pWtetii0tiilj is; " - . MiMr ill I M FIKST YE Alt PLiATTSMOUTII, NEIiKASKA, TUESDAY EVENING, A PHIL. 1, 18S8. NU3IISE12 .18 1 .1 I-. M. i:i nr. W K h'X JAMC4 i'A f I'KUH'IN, .IK. Attorney, K.nidiieer. 1'utice .fa ln, Mardiali, Couocllmeii, Is: w.irtl, 2id lfYltO (UIIK - A Maooi.k S ( I.IH-OUK W II MALI' K i J V Wn k n veil I A rAl.iM;tllV S U M J 1 M Jon kh 1 lIC A Mil I I'M A N 3rd 41U t M l( MLIil'itv 1 is W J JIM Ti'.S V . 't .its SOU. 1 : 1 C I.I.KN. I'KI'.s t J V J..-1J, f hkii ;. . O 11 Haw Nrt , II AIII.H N Board rub. Work . IK. KH W UUTII Treasurer. Dsimiy r.eaoirer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk. -Kee-order of Deeds Detuty lt-'C'n b;r Idem of ii-ti icT. t.'ojrt, Rherilf. - - - - Surveyor. - - Attorney. Sunt, of lul. School. County Ju iio. boajid or HUI' a. n. Tuii. lAiVll K.fLTZ. Ch'lll., A. H. 1I liO.V, D- A. CAMI'ISKI.I - - 1 lio-e. I'oi.i.ix'K l!fl;l I KIT! II I-IP Ml fcXA lI'M I M.l V. H. fi.i.i J( I N M I.KVOA v. .siiuwAi.Tifi! J. O Kikks it a i: t A. M M'lH.h AU.KX 15KK.S AI.iYX.vm hlXK liUHSIlLI KltVlSOKS. IMat tsiaouMi Weeping W-itel - li in wood GIVIG SOGI1I-I-JIS. iiASS lODU' :o. nr.. I o. o. K. -Meets V'every Tuei'day evenim of each week. A li transient brothers are respectfully invited to attend. 1LATTMOL"l II KNCAMI'MKNT No. 3. I. O. O. K.. niee-in every a'tereate Friday hi each mouth iu the Maonic iiall. Visiting Jtrotlien are i ivtted to attend. fiiltle) WIMiB X. 81. A 81. A. O. U. W. Meets rflrv .lieri:iL iTlilav eveiiniit at Iv. ! 1 . ball. Trautiieat brother are respetiiuly in vited t attend I'.. I Morgan, Master Work ; JC. r. IJarntow. Foreman ; Frank l;rwn. over ?r ; I. ii-twen, liuiile ; 4tois llou-ovortli. iteorder ; II. J. Johnson. Financier; W:i!i. binitb. Ueeeiver; M. Mnbrl:ht. l'att M. W. : Jack laui:fcprty . Ii.s:de tiuaru. CA;H CAMP NO. 3v2. moikk WiiOOMFX t of Aniii Meets -eciid ami fourth Mi.u day evening at K. i I. li :li AU tiamitiit brother are reijuested to meet witii . L. A jVowoo ner. Venerable Consul ; H. -', Nilef. V.'oi Thy Adviser ; I, li. .Siiiltu, Kx-Kauker ; W. C. WiUt-tts. Clerk. 1LA.TrSMUrH I.OD(iH NO f. A.O. V. XV. Meet every aiforoate Friday evenin at KockwoodhallatSo'wioe. All transient. t.ri)lii em are respectfully invited to attend. L. Larson. M. V. ; K. ltovd. Foreman : S -Wilde. Recorder ; Leonard Anderson. Iversrer. McCUniMIE POST 45 C. A. R. BO.HTRK. J. W.J.H!c.v .- ".niand. r O. S. Twit Senior ice " V. . KATiU , Junior tlen .. ...Adiuta::t IIxniiy siKKiuiir. Maum Dixos ohaklm k'ki Akoku-sov Kb v. . .lAOiKiHB KM AX. .... J.M. i diiusr at the iay ...... " ii:ard ... ?eri?t Major. ..Quarter Master Sert. j . e.ruKTin neeinz Saturday V4niu s. (!. UKTK..., WM. K BROWNE, X.A."W OFFICE. r 'rsonal at'eutloM u. aJJ '.!isliie- Knlrusr lomy care. XOTAIEV IX OKFM'K. titles P.:if!-.ed. Mistaietn Compiled. Iii suraiicu W'tilitt. eal Kstatc Sold. Etelter FicIIiiies f.ruat!.n Farm Loaiv- :!::" Any Qtlicr Agsacr. K. P.. WIMIII M. JolIN A. I'AVIKs. Notary I'uWic. Notary i'ublic. it'in:i..Ud iAVit:-. Attorneys - at - Iav. ifllce ever Bank t Ca- County. Plattmiocth. - - Xkck.vska. H.E.Paimer&Son 3VCE ItU S llopro53!it the following trie! an 1 dru-teatud coinp tillK'- :i!iies: Afn?rtc-o V:iTal-S . I. n;s. Ai-t Coratner 'Ul ITaioa-EiiKlaad, Fire Ahm.U'1 in-Pfiladetpliia, Franklin-I'!i:ri!e5i!ia, Ifotne-Nw " Ids. C . of vor'.'.i A-aeriaa. Plitl. Uverool3:r.. 1 1 .:i & t;lobe-Eog " North British . Merc.iatile-Ha . ' xorwich Ualoo-Fa'aad. " Sprlnaeld V. & M.-Spr!.jsae! J, " 4.4l3.r-75 3.11T.1U6 7.313. r9 S. T.3;' 6.0-W.Ttii 3,378,751 1.213. IOC 3.01i.9'3 Total Aset3. S12.ii3.771 L03S3S AJjmM niPaijattaisApEcy WHEN YOU WANT -OF- Mayor, Clerk, Treanirer, WORK DON CALL ON" Cor. 12th anl Granite Streets. Gontraetor aad BuLUIcr Sept. 12-Cql Confirmed. Wasiiinton, April 24.- Confirmn tions: Lieutenant C'olouel Comstock, to le colonil; Slajor J. A. Smith, to le lieu tenant colonel; Brijulier General George Crook, to bu major jjeuetal; Colonel J. 1L Brooke, to be brigailier general; J. H. Hubble, postmaster at JcflcrBon, Neb. It lias been practically decided at the war department to assign Major General Crook to command of the division of the Misouri, with ln.adpiarters at Chicago. Prairie Fires in Dakota. Kaimd Citt, Dak., April i':3. Tiie tim ber fire which has been b irning for three dajs past, id burning U( tierce tonight, fanned by a strong west wind. The tire m about twelve or fifteen mile from here in the mountains ofl" any road, no no definite information us to the extent and area burned over can be obtained. Much valuable timber has already b-en destroy ed and unless rain crmes soon much more will go. Several small prairie firea have been seen here lately. No damage to any extent has been dono by them. Vordlct In a Noted Murder Trial. AVicniTA, Ivan.. April 23. Private in formation from Anthony, Ifarper couny, says the jury in the case of the state against Walter Tread well, accused of murder, this morning brought in a ver dict of not sruilty. Tie id well is the Har per county cattle king who l ist fall shot and killed G. Clarke, thejseducer of his wife, in a hotel ir. Anthony. The case has been on trial about a week, and th verdict meets with general approvtd. as the act was considered justifiable under the circumstance. Clarke and Tread well were partners in business and close friends. A Chinaman Baptized. Chicago, '111., April 2IJ. Laundrymun Chun Sinr, seventeen months from China, was baptized this evening by the Rev. Dr. Lorimer, in Imanutl Baptist church, before a large number of worhipcra. Chun Sing has been a devout member of ths Wabash Avenue MUsaion. "When he was led into the big marble baptistry his body from his shoulders down was envel oped in a black gown. After the baptism Ckvt emerged from the water with his teeth cliatteriog from the cold. The con gregation san "All hail the power of Jesus' nanme" as the white curtain fell over the baptistry. Weeping Water Work. Wekpixo Watkk, Neb., April 24 S. K. Felton, of Omaha, who has the con tract for putting i:i the sjstrm of water works hee4 J.-i-'jau the trendies today and distributed tlihylrams. !i he woi!;sarc to b;? completed by July 1, and prepari tior s are being made for a grand celebra tion on thf Fourth. A en?; pa'nyjjhas been organized here to manufacture preyed .brick. Mr. Boyd. of Coie;io, patent-e of a dry brick ira chiY.e, was in town today. Theoompary intend to put iu cue of his machines at once, and i xp-et to many fuel are l.OtO, 000 Lriek this se;ison. Valamir.e Has a B;g FIra. Yai.entink, Nib.. A i Til 24. A sevtte !;re octttind l.e t i.t 1 o'clock this morn in vr, which buiiurt ut tLe Jient of the town. The lcaiii:g 1 usiiuss block was wholly destroyed, with cue exception. The lire originated in' the wine room of Fiifjjer & Strickland's saloon, and burn id rapidly south to :;;lr?!;d street. The buildings destroyed were Kirn's salmon an I dwelling, GilJefs butcher shop, Fis-di-r & Strickland's saloon, Fischer's dwelling, Ling's laundry, fhe Ray house, Lewis' d t ug store. ITariigan fc llailey's abstract office, Mhs Jnsmer's millinery, the Cheny County, Spain Bros., guicial i-. V;.r rlis , a ml the bank of Valentine. By r.lmost (-upeihurtiap ef forts the red dt stroycr was finally check ed. At en? time it looked aB if the en tire city would p. and this may be at tributed to the fortunate at eioe cf wind at the time of the fire. The loss is esti mat-il at from 20,000 to l30,000, which was only paitiy iniued. It is impossible to get a list of the iiinurcntu at this time. The Earth Trembled. Fascisco, April 24. The steam er City of Jtcv Yort, yljich an i veil yes terday from China, brings details of tn earthquake in YitLnar, prefect of Lin An, which Chiniens of the fehip Ping, report cd to the governor of yunnam, that from the second day of the twelfth month of last year there were ten shocks of earthquake, accompanied by a noise like thunder. Yamcns. in cities of Shihping Kiensnui, were cith r knocked down or split right down, and the tcni plfs likewise, Ju Shihping more than half of the houses are falling down and large n-mbers are cracked and lent, 200 people being crusLed to death and over three hundred injured. In the town and suburbs over lour thousand people are either killed or wounded, tight or nine tenths of the hous; s have fallen down and the rest are cracked and leaning over. At Kicn Shui in the city seven were killo ! and many wounded. Iu the northwest suburb from three to four hundred houses were overturned, an about three hundred people killed and half that number wounded. Tnsrtnnielrlcal rhynlcal PeTelnpmrnt. Periect symmetrical development is rarely found in man or woman. Of course, those w ho work with their hands and are ninth on their feet generally excel In form, but there i.s a tendency in all fni some limb or parts of the body to become stronger and better developed than the others. To occupation can be attributed this disparity, which, however, unless marked, is not of frcat significance. Kx- cl tiding from consideration that class given to hard manual labor, v.e find that, in the majority of men and women, after the age of maturity is reached, the upper Lair of the body does not retain its rela tive development and strength as com pared with the lower half. Of course, the solution is easy, the labor put upon the lower limbs is greater than that, which falls upon the arms to do. The business man, when told by his physiciuu that lie must exercise, insists that ha has till that he needs, for ho is "on his feet from morning until night,' and the hardworking housekeeper thinks, too, she has quite enough, and gives the same reason. We find these people strong on their feet, but comparatively weak in their arms. Circulation in the lower hall of the body is good, but in the upper part it is less free, and less blood is attracted to it. The natural adjustment is de stroyed. Nature intends that a certain portion of blood in the human body should enter and distribute itself throughout the muscular system. If, however, large muscles, like those of the arms and trunk, are liisuflicientlv exercised, and as a con sequence grow smaller, then the blood in tended for them is diverted elsewhere. It must be taken up by the internal organs, and the liver is the one organ which, from its peculiar construction, will bear the greatest increase in the blood supply. liosujn iieraiu. The Fear of Drafts. Fold dust in rooms cannot bo got rid of by any amount of sweeping and carpet beating. The only thing that will remove and replace it is a current of compara tively pure air from the outside. Except in very told iveatber there should always be two open windows in each room on opposite sides. "If we should follow that advice," the horrified reader will exclaim, "we should all catch a fatal cold. Don't I remember a dozen colds I got by being exposed to a sudden draft? Only a few nignis ago, wnen i occupiea a seat near the door cf a theatre, the door was left open during the intermission, and the draft, though pleasant enough, gave me a bad cold. No, thank you, no drafts for mer This logic seems good, yet it Is utter sophistry. As a metaphysician would say, the draft was only the occasion, not the real cause or the cold. The real causo was ths foul, hot air in the theatre, which demoralized your skin and relaxed its blood vessels, bo that they were unable to react suddenly and endure thi healthful cool air irom the street. In other words, it was not the draft that gave you the cold, but the sudden transition from hot to cold air. Such a transition is alwavs injurious to the skin, whether it be from both to cold or from cold to hot air. But if you are not overheated, a current of cola tur is never Injurious. Tha Epoch. "Stirring Up" an Oil Well. nen mo ursc nusii or a well is cone. the torpedq agent is called in to irtcreai;e the prod notion. In shooting-a well from CO to 100 quarts of nitro glycerine are used. Thu is lowered into the hole ia shells cleverly contrived to prevent a pre mature, expiosion, anu men me "go devil." a chunk of iron for exploding the cartridge on top of the glycerine, is dropped." In a. rniiunt; ov tvo an explo sion about as loud as a firecracker- will be heard, while the casing in the hole will rise a few inches above the derrick floor and then settle back. The response from the shot will not come until ten or twerity minutes later, then the well flows freely and at 3" increased rate. In the course of time tho'well refuses to How o its own accord and is classed among the "pump ers." Two-inch tubing Is run down to the producing sand, and the same ma chinery that was used in drilling the weiT is called in' to do the pumping. From time to time the tubing and sucker rods are drawn and the well cleaned out or treated to another dose of glycerine. This explains why the derrick at a completed well is never torn down. Rufus R. Wil son in San t- iariwisuci jJurQultlc, Virtue in Onions t:tl Heef. What is the most strengthening food for a convalescent? Well, you know, the beef ie,i fhspry has been exploded. The most life giving and Uicetiblo food that can be given to one just recovering from an illness is chopped beef. Just take a pound of the finest round of raw beef, cut off all the fat, slice two onions, and add pepper and sait, Then phpp the onions and meat together, turning them pver and over until both are reduced almost to a pulp. Then spread on slices of rye bread and eat as sandwiches. People talk about celery befpg a nerving but let me tell you that there is nothing which quiets the nerves without bad results L'kc. onions. The use of them induces sleep, and much strength is obtained from them. That is my ideal food for thpse ponvalesping pb for any one who is in a weak state bt health. Kansas City Star. The Teeth of Whales. The teeth of whales furnish one cf the remarkable features indicative of fhf origin of that animal. They form a com plete but rudimentary set, characteristic of a more perfectly developed land manv nial. but disappear shortly alter birth, performing no function whatever. Globe- Democrat. Story of a I'lctnre. A enrious story Is told about one of tha paintings by the famous artist David, which is included in a collection about to be sold at Brussels, Belgium. It bears the title of "Family Portraits," yet only one figure is represented on the canvas, that of an old lady seated in an arm chair. The chair itself was of a later style than the date of the paint in;;. In gpite of tliesa peculiarities M. Van liet, the la to owner, had purchased the work. lie then had it cleaned and carefully scraped, in the course of which operation Cie f.i'iiily "portraits" were successively brought to light. It was afterward as eer! aired that the old lady, who had sat to David for her portrait, surrounded by all i he members of her family, had gradually quarreled with them all in turn it:d had had their portraits painted over one by one, until Khe alone of the group remained, sitting in hut preposterous looking chair of hers. Home Journal. Problems to I'o Solved. When the mind bridges over the past fifty years and contemplates the enor mous advance which has been made in the practical application of so'-'f ' - everyday wants, it i,.v:o.-s -y.ii i-i -iKig iij.iu there should still be many absolute neces sities unfulfilled. Among these are a miner's real safety lamp, a perfectly method of blasting without risk of ex plosion, electric lighting economically pro duced from primary batteries, improved methods of arresting decomposition ia animal substances, a perfect method of insulating telegraph wires, etc. Doubt less, however, these and many more Etartling scientific inventions .are problems which the uear future will solve. New York Press. The Freak" Unslaes. It is about time for public opinion to ill a halt in tno museum "freak'" busi ness; the public display, at so mucn a head, of wretched deformities of mis shapen creatures. It i.s time to suppress the posters that reproduce these mon strosities in yet more aggravated distor tion, compelling unwilling eyes to rest upon their huleousness at every street corner, livery intelligent adult, man or woman, knows that the sight of a repul sive deformity can and does lead to the gravest consequences, and it will not be necessary here to be more explicit. Pitts burg Bulletin, A Nat to Crack. The something called lightning will melt a cold iron rod in a hundredth part of a second. A hard razor will drop like water in time quicker than thought. But that heat is not in t ho lightning, but it is made at that point at which the lightning meets an pbstae'a. Tims from tho uu come substance or potentiality may go forth which is a harmless traveler until something retards it. This exilo may meet its first foa near the sun's disk, au 1 enough of It may escape to go onward and meet a second obstacle in tha envi ronment of planets. Professor Swing ia Chicago Journal. Very Itud Manners. It ought to be clear to any one who has the most elementary knowledge of the laws of etiquette that to disturb others needlessly in the enjoyment of a dearly purchased pleasure is evidence of very bad manners. Musical people sutler more from such interruptions than person.i wiiose ears are not similarly refined can imagine; for the true colors of a W agner ian score ar& ae exquisitely delicate jiml re lied as the evanescent films and colors of a soap bubble, so that the mere rusriin ' of a fan or a programme mars them. ilenry T. Pi nek iu The Cosmopolitan. A New Wajun Tiie. A recent English invention is a covrn: for u:-e m run. Ti.-'j assist tvo gated relied ste.el wagon tire towns where street cars are object of the invention is to wncel to get out. p" ho traiu iiii au'd thus avuid ckii;i!ng or i ho wheels t.v.l the wrenching of vehicles and horse.. The invention consists In what may per haps be described an a series of slo;-pin-r projections on each side of the felloes oi tho wheel. St. Louis Republican, ' At 1o) V.:iK(,-s V;rt((4in. Bright green moss h-'.s Veen discovered crowing at the bottom of Lake Leman, in Switzerland, attached to the calcareous rocks 200 feet below the surface. TIoss lias never been fouuel at so great a der.'.'i below the surface of the water, and it is considereel remarkable that chlorophv 1, the green coloring matter of jdants, eou'.-j have been so richly elevelopeil at so uivat U distance from the light. Giobe-Democrat. I-arset Known F!'ver. Tlie largest kuown flower Is the raffief ia, an extraordinary parasite of the forest trees of Sumatra, which measure.-, ihrce feel in diameter, weighs fifteen pounds and has a calyx holding six quarts. The odor is that ot tainted meat. The plant consi-i-.j only pf the fJovtr, e.'otvuig rtire-ctly ' 6ii the stem of its host. Arkansaw Iraveler. An ICr.g'. isb Invention. An Englishman has invented a brake by which any person In a cornpartmujii car eau turn n leet uiul slop the tra:u. At the same time a white elisk will appear outside of the compartment to notify the conductor in which carriage the brake has been useel. Boston Buelget. A Novel Costnmc. A New York society woman had a ball dress made of white satin which had be fore making been run through the press. of one of the great tiaille, so that her cos tame was the ncw of the day. She wop, the prize for the most novel costume, Chicago Herald. J "o rests and If a in fall. It seems idle to discuss further the in fluence of forests upon rainfall f re m the economic point ef view, as it is evidently too slight to le of the least practical im portance. Man has uot yet invented a methoel of controlling rainfall. lleiry Gannett in Science. It is a false iioiicr iha s responsible for grievous" evil, that a cheap teacher ia gooel enough for the summer term, bo- cause all the pupils are smalL Bargains ! 'l'lii.' I:rm 1 i t J I J v OP SPRING AND EXPECT f. &. fvl. 1 Ima Tabic. ooir; vi-. "f. : .in: i?.s'. No. 1- 5 : J a in. No. -I :'J p. in. Nil, 3. li :40 p. Ml. o. -!. Ill :.:n a. !li. No, .". li :: 5 a. ,. t; --7 p. m. No. 7.--" ; . in. No. .-'t ;-,it a i". No. ! :17 p. in. No. in 'J : 1" a. M. No. 11 -G:i-5a. in. 1-. -!i:li) . i;, A"l trai: s rii'i daily by wavof "tualia. except N'os 7 and ri v!ih:ii run to and fr in seliiijler daily exei-pt SMiday. No. 30 i.s a Hful) to Pacific . f 1 1 ik 1 : i at fW.a m No. 19 Is a stub from l'ae::ie . tiiiol io:i ;it 11 a Ml. GS-O rr-CJ3 Win. ilerold & Son fry Go3. Notions Boots f.M Slices or Ladies and Gcids F17KNISIIING- GOODS. lie kftps us large aiid well stock As can be found ar.y plaec in t!i eif valid nijilce jou prices t!:s;t d li eoiiip li.ioli. . j;ents lor p up; m HarDcr's Eazsr Hi 1 o Corset- C. F. SM I TH, The Boss Tailor. Mai.i Sr., Over Meri;- s' i-lo e Siore. Has the Ih st and inos t of samples, Indli f oreiun v.o-olens that ever cain! w river. Note thcuo pries: onipkte stock and domestic !-st of Mi-.oi!r! Bu- iness suits from l to v:3."5. dr-ss suits, syr, 'to $43, pants f'4, s."). ir,.r0 and up vards. C-Will ol1!ir:;nto, d a f.t. Prices Defy - Otll,iwiiOOj, shall. ;J M 'J 1'fenerviition f i-.a'.a- ! -ei'i - teialty. fttti ixlrtu'tu' i:l'Juil j r.ln u.e of Lauyhing All work warranted. Prices reasonable. '''TZC KIHI.-'V p,. oi; I'l. .TSMia'tll, Xii ICS MSU " e have tar house fiiifd wl:5i A FINE-QUALITY OF ICE, And are preprr d lo deliver it daily to our cus tom is in any r-i: iit ry (ic-iied. AT,L OS T- 3T, 1 At store on rH3LI?TLY riLLED. L i o:iier-! v. i;',!-. .Siy.'ii StiTft. We ia:-k a tr"pee- i-Uy i f TrarxiNrc, pacxii-tg Lo;.dhi Cais ru; lnu: sea us or CTJ And J'. C M-IAKEK & SO IT, Tolephone 72, - - Flattsiao-a.t5. -CO TO- H. P. Whisler's, A x Thq City Bakery, t-;: i i:-. New Ere; land ftvrt a p.! a fH a 4 W bbl rielii'S pri-'Ciired the ?nie.- of I. J. strayer. of Oma'n. wh se r-;a il;y ia In making this ligu, ease. Clgeotcl. ZSTTJ TBMTIOUS Purchase a five or ten cr-nt lonf ai d you will convinced o; i.s Mem. Drs. Cave fc Smith, the painless denti-ls, will be rc idy for business Apiil 27th. Olllce in Union Block over Citizens Bank. GASH BL Bargains I Ho' clc it Co., li.-ive Miexi eh (1 JiNxck Sc J'inJ sail with "A 9 - AND SUMMKR TO DO A BED -RO; K -- 01 Pr.OTAlUZUX BUSINESS MEN. j i"n: -. i.i: -on r.-as i,m:,; ! ileceo ai tlie N. W. ciii ii. r oi I'-rsii m y rei i t'.hn and lllh KH. Sai l property eon dst -i of !'!: v. i 1 1 1 a L'ood I oo;n, I w n ai id well and eity : Ftory and a Ii.i'.f house f -i. 'roles and one p i:.liy i water ; t-WVPty-M'Vi n l.ej.iln;. 'I pie 1 1 rei, lied i!! I.iixll. If i. ii a i i;. an aouiii.aiiee s.aa I fr, H N. St'I I.IVAN. i;ve i i . - led i.i ii.,. ( i: rr. l'l:.ltM'' oct!.. t! or err r ii ti i:. I y a I AVill i a'! 1,'i.f iiK sf 'i' !ii';n I'doid., h.-.ct i. Sollt'lC St I j'.IM 1 r sr tion 1 1, lownshii) ee ;,..'. Noi'thwest I", range l i; r quarter ser ti.n S. piic: -2,0l). tov. n.-iiiji 1 -Jt i angi; 10; Yi'iMdiA?.' i'c D vii :s. n v liii" of Briissill at the D.ivlight store. tf. . I --t leceived caiptii :a.d n:g If it real i !..t yon v.-i.!, ('; Willd Ipini oo Dav'ps' c.,I'iiii!i on nnd page. Jot receive ti !v,d eases .Ic Vv'i. e kbaoh's. A large mount of remnants Calico at tf. ill Die e.Too. i.-i iiro i iiiiL;!i ims. l iieis Week bach's. very low : tf. Firo Insurrnco written in trio Stn?!, Phoenix end S-?anforrl by Windhpm l Davics. Call ; n I examir:" our holies Short bo kets, tii latest t-h-ielfs at J. V. WVrk-!)a(-!i"s. tf. Our slock of Mi no I prices low. ;it liiii' i v yi : y Comjil; to the Daylight store. tf. -No more j) ii i:s. (.'avi-it Smith of (Ir-u :ir.i". it i, 1 I-Und, Neb., foinui ij' of Ci u 0!iio, ::n: opening up ele.unt dentd loo ns, in Uuio i Block over Cili- z 'us b iiik, where they will Ii j prepared to till, or cxlrart teeth, wit hunt tiiej least pain. Their n .'w proc ;ss of ext rict ing and ilil in g teeth is juitenteil and e on trol'ied by them only. They come highly recoinmeiideel from Grand I-l.iud wh-ro they have b en for nearly tv i year, this bbing ilv-i third oiii-c i.i N ;r t-k-j. they have opened and ::ro iw;v control- ii5- B?S3s Cherry Courjh 3yrup. I the only iiK-dieine Ih it acts directly on the Luiig-. Blood nnd lieves a cough instantly effect 3 a permanent cure. Smith oc Co., druggists. Bowels, it le itnd in tinia Sold by O. I. iu, d w. Call and see v.h:;t Dr?. Cave is Smith can do for your old aching teeth. Aching t.-olh can be Mie.-essfully treated jind jillrd, and be made 1 i-t tor year:-. Old roots crowned u, and ma 1 a look beautiful. Teeth extracted, ami artificial teeth inserted at once, and mad look as natural a3 life. Ollie e in Union Block over Citizen's Bank. LOVE'S' IMAGINING. Dear love. I f i:riet;-:ies think ho'-v It would be If tJ'on H.'iouidst love nie; if. on such a day, J day-of v. -jader: thou slioul I.-t come aad say, 1 1 r.e the..; or but me uess tliy pla--If onee thine eye:; :,houM l.ri;;!ite!i s'iil lenly; If ou ihy step should o delay JiecT.n-- cf n:e; if inc thy hand should stay " J A neeI!e:-s ii-..-tat.t in ir.y own! Ah. me! ' l"ro:n such i.nujrir ia.rr I v.-a.? and Kia:t, Ar.i' d.i'.l .'ia 1 worf ;i.-;s li;V"s eiid '.iors Uef-jre the lender Ltiiiiiy of ir.y dream Aad tlion I v. hiper my impatient heart. 'R.; still. !o. co:T:''ir?.ed. O l-.eart Of ritne?: Thou art net all t-reft; t'...-i'&'iiii i lljiiii." Hop "till C:.uMu in 7'Ue Outury. ft. f uus:u.v.-.T m Flirty white chair li.lic Ui.-.i arc aTways lecomin-r imfa-sceacl n:id setting torn, to the mortification of vigors, Lavo ct lent Fu?cumbed ta the rt.rm of aLuso and nr now Wing discarded by sensible LoiiaeUeei f rs. A substitute for t.-ieifi, thut i at ccice t protoetiou for hand -o:j:--s iurijiturc ur.J an or nama.nt, c. n bo made ed" two l-road bands of plusb, say dwp ruby cr-Sr, vk i U a'pufTtrJ ani Catherc-fland f rich at:'n (:ni:n:.l Kiiaelc) i.isert?d Let-o. ;i n:v Lordered with heavy laoe-. Thfo flan f.'tcnoJ to tho Lack of chair, and tvi it ij substantial ii will remain