The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 25, 1888, Image 1

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1. M. i:n iiky
iivit . .A:K
Police JudiJ,
Couuclluieii, 1st ward,
2nd "
4th "
A Maim, i. K
- . S Cl.IKKL.IU
W It Mali k
j .1 V V'i kiucii
t A --AI.I-.liUllY
1 M J KS
I 111!. A SlliP.IAH
I M II MllII'ilV
IS W in; rrx
I e M C.Yl.l.K.N. I'ltKS
I J V JoilKM ,l."ll Al
Board Pub- Workn Mik; ;h.ukk
t I II Hawk Worn 11
J V jiHtNM ,l."ll All(MA,S
Iiuiiiy Treasurer,
J)euly Clerk,
Hecorder of Deeds
Iluty U';e.ji-lr
Clerk or uinuicl Coin,
Supt. of lut. Schools,
County JuUe.
TlllM. I'OI.I.IM'K
rim itrr nuKi.a
W. II. Pool.
V. (..'. SlIOWAL'l KK
J. O. KlKK.MlAltV
O. ltussei.L.
A. B. Toii.
Louis Fuutz. Ch'ni.,
A. li. 1I 'KSO.V,
Weeping Wnter
Ei in wood
CtAHS l-ODt No. 116. I O. O. F. -Meets
'every Tueday eveiiiii of each week. All
transient brothers are respectfully invited to
O. K.. ineein every alternate Friday la
ach month in Hie Muxonic Hall. Visit lug
K rot lie ni are li-viled to attend.
fiuno Lotx;rc N. .
A. O. IJ. W. Meets
very altf mat Krlday eveuius; at IC. of 1.
hull Transient brother are resiieetruiiy in
vited toattcnd I'.. I MrBAii.M:wt,rVorkiiisiii ;
K. rt. Bartow. run-man ; frank. liroAii. over
seer; 1. Bowen, Cui.le ; Hfniffc ilttiwiirth.
K?order ; II. . I. Johnson. Financiers WaMi.
tSinlih. Keceiver ; M. Majbrtjiht. Fast M. W. ;
Jack Uanghcrty . li.side tiuaro.
of America Meats second and fourth Mon
dayeveuiui: at K. it V. hall. All transient
brother are requested to meet with u. I. A.
ewco iier. VenerAblw C'ousiil : . f,
Worthy Adviser ; 1, B. Smith, hx-liauker ; W.
C. Willetts. Clerk.
IiLiTrsMouni m)ix;e no. 8. a. o. it. w.
MnU pvery alternate Friday evenliiK
fiockwoodtullat So'elocK. All transient broth-
ai resiei-tfully invited to attend. n.
I.rson, M. W. ; V. Boyd. Foreman: S. C.
Wilde. Recorder ; Laoaard Anderson, overseer.
J. T. Jonso.V CoTiimauder.
C. S. Twms Semor'Vlce
F. a.Batm Junior "
i;o.Nn.r.s , Adjutant.
IlZNKY STUr.IOHT . .....W. M.
MavoS Drxo.v ftteerof the l:iv.
CHABLKS F.KI " " 'i";,
Andrkkov F it v ;f prJt MHlr-
,Ia?oh(1ob kman-.. ..Qiwr-er Mas-er er-M-
I.. C.Ci'KTK lo-t i.hai'Uiu
Meerinr -atnr-1 iv -yenin
r-'rwnal clteution to all Busiae-s Kntrust
to my care.
Title" Kx i-nliied. !.stiiu inpiled. In
surance Written. Heal Estate hold.
Better Facilities for making Farm Loans tliau
Aay Qtiier Ageacj
Ilat tamo at li, - ,'t-liraka.
Notary Tublie. 'otary Public.
V.'XiaAiiA iavu:?.
Office over Bank it Cas County.
Represent the following time-
tried an 1 tire-tested companies:
- American Ceiirril-S-. Louis, Assets $1.2"ig,100
'.- Unini-EiiK'.and, 2.5B.14
. 'Fire4,s'K-latbn-PrliladeIphi3, 4,4t576
' FrakUii-rhi:;idel:.:ila, " 3.UT.106
" Ilome-Njivv York. "
Irs. C. f- 'orta America. Phil. " 8.171 J52
LlTertooliL-!i Hn& ;! " 6.633.781
Varth British M.Tc.intile-En 3.1T8.731
. Korwicu Union-nnvUu-l. " 1.W3.4C6
Springfleld F. A M.-Siri: -leld, " S.0U.95
Total Assets. $t2.115.774
Lasses AJjastel ni VM at tils' im
Cor. 12tl nu.l Gr:nite Stretts.
Contractor aad IlrJIdcr
Sjt. 12-Gia.
Delays in tho United States Mails.
Crrr of Mexico, Mex., via El I'aso,
Tex., April 24. Kuccutly the mails from
ilitf Uuitcil States liave been renf.-liin this
city with the ;rcatt-t iriegtilarity. An
cxplanHtinii of the annoying statu of af
fair has len ask il of 1'ostinai.ter Nava,
of this city. This morning that gentle
man aaiJ the Mexican Post Oflice Depart-,
inent had lit-cn uitij the International
Railway as far as has beon - practicable
ever since the 1st of March, but upon in
quiry of the postmaster at Eagle Patia it
ws found the United States Post Office
Department hail taken no measures for
making use of the shorter route furnished
by the International road, and that the
Eajle Pass Pout Office force was not suf
ficient to handle the American mail and
the European mail sent from Mexico by
rail. Hence the 3Iexican postal authori
ties were only able to nse the short route
to a limited extent, and though the force
in Piedras Negras office had been some
what increased it was found necessary to
retain a considerable force at the Paso
del Norte Post Office, since all the mail
from the United Btalcs and a part of
that to that country still continued to
pass through that office; but when Mr.
Bell, Superintendent of the Foreign Mail
service, announced, on the 30th of last
month, that orders had ben issued for
all th mails bound to Mexico from the
jfroatcr part of the United States, and
that passing through the country frwm
E'iropo, to be sent via Eagle Pass and
the International Railway, tho force at
the Paio del Norf.o office was very much
diminished in order that the service at
Piedras Xegras .might be made thorough
ly efficient. In other words the principal
part of the force at Paso del Norte was
transferred to Piedras Negras. Supt.
Bell's ordii have sot been obeyed, and
nine-tenths of the mails which should
come through Eagle Pass and Piedrns
Negras continue to cross the Rio Grande
at El Paso.
Mr. Nava says some little mail comes
by the fhort route through Eagle Pass
and Pie-iras Negras oiHce3, but that fully
as much is sent into Mexico at Laredo,
which is not yet connected with this city
and the principal points of the republic
by rail. In consequence of the Mexican
postal autoritirs acting on the supposition
that Supt. Bell's orders would be c arried
out, tmd weakening the force at Piedras
Negras, it js pow found that the clerks
in the last named office have nothing to
do. while those at Paso del Norte tun
ne t handle the heavy mails which con
tinue topass through that ofTc;.', appa
rently in violation of the orders of the
pastal authorities of thu United States.
The Americans of Mexico are not only
annoyed at the delay of their mail, but
they are m tifisd the whole troublo i
with the postal authorities of the United
States, wl'o will not avail themselves of
the new route by wlrch from one to two
days' time i3 gained, and this the Super
intended of Foreign Mails of the United
States hadjinnouuced with a flourish of
trumpets that orders had been issued for
the immediate use of the new route. The
most patriotic and euthusiastic Americans
ere compelled to admit on this occasion
that tho postal jjuflioritjs of Mexico
have shown theoiseire3 iaoe enterprising
and business like than thosa of the Unit
ed States.
Well Up in the urllf.
FAinnuutf. Neb., April 24. Fair
bury s crack military company, psmpsny
D. of tiie Second reginv.nt, gave their
flrt state full dress drill today in the
prctsocp of half the population of Fair
bury. They opeiicd f lie day with a granel
fiag pola raisiag, on which w& hoistetl a
company et reamer and an elegant thirty
foot American flag, and then the diill
which lakteel some four hours. Our
company will be a prominent competitor
for the state cup at the next encampment,
aud judging by their fine drilling totlay,
which was almost pcrf ct in every detail,
they will ba hard to beat. The company
is njjdfr the command of Captain C. J.
Bills, of the Bills & Kenyon banking
company; first liruteuaut, George E.
Jenkins, presielent of the board of trade;
second lieutenant. John Heasey. of Ham
bcl & Heasey, our leading attorneys.
Both Blaine and Sherman Cheered
Four WortW Tex-t P"1 24. The
Texas state republican contention assem
bled here today and, after -organization,
adjourned till evening. Vociferous ap
plause followed the mention of the
nt-tuee pf Blaine and Sherman in the
The night session was demoted the
difcussion of the rcj rt of the committee
on credentials. The tlelegatiou from
ll.slveston is headed by Culy, a member
of the r.'iliofiiil committee and an arelent
Blaine imu. T:e couytntia adjourmd
until tomorrow.
Huns Himself at Both Ends
Hoffman, Tex., April 25. Emil Lein-
: boort, a German butcher, committed fui
,' cide over despondency, us Lena Hnufuug-
le did not reciprocate his affections. He
j fastened his head with a halter, hitched it
i to ii rafter overhead, nnel then placed his
feet in another halter, ami then dropped
his body down, his head and feet meeting.
When found he resMnbleel the letter V.
He left a farewell note in his pocket.
Talmage Will Stay Dry.
Talmage, Neb., April 23. The now
council met last night and adjourned
until tonight. Hopes were for license
until noen today, but this afternoon ev
erything was lost and all hopes ore gone.
Joseph Kirk can get a liceuse if he gets
signers. The prohibitionists won't trou
ble him, but he can't get enough signers.
It has been a hot fight here ever since
Washing Away the Banks-
Nebraska City, Neb., April 25.- The
river at this point is falling rapielly, but
is doing cemsiderable damage by cutting
the west bank. Some sixty feet of it hns
fallen into the river at the foot of Ferry
street since yesterday, and several houses
had to be removed. .
May Die From the Wounds-
Argentine, Kan., April 25. S. B.
Warren, secretary of the Law and Oreler
league, was assaulted by James Wiley, a
late saloon keeper, and terrible beaten.
His head was laid open with a revolver.
His injuries may prove fatal.
Miss Chevtont is again able to atmme
her place in school.
R. P. Loucks caught n fish last night,
(Tueselay) which weighed 15 pounds.
John Ossenkop is repairing his dwell
ing and building an addition thereon.
Dr. G. W. Meredith passed through
town Monday e-uroute for Hiawatha, Kan.
Dr. Hasemier is having his residence
greatly improyed both externally and in
ternally. It is reported that Dr. Robinsion, of
this place, is to become a partner of Dr.
Merediih, ofAshlaud.
Supt. Spink. Prof. Sutton and O. Gutl.r
man n, were visitors to Plattsmouth last
Saturday from this place.
Measel are still raging, Mrs. J. A,
Sutton and the Vaiifcoyoe family are Hie
worst off at the present writing.
Our school board is considering the
cost of furnaces for heating the school
hou" s. Prospects for their use here next
year arc good.
Southeast quarter section 14, township
10, range 12; price f 1,800. Northwest
quarter section 8, township 12, range 10;
price 2,000. Windham it Davies.
The Village of Cub a.
Cuban villages or pneblos have always I
interested me deeply. They are of littio i
importance as we measure thinps. There
le nothing about them in architecture or
human activities te make them worthy of
account. " They are seldom populous and
are never busy. In them and between
them, enterprise, rivalry, aspiration, are
unknown. But on this great earth are
not other spots so full of simplicity and
effortless rest.
There are just enough people in them
to make human presence an agreeable
consciousness. There is never any labor
done in any way that tires. Nobody
buirius. There is no fritting or fuming
about anything. 1 Ko one is supposed to
be in haste. Nor could any such notion
ever come to surprise and annoy tho
mind. Every animate or inanimate ob
ject 5ems at rest. If yon desire to set
u Cuban village in an uproar of indignant
wonderment, yoa have only to hint of do
ing, oy of desiring something done quick
ly. Even the winds that bluty mpvo in
soft and soothing breezes, eloquent of llsti
less dreamfulness. The birds sing in
subdued notes as if half asleep. Univer
sal siesta rests upon everything. The
very air wings narcotic, and pulses balm,
to the sense and bouL Despite your own
contempt lor Cuban inanimation, after a
little, your best efforts are overcome; yau
yield to the Insensible sirens of scene
and scent and sound; and the enthrall
rnent possesses you wholly.yEdgar L.
Wakeman in New York Mail and Eprbss,
Tbe People of ShlrM.
Tho people of Shiraz are celebrated
throughout Persia for their gay aud fes
tive dispositions. While the average
Persian, outside the nobility, is a calcu
lating, mercenary trader and trafficker,
jhe 5hiiazt U a gallant, a bean, a freo
liver, "The best soldiers in Persia re at
Shiraz, and the loviest womeij; froni
Shiraz also issue hundreds of lntia or
buffoons who wander about all over the
empire, singing, tomtoming, and exhibit
ing trained monkeys.
Persepolis, believed to have been a
mighty city before the birth of Babylon, j
bad aoout the earnest nome oi pomp,
wealth and in&gniil&mce, U situated pear
Shiraz. The old pagan kings anil nobility
of Persepolis were royal wassailers.
Drunkenness and revelry were carried to
. an extreme in the marble halls of this
ancient Iranian capital that we of to-day ;
little dream of. One has bnt to taste the '
famous Cholar wine note the curious j
difference Letiveen the Shirazis and other ;
Persians of today, and tluu look up a$ j
the old ruins of Persepolis to come io the
conclusion that the three things have
some mysterious connection. Thomas .
Stereos ia New York Sua.
theatre audiexces.
Ronton' Six IHntlnct Classes of Theatre
Patrons Some Observations of an l.'x
perlenced Manager Saturday Night tho
Itettt of the Week.
Probably few theatro goers of this city
realize, as do the theatrical man.-iErers,
that there are in Boston six distinct
audiences of amusement seekers, and that
they have upecial nights upon which they
attend the theatres. So marked are the
audiences on different nights of the week
that one manager in this city has a name
for each night, which he lias given to it
mainly on account of the character of tlio
audience which he expects on that day
to see in his house. For instance, Mon
day is lithograph night; Tuesday, de
ciding night, or assistant critics' night;
Wednesday, train night; Thursuny,
"night out" night; Fric'iy, prr
night; Saturday, everybody's night.
Asked to give his reasons for thus naming
the nights, he said: "On Monday, unless
there has been a large advance sale or the
indications are that there will be a good
sized audience drawn by the special merit
of the performances, we prive out what
are known as lithograph tickets. These
entitle the holder to admission to the the
atre in return for the privilege he has
given us of hanging in his shop window
or in his store our lithographs and small
bills, or, perhaps, aro for the use of a
bill board in a good location.
"It is on Monday evening, usually, that
the theatres change their bills, and so
the opposition on that night i3 generally
felt more than on any other, and if there
Is room it is desirable to pay off tho lith
ograph or advertising debts on that night
in preference to any other. There are more
of these tickets issued than managers
would care to acknowledge, and they are
generally well represented on Monday
night, and so I call that night 'lithograph
night.' Of course, on Monday we get the
regular critics and the first nighters, who
are always on hand to pass judgment on
every new actor or play, but the dead
head is plentiful on that night, and I
recognize him in my nomenclature.
"On Tuesday night we can generally
tell from tho receipts how the business is
going to be for the week. If the house is
larger in money than it was on Monday,
wo assume that the performance has
pleased the public, aud has been well
spoken of, and that the receipts will in
crease nightly for the rest of the week.
Therefore I call it 'deciding night.' ns it
generally decides the business. On that
night, too, we get those who never attend
the theatre until they have iead their
favorite daily paper, and learneel the opin
ion of tho newspaper critic concerning the
play and players. These are the assist?
cut critics, and they are influential as a
class. Wednesday nirht is 'train night,'
because on that night the late trains
especially designed for theatre parties
were run and brought into the city theatres
crowds of persons living in the surround
ing towns. This namo is not so pei ti
uent as it used to be, as now on nearly
all the roads out of the city there am
trains run late enough to permit of out
of town people visiting the the:itre, and
reaching homo at a fairly reasonable
MWhy do I call Thursday night out
night? Well, I do not want to dispar.igo
Thursday night, for we get a strangely
mixed audience on that night, but we are
alwaj-3 certain to have a large contingent
of servants on that evening, as that, by
some unwritten law, seems to be the even
ing when the 'help' have their niht out.
The upper tiers av. always well filled oii
Thursday evening by stout, healthy look
ing young girls, accompanied by their
sweethearts, and I tell you they make a
ependid audience for the ordinary attrac
tion, as the illusions of the stage are to
them realities. An actress who cannot
make them cry or a comedian who cannot
make them laugh should speedily retire
from the business. On Friday we expect
to see the more fashionable personages,
on tbiit daj, (of superstitious reasons oi
for other reasons, there are are fewer wed
ding receptions, balls and social events
than on any other night of the week. Oa
Friday night we also expect to see a great
many of our Hebrew patrons, more than
on any other night of the week, although
they are great theatre goers, and are
found in goodly numbers on every night.
'Saturday night is the best night of the
week for many reasons, and the audience
is more mixed on that evening than on
any other of the week. The gallery is full
of working people who have been paid
their week's wage3 and are seeking en
joyment; the clerks and shopkeepers -are
there with their sweethearts and wives,
knowing that they can rest on Sunday,
arid the front rowg are fall of Harvard
students, more especially if there are
heathen gcxldesses on the stage. The
nearer the representatives of the heathen
goddesses approach the originals in form
and raiment, the nearer the students get
to the stage. You mustn't ask me why
this is. I only state facts. An experi
enced theatrical man, acquainted with the
city, could tell you what night of the
week it was by just looking at the audi
ence, if he had no other means of know;
ing.i' Boston Herald,.
The Best Window Dressers.
The other day one of these masters of
his art was asked: "Who make the best
window dressers women or men?"
"Men, by long odds. ' Women are a
failure at it, in fact. Strange, too, isn't
it, with the average American women's
exquisite taste in combining colors shq
cannot fit up a window with the resources
of a store at her command? I'll tell you
why. She cannot execute a general de
sign, and, not to appear ungalhint,
neither can she appreciate it. Stand with
a crowd of women in front of a window
which 13 worked into one grand design,
and you will find nine out of ten of them
have discovered each some particular
piece of statf that she iifces, and doesn't
see anything else In the window." Chi
cago Tribune.
j Bargains !
I Tlio linn W. A. Doeck & Co.,
tall with
B. &. Ml. Time Table.
No. 1. 5 :-o a in.
No, 3. C :K p. III.
No. 5 !t ::;r a. in
No. 7.--7 :-5 p. in.
No. 9.--U :17 P- in.
No. II 6 :05 a, in.
CuINfi KAa".
No, 2 4 :LT) J). III.
No. 4. in -.::) a. m.
No. li 7 :15 p. in.
No. 8.-9 :.'o a. in.
No. 10 0 : l" a. 10,
No. 1. -y :10 . fci.
A'l trains run daily by wavof (Mnaha, except
Nos 7 and 8 which run to and from fc'ehuiler
daily except Sunday.
No. is a etnb to Paeifie -Iimetion at 30.a in.
No. l'J Is a stub from Pacific Junction at il a.m.
Win. Ilcrold & Son
Try GGOuS, Notions Boots end Shoes
or Ladies and Gents
He keeps as large f.nd as well
As can he found any place hi the t-iiy and make
jou pneej tiat uc ty coinpetiuoii.
A, -cents for
Harper's Ite P Uerm and Bafs Corset .
The Boss Tailor.
Main St., Over Merges Shoe Store.
Has the best and most complete1 stock
of snnij.Ics, both foreign and domestic
wtiolciiH that ever came west of Missouri
river. Nete these prices; Business suir.s
from Sitf to $.". d.-'ss suits, $25 to $45,
pants $4, $5. -$G, G.:0 and upwards.
" s?Will guaranteed a fit.
Prices Defy Competition.
Dr. C. A- Marshall.
Pieporvi-.tion f natural teeth a specialty.
Cteth extracted uithout pain hy we of L,aughtiff
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Fitzokiia t-o'.s Br.' ck Fi.vrrsjsouTH, Neb
We have puv house filled V.
And are prepared to deliver it daily to our cus
toinns in any iu;int;ty desired.
Lea've orders with
At stoe on jix?h Ftreet. We inak-? a Spec
ialty of
And Loading Cars For terms see us or
Telephone T2, - - Flattsmonth.
-f.O Tl-
H, P. Whisler's,
AT .
The City Bakery,
rou FINE
New England
Home Made "Bread.
He h;is procurer! the Fervjcs e-f I. .1. Sirayer,
ol Omalri. whoso peeialiy is in making
this li;Ht easily digested.
Purchase a five or ten cent inaf ard you will be
convinced ot i.s iaer:te.
Dr?. Oave & Smith, the painless
eleiitists, will be ready for business Aptil
27th. Ofnee in Union Block oye
Citizens Bank.
Bargains I
Luve succeeded J'ueck & Uird-
FOit s I.K Oiireas'.iiiable lernm my red
dertee on the N. W. eorner of Mm and 11th SI.
Said property consist ot ?i bhn:k with a Rood
story and a half of looms, two ward
robes and cue pa::try ; ko1 well and city
water ; twenty-Beven heal in;; apple frees, and
an abundance of small taut of all Kinds, tf
l'. !. r. vi k:s.
i N. SULLIVAN, Attorney at Law. Will
- Rive -ii !'.pt ,iiti,iioi' to ail biifliieso In
trusted to !.in.. l iiion lllock. East
dde, liattsmotitli. Neb.
Just received a new linn of Urus.sell
carpets and rugs, nt the Daylight store.
If it is real estate you want, see Wind
hnm 6c Davies' column on s- cond page.
Just received two cases 5c Calico at
Week bach's. tf.
A large .vnniiiir of i-i imnnts in Dress
Goods and Giuglums. 1'iicfs very low at
Wctkbaeh'e. tf.
Firo Insuranco written fn tho
etna, Phoenix and Hartford by
Windham & Davt&s.
Call and examine our ladies Short
Jackets, the latest sli tdi s at J. V. Week
bach's, tf.
Our stock of Millinery very complete
and prices low. at ihe D.ivligLt store
No more pain: Dis. Cave & Smith
cf Grand Inland, Neb., formerly of Cin
cinnati, Ohio, opening up elegant
dontal rooms, in Union Block over Citi
zens bank, where they will be prcpureel
to fill, or extract teeth, without the
least pain. Their njv proc.-ss of extract
ing and filling teeth is patented and con
trolled by them ;iily. Tiiey come highly
recommended from Granel M ind where
they have b.-en for n'j.irly two years, this
being the third dent il office i.i Nebraska
they have opened and are now coutrol
ing. Boss's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is the only medicine that acts directly
on the Lungs, Blood and Bowel.?, it re
lieves a cough instantly and in time
effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P.
Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3mo,d-w.
Call and see what Drs. Caye Ss
Smith can elo for your old aching teeth.
Aching teeth can be successfully treated
and filled, and be made last for years.
Old roots crowneel u; and made look
beautiful. Teeth extracted, and artificial
teeth inserted at once, and mad; look as
natural as life. Ofiice ia Union Block
over Citizen's Bank.
VM E yir. r-in -OJ
m i . SfT
AD Aftr CtlMATE. O
Stid Car Circular,
have?" &. rhodes
Omaha, lTo"b.
(Name this paper in your order.)