The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 26, 1888, Image 3

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23argains In Towels
All Linen I luck, Size 14x2M, Ilceluc
e el to S c ntx.
All Line n Damask, Size l!..'7, Fnnry
Iloiele-ri-d, worth 20 tin, now 15.
All I .i lieu Damask, Sizes 20x1 .1, Fancy
IJeireleml, worth S" cts., now SO.
All I.iiK-n Duniusk, Size 20x40, Plain
ami Fancy ISorele-re-el, worth :i,c. now 21.
All Liii'Mi Damask, Si.c 1K.:;i), Knot
ted Fringe Minis, worth hT ttnt now 271.
All Linen Satin Damask, Size 20x10,
Knotted Frini L'nels, worth 40c, now :!0.
All Linen Satin Damask, Size 2:5x10,
Kmitte el Fringe Knet, worth 50c., now 40.
' All Linen Satiri Damask. Size 24x4H,
Knotted Fringe Kiiels, worth 75e., now i"2
Complete; assort mi nt of Hath Towel.
Bargains In Curtains.
Lace Curtain.'., 3 yards long, all taped, worth $1.75, reduced to 1.35 a pair.
Late Ciiitains, 3 jnrdn long, all taped, worth $2.00, rrduccd to 1.50 a pair.
Lace CintaiiiM, 3 yards lon, all taped, woith $2.25, reduced to 1.75 a pair.
Ouipure Lncc Curtain.", ?, yards long, all taped, worth 3.50, reduced to
$3.00 a pair.
(Impure Lace Curtains, 3 J yards long, all taped worth $4.00, reduced to
3.25 a pair.
Guipure Lace Curtains, 3j yards long, all taped, woith $5.00, reduced to
$3.75 a pair.
Guipure Lace Curtains, 3 J yards lon, all taped, worth $0,50, reduced to
$5.00 a pair.
Guipure Late Curtains, 4 yards, long, bit taped, worth $9.00, reduced to
$7.50 a pair.
These are all New Goods and the Very Latest Designs.
ITnloss you v.ant to know whore to vt the Host 'CVh"
Our 70 rent Flouiicirgs I.Vdwi d to 55.
Our 85 cent " - " to TO.
Our $1.00 " " to S5.
Our 1.25 " - to 1.00.
Our 1.50 " " t, l.i'5.
Our 1.75 " " U 1.10.
Our 2.00 " " to 1.50.
Our 2.25 " " t.. 1.75.
These are from ': to 45 inel.s
and come in Svi Ilmnl'iiig nr.d India
ions r
-AVe are now oil'i-rin Sne-eial Trie r
(J in 1
ik tin' nio.-t wtr rilf oiiri-t-h't's on our ece
Hi nt line of
', i k Silk SpunLh, a Ihiryainat ."M.35,
lt. dti: d to $1.10.
I!l n k Silk Span:sh Guipure worth $2,
I: hut d to $1.75.
Ul.tck Silk Spanish Guipure, worth
$2.50, Kceliiee-d to $2.15.
I;lick Mlk hantilly, worth $3.50. Kc
dueed to $3.0 ).
White Valenciennes Flouncing, worth
$1.25, now $1.00.
t'riMin Orient d Flouncing at 50c, Ue
duerd to 4 2?.
Cream Oriental Flouncii. g at G5c., I'o-dne-e-d
t 55.
(Veani Oii.-ntal Flouncing at 75c. lie
duet I to 02?.
Cream Oriental Flouncing at $1.00,
1( "due ed t s.",c
Or.-niii Oii-ntil Flouncing at $1.25,
I.' .li: d to $!.'i)
Wliito Goods ! Wnite Coeds !
On account cf the l)e kwsielr.ess of the eer-scn we have made a l.i
in this line.
Plain, "White Mid Cnani India Linens at -10, 12J, 15. 18, 0, 27J.
Checked and Striped Indias in White and Cream from 10 cents to 74.
Chicked and Striped Nainsooks at 8 J, 10, 12 J. 15, 20, 25.
Figured and Checked Marseilles from 20 cents to 40 cents a yard.
Cream and White Lace Checks and Stripes at 10, 15 and 20.
Full Stock f Vie toria Lawns Indiu Mulls all colors Front ing Linens.
Full Stock of Tarlatanes Swiss Plain and Dotted Tucking,
, . i.
lilac k Satin Parasols, Lined,
$1.50, reduced to $1.25.
lilaek S'ltin Parasols, Lined,
Trimmed, Ih duced to $1.05.
IJIack Satin Parasols, Lined,
Trimmed, woith $2.50, now $2.
Ulack Satin Parasols Li'iicd,
Trimmed, e haiif, ,,1,,. );, !-'
$4.25, now ;:;.;,(;.
Pongee Silk Coailiina worth
Keiluccu to 1.05.
Pongee Silk ('one hing. lacc-lriiiiine-d,
wenth $4.00. iioiv $(.2.'). '
Ciiiun Orie-ntal Lae e-eove n d. -jnc.i
value lit $2.50. now $2 00.
('nam Sjainish !u!!'ure-Cfve re ', w.itli
T4.00, now .:j.25.
Line k Satin R-e u:'.al, iace ceive reel
woith H. now $7.00.
IMaek Satin Headed F.-e urial. L-ice
Cevereel. h $0.50. now $w.
Full Lines of Silk Sun L'mla - i!-
t onchini: Hi Plain. Stupe d ar,d Cli ek
cd Effe-ctjs.
Lacaies ri and0 lu rned bhoes
At their I'rosi-nt Leiw Prices. Laelie s loe.hin- jor
Slio- slioiiM not fail te e-all en
i a
u v
Ta"blo Ijincns-
Otir Cn am D. Line-n now 25.
Our 50 Cre-.i::i D.ima.-k Linen now -1 .
Our 05 Cre-am Damask laueu now 55.
eur i5 Cream Damask Linen now 05.
Our 75 Lli'neh Satin Famask now 05.
Our $1.00 Lleae h Satin Damask now N5.
Our $1.25 P.Ie'aeh Satin Damask now $1
Bargains In Toilet Quilts.
Our Diamond Ciochet Quilt good value at $1.00, Reduced to 85 cents.
Our Medalliem Crochet Quilt good yalue at $1.25, Reduced to $1.00,
Our Jvaaters Kill Croe jiet Quilt good value at $1.05, Reduced to $1.10.
Our Xo. 2i!0 Crochet Quilt a Uargain at $1.50, Reduced to $1.20.
Our Xo. 2S5 Crochet Quilt a Hargain at $2.00. Reduced to ftl.fiO.
Our Xo. 170 Mar.-eillts Quilt Extra Value at $2,00, Reduced to $1.00
Our Xo. Marseilles Quilt Extra Value at $4.00. Reduced to $a!oo'.
Ovir 25 Till key Red Redue-ed to 22.
Our 4 0 Tuike-y Re el Re duced to
Our 50 Turkey lied Iteducd to 40.
Our 05 Turke y Re d Reehue d to 55.
Our 75 Turkey Red Reduced to 05.
Our 85 Tuikev Re el Redueeel t 75.
Our 05 Turkc
k liprrsniiin A fin. J Ami If od 1 of lot p
y gjy a yfimysiii iyop u W Willi UaUvl 13 PI iiiii I
iiiatuccel to S.
Not ;sst to M.ika Too Close a Study of
One' riiyslcal Ailment. Tlie Kesult
ni r: rood inj Orer Matters T): Faittf
It is elangerous for many highly Intelhw
tual pexiplo to study or even reael a medical
trvatiso, tjocauso it will surely undermine
their comfort anel peace, if not their health.
I liave known several who were compellel to
turn tiack f rom tho study of medicines purely
lcause of their having this over powerful
imagination. 1 aia myself nualilo to treat
ri ".'iy coutnions diseases without Ewurinj
j::;id a'.r.-teks of tho same myself. I Lelievo
tho most seririi3 euoets on susreptible persons
is a sort of ejnestioa of ditlerent organs,
most likely of Lla J.ler, kidneys anel tho heart,
Tluit this ; l:uigerous ia many casis is not
to be di.sputeL
Tho very best possible advice to many per
eons is f.i;:ip!y to let all medical books alone,
and to so eiiip'oy taeir mindi that they wjJ!
r.ot think of matters of btjalth and disease 1
do not mean that on that account they must
neglect all prwautions against disease, and
refuso to exercise common sense as to diet
and physical protection. This can ho dono
on rene-ral principles, with special attention,
nnd so without morbid consequence. Vliat
I do mean is that there is one huudrpdfplJ
more doctoring going on than is ueexssary ;
nn.l dU of this is tending to create fahrf)
pyt!ptoms nd an unhealthy self anatomy.
It is preci.-!y a in moral aiTairs. Wise
t-'achers kno-.v that a itrso:i can fcrm no
tverso religious habit than a study. of hiotvu
mituro. M ward Everett Halo mates the lap
of rilit livlug U Ihj "to lek upward, not
'Wiis ard; outward, jiqp inward: forward.
l: Z l-rfkwar.l. anel to K-nJ a liar:.L" would
ty iUit a similar law shonM exntrol u.
pti; - T '!;" 1' ''i away from our etfy ail-ns:r-.
t ti, and forward, find out-
j:ri'm3 oy jriAOir-TATio-f.
nironk- in .!.i';!:o tak ts wiil k.-h:i develop
every ill ihey i::i.i--j:;e. 1 ivi:,li to eni
ph.:s.i.:. t! is fitly ci tiny "f.iitY" OLiestio:i. It
l.s lie t or.!y tr::e l'.:ct fairli i-jr.s. but that
fai;; ul- e. and it is tho diseases of
fail!: t'.:-it ;;-.h is uL!j to iis:kvi There are
j:r.V..r in w': -tu j!:;;tiiisu.ti.j:) i-i so dotrjinast
t'.r; tl .-yc".Ti make th nistlit-s i'.l ce well
cs i':.y ; to bej. Kut Ut it l-o also un
fi.M s hj i t'ir.t wo aie ail liable t L.j laoro or
--; s:::: iTr!y vie-ti:ns of ou.oa impression.-.
cao must, however, ee moelitlect by tha raea
tbat baU temijr is itself a result of habitual
excited nerves. A chronic tea drinker, liav-
ing established an irritated digestion tract
is also irritateel and irritable cerebrally. The
result is a curonic display of ill-temper, and
tuen follows the ueoel of conflneineut in
osyluma The danger of fits of anger, or in-
elulgence in irritability of an extreme and
increasing sort, is great It is incipient in
sanity, to brocKt over a wrong, or to fall
into a frenzy of excitement over it, tends to
increase tho probability that we shall Ijecome
victims to tho excitement as well as the cause
of tho excitement.
Indeed, I am inclined to think that each
and every one of us has in some corner of the
mind a susceptibility that is irrational. Our
one oddity or susceptibility may never be
strongly called out, or if it be it may very
UKeiy oe a iiarmiess anair, causing amuse
ment, but donig i,0 harm. Tho larcre ma
jority indulge such fancies mainly in connec
tion with their religion or theology, and
never grow absurd, exempt in affairs of what
tTondarfal Story of an Ancient Civilisa
tion as Related by Mfuj). Allp l
Ipnseon "AtUntls" Jfot a Fable Re
markable Discoveries.
A wonderful career hAP been that of lime.
Alio 1 Plongeon, who, as a bride of 19,
went from her home in England to share the
dangers of life In the forests of Central
America with ber husband. Dr. Augustus Lx
Plongeon, the savant and explorer. Pull of
enthusiasm, the came to New Yorfc ed
sailed away to the little fcnov4 ebuutry or
Yucatan, where her husband had been pre
vious to his journey to London and his dis
covery of her exploring the ruins of U xmab
8be went there for a few months' 6tay, and
remained for fourteen years. I3 those years,"
:a-V t!;i-::!K veil tii.-u ecrvrt-s c.r ii!s-
iiui, .-ivi:itti.;n uiil l:c.lrn-.Mi asi le l tiie
"mi i.n.-s i.ii.-i i-Kiini r;, lui um
lit- mysi-ry .i tiit- iiemmngs o! Llic-
Ills il;i!ii-t.
Mine I.;' IMeMigeoii s;ifi!;e earnes;'-
t-., 1. r... 1: il 11... '- .'"''
1 l.i 11. :n ii n-i 11 l 1 ' l.ojtljn- 1 , . . . l-i c' . 1 'C
1 ( llMl;
: .ice on
tain a realm of faith, and consider it right 5eparaLod trovi Some frjends vnd from
anu raijonai 10 uenevo waac tney understand
to be iacresdible and inmossi) atll nrnv
ground but revelation and faith. Tins is peK tb0 P11811 Sa 'he old iaya lan-
not altogether harmless, however, and in ?Uage3" an(J PR4ered the ruias ci citits,
periods of excitement leads to delusions and f a,Ploa Ml1 "tatues until she became a
eiisorders of a dangerous sort leseply learned woman. Prehistorio life wa3
Our minds should bo trainwl hnhifnnii- 0er eme, and she eommeneeel her study
turn away from whatever subiect m-odu W1th the mTto beginnings of Lsis and Osiris
unhappiness. or irritation, or a morbid fan the klnSl7 career of Caw. the first ruler
Exneetation of a eonsean.-nw. nr f,.n t it- ' tn0 Mayas, whose reign, many, many
is a potent cause to produce it. Or, to use vear aS. ver fifa? ac;Vit,i''1(icaUu) U
th.j techntceil wonl faith, wo know that faith our"flLfl sculpture, hieroglyphics and
will bah induce and remove diseases. There "''"'"eraoia
is no question but that the application of one can hnagine," said Slma Plon-
king's hands did euro scrofula: bu: the our lfeoa' P""ng or her life in Yucatan, "the
was indeed by the expectant state of the UnS at appalled us as we threaded our
patient s mind. I have known warts ro- ajr vuruu6a jungles ana rorests almost lm
moved by absolute nonsense but this nou- Penetrable. hungry and cojd, antj never Qpia
sensa was suflieiuiit to waken faith In tha ncr. fortablo."
son afliiete.t The oldest use pf elejct'ric belts ?nl0' Plongaon picked np a seirjes of
and similar nppliane?es was found bv certain pnow5r,,pD or wmch she sajd.
distinguis'.'cd surgeons and physicians to ho. "rere l4en 'rorn a buileiing inesarhg as
working remarkable cures. Theysubtituted n Pico paq w rppma, arranged in
wooden tractors, mad3 to resemble the genu- Pfltr3' pair communicating with one
inei, and obtaineel the same "resa Its. " The Athe.r 7 a doorway She described the
p-.dier.fs faith die' the work. il. iluurice, Mi,dings as having been erpptel on artificial
,u. v., in Li lobeylJemocrat.
Jii e.-st s t." JiitWiuiia, the one all ii:iixrtant
jx".:sit to iiiKviui jhi patient th't b.e is
gi ii.g tohno a good niht r.t it. o wili
V. en proi i;-:'y fall asleep and rest uud:s
tur'.Ktl i fnbly all night. But if, just to
f' .r-? N'dtiiae, 1m logins to won-yand imagine
lii.-it !: sa::ll bo wakeful, tho chapels are ho
wiil lx v.-i'lo ojvn eyed in spiteof yonri-ugs.
It has Uen iay cumom in cases of nervous
in-snnmi-i to administer sweetened water,
f. ive:-ed with some barmlerss substanw, anl
it v. n-k tj'iito as well as a jo werful soporific.
'.Lat is iiex-d jd i to arouso the confidence of
the patient,
" It is a:i absolute neeessity tliat we d f,o$
bn.xi over any matter whatever, cUowiag it
o ina!;o Xo eh.-ep an impression ou the brain,
rr ns v. Mv, on oar minds. A largo propor
tion of the women atu.-ntii in insuuc asylums
on t la-re for no other re-ason but f;!;:rp to
re-strain an.1 curb their einotio:: -. Ir. ('0110
oolly says, 'nhrougb their habitual iudul
CCBee of lia Jjemper." TitiiitavCWLt of pho
Hie Iai;ijllc:(lon of Ioiiads.
It is a littlo curious that the report of Dr.
Da!iinger3 experiments with monads, pub
lished ia The lioyal Microscopical Journal,
hs been so generally passed over in silence
in tho more popular records of scientific m
resTiirarieyj. Thero was nothing of a co::-trovti-.-i:il
charaett-f in Ljr. palfinger's uu
dertaking. A Iv.rutkl and zealous mcm
tie r'qf tho Royal society,' bo merely v. fence!
tseft whether tho monad, tho smallest and
lowest embodiment of animal lifo visible to
even the aid-'J sight of waii, rouhl be trans
muted into new and mora advanced species,
la thus doing Le uurkiJ intq effect fjarwia's
own suggestion that by "watching the lowest
and least visible organisms"' we can alone
"actually observe and elt.-moiistrato the man
t,rin hieli 9vira aiufej adupt them
selves outward and inward modifications
to changed circumstances, and so produce
what are called new species.
The monads with which Dr. Dallinger car
ried on his prootrfcscs aro uot spoutauexusiy
generated, for there is evidence, that need
not bo corisid;-px j!-re,.of thfir regular gen
eration. Tho hlil. ceaturts live, pn on
average, about four minutes, so' that during
the observer s te;n years of persevering labor
and vigilant watching be must have wit-
terraces, composed of stoness laiJ on jhp 'tpp
of each other, qna cf thsra tjaina similar in
stf !e to the famous "hanging gardens' of
1 think the most Interesting thing to tell
you u of the proof we found that Free Ma
sonry existed in prehistoric times," and she
gathered up from a large collection of ph
tcgraplit a number that representad the same
Uaspuio symbols as are now in use. They
were exat counterparts of those familiar to
the order today.
Will you tell what you purpose doing
with these treasures you have collected f
Certainly, we are back fi-om Central
America to interest Americans in 'their own
PHnH7 "and to invite them' to examine the
proors we nripg that the
on earth existed in that part
nenj. Jfcly huspanfl is writppg a bppk wtipb,
wh,ps pubjisfcs4, win gjva a sucoiaot and !
complete account of the result of our four-
1 a great nwrbfe K'V'.'iMS- -ho sai-4. "Looii
it the e-:irvi;i-; on lii.ii icmplej. Is it t:i,i
glorious' All Llie memuments e.f Vm-.-ilan."
-:he cmitmiieil, "eio inaila ty oi;fiii
rae-es. civilized, sim-o they n,:t.ii- use
t a written ii4rt;i.iii ami alphnbe.-tical
hai-ue tcrs ttuit have prce-edad us theMi.sauels
f years. .Not only L; lln-ir own hi;;tivy in--t-ritJ
0:1 the faces of their public builiiinp-s,
inn. aiso ineir cosmejgouieaJ true! it ions. O.
course, it is with a shock that people i.uc iv;
say that we tiear with 1,5 j-.oos' that America
was thp cvadie of the human race, and that
the countries forming (Jentral America were
(he scene of the events described as bavin"
taken place in the Garden of Eden. lYe
fessor Agassiz. you know, founde! his belief
that America was tho oid world, and not the
nei?, upon tho geological formation of tin's
"Then you give credence to the theory
that there was such a. catastrophe as the sink
ing of Atlantis?'
'Certainly. That continent existed between
America -and the western coast of Africa
and Europa In a Maya manuscript still :;i
existence there is an account of that nwf.;l
cataclysm, and these intersstiag rucjunieiits,
witn tueir inscr;p,;jU3 Qo iull cd; feistorical
r??eIa?'ioT' T'itW'vhtf key of iheir deciphcr
uiout known, are able to give us tha entire
history of the intellectual development of
the human family. What makes it more elo
L'gbtfuh too, is that this history is free from
the myths anel fables, creations of untutored
and credulous imaginations wgrk of esaf ty
philosophers, rhiph vre find in tho sr.ered
books of the Asiatic countries. We have
inherited myths bequeathed to us as revela
tions from on high, and UjO origin or which
we did uot kxmw i,t;til tiey stood revealed in
the excavated citie3 f Yucatan anil the
crumbled walls of tho temples of Maya."
"Shall you ever go back, madame, to pros
ecute further explorations?"
"That depend? t,r-.taly upon you? people.
If thea W an hitcrest ia the work we will
glaeily carry it on during our lifetime. We
left hidden many a trophy, because we were
unwilling to have our pains for nothing.
My husband lives in tha hope cf being per
mitted to present to the scientific wcrl-.J a
6eries of manuscripts v. rit-r. by ins 'found
ers of tbe buLd'cHies of ' Uxmal and Maya
pan. ' Tho ruins of the former city are owned
by a gentleman who wi I uot allow one stone
to be moved by explorers, but he is con
stantly destroying monuments tp Uc3 the
stones in the building of 'a. cahouses. Think
of this I Yo have in our" possession now a
writing done by these' ancient peoplo which!
ww believe to bo cider than all th? ibius cf
the world, and antedates tha submerging of
T ,
;1's 1 "five .se.lel in v l:irm line! hiiVl" u Iet e.l'lie
larniin utensils that have- 1 l.e h-M, I'e r tln-ni
sale 011
FRIDAY, JUNE 1st, '88,
it 10 o:.!o.-k a. in., at in v farm, lJir; i;
Tlie felli)winT is n liareial li.-t : Six lVc
tiiel hoilers, two PoL-mmis lieifcrs, one
thirteen hieeiliiifj sows, twe lreje)ee- mare-
vearliner ejts, one sinoJe hueriry. (,m; t-ot
in lie's west, (
iiiile-li e-.'iws.
, twenty cowvi
v.-.-irl inir i'ulanejusi lmj,
, f'Mir wenlv liiie.-, two
ef f-iiifle Jiaiiii'.ss. f-f,rifier
waetii, hay raeks, Jianows, lel-:;lei!s, Tn..wii'' ninehines, eeele-r. fitot-Jc
atrers an. ern shellers, a la rere limmImm- cliie-kens, :ml a ntiMiher
il arlie-ies too nunier'.:',;- to nn-ntien:. All have u;et to le;i-ei!..
TEI.'ilS All Hints miller .Slo. cash, all nm.s e.ver that ainouut.
one m oo given at iw jier cent v. itJi oud secnritv. F,,v c:i,h.
cut oil.
i per
B. K. Time Table.
f;OI(i Vi'K'-T.
. 1 . .1 :w ;i in.
Vo. :
10 I
!l n m. in.
.--7 :-tr i . in.
! :i V in.
- I! :(." :i, m.
e;niN; f.1.
N'o. 'i - i - in.
i. -i. -! :.'(! a. I!?.
'fi. i; 7 :".' p. in,
Ni'. .-.! :.'(i ;i. in.
n. ii) - :t a. in.
Nr.. 1i -:i :','t j .
v e.f e iiiji) ,i. . xcf.
li;l ffeiin 1 1 1 ! t i 3 1 I-
A'l tl;i:m ri: ii el.-iilv v
7mil s v. nieli ruii'to
daily e-.ei i huiuinv.
N. .f;n k a to Pseil'e .1 iuk ( at .'M :i in.
'. Ij la a stiii) fioin l ;:-;;;i' .iiun i ion at 11
W? . . v v
iv.v: 7.
I Gage's niocd Purifier and Blood
j Maker.
j Xo re nv fly in the: Avoihl ham jr.ineel
the j eijiularity Unit this me iiie in" lma, as
h;;!il en f .-in ii I y li.e elieini'. 0110
shoulel 1)0 withe, ut it. It has no calomel
t i ejuinine: in its competition, cons't'ejuerit
; h no lal e fi'e e ts e an arise! lieiin it. We
ke ej) :i full supply at all tinie-H. O. I
.smith Co. Druggist. j2.- :!n,oelAw
; IJ.ii.nis in heViery for J.nlies nml
e hilelre n at Vvr.e kbauh's
i:e:i;:-T ami rv:eis-r e eiveui f
sieie i; ei;--
S:itrens in nil the
"re ne h Sateens spee i;illy
In test p.'tlteins.
line at J. V.
i If it is rer.l estate- ye u wan, urej AVInJ
; hniii i Duvie s' eoluinn ejn w.f onel ttti'n-
Men's shoes :,t ?Je ri s, only
cents, cv ytliing eheap. tf.
lti til
Those who with their iloVea store-el i
luring the- siimuser tan leave them f!t U. j
V. :.Ia,l.cvj,
I Sell tvH'n th.'itjje-r than finyhexly.
Call nil hi oon vinri'il, no trouMi to
-how gooels. tf. Ptmn Mi-.iie.j.s.
j A larire line of white goeiels, flouiu-ijiws
an overs at J. . U'echbach'y.
J. P. Yemno lias u fine line of fiar (J
Dee orntie,ii I) i v. all siys an-1 ju ice s: also
some (. A. l t"Ms. Don't fail to jr've
liM.i call. You will i,le find a full
line of IIammock3 at low prkes. j
Begg's Chsriy Cough Syrup.
Is warranted fe;r nil that t) labe l rails
for, so if it eloc-s not re in e your cough
you can call at our htore niul the inonc.y
v.ill ho rtieiiulcel to you. It acts siniul-i-ti.cously
on all pints of the system,
there by leaving no bael rc-sults. O. P.
Smith & Co., Druggiits. j-.-3inel&w
Plenty of fceel, Hour, graham
uq-u m Jft-isc l's mill, tf
id I
"milk shnkf," n strictly mrs V-inpe-rance 1 r " rT.1 ,u'n,s
elrink maele I,y .T. ?. VounJ. only 5c "r I 1
Wa. ri'oi.i Jerse-v mi.k in anv tl -'
Try the ecle;orat(;il
'milk shnkf.
''mi'k puncl.'' ajul
Two elegant fumished rooms to rfnt.
vor elesircd. Nothing to c-epial it in the
city. o.
wriitsn in the'
The che&pt ihoc, .-.t .Merges. tf.
A fine line of white unrens einlii oirdsel
i in the latest gtylts. prices very low at
i Wcckbrtugh's.
I Af niha tvhiiU fnna ATicfl rwifwAQ L ' 1 . ; . : .
oldest civihzation ! ,u ' a ' tu 'UZY ir
Of tlie exntl- : Lhim C Ilol'.na-fiv in Nnnr W.r'- rji ...M,i.
women's hearts. Tho niaicrij-
ttna, Phnix and Hanforri hv
WintihamfcD5Yie,, j -Now is your hancc if yoi: wM, a
X' i - I rZ0d WaU-ll S'jild tiS tlliltv ll!,i-rlhir. t
wve itHS .:ila(!i: i u.i.iy . made inns- j The IIkijm.h. -iriiiri, t.j
lin uniV?,v?-.ri.:l .Jt. V. We-ckhiUigh'e; j '
. I f SALK .'.i r asijo;. k-i utv t(-l.
ilt-ne-e on tlie? X. W, rner of him c;,, iiiii st-
VhU ,vinz uliu iu.ipI-T hanam. l.ireh
tifi r, liuttifir? f.rango, moxi . coca phs-phate-s.
lemon, strawherry. eh )'.
Viinnil'a, stnla water with Je-isev cream,
at r,c lu-r gl and is p -emmincexl l.v all
who ilrir.k it, the hett iu ih cliy, St
f'-ivpairrt htove Wood at Timothy
uw,t . 1 1 lll.'li'llll . .
. U.JI..U- -tl , , . . - Al l. I. IV AN. A lln..,.. i
lino be&rt vreisha more and U larcer thaii ! ' s rc,i J: utH ?U st.. Te !e- , A. eive vrciu). ; .V
. T . .. I lihnnn 1-1 ... i- . lrnL,l -. " 7.... " " Kii'iit-r Ml-
j y ma l :iir ttx a i ii-n rr. ir . I '
Men's and Wntnen'a Hearts.
T ti, r i n .i i - . .
rxn t,M, ..l. V i ; ii iuo juuj.i u.uuu uaii urajuut w S
7:;;'r,t""JU,- German doctor's investigations as to tho siM
. "1,7- . .I "'"uu ujr. . . of men's and
ua i w iw.- uui ut io aucieni paiaes or lue
ei a X7 am mm vrai maa Iah. .". L. .1 I
Sto TttS irS P4 X . A heart, it,, ! .uril-ZT" ..-ir-"? oal4 appear, grows rpqst ouicfcly durius
ir ,r,7r ,7J, ! T7.Trr .. li T T , tuo second and seventh years it doub!e?s ia ' weie.el room, corner ef ."th and Main st?
mi. rim- uii'ts hii'iii i fiiow his i.-ir'e sti'e k
ma.o and female heart are the sa ne ft; 0j winches and cl-.e ks, we'rv "and mI-
I'lif nftaH iufikvnl rha n 1 ce: -. I i r . r-i .-. d v ' - -
, , 7 verware anel nUo do re .-.irin ' of
Miiii .r....-rty i,ims i.i -.4 block uiili a iroo.l
-tiy ;i(S.l a half house- of six reeias. twj waiet,s aa I cue pa::ti y ; ;e.i 1 j,,., ri(y
iter; twenty-se-ve-a I 1 mIu-a i-iij-le lifs, ai U
an a!ULc!aiice ot small ot ;.!! t imls. ' tf
l IK I5A7KS.
II. M. G.inlt will move to the Sl.-;r
ouldj centurie to the depths of forests onlv
n.l the birth, maturity and death or alxut : flveor ri y distance from New York,
in'f Miiiiinn ppninfkin-J T p i ;,. . wondrous story to tell to tbe world.
Cincinnati Comaiereial U&zetta W Ijepever tbe people of the PtuteeJ StaUa - il.- t-Q i,i.,i-e im i. larir. t!n ti... n fchort notire
aoaj WS ue latprmatioajwulch can he latter. .N'en York Sun. 1 s representee!.
Everyfliing warrp.rn!
Pract.sil Pi-no sol Or?n Tcaer
and RKrAinne.
Fhs-t-classi work .-uarantecd. Ah"n Pc;iN
tr in Pianeis anil Or'tar.H. OfiUe nt neck's
furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebraska,