The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 25, 1888, Image 2

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    THE DAILY UEKaLU, I'l Ai'iBiiOiu a, iSfI'.ASKA, FRIDAY, AtAV 2S. lfcSS.
The Plattsmouth Daily Hwald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
Is published every evening except Sunday
and Weekly every Thursday morning. Jcegis
tered at tlte postofllce, l'laltniuoiitli. Nebr.. tn
m-ooud-cl.nx matter, oniee corner of Vine and
Fifth streets.
One copy one year in advance, by mall ? on
One copy per month, by carrier ftn
One copy per week, by carrier 15
One enpy one year, in advance $1 ro
One copy six inontbsi. in advance 75
Special correspondence of Thk IIkkai.i.
Portland, Oregon, May 12, 1838.
Mj reHi dencc of a few mouths in Port
land has been one of constant delight
and surprise. Coming, as I kelid,
from the rigors of midwinter into the
balmy air of spring, almost at a lound.
as it were, I was so forcibly reminded of
the contrast between the Pacific coast and
the en ire region from the Rocky moun
tains to the Atlantic, that I am not likely
ever to forget it. For week, even
inontl 8, I reveled in delightful spring
weather, and with the tilegruph daily
informing me of cold waves and Mi,
.ird, of snow anil ice, in my former
home. I wat' hed the opening of hud and
flower, saw the fruit trees burst into their
bloom of white and red, and heard the
cheerful voices of early summer birds, as
they hopped from branch to brunch of
the prof u -ion of shade trees which line
the streets of this beautiful city. Already
(chc second week in .May) spring is past
and suniinsr is upon us. The lilacs haye
long since disappeared, and 111.' beautiful
j-nowballs, whose mass' s of white have
Appealed to my eye for admiration from
hundreds of well kept lawns, have given
way to roses. And such roses! The
yards of the rich and poor alike are a
mass of bloom; cat nation, yellow, pink,
cardinal, flesh, saffron, and all the glori
ous hues assumed by that queen of flow
ers, greet me at every turn. The love of
flowers, cvidcnceel by their profusion and
th attention giyen them, speaks of c ul
turc and refinement, and in my most
pleasant intercourse with the people of
Portland I have found them all that their
beautiful yarels had led me to believe
I assure you, it was a novel experience
for me to see lawn mowers inactive oper
ation in March, ami to behold the Port
lander in April nightly handle his garden
hose with all the care and apparent en
joyment the resident of Chicago cr Cin
ciunati would display in June or July
This matter of lawn is the Portlander's
pride and one of the chief glories of this
most delightful climate. The sight of
green grass is not absent from the eye
from oae year's end to another, save,
perpbap?, during a few clays in January
r February, when the ground is covered
by a light fall of snow. It is only a few
weeks in the entire year that the services
of the lawn mower are not required to
keep in trim the constantly growing grass.
This perennial green sward, with alu ost
constantly blooming flowers, offers an
opportunity for beautiful lawns and
pleasure grounds, of which the people of
Oregon's metropolis have not been slow
to avail themselves.
One of the pleasures of the cool, early
summer in Portland is that of driving on
the well-paved streets, or upon the excel
lent roads leading along the river, or up
on the hills lying west of the city. To
the pie is u re incident to riding behind a
fast horse on a hard, even road, is added
the constant presence of beautiful land
scapes, glimpses, at times, of mountains,
shading off in the distance from green to
blu and purple, and culminating in the
snowy masses of the Cascade tsummjts.
Along the river bank to the southward,
and passing Rivcrview cemetry, one of
the most beati fully locateil and carefully
tended homes of the dead in America, is
x most charming drive, several miles in
length. It is maintained in rxe?lent
condition by the 3Iultnomah Driving As-!
sociation, composeel of gentlemen owning
fine roadsters, and in the now rapidly
lengthening evenings is crowded wii!
buggies, carriages, horsemen and bicycles.
The word "Multnomah" is a favorite one
her.. It is tnc name of the count in
which Portland is situated, anil was the
aborginal title of the river flowing
through the citv. but which now bears
the same name as the great valley-Will
aniette throch which it flows. Other
drives lead back between anel upon the
hills, and in the particular that they open
up to view grander scenes and more ex
tensive landscapes, are of greater attrac
tion. One in particular, leading to an el
evation known as "Portland Heights," a
beatif ul residence place soon to be brought
into easy access by c&ble cars, should not
be neglected. From the brow of this
vsrdant hill is presented a landscape the
equal of which, I am confident, can not
be found near any city en the continent.
With the winding Willamette and the
tree-embowered city for the fore-ground,
the rolling hills and valleys, clael in the
green raiment of forest and field in the
middle distance, while the extreme dis
tance is filled up with the varying tints
vt the nearer and more remote mountains,
above which rise the white crowns of five
great p,-aks covered with the snows of
eternal winter, the picture is one of grand
and impressive beauty. Especially at
sunset does it evok the deepest admira
tion, as the rich tints of gold and crim
son and purple move gradually upward,
finally resting for a few moments solely
upon the snowy peaks before fading in
to the gray of twilight. If you were here
to see and feel what I rind it impossible
adequately to describe, you would agree
with me that Portland is one of the most
charming places of residenee in the
Union. L. S.
Organized labor in politics has not
become the power that it promised. It
is true that it has just held a convention
in Cincinnati, and nominated presitlcnt
ial candidates and adopted a platform.
The onler of the Knights of Labor has
been shipwrecked and is reported to have
lost morj than half the membership by
factional wrangling, unwise manage
mcnt and unwarranted extravagance and
waste of funds. Mr. Powdcrly has lost
his grip and his influence is waning,
United Labor, his oflieiai organ, has
proved a financial failure. His latest
utterances promise nothing for the labor
ing masses but what is to come through
educational methods, an cxcellen' idea
but mainly applicable to the second or
third generation from this. In the face
of the fact that most of thi benefits ad
vocated in the interest ef labor cau only
come through legislation, and be brought
about by active political influence. Mr.
Powderly distinctively ignores political
action and recommends a similiar policy
to his followers, lie surrenders his
strongest aggressive weapon and extends
to his adherents only remote possibilities
in the dim future Even Mr. Arthur has
lost his prestige by the discouraging
blow organized labor has received in the
Burlington strike. When it was demon
strated that the strongest union in the
country was powerless to sustain a con
test upon which it entered with a confi
dence that fell a little short of arrogance.
A review of other labor organizations
woulil not be cheering to those who
would like to see laboring people united
for just protection. With rare excep
tions they have been shattereil by unwise
direction and bad leaders. They have
lost influence. In some cases they have
been unable to commend even decent re
spect from employers with whom they
have taken issue.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are va
rious, and statistics show conclusively
that more persons die from disease of the
hroat anil lungs thas any other. It is
probable that everyone, without excep
tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle
Germs into the system and where these
germs fall upon suitable sod they start
into life and develop, at first slowly and
is shown by a slisdit tickling sensation in
the throat and if allowed to continue their
ravages they extend to the lungs produc
ing Consumption and to the head, caus
ing Catarrh, Jfow all this is dangerous
and if allowed to continue will in time
cause death. At the onset you must act
with promptness; allowing a cold to go
without attention is dangerous and may
loose you your life. As soon as you feci
that something is wrong with your throat,
lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos-
slice's German Syrup.
It will give you
immediate relief.
Anent tho Wales silver wedding, it
ob- 3
served that the princess' eight bridesmaids of
twenty-five years ago are all living, all mar
ried and urne divorce'L
.$500 Reward.
"Wo tvill J:y the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, cjysncpsia, sick
headache, mdisestiou, constipation or
costivencss we cannot cure with
West's VcET'.table Liver Pill, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
lhey are purelv vegetable, and never
fail to nve satisfaction. Larre boxes
:ontaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c.
For sale by all druggists. Ecware of
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
inc manufactured only bv John O. Well
& Co., 12 VT. Madison St. Chicago, Its
Sold bvV. .J Warrick.
aKd Attr Climate, j
0c4 fjr Circulars.
mall a, XTob.
(Name this paper in your order.)
. i 'trw nil
juahd ho
Russell Sag aod Jay Gould Tuelr Uual
neM and Social Relations.
In one respect tba twin giants of finance
offer a startling contrast to each other such
a contrast of character as is seldom met in
men who associate themselves so closely to
gether as do Gould auel Bage, Tboso who
nave occasion to meet both of these men in
intimate business or social relations say that
Bags is almost heartless. Gould is generally
credited with an entire lack of feeling where
business is concerned, and it may be that
muny men have occasion, to rato bim thus
severely, but there is another side to his char
actor. Sage boasts that in the whole course
of bis carer, from penury to opulence, no
man has ever profited cither by bis knowl
edge, pocket book or influence, II o contrib
utes to charity, but entirely through the
female portion of his family. So far as help
ing a man over obstacles, be had himself to
climb, He does not believe in it on prin
"let them take the pluDge and find out for
themselves," be says; "1 bad it to do."
Around him are grouped today men who
have been in his employ for years, whom he
esteems, trusts and praises, and yet never to
the best of them has he given one dollar's
worth of assistance outside of the fixed re
muneration for their services, or the slight
est hint as to the condition of the market. It
is not so much stinginess on his part as it is
his idea of justness that keeps his purse
strings tied in this fashion.
Gould, on the other hand, has not only
made his private secretary a millionaire, but
has assisted many others who are not in such
close relationship to bim. A well known
John street jeweler told mo of a friend of
his, who, a short time ago, was so poor that
when he bought a $30 watch ho paid for it
upon the installment plan. Today a bright,
gilded sign creaks triumphantly above the
Wall street echoes on which is painted the
name of this poverty stricken watch buyer.
It seems that bis sous and those of Gould
were classmates. Through them an ac
quaintance sprang up between the fathers.
The poor man was something of an artist.,
and a genuine connoisseur of pictures. He
become invaluable to Gould in assist
ing him In tho selection of meritorious
works of art Just bow, Gould requited
these services and the man's friendship
cannot, of course, be accurately told It
may have been in the payment of money,
but it is more likely that it was in the giving
of "tips," to use the Wall street phrase. At
any rate, the art connoisseur has become a
rich man, and is so apt a pupil of bis financial
master that ho is now a broker doing an un
usually big business. It is said that he is now
worth, outside of his daily operations upon
the exchange, more than a million dollars. -New
York Cor. Chicago Herald.
Dying In a Delirium.
A friend of mine was recently sent home
from a lunatic asylum to die, and not moro
than three days ago I was called to his
death bed. It was a sad and terrible 6ight
He was wild as tho wind raving under
some silly hallucination. His wife and phy
sician were endeavoring to pacify him, but
to no purpose. His faco and limbs were
shriveled and distorted, and from his eyes
leaped the (earful Ore or the maniac.
"What Is it" he cried, pointing his skeleton
finger at an Imaginary something. "What
is it, Mary I Is it stroked above or below I
Good God, there is no stroke at all 1 Yes,
there is. I see it; there's a mark above; it's
an 4n,' I know it's an 'n.' Thank heaven!"
Then he would fall back on his pillow and
rest But not for long. "There," he gasped,
lunging rortn from his bod like King
Richard from his couch, and. pointing
his bony finger as before, "there's another.
Iso mortal can tell what that ia - So,
.m . .
neuner angeis, nor aevus, nor the man
himself who wrote it. I swear that nothing
can decipher it How is it, Mary straight.
or does it slant?" "It slants a little. John."
"Then 1 have it. Yes, yes: I see it does, it
does slant It lsn t an 'o,' but an a. Then
the man's name is Schlam and not Schlom.
Thank you, Mary; you have a quick eye.
But what, oh Luciferl hare wo here an 'i
or a 't'l Is thero no rest, even at death? I
cannot tell whether there is a Line across it
or not If there is, it is very, very fine.
Mary. I'm sure it's looped. Did ever writer
6top to count the cost of looping a 't' or cross
ing an 'I'f Is it Bote or is it Bole? God for
give me; I cannot telL May judgment light
on the man who wrote it" And so ho died.
My friend had been a proof reader on a
daily paper. Chicago Tiniea.
The Direction of Sounds.
The average child, returning from school,
on entering the house calls "Mammal" The
mother, perhaps, replies, "YesI" "Wliero
are you!" is the next question, and the reply
informs the child not only as to the floor,
uub uj$ iU iue tuuLfi tu nuiuu uie momcr can
bo found. The child cannot determine its
mother's location by the sound of her voice.
This exaggerated instance may bo owing to
the reileotion of tho sound, not only from the
wails, but from the strata of air differing in
temperature and humidity.
How many of us going to the next street,
running at right angles to the car tracks,
can tell from hearing the bell of tho ap
proaching street car before tho car comes in
sight, whether that car is going north or
south? It does not seem that animals can
determine tho direction of sound much bet
ter than man. The sleeping dog, aroused by
his master's call, is all abroad as to his
master's location, and determines It by sight
or scent, or both, frequently running in sev
eral different directions before Letting the
right ono. The deer, on being startled by
the hunter's unseen tread, is not always right
in his selection of the routo to get out cf
harm a way A Hock of geese, ducks or other
birds, on heal ing a gun is as likely to fly
tov.-ard as from tho sportsman, if bo has kept
entirely out of sight and tho flash of tho
piece has not been seen. Arnold Burges
Johnson in fopuiar bcienco Monthly.
Better Way to Settle It.
After a few brief but decisive rounds, ac
cording to rules governing tho "manly art,"
the vanquished youth brokenly but earnestly
said: "The girl's yours, Charlie; I wish you
luck." The combatants were members of a
Brooklyn club, and the question in dispute
will be evident from the utterances of the
man who had come out second best. In this
era of unbridled lawlessness, when an en
raged lover goes gunning for a successful
rival, or sends a knife into the la tier's vitals,
the Brooklyn method seems an infinitely
more manly and proper plan for settling the
fateful question. If it savors of barbarism.
it U at least free from the taint of crime, and
It the Gordian knots with which Cupid so
oiten enmeshes bis viotima can be untied
with fists used according to proper rules, the
art of the pugilist can be regarded with less
repugnance by masculine adorers in general
fittsburg Bulletin.
The Size of Mexico.
Mexico has 744,000 square miles, and it is
fifteen times as big as the state of New ork,
mora than ninety times as big as New Jer
sey, more than CUO times the size of Rhode
Island, and more than six times the size of
Great Britain and Ireland. Clobo-Demo
Real Estate Bargains
X 0X
21 lots in Thompson's addition.
40 lots in Townsend's addition.
Lot 10 block l'SS, lot 5 block 104.
Lot 1 block fi, lot (i block 05.
Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 01.
Lots in Palmer's addition.
Lots in Duke's addition.
Improved property of all descriptions
and in nil parts of the city on easy terms.
new and desirable residence in
South Park, can be boaght on monthly
Before purchasing elsewhere, call and
see if we cannot suit you better.
5 acres of improved ground north of
the city limits.
5 acres of ground adjoining Sutl
2 acres of ground adjoining South
l acres of grouad adjoining South
20 acres near South Park: Se i sec.
14, T. 10, It. 12, Cass county, price $1,-
800, if sold soon.
nw i sec. 8, T. 12, It. 10, Cass Co.,
price $2,000.
A valuable improved stock fram in
Merrick Co.. Neb., 1C0 acres and on
reosonuble terms.
Windham & Davies.
Consult your best interests by insuring
in the Phoenix. Hartford or Etna com
panies, about which there is no question
as to their high standing and fair
The present year bids fair to be a dis
astrous one from tornadoes and wind
storms. This is fore-shadowed bv the
number of storms we haye already had
tho most destructive one so far this year
having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111.,
where a large number ef buildings were
destroyed or damaged. The exemption
from tornadoes last year renders their oc
currence more probable in 1888.
Call at our office and secure a Tor
nado Policy.
Unimproved lands for sale or ex-
r.. i. nn
LureKa ivieai iviaiKei.
Beef, Pork, Million, Veal ami Poultry.
Z invite all to give mo a trial.
Snynr Cured Mcuts, I In n-s, I ;: v, I.i.i.t. etc.. etc. Imh (lulus in On rid Lulk
ut lowest liing prices. L'orel luil to tive li e e tu :itie I rye.
T1- 3" TSOlviCilS.
f, ran hi ur.E for
JPrices in
bo Convinced.
f v t?v
run Nil
ltri I' a
it nuru a uiaiimceiu
Will call your attention
they are headquarters for all
and Vegetables.
We are receiving
Oranges, Lemons and
hand .
Just received, a variety
We have Pure Maple Sugar
Tfamj FHinzr R Fay
Sugar Cured IVIeals, Mams.
of our own make.
The best lTar.els
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Trcaniunt
a guarantee J-pecific frr Hysteria Dizziness.
Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia, II-ntl-aclie.
Nervein I'rcstnttion caused ly tlie us-e
of alcolio) or tobac-eo. Wakefulness. V-enfal De
pression. Softeniup of the lirain ref ultii i
Sjicity an" lehdii-K t misery, decay auti 't ath,
' remature old Ajje. Parrenness, Lose of I' w
er in eitl'er s x. fiivoliiLtary Lrt.ffK aiu Sf r
mat rrliera mused ly over-exert ion rf ilie
brain, eeifabuse orover-im!nlre!ice i.acli l- x
contains oiie'o treatment. $1 CO a lox
or six boxes for ?5 00. sent bv mail Lie Mid cr
rerelpt of pi ice
To cute any cae With eaeh order n-relved
by us for Mx bojes. a ccr repaired witli f 5 oo.
we will Fend the purchaser! ur written puarsn
tee to letum the rrouev if the tr atn-.enl de es
not effeet a rure. Guarantees J?MKd e nlv by
Will J. w arrie-k sole agent, flattf-inouth. Neb.
If vou want a p-od
silver watch,
the Weekly
sent! us 30 subscribers to
mk alphas
Ur-SC.-'"-: KL-:.S.--iU.lTREATM r.-
ni i a-
tiio Citv.
Ca.ll end
I LA 'J TFy fil T II, NLIl.
stock of Goods and
siock oi uoodfi ami r air
a i n i t -ri
k -I' m I
to the
fact that
of Frui t s
Freeh Strawberries
constantly on
of Canned Soups
and no mistake.
.J. W. Al.McIlil.S
hit a raiTKi
61 ''
Bacon, Lard,
of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, ut
Tiic s-lar.cliiiel for liver ccm
plaini is "Wt-frt's Liver Pill-; lluy never
disaijjji ii.t jcu. Z0 ii Il. 25c. At "War
rick's li vi &tore.
We will j,ive a silver watch, that is
warrantee! by the jewe lry men of this
i city, to any one who biii-s us 15 ycailj
cu-h subscribers to th Daily IIjikxi.d.
Choicest Brands cf Cigais,
including our
Flor do Pepperbergo' and 'Cuds
always in 6tock. Not. 20, lc5.