The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 15, 1888, Image 2

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    The Plattsnjouth'Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
It published every evening except Sunday
and Weekly every Thursday inornlng. ICeuls
tered At tin; poitofllee, I'laltHinoutli. Nebr.. us
neennd-claan matter. Olllce comer of Vlue and
Fifth streets.
One copy one year In advance, by mall.... $0 oo
One copy per month, by carrier, 50
One copy per week, by carrier 15
Cne copy Ofe year, in advance $1 w
ne copy U months, in advance 75
Republican for submission.
Tiik republicans are for submitting
prohibition to the people at the next elec
tion. The republican party of Nebraska h in
favor of submission, and every republi
can paper in the smaller cities and towns
i.s in favor of it. The big journals will
follow, for they arc not slow to take
patcrn from the county press.
Tiik republican anti-bandana antidote
is a handkerchief representing the Amer
ican flag, with one large extra star for
Dakota. It will be a good campaign
document and knock out the "bull and
red flag" combination. Republican.
Tiik IJeatrice republicans held a rous
ing meeting last cveniLg preparing to
ratify the work of the Chicago conven
tion. A campaign handkerchief consist
ing of the American flag, with a G. A. II.
badge in the center, was adopted a the
oriHamo of the battle. This Iwats the
English badge furnished the late lament
ed free trade conclave which nominated
Oroyer Cleveland and a " noble old" fos-i-il,
for the two first places on the British
party's ticket at Saint Louis.
Now loving and harmonious the dem
ocratic brethren are! Now there's Con
gressman Mills, the papa of the Mills tar
iff bill, and Congressman Randall, the
leader of the opponents, who are at
swords points on tariff legislation and
haven't a thought in common on that
question. They have laid down upon
the platform and wrapped its folds
about them, each well pleased with their
double-headed curiosity. The Wattter
son crowd declares that the platform
takes advanced free trade ground, aud
the Randallites are just as ready to de
clare that it endorses their own position
in favor of a protective tariff. Now who
can make up their minds to believe that
a party can win with such an unprinci
pled declaration of principles ? It can't
be done. Express.
- Jokes are now being told about Judge
Thurman, and one of them is to the effect
that the judge, at his house or chambers,
once invited some gentlemen to come up
and have something to drink. All he
could find was some appollinaris water,
which he gravely opened and said:
"Friends, Mrs. Thurman will not permit
any liquor to be in this house, and I must
offer you just what I get myself." They
drank the appollinaris water humbly.
"When they got down stairs and wire
about to go the judge followed them out
into the street. " The fact is, gentlemen,
said he, " that though Mrs. Thurman does
run the house, she does not, thank God,
control the -whole town. I want some
whiskey to wash the taste of that appolli
naris water out of my mouth." Lincoln
The population of the United States has
' increased 1,000,000 since 1884. In the
presidential election of that year 10,084,
0G1 yotes were cast. This year the ag
gregate will reach 11,000,000. On Nov
ember G next 1,000,000 more ballots will
be cast than were deposited on the day
of election four years ago. Some of
these new voters are adopted citizens of
the country, but the greater proportion
of them are men who were born and
bred on our soil They are distributed
throughout all the states. The privctal
state of New York has 40,000 of them.
"Who will the 1,000,000 new voters
fupport in the canvass of 1888? Preju
dice, predilection or prepossession will
govern a few in making their cfioice.
Considerations of narrow self-interest
will influence others. Sentiments of
broad public spirit and patriotism, how
ever, will actuate by far the greater por
tion of.theni in making their selection at
the polls. It is to this latter class that
the republicans look for support this
Will the 40,000 new voters of the state
of New York divide equally between the
great parties in 1888? Scarcely. That
as many of these will go to the democra
cy as will come over to the republican
party is to the last degree improbable.
To suppose otherwise would be to cast a
reflection on their sense and intelligence.
Men of education, of pure sensibilities
and of lofty sentiments are naturally re
publicans. A large share of these are of
that class. Their instincts and a pira
tion? are republican, and by a law
and impulse of their being they will drift
into the republican party. The paftifs
in New York were so evenly balenced in
1884 that the democratic plurality was
just 1 047. In no state has Mr. Cleveland
declined so much in popularity in the
past three years as lie lias in New York.
Hut apart from the antagonism to him
thousands of those who gaye him the
support in 1884, the number of the new
voters who will join the party of his op
ponents this year will undoubtedly 1
great enough to give the republicans
safe majority in the empire state. Glol
An Independent Tclecrraph System.
There has grown up among tbo fanners of
a county in Michigan a telegraph system,
which might generally be extended through
out tbo rural districts everywhere. Tbo ys
tem began by two farmers connecting their
uuusw uj a. wire lor ineir own convenience,
and operating their line with tho ordinary
Morse instruments. GriuliiHllirnfhai-fu
extended the lino to their bouses, and after a
nine i no wire was run into a neighboring
Seven years ago the combined farmers and
a. ievr vmago merchants organized them
selves into a COmoanv. and it hnm alnm hum
extended, until now it bos
wire and ninety offices, two-thirds of tho
l.ii . a
iaiir ueing in larmnouses, and nearly all
the rest being in stores, where these farmers
do all their trading. One or two newspaper
uiiua, as many more ranroaa rrieght offices,
the eounty telephone exchango aud the
larger postofHoes are all connected. Every
farmer is bis own operator, battery man and
hue repairer. Of course, any quantity of
private c-oramunicauon Is kept up between
the Stockholders Of this indenonrtnnf: avefom
There are two or three indepenpent systems
' niies in operation in the county, ar
ranged so that thev
oach other at intersecting points, and the
" acueme is oeing worked very cheaply
emu luuxau uuy. uaitirnore bun.
A Sanitary Tlew of Cremation.
While I am not a member of the crematory
association, still 1 favor cremation as a very
proper manner of disposing of thn AcnA a a
it is something of an innovation in this
counLry, mere are in consequence only a few
as yet who prefer It to the old and time hon
ored way, but I look for many converts to
the new method. After all cremation is not
such a terrible thing as some have pictured
it. It simply accomplishes in a few hours
what in the natural order would reouire
rri. . . . -
j Kara, xuo oouy is oound to become ashes,
and the intense beat of tha
duces it in a few sours; whereas in tbe old
way it takes a iongtuno before the reduction
is complete. There are many good argu
ments used In support of cremation which in
the course of time will make it more popular
among the genoral public. Viewed from a
sanitary standpoint there is no doubt that
ib is ibj- superior to interment In the usual
uy.VF. . vv nit wood in Globe-Democrat.
Advice to tbe Overworked.
Nervous people worry most, but they also
work most Well, the question one is in
clined to ask himself when he feels something
wrong with his health is: "Am 1 over
working myself r I would answer thus: "If
you really enjoy working, it cannot injure
you very much; but, on the other hand, if it
is force work, and yon find little pleasure In
it, then it will tell on your constitution."
ouu many peopie cannot afford rest. Well,
but wonders can be done by taking exercise;
by breathing only fresh air night and day"
indoors and ont; and by careful regulation
of the diet In conclusion, let me entreat of
you, as you value your happiness, not to
neglect first departures from health. The
story of the reservoir has really a moral for
every one of us. Cassell's Family Magazine.
Co-Operation In England.
The enthusiasm for co-operation in Eng
land seems to be dying out Of fourteen
undertakings supported by a London co
operative association one has been wound u"
one is "in abeyance," one "at a standstill
one has insufficient capital, five have onlt
got as far as the discussion or registration of
their rules, one is seeking a government con
tract, but wants an advance of money, one is
doing a good deal of business, but making
very little profit, about two the report is
vague, and only one, the Cigarette Makers'
society, can be said to be fairly successful
Chicago Herald.
$500 Reward.
We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liyer Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
lontaining 30 sugar coated pills, 23c,
For sale by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
ine manufactured only by John O. Well
& Co., 8G2 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its
Sold by W. J. Warrick.
At midnight Sleep, tbe mocku, came to eas
ily best friend turned to foe; and o'er my head
DaJied the poppied wand, but took a beed
Lest it should toiwib mine ayelida. 1 could see
Him hovering nme tantallzlngly
Just out of roach- "Sweet stranger guest, I
"Bend down and kiss mine eyes'. For since you
They've only known to weep ont achingly
The tedious hours. Come closer) Let me glide
Into thy drowsy arms and be thy bride.
"Nay, sweat one, and be laughed out scoffingly.
Thy heart hatb choH'n another love than me.
And, through the glimmering casement aa be
"Bid thy true love come kiss thy wakeful eyes.
Detroit Free Press.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are va
rious, and statistics show conclusively
that more persons die from disease of the
hroat and lungs than any other. It is
probable that everyone, without cxccii
tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle
Germs into the system and where these
germs fall upon suitable soil they start
into life and develop, at iirst slowly and
is shown by a slight tickling sensation in
the throat and if allowed to continue their
ravages they extend to the lungs produc
ing Consumption and to the head, caus
ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous
and if allowed to continue will in time
cause death. At the onset you must act
with promptness; allowing a cold to go
without attention is dangerous and may
loose you your life. As 8on us you feel
that something is wrong witli your throat,
lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos
shee's German Syrup. It will giye you
immediate relief.
Vulti'ihle Servicer In tlio Sick Room of
Women of tlio I'rofeaaloual Schools.
& Iter plug a Ilrcoid of tUm Ciue Work
ttntl Vi;ra.
The training school nurse Is a tower of
strength, a pillar of support, an angel of
wisdom and light. Tbe things she can
do are past enumerating. She can make
a baudage. a plaster, or a poultice, and
ut it on tbe patient before tbe best
tousewife can hunt up the soft rag re-
uircu in the operation; she can irive a
evvr patient a full bath under the bed
clothes every hour, and not only clean the
body but stimulate it; she can wash a
sick child without putting soap suds in
Its eye or tbe wash rag in its mouth; she
can comb hair, get the tangly i out with
out hurting, and keep the scalp clean; she
can make a bed without removing the La
valid or exposing any part of the body,
and sho has the faculty of beating up a
flllow and whipping comfort and ease into
t. She is also an excellent cook and can
prepare many tempting dishes for her
patients, such as broths and bouillon,
toast waters, gruels, custards, blano
mange and marmalades. Her skill is
shown also in the varied combinations she
can make of milk and eggs, cereals, and
fruits, actually making tho patient be
lieve In a change of diet without depart
big from the prescribed faro by the doctor.
Aside from the personal care of the
patient she must keep a record of the case
if the physician call3 for it, in which is
hourly noted the temperature, pulse,
respiration, and the condition of the
bowels, kidneys, skin and eyes of the
patient. The time of giving medicine and
food is also entered, and under the head
ing "remarks" is noted tho amount of
food and sleep taken, effects of medicine,
and whatever variations fchere may be In
the case. No school report is made out
with greater accuracy, neatness, or legi
bility. It explains itself to any one who
can read, and by referring to tho several
entries the physician can treat the patient
from hi3 buggy or office just as if he went
to the sick chamber, which very many
doctors do who are pressed for time, for
in the majority of cases it is nursinc
rather than medicine that brings about a
cure. Of course, it is to be expected that
some nurses will not reach tho standard
here indicated, for they aro but human.
The physician who encounters an incaptv
ble nurse is very likely to become preju
diced against tho entire profession, but it
only requires tho services of a good nurse
to put him right again.
However, it is a poor rule that will not
work both ways, and there are plenty of
instances on record where a smart, unas
suming young woman has brought about
the dismissal of the attending physician
because his diagnosis of the case was
faulty. Just at present the two profes
sions are more or less contentious inas
much as schools differ one granting the
privilege of administering medicine to the
graduated nurse and other training
schools making such attion a misde
meanor. The wisdom of the latter sys
tem is self evident, for it is hardly possi
ble in the college term of eighteen months
to give the pupil nurse a medical educa
tion. In schools where medical instruc
tion forms a part of the graded course
there is danger that the administration of
bromides, narcotics and opiates will be
carried to the verge of rashness. If tho
nurse is tired and feels herself unequal
to the task Imposed, her first inclination
is to take a hypodermic injection, while
an unscrupulous one will not hesitate to
quiet a troublesome patient with a dose
of morphine.
In cases of contagion the duties of the
nurse are most onerous. Every square
inch of the room has to be scrubbed with
soap and water walls, windows, sash,
baseboard, bedstead, table and chairs
and afterward treated to a disinfectant
sponging. This operation done with, the
place must be fumigated with sulohur or
chlorine paper, after which both nurse
ana patient are given an antiseDtic bath
and clothed in absolutely clean garments.
in mis connection may be stated the as
sistance a nurse renders the surgeon,
whose Instruments she disinfects after
each operation. Fever nursing is the
most expensive to tho nurse, as well as
the patron, since it requres at least two
weeks to overcome the effects. An
honest nurse will not take a sursrical or
obstetrical case within ten days after giv
ing up a iever patient, knowing the dan
ger there is of carrying the contagion in
lier nair or somo portion or her attire.
Even at her own personal loss the con
scientious woman will forego an engage
ment, rattier man expose ner patients to
the chances of fever. During the respite
she lives largely in the open air and re
peats tne antiseptic bath.
ihe minimum wages of a nurse are S15
a week, but in extreme cases $30 and $10
a week is paid. Provision has to be made
for her board, so that the salary is clear
gain. While the uniform of mull aud
cap and seersucker gown is wholly op
tional with the women, most of them con
tinue to wear it hi service on hygienic as
well as economical principles. But it
must not be imagined that it is all smooth
sailing in the house whore disease reigns.
All the people who employ nurses do not
keep help, and in cases Where the mother
or head of the house is stricken down it is
the duty of the nurse to look after the
home as well as she can. Hot water ne
cessitates her presence in the kitchen, and
in the'preporation of the patient s meala
the appetites of the young children are
looked after. One must be the mother of
a large family and endure sickness and
poverty to know the value of a faithful
nurse, borne or these patient, self sacri
ficing girls will manage to prepare the
meals and do the housework, to keep the
children at school and away from the sick
room. Sho will chop wood, carry up coal,
sweep, darn, and shop, staye off the col
lector of bills, and handle the family purse
with greater care than if it were her own.
1 be ages of nurses vary from 20 to 85.
color, creed and nationality cutting no
figure in election or application. The re
quirements for admission to the school
lor nurses are: A good moral character,
mature ace. eood health, a habit of order
and cleanliness and sufficient education to
read and write the English language well
enough to fill out blanks on which to
record observations of the sick. The
school term is eighteen months. Chicago
They Took Wine.
Waiter (in uptown restaurant to country
groom) Will you have wine, Bir?
Country Groom Well. I dunno: I
hadn't thought of wine. To bridej What
d'ye say to some wine, Mariar?
Country Bride (shyly) 1 don t mind.
Country Groom All right; it's a go.
To waiter! Yes. mister; bring us two
glasses elderberry.. Life.
Real Estate Bargains
- IN-
South - Park
21 lots in Thompson's addition.
40 lots in Townsend's addition.
Lot 10 block 138, lot 5 block 1C4.
Lot 1 block 6, lot 6 block 03.
Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block CI.
Lots in Palmer's addition.
Lots in Duke's addition.
Improved property of all descriptions
and in all parts of the city on easy terms.
A new and desirable residence in
South Park, can be bought on monthly
Before purchasing elsewhere, call and
see if we cannot suit you better.
5 acres of improved ground north of
the city limits.
5 acres of ground adjoining South
2 acres of ground adjoining South
li acres of ground adjoining South
20 acres near South Park: Se i sec.
14, T. 10, R. 12, Cass county, price $1,
800, if sold soon.
nw i sec. 8, T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co.,
price $2,000.
A valuable iinproyed stock f ram' in
Merrick Co., Neb., 160 acres and on
reosonvble terms.
Windham & Davies.
Consult your best interests by insuring
in the Phoenix, Hartford or 3itna com
panies, about which there is no question
as to their high standing and fair
The present year bids fair to be a dis
astrous one from tornadoes and wind
storms. This is fore-shadowed by the
number of storms we haye already had
the most destructive one so far this year
having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111.,
where a large number of buildings were
destroyed or damaged. The exemption
from tornadoes last year renders their oc
currence more probable in 1 888.
Call at our office and secure a Tor
nado Policy.
Unimproved lands for sale or ex
Eureka Meat Market.
Beef; Pork, Mutton, Veal and Poultry.
Z invito all to givo mo a trial.
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lnrd, etc., etc. Froh Oytltis in Can and Tnlk
at lowest liying prices. Do not fail to civc me your patronage. '
T- T. THOlfAS.
Where a magnificent
Will call your attention to the fact that
they are headquarters for all kinds of Fruits
and Vegetables.
We are receiving Fresh Strawberries every
Oranges, Lemons and Bananas constantly cn
Just received, a variety of Canned Scupc.
We have Fure Maple Sugar and no mistake.
Jonathan IIatt. J. W. "vIartuis.
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, ,&c, &c
of our own make. The lest brands of OYSTERS, in cans and Lulk at
GrSTWEl 'BM A. i a t -it .,
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Urain Treatment
a guarantee specific for Hysteria Dizziness.
Convulsions. Kits. Nervous Neuralgia, Head
ache. Nerveouo Prostration caused ly the line
ot alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness.MerjtalDe
presMon, SofteDiog of the brain resulting in in
sanity and leadiDg t" misery, decay and 'leaih,
t reaiature old Jlfie. liarreuness, Lose of 1'cw
er in either sex. Involuntary Losces ana Sper
matorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the
brain, geifabuse or over-indulgence, l-'at-h box
contains one trout h's treatment. ?1 po a box
or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid od
receipt oi price -
To cure any case. With each order received
by us for six boxes, accompanied with (5.00,
we will send the purchaser our written guaran
tee to return the money if the tiratment does
not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by
Will J. Warrick sole agent, Plattsmoutli. Neb.
If you want a good silver -watch,
send us 30 subscribers to the Weekly
Herald. n
it KT A 1 1. DKAI.EIt IN
slock of Goods and Fair
The standard n mt'dy for liver com
plaint ia West's Liver Pille; they never
disappoint you. CO pills 25c. At War
rick's drug store.
We will fcive a silver watch, that is
warranted by the jewelry men of this
city, to any one who brings us 15 yearly
cash subscribers to the Daily IIkkald.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor do Pepperbergo. and 'Buils
always in stock. Not. 20, 18&5.