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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1888)
IMteiiiiiStiil) I: i if FIRST YKAU l'IiATTS3IOUTII, MSUJtASKA, FKIOAY EVENING, APK1L, SO, 1888. NUMIJISK 181 1 1 M. I ll II KY w K Vu " J-VMKi I'ai i i ki:k .n. .ii'. A .Maimh.k i I ' t K fr'O It II - S V II Mali .k .. .. ' Cou'ioilmeu, Is. v.- ml, -t A .. A!1!. ,ii;uv I f ' IV ... 1. t. I ' II 2..1 Ith ) l M I iK. Mlli-M.VS ) M it Jlu ::! I r W lu i I - N ) ip'i'OHMIII. I l" M C I.l.fc i'KKH Boaid I'uli. V.'urk-J i isi': ; ii' I 1 II ll .WV l i l II -: ; TreaiuriT. Jtuiy I'leiiirer, - Cltrk. lit-puty C'li-rk, itficur.ler i.I Wi imI.h 1'ttputy U rc icisr ( Ikik ui in-tiiot Co art, Mieri;!. Survfyor. Atturney. Sutit. of ruli. Seh'jiilii, County Ju U 5. 1 A. I'AMI-HKI.I. illiK. I'ol.l.ltl'K I'IIMi l A t'UI IVMH KI.U W. M. fool. Jo in M I.kvua W. ,'. MIOWAbTKIt J. C tiKKsimn a. Maiioi.k A I.I. KM liKM".N Mav.nakh Sunk V. Hcsski.1. HOAItl) I K IfLI'KltVIrtDllH. A. B. Toon. - - - ruttmoutli Iajuis K ii.r.. Ch'in., Wi-epln' N at-r A. U. Il Krt.l.V. - hllllWOO.I GIYIG SOGIlial.15S. lASS IOitw- N". U'i. I O. ). F. -Meets Vi-vi-I ... ! v .v j t.I f:ic'l W'fl'K. All trannii nt lir-Uuis aie rt-r-ifi ruliy iuviicil U BtllMxI. JUTTMOI'MI KNCAMI'.VI'NT N...3. I.O. II K !i,i-i V--:' a i-lnic ii"i:iy m t t . i y ii isitiui e;l'h Ir.ulilli in ill" M.i"iil'-; lir.. ):!! i.rt- i vlici ' attend- rruio l.oi'i:: X . i. a. o i .. 1 ,-vitv U'-i i i' rri.l.iy evi-iiini: at K . t-1 I hall. Tr:i'ii-i:i l r l ! . i ir i..-s.-i irii!ly l;i- vil.-lf i-iUi-ii I M n'.Miiiii ..IK; K S 11 ir-t i-.k-. r.-r.-i-aii ; l-Tasik Hnii. ovr r-r; I. H..VC-. ':u;te: IIh-mIi. lCroirii-r ; II. .1. .l-.iin"". bi'iaoeMT ; .a-li. Smith, Ki-ei-v. r; M. Ma l.r'jd t. f; t t. W.; Jaeiv I;.in.heitj . li.s'de t.iwn;. CAS- : vA!i X! at. ioi)i-i:N whodmpn i. Aim-i i.' t --.M.:etsM-eiia -ni l f 'iirtn Mn day rvfiila-i at K. if I. hall. All traiijifi.l l.rollier- alf reiiist-il to ii;e't with n.". I A. NVi:. iter. Vener ibl-! Crnnul : !. f . Wuriiiy V'lviser; l, U. Smitli, ll.uikei ; w. C. Willetw. fleik. 1l7vTrsM')liriI I.OIMJK N'V H. A. . IT. V. M -etn ev.TV alti-rnatu 1-ii.l iy evening jit KiMkM-iutil tiall .'! s iVl.ic . All I ransient brut 11 rr are ri'i !) t fully b-vlti-il mi attriu!. l- I.Mrsoll. M. W. ; K. Hovd. Koreiuau : i. t Wil.le. lieoriter ; Leonard Anders-in. i ivetsr fr. WlcSONIHlS P03T 45 G. A. R- HOST 11. .1. V. S tints ... ..' -'sinandi-r O. s. Twi w .....s, ice l. a. i;at, ui. hoi 4 I trtt. Nil. KS- ' HZi:V SI KK.HJll f hl i.s li;. IM i Cir i!i.w- rut"... ' ...Aaj.-tu-1 ! . jiift-r r tin; in, ml Srrt M.ij 'f. im'ir cr Miw'rr Serit. ro-.t t'liai-l viii .I.',lllrl;'. K.MVK. Is. .t'ClfM. !; -at-ir.l.iy i-ve-n-i OI. 1 BROWNE, Xj W OFFICE. r rn.iial at'entlim to uii Busine-s Entrust to my care. XOTARY I OJ-'FICK. Tttli I'x i"ilui-d. !staict 'onipi:e.l. In surance Written, l eat Klatt; trM. Better Facilities for inak'ui!; Farm Loan than Any Other Agency. B. B. Wi iiU4M. John A. n.wiK. h'litary I'ublie. Notary 1'ublie. 0;iiie ovr Kmk if fa- Cumty. rLATTSMOLTll, urn 0 H.traimef& GENERAL iHSUittr.CE K?p:-e2at the fallowing time trij.1 mil tiro-tosted companies: Ameri ' i " :i, As--ets Sl.-,".ie' Coinui.T .' V Fire A- '..i i ' rrt-I' i tl l-iil. 2 ..-?:." 4,li.".7i 3.1!7.1Cr. T ".' C.!:.U.TS1 3.1TS,75 J.'.MVtCfi s.eil.n'j r V. I 'lpilia. Pranklin VUi: : :. !; "ii i. llome-Xo '" V .. Irs. t? i, ot v.r: '.i A-i, v. Piiil. ' LlviTp.iolL -ilii i:i-i;'e-'.:!is Nort'l 15it'sti . Mre uilile-I'a -'orwlcli Uui in-iiai-'.i:!-!. SprinQeld F. M.-S-jrinsSel I, Tot.'A .V-sets.? WHEN YOU WANT -OF- CALL ON Cor. 12lh and Granite Streets. COIltraCtOr aild BUilder . . o,.. M.iyor, ::rK, Tr i iiri,r. Att.irii.-y. Kiisiiii,-r. l irrlnll. WI A Pet.lfled Body Exhumod. AfifsTA. Gn., April 19. A mobt singu lar tlincoviTj waa ni.i le in the Auufcta Cemetery today, lu luoonlanoe wit!i in- DtriK'tiutiH icceived from m -niher.s of the .r . -1 .. s rn . . . ... lamnjr, me n m inis ui n. i. u.iiaii. wur exlitnneil by CViiictcry Su;c:iiitfnlMit IJry.m, aiul Internl in h ilifT.-riiit sortioii. When the grave tlicr h'wl nneovi-rcd the coflin unrl went to remove it from t lie lravi- it wa foun ! that two men could nut hudjjo it. Usually after u liody has lain in the ground for scv ral years it be comes liyht, but it took six men to lift tlii.s one from the grave. This singular fact induced Supt. Dryan to investigate into the cause, and it was found that the body win completely pi trifled, and was as hird and solid and heavy as rock. It was in n wooden coll'm, and the top had decayed so that the eU-ss had fallen in on the faro. The weight of the glass had sdinewlint disliijurd th-j nose, but with this exception and the sunken appearance of the eyes, the fce pred intud its familiar appeai-aiiei. : When buried, however, th face was ck-an bliaven, and when looked at today it was covered with beard sever al iiK lies long. The faco was dark aud presented the appearance of iron, looking ii t unlike a metal cast. Supt. Uiyan and those present, after mukiug the ex amiu ition. proceeded to bury the remains in the new lot, but tho story leaked out tin evening and Undertaker Piatt and other will make an cff.irt to g.-t Ih- con sent of th; family to agun cxhunp tho body for the purpose of making a critical und M-ien'ii'ic examination. The rcmairs were buried less thau four years ago, and the short time in which petrification has occurcd is a remarkable and unusual case. f. Bit of Mob t--iyy. Stkani;, Xeli., April 20. rStrang was tlr? scene of a mob "Wednesday night. A partv claiming' to hive a mortgage on a stock of drugs took pcnceaUo ps,se.ST s:u of the same while th j druggist was out. About o'clock p. m., a mob of citi. us broke the buck and iuside doors down and took forcible possession of the pr.'niis-jjs. Til-? party in possession offer ed no resistance. There are various cx prcsMons if opinion concerning the out !o.k of Hk? tiling. The woods were to have been sold at public au -tion today. Tiie .:ile will ba h ive a postpoue ment for otli r conipilcat.d business. A Suraan's Hi:l- XottTii DeNJi, .Neb., April 10. Dr. A. P. Elwood. of this plice, performed quite a sci-ntffie and delicate of surgery this nftercoun by removing n grain of co'rn from t lie bronchial tube of a thrcc-vear old child of a farmer named McDauicls. AVhen t lie doctor took charged of his patient, to all appearances, the child was l ft lcss,' its breath having stopped. Quickly cutting open the child's windpipe, t tie surgeon soon sucr (eded in withdrawing the kernel r.nd :t present there is no doubt but that the child will recover. Cone to Work on tna Eikhorn. Fukmont, X. b., April 20.-- John Roche left here for Gknrock, AVyo., with three pile drivers and sixty men for the pur-pos.- of putting in the bridges on the ex tension of the Frci4ciit, Elkhorn & Mis souri Valley road from Clenrock to Fort Casper. This iiue cov'iiug a distance of ''liir'y-live mile?, was graded last year, and -is sum as the b ddg.-s are in McDon ald t Peafiold, of tljis city will begin to lay tiie iron, and the road will be opened and trains running as soon thereafter as possible. Kicked by Vicious Horse. lir.owNVJi.r.v:, Xl.!., April 20. Howard M'jL:ili!;:5. a y: uug man of this place, was kicked in the head by a vicious horse l:u-t tv-. nin and now lit-s in a criti cal condition at his home. Latest fid vices say his skull is fractured and the injury nrre s-rious th in was at first sup'd. Dr. Stewart, however, thinks it wil! n it provj fatd. The Dying Emperor. tsiLix, April 20. Midnight The cni:.erots condition is somewhat more favorable. His fever is lower fnd his respiration easier. The emperor did not leave his lad today, and accounts cur rent of hts f .-elings are distressing. He perseveres m transacting business, and does not cease writing. Tha "White Caps" Again. Locisaille, Ky.. April 20. -Riley i Whittcn and Enoch Lewallcp, with a j band of white cap3, went to the lious.i of i Richard Merritt. in New Albany, last ' ' evening, and drove Merritt across the liver to Louisville, abqsed his wife, and 1 1 severely a stranger who happened to be there. TO V.'iLL L. VlSliCrlin. f'.r !-.e r.e ; i -. ! !; v. Jic-i ..: ,..'.S t:.l t " i! .. i ''r. l.i: i f I j lj .. J. I l ;.- . -i-r i i i I... .'u ' ! r -: : C : 1 : :. t;." .; v.. '. .1, C. ; '.v..: i ::.:.;!.v.;;. ii f ' .. :: I:.. :!: .:t. -V. .-i .;.v. . i. -. ... i ; I. .'. :!. I. :'....'.'. -i- i i A.. i . Trnv.-U-r. I :r ll".:-,tt rt lit i li'.-.t ;it. Ch!:-t S;:ii.rt:.i;i:;j t;:-:t iile-i-;o i b"':. r j witii I'io y.--ur,v.i t'.i, i.vt-1. t'.ia-i 2w 'Tii'; isvrx? w!i'ii!i tlifv have r.''.'.jtc.j thi sai.t J.'., "jTovi.I.-i u:i!y fur tafl' ,:.. ....,(.,,- i.u ,-r.:it u ;. i j:;.-.? t l::t lln iii ri. They u e v ry :::;i;-Ii tlic ra'ii" l.vl n:nl baleiiniu r.-s wo l . only t! r- t.'K'.a u; t fio roof hi i-v.-ry :'. V."i'!i i'l-: l-;;'i:!i t'jey h.tvi? a : :-i '-:" .-:;!;;.';!( v. I.'j'i ru:n i:p tin: sl.Ie f ' ijo In;:. ?. A:i fc.i;ri:i'! ea:i l-o jni'.at liio L'-t-!(' s. a:i 1 t!:i':i tli.: f::v;:i . i ea:i i-!i':il) up aad all n !V:-t: ) l of Li i.t - tin iv iKfiii'cd. I'uj ih-j j i;CJ :.;i'l t .ho fiiviuoa can r;. t l;iv -'.Jy s.t tlie thw it a .vs ura;rs,'iurr Lo.'j i:;' ' :iir.; or I ; IiVt.--. v:;r;.( fj"ii: work o: tLo l.;::! ;i:i-. r,?i'l iti i:vuy c:i'.. is h uiily forui.-ti i:i i.'.avni : u -ma i:ci;:!i!jri:: r Luilil- :i2-.i. I i siarrov." k'ti'I ;;ivt3 a ii:;t vr.te i-iia.ic; to o: roe i;-tt:.i o.-o f;:t!e i: h).i uw -i'.ii a uiio-.v a ivlu ill imos win iv ii U i:.u.'.l u;h:i IjuiltJings." I7t:w York UvcJiing Mun. Can for ttio I. i I:!:s. "T":c v.-..v!T-::i evi.lo:iiiy n-a:l ko::io iortioiig of the iie-.s!Ti;i: ;-j i!," said a cynical bacliclor. ,-A city pajyjr had tt little item in its eoliinias a fu-.v ilays a.-o tx the? efTot't- thai i'i-inco'iti Hi Witl u:i I her daugiiter ear-ri-.'.l silver headed canes v.'iilo walking. This morning I noticed half a dozen women who were plodding r.lonjr, and each ono was armed with a neat littlo silver headed cane. I venture to say that insid of a month it will be a great fad anions tho ladies of Chi cago. However, as it will necessarily velop a cra2o for pedestrianiMn, dcih't see that thire is any great need of objection to the fashion, even if it is aping tho ways of royalty and is but another form of Anglo manias'Chicago Tribune. Siia Loved tu ScoTcl. All old woman in New York, whose will is now being contested by her heirs, had H aid piwUeo. Likoa rjd many others cf her sex she loved to scold, but us she iHscssed about everything sba could wish for such opportunities to indulge in her favorite prae tico were necessarily limited. To remedy this defect, however, sho hired a maid to read her extracts from those news; rprs thaji fho pftrtiordai-ly Jislik ud thVii "soil Jed thtjgirl for tlieir contents. Thus tho girl was considered personally responsible for everything that went wrong throughout tho world. IIow sho bore the great load of responsibility is not state;L Philadelphia Times. A liVoi!irr;il AViigoti Itoud. Parallel to the railroad ran often the great trunk road, which, starting at Calcutta and ending at Pc-shawer, is, I suppose, the grand-: est yagon om ii tho wurkt 1,000 miles Jong, boautifully maeademized, everywhere smooth enough for a bicycle, and generally having a fine row of trees on either side, la thelowereountiesthesc trees are beautiful evergreen oaks, or some other of that char acter; up here tho bulbul or guniasalie tree, with its delieato mimosa leaf. We fre quently see long lines of camels slowly wend; i::g their wayt and large, caravans or asses und cows. Carter' Harrison in Chicago Ma;L Edwin Booth's Smoking; llali'ts. Edwin Booth is one of the most inveterate of smokers, and must spend a small fqi tiinij yearly in the jiululgeneo of his 'taste for tho fr-agram weed. Aa a rule he smokes cigars, and they are a particular brand, furnished hiiu by a manufacturer, and from which ho never changes. At home in his study ho burns a mixture of costly and fragrant to bacco in a great water pipe, and there- is a-; ways a littlo table spread, with a great array of pipes and'of all makes, from which his vis itor can make a choice if he prefers. Jfcw York Herald, lZcvlval of Roller Skating-. "There will be a revival of the roller s!:aV ing crazo this season," 6aid a well known dealer in sporting goods. ''But of Course ;b ndil not reach the irupurtipns ot a couple of years ago, when it was impossible for tho factories to keep up with the orders, Peoplo have not lost sight of the fact tha roller skating is healthy excrois, and there are already signs, judging from the orders wo are receiving, t at it has como to 6tay, as it should." Chicago Tribune, Ilmperor William's Coo!:. Emile Bernard, cook to the late Etiyperv TViliiam, since always consulted 'with hli imperial master in regard to the dishes of the day. The old monarch often asked the cook to cT.lain the -jonipositioa of certain dishes, and occasionally suggested an addi tional flavoring, which indicated to tho French chef that his niaj(jsty "could feel his niputhfuls as Well as swallow thera.'' Frank Leslie's. Hint to Housekeepers, IIous.ektepu-s who have been accustomed to judge of the age of a turkey ly the flexi bility of tho rear end of the breast bono will 1 . . . ..-.-..1 T ...-. i il.o f itnranniinliul . 1 1 "Y"1T dealers pound the breast bones of aged tur- j keys until the tip attains the flexibility conr i sistont with j-outh, and thus, render them marketable, -Chicago Herald, Earthquake Shocks Riviere Dn Locp, Quebec, April 20. At 12:40' yesterday morning- a slight ohock of earthquake was felt here. It passed from north to south and lasted three or four seconds. 9 St. Pattl's Bay, Quebec, April 20. A very strong earthquake shock wa3 felt here yesterday at 10 o'clock which lasted three minutes. Tl Sikh Stalwart Rac. Tho peoplo "from Benares to north of Delhi are much more stalwart and manly than are tho llengalese, but they in their turn nre greatly inferior to the men of tlm I'uiij i'o. This wtiod means and ex presses the country lying between tho live great branches of the Indus. In this country is a innguiflcent race of men. The Sikh soldiers in tho army tire the handsomest bixly of men I have ever Keen, a:id indeed I have never Been any Knro pean or American who came anything like being a perfect model of manly beauty as several officers I have seen in the native Sikh cavalry. Today we wit nessed the practice of a native regiment at company target shooting. Tho ol!iccrs ou horseback nre simply superb; afoot all show ono universal de fect among the entire people of India an almost total absence of calf to tho leg. liven in Punjab men and women have none. I can say this of the women be cause up here there are tvo things quite antipodal to our customs. Men wear what seem to be skirts and the women all wear trousers nnd very tight ones, too, below the knee. The other singular thing Is ono sees hundred.-! r-f m?:s w '.. brar.l dyed a brilliant red. A gray bearded mau Is rarely seen from Lahore to Peshawer, for they take on a bright vermilliou, evi dently not for the purpose of concealing axe, but as a sort of beautifier, Tho men of Punjab proved themwelves brave by giving England more trouble to subdue them than perhaps all the balance of India. But when once they acknowl edged the supremacy of their new rulers, like brave men they have showrj t'itm selves true. They have none of the ser vile demeanor of the Bengalee. They look a foreigner strnight in the face re spectfully, but with an apparent con sciousness of their own dignity. -Carter Harrison's Letter in Chicago Mail, Fus:-.iuut iuj bu( ageroim Sport. The most intensely fascinating nnd by far tho most dangerous way of hunting tho Bengal tigers is the way most of tho natives do it. They collect in throngs of hundreds nnd go to tho -woods, with half bred bull and terrier dogs, rifjea vf 4' cnliber and innumerable spears, nnd drive the tigers pt their jungles. The vicious dogs go iu and hound them and snarl and howl threateningly. The tigers are grad ually driven from point to point by thi howling dogs and r.brieking natives, and are Anally worfced, a gigantic and strong netting mue or ten feet high and with interstices seven or eiht inches square. Then the chetties, as these queer natives are called, range themselves along the Eiues, and when the tigers lune at them they nre met at every point by gleaming spears. Such howling ard snarling, combined with the shouts of the natives, sounds like the wailing of thy damned. The native wouif' ;re. vu hnd, too, and lend lh'i- 'h ft'1'' when the goYfi'ttiuca'it 6f!i?ers join -in the European ladies are perched conveniently iu trees, to lend a bit of life to the scene. San Francisco Examiner. A Card or. I'lioeosrraiiJs? "YCtM'd you rather have my card or my photograph " Two young men who had been discuss ing a bottle of wine in au uptown picture gallery were prepjirirtg to part,- 'Your card will do; I doat want to -put you to so much trouble." 4,Xo trouble at all. If you likeI'll pui my portrait on the back of the card." lie thereupon drew from his pocket a small rubber stamp and imprinted on the back of his card a very creditable likeness of himself. An inquisitive reporter, who overheard the dialogue, t0.o'ts. jmins the next day to leai.n to what extent the fad had gone, lie found that there are several concerns in the city where portrait stamps are made, imilar in style to the rubber stamps, containing one's name and ap pended to it it pocket lead pencil. These stnTips fcost from $2 to C'O each, and are from one to three inches square. All the stamp makers require is a tintype por trait of the customer nnd a money order. The stamps wear well and are much tU fected by young clerks unci Eusf snl& busi ness men. -New Yw-K Mail and Express. A Unite Kolcd Cavalryman. A small man, w ith a gray mustache, a fclouch hat over his blue eyes, and a walk no longer as chipper as it once waa, is recognized by few people here when be makes his occasional visits from, Wsii-. ington. He is Gen. Pieusviiton, whom many think one o? the greatest cavalry commanders of the war, and who un doubtedly fought aud won, perhaps, the greatest cavalry engagement of tho con test between the stales. It was at Brandy Station, where eighty regiments of horse men contended on one field with no in fantry or artillery nearer than ten miles away. Sometimes the battle Hags of hu contending generals were not fm-lWi cep a rated than the twp aides of Broadway. PleasQiiton, Kilpatrick and Custer were iu a single group. Detecting a crucial point in the opposing line, PleasontOA cried: "Custer, go right in there'," Cus ter's mounted band at o,ncs struck up 'The Star Spangled Banner," and in ten minutes he, had carried the position. Cus ter and Kilpatrick are dead. Pleasonton, barely 50 years of age, seems to bo out of gear with the world--rr-Cor, JCew York World, fho I'-mpress' Own" I'alace. At the distanco of a short drive from St. Petersburg is a charming miniature palace, owned by the empress, and known by th name of "My Own." It is in thQ midst of; lovely grounds, and 5 ft happy retiring place for the rpya family whenever they choose to come to It. LouLe Chandler Moulton. I2o3 Not Admitted. New York retail merchants find the dogs which are led by chains by f aahioaahle wo men such a mn'sauso In their stores that many have put up a gilt sign reading: "Dogs are not admitted here unless in arms." Soft. thin, waxed paper is found to an swer the purpose of cild silk or muslin in the majority of dressings and is much tsheaper. A fortune in cash awaits the inventor of something to keep family skeletons frcm stalking at the wrong time. ilail and Express. riM..v 1 )n..l!1.i Oi Just after our inventory, wo reduce prices to sill the goods rather than to carry over. We are willing to sell our entire Winter (Joods at cost. Staples we have a large quantity and offer them very low. Calicos ii to 5 cents per yard, making the best standard of them at 20 yards for $1.00. Gingham best dm-s styles 10 cents per yard. Dnss gtoda all kinds at the very lowest prices, from 5 cents per yard upward. Woolen hose wo offer at cost, extra fne. Ladies cash mere hose, worth $1.00, now 75 ccnli, fine heavy wool 40 cents, now 25; child ren's line ribbed worth 50, now 150. Un der wear must go at low price, as wo will not keep them over. Our (3-nN Silver Orey Merino Sliiitu a.., u.ariiij, ioiiiici' prices 50 now 515. Our Gents Silver grey marino shirti and drawers, extra quality 75 now 150. Our Scarlet all wool shirts nnd draw ers fine quality $1.00 now 75 cents. Our scarlet all-wool shirts nnd draw ers, fine quality $1.25 now 1.00. Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, tine quality $1.75 now 1,25. Ojt scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality $2.00 now 1.40. Xjiiclics' - Underwear, EQUALLY AS CHEAP. Our 25 per cent, discount on cloaks, in still jjood. Wc are determined to clone out our entire stock and never bcfoio has such an opportunity been offered to economical buyers to purchase the best qualities for so little money. Joseph V. Wcckbach, rli fc 0 s IOMOii 01 n 1TOTICE. As per previous lullj determined to g Plattsmouth and so advertised accordingly and now, as satisfactory arrangements have been perfected for the continuance ot same under the management of Mr. J. Firiley and P. F. JJuft nei as hook-keeper and cashier, we herewith j notify our friends and cision and kindly solicit kind patronage, so freely past sixteen years, by the addition of compe- tent clerical force. On account of Mr. Solomon leaving the city and by the adoption of the stkictly I One- rice Courteous treatment, .a. Spring i Bed-Roek Prices, ff j We trust to merit your good will and patron age. VERY RESPECTFULLY, Solomon&Nathan. -GO TO- H, P. Whisler's, AT The City Bakery, FOKFINE New England Home Hade Bread. lie has procured tbe services of I. .1. Strayer, of Omaha, whose Fpeialiy is in making this liiclir, easily digested. TsTTJ TSITIOTJS BREAD Fnrchaae a five r ten cent loaf and you will be convinced of its merits. rt u Mmm amiounctmeiit, we Lad discontinue business in patrons of our final de- a continuance of your extended during the System, and an elegant new r2 I InTBW ICE ME3U We liave our house filled with A FINE QUALITY OF ICE. And are prepared to deliver it daily to cureua tenif lit iu any quantity de-sired. ALL 0RDEHS PE0MPTLY PILLED. Le orders with J"- 3T- I3EA.TJMEIBTEPI, At store on Sixth Street. We make Spec ialty of CUTTING, F-A-CXXTO- And Loadliii Cars. For tcrn.s teetu or write. If. C. MeMAKEX & &OXT. Telephone 12, - - Flatt Stock DCpi. 1-uiii.