The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 14, 1888, Image 3

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THE t)XlVt iL-LU; iLAiur, i:i;ilAS!w, lIONDAV, MAV 14. isss.
;ag3 discourses
czzcu ration.".
the Oalt Restraint Against'
j i:vJl fsiatlon of the World Athe-
lui Riul Infidelity Arrayed Agaliut
M.rlstlaull j.
UuorixiA'N, May 13. This morning the
Tabernacle to an overflowing congrega
tion. Hi liTinn beginning,
Efand np, my loul; shake off thy fears,
And jrlnl IheGcmjK-l armor on,
was filing with magnificent effect. Dr.
Talmage's subjort was "ObsKruration," I
Pii'I his text, "Tli0 bo turned
darkness." Acts ii, IU0. Ho said:
Solar eclipse Is here prophesied to tako
place about the timo of the destruction of
nnciont Jerusalem. Josephus, tho his
torian, says that tho prophecy was liter
tMv filri!lil. and that about that time
there were f.t range appearances in tho
heavens. The eun was not destroyed,
Lnt for a little while hillcn.
Cl.ri - ti;miiy is tLo rising sun of our
time, and men have tried with tho un
rolling v.iporx of bkepticism and tho
hiiK.ko of the ir blasphemy to turn tho
n::i into ri. r.'.ss. .Siii;ose tho art-hang
N f i:;i!ii-t anil horror should bo
let I'"' a little while and lo alloweil to
etin.iti:-!i and de.stry tho sun in tho
natural l."-:t i-ns. Tlicy wotiM take tho
ocean fn-rn .:h--r worM:? and jsour them
on t!ii.j I i::iii:: iy of the pi:' -tary system,
mid tiie v:;!i r-i hissing down amid tho
i-ivin.-s :i:;! th" c;iv( rns, ami there is cx-phi-inn
alter c-.-pl.-.ion, until thero are a f' w pi-:-!;H of (ire left in the nun,
and th :.r cooling down and going
out until tin- vast continents of flame are
nun I t as::;.;!! acreage cf lire, and v. !.:: a!ii cools oil until there are
::'v a ( w ':. l.-i 1 ft, and these are
w hitr-iiii.;.' nr.d .oing out until thero id
in t a spa.!; 1-ft iall the mountains of
a.-lies and tho valleys of ashes ami the
chasms of ashes. An extinguished sun.
A d 'ri'l ?i:.n. A buried tun. Let all
worlds ::t the stupendous olcouios.
Of ei-uit', this withdrawal of tho solar
h.-';t : 1 he;t throws our earth into a
universal t -hi!!, and the tropics lieeomo
tho tens; and tho temjierale le
cornes the Arctic, nnd there are frozen
rivers and frown lakes and frozen oeecti if
I'roni An-tie and A n I arctic region? the in
habitants either in toward tho center
and Und the equator as the iolcs. The
tlaiii f.-re.-t.? ere pilinl up into a great bon
lire, and around them gather the shiver
ing villages and cities. Tho wealth of
the coal mines is hastily jxnirod into tho
furnat-vj and stirred into rage of coui-hus-tiou,
l-tii. toon the I ion tires legin to
lower, ari l tho furnaces legin to go out,
nr.d th N:'.t: ns begin t die. Colopaxi,
Wrriviu. l-.rna, .Stromholi, Californian
vf-rrj err.Sv' to trroke, and tho ice of
;-; ttorr-M remains unmeltetl in their
Ail tl.v? llowers have l-realht;d
-t hivath. bh.ijo witli pailoii
;H the m:ut, and helmsmen
t!it wheel, and passen
..;.:! i;i the cabin; all na-
t'l-ir 2a-t
i'.-".e:i ;H
in . n
tloMS UT!T
;.t i iie y '
the K-m-ll
(lend at
frv..vj ha:
f.nt o:s 1 1.
; r. fir.-t at the north and then
ii. Child frosted and dead i i
Oetogenarian frosted and
tii'j hearth. Workmen with
on the i.arumer and frozen
hu:tk Winter from sea to
ling winter. Terpctuai
All cz:
wir:tcr. KlU.
of ri;ruiuv. Hemisphere'.ed to hemi?phero by chains of ice.
Universal Nova Zembla. The earth an
i.-e live? grinding against other ice floes.
!, jTehangels of malice and horror
have i! -ne th-ir work, and now they may
la1..- their tin ones of glacier and look
tiown uti th ? ruin they have wrought.
V. hat the destruction of the sun in the
. . ... ..i i . .
ri.i'ur.'ii ijfavens wiimn uu iu uui cni--raltaith,
the destruction of Christianity
would U' t: the moral world. The sun
turned into darkness. Infldeiiiy in our
t iuie is cor.sidereti a great joke. There
pt o;j!e wiio rejoice to hear Christi
anity caricatured, and to hear Christ as-c-aiied
with iuii i.h and quirk, and mis
rej re.s. jitalion, and badiMe, and harle
'i:aa!e. i -!!: a wo this morning to take InfiJl
i'.v aTid Atlscism out of the realm of joc
liJarity i::to one of tragedy, and show
vo:i v.-Iirit they r)rr.'K)se, and what, if they s:iec-.-! "id. tSiey will acompliili.
Thereai.Mhi'-e in all our communities
who woald ii-j to see the ChrUtian re-li-ir-n
overthrown, an! who say the
world would lo better withoc it. I
want ! i-ho'v yoti what is the end cf
this r.. vl. and wu: h the terminus cf
this c: l; .i.Je. r.::d what this -orJd will be
when AtiieiiJi and Inlideiitv have
d over it. it they can. 1 say, u
tiiev ::
la t;
J reiterate ii. if they can.
lir.-t j.Jjee. it will he tii poru-
;::id uiiuiu r.ihjo degradation ot
' o. 1 1 will provj it bv facts
i r i. .. . i. ;i
wo; i an
an-1 nri
!iMi?-l i 5' u:eu no innicst ; ;i
disTiite. J: a'' coir.munities and cities
nnd fclaN ar 1 nations wGro the Chris-
turn rt. J-'i'
b .- b "l:i dominant, woii:,in
condition h.:
:s 1 een umtdiorated and im-
proved, a:-. !
!it is Ieferred to and hon-
ored m a '
t :;i.sar.d things, and every
s o'J his hat before her.
. .ams have been good, you
know that ti. name of wife, mother,
tlaiiThter. sui-gest grr.cious surroundiiiga.
Vou know there are no better schools
and seminaries in r.rooklvn cr in any
city cf this country than the schools and
eerair-aries for our young ladies. You
know that while woman may Buffer in
justice in England and the United States,
f he lias more of her rights in Christen
dom than she has anywhere else.
Now compare this with woman's con
dition i:i lands where Christianity has
made Ii:t!e or no advance in China, in
5ar!arv. i:i JJomeo, in Tartary, in Egypt,
in iliii' The Durwese sell their
v. ives and daughters :is so many shec-p.
Tlie Iliadco iiilie maks it disgraceful
and an outrage for a woman to listen to
tun sic, or to !ok out of the window in
the a!e--once i f her husband, and gives as
n law f;:l ground for divorce a woman's
lgi.:ni::g to cat beforo her husband haa
tial-h.-d tii meal. What mean thcKr-e
white bundles on the ponds and rivers in
Chir.a in the morning? Infanticide fol-lov.-ing
infarticide. Female children
! -siroyed siaiply because they ere female.
Woman harnessed to a plow as an ox.
Woman veiled and barricaded, and hi all
ctvles of cruel seclusion, llcr birth a
mi-fortune. liar Life a torture. l?cr
death a lienor. Tho missionary of
tho crofcik today in lit at hen lands
preacls goneralJj to two group a
group of men who do as tliej please and
Bit where they please; tho other a group
of women hidden and carefully secluded
in a side ftijurtmcnt, where they may hear
the Toico.of the preacher, but may not be
seen. No refinement. No liberty. No
hopo for tliis life. No hope for the life
to come. Hinged nose. Cramped foot.
Disfigured face. Embruted soul. Now
compare theso two conditions. How far
toward this latter condition that I speak
of would woman go If Cliristian' influ
ences were withdrawn and Cbrl:ianity
were destroyed? It is only a c".:k)n 'of
dynamics. If an object be- LT:;J. to a
certain xint and not fastened there, and
tho lifting power bo 'withdrawn, how
long before that -object will fall down to
the point from which it started? It will
fall down, and it will' go still further
than tho point from which it Etartcd.
Christianity has lifted woman up from
tho very deptlis of degradation almost to
tho skies. If that lifting txwer be with
drawn she falls clear baclr to tho depth
from which she was resurrected, not go
ing any lower because there is no lower
depth. And yei, notwithstanding the
fact that tho only sanation of woman
from degradation and woe is tho Chris
tian religion, and the only influence that
has ever lifted her in the social scale is
Christianity I have read that there are
women who reject Christianity. I make
no remark in regard to those persons. I
make no remark in regard to them. In the
silence of your own soul make your ob
servations. If infidelity triumph and Christianity
bo overthrown, it means tho demoraliza
tion of society. Tho one idea in the
I:ible that atheists and infidels most hate
i the idea of retribution. Take away
the idea of retribution and punishment
from society, and it will begin very soon
to disintegrate; and take away from the
minds of men the fear of hell, and there
:'.ra a great many of them who would
very soon turn this world into a hell.
Tho majority of those who are indignant
against the Pible lecause of tho idea of
punishment are men whose lives are bad
or whoso hearts aro impure, and who hate
the Rible because of the idea of future pun
ishment for the same reason that criminals
hate the penitentiary. Oh, I have heard
this bravo talk a) tout joople fearing noth
ing of the consequences of sin in the next
world, and I have made up my mind it
is merely a coward's whistling to keep
his courage up. 1 have seen men flaunt
their immoralities in the face of the com
munity, and I havo heard them defy tho
judgment day and scolf at the idea of
any future consequence of their sin; but
when they came to die they shrieked
until you could hear them for nearly two
blocks, and in tho summer night the
neighbors got up to put the windows
down because they could not enduro the
I would not want to see a rail train
with hvo hundred Christian people on
hoard go down through a drawbridge into
a watery grave. I would not want tq see
live hundred Christian people go into
such disaster, but I tell you plainly that
I could more easily see that than I could
li.-r any protracted time stand and see an
mlidcl die, though his pillow were of
eider down and under a canopy of ver
milion. I have never been aWe to brace
ur my nerves for such a spectacle. There
i.; something at such a time so indescrib
able in the countenance. I just looked
in upon it for a minute or two. but the
clutch of his fist was so diabolical, and
tho strength of voice was so unnatural, I
CDitld not endure it. "There is no hell,
thero is no hell, there is no helll" the
man hpd said for sixty years; but that
night when I looked in the dying room
of my infidel neighbor t here vaa' soaii;
thing on his countenance which seemed
to say: "There is, tliere is, there is,
there is!'
The mightiest restraints today against
theft, against nnmoraiily, fegauist ibep
tini;m, against crimo of all sorts the
mightiest restraints are the retributions
of eternity. Men know that they can
escape tho iaw, but down in the offend-
or s souj mere is tne realization or me
fgot that they cannot escape God. He
stands at the end pf the road of prof
ligacy, and ho will not clear the guilty.
Take" all idea of retribution and punish
ment out pf the hearts and minds of men,
and it would not be long beforo lirooklyn
and New York and Boston and Charles
ton and Chicago became Sodoms. The restraints against the evil passions
of the world iodtiy tud pibla vtrft.
Suppose now these generals of Atheism
and Infidelity got tho victory, and sup
pose thc-y marshaled a great army made
up of the inajonty ot" ine worju. Thy
are in companies, in regiments in
brigades the whole army. Forward,
march i a hoct? pf hiGdc Is and atheists,
I anners flying before, banners flying be
hind, banners inscribed with the words:
Jo Cod! No Christ! No punishment 1
No restraints! Doirn with the Bible 1
Do as you please!" Tho sun turned Into
Forward, marclj 1 ye great army of in
fidels and atheists. And first of all you
wjll attack tho churches. Away with
those hous; pf worship 1 They have
I icon standing there so long deluding the
people with consolation in their bereayer
ments and sorrows. All those churches
ought to bo extirpated; they have done
so much to relieve tho lost and bring
homo the wandering, and they have so
long hel l up the idea of eternal rest after
the paroxysm of lhi3 life Is over. Turn
the St. Peters and St. Pauls and the tem
ples and tabernacles into club houses.
Away with those churches 1
Forward, march I ye great army of in-Gd-'ls
and atheiots, and next of ail they
scatter the Sabbath schools the Sabbath
schools filled with bright eyed, bright
cheeked little ones who are singing songs
on Sunday afternoon, and getting instruc
tions when they ought to be on the street
comers playing marbles, or swearing on
the commons. Away with theml For-
I ward, marchl yo Teat army of infidels
I and atheists, and next of all they will at
' tack Christian asylums the institutions
cf mercy supportea oy tno cnrisnan
philanthropies. Never mind tho blind
e ves and the deaf ears and the crippled i
limbs and tho weakened intellects. Let)
paralyzed old ago pick up its own food,
ami orphans fight their own way, ar-d ;
the lialf reformed go back to their evil 1
habits. Forward, march ! ye gveat army
of infidels and atheists, and with your j
battle axe3 hew down the cross and split
u; the manger of Bethlehem. j
On, ye great army of infidels and athe-;
ists, and now they come to the grave-1
rarda and tlie'cemetrles of tho earth.
Pull down the sculpture above Green
wood's gate, for' it means tho resurrec
tion. Tear away at the entrance of
Laurel Uill the figure of Old Mortality
and the chiscL On, ye great army of in
fidels and atheists, into the graveyards
and cemeteries; and where you see
"Asleep in Jesus," cut it away, and
where you find a marble story of heaven,
blast it, and where .you find over a little
child's grave: "Suffer little children to
come unto me," substitute the words
"delusion and sluun',' and where you
find an angel in mart'?, strike off the
wing, and when : jr." i to a family
vault, chisel on tL 3 Dead once,
dead forever." '
But on. ye great &rri r cf infidels and
atheists, on I They .will attempt to scale
heaven. There aro heiglfts to be taken.
Pile hill on hill and Pelion upon Ossa,
and then they hoist the ladders against
the walls of heaven. On and on until
they blow up the foundations of jasper
and the gates of pearl. They charge up
the steep. Now they aim for the throne
of him who liveth forever and ever.
They would take down from their high
place the Father, tho Son, tho Holy
Ghost. "Down with theml" they 6ay.
"Down with him from the thronel"
they say. "Down forever! Down out
of sight I lie is not God. He has no
right to sit there. Down with him!
Dow n with Christ !'
A world without a head, a universe
without a king. Orphan constellations.
Fatherless galaxies. Anarchy supreme.
A dethroned Jehovah. An assassinated
God. Patricide, regicide, dcicidc. That
is what they mean. That is what they
will have, if they can, if they can, if
they can. Civilization hurled back into
semida'rlarism, and semidn !ai ism
driven back into Hottentot savagery.
Tho wheel of progress turned the other
way and turned toward the dark ages.
The clock of the centuries put back two
thousand years. Go back, you Sand
wich Islands, from your schools and
from your colleges and from your re
formed condition to what you were in
1820, when the missionaries first came.
Call home the five hundred missionaries
from India and overthrow their two
thousand schools, where they are
trying to educate tho heathen,
and scatter the one hundred and
forty thousand little children that
they have gathered out of barbarism into
civilization. Qbliterato all tho work of
Dr. Dun in India, of David Abeel in
China, of Dr. King in Greece, of Judson
in Burmah, of David Brainard amid the
American aborigines, and send home the
3,000 missionaries of the cross who are
toiling in foreign lands, toiling for
Christ's sake, toiling themselves into tho
grave. TelJ these 8,000 men of God that
they are of no use. Send home the med
ical missionaries who are doctoring the
bodies as well as the souls of the dying
nations. Go home, London Missionary
society. Go home, American Board of
Foreign Missions. Go homo, ye Moravi
ans, and relinquish back into darkness
and squalor and filth and death tho na
tions whom ye have beguu to lift.
Oh, my friends, there has never been
such a nefarious plot .on earth as that
which infidelity and atheism havo
planned. We were shocked a few years
ago because of the attempt to blow up
tho parliament houses in London; but if
infidelity and atheism succeed in their
attempt, they will dynamite a world.
Let them have their full w?.y, aud this
world will be a habitation of three rooms
a Jiabitation with just three rooms
the one a madhouse, another a lazaretto,
the other a pandemonium. These in
fidel band3 of music have on j josi begun
their pMnceilA yea 'they' have only been
stringing their instruments. I today put
before you their whole programme from
lieginning unto close. In the theatre the
tragedy comes fust and the farce after
ward; but to this Infidel diaa:,& of dcAth
the farce" corses' first 'drid' the tragedy
afterward. "And in the former atheists
and infidels laugh and mock, but in tho
latter God himself will laugh and mock.
no pays q, wtxi ugn at tneir pa
laroity and mock when their fear com-eth."-
- ........
From such a phasm pf individual na
tional, world fyidq ruin, stand back. Qii,
young men, 'stand fcaclt from that chasm!
You see the practical drift of my sermon.
I want you to know where "that road
leads. Stand back from that chasm of
ruin. The time is going to come (yv
and pay not iye to seeit," but ' it will
couie, jjiiflt as certainly as there is a God,
it will come) when the infidels and the
atheists who openly, and out and out and
above hoard preach and practice Infidel
ity and Atheism will ba considered as
crimiiials against society, as -they are
now criminals against God. Society
ci'J push - put lha leper, the wretch
with soul gangrened," and ichorous, and
vermin covered, and rotting apart with
his bestiality, will be left to die in the
jjijeh. &r4 bs denied decent burial, and
men will come with spades and cover up
the carcass where it' falls, that it poison
not the air, and the only text in all the
Bible appropriate for the funeral sermon
will bo Jeremiah xxii, 19: 'IIe shall be
buried with the burial of an ass. "
A thousand voices come up to me this
mprning. saying: "Do you really think
infidelity nj-fil succeed? Has Christianity
received its ' death bow ? and will the
Bible become obsolete?" Yes, when tho
smoke of the city chimney arrests and
destroys the noonday sun. Joscphus
says about the time of the destruction of
Jerusalem the sun was turned into dark
ness; but only the-clouds rolled between
tho sun and the earth. The sun went
right on. It is the same sun, the same
luminary as when at the begin
ning it shot out like an electric
spark from God's finger, and today
it is warming the nations, and today
it is gilding the sea, and today it is
filling the earth with light. The same
old 6un, not at all worn out, though its
light steps one hundred and ninety mill
ion miles a second, though its pulsa
tions are four hundred and fifty trillion
undulations in a second. Same sun with
beautiful white light, made up of the
violet and the indigo and the blue and
the green and the red and thej'ellow and
tho orange the seven beautiful colors
now just as when the solar spectrum
first divided them.
At the beginning God said: "Let thero
be light,'- and light was, and light is,
and light shall be. So Christianity i
rolling out and it ia going to warm ail
nations, and all nations are to bask in its
light. Men raay shut the window blinds
so they cannot see it, or they may smoke
the pipe of Fpectdation nnUl they are
fcliadowed under their own vaporing ; but
tho Lord God is a. sun! Thii white light
of tho Gospel, maido up cf r' Vt beauti
ful colors of earth .- " violet
plucked frorn r x
and the uidi
and the I
the green, r
of ti:-'
of r
, and
; yellow
LLt orange
. the red of
ies of earth
. by this spiritual
. .Lain is going to take
. The United States
a all America for God.
all L.
are gOi..' ,
Both of them together will take all Asia
for God. All three of them will take
Africa for God. "Who art thou, oh,
great mountain? before Zerubbalicl thou
shalt become a plain." Tho mouth of
the Lord hath tpoken it. Hallelujah,
amen !
Mrs. Langtry owns a stable full of
blooded horses.
Ellen Terry is fond of eccentric cos
tumes and big bunches of roses.
Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton has been
president of tho Woman Suffrage asso
ciation twenty years.
Mrs. I licks-Lord wears the costliest
fan in the country suspended from a
chain of diamondsand iiearls.
Miss Emma Thiusby says sho dixs not
see the necessity of froirvr to TV:
cultivate the Voice, iiavu its hue
teachers as are to Ijo found anywhere.
A sultseription of more than $1,200 has
Ix-en raised in Boston for the plucky Ne
bniska scluxd ma'am, who buffeted the
blizzard with her pupils tied to a string.
An old lady of TO living in Dooly
county, Ca., is able to jerforui the feat
of dancing a jig with a tumbler of water
balanced on her head w ithout spilling a
IdaC. Allen, of Dover, N. IJ., has been
offered a professorship in Smith's college
at a salary of $3,700 a year. There are
professional Iwiseball players who do not
make more than this.
Lexington, Miss., has three feminine
residents who play an important part in
keeping the town in communication with
the rest of tho world. One of the ladies
aforesaid is jvost mistress, another express
agent, and the tliird has charge of the
telegraph office.
Mrs. Lillian M. Pavy, of London, Eng
land, is a commercial traveler now v'sU
ing the western states it; the interest of
an English hotise. She travels alone and
finds that in this country a woman does
not need an escort to protect her from
The following advertisement reoeiitly
appeared in The Jxmdoi! Standard: "A
lady of good family, without means, with
a thorough knowledge of everything,
would be grateful to any ono who would
give her occupation, not particular as to
Tho years clutch all alike, and Queen
Victoria has fallen mto the habit of tak
ing little "cat naps" in her chair, even
when visitors are present. At such times
the royal lady gxs through tho f;iiie
routine followed by the most bumble, of
her subjects. Hex head talis a little for
',Vid, swaying slightly from side to side;
then she sits bolt upright, opens her eves
very wide and assumes an apjieavanco" t
great intelligence and alertness.
Aunt Becky Young! or Cedar Rapids
la., is a meiM.Vr cf the Grand Army oi
tho Republic, and attends ail its reunions
in her slate. Left a widow with two
children at the age of 32, she left he;
home in Ithaca, N. Y., to go. to. t he front
as an hwpitjtl, Aunt Becky "is GO
vews jiu ' hovv, and her brown hair i3
streaked with gray, but she is full of life
and energy, and no old soldier finds a
keener relish in shouldering his crutch,
and showing how field-i were, won than
does Aunt Becky in relating stories of her
hospital experiences on the field,
It ceems queer to hor of tho life tho
Qneen of & eueifj doctors aro making
her lead to overcome a distressing nerv
ous malady with w hich she is alEieted.
They make her get up almost at day
break, wash in cold water. uske her ow n
bed, clean !;,cv own rooui, do garden
work, takb long walks and go to bed
early. They have on several occasions,
in order to secure fatiguo and g'.vo he
mind the necessary interait and occupa
tion, required her to cook and even w ath
tdothes. ' Un;kr this regime she ia t'i
fing 6trong and heart3 but one does not
need to be a queen to ?njoy such au ex-pt-rieccfu
There is cr.3 woman in the department
of tho interior who cannot be dispensed
with. Administrations may corao and
go, but she goea on forever. She was.
left over from the last Republican admin
istration, and somebody wanted hey
place. Her salary was f 700 a year. Sho
worked only flva days in the week, as
she was a Hebrew. Assistant Secretary
Muldron said: "We cannot get along
without her. She can write a letter
that can be understood. She knows just
where to put her capitals. She can punc
tuate with exactness. Her sentences are
models of lucid brevityn" So she not
only staid, but her salary is raised to
$ 1,100 a year, and sho is worth i.
Washington Letter in Detroit Free Press.
"The German empress," says a writer
ijj The Journal des Debats, "is the soul
of the imperial honsehold. She is much
better loved there thuu outside, where
people are unjust to her. She has com
mitted the mistake of remaining English
as all the English do and to carry the
pride of her race into the middle of a
people which admires itself with a naive
and enormous complaisance ; she brought
the pride of her birth into a family which
believes itself the first in tho world; her
aristocratic tastes into a town where art
ehows itself in clumsy imitations and
patchwork; the independence of her
! views into a court where everything U
regulated and prearranged ; and the lib
erty of her religious and political senti-
ments into a center where religion has
its narrow forms, as tho politics of which
it is the servant.
A man in a western town seriously
proposed to issue an edition of tho Dible,
with pages devoted to advertising inserud
in the te.xt, but he gave up the iJea w hen
he learned what indignation it excited.
The Plattsmouth
Is on joying a
Will lie ono during which the subjects of
Tuttioiial interest ami importance will lu
strongly agitated ami the election of :i
President will take jibice. llie people of
Cass County who would like to leani of
Political, Commercial
and Social Transactions
of this year and. would keep apace with
the times should
aily or
Now while we have the suojeet before the
people we will venture to speak ol our
mm BEpPTlEl
illJll PCi r risl 1 IfiEii y a
Which is first-class in all respects and
from which our job printers are turning
out much satisfactory work.
Boora in "bet la its
KITH Kit Till:
eekly Herald.