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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1888)
. 2 lO, 1888. NUMBER 100 m BIRDS. fr.M. wi r .cix, - - . . . w m Iretmrer. - - Jamk Pattf-jwoii,' Attorney. . . . Uvao Cu Knijlaerr, - . . -'' A I . l'olic: Judge, " -''. 8 Cui. -ill. - - W II Miu Counciliuen. Ht vy.f'j, ' x a7,.b II' Etc- Mm, THE QUEER OF COLORED SUPERSTN PEOPLE. 3rd 4 th. Board Pub. Works j M H Mu 1 H W I" I COV 'lv. (J W JOHKB ',CUAIUMAN s KKKD GOKDER f L Jl Hawks Worth GOUjW OFFIGKliS. Treasurer. Heuuty treasurer, - CleTk. Deputy Clerk, Keconler of Deeds iMputy Recorder Cl.-rk of litiict Cojrt, Nli'-rtiT. Surveyor. -Attorney, Hunt, of t'iil. Schools. County Jii luo. 1. A. Uampbkll THD1. Pollock BlKI CKITCHKIKLa tXAl'lll rCMKI Kl-O W. II. P..OL JOHN M I.KVDA W. C. HHOWALTKK J. J. KlKKNIiAltV A. MAIIOI.K AI.I.KN IIKKSON MAV.NAUl) SeINK C. UUS8KLL 111 ) A II D OK SUfKrtVISOKS. A. II. Tool). ... Plattsinouth louin Kiutz, Cli'm., Weepln Wnter A. It. 1I- Kty, - fcuiiwood (IVIG SOGIlVrJiS. , , w v x.. x. v " i ass loimK Nn. no. I. o. o. F. -Meets lcvfi'v 1 iifLiiiK of e:ieli week. All tr.".iiri-'nt br-jtlicis ate respectfully invited to attend. .1. 1. TJLATTMOCTII ENCAMPMENT Kh o. K.. ween every alternate Friday each inoiilli in I IK- 31;iho!IIC Hall, brothers are i iviltd to liUi'lul. O. in Visiting rMUO UMK1K NO. 81. A. O. U. W. Meets I every aUerint Friday evening at K. of P. liaJI. Transient tirother ar" respectfully in viie.t toatu-iid K.J Morgan. ?I.istcr Workman ; M. I'.irtow. FircMiiu ; Frank Hrovn. Ovcr ,"!r; I. 11. men, liuide; tiewin lloUMWoltll. JteVi.nler ; 11. J. .Ldinsoil. Financier; Wall. Hniitil. Receiver ; M. Malriglit, Paet M. W. ; Jack Jaii;(,!-rty. Cuaid. .4 iua .,...vii, Knights . J confederation of trades i ;t.i :i...l in. - - -."vv., n .w u.u..wu. Bu1neT to Laramie City, will be furnihe a complete Iiat of all shippers ou the iJurliDRton Ac Missouri in Cheyenne. recovery is doubtful Anothr!l!zzard Victim Found- BaiTVett, Nek, May 9. The body of D. B. Itens, who was lost during the blizzard Vf January 12, was found on the eyeninjkof May 4 in the hills east of Csdar river. He had wandered 'about fifteen miles from his horn into the hills where there is no settlement. It was by accident lie was found. Sir. "VT.B. Lynds was looking through the hills in search of a course for a new road when he came upon the body. His clothes were mostly burned by a prairie fire and his body was much eaten by wolves. The remains wers taken to Chambers, Holt county, for burial. Fire in the Blue Rids Mountains. Raleigh, N. C., Jfay p. A fire of great extent is raging in the Blac Ridge moun tains near Globe Valley, Caldwell county. t orginated about eight miles west of the Globe Valley. Though the air at that time was rjniet, the flames swung around to the north and southward, and within' twenty-four hours the entire western T. It., Chairman of Joint Com. It is probable that an organized effort will be made by the merchants here to resist this boycott, ns the Burlington, by building into the city, has materially improved business. cnaraeter of the Cowhov. There Is no eight hour law iu cowboy land during round up time we often count our selves lucky if we get ofTwith much less than sixteen hours; but the work in done in tha saddle, and tho men are spurred on all the time by tho desire to outdo one mot her in feats of daring and skillful li.iv.;ui.iil,in There is very little quarrying or ji -htin V. and though tho fun often takes the form of rather rough horse play, yet the practice of carrying dangerous weatioiis makes cowboys show far more rough courtesy to each other and far less rudeness to strangers than is the cae among, for instance, eastern miners, el even lumbermen. When a (fuarrel may verr probably result fatally, a man thinks twice before going into it: warlike people or classes always treat one another 'with a certain amount of consideration and pclitenosij. ' The moral tone of a cow camp, indeed is rather high than otherwfc:e. Meanness owardice and dishonesty are not tolerated' There is a hifrh rntr.oi-? f- I quarter of the horizon was shadowed by keeping onP.s yord intense contemnt for dense columns of smoke. By hard ficht- kmc "f hypocrisy, and a heartr dislik-f l tAH-t CAMP NO.&iJ, IJODKUN WOODMKN J at A mi r(--;t Mi-.-rs coud :iiid fourth Mon - day evcuiuK at K. of P. hail. Ajl transient I iToiIitT are reijijcreu to meet wuii u. i. a. Nowco !ier. Veuerakle Consul;'. K. Nile. Worthy Adviser ; 1, U. Hmltti, Kx liauker ; V . C. WilU tts. Clerk. Li,rrs.i;juiii i.oii;k n:)., a.o. it. w. Meet- every a'ieruate Friday evening at no.-kwuo.l ti.di at m o'ciiicK, All transient broth er arc respectfully invited i attend. L. S. l.arson, M. W. ; F. Itoyd. Foreinau c S. C. Wilde, lincorder ; La(uard Anilerson.Oyerseer. McCONIHIE POST 43 C. A. R. HOST Kit. .1. Y. Jonvs'J..' Commander. C. S. 'I iss Senior Vice " V. . IVvtks ...Junior " Chi, Nii.irs , Atljittanl. IlMtv -s i nr.ion r 'J- M t.o.v Dixav Victrof H.e Hay. C!UI.K. K.Mt'l " tiUTd AMiKissiiN Ht V Ser-t M;.ior. .1 int ; "t km .V. . ..iu:irti,r Mas'or Sergt. j.. i'. i'i'k'h l'o-t ;iiiiiai" 'eeiitir atnrday evenrig inj day and night the people have been able so far to hold off the invading dan pr from their fences and homes. Tha burnt disjxfcj, cmbces about fifty r six ty srpuaro miles of fine t:mbcr. .LPalmer&Son GENERAL IHSURWCE AGENTS llcDresLvit tlie lulJowincf time- A. O ti i-''l I lire-tested comprintus: American Ce:itral-S Louis, Assets Jl.25S.lno Commercial Caion-Kiigland, " 2.r.yc.3H Fin; Aoel itiou-P.sil.ulelphia. 4UI337 Frankliil-Phi!.i..!ei.iiiaI " 3,117.106 Ilome-Xew Yoik. " 7j5.59 Irs. C . "i Vorth America, PMi. 8.47-I.3G2 -i v.-rpooIiLoaJon & Globe-Fng i.9.7fu North British Mercirttile-En " 3.378,754 Norwich Cnion-Enlaiul. " 145.466 NprinfleM F. & M.-SpringSeld, J.Ofl.9'3 Total Assets, $42,115,774 Tcund Fatally Hurt. Fairbcby, Xtb., May . A iiin nam ed A. D. Jons, aged about 70 years was found lying ii6ar f!;e Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska railroad track in this city to night, with horrible bruises about the head and a dipltjcae ,sioulder. He was taken to the county poc-r house, w litre he is lying in a stupor. It is fear ed that he r!l not live. Jones, it seems was on his wa from New york, where he was in an insane asylum, and it is supposed ihr.t Le cjljicr fell or jumped from the train while it was in motion. His wife resides on a farm near here. man wuo smrks his work. Jlany of the men gamble and drink, but many do neither; and tho conversation is not worse than in most bodies composed of male human beings. A cowboy will not sub mit tamely to an insult, ami is verv reads- fo avenge his own wrongs- nor. has be an over wrought fear of "shedding blood. Ho pos sesses, in fact, few of the emasculated, milk and water moralities admired by the pseudo philanthropists; bat he does possess to a very high degree, the stern, manly qualities that are so valuable to :a nation.' Theodore iiooseytsit ia The Ce&t-iry. , -writer Repeats th Stories of Leffeod Tellers Folk Lore Couceruius FeatlieruU Songsters IJovx, I'urtrldge, Robin, Jay Bird and "SMverln- Owl." Dow many queer fancies the negroes have about birds! To them every feath ered songster makes prognostication either of good or evil to befall the believer In signs. Dusky legend tellers relate how the white dove flew out of the Ark and was the first living thing to End hind after the great flood. They augment the old story by saying that on that land did the dove, for love of man, plant the first grain of com They bless tho gentle bird for giving that strongest stall of life to the laborer, that which they call In their quaint fancy for personification Friend John Constant. ae good com rsful J-t utai.J.., t o.i constant. " It was the mourning dovo wuo brought the world another great blessing, with her.Xender bill she dug for man the first springs To him who hears the Grst dove's note in the new spring time, good or bad luck is portended, as the hearer happens to be going up or down a hiS when the tender complaining strikes his ear A pocketful of money and a crib full of cpru ul the eul of tha year await tho man who. walking a level road, hears the dove's cooing. If he comply with tho fol lowing condition, to step three Etens after hearing the first noto. then to lio down and roll over his threo last tracks A mighty "lovo powder" is thourrht bv dark damsels to be made of a parched and powdered dove s heart Not a few negroes oenove mat troubles will follow him who kills a dove The mourning dove is said to mourn for a passing souL CONCEKXfKO Bargains I Bargains Tl.o nn AV. A. Jlocck & Co., have Puc-cctdcd lioeck A Pnd. will with A FAB $UFBJ0B LW& OP fcPmYTn A XT T l CltlTtfnn . . . ...i.,.. .uilf Ol Jl .! lli AND AM LXriiCT TO DO A BHD IIO( K BOOTS SHOES r GASH BUSINESS Liisss Aiiiistsl :ni Pai5a!i!!isAfy WHEN YOU WANT Wlliiii -OF- CALL ON" . JLb. jg. Larson, Cor. 12th au I Granite Streets. Coutractoi and BuIIclor Sept. 120m. WMVL. BRQVfNEi P'rson.-il attention to all r.usiuess Entmst to iny care. OT.lRY IV OFFICII. Title Kx-i-r.iaed. Ahstarcts Compiled, In surance Writteu. 'eal Fatate Hold. Better FaeKitie for making Farm Loans than Aiir Other Agency. tlal:uj HU, . - ,Vfb;ai:ia. J.niS A. IAVli:. Norarv Public. Notary Public. WI.M!IA1I A lAVIK, ttornovs - ct - -1.'!7. Clee over Bank -f Ca County. Plattsmoutit, - - Nebhaska. Wanted Hang Herself. Dallas, Tex., May (). Two farpirj living near this city brought a woman named Mary Curtis to town today and turned her over to the authorities. One qf tl;e men stated that the woman enter ed his house iast mghj; wlipe faej ;vej"e at supper, and, upon being invited, sat down to partake of the evening meal with the family She suddenly left the table after min.ciug a little, aqd said she was going to hang herself. The host watched l;er movements while she procured a ropo and threw it o?ei a Jlml pf a tree in the yard, adjusted a noose, and every action indicated that she intended to carry out her threat of eif-detruction. He then called a neighbor to his assistance, and together they brought her to . this city. The woman told the authorities that she was not insane, but that she murdered her child before she came to Dallas and that she wanted to hang herself for it. She hails from Kansas Cfiy. Found Her H usband. Ekrpasha City, Neb.. May 9. About April 1st, after separation oi lw.cty-four years, Mrs. John Craddock found her husband in this city. J. B. Craddock and Jiary A. Wilkes were married at Brownwell, stalt'ordj-iin-e, rjngjapd, in l859, and in 1SG4 came to America as Mormon converts. On their way to Salt I,nke, Craddock was employed as a team ster iurig J;e journey across theplains, his 7?fe going in a ir&in (Mgpii,&r with other converts, and arriving at their des tination considerably in advance of Crad dock. The husband could find no trace of hi wlfj on Vl arrival, she being a prisoner with the Mormon eiders. She finally escaped, going to Wyoming, where she had been told her husband was. After a long search she returnted to Englatd. Craddock, after searching in vain, having been told his wife was dead, remarried, shortly after removing to this state, set tling in this city. Eight months ago Craddock's first wife learned from letters he had written to relatives in England that l;c w3 in this city. Sh came im mediately, and about April 1st, husband and wife met for the first time in twenty four years. After her long search, wife number one found Craddock. living with wife number two and a large family of children. After several meetings, wife number one relinquished all her claims, and left for her English liome. Craddock is highly respected and in comfortable circuoistinccs. A Plea for College Athletics. rsfpssqr Richards makes a new plea for. col lege athletics. He artrues that two essentin Utj- new forces are at work in these days, des tined to sap the physical strength out of 3'oungmen, and thus emasculating charac toi:. 7hcs$ influenuRS, are concentration of population h cities and tb? increased ' de mands made by knowledge on brains and nerves, lo show how ixmnlation is cnnen tratlng ho gives the following figures: In Jtaiein in, of every 100 students, 211-5 came from cities of 30,000 inhabitants or over, in IS 1, of every 100 students, 44 Came from such cities. In 18S7, 55 out of every inn mki. . t . . . uia ja u I cillitl KJIUIO snowing. But "the proportion in 'Sheffield Scientific school has risen still more rapidly. He main. tains that the system of athletics in colleges ana eisewnere neips to oounteract the disin tegrating forces of city life, to strengthen the youne men against ill health, against the forces of low liyfufi;, and keep them out of crimes against seir and society. It is well known that base habits" are associated with local physical disorders, and a course of physical culture invariably is responded to by" moral gam. It is the oue'most Important jesson in morais our age nas xo jeam. u lobe- Democrat. The Change In Cigars. "What makes the stylo in cigars?'.' a cigar ueaicr was asseo. "Now, I hardly know how to answer you." was the reply, "for you are asking me almost too much, j he manufacturers make most of tue styles jn name only. There are only three or four "diflqrent patterns' in cigar, molds. From these three or four distinct patterns are made thousands of fancy styles and still there are but threo varieties of tobacco and but three prime grades of each variety. There can only be about a dozen different grades in a cigar, arid y?t ther are over ivy on tne price list;. jew York oun. A Fortune Teller's Statement. "Yes, wo make our money out of the wo men ,i frankly staged a fortune teller tho other day. "But when a man is really 'gone' on fortune telling, so to speak, he has the nmDs EGGS. The partridge fears to frequent tl.a ground oft trod by man. hence arises tbp belief that death will come to some dweller In a cabin near which is heard tho partridges shrill whistle. Lucky Is he who Ends tha nest of tho Industrious partridge, for the-so are bird's eggs that can be cateu without fear of evil conso quences. But let no person who loyap home eat the egg of the blue bird, for that egg gives to the eater thereof an insatiate desire lo run away always to run away Days full of sunshine will invite him to wander; days of clouds and rain will demapd him to leave the warm homo hearth; always to sup away somewhere Irom familiar places and well loved faces Woo to him who eats a mocking bird s p-rg; the penalty atiacuea to tne eatino thereof is to "toll ail. an maybe mon you know." The eater of a killdee's egg will surely there after break his arm. It was the bright, rsutlasa little robin tht planted on old earth the Grst one of the many cedars that now shake their plumes on a thousand hills. It was the pert jay bird that brought In his bill tho "first grit of dirt" to tho world; whence he flew with it legend faija to inform For a certain space on Friday qooa. say the mamuiie3. no jay is to bo een on the whole face of the earth Why? They go Xo the under world to car' to the king of that realm a grain of sand. Whether this is a punishment for the bringing of that first "grit." uo aunty will tell, but she will assert most posj tively that the jays do leave our vorlu at precisely 9 o'clock- on Friday morning, and are back promptly at 1 o'clock of that same day LL'CK AND A LOVEJt. Lucky Is the dusky moid who eees a red bird when she la not on the lookout for one. aae must make no mention of hav Ing seen the pretty fellow, but discreetly go about her business, "raakin' no 'mira tion at alL" If this condition is complied with she will her oweeiheart before the sun is down. If the bird seen is brit-ht red. her lover will come In happy mood; if pale is the color of the bird, her lover will show himself ill tempered. eve trir,g cui oi a wild bird's nest a young oue to strive to rear It in a house where people live, for the bird will surely die. and no less certainly will tho super stitious ones regard this death as a "call" GOTO Win. Iferold & Son a. Fori Ty G033?." Notions Eools M Shoes or Ladies and Cents FURjVJSIJING- goods. 11c keeps as large and as well GELJCCTPIj stock ' Ap ean be found ;tnv iIace In the eitvarid make ou prices tl: at defy coiii;rii';loii. DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Painless Denticle." Tle only lct lists In vvi-sf r. nliolli thfa w Mstt-iii of Kxtrui-uiiK ini, riiin,K j,.,. 1 1, witln lit I': illl. 4 III illlJtl-M III' I If tirt-ly free Irom Is I II- Ajtentsfor Harper's Bazar Ptlterns and BaTs Corset?. C. F. SMIT H, The Boss Tailor. Jlain St., Over Merges' Slice Store. Has the bevt nnd most complete stock of samplee, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came writ .of Missmuri nver. Note these prices: Butincf-s f,uits from $10 to $35, drees suits, $25 to $4."i, pants $4, r, 0.60 ainb up wards. HirWill guaranteed n fit. -rices Defy Compeiilion. J. E- R0B8INS, ARTIST, INSTKl'CTIOXSOIVEN IN FINE OIL PAINTINC VATEU COLORS, ETC. ALL 1.0VEK3. O? AltT ARK INVITED T CALL AN1 nzjis:xjrjB2 inr -work: STUDIO OVER OLIVEH A RAMSE MEAT MARKET. AN I) IS AIliOLLTKl.V Harmless To - All liHMiiai UoVmikI. 1 Ik: . i vat ion ot Hie iii.luml teeth a .s.ecial!y. COLD CROWNS, GILD CAl'S, BBIME WOK. The very lnist ;riifin i if, .I, '1 Ik C'itii-Lt-' Ijniik. riattijacutll. lilcek, over ITctr a. C. EOCN BARBER AND HAIR DRESS2R. All work firM-chus; wtht Fifth Ktrt. North Hobcit Shci wood's Store. Fh OMIWENT BUSINESS MEN. I Oi: i;On reasonaiwe ii-iimh my re.l denee on the N. XV. eornrr of I lm ml, t. Sai.l pro-H-ity cMisistx of U block with a Koo.i Mory and a half hoi:sc t f ix rooms. wo w artl rohes and ne fai.lry ; Kood w.-u ,i tllJ water; tweiity-neven l.eju Iv.z ai'jJe Iims kikI an abundance f 1 f (;it oi all kii.ds. ' U " I'.D.n.VIES. O. &. in. Time Table. iI; v.KT. No. 1. 5 :20 a. in. No, 3. AD p, in. No. S it ::r, a. in. No. ".--7 :4 p. m. No. !. a :1" p. in. No. II -6 M,n, i. ;oin; k A st, No, 2 4 p. in. No. 4 I0:.:(ia. in. No. . 7 :!.- p. in. IO. K.-.l ;-,() iNO. 10.--!) N o. 1 l. i ' a. irr. fover a dozen times harder than tho 'opposite - " I t i is . . . . . ... me daily, and sometimes twice a day. But ,ur buma loveu ,nii-o o t?av qweiiug t the women come in droves, and I frequently 54,8 s&- i ne rain crow cries for rain. There are many jolly dialect songs about the crow The negroes seem to consider him -quite a smart fellow One of them, a black one with white feathers under his wines, is a preachor ctott iloat oareiul UL how ever. wUl follow the dwellers In a house on whose roof a crow lights It is the wrea nesting under the eaves that brings the greatest good fortune to a house. Fol lowed by griefs and- trials will be that man who kills a wren. Let no person mock & "shlverln' owL" for the penalty thereto is "dat firell fol ler yon," Who tuocka a whlppoorwUl will have hi3 clothes burned up. YYh hears a whippoorwUl sounding its sweet note In daylight wiU have hl3 clothes burned. A flock of brown hir.ia aia,4 au- colts" twtt?r for a death sign. The great whita crane onlv leaves h! marshy places to bring .to some household warnin o death." Great oonsternation fills a house when the crane flies over tha roof and calls down his dolorous cry of "vorpsei uorpsei Corpse r Eli SheDnerd V- m. - a iew wieans iirnea femocrat. have to turn them away, they are so numer ous. A woman always comes with a com panion never alone; but I know of but one instance in my twenty years' experience where a man called with a friend, women, too, jvhil9 thsy aro my chief patrons, are not as firm believers n all V say as men," Chi ca jo Tribune. "'';'" One ui ntel Webster Laws. Few people know and fewer remember one great service which Daniel Webster performed for cicnkir.d Is the ten days during which he- was a member of the Massachusetts legislature. In one of his speeches he said, speaking of that time "I turned my thoughts to the search qf some good object In which I could be use ful in the position, and after much refiec tion I Introduced a blU which, with the general consent of both house3 of the Mas s&chnsetts legislature, passed lpto a law ana is now a uv or ue state, which en acts that no man In the state shall catch trout in any other manner than with th ordinary hook and line." fIow H'PJ PP? have done as much for mankind in a wLolc lifetime as he did by this one act? David A.. Curtis in New York Mail and Express. The term nlcenra is of Arabic origin. The science was first transmitted bv the Arabians or Saracens to Europe about the r-1 . .... Dr. C. A- Marshall. v 1ST k& v.4I I rreeervation it nut urn 1 teeth a specialty. Veclh extracted without jmin ly use of Laughing ua. All work warranted.. JVies reasonable. KT.-KAl tif. CK rLATTSMOUTff. NKB jN"EW ICS We have our house filled wi.h A FINE QTJAX4Ty OF ICE, And i.i'3 pr?pa;- I a deliver It daily to r;r cus tomers hi any iuaiit:ty desired. ALL 0EDEES PROMPTLY FILLED. Leae orders with T. IP.. BEAUMEISTpp., At ft ore or. six'h Street: We niAke a Bpe'c jaitj or (DUTTIKTG, I'-A-CJCinSTGr And Loading Cars, or terms sea us or wi ite. " K. C. Me-tf AKEN & SON, Telephone 72, - i flattsmontl t . C . , A'ljralnt) nm daily by wavof final-a cxefnt A lare i riinoui,' of rtinnnts in Dress Ooods and Ginghams. Prices very luw at ut-ckbath's. if The cheapest shoe.v at Merges'. if. Jlro Insurance written in the Etna, Phosnix and Hartforcl by Windham &. Davies. I sell (-hoes cheaper than anybody. Oail nd convinced, tin tr.,.i,l show goods. tf. 1'etick Mkkges. Gasoline t-tovts arc all tho. and the best in themaikct is thf'n,,', Meal,'' you can get one at J. I. Cox's hardware stoic, Main' street. ii22ml Just received a new line of Th-mtr carpets and jugs, at the IavlJglit store. tf. If it 3a real estate you want, sec Wiud lani i Davies' column on second page Special Notice. All parties wif-liino- tu tiu.lnr rnttl- and horses please leave orders at IJ. A. .McLIwain n jewelry store. I also have a iiorongbbrcd Jersey bull. m2wl. J. B. SLATEfr. J. R. Cox has a full lino of hoe nrl hosa-reals for your lawn. a2Jinl Just received two Week bach's. cases 5c Cnlici at tf. -GO TO- A C nines ueiieaey. Dried shark fins are sold in every Chines provision store in New xork, and are es teemed such a delicacy that they bring nearly - per poun4. H, P. Whisler's, AT The City Bakery, Foit FINE Hew England Horns Made Bread. He hs ).re !ii&d ihe services of I. J. Strayer, oi onvu!i i, r poeialty is in making tins li-!i', easily digested. XsTTJ TP.ITIOT7S Pin c!tae a Ave er ten eent loaf and you will be convinced of its ineri.s. a N. SCLL1VAN. AUorney at 1.3 w. Will . - e:v j,rf,:!pt .ittntion to all bnines in ( ti nsu-d to !tn. flirt in L'nion Block, East side, riattsomutb. Ntb. WT's canvass kIiois at Merges', only o.J cents, everything cheap. tf. Gospel Hill, Platttmouth, Jots now u market. The most convrnii-r.t to business and pos-t (iflicc tio-.v o bj had in the city. For price and tei n-s se? J O. Hays. in.Twl For Siberia Refrigerators, thelxst that are insd;, and Ice-cream fiteztri", call on J. R. Cox. ::)mi Our stock of Millinery very complete and prices low. at the Daylight btore tf. Two elegant fun.isl.el Ilnquire at this olTIre. roo:r.s to rent, tf We will ,ive a s.lver wntch, that warranted l,y tjie jewelry men of -this city, to any one who brintrs ns 15 yearly caih suliscribera to the D,ii.t Hekald.