The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 25, 1888, Image 1

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Tr'vvHiuvr, -
roiii-c J n.Ixe,
Couinihneii, HI want,
, .ir.l
4ih- "
I'.o.ii'l I'uli. Work
V. mhilII KY
V K Fox
A Mauolk
M l.l I- KOII l
W II Mai.ick
J .1 V WKCKKAril
I A Sammsuuy
I) M .loSKH
) M II Ml HI M V
I S V Di' r ruN
j I on tt'CiiN.Mili.
I 1' M Cai.t.n. I'uks
KICKH i:lrt
1.1 W
1 1 II
GOLfj'i;Y oinacj'tis.
l.Uiity rrr.itiirrr, -
J I 1 1 1 y Clerk.
IIi-fiirit'T of Deeds
I MtltV
i.-rk Ui-li ict Co irt,
Mitrvyor. - -Attorney.
Sii;t. f lnl. School.
Terrifying; and Awo-lnsplring; Spec
tacle Seen in tho Sky at Findlay,
Finih.av, )., May 21. Monday night
nl)Out 11 o'clock a weird and awe-inspiring
spectacle made its appearuncc in the
northern sky bcyMid tin; city, which not
only startled abroad nt that hour,
but was so terrifying in its aspects as to
thoroughly frighten all w'10 were wit
nesses to its awful rniuluer. All through
the early h urs of fTle night a nt range,
iitful light, nucaiiny and unnatural in it
character, Hushed at intervals in the north,
growing in itenstity, however, each ino-
itiuo dun iinn.a inent until shortly after 11 o'clock, when
i:ACuinirKin.ol .... . . . ...
W. II. Tool lim li"lit siulil' l.l v concentrated in t lie
i i
W. ;. hiLMVAiricit I formation of a clear and vivid represcn-
J.C Kl K K.N It I It Intinn it n ..f ,, I . ...
A.MAIMH.K i ........ . B,,"" I""!"""""3-
Al.I.KN r.KK.So.N throlK'll wliii li i.nluea .f linlit r..l a
MAVSAHDSflXK .. " . " " "r. .
C. lussei.i. M'io.1, throlilncl and hounded as though
I llin. I'.il.l.oe'K
Tho Sioux Willing to Sign.
Pi f. hue, Dak., May 25. A report has
just reached the city of a large gather
ing of Indians from lted Cloud, Pine
Uidge, Hurl?, Standing Hock and Chey
enne airencv met at Cherry creek on the
upper Cheyenne river to take action re
garding signing the treaty opening the
Sioux reservation to settlement. The In
dians were the representatives of the dif
ferent tribes of Sioux, and almost unani
mously favor the ouestiou. It is under
stood this council is to settle the matter
of council as regards the rank and tile
of the various hands.
i-.oaki.oksuit.kvisoks. ja i,ull,an arteries and then fell from the
A . 15. T !!. ... ri;itlmoiilll . .
I...! i-t ,i.i ;,cni.i.. Weeping W iter M-'I's oi lingers in great ruoy urops,
A. li. li k.son. - t.uiwooU I -.i,:,.!. .,. c...n. ,.., i .,..: n.i ,.!,.,..
1SS I.UlMiH No. I. O. . K. -Meets
I 'vi'i v I iii-H.I.-iv evt-nliiif of acli werk. All
tr iii.ii-iit lirotliers are rertiectf uliy iiiviied to
ATTMor i H KNCA M I'M KNT Ni. ::. I. O.
1 . K.. ine-lH every alternate b'liilay til
e:ili inoiith in the Maxonio Hall. Visiting
l;nt tiers are invited to attend.
fliK'O I.D1ICK NO. K. A. (1. V. W. Meets
fverv nltcriiat- l-'rid.iv evtriilui; at K. ol 1
h ill. Transient brotlurH ar" retiieetfully ia-
vitnil foait-'inl K..I. Morgan. M titer Worki.ian ;
K. S. It ir-tow. Kori'niiin : hraiiK i;rovn. tiver-
;--r: I. Il.ovcn. Cniile : .ecie Hoilwi. t !i.
Il.'d.r l.-r ; II. .1. .l iliiis.m. Financier : Vah.
Smiili. li-eeiver ; M. Maybrifslit. I'uft JM. V. ;
lack Paii li. rly. Ins'.le diiaro.
i A S s ('AMI'
:il Ann'i lir t
MI.3.TJ, MODKliN v(t(H).!lfN
-Mi-ut seciiixl ana Iti!i l h .mod
li av evening at K. of I', hall. All transient
l.i-.ii litT- art; i fi nestfil to niet-t Willi us. I..
Nc.v.-o .t-r. Vener.ihli? Consul ; 'I. I', Niles,
WiTfti y Vilvi-ier; I), ii. Sinita, tx Hanker ; .
C. ill-Hls, Ch-rk.
?n. rrs.i ji;i ii louck no. s. a.o. it. w.
I li-f?i cvimv alternate Friday evening at
J.'otkwoo;! hall at mo VIjck. All transient lr:Mi
i is ap' rf-jM-rifiiKy inilid o atleml. Ij. S
1.:ts..ii. M. W. : K. llovd. Foreman : . C,
Wile.e. Recorder ; Leonard Anderson. ;versrer. niominir t!ie universal tonic of conversa
below. The hand reached from the hori
zon through which it seemed to he thrust,
half way up the sky, the wrist and ling
ers being praticularly well defined and
perfect in form and proportion, the index
finger pointing toward the city. Hack
of this spectral hand beams of light con
stantly changing from amber to anmthyst
rose and fell regularly, while over and
beyond this wonderful sky picture fleecy
clouds drifted like incense arising from
some burning altar of t he heaven.
For more than an hour this impressive
and mysterious exhibition was visible, and
then coma a shadow; the lire behind the
scene appeared to go down and gradual
ly die out. The banner of light and
cloudlets drifted away, and finally, as
midnight came, thi heavens resumed
their normal appearance. A t least a huu- j
dred of Findlay s l;-st citizens witnessed
this remarkable spectacle which was this
Fatal Cyclone at Imperial-
Hkxklkmak, Neb., May 2o. Mail ad
vices received here today report a severe
cyclone last Tuesd iv night at Imperial,
the county seat of Chase county. One
man, a stranger from the cast, was struck
by a piece of board hurled by the wind
and sustained a fractured skull, lie
will die. A little babe whs blown against
a farm wagon and had an arm broken.
A doen small franu homes were over
turned, but no furthor fatalities are re
p rted.
Voted Bonds For Waterworks-
Chadkon, Neb., May 24. There was
an election held here today to vote bonds
to build waterworks. There was a light
vote cast but every vote polled was for
bonds. There was 2S4 votes polled.
This is the second election held here to
vote bonds. The first election they were
carried but the election was declared il
legal. Three hundred and fifty thousand
dollars was voted.
A Ilrotlnjj Itttotu Full of Stutlt-nts.
Tho S-al-l in lur l inger-. Culha
klamn in Srlt-iitlfic Work An I ntnw.t
1 ii S SIrIiI A 1;bciihIoii.
E POST 45 C,
A. il.
.1. V. .foHXsox Co :una:ider.
V: S. Tviss Senior Viee
k :'.vr's Ja:.iir " "
;', Nil Atljta'-t.
H.m:v SiKKionr .'. Ji.
Mai.on Imv.i.v ,...Ilieer of t lie iay.
cn vtM.ics ru:i " " iiard
anokk-oN l-'i:v "erirt Major.
.1 t-oi: iiiixi! . k.max.. ..iuarter M is'i-r Sert.
J.. CrstTis l ci):i-la:n
Saturday evening
Tlie superstitious are thoroughly
alarmed, and insist that it is the hand of
God portending some direful calamity
or disaster to the city.
n.'pi'osent the following time
trijl :in-l tirc-tostctl coniprinies:
Anieric m Out ral-S-. I.ou;s, Assets $I.25S.10O
t'ornm. r-;! il rnioa-Knirlaud. " 2 &X."U
Firf A-iHot-l.i'ioii-Piiitadeljdiia, 4.1 15.E7G
Fr;tiik!iu-n.!!adeli)liia, " .".I IT.1C0
lI.nne-e-T Vork. " 9
I: s. C . tr v, iii Ameriea. Phil. " 8.l7.3'-.2
j.i v ti a.!-:i & Ulolw- Ens " CiWJ.Tui
Nj:t:i Hr!rin .t M-ri-anMIe-Ku ' .5.?TS,751
rvvieh L"nioii-Knlan.I. ""i.lC
p;.;;:i,'!ield F. & M.-Sprlnir.leld. " 3,011.915
A Whale in Fresh Water.
"Winona, Minn., May 25. The people
living in the neighborhood of Lake
Winona are a good deal excited oyer the
appearance of an enormous lish which
spouts water fifteen or twenty feet in the
air, ana is aeclaretl iy many to le a
ipecics of whale. The fish is said to le
four or five feet long, very largo and
heavy, with a smooth skin and without
sales. His movements in the water were
slow and sluggish, and he seemed to be
frequently burrowing with his head into
the highway as if seeking an outlet from
the lake. One man emptied a repeating
riflu at the visitor, but the bullets glanced
from his skin and seemed to make no im
pression whatever, bcorcs of people
taw the fish Sunday and v uch for the
truth of the story. He did not appear to
day, and is believed he got through the
bridge an.l went down the stream.
Total Aset. 5I2.11.-',77
tla;i Storm in Texas.
Scmmikr Si'ittNos, Tex., May 25. A
destructive h ul storm passed over the
country two miles east of this place Tues
day, doing great damage to growiug
crops ami fruit trc; s. Cotton plants are
LOOS A'ljuUill SB! Paid at tlll'S A2f IlCy ilc.tro.vca at d must be replanted. The
nun s'.oncs were so large mat tney uroke
the shingles on the roofs aiitl tore the
limbs from the tret s. The village f
j Hrockstoo, Lamar county, is reported al
most demolished t-y ilie storm, but uo
loss of life occurred.
Coksicana, Tex., May 25. One of the
wort storms ever seen in this section oc
curred last Wednesday night. The dam
age to business Mid residence property
will exct.I i'25.0iv). Damage to crops
cannot be estimated, but it is very treat.
Nearly all the trees in the city and for
miles surrounding were blown down.
Destructive Cyclono.
WF.r.T.iNjTOX, Kas., May 25. A cj
cljne sti nckjli' town of Aroisia, a few
WUxHK 11
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor and Builder
S'pt. 12-(im.
V 'roaal a'ention to a!' Husine-s IZntnisN
? 0 u. y eas e.
A Brakeman Killed.
Paiufieli. Neb., M'ty 24.. Arthur
Macy, a brakeman on the Kansas City &
Omaha, was run over here in the yard at
4:30 this afternoon. His boot heel
caught in a frog and one car passed the
entire iengtii ot nis nouy. lie leaves a
wife and three small children.
Close Figuring; In a Yuolit Race.
01 me many scuemes wtucn were
tried aboard the Volunteer to add a trifle
to her speed in the international races one
conies to public notice now and then. In
a conversation the other day about the
influence of "windage" on a yacht's
epeed Oea. fame dropped a hint which
ehowed how fine things were worked up
on tho Volunteer. It appears that during
the Thistle races all the reef points were
taken out of the Volunteer's mainsail to
get rid of the resistance which they
would cause. Then, to make the surface
of the canvas as perfect as possible, the
holes w here the reef points had been were
plugged with soap. Boston Globe.
Ml Alcott to Toons Authors.
Each must work in his own way, and
the only drill needed is to keep writing
and pro tit by criticism. Mind grammar.
spelling and punctuation, use short
words and express an briefly as you can
your meaning. Young people use too
many adjectives and try to "write tine. "
the strongest, simplest word3 are
and no foreign ones if it can be helped
Write and print if you can; if not, still
write and improve as you go on. Head
the best books and the will improve
your style. See and hear good speakers
and wise people, and learn of them.
From a Private Letter in St. Nicholas.
lllil.S v.f .-t of tt
about six o'clock
OT.l!tY IV Or'i'ICS.
Tl:li K': iiii'it l. .A b-ilaiet i 'ornpileJ, la-fc-ir.l-iff
Writ Esl-ll? Sold.
The Empress' Coronation L'rcu.
The empress of Russia has 6ent her
coronation dress to the national museum.
The mantle was literally cloth of gold.
for it was a very supple gold tissue, with
the heraldic caglo of the Romanoffs an-
pliqutd in black silk. On the heart of
the bird was the arms of Moscow, the
sacred city; on the wings those of the
kingdoms over which the czar reigns and
of the uuchv of t inland. The train of
the dress wa3 also of gold tissue, richly
embroidered, and the combined weight
of so much metallic thread as was used
in the dres3 and mantle caused great
fatigue to the illustrious wearer. Boston
Oil of Pepermlut.
Oil of peppermint in vapor diluted
even to a part in 100,000 will kill cock
roaches m an hour, they dying in con
vulsions. One drop of the oil placed
under a bell jar covering a cultivation of
cholera bacilli will kill both bacilli and
spores in forty -eight hours. It is also re
garded as among the best surgical an
tiseptics, and of great value in phthisis
and diphtheria. Boston Budget.
ivtter fr'ae-ltiiwi for makis; Kami Loans than
Any Othci? Agcacj".
5M;tUs:iV.iit 5? .
hist liiyhr, utting a swath in the thickest
sell 1- il portion of ihe place. Among the
buddings destroyed are the Methodist
church, the Palace hotel and a consider
able r.utobur cf store and dwellings.
No fatalities are reported but several J
persons severely injured by flying
Death of Mrs. W- H. Potter.
Sewakd, Neb., I.iy 25 Mrs. "W. II.
Potter, wifo of the general manager of
Two Kintls of Let tern.
Roscoe Conkling, who, 6ince his retire
ment from public life, scrupulously re
frained from expressing his opinions
otherwise than privately upon publnj
especially political subjects, said: "Two
kinds of letters bother a man most
those that he write3 an4 those i& dpes
not write," Philadelphia Ledger.
Cooking English Fpurrows.
The Japanese students at Cornell uni
versity have a way of cooking English
furrows so that they make a very paJa-
the telephone compmv in Nebraska, died , table dish, and the Jap3 like theoi bo
i:. V.. Win-pit .r. J.uin A. Pavi:-s.
yotaiy I'i;!Iie. 'o:ury fiibli.1'.
VlI!l tii AVI!:,
.ittorxioys - -Lav.
ori'-.' over lit-k ! t'uj-s Cttmfy.
last nigii' :;'ii!ut midnight of remittent i
lever an.l infl-immatoty i.icjiniati.m. Siie
has been sick or a long time but was
thought to b recovering. Mr. Potter is
away from limns and is supposed f o be
in Chicago. She was about twenty-three
years ot age ami leaves a young child.
much that they make a standing offer of
three cents apiece for' ail the sparrows
brought to them. rew Aork Sun.
An American who tias traveled for
two years in Germany says he never
heard one German ask another to solve a
ponundfunj. They simply don't have
TLo workshop of a inedieal ccllt'?;! Hut,
In place of spi-ctaelod young men with loii;
gowns and sharp Rculpels, there uron soviio
of gir! rolied in protecting ovemiU
deftly dissecting the subjects thotii.
That'n what 1 saw in tho preparatory sclyit.l
to tho medical hrancb of tho Zui u-li tmiver
sity. This year a better Idea of the fcmalo
iiiedical Ktiiilent may be gathered tli;in eve-befoi-e.
Idealise tho number is so much
givater, und, as tho number inerea a-s, each
individual id freer in her actions, for she fee ls
Bho excites less attention. Tho clietit.tlu is
glowing yearly. For this season the total ot
yomig ladies studying this branch in Zurich
is forty-four, against thirty-three la.,t s.-a-8011.
'" -" .:.. '..MJiu;!,; room l. an air
oluto place of horror. Tho bodies aro di
vided into their several parts lofo;-e tlio
etudents approach them, and each young
lady has her chosen portion to operate upon.
This reduces tho uncanny appearance to a
considerable extent, for no liodies entire aro
to bo seen lying on tho many slabs or tables.
At 0:10 tablo where I stopped a delicate and
epiritiicUo ycund hidy, holding in her gloved
hands a rur.or like knife and pair t.-f f;re
pinchers, was cutting at a dismembered head.
studying the organs of sight, probing into
me cavities or me brain and plucking useful
thoughts from what to mo was a ghastly
trophy And j'et her delicacy of treatment.
her unmistakablo enthusiasm, her evident
eo:jiircueiision or every stroke siie inade, re
moved that feeling from mo in a few mo
ments, and I lingered, watching her quick
movements us intensely a I would any
ordinary scientific experiment.
"Yes," she said, in reply to my question
suggested in virtue of a slight acquaintance
I had with her, "1 make tho eyo my spe
cialty, for 1 believe, in addiliou to being one
of the most interesting points is
likewise a more potent factor than is gen
erally believed in the health of an individ
ual. I have known persons to suffer from
severe headaches and pains in the back who
have attributed the trouble entirely to spi
nal disorders, when, as a fact, it arose froic
their eyes being out of focus. Tney actually
could not see out of one eyo, and yet they
did not know it. It s.i-ms incredible, and
yet any intelligent oeuiist will subt.t.uit iato
what I say. Thero is no doubt that persons
have been the victims of nervous prostration
brought on by a difiicnlty witli tho eyes of
which tl-.ey were ignorant, but which a very
easy operation would have removed."
A little farther 011 a disciple of this glori
ous art stood over a partially cut !e, i.-o;n
wmcn sue was stripping tho skin and licu
and explaining the muscles, as they pre
sented themselves, to the several new sc'hol
nrs who stood about her, intent upon lur mi
tions. There was 110 hesitancy in her incis
ions, she cut with a clean stroke, and every
timo the blade fell just where it was in
tended. She was graceful and emphatic in
her treatment of the subject, and under
ready tongue the relations of the vari.jua
uerves, tendons and muscles she exposed
were made clear and carried their full luctu
ing to the expectant audience about her
In a distant corner a young woman and
several male students were discussing mi ab
normal growth discovered by one of them in
the trunk of a one time sturdy Frenchman,
resting upon their particular sk-.b There
appeared to lo considerable difference in
opinion prevailing, and 1 remarked with a
certain elation peculiar, lerhaps, to my sc-.t,
that the young woman held her ground and
her idea stubbornly, and the young men paid
due and proper attention to what sl.e fre
quently sui.L
1 next not iced a fashionably attired damsel,
wearing a promenade dreos and having every
indication of being in tho mode, who, pro
tccted only by a small w hite apron plentifully
decorated with varicolored ribbons, was cut
ting and scraping at an arm, barinn li.e
muscles with an ease and dexterity tlr't ; :.
certainly natural, and could never have been
whoby uequirecL At first sight I jinlj.ed :i i.
apparently wordly ar.d giddy creature vv:;a
prompted by some morbid passion to Kinase
herself in this manner, but when 1 askrti tha
professor who accompanied me, he sai;l -!:e
was tho most skillful manipulator of the
scalpel among ail those then attendant, mid
could strip a muscle as cleanly and as beau
tifully as an established surgeon. On the
street one would tako her for the average
shopping butterfly, with reiined features aud
a rosy, semi-tr-sjisparent skin.
he professor further assured me that tho
women were particularly dexterous in hand
ling muscles. Their small, taper fingers gave
them an advantage over the males, end U.eir
eyes were quicker t detect details and mmu-
Ilx. After once oecominc; accustomed to !
the use of tho scalpel, the w omen are more
pat:ent than the men. and they prosecute I
their researches more persistently
it was to me very interesting to watch the !
girls mingling with their male colleagues
and studying with them the terrible mvsTe-rv i
of human construction. There was no. '
jcoEenc.s. no loii i talking or unseemly
mirth. All wa quiet, orderly, strictly in
the line of business. The vou:i hulv t.- i
whom I have referred was the only one who j
gave any suggestion of the outer world, and j
she was eccentric, sho was a genius and as- i
sumod the privilege of genius. I
in-r companions were robed in all conceal- i
mg white .Mother ilubbards, tight tt tue
ueck and tight at the waibt, otherwise falling j
un!xund from shoulders to feet, beneath I
this, clothing as little cumbrous as can be 1
worn. The modern bustle is, of caur-x; f,-- 1
bidden, and corset are diseoui:iKe.L The '
freest action is sought and anytliinii that in
terferes is cast aside. The robes are made !
rather mora clinging than loose, so that each !
student (ills the smallest place she weli ca:i. j
Superfluous clothing, in other words, is !
barely tolerated, und upon the head is worn
a white turban. i
The mule students do net hesitate to oioid v !
declare their opposition to tha i.respsicp cf i
women in the medical profession, and v-.t
when brought 1:1 contact with them in the
operating room they treat the females with
the utmost deference aud respect. Zurich
Cor. New Vork Star.
We earnestly request aH"of our fiiinds
indebted to us to call "it once tiiid Mtlle
accounts due. "We have sm-taiix d heavy
loss by the destruction of our llrnmli
House at Fairmont, Ne b., by fire and now
that we need money to met t our obliga
tion", we hope tin re will not be one
among our friends who would refuse to
call promptly at this particular time and
adjust accounts.
Trusting this will receive your Kind
consideration and prompt alb ntion, v. c
remain, Yours Truly,
Win. Ilerohl & Son
EryGosfe. Notions Boots and Shoes'
or Ladies ami Gents
lie keeps as lr.rge and as well
As can l fociitl any place in the city ami make.
joil prices tLat l-Iy eompe Iuimii.
Agents for
Earusr's Eazer Faiterns and Bail's Corsets.
The Boss Tailor.
Main s; Over Merges' Slice Stoie.
Has the best and most complete slock
of samples, both foreign nnel domestic
woolens that ever came west of Missouri
river. Note these prices: Uusincfs suits
from !?li5 to $:',o. dr ss suits". ?2!5 to ?45.
pants -4. 0, f5.i,0 and upwards.
ISWill guaranteed a fit.
Prices Defy Compeiilion. I
'IPaixilQGs Dentists."
TI'P only Ietilir-r in tin- V-sl cui.troliriK tills
.Ww S sit-in f ICMraetinu ;n 1 illinj 'J -etli
niun iu i.tin. 'iir ;.ii;iel netie is m
tirely lii-c 1 rein
Ilarmless - To - AXU
Tr-erli extracted ai.U r!ili ial teeth inserted
11-xt day if desired. 1 he presei val iou nf tli
natural teeth a s.e-eial!y.
The very finest. i fiWein t'l.juu hloek. over
'1 he Citizech' Il-.i k,
We have our house- filleil with
And are prepared to deliver it daily to our cus
tomers in at:y ;uaiit:ty desired.
I.ea e oidei s v. il h
J". if1. JZ3imTJ7-.i is: 1 ijn ji .
Attore 011 Si:;:!i f-tret. V.e i.,;ke a Spec
ialty cf
cutting, Fcirzisra-
And Loading Cars. For teniis see us or
ir. C. JVZ-if AKEN & 'ON,
Teleplir,no72, - - Flattsraouth
keat m a n 1
-;o to-
H, P. Whisler's,
The City Bakery,
foi: fim;
Hew Englanel
"T Home Made Bread.
He l.l'HIMdl lI'O unicfS (f I .! Cir,,.or
: of On..-ha. . lu s. tpi ciity Im hi making'
yse 1 1 this inch', -:;;,iiy tMsteU.
I ure!iac a .r lei) cent unS ou will be
(-omiuccU i:if r -.
0 C.
Ail wmk first-fl:;ts; nt Fifth Street.
Ne:ith I!obett H:ciwf..d'K J-torc.
ix- ti.Xil
IJre.e.-rv:V'!-'!i ' f iiatur. l t-'lh a -p reiai'.y,
Cctih t.circit-:l i;.f.V,(.f p.fji t.j ,j Is.tmhimj
One gral3 of Chines tea costs C'3 ;cr
3iajce; iJ 'ic cbroo guos iii u eiti-r.
Ail werk warrantel. Prices reasonable.
MRS. G. 23. nr.IIPSTSP,
TearlitrriVccHiHuiiritiiia! Kcsic Nc:i':.wvt fVimr of Elev
enth nnd iain Stretts, I'latU tueutb,
I s
j !
i r
i 1
1 ;
' t
! I!
i i
1 -