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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1888)
TIIK DALLY UEilALD, I'lATiaouia, mSliASKA, Fill DAY, MAY 16. 1SS8. The PlattsTOouth Daily Herald. 3C NOTTS BEO S., Publishers & Proprietors. THE PLATTSMOUTII HERALD I published every evening except Sunday aud Weekly every Thursday uiornlutf. Kr(;l Irred at the postoMce. Tlattiuouih. Nebr.. second-clam mailer. Olllce corner of iue uu TKRMS IOI DAILY. floe copy one year In advance, by mail One copy per month, by carrier One copy per week, by carrier, TKRMS FOR U'KEKLV. .?6 00 60 15 One opy one year, in advance f 1 w nnarotivili months, ill advance 75 Co.NRfcs should pass a law regulating the imuiegration to tins country. One diy last week 8,000 landed at Castle Garden. This is at the rate of 2,020,000 a year. Of course this rate will not be leapt up for n year, but it shows that it ight to be looked into. WiLTEK 2- Ghkhiiam stands for re publicanism as it was in its earlier and better dajs. lie is sound on every ques tion of party doctrine, and is honest, public spirited and independent. Under liis lead the republicans could make as enthusiastic and agresivo a campaign as they made in lbCO under Lincoln. Mis record is clear, clean and inspiring. There is nothing in it which calls for apology or explanation. His candidacy would harmonize the party. The repub licans who were repelled by the nominee of IS '4 would return to the party if Greshaui were nominated. With Gresli am at the head of the national ticket and a good nun selected for second place tbs republicans would sweep the country more completely and triumphantly than they have done at any time since 1872. Glol3 Democrat. THE TALK OF THE DA Y. "Colonel," remarked si Tammany dele gate to a County Democrat delegate as they touched glasses at the Hoffman House bar yesterday morning. "I notice by the newspapers that a man was bitten by a rattlesnake over at Fort Lee on 8unday Just think of it! Rattlesnakes running wild within a stone's thow of this great metropolis." "O, that's nothing," replied the Colon el, "why. I tell you, Peter, that if we don't close up our refreshment rooms pretty soon, a good many of those country delegates are going to go back home declaring that they got their boots full of snakes in the very heart of New York." Peter with a shake of his head re marked that he guessed that the Colonel was right. Then the two took a drink gratefully commemorative of Governor Hill's high-license veto. X. Y. Tribune. LIMITED MAIL SSRVIC: TEN FEET A MONTH. The evidence that the postal service in Indianapolis is "th? best the city has ever had" accumulates. On the 2?th of last Oc tob?r Charles F. Sayles addressed a letter to Henry Schwinge, the grocer, at No. 31 Pennsylvania St. It was not delivered until yesterday six months and three days after it was mailed. A reliable es timate of the distance between the place where the letter was written and where it it was received is 300 fee or 100 yards. But this is not the worst. The post-ollice is right between the two places. From Jlr. Sayles's office to the government building is probably four-fifths of the distance the letter had to go, and ovei this space Mr. Sayles himself carried it to the office to mail it. It required six months and three days for the post-office force to convey the letter sixty feet. As the envelope in which the letter was sent bean do stamp except that of Indianapo lis, the evidence appears to show that the juggling was all done this time in jthc Indianapolis post-office. Indianapolis Journal. HE IS A MODEL DEMOCRAT. The frantic efforts of Dan Voorhees to extricate himself from the charges brought against him by Senator Ingalls have resulted says the Cleveland Leader in encompassing the Hoosier Bourbon in a web of falsehood as tight;y as unwary fly was ever caught by wily spider. Yor hees has for many years been known to be an unscrupulous politician, as abso lutely devoid of principle as any man in his party, and that is the worst that can be said of any human being. He took his bick p:iy after the salary grab act Lad been passed aud never returned it, giving as his reason that he had never before had so large a sum of money at one time as $3,000, and that he would he a fool to give it up. When Senator In galls charged him with treasonable speeches during the war and with having been connected with organizations the sole object of which was to cripple and thwart th-i operations of the government in the war for the Union, Voorhees re plied by epithets which should cause him to receive a public reprimand from the senate. But this agitation of Voorhees1 record will not stop with the senate. A letter written in 1864 by General Carrington was published yesterday and it proves that Dan Voorhee' law office was a depository for rebel documents, that Voorhees himself was on terms of intimate correspondence with Vullandig ham, and that he was cheek by wl with the traitors who were threatening the Union armies in the rear. These facts and many others have been known for year, but they never changed the stand ing of Voorhee in the democratic party. He was elected to the lower house of congress and to the United States senate by democrats who were thoroughly ac quainted with his record. Treason, sal ary grabbing, tho denunciation of Union soldiers and heaping insults upon the name of Abraham Lincoln were no blem ish upon his character in the eyes of democrats. On the contrary, they seem to have been regarded as a merit. Even after these facts hayc all been brought anew to the public mind Voorhees will return to Indiana, and the Hoosier cop perheads will turn out to meet him with a brass band, and shower upon him all the honors duo to an honest man, which no on j will pretend Mr. Voorhees is, al though he is a model democrat. Gazette Journal. THE FUTUIiH DEMAND FOR COTTON. It has been asserted by free-traders, and by those who favor tariff for revenue only, that we could live cheaper without a protective tariff, because we could im port every or any thing cheaper than we can produce it here. It can be proven that in many cases by protecting our home factories home competition has reduced the cost to the consumer of many articles to a lower price than they were imported at or before we mnd them, and this in a few years, comparatively; and this will, more or less, be the result in everything wheu protection has lasted long enough to produce the same home competition. In the manufacture of cotton goods the home mtlls now consume 2,300,000 bales of cotton per year. At the rate of in crease in population and consumption during the past, we will consume, in thirty-five years hence, seven million bales per year, or the whole crop of 1887. And if the world will need our raw cotton in the future as in the past, there will be demand for twelve million bales per year, which the cotton states of the Union can easily groow and supply. Baltimore American. SSOO Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liyer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes lontaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured onlv by John O. Well & Co., 862 W. Madison St. Chicagi, Its Sold byW. .J Warrick. An Undesirable Tenant. We bear a good deal about the selfishness and inhumanity of landlords who refuse to let flats to people with families of children, but after all there may be another side to the story. In a bouso agent's office I listened to an argument between the agent and a wo man who wanted to rent a flat from Lira. It was a fiat that I happened to know, in a quiet house, filled with nice people. While the argument was going on, another bouse agent came in ou soiue business or other, and when be saw the woman beckoned his brother agent away from her, whispered something to him and went off. The woman did not get her lease and went away in high dud geon. The agent said to mo: "That is a sample of tho people who write to the papers about landlords who won't let flats to peoplo with families. Brown, who was just iu, rented her a flat. She is living in it yet, but must move by tho 1st. l't is a six roomed flat, and in it she and her sister live, with tiwiY two husbands, eleven chil dren, three cats and two big dogs, and they also board two young clerks that work for their husbands. One of the rooms is a kitchen, so that these seventeen people, not U mention the menagerie, are actually bunk ing in five rooms, in a respectablo house, wl-pro their noise and cairt make them com mon uute&nei?." Alfred in New York News. "When Seen Too Oft.'? FIRST BAB V. Fond Young Mother (to proud young father) Albert, dear, did you hear the sweet, preciou3 darling cry bis dear little eyes out lust night Froud Young Father I thought I heard our angel twitter I SiiCQXD BAB 7. She Albert, you unfeeling wretch, to hear that child screeching all night and never oiler to take him I lie Let tho little demon howl! Detroit Free Press. A Chicago newspaper makes the statement that a railroad train arrives or departs from that city every minute of the day. An Explanation. What is this "nervous trouble" with which so man? seem now to be afflicted? If you will renicuiler a few years ugo the word Malaria was comparatively un known, today it is as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it is used with nervous diseases, as they and Malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called Biliousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise froai a diseased condition of the Liver which in performing its functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through the system causing nervous troubles. Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreci ate a cure. We recommend Green's Au gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous. MEXICAN PASTIMES. TRIFLING PLEASURES AND FLIRTA TIONS OF AN EVENING PROMENADE. . Marionette Performances and the Circn. Theatre and llall The Great Na tional Amusement of Ball Fighting;. The " Pelea dt Gallo "Games, Kte. If the English do, indeed, "take their pleasures 6adly,n then the Mexicans must have somewhat of a rolatioiuJiip with- the former named nation, for these last, notwith standing the vast amount of vivacious de scription expended upon their impulsive, passionate nature and fiery Impetuosity of behavior, maintain their native reserve and melancholy in their diversions as consist ently as if it wero an actual sin, or worse yet, a breach of educacion (that is, good form, good breeding) to display enthusiasm over any matter whatsoever. The simplest form of social gathering is that variously known, according to the sec tion, as retreta, or sercnata, a sort of open air reunion, or promenade concert, ou the main plaza usually, at which tho people gather "to hear the lily white bandsmen play." Every Mexican city, town, village or hamlet, above tho limits of a rancho in dexed, often tho haciendas, even has at least ono plaza or open square for publio use. The larger towns nud cities have a dozen or twenty. These plazas range from the bare, dusty and unadorned open snaco in the vil lage, through various grades of scttced and tree planted perimeter to tho great zovalo or plaza do armas of the capital city, with its 6moothly rolled . walks, its grass and flower plots, its great trees, its smart iron benches, its fountains ami columns, which were surmounted by statues before they wero annexed by an aesthetic minded chief magis trate (according to tho gotsips), it electric lights and tho pretentious pavilion for the musicians who play there thrico a week. Likewise, in the minor cities, on from one to two nights weekly, usually Sundays and Thursdays, sweet music is discoursed by tho really good bands, ono of which is pretty sure to bo stationed in every garrison town, at least. To this levee nl fresco ilock the ninas and the lagartijos the damsels and tho dandies mesdeinoiselles nestling coyly beneath the wing of mother or some other relative. Most towns in Mexico have an alairtoda, or species of boulevard; and here, also, ouce or twice a week in the national capital daily there is music and a parade more formal and more dressy than that on the plaza, and people promenade and drive during the appointed hours. The lowest in importance of Mexico's amusements proper are tho titeres a mari onette performance and in many towns this is the only public diversion. To those centers of population which stem to offer sufficient inducements comes tho circus the great American circus on its yearly tour through tho provinces during the off season in Mexico city. The larger towns are visited with more or les3 frequency by theatre com panies, according to the distance from the metropolis and facilities for transportation, the accommodations offered by tho local theatre building, the wealth of the com munity and the propensity of the citizens for pleasure. Most of the larger towns, particu larly tho capitals, havo well arranged theatres, fairly well patronized, though first class troupes are rarely seen outside tho national capital and a few of the larger cities near by, such as Puebla, Vera Cruz, etc. Even balls, or tertulias (dancing parties), would seem tame, "weary, stale, flat and unprofitable" to the youth of the United States prone to seek sequestered nooks in conservatories and coigns of vantage on staircases, wherein to exchange speeches more or less confidential and sentimental. Such a procedure would be social ruin to a Mexican girl. Tho unwritten law demands that tho women at a ball be ranged severely together on one sidG of tha room, tho men on the other. Tho music begins for a dance, the men "make a break" for their partners. Tho piece over, tho ladies are restored to their chaperones. While bull fights may really be called the great national amusement in Mexico, it must not bo supposed that public opinion on this subject is undivided. Tho champions of bull fighting aro very enthusiastic, but its oppo nents are numerous and vehement enough t delight the hearts of tho Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty people. Occasionally a corrida de toros is organized by amateurs for purposes . of beneficence, aud then tho pres loads the unhappy projectors with censure and satire. While many high casta Mexi cans undoubtedly delight in this sport, a very large number regard it with abhorrence, and tho Mexican ladies almost alva3's express 3 against it disapproval, fear and horror. Tho pelca do gallos, or cock fight, is a much more brutal and sickening show than a bull fight. It is a most visions spot, too, ia the way of gambling, enormous sums being staked on tho issue of theso combats. Tho greatest attention is paid to tho breed ing, rearing aud caro of tho game cocks, and animals of noted record conveyed be tween distant towns of tho republic to en gage in theso contests. Iectures, concerts, etc., aro rare, and poorly jjatronized in Mexico. Parlor games aro little followed on tho plateau, but more common in the "warm lands," where, indeed, life in every respect assumes a brighter, gayer aspect under tropical influences. La dies ride little, though equestrian exercise- is creeping in to some extent, chiefly through the influence of foreigners. Mexican men, of course, almost all ridj surpassingly wclL Drives in Mexico are a formal and gtupld matter, consisting of monotonous turns on the Alameda boulevard. Picnics, lawn parties, tennis, cwxjue and many other amusements dear to the Anglo-Saxon heart, are almost unknown In Mexico, due to the aforesaid social restrictions, which also sorely hamper the line of evening calls, etc. Risk ing and baseball begin to be known in sec tions affected by American contact, but it will be long ere the youth of Mexico enjoys an adequate share of amusement. Y. II. Addis in San Francisco Chrouicla Game of Mind Heading. Tha mind reader must first arrange with some one in the room. Each person then writes a word or seutenco upon a piece of paper and folds it up. Tho folded slips are collected together in a hat. Tho mind reader takes up the first aud passes it over his foro head, shutting his eyes at the time, lie then announces the word previously agreed upon with the confederate, and asks if some one wrote it. The confederate answers "Yes." The mind reader unfolds the paper and lays it down on a table. He then takes another slip, goos through the same movements and announces the words that were written, on the first paper. Of course some one will answer to having written the words. This is repeated until all the papers have been used. The confederate must not place upon paper the word agreed upon, but must write another. Detroit Free Press. "A public office is a public trust," repeats the politician, and then he cries, "Down with the trust! UiVe ma tjie office." Texa Etft- Real Estate Bargains EXAMINE OUR LIST. -CONSISTING OK- choice: lots outh - Park 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townsend's addition. Lot 10 block 138, lot 5 block 1G4. Lot 1 block (5, lot G block J3. Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 01. LOTS IN YOUNG AND HAYS ADDITION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in nil parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be boaght on monthly payments. lief ore purchasing elsewhere, call and see if we cannot suit you better. 3 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adioining S'uth Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 1 J acres of grouad adjoining South Park. 0 acres near South Park: Se I sec. 14, T. 10, K. 12, Cass county, price $r 800, if sold soon. nw i sec. 8. T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co., price 2,000. A valuable improyed stock fram in Merrick Co.. Neb., ICO acres and on reosouublc terms. Windham & Davies. Consult your best interests by insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or -Etna com panies, about which there is no question ns to their high standing and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is foreshadowed by the number of storms we haye already had- the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc cuirence more probable in 1888. Call at our office aud sreure a Tor nado Policy, Unimproved lands for sale or ex change. PLATTS MOUTH. NEB. BSD MM Eureka ifleat Market T. J. THOMAS, WIIOI.K8A1.K AND lUvf, Pork, Mutton, Ycal suit! Foiijiiy. Z invito all to give mo a trial. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Unc n, LmJ, etc.. tc. Vnh OjMus in tun aid Ttdk at lowest liying pritts. Do ted full to tivc n.c y m j titu nuj. e. FINE :-: -FURZffXTTTElE. AND ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. KIFCHEN, BED FOOM, 0K.n,J FURNITURE FOR PARLOR FURNITURE. M ALLYAYS, CFFICIS. Lowost Prices in tlao City. Call and bo Convinced. SIXTH STREET, LET. MAIN AND VINE. PLATTMIOM II, NEl FURNITURE EMP0R1U M. FOIl ALL CLASSES OF FINE :-: FURNITURE YOU SHOULD CALL ON Where a magnificent, JVices UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY HiCTsTRY BOECK. COIINEK MAIN AND SIXTH Will call your attention to the fact that they are headquarters for all kinds of Fruits and Vegetables. We are receiving Fresh Strawberries every day. Oranges, Lemons and Bananac constantly on hand . Just received, a variety of Canned Soups. We have Pure Maple Sugar and no mistake. BENNETT & TUTT. Jonathan Uatt. J W. .Makthis. wsoz.ssA.XiS Aire retail CITY EOT EAT IOTAR&CET. PORK PACKERS and dealeks in L'UTTER AND EGGS. BELI , PORK, MUITOIN AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &e., dc ol our own make. The beet brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HEA TH IS WEflLT) ! Dr. E.C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment a guarantee specific for Hvsteria Dizziness. Convulsions. Fit. Nervous Neuralgia. Ht-nd-acue, Nerveous i'rostration caused ly the ue ol alcohol ortobaeco. Wakefulness. Mental De prMon, Softeninjr of the hrain rexulting in lii f aoity and leariirg t misery, decay ani ieath, rremature old Age. I'.arreiJiiess, of Tow er in either sex. Involuntary Lospf s atxl Ki' er rant rrhcea caused ly overexertion of the brain, seifabuse or over-lndnlence Kach Wx contains one month' treatment, 3100 a Imi or six boxes for 5.M), sent by mail pi,aidr reoeipt of price .WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case With eac-U order received by us for six boxes, accompanied w ith toov. we will send the purchaser our written guaran tee to return the irouey if the titwent does not effect a cure. Guarantees hfued onlv by Will J. Warrtclt sole agent. TIattrauth. N b. For Siberia Refrigerators, the bctt that are made, and Ice-crtam freezers, call on J. R. Cojc a23ml ItKTAII. DKAI.l.Il IN stock of Goods and Fair abound. PLATTSMOUTII, NEIJlJAhKA The standard rtniedy for liver com plaint is West' Liver Pill; Ihey never disappoint you. SO pills 23c. At War rick's drug store. Southeast quarter section 14, tow nship 10, rane 12; price $1,K(A Northwest quarter section 8, townhi 12, range 10; price $ 2,000. Windham & D.wits. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANVFACl UliEK JV AW WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN TIIK Choicest Brands f Cigais, including our Flor do Pepperbergo era Bve FCLI. 11NE Or TOBACCO AND SJIOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Not. 26. 1685.