Iff I riUST YEAH PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 27, 1888. NUMBER 187 GIlllY" OFFICIOS. Mayor, Clerk, Treitiurcr, Attorney, Kninerr, Police JiiJko. ilarahall. - ' - k.m. ki Heir W K Fux - JAMKS f ATTKKHON, .IH. - liYKON JLAICK - A Maimilk H (LIKKOKII W It Maliu Councllinen, !: ward, 2nd 3rd M 4th Wxr-KIIACU A HAI.IHHUHY i 1 M JoN KM ( l)K. A SH I PM AN M It ML'Kl'IIY 8 W 1UTTN t ('ON O'CONMOB. I J W J OH SH rub.Work Khkii (.okdkk I l 11 IlAWKrtW. (JHAIKM AN Board OKTII GOLTjSTY OFFIGLilS. Treasurer, Ieputy Treasurer, - Clerk. Heputy Clerk, Kecoruer of leeds - l'aputy Iteeonlur Clerk of District Court, Sheriff, Surveyor. Attorney. Bupt. of Pub. School, County JulKe. I). A. Campbell. Hiiti Ckitciikikixi KxaCkitciiuki.d W. II. Pooi. John M. I.kyda V . SlIOWALTKK J.C. KlKKNBAKY A.Maoolk - ALI.KN liKKrtoN M.vynahi Spink C. ltUHSKLL BOA RD OK SUPERVISORS. A. B. Tfm. - l'latUinoutli Louis Koirz, Cli'm., Weeping Water A. It. Ill -K.tu.v, - Ennwood GIVIG SOGIKTJiS. CtASS I.ODCK No. 14G. 1. O. O. K. -Meets 'every Tuenday evening of each week. All transient brothers are respectfully luvited to attend. IJLATTMOL'TII ENCAMPMENT No. 3. I. O. O. P.. iiieel" every alternate Friday in each month in the Maoonie Hall. VisilliiK Ilrolhers are Invited to attend. rpRIO I.OIM;E NO. 8I. A. O. U. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at K. of 1. hall. Transient brother are respectfully in vited to attend. F.J. Morgan, Master Workman ; K. 8. Barntow. Foreman ; Frank Brown. Over seer ; 1. Bowen. (iiiide; teoij;e Houeworth. Kecorder; II. J. Johnson. Financier; Yali. bmtth. Keoeiver; M. Maylrinlit. i'ast M. W. ; Jack Uaugherty, Inside liuard. 11 ASH CAMP NO. 332. MODERN WOODMEN yj of Anierle l Meets second and fourth Mon 4 ay eveitiui; at K. of P. hall. All transient hmthori ri- i-pii nested to meet, with us. 1.. A. Naweoner. Venerable Consul ; O. F, Niles, Worthy Adviser ; D, B. SiuttU, tx-Bauker ; C. Wllletu. Clerk. W. 1LTTSMOUriI I.ODOE NO. 8, A. O. V. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at Hock wood hall at ho'oIock. All transient broth er are respectfully invited io attend. I- N. I .arson, M. W. ; F. lkyd. Foreman : h. C. Wilde. Recorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer. McCONIHIE POST 43 C. A. R- BOSTEU. J. T. Johnson. ..(To'iimander. C. . Twis F. A. BATHS Or.o. Nilk IIZNKV HTKFIIillT Malon Dixon Clf AKI.KS FOKI Anokhhon FkY ..Senior Vice .Junior " " Adjutant. ). M. Oillcerof the Day. , Guard Serirt Maior. .1 Af!0 B ii O it B '. K.M A N .. ..Quarter Mils' er Sergt. Post Chaplain 1,. v. Cur em eettnir Saturday evening BROWNE, Psrsonal attention to all Business Entrust to niy care. XOTARY IX OKFICR. Titles Examined. Abstarcts Compiled, In surance Written, Real Estate Sold. Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than Any Qtixer Agqacyv Plattsmoutlt, - JVelraUa. B. B. Windham, John a. Da vies. Notary Public. Notary Public. W1XWHAM4 AVIES, jfLttoraoys - at - Law. Office over Bank of Cass County. Plattsmoutfi, - - Nebraska. HLPalmeriSon GENERAL IfiSUHANCE AGENTS T?nTM.fJont tllft frtllowintT tl me- .A. v. Q trie4 and nre-tested companies: American Cenrral-Sr. Louis, Assets 81.2.w,loo Commercial U:iin-Englantl, " 2.596.314 Fire AssoclaMoa-Pblladelphia, 4,415,576 Franklin-Philadelphia, " 3.117,106 Ilome-Sew York. " 7.835.5T9 Ins. Co, of Vorth America. Phil. 8.474.362 LlverpooliLondon & Globe-Eug " 6.633.7S1 Korth British Mercantile-En " 3.378,754 vorwich Unlon-Eiigrland. 113.4C6 Mprlngfleld F. & M,-Springfield. 3.044.915 Total Assets, $42,115,774 Losses ASjnstsl ani Pali at tlisAeenci WHEN YOU WANT WORK DOI -OF- CALL ON Za. . laarson, Cor. 12tb aud Granite Streets. Contractor and Builder Spt. 12-Cui. Bond Tenders Accepted. Wahii'nuton, April 2i. The lecretarj of the treasury has accepted the tenders of bends. The total amount i 1 1,840, 000, inad up as follow: Registered 4', $800,000 at 12, fUO.000 12Jf, $50,000 at 125; registered 4i.a, !f200,000 at 107J; 400,000 at 107 J. He Probably t ulclded PlainviEW, Nb., April 20. Charles Hawk, a farmer living about four miles fro.u this place, died this mowing about 8 o'clock, of violent convulsions. The doctors in attendance pronounced it btrjebniue poibonin. He probably sui cided and an inquest will be held to morrow. A Soldier's Frightful Death- Fort Giuson, I. T., April 20. A sol dier named James White nitt with a frightful death today. He had started on the lawn to lariat Col. Coppt-nger's horse, when the horse became frightened and jampsd suddenly, and the stake at the end of the rope, which the soldier held in his hand, was jerked through his body, killing him almost inwtuntly. White lived in Arkansas, but belonged to Company C, 18th Infantry, at this post. A Battle with Desperadoes. ALBuqcinqcz, N. M., April 2G. Two deputy sheriffs of Socorro county, who have been on the trial of Joe Atkins and Frank Porter for the last two days, came up with them near Sau Jose, this county, yesterday afternoon, when a regular pitch ed battle ensued, in which Porter was killed aud Atkins captured. The prison er and the body of the dead man wer brought to Albuquerque this morn'ng. Tiicso men have been known for a long time past as desperate characters. Two car loads Flour and Feed just re ceived yt LHHNUOFF & SOH.SiCHSEX. The Odd Fellows at Crete. Crete, Neb., April 20.-- The celebra tion of the anniversary of the establish ment of the Independent Order of Odd Fvllows was a rand success. The city was filled with strangers aud brethern of the order from early morning. There was a constant string of people coming and s;oin to and from the assembly grounds dur'ng the greaUr portion of the day. The city has a holiday appearance, many of the stores and dwelling houses throughout the city being beautifully and tastefully decorated with flags aad bunting. There was between six and seven hundred persons in the line of the procession, which marched through the principal streets headed by Prof. Vance's cornet band. ' By order of Mayor Slilkr, all of the streets wet thoroughly cleaned. Tho different lodges in the county were repressuted by over five hundred mem bers. On behalf of the people of Crete and Crete lodge, er-Governor Dawes wel comed the brethern in a few well chosen words, after which W. II. Woodward, of Lincoln, delivered a brill-ant address lasting over an hour. In the evening a grand ball was given at Band's opera house which proved asocial and financial sucess. Baled nay and Feed of all kinds at 3t LEHXtOFP & Sosxichsex's. . The Republican For 1888. The presidential campaign of 1888 promises to be fought out with great yig- or in all the Northern States of the Un ion, and in some of the Southern States us well. Fortunately for the Republican party, the great issue has been made up in advance of the opening of the canvass, so that it may be discussed intelligently. lue President of the United btales, as the leader of the Democratic party, has announced himself in favor of maintain ing the internal tacs, and of then reduc ing the revenues from imports to a point which shall make the whole merely suffi cient to meet the current expenses of the government. Tne democratic press and a majority of the democratic members in congress have announced their accept ance of this platform. The republican party, on the other hand, stands squarely upon the platform which it has occupied for more than a quarter of a cenbury that of protection to Amsrlcan industries; to which is ad ded the unrestricted right of suffrage and an honest count of ballots cast. The issue thus made up, the parties are preparing for the fray. All over the country the republicans are organizing. They are enthusiastic, earnest, and will make an aggressive and a hot fight, and are confident of success. The Republican is what its name im plies, A REPUBLICAN HEWSPAPER. It will do the best work it knows how for its party. It will advocate the prin ciples in which it believes with all the force of which it is capable. In short, it intends to do its full share in the work of returning the republican party to pow er in the nation. But it will be fair in its fight, and democrats will have no cause to complain at its methods. It will have full reports of the proceedings of the conventions of both parties., na tional and state, prepared without bias, and will present both sides. In short it will make a complete record of the can vass. Its news columns will be non-par tisan; its editorial columns straight re publican. AS A GENERAL NEWSPAPER, The Republican never sleeps. Its col umns are breezy, while trustworthy. It prints every morning all the news of the previous day from all parts of the world. It labors early and late for the best in terests of Omaha, Nebraska and the great west. The sulwcription price list of The Re publican as follows: Daily per year 10 00 Daily (oy carrier in Omaha or Council Bluffs per week) 15 c Weekly (per year) 1 00 In all its editions Tho Rebublioan is the cheapest paper in the west. The campaign will extend over a period of more than seven months, but as we are specially desirous that The Republican shall find its way into the home of every family in the great Northwest wo make this spkcial offer: THE WttEKLY RBPBLICAN From April 1 to December 1, 1888: In clubs of 50, 50 cents for nine months; in clubs of 25, CO cents for nine months; in clubs of 10, 70 cents for nine months. A corps of active correspondents will ba employed in all parts of the state to keep us informed of the progress of the canvass in Nebraska. The price of subscription barely covers the cost of white paper. The daily and weekly Republican will be better and more complcto in ovey department tbnn eyer before. It will be a paper of and for the people and the people's interests will be maintained without fear or favor. SPKCIAL FEATCRE8 will be added from time to time. Send in your clubs as well as individnl sub scriptions so as to commence early in April and reap the full benefit of th:s lib eral offer. We want an atcive canvasser for the Weekly at every postoflce in Ne braska. The Republvcan Co., Omaha, Nsb. A new line of Crockery and Queens ware just opened at a26-3t Lehnhoff & Sonnichsen's. To Correct an Error. Our local scribe was misinformed yes terday, and our statement that the funer al of Mr. John Richardson would take place from the residence of Mr. Showalter was an error that we regret. The funeral was held at his late resi dence on south Seventh street, at 10 a. m., the Rev. Alexander officiating, and the remains were laid to rest in Oak Hill cemetery. Mr. R'chardson leaves to mourn his demise his beloved wife, two daughters, one the wife of W. C. Show alter and one now married and living in Washington D. C, and one son living in the western part of this state but who was at his father's dying bedside. List ot Letters. Remaining unclaimed, in the Postoffice at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, April 25, 1888, for the week ending April 14, 1888: C eedap. Johnie Campbell. Edward It. Cattle, M -s Atlanta Cook. James A. Neveimaii. joim uaiuerniau, J w Ma't. Mis E''a McGee. John Vevnoids. Diltla Kai.isey, Wesely B Scow, Mr .oa C bniers, Thomas Souers. Fir ok J Slinfloff, JW Ku'.Kvan, Jno L . Taylor, L K. Watson, r.-aDK k (2 Persons calling for any of the above letters will please Bay "advertised." J. N. Wise, P. M. For Siberia Refrigerators, the best that are made, and Ice-cream freezers, call on J. R. Cox. a28ml Largest List, Best Terms and Lowest prices on lots, houses and lot?, half acres, acres, five and ten acres. Property shown free of charge. Call and see me. Ride out and see if I cannot show yon some Bargains. a20tf W. S. Wise. Gasoline stoves are all the rage now and the best in the market is the "Quick Meal," you can get one at J. R. Cox's hardware store, Main street. aisml French picore'e Cheese. The cheese for excellence with high livers is Roquefort. It is French, and made of goat's milk and herbs. It is very rich, and is served just before coffee at dinner. Roque fort is almost a religion with French epi cures, and is equally well thought of by a little animal probably first cousin to tho American "skipper. " This little animal is also part of the French epicure's religion. If the cheese does not contain him it is looked upon with suspicion, as his dirimination is very fine. Chicago Herald. On Feature Omitted. Millionaire Patron (with wart on his nose) The portrait is excellent, Mr. Tubes, but you've left out one very essential feature. Mr, Tubes Excuse me, sir, but I thought you wouldn't car to have the er er wart reproduced. Millionaire Patron Confound you, sir I I'm talking about the diamond pin not the wart!" Judge. The Word "Volspuk." A perplexed reader in Riverhead, La. I., wants to know how the word Volapuk is pronounced. Well, it is prooounced almost every way, but the correct way is said to bo Vo-la-pweek, with the accent on the last syl lable, which is spoken. very quickly. New York Tribune. Seeding KIm. After an enthusiastic lover spends two hours' hard labor over a letter to his girl, and then mars its beauty by spilling a drop of ink on it, be first swears in a very scien tific manner for a few moments, and then draws a circle around the blot and tells her it is a kiss. Real Estate Bargains EXAMINE OUR LIST. consistino or- CHOICE LOTS 3NT South - Park 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Towusend's addition. Lot 10 block 138, lot 5 block 164. Lot 1 block 6, lot C block 05. Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 61. LOTS IN TOCNO AND DATs' ADDITION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in all parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and see if we cannot suit you better. 5 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adjoining S.:tith Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 1 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: Se I sec. 14, T. 10, R. 12, Cubs county, price $1, 800, if sold soon. nw i sec. 8, T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co., price $2,000. A valuable improyed stock fram in Merrick Co., Neb., 160 acres and on reosonvble terms. Windham & Davies. ISO MM Consult your best interests by insuring in the Phcenix, Hartford or Etna com panies, about which there is no question as to their high standing and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the numBer of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, III., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1888. Call at our office and. secure a Tor nado Policy. Unimproved lands for sale or ex change. WINDHAM OaVIB PLATT8MOUTH, NEB. Bargains ! Bargains I 4 ' The firm "V. A. Uoeek & Co., have succeeded Uoeck & Uird- 8all with OF SPRING BOOTS AND SHOIS ! AND EXPECT TO cusi-t BUSINESS THt OMAJA HEBAiD. A First Class Newspaper and the onlv one in Omaha that prints Daily two Prt-fes Reports. DAILY 8 Tages, including Sunday, SUNDAY 12 to 20 Pages WEEKLY 8 Pages and Premium SAMPLES FB.EE. Subscribe by Mail, through your Postmaster or Newsdealer. Address TSE SEEl-ikXiD, OMAHA, UEBXJISEZA, B. &. HI. Time Table. GOIXO WF.iT No. 1 .5 :20 a Ml. No, 3.-- :40 p, in. No. 5. !) :!i5 a. in. No. 7.-7 -.45 . in. No. 9. 0 :17 1. in. OoIJ.fi FAST. No, 2.-4 :ir p. in. No. 4. 10 :.'t0 a. Ill, No. . 7 :ir j. in. No. 8.-9 :r0 ii. in. No. lit. :45 a. in. ! -l :4(1 . . hi. io. li . b :vo a. ru A I II ill UB IUUUilll Uy t'l wiMwir. i a-' Nns. 7 and 8 which run to and from Kchujler daily exc'it Sunday. No. 30 is a stub to Pacific Junction at 8 30.a ni. No. 19 Is a stub from Pacific Junction at 11 a.m. .11 ...... ,1 : 1 I... ....... i .9 f It uvstn.it C. F. SM I T H, The Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri rjver. Note these prices: Business suits from $ 10 to fa.i, dress suits, $25 to 4i, pants $4, $5, $G, $0.50 and upwards. tgfWill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Competition. Dr. C. A- Marshall. k-T Kirs T? s m Preservation f natural teeth a epecialty. Cccth tjctracled without pain ly uxc of Laughing Gas. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Fi tzgekald's IU. cr 1'i.vttskoutii, Neb C-O TO Wm. Hcrold & Son pon Dry Goofls. Notions Boots and Shoes or Ladies and Gents FURNISHING - GOODS. He keeps as large and as well EELEGTFL STOCK As can be found anyplace in the cily and make jou prices that dtfy competition. Agents for Harpers Bazar Pttteru and Ba l's Corsets. -(JO TO- H. P. Whisler's, AT The City Bakery, FOlt FINE New England Home Hade Bread. He bas procured the Fcrvices of I. J. Strayer, of Omaha, whose specialty is in making this light, easily digested. ZTSTTJ TEITIOTJS Purchase a five or ten cent loaf and you will be convinced of its merits. Drs. Cave & Smith, the painless dentists, will be ready for business April 27th. Office in Union Block over Citizens Bank. AND SUMMER DO A BED-ROCK $10.00 a year 2.00 a year 1.00 a yenr AGENTS WANTED. PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN. FOU SLK On riMsimuble tcrniH my resi dence on the N. W. corner of KIm ami lit li Ms. Said properly consist of li block with a ood ntory ;ni. a half house of Mx rooms, two ward robes and one paltry ; good well and city water ; twerity-neveii beaiini: apple trees, and an abundance of Mina'.l fruit of all kinds. If 1'. I). liXTKA. i N. SULLIVAN, Attorney at Law. Will give prompt .itlention to a.'l biifinesii In trusted to him. Ollice in L'uiou lllotk, Cast side, l'lattsmoutli. Neb. Just received a new line of Erussell carpets and rugs, at tho Daylight store. tf. If it is real estate you want, see Wind ham & Davies' column on second pag. A large amount of remnants in Drass Goods and Ginghams. Prices very low at Weckbach's. tf. Fire Insurance written In the Etna, Phcenix and Hartford by Windham A Davies. Call and examine our ladies Short Jackets, the latest shudes at J. V. Weck bach's. tf. Our stock of Millinery very complete and prices low, at the Daylight store tf. No more pain: Drs. Caved; Smith of Grand Island, Neb., formerly of Cin cinnati, Ohio, are opening up elegant dental rooms, in Union Block over Citi zens bank, where they will be prepared to fill, or extract teeth, without the least pain. Their new process of extract ing and filling teeth is patented and con trolled by them only. They come highly recommended from Grand Island where they have been for nearly two years, this being the third dental oflioe ia Nebraska they hare opened and are now control in g. Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re lieves a cough instantly and in time effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3mo,d-w. Call and see what Drs. Caye & Smith can do for your old aching teeth. Aching teeth can be successfully treated and filled, and be made last tor years. Old roots crowned up and made look beautiful. Teeth extracted, and artificial teeth inserted at once, and made look as natural as life. Office in Union Block over Citizen's Bank. JSnEW ICE IMHEZTnT- We have our bouse filled with A FINE QUALITY OF ICE, And are prepared to deliver it daily to our cus tomers in any quantity desired. ALL 0EDEES PE0MPTLY TILLED. Leave orders with J". IE1- BE.TJMEISTEFl, At ftore on Sixib Street. We make a Spec ialty of cuTTiisra, Adcusro And Loading Cars. For terms see us or write. IT. C. MeMAKEN Sc. SON. Telephone 72, - - Platta mouth