The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 25, 1888, Image 2

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    THE DAILY IlEItALD, riAriBaiou i n, .-.iliAMK A. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1868.
ThPIattsmouUiDaily Hsrald.
UNOTTS 33 12, O
Publishers & Proprietors.
t published eterv evening except Sunday
ad W -ckIv vcrr I hur"ol;iy morning. Isegi.
terctl at tlt poMofllee. I'lal i Mnotil Ii . Vebr.. M
J -Us iniiier. Ollice corner of Vine anil
rum tr. W.
Tifvi run daily.
On i)py on jear In ifl;ii by inall.-..$'J oc
Ouii co.y rr m.nt li. Iy a r it-r .'
One copy pr neck. b carib-r 16
Tau o oirtiLV.
Cr.o ?py ouo jfur. in adv.mcu Si r.
U"'t C 1 il I Miouili. In U"lV;iiire 75
The lciuUiciu electors of the Slate of
Nebraska urc rrpittrd to send li:litj tics
from t'jc several counties, to un-tt in cou
Ttntian, nt lhs city of Oaidn, Tuesday,
3IJ 15, lfc, ut H o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of electing tour delegates to the
National Republican (Jon volition, which
UieoU in Chicago June 1I, 18-ts.
The several counties are entitled to re
presentation in follows, lein based upon
the vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell,
supreme Judge, in 1887, giving one del-eg-ite-at-larsrw
to rach county, ami one
for rich 150 votes and major fraction
thereoff :
Adam II Jrffursotl !
Antelope V.IIiiisou h
Arthur I Kearney h
Plume 2 Keyal'aha
Itoone HiKeuli
llox utte 4 Knox 7
)(i"wit I, Lancaster ''
lluflto II l.luroln
Hutler 9 louau i
Kurt S lo"l 3
C'as n;.Maili.sou
Cedar fj Me hcisou . '
( hae 6;. Merrick 7
Cherry BjNaiic 5
Cue enue ............ 1 1 'N in alia it
Clay UiNuckollit
Col I ax ";oiih- lv
Cuming -jl'awnee f
tluxte' 17, Perkins
Dakota f Tierce 4
Dawes 7, Tulle 6
Daw,ou 8, Platte 10
Dixon ; Phelps .. . . 7
Undue 1J! ichanlson 1;;
Douglas 37 Red Willow... 7
Dundy 4 Saliue l.t
Fillmore loSarpy r.
FranUn 7 Sa 4 11 tiers 1?
Frontier loSeward If
Kurn a 6! theridau 7
iiair l-'heriiian.. 7
C.arfleUl 3:Sioux 2
;oier 5 st an ton
t ran t ...
1 Thayer 7
ireeler .. 4'Thnmas
... ?
. . r
Hall lljValley
Hamilton lo Aashmgton .
Marian... wayne f.
llaye 4 Webster
llitclic tck 6; Wheeler 3
Hoi' 14 York 11
Howard 7,1'norcr. territory ... . 1
It is recommended that no proxies hi
admitted to the convention, except such
as aro held by persons residing 12 tin
counties from the proxies are given.
Gkokoe D. Meiklejoiix,
Walt. M., 'Chairman.
The republican slectors of Cass county
are hereby called to meet in their respec
tive wards and precincts on S.iturd-iy.
April 2Stli, 183"?, for the purpose of
electing delegates to meet in conven
tion at Weeping Water, Xeb , on May 5,
18S, at 1 o'clock p. m. f r the purpov
of electing sixt.-tn delegates to the re
publics stute convention which nicet
in O.nidi. Mav 15, 18S8. The wards
and precincts are entitled to the fo low
ing number of delegates:
Tipton 7
Halt Creek 9
hlniw od 8
M'eeuiiig Water 2
J.ouisviiie P
J'laltsm-uth l'rec .. 7
- City lt Ward 7
2nd " 9
" " 3rd 13
" 41 ii " 12
Stove reek
-m.-tli lien-.l
Kock Kluilt
Mt. Tleasant
Elgin Mile Giove
m. u. roi.K.
Primaries will be held in the various
wards and precincts on the 2Sth of April
at the following places:
Tipton at Eagle 7:30, Greenwood at
Cornish school house 7:30, Stove Creek
at Elmwood village 7:30, Elmwood at
Center school house 7:30, South Bend at
South Bend 7:30, Weeping Water at Un
ion Hall 3i. in, Center at Manley 3 p.
in., Louisville Fitzgerald's hall 3 p. ui.,
Avoca at Ilutchin's School house 2 p. m.
Mt. Pleasant at Gilmore's School house
i p. m.. Eisrht Mile Grove at Heil's
School house 3 p. m., Liberty at Holden's
School house 3 p. in , Hock Bluffs at
Berger Pchool house 4 p. in.. Plattsmouth
precinct at Taylor's School house 3 p. m.,
Plattsmouth City 1st ward county judge's
office I to 7 p. m., 2nd ward at 2nd ward
school house 1 to 7 p. m., 3d ward at
Sullivan's office 1 to 7 p. m., 4th ward at
Rockwood Hall 1 to 7 p. m.
The republican electors of the First
Congressional district of the state of Ne
braska are requested to send delegates
from the several counties to meet in con
vention at the city of Ashland, Thursday
May 10 1888, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of electing two delegates to the
national republican convention which
meets in Chicago, Jane 19, 1S88.
The several counties are entitled to
representation as follows, being based
npon the vote caat for Hon. Samuel
Maxwell for Judge in 1887, giving one
delegate at large to eaeh county and one
for each 150 votes and major fraction
Nemaha.... ...
..ic Otoe
..37 Pawn"
..19 Uiehardon,
.. S Sarpv
It is rtcommended that no proxies by
admitted to the convention except such i
as are held by persons residing in the !
counties from which the proxies are j
given. D. G. COURTNAY, Chairman.
T. D. CO OBEY, Secretary.
Lincoln, Neb., April 12, 1888.
We plead for the children as well as
for the parents; and they should be edu
cated in the most practical and easiest
way. They bliould h ive the best teach
ers the youngest, frspctially, need the !
hot. It ia a radical mistake to place
them in the hands of inexperience. We
should begin right and adopt tho most
approved methods.
Of one tiling we are convinced. Our
instruction h too bookish, too arbitarary,
too stiff, too imperious. It prcau:ii8 too
much, and taks too much for granted.
It hould hu 111 re oral, and verbal ques
tioning and explanations ouylit to be
more in vogue in t lie school room. A
reform is needed in this respect. Let the
attention of teachers bo called to this
fact, and let thim be more specified and
generally reminded of the true art f
teaching. Then we may look for more
effective and rapid advancement, as well
as more permanent result among th
youth of our land
-National View.
Seuator Allison will undoubtedly have
a very strong following in the conven
tion next June. He is at least an able
man who would unite and harmonize all
contending elements in the great party
which has it within its power to elect the
next president of the United States if it
proceeds rightly. Hastings Nebraskan.
Up in Mtine there lives a spirited
young school tnitrc&s, who being poor
in this world's goods, a short time ago,
was content to sport a lover who was
ot very rich iiimsclf though he was
given to'speculatiou in a small way. To
how his good will he invested a few
dollars a few years ago in a township or
two of cheap California desert and made
a deed of the same to his inamorata. The
boeni came and the lady sold her land
for $256,000. Then she sent the sack to
the young man. She was not willing to
marry a n.cre fortune hunter, she saif.
She suspected fiat the young man loved
her for her wealth only. Lincoln Jour
nal. As is the custom of democracy they art
again following in the wake of ths repub
lican party. The recent league of repub
liean clubs was an innovation a new de
parture over the usual methods. Let de
mocracy, that never oiiginated nn idea
outside of tissue ballots and the shotgun
policy of intimidation, have just issued a
call for a league convention which is al
most an exact copy of the rcpublica call,
the trouble is, however, they are usually
too late.
With an active and aggressive cam
paign, compelling the democrats to take
the defensive this fall, will insuresucces
to the republican party.
GcS'3 Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is warranted for all that the label calls
for, so if it does not relieve your cough
you can call ut our store and the money
will be refunded to you. It acts simul
taneously on all parts of the system,
t!i reby leaving no bad results. O. P.
Smith & Co., Druggists: j25-3md&w
Di. Schliemann has gone to Alexand
ria with Professor Virchew, and will
spend several months in Egypt making
The exhausted and drowsy feelings,
common jq spring time, indicate an im
pure and sluggish condition of the blood
which may be remedied by the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the most power
f ul, and, at the same time, most economi
cal blood purifier known.
Another Victim.
"Who is that ugly looking woman over
"That is my wife, sir."
"Indeed! Here is my card, sir, I'm the
most successful divorce lawyer in tho
city." Town Topics.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are va
rious, and statistics show conclusively
that more persons die from disease of the
throat and lunrrs than anv other. It is
probable that everyone, without excep
tiou, receives vast numbers of Tubercle
Germs into the system and where these
germs fall upon suitable soil they start
into life and develop, at first slowly and
is shown by a slight tickling sensation in
the throat and if allowed to continue their
ravages they extend to the lungs produc
ing Consumption and to the head, caus
ing Catarrh. Now all this i3 dangerous
and if allowed to continue will in time
cause death. At the onset you must act
with promptness; allowing a cold to go
without attention is dangerous and may
loose you your life. As soon as you feel
that something is wrong with your throat,
lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos
fchee's German Syrup. It will giyc you
immediate relief.
G sga's Blood Purifier and
No remedy in the world has gained
the popularity that this medicine has, as
c hold on family medicine. No one
should be without it. It has no calomel
1 quinine in its composition, consequent
Is no bad effects can arite from it. We
keep a full supply at all times. O. P.
Smith Co. Druggist. j25-3modw
The lieason AVhjr the Mtwlorn Rubber Mioe
Wear Out &o Qul kly I'ror.i of
Making a I Jobber Overshoe For 11 n
manlty'a Sake.
Oothara rublier manufacturers wcro con
sideraLJy. astonished recently by seeing in
print an advertisement for a man who lir.d
had experience omong the rubler plantations
of Central America and Para to start on nn
expedition to a new source of rubber supply.
"Excuse 1110," said a dealer, with a lau;;b,
"tho new source is a secret. KuHieo it to say
that in some way I have discovered o new
field of ojiorutiojis. It will le a sort of exper
imental flyer. Tho new field may not yield
five iHunls of rublcr, and, again, it may lo
an exceedingly rich source. I want to settle
or myself which it is."
"Why do you sitart tho expedition," the re
porter asked. "Have tho present known
sources given evidenco of exhaustion?"
"Well, I guess not," tho dealer replied.
"We get about 20,000,000 pounds of ruLber
yearly from liorneo ami Africa anil Tura, in
South America. But so great is the con
sumption of rubber in American commerco
that there is plenty of room for a new supply
of the material.
"It is curious how little people generally
know about rubber any how," the dealer
added suddenly. "They kick up a row and
potuibly swear when they And out that their
new rubber shoes sometimes wear out in a
couple of days, but they don't seem to under
stand enough about rubber to know that if
they knew more they could get rubber shoes
that were really made of rubber gum, and
wouldn't wear out in a hurry. Inspired by
the complaints that went on all about me
during the blizzard by people who had got
stuck on what they declared to be paste
board and paper overshoes, I made a jour
ney into history recently and jotted down
some things about real rubber for tho benefit
of my friends and the American public that
is, if the American public wants the benefit
of it. -When Columbus discovered America
he found those old Fifteenth century Ameri
cans were fussing away making things of
rubber, among them rubber shoes. But
even before the time of Columbus the Cast
Indians knew that rubber was a useful
thing, and they made shoes of it, too. They
made it out of the juice of a tree called
Ficus elasticus, and if anybody wants to
know right here why rubber shoes, so called,
wear out right off, you can tell them 'that it
is because there isn't Ficus elasticus juice, so
to speak, in the shoes.
"Columbus' Indians and the natives of
East India made roitgh rubber boots and
bottles and things of rubber in those old
days, and ever since the rest of mankind
woke up to the fact that rubber was a good
thing, the manufactme of boots and bottles
and thing3 has gone on boomingly. The rub-bei-s
of those old days, though, were rubbeis
that would wear well, although they had an
uncouth and clumsy appearance. Now we get
enough rubber from tho valley of the Amazon
and from Para and Brazil to justify every
manufacturer in making rubbers of rubber
fastead of something elso, and tho reason
that peopla have a chance to growl so much
about "bogus rubbers" is that tho bogus rub
bers are not made by tho honest process at
"The making of a rubber overshoe is an
interesting process indeed, if you travel back
to the beginning and follow it from tho very
outset. To get the rubber in the first place a
bolo is drilled in a rubber tree, and tlia sap is
drawn oil just like sugar is drawn from tho
maple tree, 'and the juiee is dried ovj-r the
smoke from a fire of wild nuts in Pura, and
when thickened is hung up to dry further.
This crude material contains o3 per cent, of
raw caoutchouc or rubber. This raw rublier
has to be cleaned with great care, and
dried afterward to exclude 51 per cent, of
water that is part of it. It takes all the
way from one to four months to do this
thoroughly. Before being fully dried it is
kneaded as is paper pulp, and crushed and
grouad and torn up generally to remove all
tho impurities. All tho time this is going on
tho rubber is thoroughly washed by a steady
flowing bath of water. With rubber that is
treated in this st-! you can make rubber
shoes that are lasting and also waterproof,
but you will have to pay more than fifty
cents or $1 a pair for them. When spread
upon the cloth shell of the overshoe, this style
of honest rubber shoe makes a shoe that is
really a gum shoe, and will keep out the wef
and the snow, and will wear without going
out at the heel or the too, or breaking en
tirely away from the upper. And that's the
t kind of rubber that I hope to get from this
new source of supply, and if I do, perhaps I
will become a sort of publie benefactor by
giving to Gotham commerce a material
for making gum shoes that my fellow citi
zens, after they have worn them once, will
not be obliged to sit up the next three nights
in succession completing their vocabulary of
strong language to furnish fitting terms of
abuse for shoes that aren't rubber, The new
expedition is a journey for the good o
humanity." New York Sun,
How Portraits Are Stolen.
One of the most difficult duties of a photog
rapher is to protect his patrons from having
their portraits stolen for either newspaper
purposes or to be hawked around the streets
as an advertising medium for some patent
medicine or hair wash. Correspondents for
sensational weekly papers are unscrupulous
and often adopt shady schemes to obtain
possession of tho picture of some lady or gen
tleman of prominence, who has unfortun
ately becomo the subject of town gotsip.
That is one reason why ladies particularly
dislike to see their photographs prominently
exhibited in a show window, the butt of
vulgar criticism and a target for the pencil
of any skillful lithographer in search
of a pretty face for a calendar plate,
The so called detective cameras, however,
have been produced in such shapes that it is
almost impossible to detect a visitor who may
bo stealing your best studies before your
A fellow of that stamp came into my place
recently. He was apparently a stranger, and
carried a small alb gator gripsack, suspended
by a strap from one shoulder. He was al
lowed the privilego of looking at specimens
of large work. After a time I thought he
was acting strangely, and approached him to
inquire into his movements. As I stepped up
I heard a peculiar click and tumbied to the
trick at once. Tha fellow was working a de
txriive camera on me, but as I grabbed bira
by the shoulder I quickly made him open
that grip and hand out three plates which
he had ta'ten. The outfit was a beautiful
one, and although I am familiar with
cameras of that class, I never saw one that
was so nicely furnished on the outside.
Something Wrong Somewhere.
"How's your grandfather, Herbertr'
Tot very wed these days."
"Anything serious the matter?"
"We fear so. Grandfather has taken to
siaokiug cigarettes." Judges
Results of raying for Newapnper Work
'by tho Ynrl" The Jtohruilnii" Hope.
One of the most demoralizing features
; of newspaper work is the space system as
it is practiced in m.try newspaper flices.
It may be the cheaiest for the paper, but
it is neither fair to the writer nor tho
public. Under tho space system the man
who knows enough to stop when lie pets
! through has no show. Iho successful
i writer is the man who can reel his story
off through a wearying eternity of ver-
bfhire. and who has the skill to write so
that it is dilT'.rult to cut his matter down.
Thus the public, which, pays lor Uie pa
pers, frequently gets 11 minutely circum
stantial and heavily padded account of
some mutter which might well be con
densed into a few lines. Quality doe3
not seem to enter into tho question, and
brains are sold, like calico, by the yard,
and they do not bring much better prices
in some markets,- either. Tho supply of
; wordy writers has become so much in ex-
' cess of the demand that space rates have
steadily tronc lower ntiu lower.
It is the conscientious men, too, who
Sillier most. Tho writer, honest to his
paper and himself, who writes his story
for all it ititworth and no more is handi
capped by the facile "fakir," who luts the
knack of writing columns and saying
nothing. Again, the unfairness of the
space rule is seen in the fact that in most
offices the writer has 110 guarantee as to
the size of typo his mutter may be set in.
It may begin leaded and run down to
solid, or a story may be finished in a
smaller face of type if the exigencies of
make up demand it. Uho Harper's sys
tem of S10 a thousand words is fairer,
and, in a weekly publication, is the only
method of fair compensation which can
be made.
But the great objection is the element
of chance in the space system, which tends
to demoralize the working newspaper man
and keep him poor. His "string" may
only measure up $20 this week, but there
is always the glowing hope of a "big sen
sation" next week, which will run it up
into the eighties or hundreds. As a mat
ter of fact, the working journalist makes
as much money as the average young pro
fessional man. But his business makes
him a gambler in spite of himself. He is
always looking for a change in his luck.
He may stumble on to a "big story" to
morrow, which will pay all his debts and
enable him to take a vacation besides. It
is not from choice that there are so many
Bohemians in journalism. They are
forced to Bohemia by the men who buy
their work. The ambition to make large
papers has been one cause of the space
system. The value of a newspaper has
come to be judged, not by the amount of
news it contains, but by the number of
pages its news items are stretched out to
cover. When news is beaten out to cover
so much space, like gold leaf, it becomes
very thin. The Journalist.
Making an Artificial Si!k.
Chardonner recently announced to the
French Academy of Sciences the results of
his experiments in making an artificial
silk, which aro certainly of a remarkably
ingenious nature. To a solution of nitro
cellulose (gun cotton) in alcohol and
ether is added a solution of ferr-
nose chloride in alcohol and also some
alcoholic solution or tannin. The liquid
thus obtained is ejected from fine ducts,
like the apparatus in 11 silk worm. As the
thread comes from the duct it is received
in water acidulated with nitric acid, from
which it. is drawn out, dried rapidly and
reele J np. It can be obtained of any color
by coloring the mixture from which the
thread is made. This new thread is trans
parent, pliable, cylindrical or flat, and in
nnpearance and feel like silk. It is very
strong. It burns, but the lire does not go
beyond the place heated. In every way it
is a remarkable invention, and no one can
tell to what it may lead. New York Mail
and Express.
Cjilchiiic Kunaway Slaves.
I learned yesterday a historical canine
fact, which will, I fancy, be as new to
some of my rcat'ers as it was to me. A
negro stevedore, as strapping and power
ful a fellow as I have seen for a good
while, fell into conversation in my pres
crce with a bulldog, remarking that be
had a great fondness for dumb animals.
He seemed to greet the dog as nn old
friend, and be displayed considerable fa
miliarity with that kind of beast. Nat
urally I joined in the talk, and the man
told me that down in North Car'lina,
where he was a slave in slave days, bull
dogs, sometimes white and sometimes
brindle, were trained to catch runaway
or refractory "niggers" by the neck. And
they did it so nicely, he said, as not to
break the skin or soil the captive's shirt
collar: they would hang on until told by
their masters to let go, but without doing
any injury. Uoston I'ost.
Earthquakes Terras Nerves.
Many persons who experienced the
earthquake in the Riviera have since
snflered seriously from nervous shock.
although they did not at the time appear
to be greatly disturbed. This indicates
that more injury may be done to the
nerves by an undue excitement than is
perceived at the time. The nerve centers
may, as an English medical journal sug
gests, be likened to batteries, and re
garded as aDt to be discharged suddenly
and sometimes unconsciously; and when
once their residual stock of energy 13 con
sumed it can be restored only after a long
time and by the exercise of extreme care.
Public Opinion.
Japan's Foreign Improvements.
The regeneration which Japan has in
recent years experienced, through the in
troduction of foreign improvements, is
credited to the United States. While
eminent Frenchmen have been called in
to organize the army, Germans the schools
and English the navy, to Americans have
been given the supervision of the depart
ments of finance, postofflce, telegraphs,
railroads, telephones and lighting by
electricity, embracing the newer and more
progressive arts. American institutions
are ia high favor in Japan, with the
possible exception of modern politics and
baseball. Cincinnati Commercial Ga
zette. riiase of the "Faltti Care."
The blood of dying gladiators in the
ancient amphitheatres was popularly be
lieved to be a remedy for the "falling
sickness," or epilepsy. It was eagerly
drunk while still warm by the sufferers
from the malady. The practice denounced
by Celsus as a '-miserum auxilium," has
not died out even in the Nineteenth cent-'
ury. Dcs Etanges, in his edition of the
Roman Hippocrates (Paris, 184G), men
tions the then recent case of an old epilep
tic woman in Sweden who, on the occa
sion of a criminal being guillotined, was
ecen at the foot of the scaffold ready,
when the head was severed from the body,
to plunge into the blood yet reeking from
the victim, a piece of bread she had des
tined for her cure, Chicago New.
WllOI.i:.SAI.i: AM) lil-TAII. IN
liov.f, Pork, button, Ycsi! stnd Poultry.
I invito all to give mo a trial.
Sugai f un d Meats. Hams, V.uci v., Li r.l, lc, etc. Fresh Oj Mus in Can r.d Iinlk
nt lov.ett living 1 ricis. Do i.rt fail to tivc me jt.tir patronage.
Lowest Prices in th.o Citv. Call and
be Convinced.
Where a magnificent
Early Ohio and Early Rose Seed Potatoes.
All kinds of Garden Seeds-
California Evaporated Pears, Peaches, Gold
Drop Plums, Raspberries, Blackberries, Cher
ries, Appl'es, and French Dried Prunes.
A Large Assortment of Canned Fruits and
Vege tsbl es .
Jji. D.
Jonathan IIatt.
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &c
ot our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Tratni r,t
a guarantee specific for Hysteria
Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia, Ib-ad-ahe.
Nerveou Prostration caused frv theune
f alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental I e
prewlon, Sof teniDjr of t he Hrain result iug in in
s'aDlty aol lending t - misery, decay nd 'ieaili.
rcinature old Age. r.artet,iHis. Lose f P w
er in either s-x. Involut'tary l-cf ani Sper-
mat rrhcea eaus-d by ov r-exertirn f ilie
brain, seifabuse orr.ver-ir.i!nlirtiice J-'ach 1 x
contains one month' treatment.' $1 111 a ! x
orsix boxes for 5 00, stnt by n-ail prciaicor
receipt c.t price
To euro an case With each order received
by us ft' six boies, accoMpan ed with .5 00.
we will send the purchaser our written jzuaran-t-e
to 'etiirn the n-otiey if the n-af n:t-nt !-c
not effect a etire. Guarantees liied oiilv bv
Will J. WaiTicU sole ager t. Flattsnmiith. Strli.
It may be that there is a lend that is
fairer than this, but it would take an art
ist to find it. '
stock of Goods and Fair
J. W. Marthih.
For sale or exchange. A number of
fine pieces of residence property. Applj1
to Windham and Daviee. d-w3w.
The standard remedy for livr com
plaint is West's Liver Pill; thy nvr
disapp int you. 30 pills 25c. At War
rick's drug store.
One, two. five and ten-acre tracta for
sale on reasonable terms. Apply t
Windhkm and Davirs. d-w-lm.
CiioiYtt Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor dc Pepperbergo and 'Bui
always in stock. Not. 20. 185.