TUtf DAILY HERALD: irLAiTSAluuTH, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1SS3. The Evening Herald. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. T A. SslUbarr, Deal lot, Rock wood Baildlafr, j Br. 11 , Ofl!r la Sherwood Block, UfkI dmr r. Slita aa'l Uraaite, Trlrphone S. 42. Pr. Cava A Kmlth. Iha Palalmw IleatUla, l aloa Block, Tr tltfseo' Baak, flattinoutb. CITY CORDIALS. Judge Jlussell issued a marriage license today to Win. Line-back and Ming Mollie Hardy of Weeping Water. A permit to wed was yesterday I53UL-U V IUlt!C JVUHHUll lO J. . DUI11I1 : , l l. T..I 1 11 t nr C3 t.i. and Mollie Johnson, both of this county. It is rumored that O. A. Hothaeker , in to take a place on the editorial staff of the Omaha Herald. Mr. Hothaeker is an old time democrat and a brilliant writer and should he take a place on the Herald he will make her boom. Our neighbor state, Iowa, seemi to be getting into quite a muddle over an investigation of her State University. Borne of her people are waxing quite warm over things that have been brought to light in the investigation. The interstate drill encampment met in Nashville, Tenn., yesterday. Fifty companies from fifteen different states were represented. Great enthusiasm was shown by the citizens and one of the garndest times ever w itnessed is expected. Lincoln seems to be trying herself in the arrangements of parks. Last Sunday a new one was opened by thu Street rail way Co., ami they already liavc some good ones and with these continual ad ditions she will soon be known as the ciry of parks. There will be a business meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association held tonight at the Presbyterian church. There is important business to be transacted and a full attendunee is desired. Let all the member attend this meet'iig and help to transact the business. An Illinois newspaper man commit ted suicide the other day lecause he was dunned for ninety cents. Creditors should remember this. Editors are so exquisitely sensitive that they are liable to go off and shot themselves at any moment when bills are flourished in their faces. Lincoln Journal. T. W. Kiddle went to Omaha this morning to buy his furniture for the bar ber shop and bath room. The carpenters are at work now fitting up the room for the shop and the barbers will be here to oy, and soon everything will be in readiness for work. This is to be one of the finest shops of the city and we have no doubt but that the enterprise will be liberally patronized by our citizens. The dance given at Fitzgerald's hall last night by the earnest workers of the B. of L. E. and F. was a grand success, A large number was present and the prize o silver fruit basket ana napkin ring was awarded to Geo. Oliver and Miss Ilincs as the best waltzers in attendance The evening was highly enjoyed by all present and the earnest workers deserve great credit for their efficient manage ment. The committee of the 31. E. Confer ence appointed to select a place for the meeting of the next general conference have reported in favor of Omaha. This does not really give a final decision but it is very seldom that the conference changes the decision of the committee, Omaha is to be congratulated on her suc cess over her competitors and we predict that when the general conference assem bles in 1892 she will be eminently proud of the selection made by the committee. .Truly Omaha is becoming a noted city. The manner in which some of the violaters of the law are having justice meeted out to them is commendable of our city authorities. If the same course was meeted to all in all cases as it was to those yesterday, who were guilty of violating the laws of the city and state we would have less depre ciations to contend with than we do. This idea of letting meu violate the law just because they are personal friends of ours 13 poor policy. We believe that every man who knowingly and wilfully vio lates the law should be punished to the fullest extent of fhe law, and should this be put to practice there would be very few such cases coining up btforc our courts. What is the use of haying laws if they arc not obeyed f - -The prospect for a generous crop in the west was never better at this season probably, than today. The copious rains, falling so evenly, so softly and so generally, is almost a guarantee that the farmers will find their industry a most lucrative one for '83. A recent trip in various sections ot Nebraska, extend ing from one end of the ttate to thu oth er, enables us to predict a full yield and an immense acreage. In the Western portion of the state, where rains have not been just as was most desired, this year it has come a3 gently and soakiogly as could be wished by the most chronic kicker. Vegetation has grown at a won derful pace and wo doubt if any state in the Union can point to as satisfactory a condition for field crops for 18S8 as Ne braska.; Western Resource?. THE ABSENT ONE. lie Is Ron, be Is gone, but the light of his brow ? When at midnight alone, flashes o re me a bow : And Ih dream the sweet smile, and the light of hiit eye. My senses beguile, and I breathe forth asltth. He It gone, he In gone, hut hi linage la here. And the musical tone of bis voice la still near. It Hteals o'er my slumber? like a spirit's sweet shell. And calls forth its numbers from memory cell. He Is gone, he Is gone, but he knaws not the laiu Of a heart all his own, till he comes hack Vain, And glv to Wyoming Ills charm and power; Bereft, e'en la spring, of his fairest flower. LlLl-lE. IN HONOR OF INCALLS. Resolutions Adooted by the Young Men's Republican Club. The following are resolutions, which the Young Men's Republican Club of this city have sent to Senator Ingalls: Wiiekeas, Senator Voorhees of In diana made an unjustifiable attack upon Senator John J. Ingalls in the senate of the United States, and that talented sen ator administered such rebuke to the dominceiing senator from Indiana as the nature of the attack deserved. And Whkueas, This rebuke, justly and prop erly administered, meets with the cordial approval of all those whose bravery upon the battle-field thwarted the designs of Senator Voorhees and his political asso ciates in disrupting our nation. Now therefore Jlesolced, That the Young Men's Re publican Club of Plattsmoutli Nebraska, extend their hearty congratulations to Senator Ingalls upon his display of such masterly ability in administering this de served castigatiou to the disloyal senator from Indiana. And further. liesolred, That our club hope and trust that the day may come when we may have the pleasure of assisting to elect him to the highest position in the gift of the people of our beloved country. C. M. Weed, ) A.N. SnxivAN, Committee. D. A. Cami'veli., ) City Council. The city council met last night and we were net there but through the kindness of City clerk Fox we learned that several important matters were attended to. The first beiug the report of tho board of public works on the bids for tho con struction of sewer. Tho bids of Henry Ilobbins and W. F. Sheltou beins the low est they were awarded the contract and their bonds approved. The work to ba gin June 15th and to ba completed Oct. 1st 1888, also committee on cemetery were instructed to have fence built on south side of cemetery at thu former con tract price. There being no further bus iness the council adjourned Wants to Know The Reason. To the Honorable President of the-Board of Ed ucation, of Plattmumlh: Sir: Will you be kind enough to ex plain Wy what authority jou permit a fee to be charged for admittance to the high school commencement exercises. We think it a usurpation and a direct viola tion of the principles of a public schoo both in latter and spirit. Will you please answer and oblige many patrons of the school. A Patron. Y. M- C. A. There will be' special business nieetjj ing of the Young Man's Christian As sociation this evening at 8 o'clock, in the Presbyterian church, All members and all who are interested in this work are kindly requested to be present. The Chicago Herald gets on its ear and calls Senator Ingalls some pretty hard names because he won't let Voor hees get the last shot. Better be carefu brother, there has been times when it be. came necessary for democrats of high standing to make apologies for their bad language, besides we are of the opinion that Senator Ingalls has about as "ood right to talk as most f the democrats. Persons sending communications to The IIekald will oblige s by sending their full name. Not for publication but a as guarantee of good faith to the publisher. It has been a long establish ed rule among publishers to fire every thing into the waste basket that comes in with out the full name and it is a rule that must be obseryed in this office. The programs are out announcing the commencement exercises of the high school. Friday evening, the 25th. An excellent program has been arranged and all who attend will be highly entertained The citizens of Plattsmoutli should feel proud of their school in its being able to prepare and give such entertainments. Arrangements are being, made for a puDiic lountain in the citv. llns is a ste: in the risht direction. The city car well afford to expend a little money for the accommodation of her people and patrons. It wouldn't be money thrown away to have several of them. The grace with which the democrats concede the unanimous rcnomination of President Cleveland shows conclusively that the Wall street brokers of New York have their thumb on that party and are able to dictate for it in their own terms. John Boone says he wants the fellow who broke the catch on Ins screen door, while trying to get into his house last uight, to come around and fix it, or he will sue him for damage. Wymore celebrated her seventh an niversary yesterday with appropriate ex excises. Gov. Thayer, Gen. Stone and others were in attendance and a good time was enjoyed. OUR - GREAT - DISSOLUTION REMEMBER ova Gut IPrices on SURAH SILKS, WATERED SILKS, GROS GRAIN SILKS, FAILLE SILKS, A MURE SILKS. DISSOLUTION SALE DISSOLUTION SALE DISSOLUTION SALE REMEMBER OL'K Gut IPrices on VFLVETEENS, SILK VELVETS, SILK PLUSHES, FANCY VELVETS. DISSOLUTION SALE DISSOLUTION SALE DISSOLUTION SALE REMEMBER OUR Cut Prices on TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES, FLOUNCINGS, LACES, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Campbell went to Omaha this morning. Chas. Spencer of Pacific Junction is in the city today. Rev. M. A. Hampton is in Omaha to day on business. M. D. Polk was attending court in Glenwood yesterday. W. Linebback of Weeping Water Is in the city on business today. E. II. Woley of Weeping Water is in the city today on business. Mrs. J. N. Glenn left this morning for a visit with friends in Kansas. W. B. Shrysck one of Louis vili's pop ular druggists is in the city today. Mrs. Wagnsr and child left this morn ing for a few days visit with friends in Lincoln. Judge S. M. Chapman left this morn ing for Lincoln where he will hold court for a few days. Chas. Bauer, of Weeping Water, is in the city today representing the latest im proved stock feeder. Henry Lehuoff, of Center precinct, father in-law of ex-deputy county clerk Chas McPherson is visiting iu the city today. HICH SCHOOL NOTES. Only three days more is a remark you could hear from the faithful but tired teacher this morning. Trees planted Arbor Day are all grow ing, except about six, but some miser able, worthless image of humanity, with no respect tor himself or anyone else, has cut and ruined two or three of the grow ing trees. Well, we presume such curs will always have an existance in civilized communities, but whj we canuot ex plain. The blue grass and clover is coming nicely and with a reasonable season the grounds will be well covered with it by the first of September. Why i it our city authorities do not enforce the cow ordinances t Is our mar shal to timid 1 If so he had better re sign. A group ot cows can be seen on the school grounds most anytime. This is a busy week for Prof. Drum- moud and it is astonishing at the amount of work he will do in a short time, and the teachers arc noted for following his example. Mr. Waugh and Mr. Showalter, mem bers of the board, were welcome visitors this morning. Come again, gentlemen. Oh ! Sav, why is it that visitors, espec ially the ladies, persist in carrying away a memento of the occasion in the shape of a twig from our evergreen trees. They commerce to look as if a cyclone had struck them. Please ctont. There will be a change in our firm on or about June 1st, and in order to reduce our mammoth stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies Furnishings to as low a figure as possible, we Miall give the people of this city and vicinity tho Grandest Opportunity to buy ood goods cheap, they ever had. Everything in our fctock will be marked down to Bed Rock Prices and sold for CASH ONLY. It is impossible for us to enumerate all of the bargains throughout our establishment, but anything you want in our line we shall be pleased to show you and quote prices. OUR COT PRICE ON UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Gause Vests only 23 J cts. each, sold everywhere at 35. Laidies' Derby Ribbed Vests, Finished Neck and Sleeves, only 30 cents; a decid ed bargain. Ladies' Perfect-Fitting Ribbed Lisle Vests, made from the Best Combed Sea Island Cotton, reduced to 40 cents each. Ladies' Gossamer Mereno Vcst3, French Collarettes, reduced to 62 J cts; worth 73. Ladies' Superior Lisle Thread Vests, Finished Seamand IIeni;Colors Cream, Tan and Lavender, only 75c; worth fl.2.1. Ladies' Pure Silk Ribbed Vests, Square Cut. Low Neck; Colors, Sky, Pink, and Cream, only $1,374, worth $2.00. Gents' Gause Shirts, ouly 221 cents, worth 35. Gents Novi Cotton Shirts reduced to 27 J Gents' French Balbriggan Shirts, Long or Short Sleeves, rccuced t 50 cents, worth 75. Gents' Colored Balbriggan Shirts or Drawers, Reduced to 50 cents, worth 75. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AT CREATLY REDUCED PRICES. A. BAHaAIN. Pure Speen Silk Gloves, 10 and 12 Buttons Length, Colors Pink, Laven der. Cardinal, Olive, Tan, Grej', Brown. Black and Wine. These Gloves cost to import $1.00 a pair. Full Stork of Silk, Lisle, Taffeta and Berlin Gloves at way down prices. Do not forget that everything in our establishment has been greatly reduced in price. Our stock is the Largest in this city to select from. Goods sold at One IPrice Only. i "The Omaha Bee wants $425,000 spent in improving the Missouri within the corporate limits of three or four Iowa and Nebraska towns, and is inclined to abuse the president because it fears he will veto the bill. The Bee is the same old hog. No robbery is too big for its endorsement if Omaha gets a part of the swag. There is no decent reason why the people of the country should sweat taxes into the treasury for tho improve ment of city property.'' Lincoln Dem ocrat. And will the Democrat inform an anxious public why it always kicks when anv public mwney is expended that does not directlv benefit Lincoln?. John Black is having a new side walk put down in front of his residence. Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is warranted for all that the label calls for, so if it does not relieve your cough you can call at our store and the money wiil be refunded to you. It acts simul taueously on all parts of the system, thereby leaving no bad results. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. j25-3md&w Disolution Notice- PliATTSMOCTU, Nt:b., May 17 A. D. 1883. The firm heretofore doing business un der and by the firm name of Smith & Black and being composed of C. H. Smith Charles E. Black is this day dissolved by mutual consent, the said Charles E. Black retiring therefrom and C. II. Smith assum ing all debts and liabilities due the cred itors thereof and agreeing to pay the same. All book accounts to be settled with said Charles E. Black to whom the sr. me have been transferred, witness our hands the year and day above written. mlS-tf " C. II. Smith, Chas. E. Black. Photos S2 SO Per Do. AT CUTLEKS. Secure your tickets at the Coverdale House for same before "Wednesday even ing as then the sale for these prices close. m21-2d Gasoline stoves are all the rage now and the best in the market is the "Quick Ileal," you can get one at J. It. Cox's hardware store, JIain street. a231m W. 7. WARHZCE HAS THE LARGEST A5D MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF WALL PAFER, PAINTS, ETC. Sateens in all the latest patterns, French Sateens specially fine at J. V. Weckbaugh's. Those who wish their stoves stored during the summer can leave them at U. V. Mathews. mo22w2 I OUR CUT PRICE ON HOSIER?. Ladies Regular Made Cotton Hose in Blacks Solid Colors or Stripes 0 pair for $1.00 Ladies Full Regular Extra Quality In grain Hose Blacks or Solid Colors, 25 cts. a pair worth 35. Ladies Brilliant Lisle Thread Hose Blacks or Colors only 39 cts. worth 50. Ladies Silk Plaited Hose Colors only a decided Bargain at CO cts. Ladies Extra Heavy Four Thread Lisle Blacks and Colors 75 cts. worth $1.00 Ladies Pure Spun Silk Hose Split Feet Colors or Black $1.00 worth $1.50. Odds and Ends of our Hosiery Stock at 37 i cts. a pair would be good values at 05 and 75 cts. Gents Solid Colors or Striped Half Hose Fast Colors 0 pair for $1.00 worth 25 cts. a pair. Gents Extra Fine Ingrain Half JIosc 25 cts. reduced from 35. Gents Royal Fast Dye Black Half Hose Premier Quality 40 cts. a pair. Gents Fancy Lisle Hose at 45 c ts. Re duced from 05. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY NOW AT CREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Bargains In Kid Gloves. Our 5 Button Temple House lied need to G5c. Our 5 Button Embroidered Back only 85p. Our 4 Button Genuine Kid, Reduced to $1.00. Our 5 Button Bon Marche, tho best 1 . . 1 ,1 i l i i J. 1 rn UUHC 11H Mil J W Ill'l f, I CM HITCH KJ f l.ijl. H Full sfoalc nf T,n1i-s nml CJpiit Kiicito 1 and Driving Gloves at way done prices. MbbV DON'T Rid: AD THIS ! ' f Unless you want to know where to get the ile.st "Cash" Jiarguin in BOOTS AND SHOES ! -We are now offering And the most we pride ourselves on is our excellent line of Ladies' Hand-Turned Shoes At their Present Low Prices. Ladies looking for puch a Shoe should not fail to call on W- A. B. Sl M. Time Table. CiOINO VET. No. :i0 a. in. No, 3. G :40 p, in. No. s f :;;5 a. m. No. 7. 7 -.45 . in. No. U. G :17 p. in. No. 11 6 :05 a, ni. GOINO HAS. No, 2.-4 :W. p. in. No. 4. io -:m a. in. No. C 7 :15 p. ni. No. 8. 9 :50 t. ru. No. 10. 9 :4 a. m. No. 12. -9 :40 y. m. All train-- run daily by wavof Omalia. -xeppt Nos. 7 and 8 which run to and from fceliuj ler daily except Sunday. No. 30 is a stub to Pacific Junction at 8 30. a m. No. 10 is a stub from Pacific Junction at 11 a.m. FOK SALE On reasonable term my resi dence on the N. W. corner of Elm and lllli Sis. Said property consists of li, block with a pood story and a half house tf six rooms, two ward robes and one par.try ; good well and city water ; twenty-seven bearing apple tre'S, and an abundance of small fruit of all kinds, tf P. D. BATES. Begs's Blood Purifier and Blood Maker. No remedy in the world has gained the popularity that this medicine has, as hold on family medicine. No one should be without it. It has no calomel c J quinine in its composition, consequent ly no bad effects can arise from it. "We keep a full supply at all times. O. P. Smith Co. Druggist. j25-3mod&w Fire Insurance vtrittn in the Etna. Phoenix and Hartford by w i n a ri 2 in a. uaviesi Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re lieves n cough instantly and in time effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., drtfggista. j23,3mo,d-w. BQEOK - SALE REMEMBER OL'lt Cut PricesoDL BLAC K SATIN E SOLIKL, BLACK SILK WARP JIKNIMhTTK, BLACK ALL WOOL IIENRIE1TE, BLACK ALL WOOL ALBATHOS, BLACK ALL WOOL SERGE. F. HERRMANN and CO. . F. HERRMANN and CO. : F- HERRMANN and CO. REMEMBER nun Cut Prices on COLORED SERGES, COLORED Sl.TMNGS, COLORED CASHMERES, COLORED ALBATROS. F. HERRMANN and CO. F. HERRMANN and CO- F- HERRMANN and CO REMEMBER OI.lt Cut 3Fs?ices osa. PARASOLS, CORSETS, SHAWLS, GOSSAMERS, JERSEYS. Special Prices in C3-. 33. KEMSTER, Practical - Piano and Organ Tuner AND KF.PAirtHl. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Oilier? ;it fioeck's furniture store, Plattsmoutli, Nebraska. J. IJ. Cox h.-is u full line of hose and hose-rcals for vtur lav.n. ii22u)l Men's canvass i-hois at Merges', only 85 cents, everything cheap. tf. A large line of white goods, flouncing allovers at J. V. Wc ckbiich'e. Plenty of feed, flour, grbhsm and meal at IleUtTs mill, tf Two tlegnnt fumibhe-d rocms to rrnt. Enquire at this cfiice. tf The cheapest shoei at Merges'. tf. A fine line of white aprons enibroirdscl in the latest styles, prices very low at Wee kba ash's. I sell shoes cheaper than anybody. Call nd be convinced, no trouble to show goods. tf. Peikr Mekges. Bargans in hosiery for ladies and children at Weckbaush's Novelties in ladies ready made mus lin underware at J. V. Weckbaugh's. MRS. G. B. KEMSTER. Teacher of Vocal & Iastrnmental Mcsic Residence Northwest Corner of Elev enth and Main Streets, Plattsmoutb, Nebraska. '(x