The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 19, 1888, Image 3

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f I
for Women to Walk Car
log Kcouomickl Hints.
fiai'un Clill.lrrti Willi Coll Feet- -If
mluct loin llomrliolal 1 1 w .
j several years ago I rounal myielf a.
-rutitr in a stningo place obliged to
Ii.tii-o bcl; t.viiio of the poor health of
jiy valni-d, vaiiinbl'j aivl well proven Esther.
( l.uiy -ui'IialuN.-i for the place appeared, Lut
it sccnicl that my choice lay. If not botneeu
I iU ut !; i Ix-twiN-n undesirables. There
cmwto !- tho fewei-t outs in u short btat
uicd, soft voici! co!orel f;ii L ISho proved a
t' fairly gxtl cook ami luuii li-ct3, of docile
temper, willing to lalair and to h-arii, lut
v ' almost wholly untraiiioL Iitft motherless at
an wirlj- n;v, like Tojwy she hnd "(jr-owed,"
t .up bit of household skill ns she
UiifU-d from one homo to another. In thia
-.' ay idio lia.l !itlt'-n-l enough wisdom tn)tt
rare fooil, hhuitvr hixI clothiut;, hut remained
a very clnlaj in tho iiuiuuement of her own
a!7jirs. Ih-r w.irdrolio was of tho scantiest.
U.-io or t'.vo httlo bundla.- comprised t lie wli;le
of it. While thi-iv was a dearth of underwear,
print ilrcv-'-i ;n: I $-od, wnrni wraps, a Hcr,
o!J i'.U skirt, Ix.n-lit of soinu former ini-tre:-.
lani -ii:i imjn.rt.iT.t item .f her out lit.
As I i l:i h .ns'-e, reveuliiiR more fully
J her utter ala si i: nt -am, my lia-art h.tuk v. ltd in
0 !'!, for I read in it not nverty so uitia-li us
e!uft!e'-in-. Then came the rctlecliuii:
I Jo --..a- is ut responsible for ull of thisl
Jlow eouiil hh kn iw wl.-at totlo if no one
ever tun.: lit her'1 Swiftly followed the
"i ipiery. "What aro you koi:i to do :tlout
It If jou turn her away from her ail-
ii it ion icriiu Mia M xrly cUip(aed for
tl; l-ittlo f life, hern will she of Who
will teaeh l.-r What w ill the end hef For
answer I saw thi.-i waif a trial to om mistress
r.fler another. Li icf seasons if wao earning
a!trii;ilm'. with di'iindence on frieiiil as
-o-r us her.--lf, the thin, ll:iste-d ears of iiilo- ever devouring the full ears of her
plenty I tviw her the niKtress of boine poor
l. ;:,ai. 1 sarrouiiileaj ly rapidly multiplyiiij;
roiiji of httle Lesiiu, who would Ixj w. nt
forth Liter, unkempt and untutored, to le
the ili.-ii-t and despairof ii not her generatiou
of Imii ekeepcrs. And then Well, the pic
ture win without an end unless soiitehoi'ly
l.nd hold or the machinery and changed its
working Why hhould tliat Konieboviy not
Im- Ii How siioul 1 1 know 1 was not heiuj
priest or leviuj if 1 pavd this neg!e-tod
Ulster hy f It seined n little Lit of missionary
work that the Lord bud set dow-u within my
doors, and I he'ieve he meant me to do it.
i'o, doin; a.-, to the Lord end for one of
lit little o!ie., and reutcinberin that my
yi, tU:ihter miv;lit have Ixjeii homeless and in
need of motheriiii;, 1 Lean my work. There
was little difliculty in wiunin; IJessie's con
liilenee sullieienlly to tnuko counsel as to her
wardrohc kindly received. It was easy to
Miest the need of new working gowns and
Bj.o.ib w aen the Migest ion took the form of
anotl'erof he!puj: "Ctoaic, if you like to
Ret you n new print dress, 1 w ill htiteli tho
seams for ytu." Moreover, she soin found
that that a not all . there sure to Lie help
ful hints as to euttm;; and planning. Then,
when he caime to that leto uoir, tlio hutlou
iioK-s, putient, repeated lessons helped her to
fa lnon tidy siits. as unlike as posi;ib!o the
iv I v e!liji that had done duty in the past,
fcjoiiietin.e. rt-Liiruiu from "down town,"
1 vvoald sa y: ", 1 saw mjeli and sorb
(:i.t:of very, very pretty pattern, at low
pi iivs. you would liml this a j;ood time to
I'liy " Often ti:? nsponso would he: "1
C;u'is I will have some. Would you please
v 4,L-t it for ine. you i t tucli pretty things.
:ul t:.e wai-droV; g:ew, until, ii jid '.i
tio: tcj V- v.oiking Rear and underwear,
-s was a pretty jer.-ey jaekct, a heavy
ri-Mii. a woolen slinn I, and a well inadu blook
jM-.iiai.-re dre.. This latter wus a source of
l-eni fi-i.ieas Uiug "i:iy Boston dres," so
e:o. ed bfaueit was piircb:isvd nt tho Hub
1V t-'iVial j-ouiniiSifiou. As possessions ii-ci-easi-S,
''l ber M-if rtspvJ-t. The poor
ful had evidently fancied that good and
iit;in! nit el-v.l.i-s were set apart for un order
ot it-iirs i ;it.. reuiole from her, and with
m lioin siie could not expect to have anything
j:i common.
Of c mrse thero were some drawbacks and
di.s;i!tr;;gemeiit. Sometimes a few dollars
would expen.led foIihly forarticlesmoro
showy than pretty, durable or suitable, or
k ::ij n: -e. ptvtty garment woulil be worn
tvheu about rough and dirty work, to tlia
j.vat f!.-tri:iint of the garment and tho dis
l.Mi tenir:- "f t he mist res, fcniiiietimr's good
l.ialei iais would bo "witclietl" distressingly.
A 'aia. the scams would lo loug and numer
oas. ar.d tl-c btilloa holes would need atten
tion un-ii mora pleasant occuratioti3 wore
inviting pursuit. l?ut tl-.ero was a reward
and good choor in seeing a ti-ly banibnaiun
u:;d in listening totue delighted csclauiatiou:
1 didn't think 1 could ever have anything
like tlii-!"
i;y and by, anolber way to partial release
fr me, and sjlf help for ber, suggested itself.
Tht was neitlit-r niorn nor less thati the pt:r
cliast of a s-.'wing machine. If you have
ti.-ver d-a.'t ia second hand machines, J'ou
woui.l never dream w hat a good oua cau bo
Umght for ten dollars, liaviug occasion to my old machine for one of modern
make, I aske.1 the agent if it would bo worlix
i;e.-.;o"s wiiiltj to buy mine at fe irno no
r:lered for it, or could she do bettor Hav
ing beard lLo story briefly, be said that ha
cunl l l-:id a.-uong bid exchanges something for tae same sum, giving many attacb-i::;-ats
tind instruction in the uso of aJL
I'l-.o uev pov-'ssion was soon installed in
l.Lt corner of the kitchen, and its merry
hum :n iuiet aflernoous was not more plcua
Zinl to V. owner's ears than to my own.
It was rer.rSy a year after ik-ss:os advent
nroong c when the necessities of the family
required u stronger end riiors ct-.pable girl ia
the kitchen, and so it cauie to jass that Ues
sie left us. Instead of the two little bundle
tif scarcely more value t'aan rag3, the carried
it! her the precious sewing machine and a
tmttU full of gartucuts such as tnauy a bousi)
wilo might be proud to own. What her con
ditiou is today 1 caution say, Lut I am very
fcure that it is both brighter and better be
cause of my efforts ia her LehalT. ilmxua
ilartin Hills in Good Housekeeping.
Car of a Ius Tic.g.
A girl who never owned any pugs but w ho
had n great liking for them offered to take
charge of oue belonging to a friend who was
about to go ou a journey irbere she could net
take her pet. The offer was gladly accepted,
and the next day an express wagon camo
with a big acking box containing thj ejects
of- dear puggio. There was a raltaa basket
for him to sleep in, a bath tnh, spongo aul
lowers, with his name embroidered on the;.;,
end a. cuke of pure castile soap a silver
dih; aa ivory comb and brifcif. beautifully
Laud pciute-d; a decorat.-J plate for his food,
aa J a bowl for milk or water; several pousus
cf dog biscuit ia a beautiful fancy box ucJ
"iioa Ion t.v!:ct filled with confections to l
g,ive:i one after each mral for di-.-crt: u ca::'
cf ht. m-ropalhic inediciw s f:T ii.-- .'houl-l bJ
Lc taken ill . a bLinkct for I: bss! r.t end
tiiother tiaely cnibroidored oue to cover luui
wit a. and tLm were to ut ct Cxse, that
' they might t.e waabed aitd renewed each
woek; then there waa a blanket coat for him
to run out of doors with, and a thinner one
for the inildeHt days; a blanket to wrap nii
in after his Ixith, and one as an extra cover
on cold nights; a little harness to put on
when bo sliould go out to walk, and chains of
gold and hi I vcr; threo or four collars and a
dozen or so of dilfereut colored bows for hie
neck; a silver w his tie to call him if be should
stray; a ball fur bini to play with, and an
embroidered hair pillow for him to curl up
on iu the daytime.
"I have not M-nt his exercise box or his
tooth brush." the friend wrote at the end of
a King letter (f instructions; "please buy him
atsoftono and use it every morning. The
exercise box 1 was afraid would be in the
way, and aa you aro always well, I know you
will take Lim out to walk every day." Clara
Cell j In Chicago Tribune.
Itow TVotnuii Should Walk.
The Ix-st walker 1 ever saw was boeles.sly
plain of feature by inheritance yet the
houjournerx in tho mountain hotel w here she
wa-s imssing the fcummer crowded to tho w in
dows to si-e her cross tho lawn or go down
the road. Her bkirts were of a modest length,
just clearing the instep; she wore stout boots
that were well fitted and trim; as she trod,
he cast the w holo weight of her body on the
ball of tho foot, rising very slightly on the
foe. h'.ho bclil herself erfetly erect, yet not
stiffly; chest expanded, shoulders down and
baek; her motion reminded one of the straight
flight of a bird, tho riht onward sweep of a
canoe of nil swift and graceful things never
recalling tho lounge, or shale, or hitching;
bounce, or pigeon like perk, that go for walk
ing with the bevies of well dressed women
one meets every hour on street and road.
Watch tho tiMe tumbling and bubbling
along tho grit thoroughfares of our cities
en n Hue afternoon, if you would falsify and
confirm tho assertion that not one woman in
u thousand uses her lower limbs well, or
cares to Itrarn bow to employ them in any
exercise except dancing. Where one "strikes
out'' freely and fearlessly, tho nine bundled
and ninety-and-nine sh utile, lunge, bob and
waa Idle. Men know it, if women do not.
Ask j-our grown brother with how many
girls he can keep step on a smooth xive
metit without feeling as if he were hoppleal;
how often he lias to execute the half step
that recovers the rhythmic pace, royally jlis
regarded by his fuir compauion. Marion
A I'ew Krononiical Hint.
As so many wives have to economize in
every department of their domain, perhaps
it may benefit some to know one of their
nuiuWr has learned by actual experience
that dumplings, for chickens or other stewed
meats, are lictter w hen made of flour, a little
salt anal enough water to make a smooth
dough, which should bo rolled thin, cut in
long strips, ami broken (not cut), in pieces
when put in the kettle, than the so called
raised dumpling, in which egg and soda are
useaL Hi vels for soup are just as good where
made of only flour and water, as when made
of flour and eggs. Enough flour should le
used so the rivets will not etick together in
sodden lumps, but in fine dry flakes or
wa fers.
A nice, healthful pudding for dessert may
Ikj niuile by putting a layer of stale bread
into a saucepan, then a layer of fruit, sugar,
more bread, fruit, etc., until the ian is full.
Then udd enough water to moisten all well,
"priiiUe sugar over top, which should be
bread, and bake until dona Tho bread
hould le browned uicrely. .Serve with cream
or rich 1'iilk.
IS-.vect corn (dried) .is improved by adding
twice n-s much sugar as Fait used in cooking
i. Turnips caik.Hl in the same way are let
tcr than when boiled with meat. Parsni;is
lioila.vl in water slightly salted, which is
t'.;:a-kened w ith a gravy made of rich milk,
w ith a little flour stirred in, when parsnips
are tender, nro excellent. I have had liettcr
s-.ieces-s with pancakes made without eggs,
u-iiiig buttermilk and soda. Farm and Fire-
Where Caution Is Neede.I.
"There is a great deal of carelessness now
aaiiys in giving introductions," saiil a society
leader to a reporter. "Formerly an intio-dut-tion
meant considerably more than it
now does. It was not given lightly and al
most ns a matter of course to any applicant.
Of late the formality of introduction has
been much abused. There is no longer the
same caut ion and discrimination in the mat
ter. 'People will often unthinkingly introduce
to their friends the merest casual acquaint
ances, of whoso moral and social standing
they know absolutely nothing, forgetting that
by so doing they are pledging their own
honor for their conduct. It is of course prin
cipally owing to the easy and matter of
course fashion in which introductions are
asked and obtained that adventurers and for
tune hunters are able to seenro a footing in
good society so easily. If proper care were
taken to see that those seeking introductions
were what they professed to be, the opera
tions of these gentry would be rendered much
more difficult." New York Mail and Express.
Onions for tho Complexion.
I wish to whisper a little secret, especially
to the girls who read The Household col
umns. It is this, girls: if you wish a clear,
smooth skin, just eat onions.
My sister and I have as fine, fair skins as
you often see. We are never troubled by
pimples, boils or eruptions of any kind, and
Ibis is largely due, our family physician says,
to the fact that from infancy wa haye bad
onions once a week and usually oftener.
When ir.T sister came home from a prim
boarding school a few years ago, she declared
that onious were a "vulgar f(od" and bbo
"shouldn't eat any." But when her face
would shine, and even a liberal supply of
powder would not cover up the eruptions,
then she decided they (the onions; were not
so very bad after alL
Now, girls, do not be afraid of having an
oficr.sive breath, but just drink a cup of
coffeo or chew a few coffee kernels, and, my
word for it, your company will not shorten
their call at all, at laast, on that account.
Detroit Free Press.
flow Fire for Cooking.
The great secret of French cxioking is a
knowledge of the variety of food to be had,
plenty of time to prepare the food and a slow
Cra. American cooks are in so much of a
hurry tbst when they prepare a meal they
imagine that what is necessary is plenty of
fuel and a roaring Dot fire. With meats this
simply bakes or incinerates the fibers, in
stead of permitting the juices to perform
their proper functions. And this "hurry up
system is what is slow ly, perhaps, but surely,
making us a race of dyspeptics. New York
CfcilJrcn with CoM Feet.
Ccreless mothers ad nurses frequently !
Bead children to bed with cold feet. The ap- j
pea of the little ones for something warm to
wrap around their feet is either entirely jiis- !
regarded or calls forth a peremptory order :
to "go to sh?ep and stop bothering." ;
Wo know cf a mother who undresses five
Iltt Ia children and put 3 them to bed herself
every night.. She is wealthy, has servants
, Irbo won 1.1 wZllalj Ue ter place, tat .'..
; will not resign the privilege. If tht little
fect are cold, whicb Is. frequently the cmw,
the mother holds them closo to the Are and
rubs them briskly with her band until circula
tion is StUKt
"My arms often acheafter I haveglven th
children their good night kiss," she once said,
with a smile, "but then," she added, "1 hnv
my reward In knowing that the darlings are
warm, comfortable and happy."
Dangerous attacks of croup, diphtheria or
fatal sore throat can often be traced to
neglect of the chilalreu's feet. M. A. Thur
ston in Oood Housekeeping.
I'a'lrn Intra Sclflkliuea.
Abby Morton Diaz in her remarks con
tended that tho most effective work for hu
manity is not always among the working
women, or the repulsively bad or. miserably
poor; that there are found among the well to
do women and tho rich many whose standards
are untrue, ambitions low, aims unworthy,
their occupations frivolous, and their deuircs
ceiitereal ujhjii self; that this class of ersoi78
are often more truly fallen than those we
have so often branded as such, that she is the
fallen woman who falls into selfhood, or
who lives chiefly in her own lower nature.
New York Graphic.
Words of I'oliteness.
One who has the germ of true politeness in
bis heart can never lie boorish, and our aim
should be to make the foundation of courtesy
solid; then there will be no cracks in its
superstructiu-e. With a kind heart, the face
speaks the words of politeness and tho hands
act the courtesy. We want no counterfeits,
but the real thing. No "thanks," that come
out like words from a rubber stamp, but the
"I thank you," that is each time written with
an individuality of its own. (J rand llapids
Church Helper.
for a Severe Hum.
The ain caused by being severely burned
may be almost instantly relieved by apply
ing a mixture of strong, fresh, clean lime
water mixed with as much linseed oil as it
will cut Before applying, wrup the burn in
cotton waddiug saturated with tho lotion.
Wet as often as it apjiears dry. without re
moving cotton from burn for nine days,
when a new skin will probably bavo formed.
M. A. Thurston in (Joed Housekeeping.
To Itelieve Neuralgia.
Nearly one-half tho population are more or
less afflicted with neuralgic pains. Instead
of sending for tho doctor, who will probably
prescribe a plaster and a dose of medicine,
advise the sufferer to heat a flat iron, put
a double fold of flannel on the painful
part, then move tho iron to and fro on the
flannel The pain will cease almost immedi
ately. Good Housekeeping.
To Cure Hiccough.
Sit erect and inflate the lungs fully. Then,
retaining the breath, bend forward slowly
until the chest meets the knees. After slowly
rising again to an erect position slowly exhale
the breath. Repeat this process a second
time, and the nerves will be found to have
received an excess of energy that will enable
them to perform their natural functions.
Boston Budget.
C'okl Ashes for l'atlis.
The best (tse for coal ashes is to make paths
and good roads. A good coating of them
upon a path, with a bttlo soil thrown ujioii
the surface to help solidify them, soon ie
jomes a walk equal to asphalt, and very
pleasant to walk upon. Boston Budget.
Drying It.iked Potatoes.
BakeaJ jiotatoes must lie eaten as soon as
they are done. When they are taken from
the oven they should be put into a napkin or
towel and the skin broken, so as to allow the
steam to escape; this will keep the potato
mealy. Boston Budget.
A severe cold a:;d erhaps an attack of
pneumonia may be prevented if premonitory
symptoms are heeded. A chilly sensal ion
along the spinal column, a cold, clammy
feeling across the chest aro sure indications
that a severe cold is trying to settle in the
Bleeding at the nose frequently causes ex
tremo prostration. If the nose bleed. from
the right nostril, pass the finger along the
edge of the right jaw until tho leatiug of the
artery is felt. Press hard upon it for five
minutes nnd the bleeding will stop.
Rusty nails make ugly wounds, which, if
not attended to nt once, may cause great
suffering perhaps death. Smoke the wound
with wool or woolen cloth; fifteen minute. iu
the smoke will remove tho worst class of in
flammation. Dumplings for chicken or stewed meats can
be made without eggs if they are made with
flour, a littlo water and salt and rolled very
thin, cut in long strips and broken, not cut.
when put into the kettle.
Lace may be washed by winding it around
bottles or sewing it on muslin and boiling it
in soft water with pastile soap. It should be
rinsed iu soft wat6r after removing it from
the suds.
Remove the irons when the ironing is done,
and never let them stand on the stove, where
steam and grease will be sore to settle ou
If the boiled potatoes are done a little too
soon lay a towel over the kettle or dish, but
do not put a tight cover over them.
Alum and plaster of paris mixed with
water and used in liquid state form a bard
composition and a useful cement.
Soft tissue paper is the best for polishing
mirrors. This may also be used for polishing
or drying wiudotv glass.
Milk in boiling always forms a pjculinr
acid, so a pinch of soda should be added when
beginning to cook.
Unslaked lime is excellent for cleaning
small articles in steel, such as jewelry, buckles
and the like. -
Butter, lard and drippings should be stored
in jars and kept in the coldest and drye&t
Sweet milk or cream is excellent for sun
burns or chapped feet on the little boys.
The nicest thing to scour knives, brass, tin i
ware, eta, is sifted hard coal ashes.
If sassafras bark is sprinkled among dried
fruit it will keep out the worms.
The juice of two oranges added to a pitcher
of lemonade greatly improves it.
Rain water and soap will remove macldne
grease from washable fabric
Rich cake will not crumble if cut with a
knife dipped in hot water.
Vegetables are best stored in a room by
themselves. - '
A word on plant culture Dou't over vrater."
rATiinir ucin ati amta t
w av i ib.-n i i-o- i r.
A .VNIt to t!i 31111a rrcrn, I.I tiler,
Ilullcr, Heater nnat fre Cruilo OU
In the Tnuk A Summary of the lies I.
"Cotton seM oil," said Mr. A. E. Thornton,
of tho Atlanta mills, 4,is oneof the most vnlu
ablo of oils Ixxm use it is a neutral oil that
is, neither acid nor alkali, cud can lie made
to form the body of any other oil. It assim
ilates the properties of tho od with which ii
ii mixed. For instance, olive oil. Cotton
seed oil is taken and a little extract of olives j
put In. The cotton oil takes up the proier- J
ties of the extract, and for all practical pur- !
poses it is every bit as goaial us tho pure olive
oil. Then it is used in swt-et oil, hair oil,
anal, in fact, in nearly ull other .i. A chemist j
cannot tell the prepared cotton oil froui olivo
oil except by exposing a saueerful of each,
nnd the livo oil laeca.mes rancid tiuuh
quicker than the cotton oil. The crude oil is
worth thirty cents a gallon, and even rs it is,
makes the finest of rooking lard, and enters
into tho comiasition of nearly all lard."
A visit to that mills showed how the oil is
inudo. From tho platform where the 1 seed is
unloaded it is thrown into an elevator and
carried by a conveyor an endless screw in a
trough to tho warehouse. Then it is dis
tributed by the conveyor uniformly over the
length of the building about. '.'(Kl feet. The
warehouse is nearly half filleal now, anal
thousands anal tiiou-iOials of I riv : ;
in store. Aio;!.. .- c;.,.noi a-arries Him seed
up taj the "saiial screen." This is si re aIviug
cylinder made of wire clo.h, tho meshes
being small enough to retain the seed, which
ore inside tho cylinder, but tho sand and dirt
escape. Now the seeds start down an in
clined trough. There is something else to lie
taken out, and that is the screws anal nails
and rocks that were too large to be silted
out with the sanal and dirt. Thcie is a hole
in the inc-lineal trough, ami up through that i
hole is blown a current of air by a suction
fan. If it v. ere not for the fan the ot ton
seed, rocks, nails and all woulal fall through.
The current keejis up the cotton seed, nnd
thoy goon over, but it is not strong j-nough
to keep up the nails and pebbles, and they
fall through. Now the seed, free of !1 'Ise,
is carried by another elevator and cndles
screw convej-or to the "linter." This is
really nothing more than a cotton gin, with
an automatic feed.
Then tho seed is carried to the "l:u'!er,"
where it is crushed or ground into a i-o-jrti
meal about as coarsens theordinarv corn
"grits." The next step is to Pepa-nto U:o j
hulls from the kernels, all tho oil beir.i i.i tlio
kernel, so the crushed seed is carried to tho
"separator." This is very much o:i t'r- f.t'. ie
of a sand screen, being a revolving cj linitr
of wire cloth. The kernels, being sr:n;t!!er
than the broken hulls, fall through tit
broken meshes, and upon this priuc'rlo the
bull is separated nnd carried direet t' h.?
furnace to be used as fuel. The ker.ic!.-; are
ground as fi:e as meal, very much as f.i -Jst is
ground, le( ween corrugated steel 'Toilers." ;
and tho damp, reddish c-olorol meal is car j
l ied to tho "heater."
The "heater" is one iron kettle w ilLm a:i- i
other, the six inch steam space between the i
kettles being connected direct with the boil
ers. There aro four of theso kettles fide in
side. The me::l is bronght into this ronra by :
a:i elevator, t'lKi Krst "border" U Hi , end !
for twenty minutes the meal is suhj?-. red to '
a "dry cook," a steam cook, the stea i in ti-io
packet being under u pressure of fa.r. e '
pounds. Insi'Jo the inner kettle is a "stirrer,"
a revolving arm attached nt right a s to;
a vertical shaft. The stirrer makes t'.c Le j
ing uniform, anal t he high tei;-rat uro a -i i vr-s i
o!T all the water ia the meal whilo il.a i:voi-
atile oil all remains.
In five minutes the next her.ter is H'Acd, i;
live minutes the nertt, etc.
Now there are four "heaters," nnd r.s t:.j
last heater is filled at tho end of twenty
minutes the fir.-Jt hav.tcr is emptied. The:,
fit. the end of live minutes tho first heater is
filled, and the one next to it is emptied, and
the rotation is kept up, each heater full of
meal being "drv cooked" for twenty min
ute."?. tVrrcspon ding to the four heaters aro four
prp.-ws. Iiac'.i pres;s consists of six iron pans,
shaped like baking pans, arranged one above
the other, and about five inches apart. Tho
pans are shallow, anal around the ralge of
each is a semi-circular trough, and at tl:t
lowest point of the trough is a funnel i.hajKKl
hole to enable the oil to run from one jau l.i
the next lowest, anal from tho lowest pan to
the "receiving tanks" below.
As soon aa a "heater" is ready to be c:n
tied, the meal is taken out and put into six
hair sacks, corresponding to the six puns i.-j
tho press. There are six hair mats about on-
foot wide and six long, one side of cneh being
coateal with leather. The hair mat is about
an iiieh thick. Now the hair sack containing
ten and a half to eleven jiounvls of heated
steaming meal is placed on one end of t he
mat, and the meal distributed so as to
o iaaa or cusnton oi uniiorm ttnekness. i ho i
pad of meal is not quite three feet long, a j
foot wide, and three inches thick, and tho
hair mat is folded over, samlwiching the pad I
and leaving the leather coating of the pad !
ouLsmo. xii iuis ioi iu ine six loaus are put
into the six pans, anal by means of a powp :.
ful hydraulic press the pans arc
pressed, together. This oil begins trickling
out at the side, slowly at first, and then sud
denly it begins running freely. The presf-uro
on the "loads" is SiiO tons. After bein
pressa?d about five minutes, tho pi-asssuro. is !
eased off and the "loads" taken out. Vhaj j
ad been a mushy pad three inches thick is j
hard, compact cako about three-quarters of ;
an inch thick, and tho sack is literally glued j
to the cake. Tho crude oil hat a reddish j
ruuddy color as it runs into tho tanks. j
To one side were lying great heaps of sac-hs j
of yellowish meal the cakes which have beer
broken aud ground u; into meal. That, as.
explained abovo, forms the body of all furii!. '
izers. The following is a summary of th ':
work for the eight months' season at tLa At.- j
lanta mills: j
Fifteen thousand tons of seed used give: j
Fifteen million pounds of hull. !
Ten millions, three hundred and thirty-ona
thousand, two hundred and fifty pounds of
Four millions, six hundred and sixty-eight
thousand, seven hundred and fifty iou:ids
Thraae hundred thousand pounds of linl
The niisal is worth at the rate of SO for 7GC
pounds, or S$,:Oo.M.
The oil is worth thirty enL? a gallon, ci
seven and n half pounds, or i '1ST..7.V).
The lint i.-. worth ilS,U)0, making a total rf
2i;.:";5, anal that doesn't incUiaie the 1-j.oO.'.-000
jiountls of hull. Atlanta Constitution. j
Some housekeepers, to avoid tab!
clot'j stains, keep' a special dish for the recep
tion of fruit and vegetable skins, cores, p;ti
and the various things that are often laid ou
the tablecloth, especially by children.
The Plattsmouth Herald
Xs enjoying cx Boom in both, its
Will he one during which the subjects of
national interest and im poit:;iice will he
strongly agitated and the election of a
President will take place. .'Jhe people of
Cass County who would like to learn of
Political, Commercial
ind Social Transactions
of th.-: yea" and would
the times
-roi: t:imii:i: tiik
Daily cm Weekly Herald,
Now while we have the
people we will venture
i- "--- J.
Which is iirst-class in all respects and
from which our joh printers are turning
out much satisfactory work.
Year 1888
keep a -ace with
puhjeet hefore the
to hpeak of our
.r: ?v