The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 28, 1888, Image 2

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    THE DAILY llEi:ALi).'rLAriPAiouixi, mSgltASKA, SAT UK DAY, APRIL 28. 1SS8.
The Plattsnjouth Daily Herald.
Publishers St Proprietors.
I pebllnaed every evening except Sunday
aa Weekly every Thursday morning. Kegls
tere 4 at the postnlhc. Plaltamoutli. Nebr.. s
eacoaa-cUia maltrr. Oilier corner ut Vine and
JUl a atreets.
0ae copy on year In ndv&noe, by mail $4 oo
a copy per month, byruriler 50
Oaa copy per week, by carrier 13
aia copy eue year. In advaace 91 60
oa copy tlx aiotittis. In advance 75
The Republican electors of the State of
Nebraska are requested to send delegates
from the several counties, to meet in con
vention, tit tha city of Omaha, Tuesday,
May 15, 168, at 8 o'clock p. in., for the
purpose of electing lour delegates to the
National Republican Convention, which
ineuts in Chicago Juna lit, 18W8.
The several counties arc entitled to re
presentation as follows, being based upon
the vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell,
supreme Judge, in 1887, giving one del-egate-at-large
to each county, and one
for each 150 votes and major fraction
thereoff :
A damn 14 '.Jefferson 1
Antelope U'junnson 8
Arthur licarney s
Uiaine 2'KeyaPaha 6
liouae Kenh
I'-ox Hutte 4' Knox 7
It.-own it, Lancaster 25
lluft'o II uuciiiii S
Mutter f V
Hurt I l-ui 3
Cans Madison 8
leuar 6;Mcl'ln-rson 1
Mae filMeiiick "
t aeriv 5 Nance 5
Cheyenne 11 Nemaha a
CUy II Nuckolls C
Colfax 7 Hoe U
Cuming 7 Pawnee 8
tUHte' 17 Perkins
Dakota 6 Pierce 4
lawcs 7l'olk
Dawson .. J Platte 10
inn ; Phelps 7
lode 12 Richardson 12
Douglas 37i Ked Willow 7
iMndy 4;. Saline Ut
Fillmore. KijSarpy .. 5
Kranxliu 7Saanders la
Frontier 10'Seward lo
Furnaa- .Sheridan 7
i;a lvNherinan 7
Carfleld 3Sioux 2
iper r.jStanton 4
4Sraiit Ij Thayer 7
lreeley 4; I'houuoi 2
Hall ; lliValley e.
Hamilton 1" Vasliingtoii i
Harlan t Wayne 6
Hayea 4 Webster 9
Hitchcock G Wheeler 3
Holt 14 York 11
Howard ?L"iiurg. territory 1
It is recommended that no proxies be
admitted to the convention, except such
as aro held by persons residing ia the
counties from the proxies are given.
Gkokge D. Meiklejoiix.
Walt. M. Seelev, Chairman.
The republican electors of Cass county
are hereby called to meet in their respec
tive wards and precincts on Saturday,
April 28th, 1S88, for the purpose of
olectinz delegates to meet in convert-
tion at Weeping Water, Nob , on May 5,
1S33, at 1 o'clock p. m. f--r the purpos
of electing sixteen delegates to the re
publican state convention which meets
in Omaha, May 15, 18SS. The wards
and precincts are entitled to the follow-
ing number of delegates:
Tipton .'. 7 Greenwood 5
Salt Creek t
Kim wood 8
Weeping Water 2
Louisvilte 9
Plattsniouth l'rec... 7
City lt Ward 7
and " 9
- " 3rd - 13
4th 12
Stove Creek 9
South Bead 1;
Avoc 7
Libel ty 8
Kock Bluff It
Mt. Pleasant
tight Mile Grove.
Sec'y. Cirm.
Primaries will be held in the various
wards and precincts on the 33th of April
at the following places:
Tioton at Eacle 7:30, Greenwood at
Cornish school house 7:30, Stove Creek
at Elmwood village 7:30, Elinwood at
Center school house 7:30, South Bond at
South Bend 7:30, Weeping Water at Un
ion Hall 3 p. m , Center at Manley 3 p.
m.t Louisville Fitzgerald's hall 3 p. in.,
Avoca at Hutchin's School house 2 p. m.
Mt. Pleasant at Gilmore's School house
i n? m.. Eisht Mile Grove at Heil's
School house 3 p. m., Liberty at Holden's
School houso 3 p. in , Kock Bluffs at
Bergcr School house 4 p. m.. Plattsniouth
precinct at Taylor's School heusc3 p. m.,
Plattsmouth City 1st ward county judge's
office 1 to 7 p. m., 2nd ward at 2nd ward
school house 1 to 7 p. rn., 3d ward at
Sullivan's office 1 to 7 p. m., 4th ward at
Rockweod Hall 1 to 7 p. m.
The republican electors of the First
Congressional district of the state of Ne
braska are requested to send delegates
from the several counties to meet in con
vention at the city of Ashland, Thursday
May 10 18S$, at 8 o'clock, p. m., for the
purpose of electing two delegates to the
national republican convention which
meets is Chicago, June 19, 18SS.
The several counties are entitled to
representation as follows, being based
upon the vote cast for Hun. Samuel
Maxwell for Judge in 1S87, giving one
delegate at large to eaeh county and one
for each 150 votes and major fraction
C.-JS '
Douglas 37
;iKe 19
loliuaon S
Laacaster as
Otoe 2
Pawnee 8
Kichard on, 12
farpy 3
launders 11
It is rtcommended that no proxies be
admitted to the convention except such
s are held by persons residing in the
counties from which the proxies are
"iren. D. G- COURTNAY, Chairman.
" T. D. COBBEY, Secretary.
Lincoln, Neb., April 12, 1888.
Outiku for May is a handsomely il
lustrated and carefully edited number of
tint pepular magazine of Recjcation,
Travel, Adventure, and of gentlemanly
sport. The new management of Outi-so
is evidently determined to givo its pat
runs a magazine such as uu lover of out
door life can afferd to be withont. Fish
ing, Ball Playing, Hunting, Driving,
Tramping, Bicycling, Yachting, Camping
Canoeing, and kindred spoits, are tho
subjects of special articles, and yet tho
magazine poscssl3 the literary character
of ThtCtntnry and Jla. j'tr'n, and for
Hie parlor table and the Jamil v circle is
as indispensible as its adinii ably conduct
ed contemporaries. I)e Meza, Iteming
ton, Beard, Moejner and Knickerbocker
are tlic ailit, and their
names suilice to show that excellence in
illustration is one of the features of the
number. The poetical selections and
literary sketches are by the best writers
of the day. The Rev. Dr. Black is a
piece of liction of unusual merit, and is
worthy of republication in book form.
The opening of the tithing seasen is ap
propriately remembered by a well written
and handsomely illustrated article on
Trout and Grayling, and every lover of
piscatorial sport who reads the May Out
ixa will sigh for a week's tramp alonj
the waters of Michigan. Old Battles on
the Baseball Field, from the pen of that
well-knewn writer en spo-ts, nenry
Chadwick, is a reminiscence which will
give pleasure to every veteran of the na
tional game, as well as to the juniors
wh now handle the bat. The a. ticles
by the late General Ma-cy, while they
have a particular value for the hunter,
are so well written as to prove interest
ing te every lover of adventure; and the
aitides by Thomas Stevens, Around the
World on a Bicycle, which hav hitherto
ben a feature of Out:o. interest not
only the cycler, but every reader auiious
to leara of the nations in the far East,
whem Stevens saw under advantages
rarely enjoyed by any European traveller
in China and Japan. An Outing Nea.:
New York suggests falling and hunting
grounds, within three hours of the great
metropolis, and is as timely as it is full
of good points for those who, housed in
the big cities, sigh for a breath of fresh
ami pure air. Captain Coffin's article,
T'ie Death-Blow to International Tacht
Kac:ng, w ill command attention not only
in America and England, but wherevrr a
yatchtsman touches land and can buy a
copy of the May Ou xo. How We
Drove to Gales is a very readable sto. v
of a Summer's outing in a buggy, en
joyed by two ladies. Our Canoo Cruise
is n sketch of amusing sport enjoyed by
several gentlewomen. The records pre
sent an epitome of the p:om;neut spott
ing events of the month, wh:le the edi
toral chat and amusing sporting gossip
helps to complete this choice number of
the magazine. Send your order to your
Newsdealer to supply it regularly, or
write to the new office of Outixo, 239
Ffth Avehue, New York.
. TE.-S following lettc was written by
General Grant in 1SC3, to General Slier
man, and g; ves his reasons for Lis accept
:.ig the Republican nomination ior the
highest ollice in the girt of the American
The letter is historical and full of in
terest to the every loyal citizen of of this
great Republic:
"Headquarters Armv TJ. S., Washing
ton June, 1863,-Dear Sir: Your kind
faror written from New Mex'.co is re
ceived. You understand my position
exactly; it is one I would not occupy
for any mere personal consideration, but
from tho nature of the contest, since the
close of active hostilities, I haye been
forced into it in spite of myself. I could
not back down without as it seems to me,
leaving the contest for power for the
next four years between mere trading
politicians, the elevation of whom, no
matter which party won, would lose
to us largely the results of the costly war
which we hava gone through. Now the
democrats will be forced to adopt 11 good
platform, and put upon it a reliablo man
who, if elected, will disappoint the cep
perhead element of the'r patty. This
yf'.ll be a g'eat poiat gained if nothing
more is accomplished. I feel very great
ful to the officers ef eur army, whose
milUary achievements made my reputa
tion well as thsir own, to know that
they support me in this new fiald. I do
not e-.pect or want active support, but
merely the satisfaction ef knowing what
your letter assures me 01 on your part.
Officers who expect to make the army
their heme for life have to serve under
successive administrations and should
not make themselves obnor.ious to any
party likely to come into power. I shall
not ask you lo come to Washington until
after November, and probably not then.
For myself, I erpect lo be away from
here most of the time, but I stall keep
within telegranh, and being within the
limits of my command, will eierciss it.
lours Irulv,
U. S. Gkat."
The sentence, "I could not back down,
without, as it s-ems to me, leaving the
contest for power for the next four ysars
between mere tiading politicians, the ele
vation of whom, no matter which party
won, would lose us largely the results of
the costly war which we have just gone
through,,r is something for the American
people to considsr at the present day.
Give us a nomination for this office once
honored by a Lincoln and a Grant that
will be abeve the mere "trading politi j
clan" a man of national reputation
without a spot or blemish upon his pcli-
tical life, and the glorious Republican
party will once more unturi its uanner
only to be feUowed by victory all along
the line.
Another tb:ng in this remarkable let
ter, and one showing the extreme mod-
- ij
csty of tho great commander, is this: "I
feel very grateful to tho oflicers er our
army whose military achievements made I
mu rei mlalion as well as their own, to
r A
know that thev sunnort mo in my new
Could anything be more modest and
simple than this the greatest General
of this or any other age giving all the
credit and glory of his magnificent ca
reer to hiR inferiors in command but
such was Grant in war or peace.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach aro va
rious, and statistics show conclusively
that more persons die from disease of the
throat and lun?3 than any other. It is
probable that everyone, without excep
tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle
Germs into the system and where these
trcrms fall 11 Don suitable soil they start
into life and develop, at first slowly and
is shown by a slight tickling sensation in
the throat and if allwwed to continue their
ravages they extend to the lungs produc
ing Consumption and to the head, caus
ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous
and if allowed to continue will in time
cause death. At the onset you must act
with promptness; allowing a cold to go
without attention is dangerous and may
loose yeu your life." As soon as you feel
that something is wrong with your throat,
lunirs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos-
sliee's German Syrup. It will giye you
immediate relief.
Effect of the Climate.
Tradition tells of a young English recruit
tvtao was sent out to garrison duty in Ceylon
voon after his enlistment, and beheld with
rrreat amazement (having never seen a colored
man before) the first native who boarded the
transport when she cast anchor in Colombo
hni-Kir- "Whn's thnt Mn.-V rhnn Rill J"
askea no 01 a comraae. "vvnati don't you
know him again P answered the other, who
was a bit of a wag; "why, that's our old
chum, Harry Thompson, that you used to
know in the old country. lie's been out here
fivo years, you know, and the sun's toasted
him black." "Tho sun's toasted him black I"
cccoeu tne greeniiorn, scaring in open
mouthed horror at .tho supposed transforma
tion: "Do you mean to say that I'll bo like
that when I've been here fivo yearsp "Of
courso you will, Dick," replied his tormentor,
with heartless cheerfulness, "and so'll I too,
and so'll all of us. Look at that chap,"
(pointing to a passing Chineso boatman,)
"ho's only yellow you sec, because ho hasn't
cot moro than half toasted yst, but in an
other year or two he'll be as black as your
boots." David Ker ia isew ork Times.
The Last Ilalf Century.
Men of science who live today have almost
created a new world. To go back fifty years
is to go back to the slow processes of thought
and labor, that in this rushing time seem in
comparably tedious and slow. The last half
century has witnessed the greatest of Amer
ican inventions the mower and reaper, tho
rotary printing press, the sewing machine,
the India rubber industry, tho horse shoe ma
chine, the sand blast for carving, the grain
eleator, the gauge lathe, the telephone, the
electric magnet. Strip tho world of these
today and how greatly progress would bo re
tarded! Albany Journal.
Plenty of Peach Blow, Early Rose,
Clark's No. 1, aud Colorado Rose Pota
Southeast quarter section 14, township
10. ranae 12: price $1,800. Northwest
quarter section 8, township 12, range 10;
price f 2,000. Windham k uavies.
Just received two
cases 5c
Calico at
We are headquarters for California
Canned Goods. Try us on prices.
a2G-Ct Leh .iioff & Sonnichsen.
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Ia warranted for all that the label calls
for. so if it does not relieve your cough
you can call at our store and the money
will be refunded to you. It acts simul
taneously on all parts of the system,
thercbv leaving no bad results. O. P.
Smith & Co., Druggists. j25-3md&w
Another Victim.
"Who is that ngly looking woman over
"That is my wife, sir."
"Indeed! Here is my card, sir, I'm the
most successful divorce lawyer in tho
city." Town Topics.
Bess's Blood Purifier and Blood
No remedy in the world has gained
the popularity that this medicine has, as
t hold on family medicine. No one
should be without it. It has no calomel
1 1 quinine in its composition, conscquent
1a no bad effects can arise from it. We
keep a full supply at all times. O. P.
Smith Co. Druggist. j25-3moddrw
Di. Schliemar.n has gone to Alexand
ria with Professor Yirchew, and will
spend several months in Egypt making
$500 Reward.
We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dj'spepsia, sick
headache, milisrestion, constipation or
costiveness Ave cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the!
directions aro strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
containing 30 sugar coated pills, 2oc.
rjf eiln 1w nil IrnrrcMctft T?iriir n I
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
ine manufactured only by John O. Well
& Co.. 802 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its
Sold by W. .J Warrick.
The Famoui Novellat Points Out tho
Placoa Where Ha Found His Charac
ters Meeting Dick Swlveler and II111
Sykea Little Nell.
"Dickens ! Yes, in his way he was a Shakes-
pearel" And Lloyd wheeled around in his
chair, and faced me with unnaturally bright
eyes and a flushed face.
I knew that Lloyd was an Englishman, and
I heard that had given him a good jxwition
on a London jiaper when he came to this
country, but he has told me very little about
himself. How the name of Dickens cropped
out in our conversation I cannot now re
member, but when it was mentioned Lloyd
became enthusiastic.
"I spent a wonderful night with him once,"
be said, lighting a fresh cigar, "and when
vou mentioned his name it all came back to
mo It was in '58 or '59. At that time I had
tho police department on The South London
Journal. Without stretching it at all, I
think I may say that I had niado some little
reputation for myself.
"Well, to cut a lone story short, I was
working away at my desk one evening, when
Inspector Davis came in.
" 'What do you say to going tho rounds
with me to-nightT said the inspector.
" 'Thanks,' I replied, 'but I am rather busy
and cannot very well go.'
" 'Sorry,' responded the inspector; 'I am to
take Mr. Dickens along, and I took it for
granted that you would want to go.'
" 'Charles Dickens!' I shouted. 'Is he really
going with youT
" 'That is tho arrangement,' said the in
spector. 'Can't you moot us at Bull's at 11 f
"You may rest assured that I promised. I
wrote several notes to my reporters, and
some minutes before 11 1 turned up at Bull's,
a third rate restaurant on Oxford street. In
spector Davis and another gentleman had
iust finished their supper. Of course, the
other gentleman was Sir. Dickens. When I
was introduced to him he drew mo aside in a
pleasant way.
" 'Newspaper manf ho said. 'Well, I like
all newspaper men. I ought to, you know,
for I hod a devil of a time myself as a re
"I made some sort of an answer, but Mr.
Dickens went on to say:
" 'After all, you newspaper men, you re
porters, ore the real novelists of the day.
Your realistic stories of the comedies and
tragedies of life cannot be surpassed.'
" 'how is tho time to catch 'em, said the
inspector, looking at his watch.
"Tho programme for the nightembraeed a
ramblo through some of the by streets be
tween Holborn and Oxford streets. Without
tho inspector it Avould have been a dangerous
trip. Tho first place we visited was a thieves'
lodging house. Fully 100 men were stretched
on tno lioor, most or tnem asleep, Dut some
were wide awake. One of the lodgers seized
Mr. Dickens by the lapel of his coat.
'"D your ho growled, 'what do you
want herer
" 'Ask me that question to-morrow and Pll
answer you,' said Mr. Dickens, with a laugh,
and he handed the fellow his card.
" 'islast my CA-esr exclaimed the man.
Well, sir, ycu are among frionds here. I
Eay, Air. iJicitens, may 1 sena out for some
ale or something?'
" 'No, we can't wait,' replied the inspector,
4we must visit other places, and you wouldn't
like to bother Mr. Dickens.'
" 'Divil a bit of it!' exclaimed an Irish
man, who had overheard the conversation,
'but I must shake bands wi you.'
"After a few more handshakes we left and
wont out into a purer atmosphere. A gin
palace stood in our way and a sudden thirst
overcame me.
" 'Come in, boys,' said Mr. Dickens, 'if we
aro going to make a night of it we must pre
pare for it.'
"Wo had a jolly tune Inside. Mr. Dickens
chaffed the barmaids, and they giggled like
anything. Inspector Davis, too, was at his
best. But when he left, the inspector must
have whispered something, for one of the
barmaids ran after us and gave' Mr. Dickens
a little flower, saying, 'Oh, sir, you have
done so much for us I'
'The inspector nudged me, and I thought
about it, and 1 am thinking about it yet.
'At one place Mr. Dickens was in high
glee, lie pointed out a young leilow in a
tawdry suit of clothes, and asked us if he
was not a regular Dick Swiveler, and the
man did seem to fill the bill exactly.
" 'There is Bill Sykes,' he said at the last
place we visited, a low cellar, in the very
worst quarter.
'The man waa the very picture of Bill
Sykes, but he overheard Mr. Dickens, and
came forward in a belligerent way.
'Stand back there!' said Inspector Davis,,
don t you know mei
'I know you,' answered the ruffian, 'but I
am going to mash this fellow's nose.'
"'Mr. Dickens, this is Mr. Chick Dyke,'
said the inspector, laughing.
" 'ot our Charles Dickens!' exclaimed the
" 'The same,' was the answer.
"Well, that Bill Sykes fellow almost
hugged Mr. Dickens. And they were all
that way.
but the insr.torstoPpedhim and promised
to call m the daytime. He said that it was I
dangerous to show money in that quarter at
'In tho lost house we visited there was a
little golden haired girl curled up in the arms
of an old man.
" 'There is little Nell, I broke out.
" 'You are right,' Mr. Dickens answered.
as he pressed my hand. 'We must look after
her to-morrow, and after seeing her we had
better go. I feel broken up.'
'I was glad to get away and so was In
spector Davis. We went back to Oxford
street and had a high old time at a chop
house until the morning, .air. JJicKens was
as jolly as a man could be. He gave us no
end of good advice, and even approved of my
scheme of going to the United States.
'I like those Americans,' he said; 'they
like me.1
"Human nature, wasn't it? Shortly after
that I left England, and I never saw Charles
Dickens again. I know that you will think
my little glimpse of the man a very unsatis
factory episode, but you were not there. You
did not see the man. If you had felt the
pressure cl ms nana, and looted into ms
clear eyes, and heard his cheery voice, you
would feel as I do now when hi3 name is men
Lloyd puffed away at his cigar, and I soon
convinced him that I thoroughly understood
him. A night with Dickens is something to
bo remembered with delight, and it is no
wonder that Lloyd felt proud of his little ad
venture. The Criterion.
Japan's Largest Paper.
The largest and most influential newspaper
In Japan, The Nichi Nichi Sbumbun, or
Daily Times, of Tokio, has a circulation of
10,000 copies daily. Its columns are filled
almost entirely with short stories and politi
cal essays, with very little, if any, news mat
ter. New York World.
Eureka Meat Market.
Jiccf, Pork, Mutton, Veal mid 'Poultry.
Z invito all to givo ino a trial.
8ugar Cured Meats, Hams, Bacrn,, etc.,' tie. Fresh OyMcis in Cnn and Bnlk
ut lowest lijing ju ices. Do not fail to yive uie your atronnge.
Prices in tno City,
bo Convinced.
Where a magnificent
Early Ohio and Early Rose Seed Potatoes.
All kinds of Garden Seeds.
California Evaporated Pears, Peaches, Gold
Plums ,
r les
Apples, and French Dried Prunes.
A Large Assortment
Vegetsbl es .
Jonathan Hatt.
iU Jl H, M U
y 7
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams.
oi our own make. The best brands
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment
a guarantee specific for Hysteria Dizziness.
Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia. Head
ache. Nerveoue Prostration caused hy the ut-a
of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental Ta
nrevion. Hoftenicg of the bvain resulting n in
sanity and leading t misery, decay and death,
' resnature old Age. Rarrefciiess, ixisa of Pow
er in eitlier srx. lnvoluritary Losses and Spcr
mat'Trhnpa Caused liy ovrr-exertion of tha
brain, gelfabuse or over-lndnigence Each box
contains one month's treatment, 1 00 a box
or six boxes for $5.00, sent by ruail prepaid ob
receipt of price
To cure any case. With each order received
by us for six boxes, accompanied with (5.00,
we will send the purchaser our written guaran
tee to return the rponey if the trf atraent does
not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by
Will .. Warrick sole agent. Plattsmouth. Neb.
It may be that there is a land that is
; fairer than this, but it would take an art-
ist to find it.
' '
Call and
stock of
Good and Fair
13 OS Civ,
Raspberries, Blackberries, Cher-
of Canned Fruits and
J. W. Mazhm.
Bacon, Lard, &c, &o
of OYSTERS, in cans aad bulk, at
r'or sale or exchsnge. A number of
fine pieces of residence property. Apply
to Windham and Davies.
The standard remedy for liver com
plaint is West's Liver Pills; thay never
disappoint you. SO pills 35c. At TTar
rick's drug stare.
One, two, five and ten-acre tracts for
sale cn reasonable terms. Apply t
Windham and Davies. d-w-lm.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
F!or d Pepperbargo and 'Bu
always in stok. Nv. , 18M.