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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1888)
TilF DAILY HERALD, Jr'LATTBAlUuTH, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. MAY IS, ISsg. The Evening Herald. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. - A. fcallabarr, DeatUt, Kockwood VuiHlng, Teltphaa i. Dr. filffftlaa, Oflea la Shrrwood Blork, UeI dear Cor. Klzth mwt Ciraalta, Telephone 42. Dr. Car Kmlth. ( PaialeM Dentiata, I'nioa Black, orar Citlxeaa' Baak, I'UtOmouth. CITY CORDIALS. City Council meets tanight, The contest of the petition for ap pointment of guardian for John C. Rakes is being heard by Judge Russell today. Dr. Schildknecht receiTed a hand some phitton this morning from the Ab bot Buggy Cm., Chicago. The buggy is a daisy. The dentists of Nebraska closed their annual meeting at Grand Island yester day. It was a rousing meeting and a good time was enjoyed by all. The riot night before last and the rain yesterday seems to hare drove almost everyone into the house and thty are afraid to get out today, consequently everything seems exceedingly dull aud quiet. We have just received the first num ber of Vol. 2, of the American Art l'rintet. The new yolume starts out in fine shape aud contains some of the finest jK'ciinrns of colored printing wo have ever seen. We have received a neat little book issued for the purpose of advertising Santa Clara county, California. It is Very nicely arranged and contains many beautiful illustrations of the scenery of tii it county. Rc-memb r the entertainment at Rock wood hall tonight for the benefit of the Presbyterian Sunday School. This is a good cause and should be well pat ronized besides the entertainment will bo well worth the time and money. Following is the programme for first grade, ward schools: Monday 21st, arith metic; Tuesday 22nd, reading, spelling and writing; Wednesday 23rd, drawing, object lessons and hygene; Thursday 34th Oral work and review of paprs. Lincoln won n garuo yesterday. It was a beastly poor one. and the only le gitimate use for such games is to fertilize. Two games like that on an acre of ground that wouldn't sprout beans and would issue one hundred bushels on corn. Lincoln Democrat. The bids on the sewer are being open ed this afternoon by tho board of public works. Several bids are in and will take considerable time to look over them so that vrn will not be able to give the name of the successful bidder today, but will give all the particulars tomorrow. The county commissioners opened the bids for the erection of a court house for Lancaster county yesterday aud it was found that W. II. B. Stout had the lowest bid which was $116,476.42, be ing $7,000 less than the architect's esti mate of tho building. The contract has not vet been awarded but it is supposed that Stout will get it. Gov. Thayer has written a letter to the Nebraska delegation in congress in forming them that the ranchmen and ir rigators of Colorado are, during the dry season of the year, using all the water of tho Platte river, thus depriving the citi zens of Nebraska, who have as much right as they, from any benefit therefrom. The Governor ask that proper steps be taken tho rights of the citrzeus of Neb braska respected and laws passed to en force their rights. It has come. We expected it. Care ful readers of this paper will remember that the J outwit predicted it. This re fers to the man who indulges in a lot of horrible blasphemy and is appropriately punished. The gentleman who received his reward this time lived at Sncc.i,Kas., and a few day ago ha did some atrocious cursing. Scarcely was the last word out of his mouth before he became violently insane and rushed olt to tne woods, since which time he has not been seen. It is to be hoped that he will establish a colony of fakes in some secluded spot, so that none of them will be heard of again. Lincoln Joutnnl. If some of there who are continually using profane language on our streets were punished in the above way wo would be relieved of many of the insults we hear every day. The newspaper u, in a very impor tant sense, a public institution, doing very much for each individual, and for the community as a whole, that receives ' neither reward nor acknowledgment. In view of thL, it is certainly as little as any man can do to give his patronage to the local publisher, who is at the same time nearly alwaya a job printer. Vet it seems to be a growing custom for busi ness men to send their work abroad. This u probably largely owing to the principle in human cature which ever gives enchantment to distance, and makes the prophet not without honor except in his own country. The men who condemn their fellow citizens for going abroad to buy their dry goods and groceries seem entirely oblivious to the fact that they are committing the same offense when ordering their commercial printing from jonva distant city Nat. Editorial Journalist. Words of Praiso- Every day new subscribers aro coming in all speaking words of praiso for The Hkkald for its fuir and impartial way of dealing with all questions and business interests of the city. Although we are aware that wo have incurred the enuiity of Borne of our citizens, it makes our heart glad to know that these words of praise are coining from good, fair mind ed, honorable men and while we do not expect to run a paper to suit every one, we are glad to have the approyal of these, among tho best citizens of our city. We are making a special effort to greatly increase our circulation and are offering good, substantial premiums for subscriptions both to the Daily and Weekly, as follows: For thirty cash subscribers to tho Dai ly Herald wo will give a first-class sew ing machine and for thirty cash subscrib ers to the Wkeki.y Uekald we will give a good watch. All of these goods to be bought of our dealers here in the city and warranted by them to be genuine. This is a good opportunity for thotte in need of these articles to make an effort to obtain them. It is a very easy matter to get the subscribers and you cannot get a watch or a sewing machine easier than this. And we will further agree that The Herald shall be kept up to its present standard of excellence. Stand ing always on the side of right and just ice, allotting to all tho free right to their opinions, oven though it may conflict with ours, and aiming to serve all in a fair and business like manner. Presbyterian Sociable. The following program has been pre pared for the entertainment to be giyen at Rockwood hall tonight. Chorus A Happy Band. Solo Miss Hat tie Dunston. i:ccii:ition. (irandma's lJsom Master Hilt Wccot. Duet, Curfew Dells Miss Delia Stelmke, Car rie Vass. Slo, Not Ashamed of Christ W. A. Derrick Keciiatiou, .New Dresses Mies Edith I'atter- S'.IU. Solo and Quartette, Trust the Boy Whose Motto is my Mother. Select Heading Mr. Chatburn. Zy titer Music. Select Heading, No Sects in Heaven Cliff Weseott. Ladies' Quartette, Duly a Dream of Home. Kecitatiou, Lily's Bah Miss Lulu Whit-. . Solo Mr. Eigenbioadt. Boys Quartette. Kecitatiou, Master Paul Hayes. Sola, Miss Clara B. Paul. Solo and Quartette, Fear nwt tho Cloud. Uood Night Song. The proceeds of this entertainment are for tho benefit of the Presbyterian Sun-day-shool library, and as the admission is only the small sum of ten cents, it is earnestly hoped there will be a full house. Everybody cordially invited to come. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Kate Oliver is visiting in Bellc vue today. D. E. Thompson of Lincoln, superin tendent of the B. & M. is in the city. John Thompson of Omaha 13 in the city today looking after his bid on the sewer. Gen. Manager Iloldrege came in in a special car this morning to look over the grounds after the riot. Dlsolutlon Notice- Plattsmocth, Neb., May 17 A. D. 1888. The firm heretofore doing business un der and bv the firm name of Smith & Black and being composed of C. II. Smith Charles E. Black is this day dissolved by mutual consent, the said Charles E. Black retiring therefrom and C. II. Smith assum ing all debts and liabilities due tho crad itors thereof and agreeing to pay the same. All book accounts to be settled with aid Charles E. Black to whom the same have been transferred, witness our hands tho year and dav above written. ral8-tf " C. II. Smith. CnAs. E. Black. "This weather is not so bad for the crops as some psople think," explains an agricultural scien'ist who is connected v.-'.th the Journal in a business way. 'The rain will mak the small grain hum, tud it is knocking the chinch bugs high er than a kite. It isn't so bad for the corn, either. Farmers groul because their seed does not sprout, aud say that it is ill on account of (lie long wet spell. If they would t ike care and select the right kind of ttid tboy wouldn't have any trouble. My experience has been that if good, full, clean ears are selected as the corn is being husked in the fall and hung up in a dry place during tho win ter, the coin will come up in spite of the rain. The fellows that nro kicking ibout the rotting of the seed don't fol low this scheme. They wait until they are ready to plant, and then go to the corn crib and gather up a lot of staff that has been exposed to the weather all winter. Grow ? Of course it won't grow. It can't." Lincoln Journal. Why are special police necessary iust no: f Why are Pinkerton men here ? Why is this city pu.t to great ex pense to preserve order i Simply be cause a handful of men think they can run the town. We did not need extra police until since the stike then why not get at the root of th evil and stop srTnruch sentimental nonsense. OUR GREA I o I REMEMBER Ol'B , Cut Prices 021 SURAH SILKS, WATERED SILKS, GROS GRAIN SILKS, FAILLE SILKS, AMUHE SILKS. DISSOLUTION SALE DISSOLUTION SALE DISSOLUTION SALE REMEMBER out Gilt I?2?iSS3 22. VELVETEENS, SILK VELVETS, SILK PLUSHES, FANCY VELVETS, j DISSOLUTION SALE DISSOLUTION SALE DISSOLUTION SALE REMEMBER -OIK- Out Prices on TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES, FLOUNCINGS, 3SJ LACES Nebraska Pensions. Washington, May 17. Pensions were granted NeLraskans today as follows: Original invalid Walker Iloff, Central City; Samuel R. Eobst, llumbolt; Steph en II. Bates, Blue Springs. Restoration unci reissue Elijah Lutes, Courtland. Mexican widows Mary C, widow of Thomas M. Taylor, Grand Island. Begs's Blood Purifier and Blocd Maker. No remedy in the world lias gained the popularity that this medicine has, as hold on family medicine. No one should be without it. It has no calomel ci quinine in its composition, consequent ly no bad effects can arise from it. We keep a full supply at all times. O. P. Smith Co. Druggist. j25-3mod&w Agatha Tucker will open a select school in the First Ward building, June 4th 188S. Scholars of any age or class will be gladly received. Hours from eight to twelve. lw Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is warranted for all that the label calls for, so if it does not relieve your cough you can call at our store and the money will be refunded to you. It acts simul taneously on rdl parts of the system, thereby leaving no bad results. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. j-25-Gmdfcw Art American Qnack Abroad. Brighton has recently en joyed the presence of a quack who, according to his own ac count, has loft it 7,000 richer than when he came, and who certainly has managed to make a very considerable sum of money from the credulous. The quack is understood to Lave begun life in America. He pitched bis show on a pieo of ground in the North Road, Brighton, which is usually let for shows. His charge for extracting a tooth (without pain) was a shilling, and four shil lings for seeing a patient: for this the patient was rubbed behind a ru:j held up by two of the lookers on, and supplied with a bottle of medicine and a bottle of liniment. The lat ter had a very strong smell, some say of tur pentine, others of eucalyptus. The quack explained that tho liniment was derived from flowers of the prairie, which had been dipped in a mysterious well ip, Mexico. The practitioner has now departed, but ic docs not say much for the common sense of Brigh 5Djj that he should have reaped so rich a har vest there. "When he was not drawing teeth or rubbing patients he iwa to drive about in a gold chariot drawn by foui- horses aud pro ceeded by a brass band. Loudon Truth. The r-ractico of softening food for chil dren Is decried by dentists. "It is at the bottom of many n set of bad grinders, " ouo scientist declai-es. The best books aro within tho reach of tho nxist lEcfigoi purse You can get e cpicpp.jijcn fpr pa little cost as y pood cigar. Em H B SB RT Mr Be ta CI H Si K U it :s 1 u irj r :i a fj H fill 0 I i ill fdl II 111 Hallj 2 E) S ij vLi ii There will be a change in cur firm on or about June 1st, and in order tort (luce our mammoth stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies Furnishings to ns low u figure ns possible, vc shall give the people of this city and vicinity the Grandest Opportunity to buy good goods cheap, they ever had. Everything in our stock will be 'marked down to Red Rok Prices and sold "for CASH ONLY. It is impossible for us to enumerate ail of the bargains throughout our establishment, but anything you wunt in our line we shall be pleased to show you and quote prices. OUR CUT PRICE OH UNBEiiL,APt. Ladies' Cause Vests only 2:! cts. each, sold everywhere at o".j. Laidics' Derby Ribbed Vests, Finished Neck and Sleeves, only 30 cents; a decid ed bargain. Ladies' Perfect-Fitting Ribbed r.i.-le Vests, made from the Rest Combed Sea Island Cotton, reduced to 40 cents inch. Ladies' Gossamer Mcreno Vest-, French Collarettes, reduced to f2J Ct.-; worth 7.'. Ladies' Superior Lisle Thread 'ent, Finished Scam. and IIem;Colois Cream, Tun and Lavender, only 7.1c; worth $1. Ladies' Pure Silk Ribbed Vest., Square Cut. Low Neck; Colors. Sl-:y, Fink, and Cream, only $1,374, worth 2.0t. Gents' Gausu Shirts, only 'Jl cents, worth 31. Gents Novi Cotton Shirts reduced to 274 Gents' Frenc h Ralbriggan Shirts, Long or Short Sleeves, ivcuccd to 50 cents, worth 71. Gents' Colored Ilulbriggan Shirts or Drawers. Reduc ed to .10 cents, worth 7.1. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. .A. BARGAIN. Pure Spoon Silk Gloves, 10 and 12 Buttons Length. Colors Pink, Laven der. Cardinal, Olive. Tan, Grey, Urown. Flack and Wine. These Gloves cost to import $1.00 a pair. Full Stock of Silk, Lisle, Taffeta and Rerlin Gloves at way down prices. Do not forget ihni everything in our establishment has been greatly red need in price. Our stock is the jJLargest in this city to select from. Goods sold it One ffYice Only. IRRECONCILABLE. j.ove is lovo, aud fate is fate: Ac auJ ynuth should never !.-ato. .X-ki i.-i brut &ud full of care. Youth and love ere debonair; l'ate is cold and love is hot. Youth U warm and age is not; Youth pot's laughing, out of breath. Age poes whining dow n to death; Yotsth aad ape should never mate Fur youth is love, and ae is f;ito. -Charles Henry Fhi-!ps in Home Journal. I GUATEMALA'S BIRD OF LIEERTY. The Outzz:;I rietnreI o: Fostajia Flumps, but Seldom Soon Alive. "Vv"haS do you call those birds.'" asked a visitor to the storo of a well known down town taxidermist, pointing to a conpls of feathered creatures, bound separately in paper, with the tails and heads protruding, and showing a gorgeous plumage. 'iln-y were dried and ready for stuffing. Tho body of each, including the head, was, perhaps, five inches long, but, throwing the tail into the measurement, either bird would have re quired a four foot tape to connect tho point of its beak with the tip of its longo!". tail feather. One of the birds had two long feathers in its tail, and the other had two shorter oues, but nature, as if to compensate r this disparity of plumage, had given the bird, that would otherwise have been clear ly nt a disadvantage, a third and middle feather that was very lo:vj indeed. Crests adorned tho heads, and white cotton had been stuffed into tho eye cavities. "This,'' said the dealer tenderly, taking o;a of them up in his hand, "is the (rueswal, or bird of liberty of Guatemala. It hi ir ha found only in a small portion of the country, and is now very rarely wen at all. A gentle man who was recently in Central America managed to secure this pair, and left tht;n with mo to bo drt-jsed and mounted, tho pjoplo down there beiag able only to dry aud preserve them. Quezml is to Guatemala what the eagle is to the United Stet s of America its national bird. Its picture, rather distorted, is (-tamped on many of Guatemala's coins, and engraved on all tho postage stamps of that country. Whether it took its name front the ancient capital, or the old metropolis was called after it, ia a question not fully settled ; but ques&al is tho title of both. The quetzal has, as you must perceive, great personal advantages over the eagle, even in its wild state, and we aro ail familiar with the bedraggled appearance of the caged eagle. "Now, the quezzal is r.evcr caged longer than a few hours. It is truly a bird cf liberty, and it dies almost immediate!;.- v.-hen captured. Its pride in its rear feathers is evidently dearer than its love for life. When one of then accidentally gats soiled or broken the bird goes to ita nest, sits down and dies. If it is caught in a trap it is always found dead, and when the young birds are taken frcm tho nest they die at oiica Occasionally a quezzal has boon captured, aud in a ft-w soeoivha restoi-ed to liberty, but the contami nation of tho hand could not bo removed with the grasp, and it dropped Lifeless to the earth before it had flown many yards. They are brought down for mercantile purposes, when the opportunity presents itself, with cry small shot fired at long range. Ths quezzal builds a round roofed ne.-;t, like the home of the wren, only instead of ouo hol-j there aro two, directly opposite each other. Thus the bird avoids tho tail breaking nec: sity of turning nronud to make its exit-. H goes in at ouo side and out at the other, au i the long feathers, which wave .gently in thd air, at resting time are slowly and cautiously drawn after it.". . .. . DISSOLUTION OUR CUT PRICE' ON HOSIER?. Ladies Regular Made Cotton Hose in R aeks Solid Colors or Stripes t! pair for 1.00 Ladies Full Regular Extra Quality In grain Ho-ie Black or Solid Colors, LMcta. h pair worth 3-1. Ladies Rrilliaut Lisle Thread Hose Blacks or Colors only 30 cts. worth .10. Ladies Silk Plaited Hobc Colors only a decided Bargain at 00 ctji. Ladies Extra Heavy Fwur Thread Lisle P.laeks and Colors 75 ct worth SI. 00 Lauiea Pure Spun Silk Iloso Split Feet Colors or Black 1.00 worth $1.50. Odds and Ends of our Hosbry Stock at 37 cts. a pair would be good values at 0.1 1 : 3 1 iT ri cts. Gents Solid Colors or Striped Half IL'Si Fast Colers 0 pair for 1.00 worth 2.1 cts. a pair. Gents Extra Fine Ingrain Half Hose 521 cts. reduced from 3-1. Gents Royal Fast Dye Black Half I lose Premier Quality t( cts. a pair. Gents Fancy Lisle Hose at -11 cts. Re duced from 0.1. CKlLDKESi'S HOSIERY NOW AT CFtCATLY REDUCED PfttCC-T. UitryaiiiS in Kit! Gloves. Our 5 Rutton Temple House Reduced to 0.1c. Our .1 Rutton Embroidered Rack only k:c. Our 4 Rutton Genuine Kid, Reduced to 1.00. Our 5 Rutton Bon Marche, the brst Glove sold anywhere, reduced to $1.50. Full stook f Lndirs and Gents Suede and Driving Gloves at way done juices. i.1 t n s? r-i DON'T READ THIS I lTnles5 you want to know v. here to get the Host uCiili" IJanriiin in fii&S3fc43 "We are now ullV-'niiir mm ILIlflE 'I j And the most we pride ourselves on is our excellent line of i Laiiific Hanri- At their Present Low Prices. Shoe should not m n B.& rT. Time Table. OOINO WKT o. 1. r, a. in. , : p, iii. i). it a. in. .. 7. --7 :J5 ! . l.-i. t. .-- ;17 r. la. (ji'ixo i-as". No. 2 4 :l!-" p. III. Ivo. 4. 10 ::;) ii. in. .No. C, 7 :!." p. in. No. .--! :P0 :i i. No. 10 9 : a. in. (i. 1) 0 :0j a, m. AU trainc rni'i daily t.y wav of r.maha. except ' No. VI. -'J -AO , m. os 7 Hiid x w iiicii run to and from Sc-liujier daily except Kunday. N.i. on is a flub to Pacific Junction at s 30. a in ; ... !.- is a su.bfroia Pacific Junction at ll a.ia. KOU -iaLE-(iu reasonable terms iny ic-i-detce on the N. W. corner of Elm and 11th f?t. Said projert3' consists of block with a cood ft ery mikI a li3lf liouse tf six rooms, two nard- i-oIm-s aud rue j a::try ; good wrll and f iiy water ; tweiity-evf-n bearing apple trees. ai;d an i:l.)i;ut!:.iice of small of all kinds, tf P. 1. BATES. A large line of white goods, flouncings allov'.-rs at .1. V. AVeckliach'o. Tlicre is a splendid chance for those :lisi:ing instructions in fine oil painting at Kobbins' studio, just cull and see what has already been accomplished. tf HAS THE LARGEST AXD MOST COMPLETE -STOCK j WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC, ' Begg's Cherry Ccugh Syrup. i Is the only mfdiciae that arts directly J on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re- j lieves a cough instantly and in time' effects a permanent cure. Sold ly O. P. j Smith & Co., druggists. j2.1,3mo,d-w. - SALE i n e :m e 3SX xj e rt - T Ot IS GizZ E3?ices on BLACK SATIN E SoLlEL, ELACK SILK WARP IIENRILT'I H, RLACK ALL WOOL 1 1 EX JUKI TE, BLACK ALL WOOL ALRATROS, RLACK ALL WOOL SERGE. F. HERRMAKN and CO. F. HERRMANN and CO. F- HERRMANN and CO. REMEMBER oi;h Gut Prices on COLORED SERGES, COLORED SUTINGS, COLORED CASHMERES, COLORED ALRATROS. F. HERRI?. ANN and CO. fF. HER MANN and CO- F- HERRMANN and CO REMEMBE R ot it CSiif Prices on PARASOLS, CORSETS, SHAWLS, GOSSAMERS, J ERSES Y. t i is n n kL' ha-.i ' ii-J. irJ Srjciiil Prit-t.. in i urneri Shoes Ladies looking for fetich a fail to call on J. It. Cox has a full line of Lose and hose-reals for your lawn. nSMnil Mc-n's canvas d.os nt Jlugis', i,Jy 5 tiiits, cveivthiiiv l.t;p. tf. I'lt-nty of feed. Hour, gruhun and 'meal at Hem-l's mill, tf Twoclrgnnt fuinithrd I coins to n nt Enquire at this tlilcc. tf The cheapest shoe. at Merges. tf. A fine line of white aprons ruhroirdcf in the latest stjh-s, juicis very low at "Weekbaugh's. Fire Insurance writrsn In tho Etna, Phoenix and Hartford by Winc'ha m &. Davies. fattens in all the Intent pattems, French Sateens s)fc ially line at .1. V. Weckbauirh's. I sell shoes cheaper than anjhody. Call ii d le convinced, no trouble ta fcllOW goods. tf. I'tltR SIkKGKS. Bargans in hot-.icry for ladiis and children, at Wtckbaugh'g "Wanted, a conpcteut girl to do house work; wages $3 per week. W'Jwl Mll.s. H. B. V I XL' HAM. Nov ltie in lad i s ready matle mus lin nnderware at J. V. Week baugh'h. Gasoline t-tovrs are all the rage now and the best in thernaikrt is the "Quick Meal," you can get one at J. H. Cox's, hardware store, Main street. a22m jhlB a rfti