The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 26, 1888, Image 2

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    TJJB DAILY UEH&LU, I'lAiaJtuuia, MSXitA3KA, TIIUKSQAV, APRIL 2g. 1688.
The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
feNOTTS 33UO S.,
Publishers & Proprietor.
la publinhed err evening except Sunday
sad Wnekly vrr)r Thursday morning. Kegis
tered at the pOMtofllce, Plaltnnioulli. N'eltr..
Mcuad-iA.n metier. Ollice corner of Vine and
fifth atrrU.
Ono copy on In advance, by mail.
Oancojiy per month, byrariler
Obo copy nrti:k, by canler
0e opy one 7 cm. In advance
Ima cap y ilx momUi.i. in advance
.$5 f)0
.51 r.
The Republican t luctoi of the Slate of
litter ask nrc riu-ted to Ht-nd dcU gates
from the several countL, to n;ett in con
vention, at thicity of O.uaha, Tuesday,
May 15, at 8 o'clock p. in., for titc
purpose of electing lour delegates to the
National Republican Convention, which
BicU in Chicago June l'.i, ISSS.
The several counties are entitled to re
presentation as follows, luring based upon
the vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell,
supremo Judge, in giving one del-
cgate-at-large to each count3, and one
for each 150 votes and major fraction
thereoff :
Adams 14 JelTeisoii i
Antelope Johnson K
Arthur 1: Kearney 8
lila'iie 2 Keja 1'ulia 5
lloone KlKeiWi
liox Hiitte .... 4' Knox 7
l'.iown . t'J.ancaster '
UulTvo 14 Lincoln H
Hutler 9 Umau 2
Hurt U l.oup a
Cans W Madison 8
Cedar 6, McMirrsou 1
Chafe S, Memuk 7
Cherry... ............ S;Nancr A
C'bejenne liN-malia i)
VUy 11 Nuckolls C
Colfax 7iOt.n U
Cuming 7; Pawnee
Cunte 17, Perkins
Pakota 5 fierce 4
lawes 7 Polk: ....... C
Dawson X Platte 10
Dixon ;;P!ielps -7
jMde 12; icluirdsoii I2
Joula 37 'Red Willow 7
Dundy 4 Saline la
J-'illinore 1 Sarpy r,
FrnnKlIn 7. Saunders 1-2
Frontier 10 Seward lfi
Kuricu S; iherldan 7
Cage l'.t-lierinan 7
(iarfleld 3 Sioux 2
(ioaper 6;siantoii 4
(irant ... ......... 1 Thayer.... 7
Oreeley 4 Thomas 2
Hall 11 Valley c
Hamilton loi A'ashington v
Harlan h; Wayne ft
Hayes 4 Webster 9
Hit.-hcock 6 Wheeler 3
Holt 14 York 11
Howard 7,1'norp. territory 1
It is recommended that no proxies be
admitted to the convention, except such
as are held ly persons residing is the
counties from the proxies are given.
Gkokge I). Meiklejoiin.
Walt. M. Seeley, Chairman.
The republican electors of Cass county
are hereby called to meet in their respec
tive wards and precincts on Saturday,
April 28th, 18SS, for the purpose of
electing delegates to meet in conven
tion at Weeping Water, Neb , on May 5,
18SS, at 1 o'clock p. m. f-r the purpose
of electing sixtteu delegates to the re
publican state convention which meet
in Omaha, May 15, 1SS3. The wards
and precincts are entitled to the fo-low
iui number of delegates:
Tii.ton 7
bait Creek a
Weeph.g Water 20
Louwvilie V
I'lultsmmth l'rec . . 7
City 1ft Ward 7
a'ra 13
s 4fji 1
Stove fn ek
foutli Her. J
iioek lii iifT-
Mt. Pieasaut
J.iht Mile Grove.
It. S. YI11.KIXSOX, M. D. Poi.k.
Sec'y, Cli'in.
Primaries will be held in the various
wards and precinct on the 23tli of April
at the following places:
Tipton at Eagle 7:30. Greenwood at
Cornish school house 7:30, Stove Creek
at Elmwood village 7:30, Elmwood at
Center school house 7:30, South Bend at
South Bend 7:30, Weeping Water at Un
ion Hall 3 p. ui , Center a,t Mauley 3 p.
in., Louisville Fitzgerald's hall 3 p. ia.,
Avoca at Hutchin's School house 2 p. in.
Mt. Pleasant at Gilniore's School house
i p. m., Eight Mile Grove at lleil's
School house 3 p. m., Liberty at Holden's
School house 3d. m , Kock Bluffs at
Berger School house 4 p. m., Plattsmouth
precinct at Taylor's School house 3 p. m.,
Plattsmouth City 1st ward county judge's
office 1 to 7 p. rn., 2nd ward at 2nd ward
school house 1 to 7 p. rn., 3d ward at
Sullivan's office 1 to 7 p. m., 4th ward at
Rockwood Hall 1 to 7 p. m.
The republican electors of the First
Congressional district of the state of Ne
braska are requested to send delegates
from the several counties to meet in con
vention at the city of Ashland, Thursday
May 10 1888, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of electing two delegates to the
national republican convention which
meets in Clricago, June 19, 188S.
The several counties are entitled to
representation as follows, being based
upon the vote cast for Hon. Samuel
Jlax well for Judge in 1887, giving one
delegate at large to eaeh county and one
for each 150 votes and major fraction
thereof :
Cass lfi Otoe
Douglas 37- Pawnee .
Julie 19 KU-tiardson,
J oh neon S Sarpy
Lancaster 25 bauoders
Kemalia 9
It is rtcommended that no proxies be
admitted to the convention except such I
n are held bv oersons residing in the i
counties from which the proxies are I
given. If. li- tUtuiAi, vuairuian.
T. D. COBBEY, Secretary.
Lincoln, Neb., April 1 2, 1 888.
The New Orleans Times-Democrat eses
in the discussion of the Dakota bill eyi
dence that the Republicans "intend to
hoist the bloody shirt again for the com
ing campaign." It is unable to see "any
connection whatever between the South
I and Dakota."
That i because the Times-Democfat is
wilfully blind. Dakota has been kept
out of the Union for lo ! these many
years by the votes of the solid South,
ami K"publicans who protest, no matter
how mildly, are accused of waving the
bloody shirt.
If the time ever was when that buga
boo disturbed Republican nerves it is
long pat. The party will mike it fiht
on the real i.v-upfi, and Dakota is ono of
th?m. Not oiie sufficient reason that can
be advance. I why South Dakota is not
now a State of the Union. It has been
kept put of its right by the Sauth be
cause its admisf-ion would increase the
Republican strength in the Senate by
two votes. Every Democratic paper in
the North knows this to be a fact, but
not one of them has the courage to ay
69. Republican.
Wtmarch la the Iteichstau, May 14, 1832.
The sucec-s of the United Status in
material developcment is the most illus
trious of modern time. The American
nation has not only successfully borne
and suppressed the most gigantic . and
expensive aar of all history, but imme
diately afterwards disbanded its army,
found employment for .all its soldier
and marine, paid off most of its debt,
given labor and homes to all the unem
ployed of Europe as fast as they could
arrive within its territory, and still by a
system of taxation so indirect as to be
perceived, much less felt. . . Be
cause -it is my deliberate judgment that
the prosperity of America is mainly dme
to its system of protective laws, I urge
that Germany has now reached that paint
where it is necessary to imitate the tariff
system of the United States.
We havo had so many samples of un
reality and lack of ability to properly
manage govermeutal alRairs by the dem
ocratic party, that the mention of new
and complete evidence of that fact, might
be considered almost a, chestnut.
Yesterday, we were called upon to note
the fact that Mexico, which is considered
only a semicivilized country at btst, was
far ahead of the United States in the
matter of postal facilities for the exchange
of mails.
The management on the part of the
United States government is shamefully
artless and iuefilcieut, our only hope lies
in the fact that there will be a change
for the better this fall by the election of a
republican president.
The Mexican government has appro
priated money for th-3 resurvey of the
national boundary lino r.etween
tli- United States r.nd Mexico.
The delay in our government making a
similar appropriation for a liku purpose
is reprehensible in the extreme. There
are individuals realiy'living in the Unit
ed States that claim residence in Mexico
ind thus avoid the payment of taxes.
Let the line be run and the demarcation
of the two countries bo established be
yond prcad vent ure. Arizona Citizen.
Ccrr. John Stkex, of Wahoo, is being
very prominently mentioned for the com
missioner of public lands and public
buildings. It seems a little early to be
trotting out candidates, yet the Herald
must say while the subject is up for dis
cussion, that dipt. Steen would certainly
make a very pleasant and capable official.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are va
rious, and statistics bhow conclusively
i hat more persons die from disease of the
throat and luncs than any other. It is
probable that everyone, without excep
tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle
Germs into the system and where these
ijcrms fall upon suitable sod they start
into life and develop, at first slowly and
is shown by a slight tickling sensation in
the throat and if all a wed to continue their
ravages they extend to the lungs produc
ing Consumption and to the head, caus
ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous
and if allowed to continue will in time
cause death. At the onset you must Act
with promptness; allowing a cold to go
without attention is dangerous and may
loose you your life. As soon as you feel
that something is wrong with your throat,
lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos
shce's German Syrup. It will giye you
immediate relief.
$500 Reward.
We will pay the above reward fcr any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costivencss wc cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liycr Pills, when the
directions" are strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to "ive satisfaction. Large boxes
containing 30 sugar coated pills, 2oc.
For sale by ail druggists. Leware of
counterfeits and imitations. The genu- V
ine manufactured only by John O. Well
& Co., SG2 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its
Sold by W. .J Warrick.
The Turk's i'ox aud Funny Trouvcrs.
Crooked Streets aud the Doss Thereof.
Ebons aisrt Peddler of All Sort Drlv-
lui; a Iturculn.
Ona of the first things you will notice la
tho fez, worn by all the Turks. It is a red
felt cap with no visor, with a fiat top and
black silk tassel. Turkish law requires every
male subject of the sultan to wear this kind
of a can. Tho men wear very funnj' trousers.
There ure no close fitting pantaloons, such as
men wear in America; but loose, bagy con
trivance, which look like two largo bags
fastened together at tho too. Tbeso are
gathered around tho wuiut with a colored
rrirdle, winch is sometimes very liamb-onie.
The streets ure not much better than our
nnrrjwct alleys, a:.d so crooked anddirtyl
Wo such not enjoy living in such streets, mid
business would le quite impossible. You
never met so many dogs before. They are
bi, yellow animals, and live iu tho streets.
They havo no owners, but shift for them
selves ns well as they can. You will stum
ble over them if you are not careful, for they
seem to think that the street belongs to them
selves. They lie down anywhere, before a
fchop or iu the middla of the street, and evi
dently expect us to turn out for them. These
dogs organic themselves into bands, and
each company has its own district. It istlan-
Ccrous for a dog to leave his proper territory,
and ho is likely to pay dearly for trespassing
within his neighbors limits.
The dogs are generous to each other. At
the soldiers' barracks tho dogs receive tho
fragments after every meal. Ono day when
the food was brought out only two dogs were
in sight. These might have had a grand
feast by themselves. They did not ta3
mouthful, but started off at full speed in op-
tiosite directions. Boon their barking sum
moned the wholo pack, and they ate their
dinner together.
I know you will laugh at the shops in Con
stantinople. They are not like the beautiful
stores you have seen in our cities, with large
plate glass show windows and long rows of
elegant counters. In Constantinople the
principal stores arc in bazaars. These
bazaars are large one story buildings, with
streets running through them in every direc
tion. On each side of these streets are the
little shops. The floor is about two feet
above the street, and the owner usually sits
on the floor with bis legs crossed under him.
The room is small, so that he can reach
many of his goods without rising. As we
pass along we can look in at the various
shops and examine their goods.
Let us stop at this dry goods store. As
soon as tho man sees us looking at his goods,
he takes his pipe from his mouth and begins
to chatter away in a very lively fashion,
showing us some piece of goods. If you show
any desire to make a purchase, he will name
a high price, and pretend he is giving you
the articla If you offer a much smaller sum
Lo will fold up the cloth and put it away
with a gesture of horror. When you turn
away, however, he will call you back and
take your own price or else make a new offer
much below the first.
the carpenter's SHOP.
One of the strangest places is the carpenter
shop. Here you will see a man seated on tho
Uoor behind a turning lathe. Instead of
using a treadle as our workmen do, he has a
bow and string which ho draws back and
forth with his right hand, and so makes tho
wheel revolve. He holds tho chisel in his
left hand and presses it against the wood with
liis bare toes. Is that not a strange way to
use a turning lathe;
You might think, where the stores aro so
close together and the streets so narrow, that
peddlers would have a poor chance. Still
there are a great many of them who sell
fruit. These men carry trays of fruit on
their heads. When they find a good place to
stop, they set down tne tray upon a high
stool, take their scales from their shoulders
and are ready for business. They sell almcst
everything by weight and are usually care
ful, though the scales may be very rude. I
havo seen them made simply of two wooden
saucers, suspended by strings from a straight
stick. The bar was held by another string
fastened in the middle, and the e3e must
judrre when the two scales balanced. The
weights may be bits of iron or even broken
pieces of stone or brick. On the tray theso
peddlars have large, luscious grapes, and will
ivj j"ou ail 5-0U can eat for a cent or two.
There aro fresh green figs which do not look
much like the dried ones that come to us in
boxes. The quinces are large and the people
cook them with meat. The chestnuts aro
larger than ours, though not quite so sweet.
They are roasted, taken from the shell and
cooked with meat and potatoes in a very nice
Other men carry tanks of water or lemon
ade on their backs, and jingle cups in their
hands to attrtJOf attention. The funniest
way to carry water and wine is in tho skins
of hogs or buffaloes. When full these look
almost like the animal from which the skin
has been taken. Thus you may often meet a
man with what looks like one or two hog3 on
his back. The meu who carry these wine
skins, as well as other burdens, have queer
saddles fastened to their backs, and put the
load on these.
In the eating rooms you may see little
6toves with soup cooking on them, or bits of
meat roasting on a spit over the coals. The
odors are inviting; but you may go hungry,
unless you can talk their strange language.
In Constantinople almost every language of
the world is used. Detroit Free Press.
Said Ever So Many Things.
"Oh, George!" cried young Mrs. Merry,
running to meet her husband at the door.
"I've something the best to tell you."
"No?" said George, "what is itF'
"Why, don't you think the baby can talk!
Yes, sir, actually talk. He's said ever and
ever so many things. Come right into the
nursery and hear him."
George went in.
. "Xow, baby," said mamma, persuasively,
"talk some for papa. Say 'How do you do,
p. pal"'
"Goo, goo, goo, goo," says baby.
"Hear him!" shrieks mamma, ecstatically.
" asn t that just as plain as plain can be!"
George says it is, and tries to think it is,
"Now say, Tm glad to see you, papa.' "
"Da, da, boo, bee, boo."
"Did you ever!'' cries mamma. "He can
just say everything! Now you precious,
littlo, honey, bunny boy, say, 'Are you well,
papa V "
"Boo, ba, goo, goo."
"There it is," said mamma. "D?d you ever
know a child of his age who could really talk
as ho does! He can just say anything he
wants to; can't you, you own dear, little,
dariing precious, yonP
"(.foo, goo, dee, dee, cli, goa"
"II( tir that? He says, 'Of course I can,'
just a plainly as anybody could say it, Oh,
G o -ge, it eally worries mo to have him so
phenomenally bright. These very brilliant
babies nearly always die young." Woman.
The glories of our blood and state
Art? shadows, not suhstarutal things:
There in uo armor aKaiiint I "at ;
Death layu iA t icy huud ou klaga:
Secpter and crown
SIiiKt tuiuMe down.
And In the dust be exjuul mado
With the poor crooked scythe and Fpade.
Gome ni!n with swords may roup tho Held
Ami plant frfKh laurels where they kill;
But their Rtroug uorves at Uu.1 rmirit J"i-ld:
They tamo but one another still.
IJurly or lato
They fctoop to Fate,
And must k'vj up tlu-ir txiurra urine; breath
V.'hea they, -pule captives, creep to Death.
The frarlauu v. iiher on your brow:
Thi-n IjoksI no more your mighty deedsl
Upon Death's purplo ainr now
See where the vi:tor victim bleeds 1
Your heads muit couie
To tun cold tomb,
Op!7 the actions of tlio Just
Smell sweet aud blvsso:u in their dust.
An ICjcl of 31 u mm cry.
Tho ancient Prussian custom of holding a
"Black Drawing room" alter tho monarch's has brt-n honored in tho breach on this
occasion. Formerly in rrusia. so soon as
the king was dead, all tho ministers of tho
crown, foreign ministers, and the cou:t gen
erally, repaired in fuil dress to tho palace.
Tho first rooms they entered wero brilliantly
lit up, but gradually, ns they went through
the different apartments loading to the
throne room, tho lighting became dimmer
and dimmer, till this last being reached it
was found in setni-darkuevs. Around the
throne wero grouped a series of waxwork
figures, deeply veiled with black, represent
ing tuo chief members of tho new court, and
before these all the high dignitaries solemnly
passed, bowing themselves out backwards.
The wisdom of dropping such grotesquo
mummery is scarcely open to question.
London Lafe.
The World's Best Mutton.
The sweetest, tenderer, and most palatable
mutton in the world is that raised in Ireland.
The Irish sheep grow larger than ours, they
feed on better pastures, and their meat is
wholly free from that Ktrnnp-. "h(wni"
- CJ t 1 j
which makes ours so disagreeable to many
palates, jno American who has eaten the
mutton served in tho Irish hotel -will rnV
any other kind of meat while he stays there.
n.i T7 ! . i ....
iiii) juigusn inunon, tnougn better than
ours, is far inferior to the Irish. American
mutton is sold in tha English.
Scotch markets, but it brings from three to
iour pence less a pound than the native pro
ducts, and no one who ran nfTorrl t! Ini-u
will take tho former. Boston Globe.
Projrress of Yucatan.
An out of tho way quarter of the world is
the Mexican state of Yucatan, tn mnd tmir.
elers, but it appears to have caught tho spirit
oi progress, a recent; traveler writes that
taxable prorertv of tho state is now vn.7iTfvi
at $3,057,033. Tho public schools supported
oy me state numoer 'ir.;, ana are attended by
up ward of 1 1 ,0O() purihs. Colloces n rn locate 1
at Merida for the study of law and modieino,
and Valladolid has an institute, a conserva
torv of music, and neadomio Thr nrafnl
Bervice of the country is good, and telegraph
onu teiepnoue ouiees aro Oemr rapidly multi
plied. New Orleans Timos-Domocrat.
He Knew tho fcrr.
Wife What do you moan by comiaehcniD
at this time of nibt, George?
Husband c 11 your fault, my dear Lio
's nil your fault.
V. . (with a dark frown) All my fanlS. sirl
All mv fault?
II. Yes. ii lera wanted mo to stny Icnrc?.
Wouldn't do it. Said a man with a wifo 3
preiy n ammuo s mmo had no s'cudo for
siayirjg out any louger. That's reason why
er I eoruo homo so pooo.
W. (smiling) Well, j-cu'ro a rreai trir.l to
me, George, but I suppoco I'll Liwoto lorrive
jrou. Boston Courier.
3OTel Pchonl enjoin.
A school custom whic'i American childnra
esrtak; would Hud attractive i3 practiced
i:i Thuringia. Tha schoolmaster presents to
every child o:i i Ls ti:-st enlnmco Into the school
an enormous barj of sweets. Lately tho cus
tom Lad degenerated to such n d;roo hy tho
X)arc-iits and friend3 of tho well-to-do cliik'reii
all supplying additional Ixig.i to tho favored
pupil taai tha government haa fccc;i obL'-ed
to interfere, and ono bat; only 13 now tho ruio
in ono district, whilo in another il bars been
caused to ceaso altogether. Chicago Herald."
Another View of It.
Thore is, indeed, a positive harm that re-
suits from tubo;m:g of tho theatre by relig
ious people. "Why is so large a proportion of
our plays frivolous and vulgar? Because the
frivolous and vulgar predominate among
theatre goers. If tho largo number of refined
people who avoid the theatre were to attend,
this proportion might lie reversed, and moro
of tho managers would find it profitable to
bring out clean and wholesome dramas.
Henry T. Finck in tho Cosmopolitan.
Demand for Trtpe.
The much abused but easily v'igested tripe
has at last received proper recognition from
quite an unexpected quarter. Dr. Beaumont
proved that raw oysters digested in two
hours and fifty -five minutes and boiled tripo
digested in one hour. Acting on this in
formation, epicures with weak digestivo
organs havo taken kindly to tripe, and the
demand for it at the leading restaurant i3
on the increase. Sew York Sun.
An Important Innovation.
Several newly organized manufacturing
companies are now working upon sulphite
fiber, made from refuse of sawmills and used
for paper stock. There is one company ui
Watertown, N. Y-, one in Chicago and one
in Detroit The Detroit factory produces
from ten to twelve tons of fiber a day. It is
the most important innovation in the manu
facture of paper stock since wood pulp was
introduced. Chicago Times.
Was Getting Desperate,
An overheard dialogue between women: "I
fear that Harry is getting desperate. He left
me in a terribly agitated state last evening,
and threatened to do something that he might
regret all his life." "Did he? Then it seems
he has really made up his mind to ask you to
marry him." New York Commercial Adver
A Tombstone's Inscription.
There is a tablet in an English cemetery
with the following inscription: "Hero lies
the body of , who for many years con
ducted a highly refpeetable general business
iu an adjoining village, which is now con
tinued by his widow. N. B. No trust
given." New York Tribune.
It is better to take a little liver mcdiciEO
than to grumble and feel blue, and the man,
who has had fruits during the winter will
not need the medicine.
"Yes, sir," said Popinjay, emphatically,
"Graball is a man of limited iaean:i, but un
limited meanness. "Bui lingtou Free Press.
llccf, Pork, Mutton, Y:il and roultry.
I invito ail to givo ao a trial.
Sugnr Cured Meats, Hums, I.'iic 11. I.ard, tc, etc. Fnt-h Oytleif in (Yn fird Dlilk
nt lowest liyinp; price p.. Do nol fail lo t.iv Uic i ,t .ntii mic.
t'' : er
da 1.1
3 83 E
Lowest Prices in. tlao City. Call and
bo Convinced.
Where a magnificent
Early Ohio and Early Roee Seed Potatoes.
All kinds of Garden Seeds.
California Evaporated Pears, Peaches, Gold
Drop Plums, Raspberries, Blackberries, Cher
ries, Apples," and French Dried Prunes."
A Large Assortment of Canned Fruits and
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &o
oi our own make. The Lest Lrands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at
C3HVE3 'X&M Jk. OlTjIj
k t BV J
i k
Dr. E. O. Vst's Xerve and Brain Treatment
a guarantee specific fcr Hysteria Ijizz:i:es.
Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia. Heml
aUe. NerveouF I'rostratlon caused by the una
of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. V enf al Ile
pre"ioa, Softening of the t'rain resulting in In
sanity anl leadn k t misery, decay and 'ieatli,
reniafure old Ace. Rarrei ne-i?, isu of Pow
er in either s-x. Iiiveluiitary Losfs ani S'rer
mat rrlinea caused by ov-r-exrti'n of li
brtin. geifubuse orovtf-Inrtuliff r.ce Katli bf x
contains one n-cisf liV treatiiitnt. SI Wi a bex
or six boxes for 55 CO, srnt by it-iiii piff aidic
rc-eipt of price
To cure any cae With earli or!t-r rnclscil
by ns for fix boxes, ccomp3u:eri Willi f 5 CO.
we will s-nd tlie purchaser inr witten tuaran
tee to return liie money il llie iiatReft lf-s
not -fT-rt a cure. Cu.-Tantees issut-d only by
Will J. Warrick sole acfDt. Plattsmouth. Neb.
It mav be that there is a land that is I
fairer than this, but it would takeun art- j
ist to find it.
i";1 tv.
stock of Goods and Fair
HAW a& C!.5
For sale or exchange. A number of
fine pieces of residence property. Apply
to Windham and Davits. d-w3w.
The standard remedy for livr com
plaint ia West's Liver Pill; thj ntvar
disappoint you. SO pills 25c. At War
rick's drug store.
One, two, five and ten-acre tracts fcr
sale on reasonable terms. Apply t
Windhcm and Davies. d-w-lm.
Choicest Brands of Cigais,
including our
Flor de Pepperbero' and 'Burls
always in stock. Not. 26. 1S6S.