-.it sT-:vkjc- ia..g-.g.- vn-in ,1,- .,. , . MWWMm , Tllr-' DAILY IIEIiALI), ILArrsttuuTII. NEBRASKA, WEDXESDA Y, APRIL 25. 1838. V WOMAN AND HOME. WHAT TO DO BEFORE FACING THE PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERA. Trannitlon Stitte of Woman College IlreI Wlvm Muklns u Scrap la ft A Serlou ulJ- t-Tructiliig Children .MuiUVim of . Tmluy Hint and lIHpn. "Only one .ersii should po with a child when it in to l photographed," said a camera artist. "Instead, several people are npt to fv-coinpuny it," Iwront inu-d. "The younger it i tll9 IIKTP go lllon;; to 'see tllO little dc'lT when it pi tore is t.-iken.' If it's n hnhy all . tho female relatives handy constituto tliein ' Svlvi-s into a xly guard for tho infant on its . important trip to tn photoruphcr's. Even iti proud pa will m-glect hi business to Lo present at tho ceremony. Ttif-yall have to inspect tlie fhiM, comment iijxn it, and, even If it's too young to understand what is said, manage to gut it into a state of nervous fidgets lrf-foro tho operator ever lays eyes upon it. If tho entire family think it im 9 iK-nitivo to oino to tho htudio with tho t -juvenile snbj ft. hut one individual should L permitted t( enter the oj.-rating room with it. Three or four K-rsons in the room only nerve to distract the youngster's atten tion and lessen the chance of obtaining a good picture. "Xo attempt should bo nvado to get a child photographed in any but bright weather. The middle of the day is tho liest time for a sitting. Children should always wear light colored frocks when Bitting for pictures. JJght tones harmonize with their complex ions and photograph in less time than darker Jiues. Navy blue, seal brown, dark green, rine color, maroou and cardinal all tako dark. Light green, brown, scarlet, gray and purple take light. Rose color, lavender, yellow, and ale blue n'tirly white. In white material the cream tint i moro desira ble than pure white. Black silk or velvet take as dark ai ink. "It is as easy to get good pictures of chil dren as of grown folks if people would attire tbo little ones in suitable colors and simplo Style, not make them nervous lefore they reach the studio and leave them entirely to the operator after they are there. Grown fxxpIo would secure more satisfactory pict ures of themselves, too, if they'd trust more to the ojiertttor'js judgment and less to their own. People ought to think alout the de tails of their dress and hair arrangement be fore they come in front of the camera. As a rnic the more simple the attire and coiffure tho more pleasing aud natural tho picture, Irtwfs Wild never be examined in a bright light, as they ado so .rapidly. It's noguido to the photographer to st-nd back two or three proofs with the nie.-sage 'iiuish from tho darkest one,' or 'tho lightest one,' for they are all liable to 1 of the sani" shade , When they reach him. Chicago News. Tranftitloti Stale of "Woman. Women are in a transition state, which ii developing new and stronger womanly vir tues, but which has its own temptations and dangers. The whole condition of things has ulieivd for women within the prist thirty years. Tho home seclusion nnd protection of TTuiiMi, which is still t hing to as the Meal. Las ln-come, in point of fact, a simple impos sibility to fully a third of tho femii.ino popu lation in thic!:lv- settled centers. A con stantly increasing projiortion of women have no hofne except, such us th-y make for them selves, and men w ho object to the sb-nicr features of their rouh ami ready struggle with tho worl 1 cannot judge them fairly .until they se- them in the shelters they do fnirive f"r themselves and others, and v. it-Jies-t with their own eyes the softer feminine -virtues j-till intact, while the character ha i lieen rotnuk l out and gained a strength and dignity that could L-ave come to it through tio easier exierience. That is the opportu nity. Tho danger lies in the increasing emulation of the singlo woman's, the self dependent woman's, suo-e.s by tho woman, married or unmarried, who has home duties. The self facriiice of the daughter, tho wifo or the mother is the hignest plane of womanhood still. Cut the new possibilities of self sup port are exhilarating to the joint of intoxi cation to many women. The wife whoso liusband grudges money for home excuses Is aglow with a determination to make it for lierself. I have seen cases where sho left liome and children to earn her own bread nud butter sooner than lar with the occa sional unreasonableness in money matters r.( the average young husband. Daughters aro impatieut of staying with the mot her and baby brothers and sisters. They must write, tbeymut go into business: they repudiate actual Imnw new Li. A little time will ttelj aL Such a change in tho position of women could not be effected without ebullition. They have been going through a ieriod of rapu? evolution, and will come out of it CreatlV advantaged. "When they are steady n their itst again they will value rightly what they bavo gained, and be ready to uo their share of th. wJd's work when cal!ed upon for it, and not insist upon trying when they have no calL ew York Wad and Ex press. ffllCf of Health. American women of all classes are, as a rule, sinfully negligent of some of the riuth which pertain to health, prominent among which is the one just referred to exercise in the open air. Tho excuse that their many cares engross them, and that they, in conse quence, have but little opportunity for leav ing their bomea. is scarcely sufficient. The number who actually cannot enjoy each day on hour's outing must lie small, indeed, even among the class forced to work the hardest. Jiot only do raiuy women fail in this reiect in their duty t themselves, but their young ohiUrcn suffer in consequence of tho same neglect. From one week's end to another .during tin? winter not a few of them keep their little ones in overheated rooms if not ruddled around the Litchen stove and tho result is we find them, as spring approaches, weak, puny and ailing. In such families colds coughs, sore throats and the like are common aTcctions. There is scarcely a day during the coldest wason when even tho laby cannot 1-e safely taken out of doors. Mothers should under stand that ujxmi the daily enjoyment of f rcsb and oien air depends, in a great degree, the health of their little ones, as well as them selves; it is. in fact. also!ate!y indispensable to the well lcurT of all. It is earnestly hoped that the growing interest in physical culture, which is pw-e-M.ig the young of lo!h sexes, will extend t tho mothers of tliit "stay tit home" class, who certainly nec 1 it- infiuenca as much as any other. Boston Hcral L Coltese F.!u-atU Wive. iVronal actpiaiatance can give but one answer to th' pvstion whether colleg-j lite re places tho doiiutic disjiositio.-i in wo:ne:i Ly ambitloi; end t'.'itis, that on t! e contrary the quiet and c-aruest phrsuits of college ilevelop to unusual strength in tbem tho list and fiti)-s. for home lire and for the oceup::toaa and comra-iionship of a happy marriage; that r.nv ir.fluenco toward tha 1 wing of do mesticity aud drying lof nnselfi.-h aiTeetion throvsU stuoEait's uubiUou twan to bg Inflr Jteslmal, as compared with the same ln lhience through the umbitions of society and display, whielt tho student escajx-s. Hut this "ry lisjMsition toward rcflnol home lifo and worthy c-ompanioiisliip makes them moro fastidious in their choice of a comjinidon, and would seem by that much to lessen tho probability of their marrying. Tho ability to "get along" without marriage, provided none that is for its own sako desirable offers, bccpis, in actii'il observation, to give full effect to this fastidiousness. It seems evident, too, that many men dread or ds.'iko tho idea of college women; but we doubt if this affects their opjiortunitioH of marriage jierceptibly, for it regulates itself tho men who seek their society aro tho ones vi ho do b!:o college women; and in any case, so far as wo have ljeen ablo to observe, tho dislike is -tr moro to college women in general than to Portia or Aspasia in jar ticular, and do-s not seem to interfere es-jx.-ciaily with falling in love with her. It is common enough to boo intellectual men choosing wives of little mind or knowledge; but it is also common to see them, when older, wearying of the itisufHcient companion ship, nnd consciously or unconsciously need rig tho friendship of intellectual men and women outside to supplement it. It seemed, therefore, a question whether it. is desirable to society that tho grade of marriages should bo raised, at some cost to their number. Overland Monthly. Making m Scrap Fan. After the spring bouse cleaning is over, and the freshly cleaned furnituro and orna ments aro replaced in new and more effectivo positions, it often hapens that we suddenly discover, in some conspicuous place, some de fect in tho wall unseen before; ierhaps a screw has broken the plastering where a bracket had lieen, or there is a gummy fqot where some autumn leaves had been fastened. Many devices will occur to the young houso keeier for covering up such a spot. One way is by making a "crazy fan" for the pur Xiose. Take a large new6paier for a founda tion, and measure, perhaps, a yard one way, and two yards tho other. Of course, a smaller size would answer, and might bo prettier, but it would not 1 so impressive. Cover this foundation with all sorts and shaies of wall paper scruis, leaving astripeight inches wide along the lower mrt. I'asto the scraps on neatly, but without any regularity, crazy quilt fashion, and then cover the eight-inch strip with plain turkey red or black cambric. Have the scraps as varied as possible. One fan that I have seen has bits of wall paper different in color, from deep red to delicate blue, from dark olive green to cream color, and some of them aro sprigged with gold or dotted with silver. If you want your fan to be very strong and handsome throughout you can cover tho back with thin pink cambric, or a pretty paper of one color. After this, fold it regularly back aud forth fan fashion, and press tho folds so they will keep their creases. Fasten tho folds together at tho plain and with a few stitches ancj a bow, letting the rest of the fan spread ojen. This, put up against a wall, is really a pretty decoration that is, if you h.ivo Itfen able so secure fino and well con (rasting scraps of Wall paper. Apart from lis use in hiding spots on the wall, or to cover tho unsightly hole in the chimney after the bi.ovc has lceu removed for tha season, it jnny lo u souvenir of ploasaut visits in tho houses of oue's friends, or of remembered . rooais in some former homo. Youth's Com pauiou. A Very Serious Subject. For my part I never see an ugly man or i Tiian that I do not immediately decide th:;t either his or her ancestors were either simicj's or bigots, Ix-eause deformity and dis lv.s follow sin to tho third and fourth gen eral ions, as surely as destruction folkovs hie. It is u delicate subjix.-t, but one well worthy oi co:sld-ration, that farmers and 6tock breeders take the trouble to study and under-sta-i I all of tho Jaws of breeding, rearing and training to produce perfect animals, whilo tiie glory and dignity of ierfection in hui);-ni offspring are overlooked. From the' conventional pirt f view it is bad form to give thout to developing a icrfect human animal, but from a sensible standpoint it must bo admitted that there is danger that the spi-ua-J of disease and sin will so weaken tho human hold on life as to thro ten the perpetuity of tho race. Indeed, I kno-.r an eminent scholar who ber lieves that it is only a question of timo when this plaint will become depopulated, not from chemical inadaptibility to. sust: in life, but from the physical inability of the human family to go on reproducing; and one in cluded to ridicule the theory has only to re member that wbettf formerly ten children were welcomed as a good family, Hve oiq now considered a large family, and many mothers consider themselves sufficiently bles-se4 when two children are lorn to them; whilo still other pannot, or will not, have children at all; and this change is taking place among the higher, more cultured and intellectunl races; largo families remaining tbo rule with tlie poorer and peasant classes only, and bo it confessed with sorrow and re gret that these latter are those best adapted physically to the important functions of paternity and maternity, when instead tho relation of physical development to mental euiovuient should be so exquisite that men and women of beauty and brains should be tho parents of gods.' Annie jeniifc Miller in Jew York Mail and Express. Clrla.' Fbynleal Health. Massage, the Turkish bath (used judi ciously), plenty of walking and riding and towvl rubbiug, will mako most any girl a handsome, si l ightly, wholesome, radiant picture of health. Powder and paint for young faors ere not in fashion, since a much better compiexioual f fleet can be produced by a daily tepid bath, followed by a cold water douche or plunge and vigorous rubr bing, A girl who is too lazy to walk, top lazy to properly groom herself, is the girl who acquires the sluggUU skin, the listless ! eye, the lifeless, nerveless manner. Who aro the jopular girls, the most admired and the most attractive? Those who are in the best physical health, whose step is elastic, whoso cheeks are blooming, who are alive with energy and who never whine over affected headaches or other imagined ills. The girl who "enjoys poor health" is begin ning to find out that she will havo to go it alone. Detroit Freo Fress. What to Teach Children. There is an old saying hero in Scotland that "Wo should go far before we bring homo an ill tale of ourselves." I do not ; ihiiik it wise for a mother to relate the 4-bad-ne-ea , of her children, especially are these very unedifj'ing for other little ones. Nothing can be more foolish than the indis criminate praise sometimes bestowed on children by their parents, their faults made evidence of "smartness" and what of good 1 oks they may possess magnified -ad nausea to themselves and others. j Mothers, teach your children to deserve commendation, but not for its "own sake. Commend them fcr faults overcome, for perseverance iu distasteful work, for acts of s..Vleatal, but do not overdo it. Teach tuci to.it truth, honesty, unselfishness, are ri;ht and natural, bringing their own pleas. , ere in their exercise not (jualitioa to b ac- qnired by mnch painful eacrlflee, and scTcr iuortilication of natural instincts. Children should be early taught to amuro themselves. It i.i hard upon a mother who has household work to do, that sho should be perjietually taxed to find occupation for her children. Give them something. They can vary tho shupo of building blx-ks, or even little pieces of wood, empty cotton spools, a pair of blunt scissora ami a newspaper, and a slate and pencil as soon as they aro able to use it. Kuch a mother, too, will soon Cud her children glad to. assist her in such work as they can accomplish. But o.loy all, teuch them early to consider, and give way to others, not to look upon themselves as first und foremost in everything. And re member, as you sow you shall certainly reap. Tho American mother who has been repre sented as splitting wood while her daughter practices tho newest sig, is not a pure in vention. Glasgow Cor. Detroit Free I'ress. Maidens of Today. And yet what an immense contrast thcro is between tho maidens of today and those of tho three or four previous generations! When ono dies today of too much study, twenty died day before yesterday, so to speak, of too thin slippers. Tho girls of today have eschewed those slipjers, and with them tho infautilo short sleeves aud low necks of tho old daily wear; their walk ing shoes are thick soled as men's bi ogans: they used them vigorously, too, for they have learned that life and health are of more con sequence than the admiration of chance men for a slender foot daintily shod; they do not allow their skirts to become draggled about their ankles, and they would as soon think of melting pearls in their drinking cups, if they had them, as of sitting with wet feet, either being too costly an amusement. They wear flannels, too, at whose thick ness their grandmothers and great grand mothers would have shuddered, aud without whose thickness they themselves would go shuddering. They bathe seven times, not to say 305 times, more frequently and thor oughly than tho departed damsels did ; and they eat what they want, aud not what some male individual, adoring the ethereal, thinks is about enough for them to eat and remain delicate. The dear departed ones believed that pretty pallor oqd interesting peaked uess and pipe stem belts were the chief re quirements of a personal appearance; the modern girls believe that firm muscle, deep chests, freo motion, and ruddy color are the only wear. Hauler's Bazar. The rrctty Girl. The little child is almost always pretty; tho girl of 13 is often pretty in spite of her inevitable weediness; the girl from 1G to SO is obliged to be pretty, for she has the fresh charm of youth sometimes called la beaute du diable, her eyes are clear and bright, and her skin f rosU and pearly, Ex pression is not essential to this phase of pret tincsa and seldom intrudes when it is not wanted. But as the girl develops into the young woman sho may add to her prettiness, loveliness, or charmingness, or even beauty handsome sho cannot become unless she is born so, and handsome women rarely are pretty in early youth. But if the pretty girl simply remains pretty she- is liable as years goon to lose even pretti ness, for this form of attraction depends largely upon freshness and a certain innocent wonder at almost everything which is suro to vanish with experience. One never ascribes prettiness pure yet simple to a middle aged woman, although sho is often to be called handsome, beautiful, lovely, or charming but after Ii or 40 the simply pretty woman comes to resemble a shop worn wax doll, no longer attractive as a toy aud no manner of value as anything else. Mrs. Frank Leslie. Servants and Kini.toycr; Between servants and their "employers to day there is a great gulf fixed. The former enter a place and agree to do certain things, and scrupulously avoid doing anything else. Though in a homo they are not of it. They caro ns little about their masters andmis tresses as, they aro convinced, their masters aud mistresses care about them. But they know a good deal more about their masters and mLstt ebsea than their masters and mis tresses can know'of them. 'When a servant enters a new situation sho may not demand a reference from her mistress, but directly she gets .into friendly conversation with the older servants, shu learns the disposition and qhar ucterof theoccujants of the drawing room from critics who, to say the least, are net likely to be prejudiced in favor of those they criticise. Fortnightly Review. Hint to Tea Drinker. Samovar means, literallv. self -boiler: it is it t ' . . . l. . . . 1 - - 3 .1 . 1.. ! iud uut xvtiLer uiuLuiuo yuiy, will vut let lb made, as in America, in "tea pots. Ladies can continue to use not only their china tea pots, but their dainty china cups. Glasses are chiefly seen in railway stations and res taurants, "When used in private families as hey are to some exteuWthey are fre queutly provided with silver holders. Glass es aru almost universal in Poland, I under stand. Cream is quite as much used in tea as lemon. One Russian fashion seems to have escaped notice, the practice of drinking sweetmeats in tea. Of course, no cream can then be used. Any soft sweetmeat will do, except something with many seeds, like rasp berry jam. Strawberry preserves are excel lent for f bis purpose. Isabella Ilapgood in IsW York World. Mntnal Toleration. It implies a want of mutual forbearance wnd reciprocal consideration on the part of young married people. It means that they are not reasonably tolerant of each other's defects and weaknesses. Possibly if many ladies who apply for divorces realized ex actly how they would feel six months after they had got their decree, they would be less impatient with their husbands; and if men appreciate the total wreck which in a ma jor? ityof cases follows the issue of" a decree of divorce, they, too, might forbear more and give less cause foF irritation and broils. San Francisco CalL Housekeepers should not fail to keep s bushel or two of charcoal in the house with which to make a bed of coals for broiling. Try it, and see the difference it will make in your steak or chicken or bam. Sunlight is often the very best medicine, especially for children and elderly people, and the more houre of it they get the better are their chances for life and health. A crood cook throws awav nothinsr. Every piece of bread, every Inch of meat, every particle of vegetable, can be turned into something palatable. Never send to the table the same food fcr three meals in succession, unless varied in Eome way. - Sweet, light, fine grained bread, twenty four hours old, makes the best sandwiches. Do not give a child paregoric or soothing Fyrups for sleeplessness or f retf ulness. . "When a person is bilious be baa a bitter taste, spodaUy on wa&ms . . .... THE DINNER PAIL NOT M.NY WHO CLING TO THE OLD FASHIONED IDCA. What a New York Tin Merc-hunt Said to a Iteporter 'involution of tlie Iilnnrr Kuckf t l'ntcnt Devices and Cunlriv Slices. "When New York wasn't as big a town ns it is today it was much moro of a cui.toni than now for mechanics and apprentices nnd other day laborers to carry their midday meal with them to their work. Men and boys who toiled iu factories and i tores could bo seen iu the morning trudging along lour ing bright, sinning tin dinner pails. Today it is pretty hard to find protortiouately as largo a number who follow this old habit. Not moro than one man out of ten iu the business and factory region below Thirty third street can bo found with his pa.il. If a workman couldn't go homo at noon from his shop in the days ten and fifteen years ago. about tho only way to satisfy his 1J o'clock hunger was the ono which now seems to Ikj scorned cr discarded because of incouvt ui ened. Of course there nro some who cling to th old fashioned idea, nnd in certain locali ties the workmen can't get along without their kettles. But these are rare instances. Tho only places where tho rule seems to be for dinner uils is along tho wharves, and even there the custom is falling away. CAHRYIN'O A PAIL. A down town tinware merchant said the other day: "I used to do a big business in tho ono article of dinner pails, butforeight years now it seems to h-.ve :;::v.-.::;t."l t-. , ... all. Tho cause? Why, I guess it must bo that mechanics and others don't like to have tho trouble of carrying a pail to work in tha morning and back at night. It's inconvenient in the surface and elevated cars, for the cof fee is likely to be spilled in the jostling and crowding of tho cars. Then, if a man is near enough to his workshop to bo able to w alk there, he isn't likely to carry a pail, for, of courso, ho had rather go homo to dinner. No, the bulk of workingmen in New York to-day seem to do without pails such us v. o used to see when we weren't so jopulous uu i proud. Still they get hungry when noon comes around, and they must feed. LoU of them bring meat and bread from home ii paper, and throw the paper wrapper av.uy when they aro done with it. "Their drink? Well, they can work U.n growler, or go out and buy lager or anj th; ;g else. Besides, there are more inexpeiisi. eating houses now than before, and plenty oi men who used to carry their dinners villi them find it just about as cheap to go out and eat. This is more convenient, too. Some workmen on houses in process of con struction in new neighborhoods must e&u-y pails, but they wouldn't if they could hel it!. Often tho 'free lunch' gives a man a stay t. his stomach, and he makes his suppi r . heavier meal than it used to be. This aiso helps do away with the dinner jiail. Oul on tho aqueduct and along railway lines being built or repaired tho Italians don't use the pail much. The co-operative mass which they have seems to do pretty well for most o them, aud those who don't havo that stuff their food, in paper in their pockets." REGULAR EVOLUTION. In spite of all this failing oil in the use cf the dinner pail iu New York city, the di a nor pail of this day is better than that oi ten years ago. It has gone through a reguiur evolution. First it was simply a plain ket tle with a cover. You could put in meat and bread and pie and pickles, and whatever other solids tho appetite craved ; but there wasn't any room for coffee unless yon put n jn a bottle. Then somebody devised a pail with tvyq compartments, one pair fitting into another. In this way coffee might be car ried in one of tho parts. Then sgino o; hci genius got up a pail wjth four or six separate ports, all fitting iuto each OLher and maLiug it possible to carry four or six articles ap-t troin eaeu orner. This was good, but it was discounted 1 y the fellow who got out a patent on a device whereby the coffee could bo heated at noon time wherever tho workman might bo. Th s device consists of a wad of asbestos cloth two inches in diameter aud an inch thick. This is covered with tin, and there is an opening at the top exposing tho cluth. The who.; thing js just like a small round tin box packed with asbestos and open at the top. Tho workman can carry or have at his shop Bomo alcohol, nnd a cent's worth poured oa tho asbestos will do to heat his coffee. A great many mechanics havo this asbestos contrivance and like it. More of tho con trivances are probably used in other towns than this. One other schemo has been patented. It consists of a tin pot, which may be filled at noontimo with water and lime. The heat so generated wiil warm any thing placed over it, and as the compart ment holding the coffee iits over tho com partment in which the lime and wa,tr are, the coffee may be lieated very quickiy. This invention hasn't met with general adoption. There are other complicated dinner pails, Into the bottom of which lamys may be fitted. They are mostly used in smaller cities. New York Sun. How Tarig Fires Are Put Out. In Paris every one passing along the street at the time of a conflagration, no matter how small, is called into service, gentleman or hodcarrier, ic is all the samo-ror a band of music passing through an avenue at some distance. Anything and everything is claimed by these men as a good chance to avoid a few moments' labor. Speaking of people being called upon to help at fires here, reminds me of the exrori ence of an American friend of ours who La.d lately landed in France. He was invited to attend a fashionable dinner party, and, v. h:!r passing down hi street tq procure a cab t the corner, he was suddenly seized by an ex cited Frenchman, a large bucket was tlunisi into his unwilling bands, and ho was cm manded to hurry to toe nearest pump and fetch water to help extinguish the fire at SI me. Blank's. Hero he was, in eveniij dress, light kids and high hat, and only fif teen minutes in which to reach his destina tion. He knew a fire meant ruin to Lis clothes as well as to his dinner. There was only one thing for him to do, and be did it, He placed his bucket on the ground and took to bis heels, while a chorus of small boys, cheered him lustily all the way down the street, and the Freuchman. screeched insult ing words after him. He says ho never walks the streets now without the fenr of being impressed forcibly to put out a fire, aud ho keeps his weather eye opn for any signs of 6moke or flames. Paris Cor. Argonaut. Ringing Hells by Steam. Ringing the bells of locomotives by steam is now effected by an ingenious apjjaratus, consisting of a small steam cylinder placed at one side of the bell frame and resting on the boiler; the connect! ng rod, whi h con nects the piston to a three iach crank oa tho bell, is so constructed that it will vary its length oceordiug -to the swing of tho bell, thus removing any liability cf knocking tho cyiiuder ou by the piston coining in contact j wtu iu NerYork Sun. The Plattsmouth Herald 7s on joying a. Boom in both. it3 EDITIONS. The Tear 1888 Will lie one during which the subjects of national interest and importance will be strongly agitated and tlie election of a President will take place, 'ihe people of Cass County who would like to learn of Political, Commercial and Social Transactions of tlii.-i year and would keep apace with tli-1 times tdioukl 1: ailv or Weekly Herald JVoa while c hi e I lie tubjvet before the people-we will veMiir- to epeak ol our tSX &35i tgfc sri m ei ii r vcrnn 101 Which is first-class in all respects and from which our job printers are turning out much satisfactory work. i'LATTSJIOUTII, KiTin u Tii k fr STrSsra bm Lfi-TS'w-suf?' NEBRASKA t mmn im r