THE' DAILY HERALD, PLATTSMUUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. APRIL 20, 1881. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. LEAST PROFITABLE OF ANY FROM A FINANCIAL STANDPOINT. A Comfortablw Living U About All the Average IMijsJclun Can i:prct The Doctor. Hill the lt. to lie raid Iliilionet y. Tno nifdioal profession 13, taken as a whole, the leo-st profitable of any In a monetary point of view. For n, :mm who Seeks riches, it is re ;I!y tha lu.'.t ono to cuter. It Is true s:no l.;ivo crown wealthy la tho legitimate prr.'-tico of nrcH.-lne, hut, such are very raru ox'vptixns, a:i.l not ono in a thou sand is so foi l'.eally, n comfortable living U atiit all tho average physician can , erjet, and I fore lie can utUiin that ho must XiiPtt many hardsliips and know much stif dcnial. If people would only consider tho sums which l:o must invest lirst before ho . can attain his "di-grefs," and ufter that lo foro ho can "pay his way," tho loss of wages If so wo iray t-jieak, for the years devoted to study anl waiting for a competency, they would rcali; Hint comparatively fow bufci nefcs mca havo to much invest-.!.! ia their "atock in tr.ado'' as tho doctor. They would ' thou ho lrss ready to deny him a fair com ' peusatioii for his labors. TUB LAST UllX, PAID. Not only are tho incomes of physicians, as a rule smaller than those of men of other professions, notably tho legal and niinis terial, hut even tho sunu which they receive aro grudgingly yiehh!. It is notorious that the last hill to bo paid is tho doctor's. Trades men's claims aro always "preferred." If it happens that the serviced of au undertaker liavo been employed, he, too, is among tho first creditors to bo paid. If anything is left, and thero is no prospect of its being needed tnr any other purpose, why then tho doctor's bill is considered. But it would be violating old customs were it to be paid in ulL A complete settlement in nine cases out of ten is only effected after he has de ducted a large per cent, of what is due him. Even tho most honest of patients Eeem to have littlo or no compunction about asking him for discounts, even when they well know that the physician's bill rendered is not only just, but reasonable. "The doctor makes his money easily," says tho averago itient, nnd full of.that belief ho adjusts his sense of right and equity and drives a sharp bargain If ho can. It is safe to say that but few physicians In Kont-'al practice manage to collect more than half of Jheir bills. It is certainly not pleas ant to contemplate that a large share of our people are dishonest, and swindle their phy sicians. And yet 5uch is actually tho case. It Ls doubtful if thre Jspny class of men in business who would 13 content to receive such treatment V'by in tho nam of all that is right and proper should physicians bo obliged to put up with it Probably they themselves are in a measure accountable for it. IVerb they more exacting, and, innkjng tho practice of medicine a trade, insisted ' upon the full and immediate pa3ment for their services vkrn rendered, their patients would in time l.-ani to bo honest. Very few doctors v.ou.'d to tako 6uch a course if ikc-y could, an I yet it is an oien question if all concerned would not be better in the end for it. AV'c say that they eaunot niwa3 be t rigid, if they would. No physician can r.ct on such lines in thr face of an uufortuvrito whoso suiTcrings ho fan relieve, or whoso lii'o lie can save, even if he knov.s l'uil well that at the nearest grog shop wi'.l Ut y. urso than wasted the sum he ought to have recoil' "il, ftnd which he ha3 richly t-ar:i'-.l. Patients l.nvc learned tho principles which direct phy sician1, and tiio promptness which sway them, ami many aro not ido .r to take a mean rulvantage. MATwNO A CHANGE. Something after this fashion doe3 ho Miffcr from them. Wry hkc!y, when, a stranger r.nd Crt called, the illness ho treats is a severe on", or it may lo a desperate emer gency. Ho it cucos;fid in his treatment, and for reveral months after ia t-ie recog nized attendant o tint family. They think much of him, an 1 r:i'- iurut;o neighbors and friends to patronize him. After ft ti:no his bill comes in r.nd is met with pome excuse which is readily accepted. As time goes on and tha debt remains unpaid, his collector is jnoro persistent. At last another attack of sickness occurs in tho samo family, and, in stead of sending for the physician to whom they ere indebted, who did so well on a former occasion, and in whose praise they have leen so loud, they employ another. The neighbors see tho otranga physician calling, and naturally ask why the change. 2ot one of the class of ieopIe wo aro describ ing have manhood and womanhood enough toprompt him to give the true, honest rea son for it. o! They tmuply say Dr. So-and-so did not do 03 well tho lat time we "had him" as bo d'" at Crst, and o tve thought we would not call him again. That, of course, lias its iufluence, and tho friends fcr,J neighbors who have previously been -well cisposed toward him whoso exi'rieneo -wo are illustrating, aro thereaf U-r inclined o doubt hi ubility. Tho conseqaeHCO s, the skillf ul and oblig ing physician, to whom is owed not only tho money, for which ho has patiently waited, Lut a wealth of gratitude for his devotion to the former sick one, loses not only tho omouut of his bill, but also the reputation which he has justly earned in the neighbor hood. Onaevil disposed person, without a shadow of truth to eustaia his assertions, can in a closa community do a physician an injury, by exciting prejudice against him, which he cannot overcomo in a lifetime. Strange aa it may seem, it is yet true, that these patients of a certain, class, whom he greats most indulgently, are the easiest made Jiis worst enrmies. Ikton Herald. Jxnlon Irizo Kins Rule. The more important o tho London prize ring rules: Twenty-fonr foot ring. Each man has two seconds. Each man has one umpira Tho referee's decision is finaL At th call of "time" tho seconds must leave the ring. Thirty seconds between rounds Referee taiil seconds aro the only persons allowed in the ring. It shall be a fair "stand up Cght," and if cither man 6hall willfully throw hini eelf down without receiving a blow, whether llow3 shall have been previonsly exchanged rr not, he shall bo deemed to have lost tho little; but that this rule shall not apply to a inan who, in a close, slips down from the grasp of his opponent to avoid l unMiment or from obvious accident or weakness. Cut ting is foul. A man with one kuee aud one fcand on tho ground Is considered down. The position of referee and umpire is outside the rope in front of tho centtr stake, Hug ging the rci.s thall be deemed foul A held ag inst tho stakes or upon or against tho ro-ej ia'coui-icicd down, Chicago Tri bune. Crrnunj in Xctt Torlc. Sew York city now has a German popula tion of STXJ.OOO, and tho German vote there numbers TU.GUO, making it, as claimed, tho third Grmaa city of the world, Berlin be ing the tirst, and Hamburg, with -tW.OOJ, coaas ixjtond. Chicago Herald. EATERS OF INDIAN HEMP. How the lliwhUh Itrankard Carrie On a L)baneh In a Methodical Manner. Old and experienced hemp caters go very methodically to work. They say that to relish hemp one must first abstain from all stimulating food aud drink for a brief period; for only after a short fast can one tin to to tho full tho delights of hashish and render one's pystcm fully susceptible to its influence. Bo, for neveral days previous to tho "orgio" the e$jerienced hemp eater cats no mat, drinks neither wine nor spirit, lives mainly upon vegetable foods, light pastry, and ripe fruits, and smokes little. On tho day of tho debauch he rLsts very early and fatJ till the afternoon, when the friends who aro to join him arrive. They prepare for dinner by taking a strongly charged piie, and inhaling tho thick, white emoke. A light meal is then served, in which plenty of sweet jmstry figures, and each of tho company retires to his cushion prepared for tho evening's indulgence. Mu sicians are stationed at tho end of tho apart ment, dancing girls are introduced, or, if the host is a very wealthy man, he orders his o'vn f-laves in. Hemp boluses are passed around, and the pipes well charged with tho drug. For this purpose tobacco is first laid in tho bowl; upon this a Fmall chargo of puro hashish extract is placed, and the wholo Is fired by tho means of a glowing ember of charcoal and saltpetre, which has been mingled with honey and dried. Strong and well sweetened coffee is handed round, and while tho dancing nnd music go on the sinok crs begin. Lounging buck, they 6uck the smoke into the lungs and air passages, send ing it forth again through the widely dis tended nostrils, and, gazing upon the forms and faces posturing and revolving before them, the ' hasha.shiu swims off in a soa of blissful content that verges upon ecstasy. As soon as the pipe is exhausted strong coffee without sugar is taken, and this rouses the dreamei-8 from their vision of delight. Hat a "bolus" of hemp cake, and another pipo well charged, stimulates afresh tho ex cited imagination, and scuds them off again into their dreamlands. The singers chant their love songs, and the almchs sway in their assionate dances. This goes on for hours, fresh pipes and coffee being passed around at intervals, tho smokers waking from one dream only to gooff into another. Such on orgie, indeed, is sometimes pro tracted for two or three days. Then lassi tude and exhaustion ensue, and the hasbash experiences a sort of revulsion against the ding which lasts for some weeks, when the longing for jt returns. In many parts among the Ilektaehes, for pxample there aro regular gatherings for hemp ' smoking, just us the Xairie of Syria meet on certain days to driuk hemp tea. The poorer classes find opportunities for indulging in the drug in tho so called "meshash"' or hemp houses. These are forbidden in most moslem coun tries. Bat though tho law may prohibit, it cannot suppress these places. St. Jaincr.' Gazette. A Snake C'liariner's Methods. Miss Ida Jeffreys opened tho boxc3 and took eff the dainty white merino blankets ami gray wolf robes that wrapped up tho snakes. She lifted thenj np, fondled them and handed them over fcr inspection as sb tal!:i. "How did I become a snake charmerf she repeated. "Why, that isn't easy to telL I have always liked enakes. I was born in Tcvr Vork, nnd this city has always been my home. I u1 ic lov-- to watch tho snake3 in their glass cage in Central park when I was a littlo girl. They always had' a fascination fcr rue. I didn't want to pet them, you fcnv.r I don't seo how any sane person can care to do tiiut-r-but I liked to bo around them and watch t':e;n. sly pcplp arc in tho tibow business, and when 1 grow up I went to work ai a high v. iro performer in the circus-. I saw tho famciui iJu:n;i Ajanta, tho Hindoo riil who charmed crakes hero some years ago. She wa3 t-ill and litko and almost as slender as a snako. Whilo jserforming with Ler petj she almost ivemed to bo a snake. Sho nuvod and a-Ud liko on?. Seeing her act started mo i.inki:i why an American girl couhhi't do something in that way I made up my mind rot to imitate her, but to get up a snake tu-t of my own. In the fail of I bought fL!:r littlo anacondas they were o:dj- six feet long rac-h .flnii began to practice with them. I got them used to hvr ing me around and to being handled. "Didn'c it feel creepy at lirst? Yes, alittl?, I suppose, hut l"ve nearly forgotten about that now. When they were quite accustomed to being handled I began to twine them around myself. Did I charm them? No. X don't take any stock iu tho theories of so called snako charmers. I find that you can get along very nicely with snakes by merely handling them gently. You must'nt mako any sudden niovcunmts where they can seo you, but let your hanchj giidd rather than go quickly toward them. If you nlay te meniber that and never lose your presence of mind you can handle snakes safely enough. Hany pooplo believe that the snakes aro drugged before being handled in the circus. That is not so. They aro quite as lively as ever, as you can see." New York "World. Prevait'nsr Fublie Suinitnonsnesa. Truly this is an age of tumptuousness in public places, of eleganco in cars, hotels, steamers, waiting rooms, store?, business offices and the like. For little more than tho regular fare on tho rail wa3-s the man of mod erate means pan surround himself with such luxurious appointments a? he can never hope to secure in his own homo. He can for a brief period travel liko a nabob, and dino and lunch liko a lord. An equally brief stay at ft modem hotel will surround him with a similar wealth, of appointments. All must bring about a two fold result. Ono is to make the traveler determined to acquire tho monetary power sufficient to bestow upon his homo the elegance of a boudoir car; tho other is to render his home and all in it shabby ia comparison with the ornate beauty xf tho hotel and tho Pullman. The latter result is most likely to follow the prevailing siirai tuouuess in public places. Tha poor man will feel poorer, the humble home will seem humbler, because of tho reign of ma hogany and silver and gilding and carvings and rich fabrics in places that are not and never cfs be homes. Pittsburg Bulletin. Legend Among the IJlucks, Among those of the negro raeo that live far from whitp people, their teaching and their influence, thero is a barbarous belief that, whereas God is indeed Creator of the dominant white race, they, poor blacks, aro tho handiwork of Satan. This making a man contra to the commands of our Creator was tho sin for which tho devil, once an angel of high degree, was flung from heaven: "Flung into hell," declared my informant, the corn vender, "en dar he be now tied ter do wheel er de chariot er fire I Chained ter do turuin' wheel er fire; en dar he gwine Etay twel do Kisiu' Day." Finishing the un couth legend: Tho devil, succeeding only ia forming the shape of a man without tho goal, became, as it were, a creator of death. "He blow en he blew, but dar come no life, dar come no breaf I" said the woman, ex- itellv. "ButdeLo'd ho feel ssorry f er do ile;:d nian dat he gin him er breuf cu t soul same tz er while man." Uli Sin-paid ia The Cosmopolitan. I Wn AT IS THE MATTER? WHY DO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE STUDENTS LEAVE THE FARM ? They Study Law or Medicine, or Engage In Mercantile Fnraulta Some of the Iteanuns Why They Learn to DUllke Farming. A gentleman who had been invited to tie liver a commencement address at an agri cultural college, in which ho had once held a professor's chair, recently told the writer of this arliclo that ho found it impossible to select a subject. We suggested several topics more or les-s connected with farmers nnd their calling, but the ex-professor bhook his head. "It is useless to talk to tho young men about agriculture," ho said, "the fact is, when tho students leavo the college none of them go to farming." Boeing our bewildered look, tho ex-professor went on to say that although the students went from the farm to the college and took an agricultural course, they all left the insti tution to study law or medicine, or to en gage in mercantile pursuits. THEY GET HIGH NOTIONS. "I don't know how it is," he said, "but they all get high notions in their heads, and they think that farming is too slow and un profitable to suit them. Dutring tho wholo time I was at the college, I never knew one out of the hundreds of ttudeuts to return to tho farm." All this was said in a deliberate, matter of fact way, and we at once jumped to tho con clusion that if our agricultural schools were simply used to turn young farmers into law yers, doctors and merchants, there was some thing wrong somewhere. If these facts have not been unconsciously overstated, the advocates of agricultural ed ucation will very naturally feel inclined to ask a fow questions. Are the teachers, as a rule, men who have a fancy for tho learned professions? Do the students In their debates discuss literary and political subjects? Aro they allowed to devote much time to reading novels, joetry, history and the newspapers? An aHirmative answer to these questions will explain much that is now mysterious. THOUGHTS WHICH LEAD ASTRAY. The young agricultural student who finds his professors always talking about great lawyers, writers, and successful business men, will fall into their way of thinking. I'olitical debates will fire him with the ambi tion to distinguish himself at the bar or in puhjic life. Top much time devoted to belles lettres will tnake him think of t. very thing in the world except diversified farming. But it may be that none Of the points men tioned can lie urged against the agricultural schools and their teachers. What, then, is tho matter? Do our youngsters naturally take a dislike to farm life? Do their fathers tell them that there is no money in it and that the farmers are growing poorer every ea There is something in this, way of putting it. Wheu farmers take' a gloomy, hopeless view of their occupation, they cannot ex pect their sons to look on tho bright side of things. And yet, in spite of all that can bo said,' thv fact or.iiUiiy that, tLti yuu and industrious farmer who goes ' to work with the advantage of a scientific education, has it in his power so make himself happy, in dependent, prosperous and distinguished. But, after all, success does not depend so much upon the education, or the land, as it doeti upvu ihpiu.'r, Atlanta Constitution. ITonso Interiors iiAlgiers. I took advantage of tho offer of tho Arab in his character of guide and followed him up narrow streets and through whitewashed tunnels to ramshackle doors, hung in the most primitive manner, with big round headed and ornamental nails in various de signs, and furnishxl with elaborate brass knockers. The last named invention of pro tended usefulness must have been intended for foreign callers. The Arab's way of knocking at the door is in accordance with iho primitive hinges; he pounds away with his list until some ono of the inmates an swers. A man or boy may come to the door; but a woman either" emits a decidedly audi ble; scream from the inner court, or she pokes her head thj'uiigh ft window just bfo enough, or peeps over a terrace" wall (con cealing her face, of course) to question the caller as to his name aud object. The outer door is very frequently left wide oiiuiij Jaiit the houses, with few exceptions, are constructed with sulhciont iugvjuuity to. orc-vent passers by from seeing anything but i blank wall and a littlo vestibule turning at i right angle.' Occasionally, however, one's curiosity is rewarded by a glirnpso of tho inner court, neatly paved with littlo six sided red tiles, with here and there a valuablo xptare of ancient marble faience let into the loor sill or the Vdado"; slender oleander boughs or the tortuous branches of a fig tree throw shadows in delicate patterns across the pavement, and a thread of sunlight finds its way into an inner chamber. In no case is an outsider expected to enter without knocking. Should an Arab valk into a vesjjfeetabla neighbor's house ho would run the greatest risk of being stabbed, but he would no more think of doing so than we would recognize tho propriety of a gentleman walking de liberately into a lady's bedroom. F. A. Bridgman in Harper's Magazine. An Old Telegrapher's Kscape. "I am a confirmed believer iu the pld adago that ono is never too pld to learn,'' said a prominent railroad man. "And I also be lieve," ho added, "that there are a good many things learned early in life which prove of material value to a man when he is creeping along In years. When was clerking a few years ago I learned telegraphy, and used it a great deaL Circumstances so decreed ihy future that I have not used it during late years. Recently I went to the uptown office of a ivril JvUQwn broker for the purpose of making some inquiries relative to certain stocks, my idea being to buy some. A young woman was in charge and she sat at a teleg rapher's desk. When I had stated my busi ness she fairly jumped on the button, and then, to my surprise, I found that I could read the questions and answers as easily as though i was but yesterday when I was doing the same work myself. My curiosity was considerably aroused, and two or three I times I was on the point of answering the questions that came over the ticker before sho had time to repeat it. Finally this mes sage came over the wires: 'Has he got moneyf 'Yes, and I think he is a good pigeon.' " 'Is he dressed well V " 'Quite, and ho looks respectable.' "This last was too much for me, and before tho astonished woman could translate the reply I Ced from the office," New York Evening Sun. Hunting Wild Turkeys. A citizen of Blakely, Go., has a novel method of hunting wild turkeys. He takes a tame gobbler along, tethers it to a tree, then hides and waits for the wild birds to corno up and moke its acquaintance. Chi- coco Herald. . . ... . . THE ROCKIES. Around the camp lire's glow. Wild, dreamy, clear yet low. Starts the gay song from crag to crag ascending; Along the mountains bold. Through still airs keen and cold. Deep voices with the river's niuxic blendio By laughing waves beset The shore's vexed pebbles fret, While the bright stream, its flushing Kpunio di viding. In ripples plays aivhllo Around each rocky Islo, Then slips away into tho shadows gliding. Now, as our flown words fade Through murky glen uud glade, A thrillish hush on every ctirred heart falling. Comes silent calm, profouud. Save for some forest sound The gule's sih, wolf's cry, or, hi atnorou-wcalling. The lonely elk's low note, Now near and now remote, Liko weird leollon tones iu distance dying. Sweet as a lo'er's luto, Soft as a low breathed flute, The cooing echoes from tho rocks replying. Who would not ever bo Thus careless, wild and free. All life by day, through long nights soundly sleeping, As trustingly wo rest On loving Nature's breast, Fanned by tho night wind's wings about us sweep ing? How lovely Ls night's noon. Lit by tho silver moon Through leafy waving branches softly gleaming! Whilo the calm stars above, Liko bright eyes looking love, Gaze pent?ive down uu us fondly dreaming. O. L. Blood ia Overland Monthly. A DEMORALIZED "DOG CORPS." Tl.o Joke I'layed on French ?TI!!fnjT Men by an Km;!:-;. O-.iicr. An amusing 6tory is told in connection with an English officer, who recently passed through Belfort, a well known fortress in France. Provided with letters of introduc tion to the officer in command, he was treated with great distinction, and among other interesting experiments ho was invited to witness the efficiency of "the dog corps," their training quarters being at that strong hold. The dogs are huge animals, mainly of tho staghound and collio breed, crossed with the English bull dog. To strangers they aro very ferocious, and every day they aro shown soldiers in German uniform and are expected to fly at them, being at first withheld by a strong chain. This lesson being thoroughly learned t he dogs aro taken to the outposts near one of the small redoubts that environ the city, and each ono is attached to a senti nel. Sometimes a sham German creeps up or saunters along. The dogs fly after him with such zest that, as a rule, tho soldier has to take to tho nearest tree for safety. Tho English officer appeared to be much pleased with the result, but was very scep tical when tho Frenchmen claimed that tiiey could send the dogs from the outpost to ad vanced patrols with messages and receive an answer in due course of time. The English man doubted the statement to such a point as to lead to an animated discussion, pml f. -ttgei: fof a punyb, and cigars," tho experi ment to Be ihado on the following morning. The French officers came to the rendezvous in carts especially constructed for the trans portation of the dogs and wrote their mes sages and attaehixl them to tho t;pJIai iu a smull pockotlHioli, T1j3 Englishman looked ou with a quizzical smile and appeared highly amused, when, under instructions, the d-- started oflt at a ruu to vzjoa points on the f.vaneed line where were stationed the patrols. The hounds ran true for a couple of hun dred J-ardbj when, to the astonishment of the Frenchmen, they all broke off at a tangent and began running round iu a large circle in a etato of furious excitement. Tho instruct ors went to investigate the matter, but could seo no reason for tjie dogs' ctraugs move ments. Aftei some trouble and delay they wero brought back to tho starting point and were again released, with a similar result. The Englishman won hi3 wager by rising early in tho morning and c-.ntering oroutid the circle trailing an aniseed bag behind hiai. Tho hounds, true to their instinct, forget their military training on striking the sup posed scent of some animal and immediately followed It, much tq the discomfiture of the staff of ".the dog corps." San Francisco Chronicle. Xeroes of New Orleans? Tho negroes aro instinctively polite, and, in Creole families, especiall', many have at tained a degree of polish not unworthy American imitation. They aro fond of copy ing the customs of tho whites, and at their coinnionoomeiits, for example, their sjecches are upt to be at least as long and their floral tributes as profuse as iu similar assemblages of the lighter race. In New Orleans, at least, there is no de partment of labor for wliich they aro fitted into which they are not allowed to enter. The men are coachmen, house servants, let ter carriers, carpenters, masons, shoemakers, chimney sweeps, gardeners, carpet layers, upholsterers, mattress makers, furniture movers, and they enjoy a monopoly of the organ grinding business, while the women who are not engaged in strictly dimfistio beryice pursuo" tho occupations of -seamstresses, hair dressers and vege table and fruit venders. One is in great demand when a fashionable dinner or lunch is pending, for sho is not only a cun ning artificer of the old time dishes, but she understands, besides, their proper arrange ment upon the table. Another, who was formerly herself a slave owner, drives abov.t the cify in her little cart selling sausu,o. meat" and . hogshead cheese cf her own manufacture, and she owns several littlo houses whose foundations have been laid in her jars of pickles and preserves. As a rule, however, the negro population is unamoi tious. New York Post, Country People of India. One can scarcely realize, when passing through much of this country, that it ii thickly peopled. Onr sees large areas of cui; tivated lands, but apparently ho houses. But every now and then, half hidden among trees, one sees a mud wall ten to twelve feet high and covering, say, from a 100 feet to 400 or 500 feet square. This mud wall con tains a farm hamlet or village, and has within it little hovels and cow yards for a, dozen, twenty, or more families. Women and cWklren constantly ask for 'backshish" (presents). They do it most good naturedly, and never get angry when we drive them olf with a good humored thrust from our cane, About the large cities the old ruins cover many miles more or less cultivated. Along tho roads in these children by tho dozen ran by our carriage crying "backshish" in all tho tones possible to youngsters from 3 or 4 years old up to 10 or more. Boys half naked, girls with rings in their ears and noses, and bracelets and anklets jingling. All havo beautiful teeth, and grin and laugh and pat their stomachs to assure us they are" quite empty. None are so poor that they do not put rings and bracelets on the girls. I had a woman beg of me today, and yet she must have had on a dozen or more of these orna ments. Much of the wealth of a family is thu3 carried on the females. When necessity pinches they sell or pawn them. The women aro thus the bankers of the men. Carter Harrison ia Chicago Mail. The Plattsmouth Herald Is on joying a Boon in both, its EDITION8. T Year lie Will be one during wliich the subjects of national interest and importance will b(j strongly agitated and the election of a President tal;o place. The people of pass County who would like to learn of Political, Commercial and Social Transactions of this year and would keep apace with the times should. -FOU Daily or Weekly Herald Now while we have the subject before the people we will venture to t-pcak of our Which is first-class in all respects and from which our job printers are turning out much satisfactory work. PLATTSMOUTH, 1888 KITH Kit THK NEBRASKA.