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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1888)
V31E DAILY IIERALD, Tl.A rrMXioui rt, wrfiiKASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23. 1SS8. 1 IRMANTS SCHOOLS. CRADE3 SYSTEM IN THE EDUCATIONAL OF THE EMPIRE. Fo-!r an. I Kr1iolntlo IMa'Inctlnna Klldly i:nfur4'd Vigorous Discipline Main tained I'ollt0ii-B4 Toward Tturhrr 1 hu M ltd u an AaaUlant Murka. .. IM vale schools aro but few la Germany rompnreij to their number in this country. and i:nt parents tend their children to ' tlo government ftchooln These ore divide.! into various kinds, according to the studies and to tho social conditions of tho htudents gymnasia, attended by boys who jrojjso pursuing classic studies; real school, devoted to mathematics and eco nomical studieH rather than to classics (th" word "Teal studien" means essential. economical or poly technical tt udics); higher burger Kcltitold (citizens' bchools). whero the prices for attendance are even smaller than tho very modest ones paid In the two first named; lower burger schools, for nous of still less wealthy poople; and, at last. f reo schools, whoso students pay nothing. Tho girls have higher daughter schools. whero tho instruction and prices aro high est, though tho latter aro very moderate. indeed. Next in rank ' are tho plain daughter schools; while such young ladies ns cannot pay any school money at all attend, liko their brothers, thosd anomalously called fruo schools. fcOCIAL DISTINCTIONS. 1 ou see. there is a most orthodox dis tinction between "higher daughters" and the girls who must bo satisfied with being daughters without tho adjective. Uhoro being but a slight dilTercnco between tlje fcxlciil and iiumkr of studies taught in cither kind of school, it is plain that too distinct iou uiailo is caused by social pro ji:.!io The students of the gymnasia aid never at peace, witu moso or tne real R.-hooIs. but admit them to bo their equals. They treat the b'ys of the burger schools vith contempt, and this without going Into tho details of higher or lower, hut for a to wsJk with or tall; to a ly of a f:- e school, or to liavo anything iooo with him. except lighting, would bo considers! Ly parents, teachers and com panions r.s uiiljccoming and offensively low conduct Tho girls, too, havo pro nounced opinions as to the proper sphoro lor a "higher daughter" or for a lower" one. or for 0110 who is neither higher nor Iowit. but so veodingly pxr as to be called "UviS. " Free from piido and pro judice, 1 siippo.ii A tierm.jn boy enters the lowest clas3 of tho g luna.siuni, culled "Sexta." when J.o .-; about S ycaj-J of ago. Tho next class is calk-d J;iinta." then Quarta." "Tcr tia." -.S.-.-uiida" and 'Prima." When ho las toiled through all of these ho tries to pass tho 'cry ditlicult "Abiturieuteu ex amc:i " le has now an exclusive aiid thorough education, and may enter n uni versity If he has successfully passed ths c.a:n: nation ho is thon allowed to lecomo a soldier Th it is to say, he would havo to join the army iiiyvi'. but when bchaj a'.Ui'd d the gyaiJiiium or rual srhcyl up J' cui!l.i. ' he ?n'.crs tho ranks as a 'vo!uri!i-er. ' Viiig mLy compelled to serve d iri:i - oi: fetr. ml in Germany tp ba f..:-ce-j to o i s.j'.J:er fr no longer than o::e yctr -!i iv bo :onsidered equal to volun Jt eri:; g :n my lh-r country i;i ;o':os discipline. I have m.'ii' "he rigorous discipline of (iemian choo3 This lisciplinecan bo li-aiiit am .! only by the co operation of Ai3 jari.:s wttn :l:9 teachers A we'll r?gu i.iic.I s'.-a-;u: if retard and punishment, v. ith a ..Mvefnl surveillance, holiLj the boys fii-'ur -octroi If i parent does not agrje vith some of the severe penalties iufljjic-d j jx'ii tho boy his son is apt tp be expelled or fear of his undermining the discipline 1-Vhooi begins about 7 a. in At five mir. utes past that hour tho doors are clos-cd B::d those who aro late are not admitted, but punished tho next day The boys await their teachers in their respective class rooms When the teacher enters fchvy uU rirfo 43 one Ley and never 'think of sitting down before tho teacher motions them to do so When ho leaves they go through the same ceremony. When a boy is askeJ a question Le rises Rod remaiu Ftanding until he is through. No student dare to omit lifting his cap when meeting eny teacher of the school on the street. The teachers of all classes up to Tertia" Vro furnished with a reed or switch, which Js a cheap and ever reiidy assistant.' " A refractory boy s ordered to stretch his fcand out. the paluj upward, an.d before h? knows it he has got such a whack as will iwat an entire Iitin ertraanr at onca into bis head It is not invariably through tiio hand, however, that science and litcraturo aro 1:1:1. le to enter a boy's brain. Some teach ers consider tho ears to bo the best me dium while others give preference to the Los s' b:-.i ks as presenting tho broadest e:nf.n'o Ia;l marks aro given as the lightest punlsLnjcitt, with tLii silent tm d'rs!:i:'.iir.g that two cf theni bo equal to one ti n: -Lin-; When a boy !s kept (n after s!.r:;time his parents aro ct once uotified of the fact. Not unfrequently s parent gets a notice that his son is to stay at not for a number cf hours, but of days. Fvery school lias a jail. ca!lcd " Career." Flora one to eight or more day 3 of school prison is a punish jjent foi graver oienses. If incuiTed j-o- iH-atedly. the bey is expelled This pun ishment deprives him from being-admitted to any other public scbocl throne, hont thu country While in tho school jail tho boy to pay for his board, lie is t!:r-n in charge of the porter or "custos" of tho school. J'hiladelphia Times. Women Who Sell Newspapers. The numbor of grown women who sell newspapers on tho streets i3 constantly Increesirg. and tcday ihe:;e aro eight of iJieni. between SO and 50 years of age, vending papers at the big bridge entrance cud tho immediate neighborhood. Some of them aro assisted by Iittlo sons cu4 dangbtera. and ono La3 a buxom girl of 17 pr 1", uLoso raven hair and ruddy cl;eek3 f.t tract a great deal if not always respt- ful attention There Is not much chiva! In tho newsboys who do not hesitate to pir.b a m.-.!i or hazs a boy who ir.triiiios.oa t!.ir post; but they do not interfere with tl.v e women, uo matter how many cut up their busdueaa. ftew York Sun. Cborn n1 Charnlnf. Churning is a process that, almost tnore than any other in butter making, depends for being well donoon the Implement used. Points of merit in a churn are: First. Tho agitation should bo of such a char acter that the cream is churned by cou cussion rather than friction. One would sup-:jso that tho fat clobule. protected for tho tluio being In a liquid, would stand agitation of any sort; but when we re member that ono churn will bring the butter in live minutes, which would not como ii thirty minutes in another churn, wo can conceive of it being possible to over agitato cream In churning. What ever may bo tho effect at the beginning of churning, it is without question that when cream begins to ''break" and butter to form, tho character of the agitation mity bo such as to injure the grain of tho butter. It is tho experience of butter makers that bo mo churns destroy the grain and make tho butter greasy. Another question is settled. It is not tho slow churns which injure the grain of butter, but the quick churns. The slow churns are the churns without inside fixtures the quick churns are the churns with dashers. Second. A churn should give its con tents uniform agitation. Tho cream should bo churned all aliko and tho butter come as near as possible at the same time. This is Important for quantity as well as quality of butter. When all "tho cream is agitated aliko. moro of tho cream is churned without some of it being over churned. When butter all comes at tho samo time thero is less waste of butter in buttermilk in draining or washing. The churn which meets this condition, is, in tho opinion of many, a churn without dashers. Easo of working is a very important es sential in a churn. It was the hard work of churning that brought into favor the quick churns that have spoiled so much uuiier. 11.0 inovauie uoay cnurns are I . . A A. fT 1 . lt t doubtless tho easier churns to work of tho two classes. Amaiijr theso tho revolving- churn, if rightly constructed, is easier than tho oscillatinir churn, esneciallv for v - - o large quantities. Ventilation is essential in a chnrn. When cream is first subjected to agita tion, especially if it bo at all sour, it evolves gas. This gas should bo allowed to escape; both for sake of easy churning and quality of butter. With the old dash mm tho ventilation was easy through a iooso and open cover. The revolving mm. which bears off tho palm in per- .i:tis all ottier resnects. is tho weakest of I at this point. To prevent loss of cream it must needs bo well closed un. It is necessary, when usinrr a revolving inrn, when not otherwise provided for. to stop occasionally, pull out tho stopn'o or plug and let tho gas eacape. This is dono frequently in tho beginning of the process. Afterward it is not so necessary. Some churns havo patented arrangements for this purpoe. Children In a Hotel. Children in bote or boarding house are liko wild birds in a caire. deprived of their ight to fly and swoop and skim the air and to swell their throats almost tpbur6t.- with unchecked song. Tho wild bird li-oops and mopws and mournfully ers, instead of smging. and grows dis heveled and dirty and unlovely, and the aged child grows weedy and pallid and oustraincd in its movements and pert and assured in its manners, and before it is adolescent it is a little wor'C.' utaiti kin. blase of aii amusements, supercilious to those not so wealthy or so well dressed or so fashionable as its parents and their friends, cynical and agnostic in all its views. Mrs. Frank Leslio in ft'.,;'.uueiphia Times. Gorman I'niTersities. Twenty-six thousand nine hundred and forty -five students have attended the twenty universities of Germany during tho winter session which has just closed. At lierlin there were 5,478, at Munic! .414. and at Lelpsic 3.283- Itym s seventh. Uh 1.1 Id 'students,, and Ileidej bcrg is only thirteenth, with 832. (tostocU comes last, with 340. Only 1.644 of the students were foreigners. Of the whole, 8,73 students belong to the philosophical faculty, G.G.")0 to the medical, 5.791 to the theological, and 5.7G9 to the juristic. A novel design was showii 'to a reporter by a manufacturer, which took the form of a skull mounted upon the top of a stout pin arid connected therewith, by a fine gold chain The wearer, by gently puliing"tliQ chain, cause3 the lower jjaW p.f the skull to drop, while Ikq small diamond oyc-a fall into the sockets, thus giving the ob server an inclination to feel uneasy by Its ghastly appearance These pins are ex pensive, the price depeuding entirely upon the size of tho diamond used. New York Mail and l:vpres. - ,! " Washington Correspondents. The correspondents, as a rule, are high toned gentlemen, nnd g crruptiani. v.-oui J suoiic-r thick of approaching a con gressman with bribes than thcai. Many cf them receive salaries as large as those of the cong:-essmen. and tho only great diiToronjc in the two positions is that tho con-c sjionJont i here as long as he does go.Kl work, and the congressman's head goes off. as it rulo, at the end cf twij or four vear. Tho trade in birds for women's hats was sa enormous - last year that a single Lon don dealer admitted that he sold 2,000.0 of snail birds cf every kmu and color At one auction in one. Week there wero sold G.OQ0 birds of pnradise, 5.000 Impeyau pkcasruits. 400,000 humming birds, and oilier birds from North and South Amer ica, ar.J C00.000 feathered skins from IndU. J You will sometimes see a man planting trees around his plaeo for tho shade; and. at the same time, you will see another catting down all tho trees around his houso because they produce too much rjoisture. A Iittlo boy was told that there were no Iolities in hcave:x. lie thought for a mo men t. aad then said: "I guess that's be-cau.-e there aro no jliticiaas thare," V -- V I Uarper s Barar. TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES GOOD ADVICE GIVEN BY A NEW YORK OCULIST. It Is Rare That a KpeelulUt Find a J'crfeot tj-How tba ICycs .Should lia Looked After Itatlilng the Eyes Cou tuglous Disease. It seldom happens that a New York street car makes a trip from its 6table to tho terminus of its route without carry ing at leust ono person under 40 years' of age who wears glasses at least when he reads. This will irive the uninitiated some idea of the prevalence of impaired eyesight. In a cafe near Madison smare the othcrevening a reporter counted eight spectacled young men out of twelve sit ting at five tables in one end of tho room With a view of learning tho cause of this widespread weakness in the visual organs of tho young men of this generation, the reporter sought Dr. George S. Norton, of the New York Ophthalmic college, a well known authority upon that subject of medical practice. "It is rare that a specialist finds a per feet eye," ho said. "In nearly every in stance some defect is found. The most common complaints are myopia and hyper njytropia. or near and far sightedncss. as they aro commonly called. The former is increasing, but the latter is not. although the latter is far more prevalent just at present. Tho care of the eyes is far more important than most men realize. The Improper use of eyes which are weak re sults ba a variety of complaints. It often causes headaches, depression and some times nervous prostration. These can generally bo remedied if not cured by the use of glasses. In the purchase of glasses the sufferer cannot be too caref uL Tho use of glasses that are improperly ad justed to the eye is oftentimes more in jurious than helpfuL Another common complaint is called astigmatism, which consists of the irregular curvature of the cornea. . In such cases ono part of tho eye may be myopic while tho other is hyper mytroplc. To avoid this, glasses must be used with lenses specially ground for the purpose. BITS OF COOD ADVICE. "How should the eyes bo taken care of?" "That depends entirely upon circum stances. Lach man's eves differ from those of his fellow. No two pairs are alike. Here aro a few simple directions in cases of accident which wouU be well follow. Wh,en a cinder or any foreign substance gets into tho eye, never rub the eyo. Wait a moment, then gently open and close tho lid; tho tears which follow this operation will usually wash out the in trudlug substance. However, sl;Qi!d it refuse to go. turn up tho lid under which tho substance is and remove it with a soft handkerchief. If tho substaneo W-oines imbedded in the comer, or eve ha II, go to a physician uanieaiatery. in, bathing the eyes it makes no material diffcreuco. as has been alleged, whether vhey are rubbed toward the p.p8d or f rem it. It is inin dicions.. however, to allow water to enter the eye, as this act may engender disease It should, never be allowed except under skijlod advice. Do not uso tho eyes after they are tired. They should bo rested, if only for a moment. Avoid the use of the eyes while traveling in a niilway carriage or in a poor light- Da tic.t wci; with the iiead beuy ic,w. Uto a sloping desk when wiiung Never allow the light to shine in your eyes while working; let it come over the left shoulder, if possible. If this cannot be accomplished wyrr , tuade. Avoid tua ua p colored glasses unless under competent advice, except when ex posed to bright light, such as the glare of the sun upon snow or water. TUuii they may b,p usd with, great benefit. London smoked glasses, or blue, are the only colors that should be worn under thess circumstances Avoid a book, when reading, top near tho eye., as the nearer it $ held the' greater the strain On the o.ther hand, do not hold It far away, as then, the strain is even greater Contagion is the most fertile cause of the spread of external diseases, especially granular lids This is most generally the case in public institutions, where children live and sleep together, and oftcr, wash themselves ba the jrj? water, ' isolation i? tjia ouiy known method for preventing the spread of this disease. A normal eye should be perfectly strong and not become easily fired. It sbonld not require the use of glasses ujtil the age of 4Q or 4." has lfn reached. Py hf "use of proper glasses iey shou'j rpmain. strp.n indefiiiltsly A far sighted p;an inquires glasses for reading much earlier than a man who is near sighted. When a person does not need glasses for reading at 50 years of age it proves conclusively that he tnrst have been near sighted n Lis youth. Ner y&ik aiall and 'Express. An Ancient Mariner. British residents in Japan are suhserily Lng for the repair of the (jyavo of Will 44ama, a British sailor, who was thip wrecked in Japan in the reign of James 1, and who lived for many years at the Court of Yedo, where he obtained extraordinary influence. His grave was discovered some years ago on the summit of one cf t!.o hills overlooking tho government" arsenal at Yokosuka, pear Yokohama. Rasa Itonlipqr, Bqsa Bcin.h9Ur to atreefs of Tap1- a a large elderly Ja4y- !ner plainly wv m - tier gray hair tucked uuuer a close bonnet. tears aro she dressed as a boy so as to attract less at tention from the hangers on of tho stables, cattle yards and menageries, which were visited chiefly by men, and she still wears male attire at home when at work. Domestic A(T.irH. Robinson You seem troubled this morning. Brown, and out of sorts. Brown Yes. domestic affairs. Robinson How much do you owe her? Brown Owo her, owe who? Robinson Your cook. New York Sun. Good people die and bad people live. The man who is fat with health can't get employment, and the man who is making Mnnor rmnrl nror fie lo? r! I,,,,.;. I J w . u.iw t,. l lUJ I ness oa account of ill health. 1 THE HEAD STEWARD'S FIGURES. What It Twkes to KatUfr the Apprt.tes of Ocfun Kleumahip Iarit:era. There came in over that gangplank last year," said the stc.vard of one of the popular big tranentlantic etoamfdiips tho other day, 'M.CoO sheep. 2.474 oxen. 1. 80 Lambs. 4.230 ducks. 2.200 turkeys. 2.000 geese and a good many hundred calves, quail, chicken and grouse." "What did you do with them throw them overlxjard ?" "Ate 'em. " was the reply. "My lan guage is a little figurative perlmps. but como and look at my Uxk3 und be con vinced. I tell 3011 people who 'go down to the son in fchips,' or those of them at least who travel by 1 In big tiaii.;at Untie liners, accept with complacency and as a matter of o.iirso the 1 1 fiiiements, con veniences and luxuries found on board from day to day. and fail to grasp, in most cases, tho extent of the udvaneu which has been made in tho last twenty five years in catering to their wants, as well as overlook the intricate machinery which is required to be constantly and quietly in motion for the maintenance of order and regularity. They havo little idea of the vastness and variety of the stores necessary for the 6hip herself and her crew, and also of that more varied and quite as astonishingly big supply of fish, flesh, fowl, vegetables, fruit and liquor, now considered indispensable for tho crowd of passengers the good ship carries, whose insatiable sea apa tites are at once the tourists' joy and the btew ard's despair. "That sad pr.5rr.-a.irsn of animals 1 pictured to you, did not really come uboard in the flesh that is to cay 1 mean alive, nor all at once, but w'e consumed here over 2,000.000 pounds of meat in the lust twelve months, which represents, as you will see by looking at these columns, the number of carcasses 1 mentioned. Meat is the chief item, of course, but man does not live by meat alone, and last year our passengers ale a ton of mustard, three-quarters of a ton of pepper. 7.314 bottles of pickles, about 500 tons of flour, about D00 tons of pota toes, more than 50,000 loaves of bread and twenty tons of biscuits. "Those are the necessaries of life, now for the luxuries they make a pretty good showing, too. Look here: 5.000 jars jams of all kinds, a dozen tons of marmalade the J itler taste of mai nsa 11; I. lauo is never so wen appreciated as recovery from seasickness twenty t on raisins, currants, figs, datea. 4to.; thou sands of crates of graphs, peaches, ap ples, orungos, bananas and other f",.v, fruits. That's a pretty good ILo ut soji.j ; isn't it? Everybody .-;s Jf Ctm, while everybody d-n l (Jrink or SI11,,kCi yet the dnul-l3 kl.f.,, Lip en,i ol ,.,e b:ilaiit. hiicet fairly well. S.e this In one year they drank 1.1.000 quarts of champagne, the same of claret and other light wines. 17",000 liotlks min eral waters. ."5.000 Ik.uIcs of spirits, and the thumping total of half a million bot tles of ale, U-er and fiorter. While ail this is going down. 7.J.000 cigars and 50,000 cigarettes are going up. besidi.-s what the gentlemen bring with them. We also consume about To.OOO ounds of chewing tobacco, of which the crew find the steerage use the greater part. Then here is 21.000 pounds tea, and 70.000 pounds coffee, with r,o end of condensed milk and almost ."00,000 pounds of sugar to sweeten it. Fresh fish in shoals, sar dines in banks, and more than three quarters of a million of eggs, cooked in every conceivable style, round the list out in a satisfactory manner and give von some idea of the duties and Fefpoii-ibiii- ties of tho head steward of a ship lii;o liiis. Acw York tribune. Wretched Kng "Such wrctche. our newspniicrs!' Usli in Newspapers. ' English ns we get in exclaimed a certain Chicago clergyman not long since. "There is no polish in the work. It is clumsily done. Words are badly climen, shades of meaning are tost in bungling conqiosition, and sometimes there are grammatical errors. I don't see why our newspapers cannot be better written. " One night last week this clergyman happened to be in a newspaper ofiico. Near where he ttood talking with one r f the editors of tho papers was a report er writing. On the desk in front ci' 'urns lay hi3 watch opn. Vih one hand the young raivA 'was moving a pencil at an amazing 'speed, and with the other was j manipulating a cigarette with that skill , i 1 . aim caae 1111.1 1 omjr come u iung experi ence. The clergyman's curiosity was roused. "Why the watch?" he inquired.. "Oh." replied tho editor, "the young man hns just come iu fronx his assignments, lie has len busy ail afternoon and early in the evening gathering information con cerning a matter of considerable public interest. lie has been doing som li vel y bustling, and is probnbi tired. lie is also hungry, 'out iiis superior has told Wiiii i'iiat'he is to have his copy finished at a certain hour. In two hours he imjst write a column and a half. Tiiftt U w!:? he has his watch out. He is timing hiiil seif. If he finds he is failing behind ho will work all the harder to catch up. That 13 the way newspapers are made. Would you like to write your -sertBdrDi in that fashion, and theit have somebody g: ever your wcii -at Tiis leisure and ct -t i- ce your style and your woids'r" ChiWo TriVune." choice, of Dwelling tipas la Jaria. Japanese houses ro tov- a 6izo .rij toys in constructl:, xesfaz on corner Bet -u laro;e rocks, tliat they may and 6way with earthquakes. t-.A held in place and made stable Ly tho heavy roofs of mud and tiles. The oidy way of stemming a fire is to tear down the houses in advance of the flames, and it is done as easily as a child knocks over a bouse of Llocks or cards. A rope is fastened to one of the upright corner posts, the crowd gires one pull, and thcro is a crash and a cloud of dust as the sheli of mud and tiles falls upon the ruins ot the flimsy dwelling. A thatched roof or a shingle roof drops quite as easily. Tho ordinary bouse or shop in the town sel dom exceeds twelve feet in frontage, and if there is a second 6tory it i3 quite as much in miniature and the roof not mora than fifteen feet from the ground. It sounds frightful to hear of 500 or 1,000 houses being burned in a night, hut with these bliputian dwellings and their mi croscopic landscape gardens back of them, ihe area need not be more than that of two or four Bmall ritv blrvka. J ' Vokohama Cor. Globe-Democrat, DON'T READ THIS ! Unless you want to know Jiargain AVi: are now ollVrintj Special IVicck in- And llie nn.t we pi iule oin Ladies' f land - At their Present Low Prices. Lmlies looking lor such a Shoe shouM not fail to call on I fs P r 211 Q 111 1 Hi 0 1 Qilu 2ir o. edit: Will he one durin national iiileresc u stronulv airitatel l'resident will take Cass ( -ount v who Political, Commercial and Social Transactions of this year and would keep apace with the times should :"oi: !:i Dallv 3 or Weekly Herald. Now while wo have people we will venture ff a i II PI U S !M IA ETl fi ZTK frzi 1 1 Kr lit I I n ; 111 -aW c-:l-y:5T. 1 Which is iirst-class in all respects and from which our joh printers are turning out much satisfactory work. ! PLATTSMOUTH. where to et ihe licet "Ouhh 111 1 seh -s on is our exrelh'iit line of Turnetl Shoes 23oo22i in bath, its 33 WjPv EO. 1 Ci 1 U nm f? ''fc) 'X which the suhjects of iul importance will he and the election of a place, would 'i he people oi like to learn of iui;i: 'iiu; the pu! Pit meet belore t in to f-jeak ot our : .13 - ii- -s NEBRASKA. I