparently Iwimr lii-M at Clncatro than thev did in -"o " their own. No doubt the coming cam paign will prove more cnteresting still Even the red hot democratic organ on the corner of Main and Sixth goes to the trouble of securing the dispatches as THE CLIMATE OF SIBERIA No All Darren AretIO waste ucauij and rrofasion of Siberian Flower. It is bardlv necessary to say that a country which has an area of five and a half million square miles, and which extends in latitude as far as from the soucnern eiireiuiiy 01 Greenland to the island of Cuba, must pre sent great diversities of climate, topography and vegetation, and cannot be everywnere a store for him, retained by the few he has pleased. It would never do for the sun to al wavs shine on some men, if sucu couici be the case, great revelations would be barren arcuc wasxa. a mere r - the result and, no doubt, suicides would Qf western Biberia ues farther south than be frequent. Some wait for the sun to Sice, Venice or Milan, and that the southern drop behind the hills-thon the morning boundary or the 6,menan provmc-e ox m urui uciiinu mi, itwhinsit nparrr the eauator than Naples of their day comes and their lator& are ,n a country wllicu thus stretches from the Children's and Colored Dresses. Ladi3' Corset Covers and Dressing Sac que s. Infants' JSmbroidered Robes and Slips. Xadies' and Cnildren's Aprons. Infants' Crochet Carriage uRotec Ladies' UniCn Garment Corset covers and Drawers combined. Infants' Muslin and Flannel Long- Skirts. Infants' Embroidered Square Shawls. 1'ltICKS ON AiUlVK i(M)I)S WILL CT7T nDESX5 quite confident. Mr. V ill CIiamiersaci- . arQ rccejvc ,crc nn(j posting them I comincnCed. But as a newspaperman is latitude of Italy to the latitude of central ed as chairman of the meeting iati u...i. on ft bullct;n board in front of their t coutl.0iied in that way, he proves On yesterday Mr. Lane, a prominent 0iHce. Mr. Sherman, it is said, admitted worse sometimes as he drops upon the broker of Lincoln, on behalf of himself that the democrats were more excited at all hours, and if he cannot show and property owners of said city applied over jj, convention than they were over th u , a9 brightly before the people, he to Judgo Chapman, at his chambers, for tj,ejr own xiiey know as well as we do caQ wtjte Up a few lines which will bring nn injunction against the laying of a rail- tjiat a republican president will be elected tQ j5llt aimost as much. But then if he road track on Ninth Street in the city of for tjie coming term. should think of exposing some, he is Lincoln. It appears the county commis- Ti.e v-:m company which was to obliged to think of a death scene in ioners of Lancaster Co. contemplate lay- hola forth ia the 01)era houge jast night, I which he, himself, is to be the victim IX OKDIIi: TO UKIJLCK OUJt STOCK. Si i 1 wtrni linn 1 rmn wnnld naturally expect to tind, and, as a matter of fact, one does find, manv varieties of climate and scenery. In some part-s of the province of Yakutsk the mean temperature of the inontn or January more than i0 dejrs. lelow zero raur., hile in the province of Keruipalatinsk the eau temperature of the month of Juiy is ?i loirs, above, and such maximum temperature as U5 and 100 degs. in the snaae are comjiaru i.ivplv comtnoiu On the Taimvr peninsula, east cf the Gulf of Ob, the permanently frozen ground thawt, nut. in Kiii.inier to a deolh of only a few is 1 ue; FRED HERRwAN N, The I and then the managers of the quill are 1 mches, and supports but a scanty vegetatiou I 1 J nrl 1 la in rha aniirh' .! 4- Lnn I 1 i. n, nn rrrn ci Mfl!) I TfJICP I Of DeiTV UUbUUS UUU uuoiu nicy naunot ullu oungea 10 aa..n " J Rihr.-a watermelons and ' incr a side track from the C. B. & Q. tracks ,. , nofc dcsre tQ enteitain four Gr five and do all the work of dying. And now to the site of the new court house in Lin- .compM be irers and gave it up. coin, for the purpose of getting maiena. venju3 wa3 war 1 . 1 - 1 - . . 6m pare oi wcslch oiuw ia awiuvwu on the ground for that structure ana tne prolJeriy advertised, and other attractions when a news item is asked for. lor in CSLUonpea a pi-ofitable crop, tobacco is owners of city property propose to know jiad sometuincr to do with the non-ap- stance, only yesterday the reporter of this grown up0n thousands of plantations, and whether the contemplated appropriation of &Q aadicnce. It ;3 reported office was on his rounds gathering up . the fjf Thlch 1 of the public streets of tne cny oy ' - tl,at no ticketg Wcre sold, and Mr. and squib here and there. A man nervtti especially to impress upon the mind of Mrs Vim were somewhat disappointed himself, straightened his face out as long the reader is that Siberia is not everywhere with this city of ours. Mrs. Vim, it is :Vs his arm, and approached, remarking: SSoS said "ives a good entertainment in read- " Did you hear of an accident just a few . as much as the Hudson Bay terri- ;n.' minds. She should have taken in tin- minutes ago " "1N0, sir, i um not mai nQei-8 irom ennjcKj; aiiu ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK B. Sc Q. is a temporary or permanent thing. Judge Chapman made an order upon the commissioners and C. B. fc Q to show cause by Tuesday of next week why the injunction should not issue. The great " She " play has been se cured by Manager J. P. Young for one nbdit 'during the last week of this month, either the 2Sth or 29th. Nearly every jnan, woman and child has read the great " You didn't ! great f thp o-rf.-it minds be- I ;if Rnvthiu!? startling.1 u.j 0iiuiu..i o a . , .... barrenness or tne ljena aeita wuuuui 1 - fiu;iA-Dn'a Trimnuil ITnt? fore enarinrthe opera house for which where have you been. I thought the re giberia would to attribute the cold shapes. Children s irimmta iiais it is as ... . . . 1 . A. 1 J n rl barrenness of the Lena delta to th whole of Daylight Dry Goods and Millinery House, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, invite your special attention to their Millinery Department. They make a specialty of Bonnets for Evening Wear. Ladies' Large Brimmed, Torpedoes and Walking Hats. Our Stock of Untri mined Hats is verv large and includes a'l the latvst - " - . - - . m. 1 T X J they were obliged to pay a good price with no recompense. A young man who looked hungry today noon as he was on his way to din book, and it is known oyerthc whole approached by a man who takes rountry. Remember it is 44 She" who . , erabie interest in his welfare and - f ill must be obeyed," so give her a inn ras with difficulty that .Mr. asked him what was the matter, he, think ing him sick. The young man replied that he had been out the night before and slept so late this morning that sleep stayed with him until a late hour and when he shook it off discovered the fact.' He did not wish to make a break for his house. It w Young succeeded in securing this com )any,"is tuey have opportunities to fill in dates open all the time Tlu-y play in Omaha at Boyd's opera house two nights aud also at Lincoln for the same time. - 1 The company is under Uie managemeu. , di house or they might "break' of Webster & Brady. The story is very I . telliug him that dinner would facinating, and all who ever read tin IIowever, he took courage great book were highly pleased with its conclnded to wa5t an i,0Ur for din style. The play will be put on the boards The jnan who Bpproachca hini aud with the bet scenery. All who havi , .. . . , accoUnt of the read the book, wc arc sure, could noi miss it, aud those who have not, should not let this opportunity pass. The base ball boys are putting to good advantage what leisure time is at Uieir service, and nearly every favorable afternoon some of the players can le seen wending their way towards the ball grounds for the object of practicing. They arc making arrangements to meet several nines ia the near future, and theii intention is to make them play ball if they wish to make a run at all. The loys huye done remarkably well for the first two games they played and they, in their god playing, gained for themselves a reputation which will brin- clubs here to meet them. They soon intend to meet the Council Bluffs team again and as their condition now will be more to be depended upon than at first, we have rrreat confidence in their success. It would be a good idea if the club would work with The 4th of July celebration commit tee and bring a good club to the city to help out the amusements that day. Very few people will work then, and if they can be entertained at home, will remain snend their nitney instead of Jiciv; 1 going to Omaha or some other place which they ivM be sure to do if nothing nine to Ja iione. Let tue oojs wtuic play here that day, if possible, and make everything run off smooth. The fire boys were successful in securing commit te to look after the . celebration, so. incesuch an advancement has been Wadc iu riLt M"ftftiun- ns outside assistance as poible should pale look and fallen cheeks, suspected that he had had nothing to eat for some time and wrote out a short note to head quarters asking them to feed hint belter. Tlin.o notir drinks at O. P. Smith & Co's. Try them. " PERSONALS. Miss Kit Hartizan left for Hastings - this morning. Mr. Byron Clark has been in Beatrice for the past wet k. "Mrs T. Patterson was a rassenger to Omaha this morning. Mr. Harry A. Blcnkiron, of Pek'ui, 111., is the guest of his relatives of this city Mrs. Ida Kccsiug, of Burlington, Ia. cauift in this morning and is visiting Mrs John ShJunon. Miss Mamaret Arndt, of Cuemintz Germany, arrived in the city, and wil remain here on an extended visit to Mrs, S. Waugh and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wcad left for Den ver on the flyer yesterday morning on a trip for the benefit of Mrs. Wead's health as she has been seriously ill for a month past. Mr. W. II. Foster returned from Syd ney, Ia., where he has been visiting at his old home for a week. Today he will continue his journey west to Denver where he will visit for some time. Best milk shake iu the city at O. P. Smith ic Co's. The best 5oc unlaundried white shirt in the citv, w the "Happy Hit" at pon nelly's. Try it. tf. oort had been pretty well circulated ly and barrenness of King William i-ana 10 iue n r. 11 :.. t 1.,1 nf I whole of North America. tillS time: ven, " i..- u rnc. ta TTrnla for , ,T. , I IU IUO HO' tlVl ..uv nothing very serious so tar. touay. v uat th first tJme in nothing is more sur- happened?" 4'A man was run over this prising than the fervent heat of Siberian afternoon while under the the bridge, down here. A whole freight train passed over him." Railroad News And now comes a rumor, which, if ver ified, will doubtless result in the promo tion of another Omaha man. It is said that II. B. Stone, general manager of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, will in a short time sever his connection with the road. The reasons for this action on the sunshine and the extraordinary beauty and profusion of Siberian flowers. Aitnougn we had been partly prepared, by our voyage up the Kama, for the experience which awaited us on the other side of the mountains, we were fairly astonished upon the threshold of western Siberia by the scenery, the weather and the flora. In the fertile, blossoming country presented to us as we rode swiftly eastward into the province of Tobolsk, there was absolutely nothing even remotely to sug gest an arctic region. If we had been blind folded and transported to it suddenly in the middle of a sunny afternoon, we could never have guessed to what part of the world we had been taken. The sky was as clear and blue and the air as soft as the sky and air of part of Mr. Stone are said to have arisen from inability to successfully manage the California: the trees were all in full leaf affairs of the road during the great strike, birds were singing over the flowery meadows His successor will without doubt be G. W. Holdrege, of the B. & M. Wheu the trouble began Mr. Holdrege contended that if the road won the battle with its nmnpira it w-euld win at too arreat a cost but when It came he settled down to business and all things considered, kept his end of the road in splendid con dition. , But for his uutiring efforts the business of the company would havesuf- rwri iMiirh more than it did The Bur- 1L1 V. V linton has not a man in their service, nor can they find one on any other system, who can fill the position of general man ager more creditably than he. At present nothing definite is known concerning the time when Mr. Stone steps out. In fact, it is not presumed that n v n n o hure should know. All informa tion will come Chicago. Mr. Holdrege was seen yesterday and stated that he had heard nothing regard ing the proposed changes, but was of the opinion that he would remain right where he is. Time will, however, develop mat ters. Bee. Brece Up You are feeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, you are bothered with head' ache, you arc figity. nervous, and gener ally out of sorts, and want to trace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is nn alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidnvs. restore your vitality, and give renewed health aud strength. Suclia medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug ptore. 3 and in the clumps of birches by the roadside, there were a drowsy hum of bees and a faint fragrance of flowers and verdure in the air; and the sunshine was as warm and bright as that of a June afternooa in the most favored part of the temperate cone, George Kennan h. The Century. Tlie DaujtUter of Owen'Heredltli. In the days when Lord Lytton wrote poetry and was better known as Owen Mere dith, people who pretended to know insisted that he had some unhappy love affair with a married woman, to whom some of his most famous poems were addressed, Afterwards he consoled himself with a wife of his own, but he always retained a great fondness for the Lucilo type of woman, with pale, clear skin, and dark hair and eyes, such as the wo man of his first passion is said to have had. Strangely enough, his daughter strongly re sembles the cirl ho was so fond of describing ni-pr and over ' asrain in verse. She and he are the most inseparable friends and com rades and the affection between them is really beautiful to see. She is very clever, it is said, and he has educated her in great measure himself, in consequence of which their tastes are similar and their intellectual pursuits enjoyed in common. They both are ardent connois seurs of Eastern art and literature, and the hotel thev inhabit in Farts is a perfect treas ury of Indian carvings, manuscripts, pottery and hangings. The girl is an excellent horse woman, and early every morning she and her father are to be seen galloping side by side in the Bdia Afterwards they work together, for she takes great interest in his public labors and performs many of the duties of a secretary for him. She paints with consider able skill and sings charmingly, and there have been whispers of late about her efforts in verse, which are said to be such as Owen Meredith himself would not be ashamed to acknowledge. New lork World, The doctor tells Morrill that If he doesn't Mtrm work and take a rest hell go Into a decline, and then tells Blakely that if he does not abandon his sedentary position jnd go off somewhere and work on a farm he will die of torpidity or me uvex. "3T endless variety, from Toe to 3. 7.1 oath. tf J. V. W KC'KBACII. The cheapest shoe3 at Merges'. Begg's Blood Purifier and maxer. No remedy in the world has gained the popularity that this medicine has, as hold on family medicine. No one should be without it. It has no calomel i quinine in its composition, consequent ly no bad effects can arise from it. iVe keep a full supply at all times. O. P. Smith Co. Druggist. j2.j-5mod&w B.ood H?S M , g B II M W " f m " - m v 2 Us? For Rent- The second story of Frank Carruth's building was built and furnished express ly for a dwelling house, has eight rooms, two halls.three closets, china closet, pan trv bath room, water closet, and elevator to cellar, city and cistern water in uau. room and kitchen, is a suitable place for keeping day boarders, or for private family. enquire ai nrrum jentuj store. jmr. e:u inciimnnA written in the Etna, Phoenix and Hartford by ' Windham &. Davies. Will J. Warrick has the best and larg est stock of wall paper in the city, their styles are new and fresh andnojoblotsof last year's designs or bankrupt stock to run off, if you want the latest and best assortment of new soods see Warrick's stock. o-wiw For the next 10 days we will sell wall paper at 10 to 20 below our present very low prices to reduce stock and raise money, also white lead at $0.00 per hun dred lbs. and Linseed oil at GO cts. icr gallon. Those owing us book accounts will confer a favor by making settlement at once. d4t-wlt W. J. Warrick. Go to J. II, Donnelly's for a straw hat, he has laree and small hats, in fact, any thing you want in the way of a hat, or wents' furnishing goods. ir Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. 13 the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re- i;no n fnn orli inhtantlv and in time uciLa rj - - effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3mo,d-w, n P Smith & Co. have three new cool and refreshing drinks, call and get one vaw ia vour chance to get a watch bring us 15 yearly cash subscribers to the Daily Hebald, and have a good watch. O c 03 U 3 ros nH- O I h 3 w r 10 r o 2 M X 'A R H O PS Vatclies I I h. m: gault Has rnovrd and is now in the Sherwood room, Cor. 5th and Main Sts., where he is better ble to thow Ids t Large Stock of Wiitchis, CLOCKS AND JEWE1HY ! Than ever before, nr.d will os nn induce ment sell you Watches way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Gold Watch es; it will surprise you. ' A Full Line of the leht styles oi Jewelry and Silverware. Repairing will be eivr-n Spicial Atten tion. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Sherwin ifc Williams' mixed paints, the best iu the market, at Fricke & Co's. drug- store. H tf. Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Heisels mill, tf Men's canvass f hors at Merges', only 85 cents, everything cheap. " . If. AN. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. Wl'd give prompt atientioti t ail luiHiiies in trusted to him. OflSee ia Cuion liloek. East side, riattstnoutn. Neb. I sell shoes cheaper than anybody. Call nd ba convinced, no trouble to 6how goods. tf. Pki eii Merges. B. Su M. Time Table. OOIXO WRT. No. 1. 4 -M a. m. No, 3. :40 p, m. No. ia. No. M I', m. No. 9. 6 :17 p. m. No, 2.-4 :25 p. in. No. 4. 10 :30 a. m. No. 6.-7 :13 p. in. No. 8.-9 :S0 a. m. No. 10.9:a. in. AU trains run dailv by way of Omaha, except Jim. 7 and 8 which run to aud from hcliuyler daily except Sunday. No. 30 is a stub to Pacific Junction at s 30. a m'. No. 19 Is a stub from faclfic Junction at it a.m. V r U liberally contributed.