THE DAILY liEUALJ, rLAl.itfai.ou in, xiSitASK A, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1S88. The Evening Herald. KNOTTS BROTHERS Publishers and Proprietors. A. KalUbarjr, IieaMxt, liocknood Building, Ttlrpboac So. Sli. Dr. Slrvtnr. OtBrm and Ileniilenre fehrrwood Block, Trlrplion 4 . CITY CORDIALS. Commercial printing a specialty nt the IIkramj oflice. Jul work of h11 kiii'Js neatly execut ed at the MhKAF.D office. " Have your letter head and envelops printed at the IIeuvli) oflice. Council adjourned last evening to meet tonight. As yesterday wan consid ered a holiday they did no business. Under the law, real estate taxes will he delinquent May 1. Personal property taxes have been delinquent hincc Feb. 1. The friends of Dr. John Jllack will be pleased to learn that he has so far re covered from his sickness, that he is able to bit up. One of the popular young clerks who works for a clothing house has been vis iting South Park lately. Wonder what's the matter ! Wire A box came today, John, ad dressed o you. Husband Did you open it? Wife No. Husband-Well, I wish you had. It may be one of those dinged infernal machines. Epoch. 11 request of several of our citizens who are residents of Chicago avenue, we will just state that a certain young gen tleman who frequently wends his way in that direction will be asked either to "pull down the blinds" or buy another avhale box of cigars, if the people should be compelled to sse what they did once before. The citizens of Lincoln seem to fa yor brick for street pavements. Cedar does not give satisfaction there, and as l'lattsmouth expects to pave this year, the citizens should begin to decide with what our streets shall be paved with. We elo not want cedar if it won't last but two or three years. Dr. Siggius has purchased the line property en the corner of Granite and Sixth streets, of Herman Herold and is making improvements on his new pro perty. The work on this h ;U)e is said to bo the very finest, especially on the wood-work inside, anel as the location is nn admirable cue, the eloctor wns very fortunate to secure the place. We notict el he recognized Arbor day, as a few small trees adorn hU lot since yesterday. -April 24th the C. U. &, Q. will run another of their popular land excursions at one fare for round trip to all points in the west, northwest, south and southwe.-!. Parties in search of cheap h"mrs will lind this an excellent oppertunily. Emi gration to the south wct has been unsur passed in the history of the country for the patst two months and if you want t go you will never find a more favorable time than the present. Abingdon, 111 Ztrju. Th'ii excursion train will arrive in this city tomorrow, and will take pas? enzers all along the line. A large crovve! is expected as they carry passengers fron all eastern C. B. & Q. points. Last evening witnessed a very injoy- able event in which quite a number oi the young people of this ci"y were par ticipants. The event was that of a party given in honor of Jliss Eiiralls, of Hastings, who i- the guest of the Miscs Weckbach. The usual amusements were indulged in, after which refreshments ii; abundance were served until all were sure their satisfaction was complete. The Misses "Wctkbacli deserve great creelit for the manner in which they furnished so much enjoyment to their guests, and the event will eye; be remembsred as a delightful one. Those present were Misses Engall, Wig genhorn, Ashland; Tilla Lenhoff, Maggie Campbell, Maggie O'Hourk, May Lth rop, Myrtle Lathrop, Julia Oliver, Laur: R'uinackle, Kate Uemple, Kate anel Amel ia Vallery; and Messrs. Fred Lenhoff, Peter Keeler, Chas. Eades, A. U. Knott?, Dave McEntee, George Lenhoff, W. A. Derrick and Will Streight. The Perkins House is undergoing a thorough renovation, and 3Ir. Kiddle, the congenial proprietor, is sparing no time and expense to make this house one of the foremost in this part of the State. A good hotel is an accommodation that is something this city is sadly in need of, and Mr. Kiddle will do our city proud if be fulfills his plans, and we feel quite confident he will. A good deal of com plaint has been made in this city by th? traveling public, for want of proper ac commodation, but if this gentleman will only d as we feel cpuice certain he will, it would throw out inducements to out riders who steer clear of thi3 city today just en that account. Such an enterprise would certainly be highly beneficial to all, especially the proprietor, who would reap a rich harvest if he will only work Ids card right A city the siza of Platts mouth, ani with as much business, would never let a good, energetic business man leave to go to other fields for want of patronage, if the man will only do what js right , Herman Herold is building a fine largo house on Wintcrstein Hill, which he expects to have ready for 'occupation in a bhort time. The case of the Gale Sulky Harrow Co., vs. E. G. McLaughlin is in the hands of the court today and it is ex pected to occupy the whole elay. The case of Maude Emery is laiel over until tomorrow, ns a number of prominent witness arc iihscn, and a 9 soon as their arrival the e ast will be re sumed ISonds were accepteel so she is not jailed. Two prominent Omaha capitalists, Dr. E. M. Parks and M. J. Kennard are in the city today looking over our real estate bargain. Tilt: IIkhald hopes their geod judgment may prompt them to make some investments before they leave. Mioses Mauelt and Mainmie McCoy give epiite a large party last evening in ho'ior of their friend, Miss IJlanchs Feight, of Omaha, who is at present their guest. About twenty-five of their young friends were present anel a very enjoyable evening was spent in the usual amusements. The lawn presented a very handsome appearance, being well lighted by Chinese lanterns. The Ladies Aiel Society of the M. E. church give a concert and bazaar next Tuesday afternoon and evening in the M. E. church. The ladies are endeavor ing to make this May festival a success, both financially and otherwise, anel we trust they will not be unsuccessful in thoir undertaking. Refreshments will also be served in the evening. Further particulars will be given later. John Richardtsou, father of Mrs W. C. Showidter, is lying at the point of eleath. For many years he has been alTlictcel with asthma and eliffcrent diseases of the lungs, until at last it has termcnated in consumption. lie has been confined to his beel for three months or more, anel now since that terrible disease is in its worst stages, he cannot last only a few elays more at the longest. Mr. Showalter anel wife hayo the sympathy of thejr many friends in their bereavement. "Job" Stevens, a man who has no particular occupation, imbibed a little too much "fire-water" this afternoon, anel b .-came furiated He founel a man nam ed "Scotty." at McWy's saloon, who, it seems, was not a particular friend of his, anel began insulting him, anel wa3 about to law violent hands upon him, when "Scotty," in oreler to defend himself, struck the man. Stevens was arresteel and locked up. The two men appear for trial at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Since we have, by request of a large number of the citizens, started the Daily HiiitALi), anel cannot offer any serious' causa for complaint to those who have been generous enough to appreciate our endeavors to furnish them with a good live sheet, we wish to mention the fact that although we are now doing our best to keep the wheel turning every day, there is oiu elay in the week to which we devote considerable time to bring out a good weekly paper, anel we wish to make special mention of this, and render what ever is in our power to ad vance it, and if each one of our friends will j u-1 throw out a little influence to wards the weekly, the benefit woulel bi realized immediately, and with that assis tance we can promise you improvements in both. Although the daily is now paying its way uict-ly, we do not wish the public to think the weekly has dropped out of existence, aud as we are epjite sure a number will endeavor to cstist us, we will give to any cne sending us thiity, (oO) yearly subscribers, an open-faced, stem winding silver watch, valued at 13. The w:it:h is guaranteeel to be jubt what we recoa.menel if, a first-class trti cle, anel any one using a little extra ex ertion can secure one. The Y. L. R. R. A. will give a liter ary social on Tucday evening next, in the G. A. R. hall. The people of this e;ty would do well to patronize this en tertainment and offer a little assietanec to this good cause. Only a few days ago the association secured the services of the Welsh Prize Singers, and had the smallest attcj-.d.apcc at that conceit we have witnessed at ny entertain ment in the opera house for a long time, The singiDg was of the highest class and was very much appreciated by all who took advantage of this rare opportunity, but both the singers and the young ladies of the association felt very much disappointed to scee such a slim house, and is enougli to eliscourage them in their good work. The reading room furnishes gooel reading of every descrip tion, .and any ueeson who has no other way of securing good reading are at liberty to visit tiic reading room where they can find whatever news they want free of charge. But such an institution rannot cupport itself, so the citizens of Piattsmoath should give juii a little as sistance, il not much, by patronizing an occasional entertainment given by these young ladies, and by ho doing, which would cost but very little, would largely h;-Ip to support it. We hope to see the social next Tu?sday well attended. The entertainment will consist of music, reael ings, recitations and three or four essays. Everybody go, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Peter Merges is in Omaha today. Rob. Uachler has returned from Canada E. 11. "Lewis was a passenger to Omaha, this morning. Joseph Arnold, of Ashland, is attend ing court today. Jerry Farthing was a pass-nger to Oma ha this morning. J. H. Waterman and J. H. Young went to Lincoln toelay. Miss Wigg2nhoru, of Ashland, is the guest of Miss Tilla Lenhoff, ot this city. Judge Applegate, of Tecumseh, arriyed this morning anel is holding court in place of Judge Chapman, who went to Tecumseh to officiate in his place. New Law Firm. The Hkrai.d is glad to welcome among us Mr. O. II. IJallou, "who will in a few days open a law oflice, anel a month e;r two later will remove here and make Plattsmouth his permanent place of resi dence. Mr. liallou is an able attorney and will be quite an acquisition to the bar of this city; his experience and ability as a lawyer ranking him among the b;-st in Omaha. He will, we learn, keep nn odice in Omaha, where he will be fouud during their terms of court. Largest List, Best Terms and La west prices on lots, houses and lots, half acres, acres, fivoand ten acres. Property shown free of charge. Call and sec me. Ride out aud see if I cannot show you some Bakuaixs. a20tf W.S.Wise. For Siberia Refrigerators, the best that are made, and Ice-cream freezers, call on J. R. Cox. a23ml Gasoline stoves are all the rage now and the best in the market is the "Quick Meal," you can pet one at J. R. Cox's hardware store, Main street. n2Sml J. R. Cox has a full line of hos and bose-reals for your lawn. n23nil Definition of Male lieaary. To call a man charming in face, or lovely, or beautiful, or pretty, is to mini mize almost to insult him. A man can only be called handsome, an il very, very few men can be called that. A handsome man must te manly in figure, conveying the Idea of strength and energy under the most reposeful exterior. He must have the shapely hands, feet anel ears that tell of good blood and cultivated progenitors; he must have his head well shaped, well set and well carried; he must have a deep, broad chest and a straight back, and long shapely limbs; his features must be regularly formed, and yet full of expression, and the kingly power that great sculptors try to give to Jupiter. Coloring does not much matter, so that there be no reel upon the cheeks, and not too much in the lips, and, perhaps, the mezzo tints lend themselves most satis factorily to manly beauty, but, above all, the handsome man must never be stout. The heavy throat which overflows the shirt collar never caries with it an nir of refinement, whatever it may do of strength. A blonde man runs the risk of weakness and insipidity, and a black beard man is handsome, even though he be a trifle melodramatic, but still golden haired and black haired men have betn very attractive the worlel over. Of course below this grand climacteric in the thoroughly handsome man there are ranks after ranks of good looking, attractive, pleasant faced men some upon whom one loves to look and find sweet content In contemplating faces nnel forms far from faultless, anel yet quito satisfactory. Aud here we come upon one of the most strange and almost cruel conditions of our being. A man may or may not be handsome, he may or may not have any physical attractiveness what ever, but nobody likes him the less for the deficiency, he never finds it a barrier in his career, a source of failure in his life; women love him and men approve of him just as readily as if ho is handsome; in fact, the woman or women who love him set him down as handsome in serene de fiance of the rule3 of beauty or the opin ion of the world. Mrs. Frank Leslie A Natural Lamp. The light of the fireflies of tropical America seems to be dependent upon the w ill, as when feeding or asleep it is not seen, attaining its greatest brilliancy dur ing activity and flight. The color of the light is rich green, but the eggs omifc a light of a bluish tint, according to Dubois. This naturalist has made extremely inter esting experiments with the pyrophortn. The eggs which he dried retained their luminosity for a week, the light reappear ing when they were placed in water, lie ground the luminosity organs in a mortar, after having dried them in a vacuum, and then mixed them in boiled water, the latter Immediately becoming luminous. Dr, Dubois concluded that the light cf the pyrophorus Is Intended as illumina tion for itself alone. To prove this he covered one of the upper lights with wax and the animal moved in a curve; when both spot3 were covered the beetle soon stopped and then moved in an uncertain manner, carefully feeling the ground with his antenna. The spectrum of the light was extremely beautiful, being continu ous, without -dark or brilliant rays. Christian at Work. Topics ot Conversation. More than six months ago an English magazine offered a prize of three guineas for the most original and suitable topics of conversation on the four occasions of a morning call, before dinner, in the draw ing room, during dinner (ia the dining room) and in the train. Either this three guinea prize was no temptation to in ventive conversationalists, or else the task proves to be impossible, for believe the project has fallen through, and wo must go on without the discovery of a royal road to brilliant talk. What a blessing a few sparkling suggestions would be to those of us who only can berate the weather when the supply of gossip falls short. In thesa days when- money buys everything, the demand for appropriate topics of conversation really ought to bo furnished regardless of expense. Th6 trouble with the editor of this magazine in cjuestlon was, not that he didn't mean well, but that he didn't make his prize worth the trying for. Three guineas! Why,' bless the man, he should offer a undred times three, and become a bene factor to mankind in the noble results he. would attain. Boston Herald. Real Estate Bargains EXAMINE OUR LIST. consisting ok CHOICE LOTS IN uth - Park, 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townsend's addition. Lot 10 block 133, lot 5 block 164. Lot 1 block 6, lot 6 block 95. Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 01. LOTS IN YOUNG AND HAYS' ADDITION. Lots in Palmer's nelelition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions anel in nil parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and see if we cannot suit you better. Xj ZLT ZD S. 5 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adjoining S- nth Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 1 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: So i sec 14, T. 10, R. 12, Cass county, price ?1, 800, if sold soon. nw i sec. 8. T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co.. price $2,000, A valuable improyed stock fram in Merrick Co.. Neb., 100 acres and on reesonble terms. , S 1 m indham & Davies. Consult your best interests by Insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or Jitna com panies, about which there is no question ns to their high standing aud fair dealing. TORXADO POLICDZS. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storm3. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we have already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at 3It. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1888. Call at our oflice and secure a Tor nado Policy, Unimproved lands for sale or ex change. WINDHAM & DAVIES PLATTSMOUTH, KE3. BARGAINS IN OUR Towels - Towels A gooel Linen Hack Towel only 10 cent each. " Fancy Bordered Dam.isk Towel, size 17x33, only 15c or $1.75 dz. Extra value u " Knotted Fringe ii " " Plain white l).mm.,kTowcl size 21x52, only 75cor $S.25 dz. Good Values in Bath Towels at IB, 20, 28, 30 Cts. Table Linens. Turkey Red Table Linens at 25, 40, 50, 05, 75 and 85 cents per yard. White and Cream Damasks from 25 cents to $1.50 per yard. Extra Values at 45, 50 and CO cents in Cream with Red Borders. Fine Table Linens in Sets Napkins to match, from $5.00 to $10.00 a Set. Table Spreads all Sizes and Qualities at Low Prices. Tapk White Doyles at $1.25, $1.50, White Napkins from 75 cents Cream Napkins from SI. 25 to waits F- MERRfiUilARSliU & CO One JJoor Sast irst IT&t'l Sanls. We earnestly request all of our friends indebted to us to tall at once and settle accounts due. "We have sustained heavy loss by the destruction of our Branch House at Fairmont, Neb., by fire and now that we need money to meet our obliga tions, we hope th?re will not be one among our friends who would refuse to call promptly at this particular time and adjust accounts. Trusting this will receive your kind consideration and prompt attention, we remain, Vour Truly, S0L0LM0N & NATHAN. T 10x37, only 20c or $2.25 dz. 20x43, only 25c or $2.C0 dz. 20x44, only 35c or $3.75 dz. ii d " 20x44, only 40c or $4.40 dz. ())n work border 50c or 55.35 dz. 2.00 and $2.50 a dozen. to $4.00 a dozen. S3.25 a dozen. &tm.e 9 T SSTapk V