The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 01, 1888, Image 2

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    THE DAILY HERALD: I'UnMoura, jSi5iiA8KA, FRIDAY, JUNE 1. 1SS8.
The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
1ST O T T 3 33E.O 3.,
Publishers & Proprietors.
I published every evening except Sunday
atxl Weekly every Thuptday morning. Kegls
tered at the MtUMce, 1'Iattmiouth. Nelir..xs
coiid-clni matter. Oltlce corner of Viae and
firth Directs.
One copy one jear In advance, by mall $6 00
Ouecopy per month. by carrier, 60
One copy per week, by carrier, 15
One oopy one year. In advance $1 V
Uue copy six mouths, in advauce 75
The question of civil service reform is
not now so prominent as it was four
years ago. Then, we were assured that
the Government was going to everlasting
smash in that connection, and that Mr.
Cleveland was the man specially raised
up to prevent the catastrophe. Now,
wc hsar very little about the matter, and
Mr. Cleveland seems to rest content upon
the record he has roada as an enemy of
the ppoils system. That record is one of
the things by which Ids sincerity is to le
tented and his usefulness determined:
aud it is therefore worth looking at.
Fortunately, the facts have all been col
lected and certified by the New York
Union League Club. They show that of
the 56,134 oflicers subject to Executive
appointment, 42,01)2 were changed during
the first two years uwd fur months of his
term; and it is fair to assume that the
changes since made have very nearly cov
ered the entire list. That these changes
were necessiry, nobody believes; that
they have not improved the character of
the service, everybody well knows. They
i-imply imply so many experienced re
publicans removed because they were
republicans and so many inexperienced
democrats appointed because they were
democrats. A few instances are given of
the sort of men who have thus been se
lected for reformatory purposes:
The statement is fully warranted by
the record, that of the first seven Terri
torial Judges named by him, live within
a week were publicly named as "morally
and professionally unfit," and three of
the five have since been retired for mis
conduct. A list of objectionable ap
pointments made durin0the first half of
the presidential term showed that fifty
nine have been f persons who have been
convicted or indicted for various crimes,
ten have been concerned in political
crimes, three deserters and one expelled
from the United States senate, three dis
qualified from office for violation of
oaths, three the tools of persons so dis
ruputable that they could not hold office,
and six more, of whom throe wcr? ap
pointed to enforce the internal revenue
laws, were either themselves liquor sellers
or attorneys of liquor sellers. To these
are to be added sixty-one notorious
political hacks.
This is very interesting reading for
those who supported Mr, Cleveland in
18S4 upon an express pledge from him,
several times repeated, that he would re
form the ciyil service according to defin
ite rules of personal capacity and fitness,
and regardless of all partisan considera
tions. They can see at a glance that he
has systematically violated that promise,
while pretending to be bound to it. The
theory that he has done the best he could,
considering the fallacious
and dishonest. He was not obliged to
make all these changes. The matter was
in his own hands and he deliberately fa
vored the spoils-seekers wlien he had
' solemnly agreed to resist their demands
and frustrate their designs. He knew
what the circumstances would be when
he made the pledge which gained him the
votes of the civil service reformers. There
was nothing said at the time about doing
the best that his party would allow him
.to do; and it is too late now to offer
such an excuse for his notorious failure
in the case. He stands condemned by
the official facts as a deliberate hypocrite
and a disguised enemy of the cause to
which he professed so much devotion.
Will the voters whom he has thus betray
ed give him another chance to play them
false? If they have such an intention,
then they are not less culpable than he is;
and their boasted anxiety for reform is
only a mask to conceal their alliance with
the democratic party. -Qlobe Democrat,
Social entertainment in Washington
differs from that of any other city in the
country, on account of the cosmopolitan
character of the people who reside in the
capitol city, and the Interest that is shown
in all they say and do. Tn r.o city are
there so many elements that can be com
bined to make the social feature of life
brilliant and pleisant. Every stute rends
her repiesentive men and women; all na
tions send theirs. And while the title of
ambassador is not heard among the di
plomatcs, it makes no difference in the
personnel of ths minister, who must be
men of the highest character to sustain
the dignity of their countries. Ministers
.who have .distinguished themselves in
the diplomatic service of this country
have been promoted to' the title of am
bassador, and transferred to places less
pleasing to them than the Republic of
America. While the absurd idea that
foreign ministers to this greit republic
represent the pcr&on of their soverign
obtains, great injustice will bo done to
them "and also to our representatives
abroad. The representative of the very
smallest kingdom outrank an American
minister in diplomatic courtesy at foreign
courts, because this is a republic, while
they must sustain royalty no matter how
infinitesimal the kingdom.
Foreign ministers, however, after com
ing hero are not long in recognizing the
importance of our country, and in no
sense under-rate us either socially or po
litically. Their dutis arc very light, and
they really have little else to do but to
enjoy the interchange of courtesy in so
ciety. Mrs. Geril Logan, in 'The Ame
rican Magazine for June.
The high license law of Pennsylvania
has played havoc with the saloon element
of Philadelphia. Over 4,000 saloon
keepers retired from business today be
cause they have nut been licensed to con
tinue another year. They went out with
a hurrah and gave the liquor away to all
who wished it.
Ock navy is having a busy time of it
just now. Hardly have our ships of war
been called off from a glorious but
bloodless engagement at Morocco, when
seme of our vessels are sent to Cuba and
Hayti to protect American interests. Yes,
these be piping times ' peace. Bee.
An Explanation.
What is this "nervous trouWle" with
which so many seem now to be alllicted ? If
you will remember a few years ago the
word Malaria was comparatively un
known, today it is as common as any
word in the English language, yet this
word covers only the m aning of another
word used by our forefathers in times
past. So it is used with .nervous diseases,
as they and Malaria are intended to cover
what our grandfathers called Biliousness,
and all are caused by troubles that arise
froai a diseased condition of the Liver
which in performing its functions finding
it cannot dispose of the bile through the
ordinary channel is compelled to pass it
off through the system causing nervous
troubles, Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc.
Tou who are suffering can well appreci
ate a cure. We recommend Green's Au
gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous.
The Professional Humorist's Work.
The task of a man who is compelled to
get up a certain amount of pointed humor
daily is more laborious than that of a
hod carrier. It is something like it, too.
He just carries stuff to the level of ths
average comprehension, and having de
posited it before the person to get the
benefit of it, goes after more. How does
the humorist work? Well, it depends
largely upon bis temperament, and
greater or less fitness for his specialty.
Some men, although they may have fair
ability in some lines of writing, are slow
to originate a humorous idea, notwith
standing that they can appreciate it in
others. To such, the writing of a humor-'
ous paragraph or article is something to
be dreaded. It would be a violation of
newspaper ethics for a professional writer
to decline to get up an article on any
subject or from any standpoint. Given
a theme and told to treat it humorously,
the most sedate member of a newspaper
staff will attack it without hesitation,
and, in his own time, will do the work
well, perhaps as well as the man whoso
specialty is humor.
But, ah, the labor of the sedate man I
How each queer simile, every epigram
matic sentence and every odd expression
will wring his soul and make his brain
throb! Fun I Tell him that he ought to
enjoy his own fun, and he will probably
brain you with the office poker. Ask the
regular paragrapher whether he enjoys
his work, and he will tliink you a fooL
He does it because it is his work, but the
terrible wrestle ha has with the English
language every day to evolve those
atrocious witticisms of his, no one knows
but himself. To the young man who
thinks of going into newspaper work as
a funny man, there is only one word of
advioe to be given, and that, by the way,
was used by the most dismal humorist of
tha present century, London Punch:
"Don't 1" Pittsburg Bulletin.
SSOO Reward,
We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied, with,
They are purely yegetable, and never
fail to grive satisfaction. Larjre boxes
:ontaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c.
For sale by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
ine manufactured only by John O. Well
& Co., 802 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its
Sold by W. .J Warrick.
tr&Tb Ira
aw- r
; -Si Vi
Send for Circular.
(Name thllapcr in your order.)
nigh Art In Advertisement.'
The very high class of art work notice
able in advertising matter calls attention
to tho fact . that almost the very - best
artists aro now employed by advertisers
(at the highest prices they command for
any work) to draw pictures for circulars,
pamphlets, guide books, the advertising
pages of the magazines, and for thepublis
columns of tho newspapers. The artists
have taken warning from the fate of a
bright young fellow who allowed his sig
nature to appear too often in pictures in
railway advertising books, ana all these
fine pieces of work they now turn out are
copied without their signatures; indeed,
they contract that their names 6hall
neither appear nor bo mentioned in con
nection with their work. Not long ago
a largo firm of manufacturers was so
pleased with the pictures a very famous
artist drew for ono of the pamphlets that
they scattered broadcast tho statement
that the head of tho house ciTercd to pay
the artist his original price over again if
ho would sign the picture he had made, in
order that they may hang in the manu
facturer's parlor. The artist said he could
not do so for any price within the means
of the rich man.
The same companies that make use of
these high grade pictures also employ ex
cellent talent for the writing of tho read
ing matter that accompanies the pictures,
and great advertisers now have private
arrangements with literary or at least
semi-literary men, whoso work In the
back columns of the papers attracts al
most as much attention as the news it
self. Here, again, the high priees are
paid and secrecy is maintained. One nat
ural effect of this is that which led an en
terprising member of a small firm to com
plain to the writer the other day that it
was no longer possible for him to adver
tise in such a way as to make his calls
upon the public attractive to the general
eye. He said that small business firms
in all the cities are now at their wits' end
because they have not got the money to
pay for ingenious writing or for display
ing it at the proper length in tho papers.
New York Sun.
riiotosraphlnu a I'ork Packer.
When this distinguished gentleman
came to have his picture taken he didn't
know exactly what he wanted; ho said
that he thought ho preferred something
that would set off his good points to tho
best advantage; he had not had a picture
made since the days of ambrotypes, and
he was determined now to get the best, no
matter how much it cost. I asked him
how he'd like to try a dozen of "inspira
tions," and he said: "Let 'er go, Galla
gher." So I set him down at tho little
table and made him rest his right elbow
on a copy of SJhakespeare's plays, with his
hand gracefully supporting his head. In
his lap I placed another book, upon which
I rested his left hand carelessly. "Now,
look up, toward the ceiling," said I, 'ami
try to look expectant." "What's that?"
he asked. "As if you were looking for a
corner in lard," says L "Oh, I see," says
he, and ho rolled up his eyes beautifully.
"Don't miss the diamond," says he; "I
paid a heap for it and wouldn't swap it
for the best herd hi Texas."
"Now the result," continued the pro
fessor, "was that I got a splendid nega
tive. Tho pork packer's daughter was
delighted. 'Oh, papa, how perfectly
lovely 1' she cried. 'I never saw you look
half so sweet; before!' Of course not.
If I'd wanted to get a characteristic pict
ure of this man I'd have to sot him in a
chair and make him tilt tho chair back,
stuff his hands into his trousers pockets,
and put a chew of tobacco into his mouth.
That would have been nature. But pho
tography is art, and the truly artistic
photographist is he who tries to make a
Chicasro Jsews.
Valn of Egcs as Food.
No honest appetite ever rejected an cg
in some guise, it is nutriment m the
most portable form and in the most con
centrated shape. Whole nations of man
kind rarely touch any other animal food,
Kings eat them plain as readily as do the
humble tradesmen. After tho battle of
Muhldorf, when Kaiser Ludwig sat at a
meal witn his burggrais and. great cap
tains, he determined on a piece of luxury
"ono egg to every man and two to the
excellently valiant Schweppennan." Far
more than fish for it is a watery diet
eggs are the scholar's fare. They contain
pnospnorus, wnicn is Drain rood, ana sul
phur, which, performs a variety of func
tions in the economy. And they are the
best of nutriment lor children, for in a
compact form they contain everything
that is necessary to tne growtn of the
youthful frame.
4 Effcrs are, however, not onlv food thev
are mediciuo also. The white is the most
efficacious of remedies for burns, and the
oil extracted from tho yolk is regarded by
the Russians as an almost miraculous
salve for cuts, bruises and scratches. A
raw egg, if swallowed in time, will effec
tually detach a fish bone fastened in the
throat, and the whites pf eggs will render
the deadly corrosive sublimate as harm
less as a dose of calomel. They strengthen
tho consumptive, invigorate the feeble
and render the most susceptible all but
proof against jaundice in its most malig
nant phase. Eastern Farmer.
Bismarck in a Passion.
When you are on good terms with Bis
marck there is no better companion. His
origiuality of thought is only surpassed
by his originality of expression. Some of
his repartees are characteristic. "What
do you do," ho asked mo one day, "when
you are angry? I don't think you get
angry as often as I do." "Bah!" I replied,
"I never get angry except at the stupid
ity of people, never at their wickedness."
"Don't you find that it is then a great re
lief to smash something?" he continued.
"It's lucky that you are not in my place,
for there would soon nGt bo a whole piece
of furniture left in the house." "Do yoii
see the chamber of the Emperor William?"
he added, pointing to the bath chalet at
Gastein, where this conversation took
place. "I was in a terrible rage there
once. I left the room; in banging the
door the key remained in my hand; I went
to Lehndorff's and threw it against a
washbowl, breaking the bowl into a thou
sand' pieces. 'Are you ill? said Lehndow.
I was,' I replied, 'but how I am perfectly
well!' "Count Beust'a Memoir.
Can't Get Back Aeaio.
By tho way, have you ever noticed that
it costs a great deal more to go back to
Europe than it cost originally to come
from there? Look at the number of peo
ple who on very small wages have saved
up enough to leave Germany and Ireland
and other places and come to America,
and can't on very large wages save enough
to go back. It is funny when you come
to think about it that a man who came to
California years ago at a cost cf about $75,
tells you today he can't afford to take a
trip to the old country because it would,
ctt him too much money. America seeuis
tq change people a good deal. Saii Fran
cisco Chronicle.
Real Estate Bargains
choice lots
- 1ST
South - Park
21 lots in Thompson's addition.
40 lots in Townsend's addition.
Lot 10 block 138, lot 5 block 164.
Lot 1 block 6, lot 6 block 95.
Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 61.
Lots in Palmer's addition.
Lots in Duke's addition.
Improved property of all descriptions
and in all parts of the city on easy terms.
A new and desirable residence in
South Park, can be bought on monthly
Before purchasing elsewhere, call and
see if we cannot suit you better.
5 acres of improved ground north of
the city limits.
' 5 acres of ground adioining S nth
2 acres of ground adjoining South
l acres of ground adjoining South
20 acres near South Park: Se J sec.
14, T. 10, It. 12, Cass county, price $1,-
800, if sold soon.
nw i sec. 8, T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co.,
price $2,000.
A valuable improyed stock fram in
Merrick Co., Neb., 160 acres and on
reosonuble terms.
Windham & Davies.
Consult your best interests by insuring
in the Phoenix, Hartford or Attn com
panies, about which there is no question
as to their high standing and fair
The present year bids fair to be a dis
astrous one from tornadoes and wind
storms. This is fore-shadowed by the
number of storms we haye already had-
the most destructive one so far this year
having occurred at 3It. Vernon, 111.,
where a large number ef buildings were
destroyed or damaged. The exemption
from tornadoes last year renders their oc
currence more probable in 1888.
Call at our office and secure a Tor
nado Policy.
Unimproved lands for sale qr ej?
lieef, Pork, Million, Veal and "PcuHry.
X invito all to give mc a trial.
Sugar Cured Meats, Hums, n, Inrd. ttc, dr. Vnth Oyibii- in t i n r.i.d Eidk
at lowest living 1. 1 in s. ! i t full to ti t it e in ntu 1 1 c
Xiowect Prices in. th. City. Call and
bo C oavinc od.
-you should call on
Where a magnificent
Will call ycur attention to the fact that
they are headquarters for all kinds of Fruita
and Vegetables.
We are receiving Fresh Strawberries every
Oranges, Lemons and
Just received, a variety of Canned Scups.
We have Pure Maple Sugar and no mistake.
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams, Bacon, Larc, &c, &q
ot our own make.
The best brands
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment
a euarantee specific for Hysteria Liizz n?ss.
Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia, Ii ad
ache. .NerveoiiB Frosirat.'on caused ly the ue
ol alcotio! ortobaeeo. Wakefulness, Mental De
pression, Softening of tl.e Brain retulting in in
sanity and leadirK t misery, decay and it-ath,
reHiamre old Age. jarretj'ies, los i row
er in either srx. lnvol.ittdrv Dofefes ano fper-
piat rrhtPa caused ty over-exertion of the
brain', lelfabuse or over-indnltfence. Kach bf-x
contains one mouth's treatment. $100 a box
or six boxes for f5.C0. sent by mail pre iid or
receipt of pi Ice
To cure any cae With each order received
by us lor six boxes, accompanied witn $3 00,
we will send the purchaser vur wiitten guaran
tee to return the itkucv if the tr atment does
not effect a cure. - Guarantees issued only by
y?ul J. Warrick sole agent. Plattsmouth. fceb.
If yon want a good silver watch.
send us 30 subscribers to the Weekj.t
f wjajiar" '! I
Vl j..-
stock of Goods and Fair
Bananas constantly on
of OYSTERS, in cas and bulk, at
The standard remedy fcr liver com
plaint is West's Liver PiU; thf-y never
disappi int you. 30 pills 5c. At War
rick's drug store.
- We will ive a silver watch, that is (
warranted by the jewelry men of thi
city, to any one who brings us 15 yearly
cah subscribers to the Daily Herald.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor d Pepperbergo' end 'euds
always in stock. Nov. 20, 1885.