The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 18, 1888, Image 3

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    IHC 1A1LY I1.:aLD: I'LATTJliOliTrti UudmAt HON DAY, JUNE IS, 1SS3.
fte. Dr. Talmng Would Sccur tb Secu
lar rrcM IlA-cuforoFment of Ilo
Agton aol th lalplt Tli Mdtlern Sun-
lajp Nwinpcr.
nr.ooKt.TX, June 17. At the service
In the Tabernaclo this morning, the Rev.
T. Do Witt Talinagc, p. D., took for tho
nubject of his discourse. "lulrit and
1'ress Made AIUuh." Ilia text was Luke
xvi. 8: "The children of thi world
are In their generation winer than the
children of light." lie aid:
Sacred stupidity ami solemn incom
petency and sanctified laziness are. here
- rebuTked by Christ, lie says worldlings
are wider awake for opportunities than
are Christians. Men of tho world grab
occasions while Christian people let tho
most valuable occasions drift by unim
proved. That ia the meaning of our
Lord when ho says: "The children of
this world are In their generation wiser
than tho children of light."
A marked illustration of the truth of
that maxim is in the. slowness of the
Christian religion to take possession of
' tho secular printing presa. The opf or
tunity is open and has for somo time been
open, but tho ecclesiastical courts and
tho churches and tho ministers of religion
are for the most part allowing the golden
opportunity to pass unimproved. That
the opportunity is open I declare from
.the fact that all tho secular newspapers
are glad of any religious facts or statistics
that you present them. Any animated
and stirring article relating to religious
themes they would gladly print. They
thank you for any information in regard
to churches. If a wrong has been done
to any Christian church or Christian in-
. Etitulion, you could go into any nows
paer of tho land and have the
real truth stated. Dedication services,
ministerial ordinations and pastoral
installations, corner stone laying of a
church, anniversary of a charitable so
ciety will have reasonable sjioce in any
secular journal, if it have previous notice
given. If I had some great injustice
done me, there is not an editorial or a
reportorial room in the United States into
which I could not go and get myself set
right, and that is true of any well known
Christian man. Already the daily secu
lar press during tho course of each week
publishes as much religious information
and high moral sentiment as does the
weekly religious press. Why then dots
not our glorious Christianity embrace
these magnificent opportunities? I have
before me a subject of first and last im-
V portancf: How shall we secure the secu
' lar press as a mightier re-enforccment to
religion and the pulpit?
The first thing toward this result is
cessation of indiscriminate hostility
against newspapcrdom. You might as
well denounce the legal profession be
cause of tne shysters, or the medical pro
fession because of the quacks, or mer
chandise because f tho swindling bar
gain makers, as to slam-bang newspapers
because thero are recreant editors, and
unfair reporters, and unclean columns.
Uuttenbcrg, tho inventor of the ait of
r bi 4111111, w iu uwu w vitoMj ;i-v
ami extinguish tho art because it wjis
pugosted to him that printing might be
ffiiorned into the service of the devil,
but afterward he betuougnt nimseii mat
the right use of the art might more thau
overcome the evil use of it, and so he
-pparcd the typo and tho irtelligence of
all modern ages. But there are many
today in the depressed mood of Gutten
berg with uplifted .hammer want
ing to pound to pieces the type, who
have not reached his better mood
in which he saw the art of printing to be
the rising sun of the world's illumination,
if instead of fighting newspapers we
tpend tho same length of time and the
same vehemence in marshaling their
help in religious directions, we would be
as much wiser as the man who gets con
sent of the railroad superintendent to
fasten a car to the end of a rail train,
shows better sense than he who runs his
wheelbarrow up the track to meet and
drive back the Chicago limited express.
Tli Rilli(st thins that a man ever does is
to fight a newspaper, for you may have
the tloor for utterance perhaps one day in
the week, while the newspaper has the
floor every day of the week. Napoleon,
though a mighty man, had many weak
nesses, and one of the weakest things he
ever did wa3 to threaten that if the Eng
lish newspapers did not stop their adverse
criticism of lumself he would with 400,
000 bayonets cross the channel for their
Don't fight newspapers. Attack pro
vokes attack. Better wait till the ex
citement blows over and then go in and
get justice, for get it you will if you
liave patience and common 6enso and
equipoise of disposition. It ought to be
a mighty sedative that there is an enor
mous amount of common sense in the
world, and you will eventually be taken
for wliat you are really worth, and you
cannot bo puffed up and you cannot be
written dovn, and if you are the enemy
of good society that fact will come out,
nnd if you are the friend of good society
that fact will be established. J know
what 1 am talking about, for I can draw
on my own experience. All tho respect
able newspapers as far as I know are my
friends now. But many of you remem
ber the time when I was the most
continuously and meanly attacked
roan in this country. God gave
me grace not to answer back, and 1
kept silence for ten years, and much
grace is required. What 1 said. wa3 per
verted aivl twisted into just the opposit?
of what I did say. My person was ma
ligned, asd I was presented as a gorgon,
end I was maliciously described by per
sons who had never seen mo as a mon
strosity in body, mind and souL There
wcro millions of people who believed
that tliere was a large sofa in this pulpit,
although we never had anything but a
chair, and that during the singing by the
congregation I was accustomed to lie
tlovrn on that sofa and dangle my feet
over the hd. Lying New York coito
spondcntJ for ten years misrepresented
our church services, but we waited,
. ana people irora siltj ui'i0iiuwiiwu
of Christendom came here to find the
magnitude of the falsehood j ct.;ecra;ng
tho church and concerain.: mvat-lf. A
reaction set In, and iiow we have justice,
full justice, more than justice; and at
much overpraise as we had under
appreciation, and no man that ever lived
was so much Indebted to tho newspaper
press for opportunity to preach the Gos
pel an I am. Young men in tho ministry,
young icn in all professions and occu
pations, wait, i ou can auord to wait.
Take rough misrepresentations as a Turk
ish towel to start up your languid circu
lation, or a system of massage or Swedish
movement whose ickes and pulls and
twists and thrust are salutary treatment.
There is only one person you need to
manage, and that is yourself. Keep your
diHjxisition sweet by communion with
Christ, who answesrd not again, the
society of genial people, and 'walk out in
the sunshine with your bat ofT and you
will come out all right. And don't join
the crowd of people in our day who spend
much of their time damning newspariers.
Again : in this effort to secure tho sec
ular press as a mightier re-enforcement
of religion and the pulpit, let us make it
the avenue of religious information. If
you put tho facts of churches and de
nominations of Christians only into the
column of religious pajx?rs, which do not
in this country have an average of more
than 10,000 subscribers, what have you
dono as compared with what you do if
you put these facts through the daily
papers, which havo hundreds of thou
sands of readers? Every little denomina
tion must have it3 h'Ulo organ, supported
at great expense, when with one-half the
outlay a column or half a column of room
might be rented in somo semi-omnipo
tent secular publication, and so
the religious information would bo
sent round and roamd the wot Id.
The world moves 60 swiftly today that
news a week old is stale. Give us all the
great church facts and all the revival
tidings the next morniug or the sameeven
ing. My advice, often given to friends
who propose to start a new paper, is:
"Don't! Don't I Employ the papers
already started." Tho biggest financial
hole ever dug in this American continent
is tho hole in which good people throw
their money when they start a news
paper. It is almost as good and as
quick a way of getting rid of money as
buying stock in a gold mine in Colorado.
Not more printing presses but the right
use of those already established. All
their cylinders, all their steam power.
all their pens, all their types, all their
editorial chairs and reportorial rooms are
available if you would engage them in
behalf of civilization and Christianity.
Again: if you would secure the secular
press as a mightier re-enforcement of re
ligion and the pulpit, extend widest and
highest Christian courtesies to the repre
sentatives of journalisn. Give them
easy chairs and plenty of room when
they come to report occasions. For the
most part they are gentlemen of educa
tion and refinement, graduates of col
leges, with families to support by their
literary craft, many of them weary with
the push of a business that is precarious
and fluctuating, each one of them the
avenue of information to thousands of
readers, their impression of the services
to bo the impression adopted by
multitudes. They are connecting
links between a sermon or a 6ong
or a prayer and this great popula
tion that tramp up and down the streets
day by day and year by year with their
sorrows uncomforted and their sins un
pardoned. , More than eight hundred
thousand people in Brooklyn, and less
than seventy-five thousand in churches,
so that our cities are not so much
preached to by ministers of religion as
by reporters. lut all journalists into our
prayers and sermons. Of all the hun
dred thousand sermons preached today
there will not bo three preached to jour
nalists, and probably not one. Of all the
prayers offered for classes of men innu
merable, the prayers offered for this
most potential class will bo so few and
rare that they will be thought a preacher's
idiosyncrasy. This world will never be
brought to God until some revival of re
ligion sweeps over the land and takes
into the kingdom of God editors and re
porters, compositors, pressmen and
newsboys. And if you have not faith
enough to pray for that and toil for that
you had better get out of our ranks
and join the other side, for you are the
unbelievers who make the wheels of the
Lord's chariot drag heavily. The great
final battle between truth and error, the
Armageddon, I think, will not bo fought
with 6Words and shells and guns, but
with pens, quill peus, steel pens, gold
lens, fountain pens, and, before that,
the pens must be converted. The most
divinely honored weapon of the past has
been tho pen, and the most divinely hon
ored weapon of the future will be the
pen, prophet's pen and evangelist's pen
and apostle's pen followed by editor's
pen and reporter's pen and author's pen.
God save the pen I The vring of the
Apocalyptic angel will be tlie printed
page. The printing press will roll ahead
of Christ's chariot to clear the way.
"But," some one might ask, ''would
you make the Sunday newspapers also a
re-enforcement?" Yes, I would. I have
learned to take things as they are. I
would like to see the much scoffed at old
Puritan Sabbaths come back again. I do
not think the modern Sunday will turn
out any better men and women than
were your grandfathers' and grandmoth
ers uuder the old fashioned Sunday. To
say nothing of other results, Sunday
newspapers are killing editors, reporters,
compositors and pressmen. Every man,
woman and child is entitled to twenty
four hours of nothing to do. ff tlie
newspapers put on another set of hands
that does not relieve the editorial and re
portorial room of its cares and responsi
bilities. Our literary men die fast enough
without killing them vrith Sunday work.
But the Sunday newspaper has come to
stay. It will 6tay a good deal longer
tlian any of us 6tay. What then shall
we do? Implore all those who have
anything to do with issuing it
to fill it with moral and religious
information; live sermons and facts
elevating. Urge them that all divorce
cases be dropped and instead thereof
have good advice as to how husbands and
wives ought to live lovingly together.
Put in small type the behavior of the
swindling church - member and in larg?
type the contribution pf some Christian
man toward an asylum for feeble minded
children or a seaside sanitarium. Urge
all managing editors to put meanness
and impurity in type pearl or agate and
charity and fidelity and Christian con
sistency ui brevier or bourgeois, ll we
cannot dijve out the Sunday newspaper
let us have the Sunday newspaper con
verted. The fact Is that th modern
Sunday newspaper is a great improve
ment on the old . Sunday newspaper.
What a beastly thing was the Sunday
newspaper thirty years ago 1 It was enough
to destroy a man's respectability to leave
the tip end of it sticking out of his coat
pocket. What editorials! What adver
tisements 1 What picturesl The modern
Sunday newspaper is as much an improve
ment on the old time Sunday newspaper
as one hundred is more than twenty-five;
in other words, about seventy-five per
cent, improvement. Who knows tliat by
prayer and kindly consultation with our
literary friends we may have it lifted into
a positively religious sheet printed on
Saturday night and only distributed, like
The American Messenger, or The Mis
sionary Journal, or The Sunday School
Advocate, on Sabbath mornings. All
things are possible with God, uud my
faith is up until nothing in the way of
religious victory would surpriso me. All
the newspaper printing presses of the
earth are going to be the Lord's, and tel
egraph and telephone and type will yet
announce nations born in a day. The first
book ever printed was the Bible by Faust
and his son-in-law, Schoeffer, in 1400. and
that consecration of type to the Holy Scrip
tures was a prophecy of the great mission
of printing for the evangelization of all
the nations. Tlie father of the American
printing press was a clergyman, liev.
Jesse Glover, and that was a prophecy of
the religious use that tho Gospel ministry
in this country were to make of the
Again: we shall secure tho secular
press as a mightier re-enforcement of re
ligion and the pulpit by making our re
ligious utterances more interesting and
spirited, and then the press will reproduce
them. On the way to church some fif
teen years ago, a journalist said a thing
that has kept me ever since thinking:
"Are you going to give us any joints
today?" "What do you mean?" I
asked. lie said: "I mean by that
anything that will be striking enough
to be remembered." Then I said to
myself: What right have we in our pul
pits and Sunday schools to take tho time
of people if we have nothing to say that
is memorable? David did not have any
difficulty in remembering Nathan's
thrust: "Thou art the man;" nor Felix
in remembering Paul's point blank utter
ance on righteousness, temperance and
judgment to come; nor the English king
any difficulty in remembering what the
court preacher said, when during the
sermon against sin the preacher threw
his handkerchief into the king's pew to
indicate whom he meant. The tendency
of criticism in the theological seminaries
is to file off from our young men all the
sharp points and make them too smooth
for any kind of execution. What we
want, all of us, i3 more point, less hum
drum. If we say the right thing in the
right way the press will be glad
to echo and re-echo it. Sabbath
school teachers, reformers, young men
and old men in the ministry, what we
all want if we are to make the printing
press an ally in Christian work is that
which the reporter spoken of suggested
points, sharp points, memorable points.
But if the thing be dead when uttered
by living voice, it will be a hundredfold
more dead when it is laid out in cold
Now, as you all have something to do
with the newspaper press, either in issu
ing a paper or reading it, either a3 pro
ducers or patrons, either as sellers or
purchasers of the printed sheet, 1 pro
pose on this Sabbath morning, June 17.
18S8, a treaty to be signed between the
church and the printing press, a treaty
to be ratified by millions of good people
if we rightly fashion it, a treaty promis
ing that we will help each other in
our work of trying to illumine and
felicitate the world, we, by voice,
you by pen, we, by speaking only that
which is worth printing, you by printing
only that which is fit to speak. You
help U3 and we help you. Side by side
be these two potent agencies until the
Judgment Day, when we must both lie
scrutinized for our work, healthful or
blasting. The two worst off men in that
day will be the minister of religion and
the editor, if they wasted their opportu
nity. Both of us are tho engineers of
long express trains of influence, and we
will run them into a depot of light or
tumble them off the embankments.
What a useful life and what a glorious
departure was that of the most famous
of ail American printers, Benjamin
Franklin, whom infidels in the penury
of their resources have often fraudulently
claimed for their own, but the printer
who moved that the Philadelphia con
vention bo opened with prayer, the reso
lution lost because a majority thought
prayer unnecessary, and who wrote at
the time he was viciously attacked: "My
rule is to go straight forward n doing
what appears to me to he right, leaving
the consequences to Providence," and
who wrote this quaint epitaph showing
his hope of resurrection, an epitaph that
I hundreds of times read while living in
The Cody
Bexjamix Fraxkux, Printer,
(Like the cover of an old book,
Its contents torn out.
And strlptof its lettering and gilding-)
Lies here food for worms. '
Tet the work itself shall not be lost.
For it will (as he believed) appear once more
In a new
And more beautiful edition.
Corrected and amended
The Author.
That Prpymence intencjs tlie profession
of reporters to have a mighty share in
the world's redemption fi suggested by
the fact that Paul and Christ took a re
porter along with them and he reported
their addresses and reported their acts.
Lukp was a reporter and. he wrote not
only the book of Luke but the Acts of
the Apostles, and without that reporter's
work we would have known nothing of j
the Pentecost, and nothing of Stephen's j
martyrdom, and nothing of Tabitha's
resurrection, and nothing of the jailing
and un jailing of Paul and Silas, and
nothmg of the shipwreck at Mema.
Strike out the reporter's work from, the
UiLle and yoq kui a large part of the
New Testament. It makes me think
that in the future of the Kingdom of
God the reporters are to bear a piighty
About thirteen years ago a representa
tive of an important newspaper took his
seat in this church, one Sabbath night,
about fire pews from the front of this
pulpit, lie took out pencil and reporter'!;
pad, resolved to caricature the whol
scene. When tho. music began he began,
and with his pencil he derided that, and
then derided the prayer, and then de
rided tho reading of the Scriptures, and
then began to deride tho sermon. But,
he says, for some reason. Ids hand be
gan to tremble, and he, rallying liimself,
shaqicned his pencil and started again,
but broke down again, and then put
pencil and paper in his pocket and his
head down on the front of the pew and
began to pray. At the close of the
service he came up and asked for the
prayers of others and gave Lis heart
to God; and, though still engaged in
newspaer work, he is an evangelist, and
hires u hall at his own expense, and
every Sabbath afternoon preaches Josus
Christ to the people. And the men of
that profession are going to come in a
body throughout tho country. 1 Lnow
hundreds of them, and a more genial or
highly educated class of men it would te
hard to find, and, though the tendency
of their profession may lo toward skepti
cism, an organized, common sense. Gos
pel invitation would fetch them to the
front of all Christian endeavor. Men of
the pencil and (ten, in all departments,
you need the help of the Christian re
ligion. In the day when people want to
get their newspapers at three cents nnd
are hoping for the time when they can
get any of them at one cent, and, as a
consequence, tho attaches of tlie printing
press are by the thousand ground under
the cylinders, 3'ou want God to take care
of you and your families. Some of your
best work id as much unappreciated
as was Milton's "Paradise I-ost. " fr
which the anlli .i i i t i ; vt-.i , and uie
immortal oein, "Ilolieulinden," of
Thomas Campbell, when he first offered
it for publication, and in the column
called "Notices to Correspondents'" ap
peared the words: "To T. C. The linos
commencing 'On Linden when the sun
was low' are not up to our standard.
Poetry is not T. C.'s forte."
Oh, men of the encil and the pen,
amid j-ou unappreciated work you need
encouragement and you can have it.
Printers of all Christendom, editors, re
orters, com posi tors, pressmen, publish
ers and readers of that which is printed,
resolve that you will not write, set up,
edit, issue or read anything that debases
body, mind or soul. In the name of God,
by the laying on of the hands of faith
and prayer, ordain the printing press for
righteousness and liberty and salvation.
All of us with some influence that will
help in the right direction, let us put our
hands to the work, imploring Cnxl to
hasten the consummation. A ship
with hundreds of passengers approach
ing the . South American coast,
the man on tho lookout neglected
his work, and in a few minutes the ship
would have been dashed to ruin on the
rocks. But a cricket on board the ves
sel, that had made no sound all the voy
age, set up a shrill call at the smell of
land, and the captain, knowing that
habit of the insect, tho vessel was
stopped in time to prevent an awful
wreck. And so, insignificant means now
may do wonders and the scratch of a pen
may save tlie shipwreck of a soul.
Are j-ou all ready for the signing of
the contract, the league, the solemn
treaty proposed lietween journalism and
evangelism? Aye, let it be a Christian
marriage of the pulpit and the printing
press. Tho ordination of the former on
my head, the pen of the latter in my
hand, it is appropriate that I publish the
banns of such a marriage. Let them
from this day be one in the magnificent
work of the world's redemption.
Let thrones and powers and kingdoms be
Obedient, mighty God, to thee;
And over land and stream aud mair
Now wave the scepter of Thy reigo
O, let that glorious anthem swell,
Jjpt host to host tho triumph tell.
Till not one rebel heart remain.
But over &1I the Saviour reigns.
Adaptability of Trained Mechanics.
It is a notablo fact, and one, too, not
generally known, that somo of the "best
all-around" mechanics i. e., those who
can turn their hands to all kinds of gen
eral machine work are men who learned
iheii business in small shops, where all
sorts and all classes of work are done.
An ingenious, thinking man placed in
such a shop ha3 the best possible chance
to develop all the talent thero is in him.
Tlie hundred and one odd jobs required
to be done will cause him to devise ways
and means, and "to think," and in these
ways he will grow to be a man fertilo in
resources, dexterous in touch, and ready
for nearly any kind of work which may
come along.
Now mark the difference: A man
trained in a large shop, with its score or
more of departments, learns or works
tlirough, as a rule, one, two or three dif
ferent departments, of course becoming
an expert in the several branches; but
should occasion ariso for him to do some
particular work of which ho has but a
slight knowledge, ho is out of his lati
tude, and makes poor progress, 6imply
because ho ha3 not done all kinds of
work; while the man trained in the small
shop can adapt his liand to almost any
thing wliich turns up. Industrial
A PvPh-:y of the freseut.
In tearing down an old building at
McKeesport, Pa., some workmen discov
ered in the cliimney a pint flask of
whisky and a tin box, containing a
prophecy written in 1SGS. This singular
writing was a prediction that in thU'ty
five years (in 1873) slavery would have
ceased to exist. The writer added: "Men
will communicate from beach to beach
of ocean easier than indite a letter. Th
tallow candle of today will not even Le
used to grease the boots. Men will to-yipi
the wall as Moses touched the rock tor
water, and light will dispel the darkness.
Prohibition will bo a battlo cry, with
temperance a formidable enemy. The
flask of spirts which I place herewith
will rise in the midst of a conflict wliich
will claim it as one of the principals." "
Demorest's Monthly.
Remedy for Nose Bleed, j
Introduce into the nostril, for a con- j
siderablo distance upward, a piece of fine i
cnripfr rut to the Kize nnil kIlihr iims- !
sary to enable it to euter without diffi
culty, previously soaked in lemon juice
or vinegar and water. Tha patient is to
be kept lying on the face for a length of
time, with the sponge in place. This is
the procedure employed by M. Sirederg
for controlling nose bleed in typhoid fever
patients. Medical Digest.
Unless you want to know where to get the JJest 4,Cath"
Jlarguin in
-We arc now offering Sjeeial I'rieeH in
il l 1 Ir-t
Ami the most we pride ourselves on is our excellent line of
Ladies' Hand-Turned Shoes
At their Present Low Price. Ladies looking for ?uch a
Shoe should not fail to call on
The Plattsmouth Herald
Xs on joying a Boom, in "both, its
The Year
Will be one during wliich the subjects of
national interest and importance will le
strongly agitated and the election of a
President will take place. The people of
Cass County who would like to learn of
Political, Commercial
and Social Transactions
of this year and would keep apace with
the times should .
Daily or Weekly Herald
Now while we have the subject before the
people we will venture to speak ot our
Which is tirst-class in all respects and
from which our job printers are turning .
out much satisfactory work.
kith Kit Tin;