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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1888)
IkflfJ CI L SI f ttt0tt FIRST Y ISA It PLATTSMOUTH, NFIIKASIvA, MONDAY EVENING, APKIL fi.'J, 1SSS. NU3IHEK 1815 III ' r' r. m. i -i ii kv . K t . l" ri i.Hso , .in. - l. il N I'l. VUK -AM iM K H I "I I I- Kltl W II Mai. i k Miioliiii. 1 .1 V W I K If AC II Coii'i--il.nii, Is w.iiil, 't A . .M.'muiiv I 1 .1 .): ' Mi:. V SHI I'M AN ) M it Mi i:r.iv I m W Hin i' N ' ' o N oil. II Cl l.l.f N . ritK MX sill Mayor. :icik. TrMiirT, Attorney, I.iin.-..r. I'oln l I .1 V .J l N rt - , H A I H M .. N lioaid rub. Work-? m ' '" u I U II llAivKs'Vdinii i GUi;jliY" Ol'FIGHIiS. Treas ir- r, I'e-iuiy treasurer, - Clerk. Jiepuiy Vl rk, H. cii'l'rnl ii.'i'ih I'epuiv .I t tM.TK of Im-Ii ici. (.' irt, Mieriit. -8-irveyor. - Attorney. Huot. of I'uli Scli'MiU. County 4 ii I;!;. liO A no oK fUI' A. It. Tll. Lot'is I'-. 1. 1 .. Cll'lll., A. II. li K.SoV, l A. iriKi.i. Tllos. I'ol l.ix'K I'llMt ( nin ilr II l.u 1-..A t'ltiuti i-1 M.l W. II. I'ool. Jo I .V M I.K.YIA W. V. J.C KlKKNIlAHl A. M tlHII.K A I.I.KN r.K.KH H M A V.N AKI Sfl N K O. UUSSICl.l. KltV IS'lllS. riAttsiiniutii Wecpiin? Wslt-r K. in wood GLVIG SOGIJ-VJ'-K tIAHH I.DIM5K No. 1 1'. 1 . O. F. -Meets 'every Tnr-day evcnliiu of each wck. All transient Lrotlirrs aie ro-pecUuily invited to attend. 1ILATT.MOI TI1 KNCAMTMICNT No. ::. I . A O V.. incei cveiy alternate I-richly In rach inonili In ill- Ma-onic H ill. isitnijj Jtrotlieis are 1 vlled lo attend. MWUO I.OIICK S . l. A. O. II. W.Meets 1 every altrru-u Friday eveninir Ht W. of 1 . hall Transient l.rolliers are resieetfu!ly i- vllf.l toallend K..I Morj?!tii.M.istcrAorkiiiaii ; K. rt. Nar-Mw. Foreman ; Frank lir.n. Over eer; 1. Il e. Cuide : Jeoii;c lloii-wortli. Keeordcr; II. .1. .l.hns.ii. Financier; JVa-li. Smllli. Ki eeiver ; M. Ma) bnulit. Tact M. W.; Jack liautherty. Ii s'detiuari?. 1 VHH CVMI X0.3.-K. MODKUX WllDDMHN VV of in.-ri.T l Mrt tifiTOi'il :m! f 'Hilli M'!l d ay evnini at K. of I. hall. AM traiisienl brothers are re.-iiesH-d to iu-fi with n. I.. A. Newe.t;cr. Vei..-rlde t'.oisul .. V. Worthy dvis.T; 1), II. Siniui, h Hanker ; N . C. Willetts, t'lerk. IlI.VTr.SMOiTIH I.)Im;K N. a. A. O. I.-. W . M-eli- i-v.-ry alt-mate Friday at Ilorkttood h.illat hiiVIihw. All traiinU-iit Lrotli er are respiM-ifully invited hi attend. I., s. I.srsoii. M. W. ; F. Iloyd. Foreman: S Wll.le. K.-corder ; Leonard Aiid.-rsuu. verst er. McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R. KOHT F. K. J. W. .loitxsox ..t'o-nmander. 5. S. Twins F- a. nTKs, l!r. NlLK.s IIZNitY sritKioiir. MauiS Ihv.v th ki.ks f hi KltV. .. .1 ri tn ;. ii :. t V. ..Senior Vice .Junior ' Adjitai.t. .:: ..... m nViet-rof the i i :nird .-iU't M .j"!-- '.".in m r Mas or Semi. L. V. CcuriH. . - tfu'liii-r -Ttur hy ve'ii'i.i 3L.A.W OFFICE. P rsin:il atU-lltloll Jo my t-are. to all r.i:siii" Knlrut- r.lKV IV l'"r'M'K TUU-- !: v:ni -!. '-a t .iiipi!'iJ.-!:i-suranci Written, ' fa I K-til so'd. Hotter Fai-Hiries for niakini; Farm Loans 1 1:" Anr Otlicr Agency. K.V.. M-iiiam. J.iiiv A. Paviks. Notary Fublie. o!u!y Public. sViXiisA3: a. d vviiw, .-ttoL-naya - at - Tavr. ridi-e oer i;.i.k tVa County. PLVTrsMOLTIl, - " NKBHASKA. H,E.Pa!mer&Son GENERAL IHSUaA; CE i&EHlS Rppre??:it t!to following trii l .1:1 1 fire-testeil comp time- American nraJ-S-. Loirs, Assets Coiiinir i.d Eu!aiid. Fire As.k! i I n-P;ll ideliU:a, Franklin- I'lii ri !.-l;!il , Home-Nf v York. ' Ins.C.of vort'.s A:nilci. Phil. " Llyeri!&L i I in k ;.ihe-ng " Nrt!i British v Mrrc ialle-EQi " Norwich rnlon-L.i.'I.iii 1. " 8priiiiQell F. & M.-Srin.jfloM. " SLOW. 100 2 .):.;." t4 4,1 3.11T.lf6 8.t:t.3;2 3.17S.75I 3.041.015 Twtal Assets. S12.U5.774 LAijuStnl uaPridaUlnAgriicy mm YOU WAHT our 37- n WUE DOM; ur 1 CALL ON Cor. 12:h au l Gr m'te Street.-:. Conlrcctor and Builder SepL 12 Gui. A Sleeper Burnoct. Haiiijy. Ncli., Apiil 22. Tlie hlci-per Wati viin t cauylit lire bix miles oust of lure, at 8:-M a. in., t.i.lay. All tin- pass- ; r iix.aji il with their tffctts. Tlie ! frar vas entirely :iiiMiiuctl. All the lcl- liiig. etc., was lo-t. N one was injured. I.o.-, ? 10,000. Oostroyod by a Prairie Fire. Oah.ano, Ni-I.. Ajiiil 122.- X )ruiriu (irt; near town this ivcniiijj ilestroyej u Vivc-iicn: tract of Mack walnuts, caltal pas, mill koiiik large cotton woxl trees, ulsu ciiiilwo-jil liL-loiiijing to Ati'lrew Moiell. The laina(8 art: not known hut will be great. Tim lire was set by A. llclund. Another Assault on a Scab. Nkisiiaska City, Nel., April 22. Another murderous assault was made on n .scab (iivninii here l.i.-t nilit named Fiank Shea, lie was employed in the "Q" yards ut East Nebraska City. lie was ordered off the t-trevts a number of times by brotherhood eymputhizers, and refusing was assaulted, and would un doubtedly have been killed but for the timely interference of a citizen, who was passing. S!iea" head and body was a mass of bruises. Liter, Paul Martin, a discharged policeman, sua arrested for participating, but released by Chief of Police Wiutoa aud Shea, the victim, ar rested, lie is now in j iil to shield him from mob violence- Other arrests will probably follow. They Do Not Drink- Oakland, Neb., April 22. Decatur, in the northeast p-jrt of Hurt county voted tiiis spring in favor of license and thirty freeholders who favor snloona can n. t be found in the town to sign the saloon ineii'it petition, so Decatur goes dry for another year, despite the majority of voters. Tekamah voted in favor of license by thirty-seven majority and will also jo dry, as the city "dads" are 014 a tie and the mayor cannot vote. O.ikl ird has two saloons in full blast, bvdh paying down $1,000 and will be the only town in the county having saloons, but it :s thought, by the assistance of West Point and Hooper, th t she will be able to saliefy all in Hurt county who ui ive the stuff. Brutal Murder of a Ndgra. IIolstox, Tex., April 22. A cold bio ided murder vas ccniinitted jester d.iy evening at Color County. A white man named Lewis Huiugarner. who has Iilm h s.uv rintendiiig work at tin- co il bin on the Southern Pacific road, hail .1 n.'gro nanud J. H. Williams at work under him. iUtmgarner has been in tlit hubit of ciir.-ing and abusing tli ncgio, whieh-tiii; d.irky had heretofore subnii-Zively !jrn -, but 011 yesterday he exhibited more manhood than usual and gave Hj'ngmKT so:ni of the sun? talk, which angered Humgarrier and aroused his mif.-ds-.rivas propensities. Hurng uner d -parted, an.1 soon returned with a dou-b!e-b;ii tcI d shotgun, the contents of which hi discharged into the breiwt of the negro, kiding him instantly. When fie negro saw Buuigarner approaching v,ith the gur lu threw up his hands and pleaded piieously for his life, but his plea was unavailing to check the mur derons intents of the determined Bum 'rui;r. After commtitini; tha tnurdcr Uumg irner tied, and h:3 not yet been ar rta 1. Cuba Terrified. Key Wkst, Fi t., April 22.- The latest intelligence from Cuba is alarming, ow ing to the fact t!i4t Captain-General Martin, is allowing himself to b3 guided by a paity '.aiming to be great Spanish patriots, 'I'd - entire, liberal press of the island has been suppressed and consti tutional rights d.-nied them. They hencefoith will not be allowed to pub lish any acts of kidmpping, murder, arson or any other act com.iiittcd on the island. The two otliciai organs of the jfort-ra'neut "''ill continu: as heretofore. Martin now wants to make it appear to the eyes of the worl I, especially to the Madrid government, that these kidnap per an 1 other bandits arc being incited by Cuban lu idars in order to again be gin a war to give Cuba her liberty. Thia is by nu means correct. The fact is the bandits are doing as they please. List week fires destroyed six or eight planta tions. This week there were two or three more, including one in the city of Sagua, in which tifty h-.niuos were burned down. The people now living in Cuba are terriQ-d. not knowing at what mo ment th'y may I12 murdered in cold blood by bandits or government troops, who make in my mi-takes and many iq noeent people are kill.l by their stupidity. 1 I PICTURE FORCING. IMToTING THE OLD MA3TERC" o:f L n:cHT in new yor::. 9itki'ier K)tirl..ii l'liiilins anil Sisail- 'J l-.em uitU tli Namci ft 1 uniot:s Artist, An Art In Iturlf How It la Done. "DM yon know that picture forging on a ficalo was lieiug done right here in New York f" ok k etl a well known cuuiioiseur of a rei-rter iveently. j The iej)orter did not know it ami asked for j the partictilarseoneeriiinK such nn cutc-rprim I "it is a shameful truth," continued the writer's informant, " that there are at least half a dozen artists in this city unknown to the public as such, who ar-s constantly en gaged in making spurious paintings and sign ing such work with tho names of famous art ists. The men who niako theso bogus pict ures are. all young as artists go talented, and without an exception have received tho Lest training afforded by tho foreign schools. It is within their means to make for them selves enviable reputations, but their love for ready money is groatcr than their ambition. They have long and carefully studied the works of those noted painters whose pictures they imitate, and for which there is a con stand ami ever-increasing demand. They produce a finished painting on an average of ono a month. They imitate the work of such painters as Rousseau, Dupre, Daubigny, Millet, and Corot, putting on their canvases every idiosyncrasy of theso masters' han dling, copying tho mannerisms and using tho i-ainu combination of colon, all of which thoy have reduced to a flno state of perfec tion. They know tho favorite subjects of the great painters, and make only such pict ures as are jxjpular and get big prices. AN AUT IS ITSELF. "The forging of an artist's signature is an art in itself. The American picture market is flooded with these spurious paintings by artistic counterfeiters. The latter often re ceive large sums for their most clever imita tions, which are sold to unscrupulous dealers, who in turn sell them to wealthy but iuexr I)erienced amateurs, who believe they are purchasing the original work of the master whoso name occupies a conspicuous corner of the canvas. If by any chance, however, tho amateur finds that ho has been swindled he will tell no one, as such a rcvelatio.1 would reflect discreditably upon his knowledge and good judgment as a collector. "Fioture forging is rampaut in Europe, and tons of bogus old masters and not a few forgeries of modern ones aro annually turned out and quickly bought up by par venu collectors. Such despieablo business is comparatively new in this country. I know of one picturo forger who devotes himself ex clusively to painting landscapes in the man ner of Corot. Ho has a stcreotyjMJd subject ; a river shoro view, with a single tree, a white cottago clearly reflected in tho water, and a sky of scui ryhij clouds. This man is con? tinually grinding out such a picture, seldom varying tho subject, and so dexterously imi tating tho unique brush work of the great Frenchman that none but an expert or siecial student of Corot's work can detect the diffcr enco between a genuine jainling by the kilter, pf a si;:iilar! subject, and a fraudulent picture by this clever counterfeiter. lThQ latter lives in tho greatest style, surrounded by every luxury that money can procure. Ho has a hor.t of friends who suppose him to bo a retire-1 broker, and entertains them right royally. lis has his ttudio on the top Coor of his palatial residence, and there surrepti tiously paints li! bogus Corot landscapes. He receives enormous sums for hi3 work, but is an extremely unhappy man, living as he docs in constant fear of exposure and arrest. He is, however, moro fortunato than his brother counterfeiters, who are for. the most part under the thiimb of a dealer, arid being a degree less clever and audecious, bareiy able te eke out a comfortable living by the means of their pictorial frauds. Itisahighly unsatisfactory occupation, to say nothing of its baseness-and consequent dangers." Xow York Evening Sun. An Artful Docltr Caught. Mrs. Hickc-Lord has b?n "Soing a part of the season at AVashingtou. A well known lady con-espondent called on the wife of a Tepresentativ e and said: "I am dying to call on Mrs. Hicks-Lord and describo her apart ments, but I don't know her and haven't anybody to introduce me. Now, if you will let me have that lieantifi Tbjt c-t euiirpideryr on the table, 1 will go on pretext of show ingittoher and getting her to order on like it." " - . Tho T-argain waq struc, Tho enterprising newspaper woman seized tho attractive souvenir, and made her way to Mrs. Lord, who received her pleasantly, even after sha had announced her errand. "This is lovely 1" she exclaimed. "I should t.hink ypu w ould stay at homo and do as much as you could and sell it in the "stores. How much does such a stand cover as this bring, for instances!" "sell these for fl-v? carelessly answered tho scribe, casting furtive eyes about the room and taking on inventory of furniture and wardrobe Dear mef exclaimed the millionaires: i'lo! how cheap 1 HeiVs the money 1"' count-; ing it out an once. " t'Oh, dear nol I can't sell this! This is already spoken for and promised. But I will make you one like it," said the terrifled visi tor, reaching for the embroidery. Vigo home this very day," said Mrs. Lord, 4iand I must jiave this. You can make Mrs. 1Vhatshern&ma another," and she calmly went and put it in her trunk and resumexj. her packing. The correspondent had not energy enough tP recover the property, and When she appeared before the obliging owner she was grievod to hear; ' -Oa, well, its very nice to gratify your curiosity, but that em broidery cost ine $S4!B New York Mail and Express. A Big Fire Averted- Aubcrx, Neb., April 22. The city had a narrow escape fi-om destruction by fire this afternoon. About 5 o'clock fire was discovered in the corner of the buildiDg occupied by Willard "s hard ware store, but was put under control before much damage was done. It was a narrow escape, ns a brisk wind wa9 blowing. FORTUNE'S FLOWER. Ah, Norali. yet tho grass Is wt 'tis early times yiii're out I And, ft'ire, the sun aud you, ruy pet, should lijht us turn ti out. Tho buds nnoiir', the swallows whirl, you ler.d tho your astray; And what 'h the happy news, my pearl, that warms your heart to-day? Ah, can't I trace the darling: face I've loved for ieuty years? Aud don't I know tho April grace 'where smiles just touch the tears? There's sre galore your basket fills of bios.,oins golden Kay, But more, ashore, than duiTodills you're brinjcing Ii' niie to-day ! A four leaved shamrock! happy hour! that prom ise must come true; And lucky Uowor that owns the power to bring Rood luck to yon ! At other's tread it hides its head, and crouched away in fear, And pushed its four leaves forth instead t!io mo ment you drew near. And what's the boon the omen brings? for wealth you u never beek; And henith and bloom were mocking things to sueh a Mayday cheek ; A secret's cheap those eyes would keep!-,1 know tho happy lad But, Oh! on'j r;.f.:re. ilee4 .! ! ...e a couuty sad. C'assell's Maga-due. l'Hstrjr of the Oceun. A reporter debarred from his usual call at Delmonico'.s, lunched at one of th(j coffee saloons of Park row. At his table eat an old sea bronzed sailor, who sud denly made the unappetizing inquiry of: "Did you ever cut any lamp oil dough nuts!'" "Positively, never!'' replied the re porter, with a slight gasp of horror. The oid man smilingly said: "Well, they're better than these greasy things on our plates. In my young days I was :i whaler, and the captains of whaling ships used to give prizes to the mec; something for .sighting the first whale, or striking a big 200 barrel fellow, the fastest boat's crew, aud so on. After a ship had stowed her first 1,000 barrels of oil, the crew would pet a barrel of Hour as a present front the captain. When we tried out our next sperm whale's blubber, the cook would take n lot of our flour, roll out u big batch of doughnuts and cook them in the hot, boiling oil and first rate they used to taste when eaten with molasses. You, ceo tho oil when fresh is just us sweet as lard, and besides you must con sider that it is not fish oil at all, for the whale, you know is un animal. " New York Tribune, A Cheap I'lreproof Stable. A correspondent of The Hartford Corr ant relates what he saw in Frankfort, Germany. The loft of a stable had burned out, and he asked for the horses, thinking that they must nil have per ished, but he was assured that Ibv were in the stable and. idi i'ight, for uo smoke nor heat could touch them. After" everything was burned in the loft, he made an inspection, and found that the stable was practically fireproof They had in its construction use; v-V. railroad ties, placing them three ami a half to four feet apart, and then put arched corrugated iron between tho ties, and filled in with ft mixture of cinders and lime, making it deep enough to pro tect the ties. The trap or door to reach the loft was made of sheet iron, filled in with the same compound. This kiM oj fireproofing is very chean ad, according to the writer-, is very' effective. Scieutilio American. Tho French Pronunciation. A Boston girl who has been viiillng it seems queer, but Hoston people go every where at Newark, N. J., had been study ing French for mouths before she went on the visit, and had flavored all her iniaU nations and perceptions, sq to speak, with French. In driving about the town, where, it hardly needs to be said, there is a largo German population, the Boston girl noticed oyer- th3 doors of a great many establishments the sign, "Lager bier." "Tell me," said the Boston girl, after inspecting one of these curious signs (o the 100th time, "does M. Lfihjiay beeyay own all. tho stores in "Newark?" New York Tribune. Not That Kind of a rioiYer; A young mother living in Detroit has one charming little daughter named Lily, who is very fond of playing out of doors, The other day she came home covered with mud, :-Oh, oh!' said her mother, severely, "can it be possible that this is my good little girl, my sweet, pure Lily of the Valley:"' "No, mamma," answered the little trirl, sorrowfully, "I guess Fm, your' bad, naughty Lily of the Alley now, "Detroit Free Press. Two Men la Gray. A New York letter carrier in his regu lation gray suit with brass buttons wa3 sitting by the side of an elderly gentle man who wore a slouch hat. "Your suit has t familiar, look to me," remarked the latter.' "Where were you a letter carrier-" asked the distributer of mail matter. "I never was a letter carrieVi but I wfl in the Confederate army, and occasion ally I gnt over more ground in a day than you ever do." Texas Sif tings. Not a FIcaant Revelation. (Time, 8:30 p. m. Present, M?- Jones, Miss Belle and. little Effied Miss Belles-Is it not about time that you go to Ied, darling? Or are you going j to stay and retire with me to-night? Littla EfSe No, me hain't " going to stay wif oo no more. "Not And why, dear." Little Effie Tause oo snore. Mr. Jones looks uncomfortable. Bing hamton Republican. The Fatal Camera. It i3 said that the body of a man with his head twisted off was found in an alley way back of a Chicago photograph gallery. The coroner's jury brought in a verdict pf '-'found dead," "but they cen? sured the photographer for not being more careful when posing his customers. 'New York Commercial Advertiser. O. &. M. Time Table. Ci'IMI WK-T, No. t. r, ::n n in. No. :.- - : to , in. No. !l :. .1 a In No. 7.--7 : la !. in. No. - ; :I7 . in. No. 1 1 - ii :'.'. a. in. ici Ml IAS' Nil. 2 I :J. III. I. o. l - in :;( ;i. mi No. C i l.'i In, No. ;U ' ' No. il - -;t .t; a. In No. I J. 'j :ln . i A 1 trai H i daily by wav of ' ln;iha except Nos 7 ami s which i un to mill from M ini; ler daily txi'i jit isi.nd.iy. No. 'in is a i-Iiili lo rai i!:c .ltnn-1 ion at x .".n a lu. No. p.i Is a stub from I'.ieiic .Iuim imp at II a in. Pi-OMISEKT LUEINCSS MEM. FOIl l i: !):i re is iim'.iIc t ! in my le-l-deiice on the N. V . corner of I 1m and lllli Sts. Said propel tv cii-sts ot '4 block wilh a uond etory !iinl a h lif h-nise .f -Ik rooms, two ward robes and pa:. try ; j: n. well and city water ; t wi-nty-Hi'ven hearing apple trees, and au ahuiidancK of sina'l fr.'it ol 'all kinds, tf P. i. 15.V IKS. C3rO X'O Win. Morold & Son TT'-Tr-5. Dry (tes. liciioiii Urn M M;ocs or Ladies and Gmts FUKNISHIM3- (JOOI)S. lie keeps as large und as will smxjznZsroirjL stock As can be found any place hi the city and make you 1'iiccs tli.t il fy t-iti 't i': imi. A;;ents for HarWs Bazar P ttcraj end Ears Corset. C. F.SM1 T H, The Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Merges" Sin e Store. llas the best mid nios-t comph te stock of samples, both fin-ugn mid domestic woolens that evercann: wot of Missouri river. Note thi so prices: Business suits from $1(5 to $:!.-, d.- ss mils, ?2r to 45, pants $4, ;, C,.r,0 and upwards. CiaTWill gitai antctd a lit. Prices Defy Competition. Dr. C. A- Marshall. ! fiMTISTI Vitrei vaii.m f natii- 1 t 'elh a Fp ecialty. ftii tjttudi 'i I'.HIn.nt in in In ukc uf Lattyhipg (lax. All work waiTi titcd. I'tioes reasonable. Ft i.c.H.KAi.irs pi. u I'i, tinvoutii.Xfh ISTjBW ICS IMZIElSr V- e have our house li'led v. i fi A FINE QUALITY OF ICK, Aud ;;vo prepared deliver it d?.il to oui cus tom :s ii: any ii;iiit l y ('oinv! . ALL ORDEr'S PE-JMPTLT TILLED. l--uo erdeis with J- X''- BSAU Td Zr: XsrCTD 2F . At t'tore on Six ii Street. We mnk a Spec ially of CUTTIK r. C IZ 1 1SJ G And Loailiii;.; Cars. '"or ttrins see us or V!;te. If. C M-2Iil2?:K U. SON, Telephft;p7it - - Plattsinouth. -(JO TO- H. P. Whisler's, AT The City Bakery, FOliFINn New England Home Made Bread. lie has priit-iircd ih services f I. J. Strayer, of Oui.ili i. x. I)e e sp;'i'ia'!y is in making tliislish', e;'.siiy liigested. NTUTfilTIOUS SE,S-A.X) Turchase a five or ten cent loaf and you will be ecr.viiiced ot i;s merits. SSI QtpA . HEPEDpOHMG Bead fcr Clrcalar. FOR SALE B"5Z & 1'HQDES Orralia, XTab. (Name this i aper in yonr order.) Heal Estate bargains EXAMINE Ol' It LIST. CoNKIs'l INU K CHOICE LOTS I 2T South - Park 21 lots in Thoinpon's addilion. 40 lots in Townsend's addilion. Lot 10 block loH, lot j block 104. Lot 1 block i, lot fi block Vi. Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block !. LOTS IN VOLMI AMI y.Ws' Al IHTION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in fill puts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence iu South Park, can be bo.ight on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and see if we cannot suit you better. LANDS. 5 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adjoining S' nth Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. ii acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres mar South Pink: Se sec. 14, T. 10. I!. 12, Cass county, price fl, 800, if sold soon. n w i Etc. H. T. 12, H. 10, Cass Co., price $2,000. A valuable improyed stock fraui in Merrick Co., Neb., 1G0 acres and on rcosonuble terms. Windham & Davies. INSURANCE Consult your bct interests (y insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or -Etna com panies, about which there is no question a3 to their high standing and fair dealing. TOKNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of st(ns we have already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1S83. Call at our office anel secure a Tor nado Policy. L'nimproveel lands for sale or exchange. WIHOHAMft DA7IBS PLATTS MOUTH, NEB. - r