The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 16, 1888, Image 2
THE DAILY HERALD, PLAJ'iaJViOUixi, viii5iiA8kA, WEDNESDAY, MAST 10. 1SSS. The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS BKOS., Publishers & Proprietors. THE rLATTSMOUTU HKBALD Is published eterjr evening except Sunday and Weekly every Thursday morning. Jtf-tfts-tered at tlio postotllce, 1'latUmoutli. Nebr.. us fwood-elas matter. Onice corner of Vine and fifth utreeM. TRIMS rUR UAILV. Oue copy on ear In advance, by mail. f c oo 13 Uoociipy jieriiionui. iy earner, One copy ierweek, by carrier TUMI FOB WKKKLV. One oopy one year, in advance f One copy tlx month, in advauce at 75 Senator Vookhek u going to deliver another speech tomorrow t. an audience of Indiana, fympathizers who are more or less indebted to him in the way of Federal appointments; but he will not say anything about a party by the name of Injjalls for fear it might irritate his c.irbunclc. Al.L democratic members of congress have had a notice s.-rved upon them that if they vote ag-tinat the Mills bill that thoy vote against the president, ar.d the offenders will be considered guilty of a great crime. Their names will go on the black Ut and tliny will be driven away from the feed trough. Am. hopes that th. fisheries treat' would be considered by the senate in open session were destroyed yesterday. The resolutions providing for open ses bions were before the senate, oue to con sider the treaty with open door, and the other to proceed with closed doors, but with a stenographer present, whose notes might be published at some future time should the senate think proper. Both th-'se resolutions were defeated, the dem ocrats voting solidly against them, while the republicans divided according to their individual perferenecs. From the vote cast it is reasonable to suppose that soma of the democratic members wish to vote against ratifying the treaty, but do not wish to incur administrative displeas ure for the course pursued by them. Lincoln Journal. Give us Judge Grcshaui for our candi date and we can sweep the country as never was known since Grant. "Walter Q. Gresham is the Flairs idea of a man. As a soldier he never quailed before the bullet of his adversaries, as a member of the cabinet he was clean, cautious and consistent, as a judge he is in?orruptable and impregnable, and as a president he would be the noblest of the line. "Walter Q. Gresham could marshall the hosts of the west into a solid phalanx in his sup port. Out hear we are weary of the ag grandisements of corporate greed. "We are sick of railroad aggressions, discrimi nations and robberies and we want a man at the head of this government who is known to sympathize with us. Give us Gresham for president and let the civil service of the nation be manned by men of his spirit and calibre. North Bend Flail. The gold exports from this country last week, when coupled with the increase of the rate of the Bank of England, are of some significance. The rate was raised a few days ago to 3 per cent, haying been 2 per cent for the eight or nine weeks immediately preceding. The ad vance was made to check the flow of gold from Great Britain, which recently had been unusually large. Over $3,000,- 000 of the Bank of England's stock of gold was lost in the six business days prior ta the increase of the discount rate. Very little of this was exported to the United States, however. The merchan dise balance has been unfavorable to this country recently, and the gold movement outward show that there has been a fall ing off of purchases of American securi ties for foreign account. Small exports of gold from this country, there fore, will probably occur in the next few weeks. But with the rapid increase in the volume of idle money outside of the treasury, as shown by the expansion of the surplus in the New York banks, the country can stand without iujury all such drains as are likely to occur from this source. Globe Democrat. We have no hesitation in recommend ing Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer as a sure cure for dandruff, and to restore the natural color of the hair. Noted down Eider. Fuck. There is no danger to human life more to be dreaded than that which arises from vivitated blood. Dyspepsia, rheu matism, headache, and general debility, all result from it, and are cured by the use ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Take it this month. Six bottles, $5. S500 Reward. Wc will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with "West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Larpe boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Well & Co., 862 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold yW. .J Warrick. An Explanation. . "What is this "nervous trouble" with which bo many seem now to be afllicted? If you will rcmcmlwr a few years ago the word Malaria was comparatively un known, today it is as common ns any word in the English language, . yet this word covers only the nuaningof -another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it is used with nervous diseases, ns they and Malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called Biliousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise fro.ii a diseased condition of the Liver which in performing its functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through the system causing nervous troubles, Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreci ate a cure. We recommend Green's Au gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous. nr. bukord aud iiix Hook. When a question arises in either house that is likely to cause a reference to the great library under bis charge, Mr. SpofTord seeks out at ouco every book or pamphlet which may servo to throw light on tho subject, and when tho applications begin to pour in upon him he U ready to point out to the congress men the best sources from which they can draw inspiration. lie Is not oil yet, though ha was born iu 1S25, but ho has seen the little stock of SO.000 volumes under his hands grow up until it now touches fully 500.000 volumes, and the ambition of his life seems to bo to lengthen out bis days until the great building now in process of erection for tho library shall be completed, and a titling home pro pared trr his beloved boo La. .New York Fresa, Sunken eyes, a pallid complexion, and disfiguring eruptions, indicate that there is something wrong within. Expel the lurking foe to health, by purifying the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Cures Erysipelas, Eczema, Salt-Rheum, Pimples and Blotches. Advice to the Gay Fellows. A man, then, had better make up his mind in a very early period of his career, that he will not eat too much, and, according to my strict notions, ho should never use intoxi cating liquors or tobacco, particularly the former. A man should keep good hours. The gay fellows who sit up till 3 and 3 o'clock in the morniug, "drinking wine and lager beer," probably think they are having lots of fun. The fact is, they are not having real enjoyment In believing that they are getting a full measure of enjoyment, they are the victims of an illusion; they see life through jaundiced eyes. By and by the scales will bo taken off, life will be seen as it really is, the truth of the common sense, "old fogy" ideas about mod eration will be demonstrated possibly too late to do them any good. As it is written in the Scriptures, "I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like t green bay tree: Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not; yea, I sought him, but he could not be found." It is a fact that "the way of the transgressor" of Nature's law is always "hard." And one of tho old philoso phers has said, "Sensual pleasure is pain cov ered with the mask of happiness. She strips it from her face and reveals the feat ures of disease, disquietude and remorse." P. T. Barnum in the Epoch. "Try Ayer's Pills" In Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gout. Stephen Lansing, of Vonkers, N. Y., says : " Kecommended as a cure for chronic Costiveness, Ayer's Tills have relieved me from that trouble and also from Gout. If every victim of this lis easo would heed only three words of mine, I could banish Gout from the land. These words would be "Try Ayer's Fills.' " " By the use of Ayer's Tills alone, I cured myself permanently of rheuma tism which had troubled me several months. These Tills are at once harmless and effectual, and, I believe, would prove a specific in all cases of incqiieut Rheumatism. No medicine could have served me in better stead." C. C Bock, Corner, Avoyelles Parish, La. . F. Hopkins, Nevada Citv, writes : "I have used Ayer's Tills for sixteen years, and I think they are the best Tills In the world. AVe keep a box of them iu the house all the time. They have cured me of sick headache and neuralgia. Since taking Ayer's Tills, I have been free from these complaints." ' I have derived great benefit from Ayer's Five years a;i I was taken so ill with rheumatism that I was unable to do any work. I took three loxes of Ayer's Tills and was entirely t-urutj, Since that time I am never without & h-z of these pills." Teter C hristensen, Sherwoud, Wis. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, pny PARED EV Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. $old by all Dealers in Medicine. ri - 'jj i ajsTd Ajfr Climate. . ad for Circular. FOR SwA.JL.E B-5r HAVEN & RHODES Omaha, 2?ob. Name this paper in your order.) DreparedIgofihg A, "MASHERS' " PASTIME. K TEST FOR THE SELF POSSESSION . . OF TIMID FEMININITY. A City Clttk 11: -y Concern In wl- Cmr tain PMlaJ Ffcea ?o An Impolite Experiment for LuCl c 1 Tfcelr corta to Look Oak For. . - The question whether every woman 1 Dbllged to act in a certain or. J peculiar way If she is looked at exercises many men in town. Who originated the idea of putting the problem to a test is too uncertain to make It worth while to name any one of those who claim the authorship. The most likely 6tory atxjut it is that the idea originated in the brain of a well known politician, and was first broached in the New Amsterdam club. The new discovery is quite as much a matter of contemooraiieous human interest ns the red haired girl and white horse miracle, but affects the fair sex alone. It is embodied in the question: "Why do women moisten their Ul when they are looked atr" Tho subject is usually brought forward In the shape of a positive declaration, some men poing so far as to declare thnt they and their friends have been exerimentins for over a year upon the unconscious ladies of the city, and that the test never fails. "All you have to do, says ono of these, "is to sit opposite a lady in a car or a 'bus and look at her intently without rudeness, and ns sure as you do so, out will come her tonp;us and she will moisten both her lips. She must ie some oue you are not acquainted with, and when she catches you Uiokiug at Ler it had lietter be with a slight expression of interest or curiosity. Gazing with ad miration upon her is not a sure way, because If it is done at all badly she resents it nnd will simply look away; but if you seem to bo curious about her, as if you were studying something about her hail or eyes or bat, or as if you were trying to see who 6he was like, she will be positively certain to perform this queer operation." Apparently thousands. In ever widening circles, who have heard positive statements of this sort are devoted to investigating the phenomenon. They pursue the subject in the streets, office elevators, hotel parlors. churches, and wherever ladies are to be found. Those who have yielded to the influ ence of the queer study declare it to be very fascinating. They are mainly young men. They say it is like a form of hunting or fly fishing. A man singles out a lady of attract ive face and figure, dressed to the supreme notch of fashion and evidently enjoying complete satisfaction with herself as she arranges her drapery and seats herself in a horse car. if auy one were to tell her that tho man across the car had made up his mind to bend her to his will, and oblige her to perform an undignified act while she sat there, she would hail the bare suggestion as prejKJSterous. And yet, teu to one, she would project her tongue, and roll her lips inward to moisten them on its surface as soon as she looked over to tho stranger to petrify him with an indignant glance at least so these impolite experiment ers assert. But she would know nothing about It, and would get out her pocketbook, tind what change she needed for the conductor, and once again settle herself as ladies and birds are accustomed to do, all oblivious of the fact that the gaze of the man opposite is concen trated upon her face with a look of quick, curious interest. It will not be many minutes oeiore she does perceive this by reason of that subtle influence that is said to enablo us to awaken men and women from a deep 6leep by fixing our eyes upon them. Then she will look up and meet tho man's gaze. It will startle her, and, if the rule bo true, she will indulge in the peculiar performance ac credited to her sex. This action of the lips and tongue is noS mysterious. It is merely one of a scoro of ways in which human beings, especially tho more self conscious ones among us, testify to momentary embarrassment and make an in voluntary mechanical movement in reassert ing our self possession. An equally familiar aud more noticeable unconscious trick of the same kind is that which European peasant men and women have and bring to this country with them a movement of the back of the band across the mouth. Another action of tho sort is the biting of the under lip. The reports that some have made of their experiences divide the ladies into classes. Some men positively assert that no matter who she may bo, any woman will wet her lips if sLe is taken off her guard by. Btranger. Others say that if a man looks at a lady in a certain way, it does not matter whether sha Is a friend, n relative, or even a wife, sha will follow this queer rule. Still others say that high bred, proud women cannot be reliad on. Once in a while ono of these haughty ladie3 will be taken by surprise and make the movement, they say, aud then again a man ciuy spend half a day in the Fourth cvenuo cars above Thirty-fourth street, and never (succeed in producing tho action onca. Ono deep student makes a closer division, and say3 that it is only tho married women among the fashionable of the sex who resist tbo impulse, but that all single ladies, young and old, no matter how proud or self pos sessed, succumb to the novel infiuenco. It is only fair to say that some men declare ns positively against the new craze as any do for it. They say that there is nothing In It, that no woman ever under any circumstances performs the alleged operation. There are not enough of these skeptics to make any headway against the pastime. They are met with the criticism that they are clumsy or bald or stupid or uninteresting to women. and In other ways are made to regret that they have tried to oppose the new craze. There s another class of men, still fewer in numbers, who grow angry, and insist thaC the whole idea Is gotten up as a practical joke. These are the fellows who know so little of art and illusion as to get into trouble whenever tbey try to experiment by staring so hard and so offensively at the ladies that there is a constant danger of their being called to account by the other gentlemen who happen to be present. There is great run n watching a clever young fellow at it lie selects his victim without seeming to look at her. lie takes a seat opposite her, opens a newspaper, and pretends to read it Suddenly, perhaps, he drops it, and with an expression of surprised and lively Interest fastens bis gaze on the root 3 of tho lady's hair above her brow or on her eyes or her neck pin. She has been look ing In another direction, but seeing the move ment of the paper, turns and meets the full, unexpected gaze of the man. Then the in stant has arrived. II the experimenters Bpeak truly, she i3 certain to fall a prey to his design. She Is most likely to project the dainty tip of her coral tongue and curl It up and down over both lips. But if she fails to do this and simply pulls in her upper lip and curves her under hp outward and upward over the other one, the tormentor of her sex will know that he has succeeded, for differ ent women have several cUaereut ways of behaving at such juncturea. Some pucker their mouths, draw in their Uds. some roli (he under lip over the upper one, but -it all foes," as toe club men pus it new xonf uu. . . . , Real .Estate BargaiiisH EXAMINE OUR LIST. CONSISTING OF- CHOICE LOTS I 3NT 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lota in Townseutl's addition. Lot 10 Mock 138, lot 5 block 104. Lot 1 block fi, lot C block 5i5. Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block Gl. LOTS IN YOUNG AND HATS' ADDITION. Lota in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in nil parts of the city on easy terma. A new and desirable residence iu Soutli Park, can be bought on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and see if we cannot suit you better. 0 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adjoining S-iith Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 1 J acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: Se I sec. 14, T. 10, 11. 12, Cass county, price $1,- 800, if sold soon. mv i sec. 8. T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co., price $2,000. A valuable improved stock fram in Merrick Co., Neb., 160 acres and on reoson'dblc terms. Windham & Davies. I Consult j'our best interests by insuring n the Phoenix, Hartford or JEtna com apies, about which there is no question as to their high standing aud fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we have already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1888. Call at our office and secure a Tor nado Policv. Unimproved lands for sale or ex change. WIIOElMft IY1BP PLATTS MOUTH, NEB. South Eureka., Meat Pilaris TV J. THOMAS; WIlOT.KSAT.E ANI Hflef, Pork, Mutton, Yen! and Touiy. X invito -all to givo iiao cx trial. Sugnr Cured Muitc" Ihiw, V.u i, I.i:rJ. tc, (-. Imb (hMis in Ciu n d I ulk at lcucfct livitj; piicts. L'o r t fjiil to th t- ie j i in i:tu i nj.e. AM) ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. li 1 i U ii U 11 U i U '. UVIU PARLOR FURNITURE. lowest iFricos in. th.0 City. Call and b Convinced. S 1XTII S I liEEr, BET. MAIN AM) VINE. 1'I.ATl PJIOLl II, NEB . FURNITURE -FOB ALL FINE :-: FUBNITTTRID YOU SHOULD CALL ON 2iT 23 "ST Where a magnificent i Vices UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY HENRY BOECK. CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH 4 4 Will call your attention to the fact that they are headquarters for all kinds of Fruits and Vegetables. We are receiving Fresh Strawberries every day. Oranges, Lemons and Eananas constantly on hand . Just received, a variety of Canned Soups. We have Pure Maple Sugar and no mistake. 1KWETT & TTJTT Jonathan Hait. .J V. Ma!:tiiI. GITY MEAT MARKET. PORK PACKERS and dealers is BUTTER AND EGGS. BEM , PORK, HUTi'Oft AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &c ot our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HEfi.TH IS WEALTH ! 4 Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Biain Treatment a guarantee fpecific for Hysteria Dizziness. Convulsions. Fit. Nervous Neuralgia, H.-ad-ache. rveu I'rostrittlon caused bv the ut-e ot a'eohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Slental Ie pre?loii. Softening ot tbe I'rain ref ulling in in sanity ani lend ii (f t misery, decay and 'Vain, Teu.aiure fid Age. larrei.iies. Los of IVw er in eitlier s x. luvoluiitary Losses au Sjirr mat rrho a caused l.y over-exertion of lie brain. ee;fatue orover-inrinlKf lice facli Im-x contains one fi;oiith' treatment. 81 on a K x or six boxes for 5 CO, sent by mail prfpaidor receipt of price To cure an c:ie Willi each order ixeivcd by us f ir fcjx bojes. accompanied wltli 5 (o. we will send the purchaser cur written guaran tee to leturn ihe nouey if the matmeut die not effect a r u re. Guarantees Issued only by will J. Warrick sole psent. f lattsmoutti. eb. For Siberia Refrigerators, the betit that are made, snd Ice-crtam freezers, call oa J. R. Cox. nZSmi 11ETAII. DKAI.KK IN "1 KINIJS OF- i rURiITDhE FOR :ALLWAYS, CFFICFS. EMPORIUM, CLASSES OF- BOEOE'S Mock of Good ami Fair abound. I'J.A'ITS.MOlTJr, NKJJISASKA. The standard rimtdy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pill; they never disappdnt you. M0 pills Zc. At War rick's drug store. Southed quarter section 14, township 10, ranfc 12; price $1,00. North wc-fct quarter section 8, township 12, range 10; price $2,000. Wimjiiam & Davikk. JUUUS FEPPE RBtRG. MASCFACllRMt OK ASV WHOLESALE & RFTAIL IEALEI1 IX 1 HE Choi cM I!riiM.?srf Cigais, including our Flor de Pepperbergo' trd 'Eudt FCLL LJICE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in BtoXk. Nov. 2C. 1655.