The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 05, 1888, Image 2

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The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
I pnMiilied every evening except Sunday
aud Weekly every Thursday morning. Hejjis
tered at the ponofflce, I'taltninoutli. Nebr.. i s
HfCond-cla.SK matter. OHice corner ol Vine and
Fifth utreets.
One copy one year In advance, by mail
One cMy per inonlli, by carrier,
Uii copy per week, by carrier,
So oo
One oopy one year. In advance 1 1 M
Oue copy fix momo. mauiiuici;
Lkkt. Wbo got left? The democrats.
General Sheridan Lad another very
serious attack yesterday and it is feared
he will not live much longer.
Ex Mayor Prince, of Boston, a mem
ber of the democratic national committee,
says the democracy will have to strain
every nerve to carry New York this time
or they will get left worse thau they did
Senator Plumb of Kansas says the af
fairs of the Indian Territory have never
been so badly managed as they are at
present, lie can easily substantiate it
for it is notorious that Mr. Cleveland's
Indian commissioner has permitted all
kinds of abuse of authority on the part
' of his subordinates, and that the work
nf civilizing the Indians has been shame
fully subordinated to that ef putting
money into the pockets of pcrs nal und
political favorites who hold trading
Undoubtedly in nominating Fisk and
Brooks for peesident and vice president,
respectively, the prohibitionists have se-
lectcd a strons ticket. Fisk will draw a
good many thousand votes from the re
publicans of the north, and Brooks will
weaken the Democrats in the south some
what, although not dangerously. The
prohibitionists have no terrors for the re
publican part this year, because that par
ty at this moment is iu better shape to
make an aggrseive and successful canvass
than it has been at any time since 1872.
Globe Democrat.
There is to be no international yacht
race this year, and the regret at the
omission of a contest which arouses such
deep and general interest is widespread.
But our British friends probably will not
leave us long in undisputed possession ot
the fanaus cup. The indications are that
the next time they compete they will, so
to speak, meet us on our own ground
that is, they are likely ta send over a
centreboard cutter to try conclusions with
our centreboard sloops. This will mean
an international concession of no small
significance; it will also show that the
people of Britain are not so slow to catch
a new idea as some alert Americans sup
pose. N. Y. Tribune.
The recent General Conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church in selecting
Episcopal residences, fixed upon Omaha
as one of them. The bishops allowed to
choose their residences from the list ol
places selected by the Gsnerrl Conference,
in the order of their ages beginning with
the oldest. Bishop John P Newman,
when the time for him to choose came
selected Omaha. Bishop Newman is well
known throughout the United States,
and also throughout the world. Foi
years he was the popular pastor of the
Metropolitan M. E. church at "Washing
ton City, and was appointed by Gen.
Grant as inspector of consulates, and his
writings while in that position attracted
general attention. He was the pastor,
and spiritual advisor, of Gen, Grant in
his last days at Mount McGregor, and
was selected by the family and friend?
of the great commander to preach the
funeral sermon, which he did to the
eminent satisfaction of everybody.
Bishop Newman brings to his responsible
position admirable qualities, and we
congratulate the church on his election,
and Omaha on securing the presence of
so great and good a man.
In his address the other evening on the
Reason and Result of Civil Service Re
form, Mr. George William Curtis enforc
ed his plea for a constitutional amend
mcnt making presidents ineligible for
re-election by saying that " even Ulysses
did not dare to pass the sirens without
stopping his ears against their song." The
honorable gentleman, to pharaphrase
Daniel Webster, is fresh in his reading of
his classics and can set us right if we are
wrong, but, according to the best of our
poor recollection, Ulysses stopped the
ears of his companions with wax, but
lashed himself to the mast. It is a small
point, but serves t suggest that Mr. Cur
tis has been engaged in the last three
years in stopping the ears of his followers,
that they might not hear the 6tern and
riorhteous condemnation which has as
sailed the president from eyery quarter
for the eager and wiltui laisincauon oi
thfi solemn nroniises made in his behalf.
3Ir. Curtis' own ears are open. He hears
the dangerous chorus of denunciation,
and would. uerhaDS. be elad to heed it,
but he has lashed himself so fast to the
Cleveland mast that he cannot escape -not
eyen to jump overpoard. N. Y.
. Tribune.
A Lun Is Natural History.
A city man wbo ban cone to the country
had his curiosity awakened the other day
by the surtu and vociferous piping or
tome creatures m the neighborhood that
the country folk said was tree toads.
Probably everybody wbo baa been in the
country knows this high key chorus,
formed of Iwo notes Incessantly repeated.
The city man traced the noise to a grove
of trees, and spent ten minutes standing
beneath one tree after another and look
ing up along the trunks and branches to
discover one of the loud choristers. lie
had no success whatever. The noise
filled the air, and seemed as likely to pro
ceed from one tree as another, and more
likely to proceed from alL Just as be
was about to give up the quest be came
to a littlo dent or hollow in the ground,
and his ears were smote by such a close
and loud volume of the singing that he
knew he was on the right trail. There
was a little water in the hollow, full of
leaves, black in the middle, and scummed
with green at the edges. lie took one
step nearer to it, and the noise ceased,
lie stooped down and mimicked the frog
chorus pretty closely by whistling. In
stantly the air was filled anew with the
strange melody.
The capture was an easy matter after
that. Every time be advanced toward
the water the noise ceased, and he stirred
it up again by whistling. Finally he
found himself bent directly over the pool
and engaged in close and sympathetic con
versation with its denizens. Under one
leaf, by narrow scanning, he perceived a
throbbing or palpitation of the water.
The noise proceeding directly from that
spot was so loud and acute that it pierced
las ear. It seemed that the musician
must be of large size. He plunged in bis
hand and drew out what does everybody
suppose? a frog, but as small a one as
nature could well build a little black ob
ject that would scarcely cover a quarter
of a dollar. It was not one-twelfth the
size of a canary bird, and yet In voice was
quite as loud as any canary can boast.
New York Sun.
I'ruruiit o . t e.eri.iMi jt,utlM ry.
Wtri:i.-irj dentistry is a new specialty
rrcated in the practice, and some very inter
Ml i 1114 operation in this branch of tbe pro
legion hove been ierforuutL A case that
:il:istrutc this jMUticularly well was had at
'Aw American Veterinary college not lonp
io. It wa the removal ot the third molar
Louth, the patient was a brown gelding. Thi
irst sin of trouble was a discharge from
rhe r.t;lit uostriL After several weeks, thi
nut oea.sin;?, the owner sent the horse to the
lonntry for a run at grasa Here the animal
remained, doing well, as the owner supposed,
until word was received from the owner of
ibc pasture stating that the services of two
practitioners had been had and that there
was- a question in dispute between them as to
the nature of the animal's disease One
maintained that the horse was affected with
glanders and ought to be killed, while tbe
oilier contended it, was not
Immediately after this the horse was sent
back to the city and taken to the hospital for
examination. A large swelling was found
on the right side of the face, involving the
nasal bone. Tbe animal roared when moved,
respiration being performed with much diffi
culty. Placing bis band in tbe mouth, the
surgeon found that the third molar tooth of
the upper jaw was decayed and the cavity
partly filled with food. To prepare the horse
for the operation of having tbe tootb pulled,
a system of dieting was first begun. When
all was ready the horse was thrown down
and put under the influence of chloral,
then the diseased tooth was taken out by
removal in two pieces. As a part of tbe
operation the bulging nasal bone was tre
phined. Daily treatment followed, the tootb
cavity being kept as clean as possible oy
washing out with water tbe foreign matter
that daily collected. Respiration was per
formed with ease after the operation, and at
the end of the fourth week the horse was
discharged from the hospital cured. New
York Mail and Express.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are va
rious, and statistics show conclusively
that more persons die from disease of the
hroat and lungs tha any other. It is
probable that everyone, without excep
tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle
Germs into the system and where these
germs fall upon suitable soil they start
into life and develop, at first slowly and
is shown by a slight tickling sensation in
the throat and if allowed to continue their
ravages they extend to the lungs produc
ing Consumption and to the head, caus
ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous
and if allowed to continue will in time
cause death. At the onset you must act
with promptness; allowing a cold to go
without attention is dangerous and may
loose you your life. As soon a3 you feel
that something is wrong with your throat,
lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos
shee's German Syrup. It will giyo you
immediate relief.
A Sadden Attach.
Ho dropped on his knees at her feet and
began the speech ho had been, so long re
"Darling lovo I hato you I mean, dar
ling, bate, I love you, no no I mean"
llere bis face assumed a livid hue and be
gan to tie itself in hard knots.
"Waat is it paralysis?" she asked frantic
"2Co, love," ho whispered hoarsely, "I am
kneeling on a tack." Detroit Free Press.
An Old Political Lion.
When Felix Pyafc re-entered the French
parliament, "Well, old lion," said a Socialist
deputy to him, "I suppose you will let us hear
you roar again. "2o, my frnend," replied
the elect of Marseilles, "at my age lions no
longer roar they groan." This is the fourth
time he has been a deputy, and he hopes it
wiJl be the lost. Foreign Letter.
$500 Reward.
We will pay the above reward fcr any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liycr Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with
They are purely yegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c,
For sale by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits and imitations. Tho genu
ine manufactured only by John O. Well
& Co.,vS62 W. Madison St. Chicago Its
Sold by W. J. Warrick.
flow Jmf Goald Staads th Strain of IIos-
Iiipm AT Good IHetetle Kale.
The very best living is compatible with the
greatest simplicity, and the complex variety
of tbe set feasts of today Is, as a matter or
fact, incompatible with really good living.
Jay Gould, talking about eating some time
airo. said: "1 do not believe thnt any man
can stand tbe strain of a large business unless
be lives on tbe simplest food be can get. 1
am very rond or baked potatoes. 1 uey are
about the simplest things you can eat. 1 do
not care for what are called Taney dishes.
Plain meats and vegetables, good bread, rood
butter and good milk are my staples, I don't
mean that 1 do not like some dishes that I
cannot eat with impunity, but 1 am lucky
enough not to care much about them. 1 re
member once at a public dinner I ate some
dish which was very good to the taste, but I
was sick for a week after it.
"Now, when I go to a heavy dinner, I take
a little soup if it is plain, a piece of roast
meat or game, and some plain potatoes or
peas or, in fact, any vegetable that is served
without Bauce. These sauces spoil the food
for me. Then for tbe rest of the time 1 sit
at the table, play with something on my
plate, and pass the time as well as I can."
Why is Jay Gould's opinion about food
any better than that of any other manf Sim
ply because be has succeeded better than
most men in associating causes with effects,
and is beyond question a leading expert as to
causes, and food is a prime cause.
Simplicity, then, is invaluable as a charac
teristic of good food. It is also a character
istic of the most refined gastronomy, for
there is a simplicity of elegance as well as a
simplicity of coarseness. The ash cake and
molasses of the Alabama field band is a sim
ple meal. The ash cake is merely a lump of
paste of corn meal and water buried and
baked in hot ashes. But a canvas back,
plainly and properly cooked, with a glass or
two of rare, pure old wine, is just as simple.
Nothing but the best is good enough for any
man wbo can get the best, and it is well to
remember that quality being equal, the sim
plest food is the best.
What, then, shall we eat There is the
best medical authority for saying, "eat what
ever you want," The rule, like all others,
has its limitations. A man. who is suffering
from the gastronomical crimes of the past,
who has little by little destroyed his healthy
appetite and substituted therefor a morbid
craving for abhorrent mixtures, may no
longer go on in his sins without fresh pangs
for every fresh offense. "But," the reader
will say, "this is a flat contradiction of the
first dictum, 'eat what you want,' and the
whole theory becomes an absurdity."
Not so fast. If your stomach is already
mined, you are exempt. But if it bo ruined,
you will please remember that it was not
ruined by intelligent eating, or eating in
compliance with the real demands of your
stomach and your appetite. It may have
been because you ate when you didn't want
to, or did not eat when you wanted to, or
from some other cause than eating. Perhaps
your ancestors spoiled it for you, but don't
make the mistake of supposing that nature,
unless it is interfered with, will give you an
appetite for any food that your stomach can't
take care of. New York Mail and Express.
Waste of Ammunition.
In the new school of the soldier, called for
because of the adoption of tho magazine rifle,
a principal difficulty, and one not yet met, is
the prevention of reckless and wasteful ex
travagance in ammunition. A decided in
clination has been observed among old as
well as young soldiers to be less saving than
formerly. The German or French soldier, if
he likes, may fire say twenty rounds in a
minute, and the reduction of the size and
weight of the bullet and powder enables him
to carry half again as many cartridges as
before. In times of excitement, should he
lose his head, that is to say, his wits, be
might empty his cartouche box and also his
bandolier at short notice, so short, indeed,
that when the enemy should really come up,
and quick firing would be of vital moment,
be would be practically powerless.
A famous American revolutionary general
commanded his men to "wait till you see the
whites of their eyes," referring to the enemy.
and thus he made sure there would not be
any ammunition wasted. After the same
idea the German and French officers are try
ing to instruct their men, but they have dis
covered that a soldier fires with more or less
care, according to the difficulties of loading
his piece and the number of shots be has left
him. Scientific American.
An Autocrat in Social Life.
Two ladies who live neighbors on Trumbull
avenue have never called on each other be
cause, as they both moved there at the same
time, they could never decide which one was
to make the first calL
For the same reason they have never spoken
to each other, but have waited to be formally
introduced. A few days ago there arose a
slight disturbance between the children of the
two families, and the least ceremonious of the
two ladies took this occasion to step over to
her neighbor's veranda and offer an olive
branch of peace.
"I am sorry that my little girl should have
annoyed yours. She acknowledges that she
was in tbe wrong. I will see that it does not
happen again."
The other lady stared icily through har
gold eye-glasses, and, turning to the nurse
girl at her side, inquired In her most super
cilious tones:
"Is she speaking to meP
The girl repeated what had been said to her
"Tell her I accept the apology," said that
lady haughtily, and, turning, she withdrew
to her house.
Could royalty have been more arrogant?
Detroit Free I Tress.
Laughing at Lov Letters.
Why do people, old and young, and of all
sorts and conditions, rush in crowds to the
courts and almost travel over each otherjs
heads to bear love letters read, and then go
home and laugh at them as if they had found
something unique in the way of fun I Why
do grave men and sober women skip all the
sensible reading in a newspaper if it happens
to contain a love letter, and, having read
that, laugh at it as if it were the latest and
best of Gilbert's operatic jokes Ten to one
if all the old trunks in all the old garrets
were called to give up their treasures they
would convict these grave men of just such
"silliness," if they please to call it so, as that
which excites their risibles. No man or
woman was ever thoroughly in love and
not to have been there, we are informed, is to
have missed some happiness, at least who
didn't say and do "silly" things. Why, then,
does everybody feel such an irresistible incli
nation to deride the manuscript love making
of an unfortunate whose letters get into the
courts and papers Why ridicule a uni
versal trait Kansas City Journal.
"Tom and Jerry."
A Kentucky newspaper claims the inven
tion of the drink known as Tom ad Jerry
for Jack Shingler, an eccentric old shoo
maker, wbo originated it a third of a century
ago and named it after Thomas Jefferson
flpri the biblical prophet Jareminh. Chicago
Real Estate Bargains
- x 3sr
South - Park,
21 lots in Thompson's addition.
40 lots in Towusend's addition.
Lot 10 block 138, lot 5 block 104.
Lot 1 block 6, lot 6 block 95.
Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 01.
Lots in Palmer's addition.
Lots in Duke's addition.
Improved property of all descriptions
and in all parts of the city on easy terms.
A new and desirable residence in
South Park, can be bonght on monthly
Before purchasing elsewhere, call and
see if we cannot suit you better.
5 acres of improved ground north of
the city limits.
5 acres of ground adioining South
2 acres of ground adjoining South
li acres of ground adjoining South
20 acres near South Park: Se i sec.
14, T. 10, R. 12, Cass county, price $1,
800, if sold soon.
nw i sec. 8, T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co.,
price $2,000.
A valuable improyed stock . fram in
Merrick Co., Neb., 160 acres and on
rcosoncble terms.
Windham & Davies.
Consult your best interests by insuring
in the Phoenix, Hartford or .Etna com
panies, about which there is no question
as to their high standing and fair
The present year bids fair to be a dis
astrous one from ernadoes and wind
storms. This is fore-shadowed by the
number of storms we haye already had
the most destructive one so far this year
having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111.,
where a large number f buildings were
destroyed or damaged. The exemption
from tornadoes last year renders their oc
currence more probable in 1883.
Call at our office and secure a Tor
nado Policy.
Unimproved lands for sale or ex
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ycal and roiittry-
I invito all to give mo a trial.
Sugar Cured Meals, llnmp, r;(, I.nrJ, tc, 1r. Fioh f)vftis in Can ri d Tulk
at lowcFt liyirg prices. Do r.ol fail to tivc n t ycur uUti.t.v.
STa & : '
Lowest Prices in the City. Call and
bo Convinced.
Where a magnificent
I-IIjNTHY bojsck,
Will call your attention to the fact that
they are headquarters for all kinds of Fruits
and Vegetables.
We are receiving Fresh Strawberries every
Oranges, Lemons and Eananas constantly on
Just received, a variety of Canned Scups.
We have Pure Maple Sugar and no mistake.
Jonathan Hait. J W. Martkis.
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, ,&c, &c
ol our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, al
r-i-.' I
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatniput
a guarantee specific for Hysteria IJizz.ness.
Convulsions. Vile. Nervous .Neuralgia. Head
ache. Nerveous l'rostration caused by the ue
of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness.MentaJ iJe
presf ion. Softening of the Brain resulting in in
sanity and leading t misery, decay and death,
rreuiature old Ape, Barrenness, Losh of low
er in either sex. Involuntary Losses and rer
niat'Trhoea caused by over-ei ertion of the
brain, eelfabuse or over-indulgence, t ach box
contains one mouth's treatment, SI 00 a box
orsix boxes for $6.00, sent Ly luail pitpaidoo
receipt of price
To cure any cafe. W ith each order received
by us for tlx boxes, accompanied with $5.00,
we will send the purchaser our written uuaran
tee to return the rroney if the ti atnient does
not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by
Will J. W arrick sole acent, Flattoinouth. eb.
If you want a good ilver watch,
send us 30 subscribers to tbe Weekly
stock of Goods and Fair
r q
I- i
The standard remedy fcr liver com
plaint is West's Liver Pills; they never
dTsnpix Tut you. 0 pills 2c. At War
rick's diug store.
We will jive 6ilver watch, that is
warranted by tbe jewelry men of this
city, to any one wbo brings us 15 yearly
cash subscribers to the Dailt Herald.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor de Pepperbcrgo' and 'Buds
always in stock. Not. 26. 1885.