The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 18, 1888, Image 4
V THK DAILY IlEIiALD: HAl'l.- '.:;u ULUA-lIA, IIOiDAVi" JU1IL! 1, Tne Evening -Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. Kllborjr, DeatWt, Itockwood Baildinr, Irpboae No. 3d. Dr. fclffla. OIHre la Khcrwood RIork, Kml 4 rare for. Sixth aal (iraait. Telephone No. 42. Ir. far A Smith, the FalaleM leatlU, loloa Block, over Cltlxen Hank, PUttHiuouth. CITY CORDIALS. "We are pleased to learn that Dr. Black is at present on the road to recov er. Mrs. W. Bocck is able to sit up and is rapidly recovering from her severe illnen. Twenty-eight tickets have been sold up to date, for Chicago, since excursion trains have leen running. Yesterday was about as warm as wb care about having it. The ther mometer registered 102 in the shade. The tailor shop of Messrs. O'Rourk is being renovated and fitted up for a business exclusively of merchant tailor ing. The remains of Mr. Solomon ar rived at Omaha last night at 0:25. They were buried there this morning about ten o'clock. (Jo to J. H. Donnelly's for a staw hat, he has large and small hats, in fact, anything you want in the way of a hat, or gents furnishing goods. The ladies aid society of the M. E. church will meet Tuesday afternooon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. Madole in Vallery Place. A good attendance is desired. Mr. John Hartigau, who has been confined to his home for the last three weeks with intermittent fever, is able to be around again and shake hands with Lis many friends. The wind has been blowing from the east for the past twelve hours and the resuit is, our friend Val Burkel, has re turned from his Ohio visit. He did not sail back, but came by rail. Mr. O. P. Smith has received a new machine a milk-shaker and ice-shaver ' combined. It is cpuite a complete piece of mechanism, and has every appearance of being able to do great work when a chance is afforded. The Chicago market must have ad vanced to a considerable extent and a higher price set on western stock. There was a train of fifteen coaches passed through here yesterday en route for that city, and since the reduction in fare, large trains pass through every day. We were pleased to learn this morn ing that Mrs. Hampton, who has been so seriously afflicted with typhoid fever fur the past few weeks, is at present on the convalescent road and if her recovery continues as speedy as it ha3 for the last f jff days, she will, in a short time, be calling on her many friends who will be Anxious to see her once more enjoying the luxuries which are attained by good health. Mrs. Coverdale disposed of her en tire household effects by auction last Saturday afternoon, and has gone to Mis souri Valley to join her husband, who is at present reaping a rich harvest from a thriving business at that city. "We were norry to lose them from our midst, as they wero both well know in the city and made good citizens. They at one time had posession of the Perkins house and after leaving there made the house on the corner of Fourth and Main streets their residence and have kept boarders at that place for a number of years. Mr. Daniel Burns has started, out with a subscription paper ia aid of the boy, JeJd Vance, who was S3 seriously injured by a locomotive some time ago. People have been very kind in offcrin assistance so far as nursing the unfortunate lad. "We consider it no more than the duty of any citizen who is able to con tribute a small amount, if not very much, in helping them to take care of him and bring him through all right. The doctor now thinks he will stand a good chance of recovery and if the citizens subscribe a little they can greatly help in that way The following paragraph was clip ped from the Omaha World, which cer tainly shows that our base ball boys did themselves proud with the Council Bluffs team which played here a few days ago : "Manager Kipliogerof the Council Bluffs club is highly pleased with the ball game played by the Bluffs boys at Plattsmouth. He considers the game the best of the season so far. At the close of the ninth inning the score stood 5 to 5. Three more innings were played aud the kcote tod 6 to 5 in favor of the Bluffs c'ub. During the whole game the Bluffs club made only four errors. The boys were highly pleased with the manner in which they were entertained by their Platts mouth friends. The same night they were serenaded by the Plattsmouth Glee club. "With this game Manager Kipling- er severs bis connection with the club, not because of any dissatisfaction, but be cause his basiness duties will be such af ter July 1st, as to prevent his giving the ' '.dub nafficient time and attention. It has not yet been decided whdthe new mana- . Sixteen coaches paired through the city yesterday, for Chicago. The people will no doubt return with brighter faces than they had when they passed through here on their way there. Wo are anxious to know who will be the nominees, but we feci quite confident. All that is neces sary to secure a republican president is to nominate a man on that" side and there will be no doubt but that he will sail straight to the White House, run out the democrats and let the people know there is something going on occasionally. Of course Orovcr did well enough in a way. He took in the country pretty much, shook hands with thousands because he was president, and now asks the people to send him back for a second term s he will be able to say he has attended to some business at least. We congratulate him on having had such an enjoyable time, but it costs the country too much. That a republican president will be elect ed, is a foregone conclusion. A plug hat, without any resemblance to either a democrat or republican style was seen floating around Main street yes terday morning. The name which is oc casionally dropped onto a freak: "What is it," coulde appropriately applied to the hat. It may probably have been adopted by the individual as an indepen dent, as it was about a half-way article. We can not accurately describe it and the color we have never seen anything like it. He may have bought a pair of ten cent suspenders in an Omaha "hand-me- down-store" and had the head apparel furnished gratis as a slight token of the counter-thumpers appreciation of his patronage. We feel duty bound through the interest taken in the sore-eyed people who witnessed the sight . yesterday, to warn him not to apper in pnblic again with such an emblem of politics. About t'ic only use we could assign for it would be to use it ni a bread van, to secure a surplus loaf or two for his own use. It had every appearance as though it had been expand ed or contracted as the head required it about the part which surrouuded the cra nium. As the bearer of the article dropped himself in front of one of the stylish clothing houses and did not move a nerve for an hour or so, people took him for a sign which the clothier had re cently purchased aud set out. This pro voked the proprietor to vexation and has since caused him considerable anxiety as a gradual relaxation in business has been noticeable since the mistake. Our reporter did not remain there long en ough to see how long a visit he made, but judging frem the time he occupied in coming in that morning, the evening greeted him in his efforts to make his escape from the curious gaze of the citi zens he came in range of. Perhaps a sadder or more affective sight will never be furnished for the eyes of man than a great many of our citizens witnessed yesterday afternoon. It was a cortege of citizens called upon to per form the solemn duty of burying their dead. The Herald was sorry to learn of so many being so affected over the matter, but more than a few were called upon to perform the obsequies,and many a head in the procession was hung in deep regret which made a deep im pression on the spectators. Several re marked: "It's the saddest sight I ever witnessed," and many tears were seen in the eyes of the brave men who stood by and took in the solemn proceedings. Mr. Neville who has suffered untold misery on account of this death, showed the deepest mark3 of bereavement. It is needless to say he will retain them, for such a blow would certainly mave the most heardened heart and wring from their eves tears of sorrow. We regret very much to be obliged to chronicle such & sad affair, for it will no doubt cast a gloom over ths whole mass of bright faces which our city has the honor of being blessed with; however, we ex tend to Mr. Neville our sympathies in his untold bereavement, and trust that af- his return from a trip or visit to a health ier climate that he will return to the city again much recruited in health, and we hope that his blighted hopes througli it may be revived again. Yesterday shortly afternoon his favorite mule, which he brought only a thort time ago from the farm, injured itself so badly that to kill it was necessary. Not being accustomed to the ways of the city, or not knowing how mules of the city acted, this mule got a little too frisky. It wandered up in the yicinity of " Hotel Streight," and as it probably had tired itself out during the fore part of the day, was making ar rangements for lodging at that place. Mr. Streight, the proprietor, it appears, did not fancy the appearance of the in truder and firod him. He was a cruel man. But as Mr. Mule could not per suade that gentleman to admit him as a guest, took the road for a bed. lie was not satisfied with the location, and soon tried to stand up again, and in making strenuous efforts to get a good footing, broke one of his legs immediately below the second joint. Several doctors were called to obtain advice as to the best kind of treatment for him. The owner of him was horror-stricken when told that death was the quickest and easiest way to put an end to the poor fellows sufferings. He was knocked in the head a short lime afterwards and, as we stated before, was conveyed to the Missouri River for interment, where he now rests. PERSONALS. Mr. S, Mayor spent Sunday in Omaha. Mr. Geo. Palmer went up to Omaha today. Mr. B. Ebnn was a passenger to Omaha this morning. Dr. T. P. Livingston is in Omaha, to day n business. Mr. C. C. McPherson and wife spent Sunday at Louisville. Mr. John Davies spent Sunday at his old home in Glen wood. Mr M. Griffith, of Council Bluffs, spent Sunday in town with the boys. Mr. John Uhrig who took in the excur sion to Cincinnati, icturned this morning. Mrs. Campbell and Miss Paul left for York, Saturday, where they will visit for u few days. Mrs. At wood left this morning for Fremont where she will visit her sister for a few days. Mr. Fred Murphy, of Cedar Creek, came to the city Saturday night and re mained over Sunday. Mr. Bert Pllock has gone to Chicago to spend his summer vacation and take in the convention there. Messrs. S. G. Riggins and Chas. M. Scott start today on a visit to Denver ind other western cities. Mr."Whitie" Miller, who has been visiting in the city the last few days, re turned to Nebraska City this morning. Mrs. T. P. Gleeson and sister, Miss Meighen, left this morning for Mankato, Minn., where they will spend the sum mer. Mr. Dennis McIIugh, brother-in-law of Messrs. O'Rourk, and boy, of Melbourne, Ia., were in the city yesterday visiting their relatives. Miss Emma Wriight who has been vis iting Misses Edith and Edna Shipman for the past week returned to home at Bellevue this morning. Mrs. P. S. Hicks, of Boone, Ia., is visit ing Mrs. Niles. Mr. Page, brother of Mrs. Niles, and his wife, of Sioux City, are also the guests of that lady. Sir. J. E. Hobbins, who recently open ed up an art studio in this place and who has been in Nebraska city for the last few days teaching a class, returned Saturday night. Mr. H. C. Ritchie and family returned from York, Neb., yesterday afternoon on the flyer. The child, who called Mr. Ritchie there on account of sickness last Friday uight, is much better at present. The New Dally- The Evening News which was to have put in an appearance in our midst todav did not show up. However, the proprietors, Messrs. Green, Mann and Dabb, are getting everything in readiness for operation. The paper will be a four column, four page daily, and will be furnished at the rate of about ten cents per week, Plattsmouth will surely report itself in good style now with its three dailies at her back. We would' like to see the boys prosper in their new adven ture, and heartily welcome the paper among us. Plattsmouth does not afford its newspapers the support it should, but when three ink fiends light on her all at once, it may arouse the people to a sense of their duty. later. Since the above notice was written we have been sorry to learn that the proprie tors have abandoned the idea of issuing the proposed Evening News, and it has died before its birth. The boys were dissatisfied with the support received and have conie to the conclusion that Platts mouth is not as good a newspaper quar ter as they would desire a location in. We are sorry to learn of this, but we hope the boys may find a more suitable loca tion for the employment of their talents. We did not learn whether it was their intention to start a daily in some other city or not. For Rent- Thc second story of Frank Carruth's building was built and furnished express ly for a dwelling house, has eight rooms, two halls.three closets, china closet, pan try, bsth room, water closet, and elevator to cellar, city and cistern water in bath room and kitchen, is a suitable place for keeping day boarders, or for priyate family. Enquire at Carruth's jewelry store. jlltf. Daylight Pry Goods and Millinery House, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, invite your special attention to their Millinery Department. They make a specialty of Bonnets for Evening Wear. Ladies' Large Brimmed, Torpedoes and Walking Hats. Our Stock of Untrimmed Hats is very large and includes a'l the latest shapes. Children's Trimmed Hats in endless variety, from 75c to $3.75 each, tf J. V. Weokbacii. The cheapest shoes at Merges'. tf. Bege's Blood Purifier and Blood Maker.. No remedy in the world has gained the popularity that this medicine has, as hold on family medicine. No one should be without it. It has no calomel 1 1 quinine in its composition, consequent ly no bad effects can arise from it. We keep a full supply at all times. O. P. Smith Co. "Druggist. j35-8mqd&w THE D. OF. L. E. Written for Tbk Hrkald. The nohlest achievement of man in thU life. Is to bulla up a Uoiiih fur hU vlnldreo ami wire. When once deprived of a place to call liori.e. He liecomeft but a beaat.o'er this planet to roam. Take troiu us homes, and you take civilization. And fink Into darknesN our great and proud nation. In view f these facts, though item they may seam. Can wa take to our heart and hold in rteein A great organization, that through avarice or Ktrlfe, Will uulilusliingly step between man and his wife. And take from the children their allowance of bread. At the command of the man who Is placed at the head .' We will frankly admit, yes all must aeree, That a strong or mnzatioii was the it. of L. ., Hut in Keli'y laot. It's limit they o'er ran And worked an injustice upon many a man, t or there were food engineers who sanctioned not the strike. But the hands ot the machine were ail served alike. They were earning good wages, their families hail money. And the idea of plenty made home bright aud sunny. Could the wife be more gentle and love hus band more. Could the greet him more warmly when they meet at the door. Could her face look more pleasant, or be sweeter her smile. If he earned the same money at four cents a in lie? Organized labor may bo theoretically right, Aud for the laboring men's interest as lor exia tence they Unlit. But ax a matter of practice it can never succeed. And on to succo? the laboring men lead. For aucrs iu this life means to individually strive. And not collect in bodies, tricky schemes to connive. The B. of L. E.. thouj-h a strong organization. Represents a small part oi our gtanu auu proua nation. And though they may strive to do right by us all Far short of the mark thev inevitably fall When they try to gain laver by becoming the aggressors. And lift themselves up by pulling dowu their successors. . Through the laws of our laud and the officers we elect. Capital in general we must certainly protect. Our nation demands it and the B. of L. E. If like other citizens could readily see That their power i small and men easy to tret For kill a regiment of presidents aud we still nave one. yet. B. Of L. M. Where Fur la Obtained. "The tur producing countries of the world are very few ir number," said Mr. UUmann, "and tbey are rapidly becoming exhausted. Forty years ago America was the great fur producer, with the Russian possessions sec ond. Today Siberia sends out more furs than any other region, and America, with the exception of the fur seal, has greatly de creased. A few fancy skins come from Asia and Africa, but nearly the whole product is from high latitudes. Many Arctic countries are nearly destitute of fur bearing animals, Qreenland, for instance, while scarcely any are found on the northern islands. The Ant arctic regions send none at all, the ice fields around the South Pole being too barren to support life of any kind. Thus the field is confined to North America and Asia, with a very small supply from Norway and Sweder and some from European Russia. " "The American field is most seriously de nuded, although 1 expect Northwestern British Columbia and especially the interior of Alaska will in future immensely increase their output. In the Asiatic deserts fur bear ing animals are becoming rarer every year and the time is not fai distant when furs of all binds will become a luxury attain able only by the very rich. In the northern part of the Chinese dominions and among the high mountains of Thibet thousands of bales of fine furs are shipped every year, but these are taken exclusively by the Chi nese and do not constitute a factor in the European market. China is by all means the best place to dispose of very fine furs, and three-fourths of the most expensive are bought by tbn mandarins of that country, some of whom possess fortunes far exceeding ip amount anything known in the western world. . Russia probably conies next and the remainder of the. high grade furs are sold all over the world. I look for a great increase in the output of Alaska, the interior of which Is almost totally unexplored, but un der the most favorable conditions the sup ply will grow smaller and smaller every year, and it will not be long before the fur trade will bo a thing of the past." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. femtnii Love of Fine AppareL Father McUlynn, the famous ex-priest and present labor agitptor, said to me that the love of suitable apparel was not even eradi cated from the minds of nuns and sisters be longing to the various orders of his church. Each of these sort of devotees has a partio ular uniform, usually somber and calculated to impair if not destroy the vanity of its wearer. But Father McGlynn cites the case of a girl who decided to renounce the world and devote the rest of her life to religion and charity in the guise of a sister. She talked with him on the subject and sought his in struction as tc the different aim, objects and duties of the various orders. He told her all about them, and she went away for the purpose of deliberation. A week later she came back and said that she made a selection of three. Having nar rowed her choice down thus far, she confided the fact that she meant to accept out of the three the one which provided a dress most becoming to her sty la This was what the priest called the last remnant of wprldliness in her. She was ready to give up a luxu rious home and cut herself off from the so ciability to which she had become habituated, but she still desired to dress as well as pos sible under pious circumstances. Chicago Tribune. Jt jf"L? c-jai as oeen said and written nbout the cbestnutiness of negro minstrelsy. Old jokes have been mercilessly lampooned, and the men who deal in them have come in for a large share of the abuse. It is not gen erally known by the public that there are not a half dozen men in the United States capable of furnishing gags or other end ma terial to minstrels, and of these half dozen probably not one makes a really successful gag in six months. They can all write songs or fake up afterpieces or sketches, bqt tbey cannot give that delightful ring of spon taneity to a gag which makes it a "go." Minstrels often try the work of these profes sional joke makers, but it falls so flat that invariably a return to the old material is necessary. Most of the gags you hear are made by the end men themselves. Some times a newspaper friend furnishes them a local suggestion, but it requires the end man's experience with public taste to put it in proper shape. Since 1 have been in min strelsy, which is many years, I cannot recall many pevy jokes that have survived their birth. Globe-Democrat. The lowest prices on paints and wall paper only at Will J. Warrick's, See stock and prices before making purchas es. d-w-lw. Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best ia the market, at Fricke & Go's, drug store, 8-tf. SPECIAL SALE THIS Ladies', Children's and Infants MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Cnildren's Wit and Colored Dresses. Ladies' Corset Covers and Crossing Sac que s. Infants' Embroidered Hob es and Slips. Ladies' and Children's Aqrons. Infants'. Crocnet Carriage Robes. Ladies' UniCn Garment Corsot covers and Drawers combined. Infants' Muslin and Flannel Long Sirts. Infants' Embroidered Square Shawls. PRICES ON TT7TT ,T IN OKDKU TO RKIHX'K OUU STOCK. FRED HERRMANN, ' ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Instructions. Any person, young or old, desiring to receive instructions both in Hie English and German languages, are requested to call at the west 4th ward school house or at the residence, back of the German Presbyterian church, en high school hill. Hours at school 9 a. m. to 12 m. and from 2 to 3:&0 p. in. At the residence from 7 te 8 p. m. Terms, f 1 per month. jl2wl E. J. Witte, Teacher. Will J. Warrick has the best and larg est stock of wall paper in the city, their styles are new and fresh and no job lots of last year's designs or bankrupt stock to run off, if you want the latest and best assortment of new goods see Warrick's stock. dwlw Men's canvass shoes at Merges', only 83 cents, everything cheap. tf. I sell shoes cheaper than anybody. Call nd be convinced, no trouble to show goods. tf. Peter Mekges. The only paints in the market that are guaranted are at Will J. Warrick's, they are strictly pure and guaranted to give satisfaction. d-w-lw. Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re lieves a cough instantly and in time effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3mo,d-w. Watclies ! ! H. M. GAULT Has moved and is now in the Sherwood room, Cor. 5th and Main Sts., where he is better able to show his Large Stock of Watches, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY ! Than ever before, and will as an induce ment sell you Watches way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Gold Watch es; it will surprise you. A Full Line of the best styles ot Jewelry and Silverware. Repairing will be eiven Special Atten tion. All work warranted to give satis faction. R. B. Wikduam, John A. Daviks, Notary Public. Notary Public. Wll)UAId DAVIES, Attorneys - at - Law. Office over Bank of Caes County. Plattsiiotjtp. - - Nebraska. AN. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. Will give prompt attention to all bupinesp in trusted to Mm. Office ia Union Block, East side. Plattsmouth. Neb. Fire Insurance written In the tna, Phoenix .and i Hartford by Windham A Davies. WEE ABOVE ;oDS BP fcrf g o 5 1-3 5 o ; s Z z U 53 K frj y, W o O 5 to ( o I rf, w r N p -4 Z- ur p i f o I o o 0" b rPFDA nrn T V lnrrvm (HEAFSTC ' iRpOF . i WD Mlf a Arfr AJD AY CLIMATE. 0 Send for Circular, FOR S-A.3 -T HAVEN & RHODES Omaha, ITob. (Name this paper in your order.) B.&. M. Time Table. -GOING WEHT. No. 1. i -.ia a. rn. No. 3. 6 :40 p. m. No. 5. a. m. No. 7.-7 :4i r. m. OINO TAX. No, 2.-4 -:2Ti p. in. No. 4. 10 ::io a. m. No. fi. 7 :13 p. lit. No. t. :U a. m. No. 9.-6 :17 p. m. No. 10.-9 :43 a. m. All trttina rim it r .. ip n - . Nm. 7 Ann ft liifh I'll II t i U twl faimi !.( !.: dally except Sunday. No. SO is a rtuhto Pacific Junction at 30.a m. No. 19 Is a stub from Pacific Junction at 11 a.m. Two elegant furnished rooms to rent. Enquire at this office. tf rf 4 4 ger will be.