The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 17, 1888, Image 4

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    TJif DAILY IIERALD, 1 LArrsMUuTII, NETiftASliA, TJTUtlSDAV, KaV 17, 18S8.
The Kvening Herald.
A. Sallikarr, DeatUt,. Bock wood Baildlag,
Teltaaaa K: ta.
Dr. Rlnlaf , OBrt aad Kasldeaca Kaarwaot
Black, Taftpkaae Ma. 42.
Dm. Caa A Kailtk, tka Pal lean Deatlata, L'aloa
Black, arar t'ltiieaa' Baak, flattaaioatk.
OM papers at this office, only 40 ct.
per 100.
There will ba preaching this evening
at 7:30 in the Christian church by a col
ored gentleman from Council Bluffs.
Ererybody is cordially invited.
Geo. 8. Smith of Omaha, was in the
city last night shaking hands with his
many frisnds. We learn that Mr. Smith
is a candidate for con grass from the big
first and we heartily wish him success
and know that he can depend on Cass
county for a good round old delegation
to rally to his support.
The Nebraska delegates to the na
tional convention, true to their state, are
now trying to hit upon some means of
advertising it when they go to the con
vention, and it is proposed t hare some
symbolic design mtde oat of field pro
duce which will at once create u sensa
tion and call the attention of that body
to the Nebraska delegation. The idea is
not a Lad one and ingenious minds can
now set about to fix up a design whicl
will We at once attractive, original and
tininue. Advertise Nebraska even on
the floor of the convention. Omaha Re
publican. Many different stories are told in re
gard to the shooting affray of last night
and we are unable to draw any conclus
ions from it, but we believe it would be
nothing more than right, that when the
excitement dies clown that the Pinker-
ton should come back and surrender him
self for trial. The truth of the matter
could then be come at and it cannot be
trot in any other way. It is not fair to
judge a man on reports, but when it
comes to sworn testimony you can de
pend upon it. It is hardly likely that a
man holding the position the Pinkerton
does would shoot without a cause and on
trial the true cause could be brought out.
The printing press, says the "Whites
boro News, has made kings and presi
dents, killed poets, furnished bustles for
beauties and polished genius with criti
cism. It made worlds get up at roll-call
every morning, triven tho pulpit lungs
of iron and a yoice of steam. It has set
the price on a bushel ef wheat, and made
the country post office the glimmering
goal of tho country scribe. It has cur
tailed the power of kings, graced the
pantry shelves and busted: it has con
verted bankers into paupers and mad
lawyers of college presidents; it has edu
cated the homeless and robbed the phil
osopher of his reason. It smiles and
kicks and cries and dies, but it can't be
run to suit everybody, and the editor is
a fool who tries.
A ncrvous-ioomng man went into a
store the other day and sat down for
half an hour or so, when a clerk asked
him if there was anything she could do
for him. He said no, ho didn't want
anything. She went away and he sat
there half an hour longer, when the pro
prietor went to him tnd asked if he
wanted to be shown anything. "No,
said the nervous man. "I just want to
sit around. My physician has recom
mended perfect quiet for me, and says
above all things I must avoid is being in
crowds. Noticing that you did not ad
vertise in the newspapers, I thought
that this would be as quiet a place as I
could find, so I just dropped in for a few
hours of isolation." The merchant pick
- ed a bolt of paper cambric to brain him
but the man went out. lie said all that
he wauted was quiet life. Peck's Sun.
II. Parmele, of Omaha, is in the city,
Mrs. P. P. Ink of Washington, la., is
in the city.
Sam Atkinson of St Joe, is in the city
on business.
A. C. Walker, of Boston, is a visitor to
our city today.
J. N. Everhart of Ashland, is in the
city on business.
It A. Clark, of Creston. Ia., is in the
city on business today.
John Hatfield, of Richmond, Neb., is
in tho city today on business.
Mr. and Mr. Chas. Marshall, of Syra
cuse, Neb., are in the city visiting Chas.
Wm. Fox left yesterday on the flyer
for Springfield, Illinois, to attend the
bedside of a sick daughter.
Mrs. 31. D. Polk and Mrs. J. T. Hin
shaw left yesterday for an extended visit
with relatives and friends at New Castle,
Sons of Vetrans.
All the charter members are requested
to meftt at S. P. Vannatta'a office on Fri
day evening, May 18th, at 7:30 o'clock
sharp, by order of committee.
Old papers to put under your carpet
at The Hjuuu oQfco at 40 ct. per 10D.
A Pinkerton Policeman Shot and Slight
ly Wonnded Two Men.
Twelve) More Pinkerton Policemen
Brought Down From Omaha
This Morning and Put
On Duty Here.
All Is Quiet Today.
Last night was one of great excitement
to the people of Flattsmoutli. About
9 o'clock a row occurred on the street
between a cigar maker and Charlie Ellis
which ended in Ellis being badly cut on
face. The cigar maker escaped through
John Blake's saloon into tho dark alley
back of the saloon with the night police
after him, while marshal Malick went
down to the Riddle house to get a lan
tern. On his return with the lantern and
two Pinkertan men they learned that the
police had caught the cigar maker at the
corner of 4th and Main streets. The
crowd had gathered around the prisoner
and police to learn tho cause of the
trouble, and some one feeling the im
portauce of his position, hauled away
and struck one of the Pinkerton men,
knocking him down, who as he arose,
pulled his revolver and began shooting
to defend himself. One ball struck Pete
Rogers iu the jaw, coming out near the
chin making only a flesh wound, anoth
er striking Frank Dills in the leg, in
flicting quite a serious wound.
Two othar shots were fired down near
the Riddle house, but by whom is not
known. The Pinkerton man at first
showed signs of surrender, but it is sup
posed that he concluded it wight
not be safe and he struck
down Main Street to the Riddle house
with the crowd after him. He ran
through the Riddle house out at the back
door and was lost from the crowd, who
gathered around and made great threats
of violence to the inmates of the house
supposing that the Pinkerton man was
being sheltered there, but after the of
ficers and a number of men had searched
every room in the house and found no
one, tho crowd dispersed and no moro
disturbance was made during the night.
A telagram was sent to Omaha and about
forty Pinkerton men were sent down to
preserve order, but only twelve of them
Whether the shooting was justifiable
or not, we are unable to say. But so
many threats have been made against
these Pinkerton men that they are not
likely to take chances on any one, and
the more threats that are made tho worse
it makes things. For all threats in the
world would not scare the Pinkertons
away and the more disturbance made
brings the more here.
We are sorry that such things have oc
curred and that our city is disgracod by
them, but it will do no one any good to
be continually making disturbances, and
if things keep on the city authorities will
have to disperse the crowds that gather
on the streets from day to day. These
arc disgraceful occurrences and we be
lieve that if those who are engaged in
them would stop to reason with them
selves and think of the danger they are
subjecting themselves and the city to
they would refrain from all such dis
turbances' We sincerely hope that no
more will occur.
Owing to the numerous reports tf the
affair last night we think best to give all
a hear in ir. All reports asree as to the
catting and arrest of the purpetrator.
But as to the shooting, one man says that
at the arrest of the man the marshal see
ing a Pinkerton standing near asked him
to help him search the prisoner, and the
crowd began closing in on them and the
Piukerton demanded the crowd to stand
back and thereupon a few words passed
between the Pinkerton and Rogers when
the Pinkerton shot Rogers in the face
and was going to shoot again wheu some
one caught his arm and threw it down
and the shot struck Dills in the leg.
Another report is, that the Pinkerton
had been up to the postoffice and was
coming back down the street and met a
crowd and among them was a drunk
man who presumed to talk a little saucy
and the Pinkerton who pulled out his re
volver and began shooting at the crowd,
striking the two above named men.
Dills report is that he and Rogers were
over across the street listening to the
electric belt concert, and noticing a dis
turbance they went to see what it whs
and upon approach Rogers asked what
was the matter, when the Pinkerton says
"111 show you whats the mat'er" and
pulled his revolver and shot Rogers in
the face; Dills seeing him shoot Rogers,
pulled up and struck the Pinkerton in
the face, whereupon the Pinkerton shot
Dills through the leg and run.
Another report is that the Pinkerton
man was first knocked down and us he
raised up he shot Rogers when some one
struck him again and he fired again and
struck Dills in the. leg.
Another story is, that the Pinkerton
was coming up the street and met a
crowd of Brotberhot'd men and without
Gut H?I?C0a3 OI3L
Cut Prices cm
any warning pulled his rvolver and be
gan firing at the crowd.
All these reports ar told by eye wit
nesses to the affiair, and we leave for our
readers to draw their own couclusious.
List ot Letters.
Remaining unclaimed, in the PostofGce
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 10, 1SSS,
for the week ending May 5, 1888:
Kurnice.Tf.obt W Kuttm). Gus
fcluiuer. Emit Campbell, James A
Dunbar. Fred Dickersoa, J It (2)
Downing. Miss Nancy Eastman, i I
Fout. C I (2) Fritzer, Mls Maggie
tJuetafsou. (lea ;iena, Julia
t, raenawalt, J O Gustafson. Emill
Cilleahia. Oliv r Howe. Peat
Hanley, William llallaingsworth. W M
llitlou. Mr Mary Hildabrand. Philip
Johnson, Mrs Misaa Krolll k. W M
Keller, AH M 1 Kuskey. Kat ie
he lieau, I. E Meigbaa, Miss Nellie
Merow, Miss Lllla Mcucb. Mrs katy
Mason, E S McCarthy, Miss Kll i
Mason, Miss ElMe Punish, Charles
Kichards, M J Rallibiui. C M
Kodeinaker. Ed Smith. Mrs Laura A
Smith Mr M J Squire, W C
Sclianz. Geo Suner, Daniel
Htoka-, Albert Stephens. A v
sreeuholdt. A Vallery. Mrs U
Wilson. W'ess Walters. ii
Young, Mrs J M
Persons calling for any of tho above
letters will please say "advertised."
J. 2T. Wise, P. M.
Remember me if you have a fine watch
th t neds repairing, as I am capable of
repairing any complicated watch, such as
Chronographs, Self Repeating Swiss strik
ing timer, Old English, Lewis, Cylaud
er Escapements, English, Verges, How
ard's and all kinds of American and
Swiss watches.
Geo. W. Vass,
ml6-d2. Jeweler.
Begg's Blood Purifier and Blood
No remedy in the world has gained
the popularity that this medicine has, nf.
hold on family medicine. Xo one
should be without it. It has no calomel
i quinine in its composition, consequent
ly no bad effects can arise from it. We
keep a full supply at all times. O. P.
S.niTn Co. Druggist. j25-3mod&w
Agatha Tucker will open a select
school in the First Ward building, June
4th 18S8. Scholars of any age or class,
will be gladly received. Hours from
eight to twelve.
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is warranted for all that the label calls
for, so if it does not relieve your cough
you can call at our store and the money
will be refunded to you. It acts simul
taneously on all parts of the system,
thereby leaving no bad results. O. P.
Smith & Co., Druggists. j25-3md&w
Good potatoes $ 1.00 a bushel at Mur
phy4!?. nilStifl.
There will be a change in our firm on or about June 1st, and in order to reduce
our mammoth f-tock of
Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies Furnishings
to os low a figure ns possible, we sliall give the people of this city and' vicinity the
Grandest Opportunity to buy good goods cheap, they ever had. Everything in our
stock, will be marked down to Bid Rock Prices and Fold for CASH ONLY. It is
impossible for us to enumerate all of the bargains throughout our establishment,
but anything you want in our line we shall be pleased to 6how you and quote prices.
Ladies' Gause Vests only 23T cts. each,
sold everywhere at 33.
LaidieB Derby Ribbed Vests, Finished
Neck and Sleeves, only 30 cents; a decid
ed bargain.
Ladies' Perfect-Fitting Ribbed Lisle
Vests, made from the Best Combed Sea
Island Cotton, reduced to 40 cent each.
Ladies' Gossamer Moreno Vests, Frvnch
Collarettes, reduced to ("2$ cts; worth 75.
Ladies' Superior Lisle Thread Vests,
Finished Scam? and Hem;Colors Cream,
1 Tun and Lavender, only 75c; worth $1.25.
Ladies' Pure Silk Ribbed Vests, Square
Cut. Low Neck; Colors, Sky, Pink,
and Cream, only 1.374, worth &2.00.
Gents Gause tfhirts, only 22 cents,
worth 35.
Gents Novi Cotton t-'hirts reduced to 27$
Gents' French Ralbrigan Shirts, Long
or Short Sleeves, recuced to 50 cents,
worth 75.
Gents' Colored Balbriggan Shirts or
Drawers, Reduced to 50 cents, worth 75.
Pure Speen Silk Gloves, 10 and 12
Buttons Length, Colors Pink, La ven
der. Cardinal, Olive, Tan, Grey, Brown.
Black and Wine. These Gloves cost to
I import 1.00 a pair.
Full Stock ot Silk, Lisle, Taucta anil
Berlin Gloves at way down prices.
o not forget
our establishment has been greatly
reduced in price. Our stock is the
Largest in this city to select from.
Goods sold at One Price Only.
1 t i ' " ' 1
Tricks In tho Wine Trad.
Two Parisians naffled Berard and Four
cade have just been sentenced to six and
twelve months' imprisonment, respect
ively, for having practiced a series of very
ingenious frauds on keepers of public
houses in the metropolis. They were In
tho habit of visiting the landlords and
offering them barrels of excellent wino at
greatly reduced prices. The liquor which
j they gave the publicans to taste was
i superb, and the bargain was generally
concluded, on the spot. A tew days atter
ward the unlucky dealer found that tho
wine which he had bought was detestable.
Sinco their conviction the men have male
a full confession. Berard used to keep a
small bottle of good wino up his sleeve,
end when ho made a pretense of CUing the
glass from tho barrel he was In reality
giving his customer the contents of this
bottle to taste. The trick was carried out
with considerable address, and was never
detected by his dupes.
Another "dodge," to quote his own ex
prcssion, was to pour into a barrel of 200
litres forty litres of first-class wine. The
remainder of the barrel was then filled up
with water, slowly inserted by means of
a pipe. The wine remained at tho top;
tho barrel was pierced high up. and the
buyer was again persuaded to taste the
liquor to show there was no deception
Delighted with his bargain ho put down
tho money then and there, only to dis
cover after a brief lapse of time that he
'.ad been cheated outrageously. Cor.
Loudon Telegraph.
uroral Influence of Climate.
Modem French scientists are nothing if
not methodical, and have repeatedly called
attention to the curious regularity in the
geographical distribution of certain vices
and virtues: intemperance, for instance,
north of tho forty-eighth parallel; sexual
aberrations south of tho forty-fifth; finan
cial extravagance in large seaport towns;
tlirift in pastoral highland regions. It is.
indeed, a remarkable circumstance that in
the home of the best wine grapes, in
Greece and southern Spain, drunkennees
is far less prevalent than in Scotland, or
in Russian Poland, where Bacchus can
tempt his votaries only with nauseous
Tho idea a low temperature begets
an instinctive craving for alcoholic tonics
seems disproved by the teetotalism of the
Tatagonian savages, who horsewhip every
Spanish stimulant monger without benefit
of clergy. Tho Lesghian mountaineers,
too, observe tho interdict of the Koran
in tho icy summit regions of the Cau
casus; but there is no doubt that the
bracing infiuenco of a cold climate affords
a certain degree of immunity from the
delibitating effect of the alcohol vice, and
that a Scandinavian peasant can for years
survive tho effects of a daily dose of
alcchol that would kill an Egyptian fellah
In a single month. Felix L. Oswald, 1I.D.,
in Popular Science Monthly
A 'Working Women's conference has been
formed in Ei; gland, unJ a society of women
is organized in London for th investigation
of the local government,
Ladies Regular Made Cotton Noss in
B'acks Solid Colors or Stripes 0 pair for
Ladies Full Regular Extra Quality In
grain Hose Blacks or Solid Colors, 25 cts.
a pair worth 35.
Ladies Brilliant Lisle Thread Hose
Blacks or Colors nly 39 ct.. worth 50.
Ladies Silk Plaited Hose Colors only a
decided Bargain at (10 cts.
Ldis Extra Heavy Four Thread Lisle
Blacks and Colors 75 cts. worth $1.00
Ladies Pure Spun Silk Hese Split Feet
Colors or Black $1.00 worth $1.50.
Odds and Ends of our lloHiny Stock
at 37J cts. a pair would be good values
at 05 and 75 cts.
Gents Solid Colors or Striped Half
Hose Fast Colors pair for $1.00 worth
25 cts. :i pair.
Gents Extra Fine Ingrain Half Hose
25 cts. reduced from 35.
Gents Royal Fast Dye Black Half Hose
Premier Quality 40 cts. a pair.
Gents Fancy Lisle Hose at 45 c ts. Re
duced from 05.
Ca-gains In Kid Gloves.
Our 5 Button Temple House Reduce d
to 05c.
Our 5 Button Embroidered Back only
Our 4 Button Genuine Kid, Reduced
to $1.00.
Our 5 Button Bon Marche, the best
Glove sold anywhere, reduced to $1.50.
Full stook of Ladies and Gents Suede
and Driving Gloves at way done prices.
that everything in
Unless you want to know where to wt the JJcst "Oafeh"
hiig:aii in
-We are now of IV; ring
And the moet we pride onreclves on ie our excellent line of
Ladies' Hand-Turned Shoes
At their Present Low Prices. Ladies looking for Mich a
Shoe should not fail to call on
MLS:' t-.'
B. A, M. Time Table.
OOlMi WK. -T
No, 2. 4 :S5 . m.
No. 4. 10 :VM a. in.
No. 6. 7 :15 p. in.
No. 8. a :rM n. m.
No. 10 !J :4" a. rn.
No. 12. -'J -AO . fci.
o. 1. 5 : o a. m.
3.--C :-! p. in.
(. " 'J :'.- a. ni.
o 7.--T :ir in.
1 0 :17 1. 111.
o. 1 1 C :Uo a, m.
AU ruiMlailv bv wav of fiiialui. except
. 7 ami 8 which run to and Iroln Scliu: ltr :
v i'i'H t .-iui;il;iv.
. - J .
No. ::i is a Ftub to Pacifie .luiiotion at ."n.a in j
y. M is a mud noiii i acme ouiicuoii aiuam.
FOH LE On reasonable term s my reM-rtf-nce
on the N. W. corner of Elm ar.d 11th St.
Fa!i properly consists of ?4 bioek villi a 'rood
tory and a half house tf x rooms, lw: waid
roPes aud rr.e paiitrv ; good well sn.d eitj
water ; t wonty-feven bearing apple trees, ami
an abundance of snia'l fruit of all kinds, tf
P. D. BAT E.-J.
A large line of white goods, flouncings
all overs at J. V. "Weckbach's.
Tiiere is a splendid chance for those
desiring instructions in fine oil painting
at Rabbins studio, just call and see what
has already been accomplished. tf
stock or
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is the only medicine that acts directly
on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re
lieves a cough instantly and in time
effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P.
Smith & Co., driig'guifa. j23,3mo,d-w.
- SAll
Cut Prices on
OL It -
Gui Prices osn
colored suitings,
colored cashmeres,
Colored albatros.
GulI Prices cm.
Special Price- in
J. I J. Cox Iris a hill J me of l.os and
hose-reals for vcur 'nun. nSUuil
j Men's canvass fhots at Mcrgfh", mly
j H cents, everything r-hcap. If.
! ui. .... r.t r... A 4 t
1 y'aiu "i
llltal at llClsel H null. tf
Two elegant juinibhed rooms to. rrnt.
Enquire bt this oliicc. tf
j The cheapest shoe.? at Merges. tf.
; A fine line of white aprons i inlroird-d
. in the latest stl.t, jiieis veiy low at,
I Weckbau"h"s.
Fire Insurance written In the
Etna, Phoenix end Hertford by
Windha m &. Davies.
Sateens in all the Intci-t patterns,
Fiench Sateens specially fine at J. V.
I Ecll thoes chcapi r than r.nybotly.
Call nd be convinced, no trouble to
show goods. tf. I i.if ii Mti;cts.
Bargans in hosiery for ladies and
children at Wetkbauuh's
"Wanted, a competent girl to do house
work; wages .3 per wick.
mOwl Mks. II. B. Winlhaw.
Novelties in ladies ready made mus
lin underware at J. V. "Weckbaugh'a.
Gasoline stoves are all the rage now
and the best in the market is the "Quick
Meal," you can get one at .1. R. Cox's
hardware store, Main street. a2Ctnl
; i