The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 19, 1888, Image 1
1 aV -iiM rw - -Vr-i i'.-.l H ill ;(F M H tl FJ H NVi M 61 h ft m t PLATTS3IOUTII, NJ2I1UASKA, T1IUKSDAY KVKNIXG, APKIL 11, 1888. NU3I1JEK ISO l as. J 7 NT r (1: i' 4 M.iyor, Clerk. Tret uter. Attorney, Kincln.'c-r. Pollen I I. M.trli.ili, Couiicllnif n. 1st w.ird, 4th " Bo&id Pub. Work P.M. t:i ii ky - ' iV K 1-oX JAMI'.H I'ATIKKiN, .11'. lit It'l.N C I.AIIK - A MAIIOI.K S :. i- "te i V 11 MAI. I . K I .1 V Vc Kl'.ACJI I A A L.1 I'.U liA III M Jo KH ( Kit. A hllll'M VM i M li Ml HI'H V M V Hi' IT' V ) CoS O'l -O.s'NOK. ( f M. Oh I.I. I-S. PUKU .1 W JUIIM ..CHAIKSU.N KllKO lioIiKH I 11 lUWRiWolll II Treasurer, lifuuiy fre.nurer, - Clerk. Hopmy Clt-rk. Iteconler of Heeds lAluty It.'citi'ilttr Clerk f District On art, HiierllT. Burve.yor. - Attorney. Mupt. of Tub. Scliooln, County ju lieu. I. A. OAHI'HRLL TlllM. I'clLl.lICK FIK1 C'KlTfll VI KI.O P.A I'KI 1CI1K1 Kl.l V. II. I".. JO. IN M l.KVKA W. t". SlIOWALTKU J.C El K K.N HAH V A. MAIIOI.K A 1. 1. K.N UK.K.HoK MA J'AIII S-'IKK C. ltLrtrtKLI. MOAItI OF BUPKKVISOIt.H. A. B. Toin, ... PUttimoiitli Iavi K i.rz. f'li'm., Vo. .iiiK' W .t. r A. it. 11 K.ION. - t lllWIHMl .GIVIG SOGIWrJiS. (iass i.oiiCK r. iii. i o. o. p. -Mri'ts 'V'ry li:r-"l;ty VfPlir.' ! i':".c!i V-'k A-l tr:ii si-iit train is are n-.-i-i xiiully ijiviit-il t.i HtU'liil. TI.TTMOliU P.NCAMI-MP.NT No.r.. l.O. 1 O P.. i-'Wih iv:y trri'ii' I-1 :y in rarli ti.imVli in ih- H.itl. ViMlmc Urol liern i.rc 1 vite l n aiu-ml. riMMO l.iHiK S ). si. A.o. H. V. -:i ft fVlT iiltT'lti. KiiilHV WiMISII ill l . ol I tl:lll l" 1 it lil'IWi :i- l' M"-'-Ull !y vii-f t.i:i'i-i'l M i ir..M isl- i 'o'..:ki'.;il. . H. rt. l'.ir-lovv. l.rc:-.i:iu ; Pr;fiU H: vn. ovct er : I i; .-.v :u; ii; .' ii;- lItuoitu. )ln:rn r ; 11. .1. .1 h ih .ii. i- i.- n i-i.-r; Hniilli. "V, i-; M. M:i I'r ul't. .m. " Jac. l.niV riy. li s lc-'. i1ASs CVi:! N ::.!-'. M M.-'.itN W'iiODMKV 1 .( A-iu-ricl M.-fls .'?.. ! :m-! f-url'i St: 4 av "veiling st K. 'f " 'in! Alt ti:iiisu-,n lr..:'.i -i an- r...ii.-si'.l ; lii.'t" win u. I., a Se.v.' .-r. V.' ..-r c-mj il ; 'i. -"" Wuri'iy Ui-r; 1. 11. .-.uui:!. I.i'.o.-r ; C. WlU't'lt. Clerx. til. VTt SM.HTHl I.OIVM' V f. A ,T n 1 :.(...( m-.-tv :!l,.rn if l-ril iy v--i. i:i.; a ii-.i.!k...-i ii..;; iii a . ' Tii-isit-'ii ii:. i rr :ire rc-p.'.-if i.i: v i-vii-.l aP'-n.i. J.:rsoii, M. W. ; P. r.o.J. K.n. liiio. : Wii-U'. il.'o.irih r ; I-c m.ii i Aii l -is .ii. 'vst 7a i H l 2 POST 45 C A R. . I i:it. J. W. .lollX-i kN S. 1-.VI H P j. i'.Af'i, i ' .".). N' I : : -lly.vj:V t ;i'-.l.::l M i i-.,-,- A i;-o.i .'in rn i;!-iri'l- .S -Iil l. V UN" . Iu..i. r .lt ' ' I ! . V ".. .itilT of 111 - '.' l " ; . i: r :' a:..;- . t v- (1 i ir.r '.Lli'.-r r: J,. C. cntri "i'! Xjk.W OFFICE. r 'rwil atU'iitioii to all euaiae-s Eulrust tu my care. SOTAKY IX OFFICE- Tl1 Examim-il. Alwt.-ucl I'ompiJeil, In surance Wiilten, !:e;il P-.tato Sold. Bttr Fiiellitlri for niakin? Farm Loans tliai; JLay Otiisr Agency. PlatUinoutlt, - Xi'luaKa. B. B. W I VI 11 AM, J H A . 1 1 A VI F. 'olar' PuMlc. Notai-y Public. 1VXIAM& HAV1KS, .ttorxieys - sit - Law. oace over Bank of Ca County. Plattsmocth,. H.E.Palmer&Son iHsuafirCE e:ms Nebraska. Ropivjat tlie following trio 1 a'i I rire-tostoil eosnp A.m?r;o 1 1 fV:i:r .il-S . I- mis. As-et Cosnaicr i..! U ii :i-K:2';md, . PIre Ash n-!.:'i i! itle!Uia. Franklin-l''ii'. iiU-:;.il.i, Irs. C'.uf .tMi Aviii :t. P:ii!. " .ivr.-!iri i 'I! if-K:ig " Krt!i CriU iU .v 'l-rc v:-.u!i'-!ia ; " KdrwitfU C;:. -iii-Kr.i-Sprianeld P. M.-S i i;.. r:i 1 J. tnne- 4.4 IjJ-'H 3.HT.106 T.SVj.-m ! g.lTt3('-.' C.O.i.l.Tril 3.:'.TS,T.i4 ,5.!iil.5 Total Assets, SJ2.U3.T74 WHHH YOU WBT -OF CALL ON" 23. Ci Cor. 12tli au I Grnn?tc Strft.. Contractor and Btuldsr Sept. 12 (Jtn. Tho Babo Is All Right. IS'KMiiii, Nth., April 18. The little olJ wlikh fell into a seventy eii;lit foot well Inst Saturday, ami le mniiicd uutil Monday inoinin without food or water until it could be du our, is now out of danger, and will be run ning about in a few days more. Northwestern Switchmen Strike. CiiKAiiO, April 18. The switchmen who work nihta in tin; eouth branch yhi-.Ls of th Northwestern raad struck tonight, and the eijht or ten engines which usually work in the yards alonq Sixteenth street from the river to West am avenue were idle. The principal grievance of the men is said to be a change in the yard master. So far as known the matter has no connection with the Burlington 1 rouble. Thirty men are out. Haddock Murder Revived. Siocx Citv, Iowa, April 17.--The d2;id body of a m ;n was found in the ice .house of the Arcnsdorf brewery by Nick Pauley this afternoon. The body was immediately identified as that of Albert Hid., who for nearly two years oecns Monly did book-keeping or, odd jobs about the brewery, and who is said to h ive suddenly disappeared the week nf t t the trial of Joha Arensdorf for tho murder of lev. Dr. Il i'tdock. The body lay in thu corner of t!i j. ice -house, and by it-t ide a thirty-eight calibre self-cocking revolver, which is identified by Ptulcy an I otlier f.irrar employs of the brew ery as the property of John Arentdorf. The body was in a titling position ami in ;i bully decomposed stub'. T1k; door of the ice house was not lo k -d, and was yery dark within. Piiuh-y wrcs cleaning it out whe: he found th-j body. lliilfz, or lf.-i!.. was a Oeruiau, about l rty four y obi, of good educai ion. but u l.iici. d t; drink, lie is said to b.; well connect'. d in the old country ami to h iv j a daughter in Kinsaa City. Tho '.-: or. ci jury rrndered a verdict of sui- -i.lL'." Down go fiatos dzit A'r , AriJ 1 . A. reduction of lliroiigii i!it.;s from New York. Chicago, rf:. Louis a:id tic.) .iliouii river to Col orado points goes into effect tomorrow oil nil the roads. This is the i .-suit of tho meeting of uianug n at Kansas City o.i Tui'id;y, the object being to meet the competition of the new Tort Worth & D.'uver road, which in connectif n with the Morgan lino of steamers at Galvostou made through r?tes from New York to Denver 23 per cent below thoss of the transcontinental route. Under the new arrangement the rata on first-class freight from Chicago to Co orado points will be $1.80, instead of $2.45. and a propor tionate reduction is made on other classes. Lumber rates will be forty cents from Chicago and twenty -five cents from the Missouri river. The new rates will rpply to both ea.-t and west bound traffic. The western states passenger associa tion at a meeting here today agreed upon a rate of one fare for the round trip for the anuual meeting of the national educa tional association to be held in San Fran cisco July 17-20. Like rates were made for the republican and democratic na tional conventions and other similar eyents. The Dead Senator. t;w York, Apri' 13. Mrs. Conkling and Mrs. Oakman viye kneeling at the bedside of Conkling when he died. Mrs. Conkling had h ;r baud clasped in his. Mrc, Conkling left the room when the face of tuo uc4 senit or was covered, and went to her own room and fell exhausted on the lounge. At 4 o'clock the under takers call-.t f.l ths lious3 and laid out the body. A tho embalming of the remains this morning t!;ey rtill be dressed and placed m a coilui. This iiicining it was announced to members of the press that the funeral ser vices will be held over the doad ex sena tor's ro:u lots Friday morning in Trinity chap. Friday afternoon the remains will b; taken to. iien. N. Y., where fun eral services- will also be held in Cavalry chapel Saturday aft -moon. Pall bearers selects. d :ire: JudgJ Shipman, Abrstn S. IK-wilt, C. L. M. Iitrlnw, Clarence A. rk'was-d, Mmtoa Marble. Senator John C. Jones, Senator Don Cameron, William J. Wallace, Walker Church and Isaac C. Biib'Y. This morning the body was em- j balnird and placed in t'le casket. The interment will le at L:ica, wiiere t!io pi:.!ic; -d fun-T-il s-rvicrs will be hfld iK-xt Saturday. The s,'?rt service in this ci"y is for the pnrpos.; of aeeoiuruodting his. many friends ia the city and from Washington. In this city and Brooklyu p.ags are Hying at half-mast on the Tcity hall and other public buddings. A thousand or more tei'grauis and letters of conlolence have lctn received. A MOOD. A Hllit, a pt.viEa, I not what, hu crerf i p in my r'-i'l i"s:: v r;: ', am -f ral toucS cf sorrow or r : . -s; A f. cr t'.. ;t I ; not f .'.ir, a p-'a that haj not tjala'fi i t :.ce; A 6"-' -f f l -.':;ia, or of Iiih, ia come for.-;;cn? i -.i ;t. :.:; A s::'' ! li'irt that never jc: las writ tor tovtftin C j."'. l. ; t .- -:-.a-c-' r.i i-'it fL-t!.:, whi-i r. llos-io.-!i.j boi! ;!i i;s i :' ! -i. -1. 15. A-!.:r:eh In Ia-.:-.'rU'lt. i:i a Ills )-n fi'tii n-v. A cert li.i J !""! ruii set: I Kti:'.r:i cf ZT. Vrrt wns :o il! n s!:o: t I . ;.;o t'.r.t ;I:o rep--.rler:: S'l ;!.m "'. walth":it bi.i ho:i--. ;.:i.l one of tlio'ii j.iv.:-.;:-c il .". half coi;i;n:i .b;ti:pr- of fiKii, s!:ct;.ii!:i:7 l.i i trait;: r.r. l cri-vr. The pr.X'siiuvnt rli'wti !iu;it.o::c1 to recover from Li.i iiluf-ss, !.;? o'.bcr day, t.y a v in ioes ffine:i'.C'!i:itio:i r.f Miii.O'.rs, i:3 c.-iiuj i:tlo j)3-s-.-K ;io:i f t'.mi". obituary ::!:-te:i, u:,l -!::;:;'.vn t it-: writer. II-. rhr-anli into liiinirt h", c'.il v.a re:'.dy to liu'.t irja J.c.'o to hi.;o in, when he saw the si::u to v lilca l o p.d Leen rwlueed by tho obituary v. rite:, anil t ho fce.lures of his l:f t!:at l.-ee.i i'iv;r.i-.-il Cor pro5"r!t.a jioti to the vr.bSie as eoo:i im Lo had lo. l his i.roith. Bat tho citi.i a tlius l"a;-i:!'l how l:o hoU;l to an olisorvant ro j"rf -tor, ami which of foa'.ar.-s con. sii'.erei e.s inlt i-.ti::.t to tho piUx The !:nowic?i.;e of Limr-eii' oht.iinri by tho prom c'.ih'MW in Ihh we. y lias rJretidy aided in oiirgins his v. New York iuiu V. Iiy ?rri Arc? IJ.-.l.J. We have not ie?J nn r.rt ic3r noini; the rounds oft!iO papers w'li'h says: 4A l'ouLkeepsIc? barber s;y:; tlmt eicht out of ten l.ien aro l:aM :-:0-.v:-.(! ivs, .".ii:! i:c r.ttribu'o.s it to foi.l adultti-;;t:ou." It i.; iioi-blr.?: cf t!:a kind. It is tho wool hat fir.-t worn whe n Kocsath firt earr.0 to th3 United Stntca, zv. vhieh was never fit for a. man to put o:i his It is hot and air ti jht, eaasc.5 Leadac!;a r.n-.l of Lair. Tho "plu- hat" is airy, end its roof is so hih that tliv.' aet ion t.f tho sun i;iiot ejt to ii:nr. diatt-ly nffect tlio brain. It is t!:9 most Mtn.siblo hat; yet ;'uvei:tod, unless it bo a straw hut for summer. Idaho fcJtu teaman. A liloonalra I5pj;i:ir.lngf. John W. Maekay doe3 not appear to be randii of tho common clay of which most millionaires are compered. A 'nriier in Tho Sait I.iko Tribuuo onco hoard tho bonanza, km.j say wi:en ft strilre tLi-er.teiied in Virgiuiii Cityi '"I aixi sorry that th.cso men, wlio aro receiving i?l n. day, do not save more of their money. I roiie.l recks ia Yuba river fourteen Lours a day for months fit a time, and went to camp every night soaked to tho bone, and did not average? C-2 a day, but no ever found mo quito broke or ever heard mo complain." Chicago Tribune. 152r-.:n:i'clt i:vd His Iirainly, "Cismsrelr is fai-t bre aking up,' aa observant physician. "I havo road in tl.o medical papers that ho has lately taken to suotainin.-; Limsoif on l-rraidy. Tina ia a bad sign. Whoa a German at home cea.V3 to Lo stimulated by beer aud h:is to :lrir.k alcohol bis i-hysiciaa begins to think there is some thing seriously tho matter with hi:r. ThL'.. taKen with the laet that somo oi Ir.s la'.e speeches have been almost incoherent, makes me believo that he is ia danger of scon fol lowing his great master." New York Press. Ittns;erou Dentifrices. Phosphate of calcium, one of the most im portant component parts of tho teeth, 13 readily dissolved ia salicylio acid, which en ters into the composition of a largo number of tooth washes and powders. Dentists who havo experimented with it cay that if a sound tooth is allowed to remain iirteea min utes in a comparatively weak solution cf this acid it loses its gloss and tho enamel is to tally destroyed. Heneo this acid should bo avoided ia the nianufacturo of preparatxoua for the teeth. Globe-Democrat. The Five Big Dailies. Mr. George P. Howell, of New York, who is authority cn such matters, in an address before tho American 3N ewspapcr Publishers' association at Indianapolis, proved that fivo newspapers issue more than onc-se vonth of the total edition of all tho daily papers printed. The daily newspapers in the United States now number about 1,400; consequently, the five which were referred to must each sell an average edition 200 times greater than the average of the others. Frank Leslie's. Customs in Madtg.-.scar. The Malagasians have no family names, but they have a singular custom of taking the names of their eldest children with tho prefix raini, "father of," or Teai, "mother of," so and to. This custom is doubtless owing to excessive parental pride, such as was expressed by tho Roman matron Corne lia when she said: "Call me not Seiko's daughter ; call me the mother of tho Gracchi." Deiaorest's Monthly. CliHseil tjy a Wo! A gypsy musician in Hungary, going from one viilago to another, was closely followed by a largo wolf. Suddenly a happy thought occurred and ha blew his bora with all tho energy of despair'. Tho uarioa tpak jinrac?? ctTectr Ilia unwelcome attendant squatted down and bowled piteously, as dogs will wiieu they bear music, and the gypsy get away ia safety. Ciaeago Herald. ASloi!p5'al for XSlrd. A hospital for the treatment of sick or dis abled birds has beea opened ia Chicago, and there are already a number cf feathered pa tients undergoing treatment in it. All the birds receive, besides, their mediciaef a daily Turkish bath, and are rubbed down with ix solution cf qaiuine and morphine. New York Evening World. Tho Strike Ended. 7lAN55 City, Mo., April 13. The strike of th switch-tenders" and yard nrn of the Hannibal & St. Joe and St. Joe & Council BUiiTs ended today at 1 o'clock. A committee of strikers called on Superintendent Pish and rtq-tested the r.iiutatunent of James Wilson and the discharge J. N. Hdlyheim, the night yftrdmaster. This was refused. At a later conference the n;tn agreed to re turn to work if Wilson was placed at work, the matter of Mullyheim Ining left oju'U. THE ANGELUS. Ring soft across the dying clay, Anp-liis! Acreus tlio tiiabor tinted hay, Tl: meadow hushed with sunnet ray I'.iu;; out, ami ilout and melt away, Angelas! Tho day of toil seems iong ago, Angelas! V.'hilfl through tho deepening vesper glO'f, Fur up where holy lilies blow. The bec9ui"K boll not ex rise and Mow, Angelua! Through dazzling curtains of the west, Angelus! V pec a Klirinu In roses dressed, Au.l lifted hili, in vision blest. Our every' heart throb is confessed, Angelas! O, has an angel touched the bell, Anpelus! " For now upon its parting swell, All sorrow teems to sing farewell; There falls a pence no words can tell Augelus! Frances L. llaee. RIDING IN MEXICO. Lighting a Cigurette While Sltt:-y nn a Ducking; ITcrse . !.e . t.. i t-i i.. The great feature of all Mexican ridinfc is looseness of their scat. It is all done un balance. And when I say "all'' it means a wonderful deal. I have seen a Mexican named Louis to be sure ho was accredited to bo the? best rider out there, and for my own part 1 cannot conceive that there cau be a better ia tho world I have seen that man ctojjs his legs over tho horn of the big Mexican saddle, and, throwing tho reins oa the neck of tho horse, calmly roll a cigarette while the horse bucked up and down with him. i know it is asking a great deal to expeet credence for such a feat as this, but yet, when wo consider tho pitch of perfection reached by circus riders among pur own countrymen, the very much higher degree of excellence attained by one remarkable man out of a nation whose members wo may also say aro bora on horseback, is not so, alto gether beyond tho pros,ci of belief though there is of course an enormous diiTeroace Iks t ween riding tho trained things ia a circus and tho mustangs caught wild upon the praries. Tho Mexican Eaddle, with its great :-:tirrups and tho horn oa which tho lasso hangs, gives, of course, very many good points d'uppni; but the performances of these Mexicans c-n bare back aro wor.dej-fyil jjCiUh. You gee a hci-d iX wild horses driven through the narrow pass of tho cts'ral. Your Mexican, with a hair roiie in his Lend, will drop from tho beam above upon the bask of the horso it is 'wished to reclaim to domestic uses. In an instant Lo is away, snorting, bellow ing, poaiUvcly shrieking with terror, in tho midst of tho thundering stampede of his fel low?, who are scarce less terrilied than Li:a "e'f. ITe cannot buck, while the herd presses closely upon bin. The Mexican leans for ward with tho ro;w in both hand-, passes it over tho horse's head iato tho wide open mouth, and forces i behind Lis teeth. Then ho lakes a t'J'"ti with it under the lower jaw, and there he has Lini bitted and bridled. After a lilllo over half an Lour he comes back with him broken; not "so that a child could rido hini,;' but so that a Mexican can. Of course they arc small horses, J cannot say how the ilexieana would faro with ono of those big Australian bucket's. They main tain, however, that this loose seat of theirs does not irritate a horse ia tho way a grip with tho knees does; and this I fully believo, Further than that, 1 fancy tho solution of the mystery about those horses which will go quietly enough with a lady, though a man can hardly ride them, is to bo sought rather in tho method of tho lady's seat than, as. is commonly thought, in the superior delicacy of her'fair hands. Murray's Magazine. Life at the North role. If they ever find the North Pole and it bo comes colonized, they're going to have an awful time of it. They will have daylight six months and dark six months out of, tho year. The great check on immorality is day light. There ia a certain limit of trouble and ingenuity beyond which immorality will not go. The limit is far enough oflf at the best, but if it were night for six mouths on end what would become of us? llusbands would never go home at all. Parties would only be divided by the time necessary to recruit ex hausted nature; a woman would need new dress every four hours luxi&uao she couldn't go to moro than t wo parties in the same dress, and it would be an awful hardship to do even that. They would say: "Why, do look at Mrs. . She wore that same dress at the Smiths just ten hours ago." "Are you going lo the theatre now?" "No; I saw tho piece already to-night." "Get up." "What time is it?" "Don't know, but I put you to bed in a miserable condition six hours since, and we are dne at tlio Jones'." "Well, wait till I get my breakfast or supr per or dinner; which is it anyhow?1 - "Don't remember; it is my 110th meal this season." "Don't light the gas yet. I only saved Cl, 000,000, and that gas bill is getting prodis ions. A new dress? That's the fifteenth in 175 hours." "Great Scott! tho meter's busted end tho electric wire's broken. Where are nry boots f San Francisco Chroniclo "Undertones." H.iblta of the Ostrich. The supposition that an ostrich lays but ono egg annually, and drops that carelessly in the sand, is nonsense. So also is the fam iliar story that the bird is in tho habit of poking his Lead in tbo sar.J, thinking that is may thu3 escape the observation of its pur raer. The ostrich is no such fooL The fe male lays as many eggs annually as any goose or hen, and all the birds in tho flock use the samo nest, which is a holo dag in the, sand in some secluded plac? wh6f they nry safe frotn disturbance. When there are tweaty or thirty eggs the male bird batches them, Eitting upon the nest continually for thirty days, and is fed meantime by the fe males. Daring the period of incubation tho male bird is ia an ugly mood and attacks fiercely with his bill and feet any man or animal that approaches Liax As the chicks are hatched their mothers take caro of them, tho brood being divided among the flock by some instinct, and tho cock is free to attend to his own affairs again. Very often egg3 are found oa the pampas, but sach have been dropped in the chase or by bens that have jeeu uaatle to reach tho nest. Bkiladclpbia Tho DryligM Store. Just ufter our inventory, we reduce prices 'o sell tho goods rather Hum lo carry over. Wo are willing to sell our entire Winter Goods at coht. Staples we have a large, quantity and offer them very low. Calicos !J to 5 cents per yard, making the best standard of them ut 20 yards for $1.00. .Gingham bct.t drct-s styles 1 0 cents per yard. Dress giods all kinds at the very loweht prices, from 5 cents per ynrd upward. Woolen hose we oiler at cost, extra fne. Ladies cash mere hose, worth $1.00, now 75 cents, line heavy wool 40 tents, now 25; child ren's fine ribbed worth 50, now U0. Un der wear must go at lov prices, us wo will not keep them over. Our Gents Silver Grey Merino Shirts ..... .. .I.-, . iij.i pucvs 00 now "5. Our Gents Silver grey inarino thirts and drawers, extra quality-75 now 50. Our Scarlet all wool shuts and draw ers fine quality $1.00 now 75 cents. Our scarlet all wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality $1.25 now 1.00. Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, line quality 1.75 now 1,25. OlT scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality $2.00 now 1.40. ladies' - Uiif.irtvcar. EQUALLY AS CIIKAP. Our 23 per cent, discount on cloaks, is still good. We ore determined to closu out our entire stock and never hcfoio has eucIi an opportunity bee n offen d to economical buyers to purchase the befct qualities for so little money. Joseph V. Weekhaeh. I p p: i i 1! 1 Solomon & latiian. F5 I LT3 i t 2nT otic :el As per previous announcement, we had fully determined to discontinue business in Plattsmouth and so advertised accordingly and now, as satisfactory arrangements have been perfected for the continuance ot same under the management of Sir. J. Fi:iley and i). F. kuflf nei as book-keeper and cashier, we herewith notify our friends and patrons of our final de cision and kindly solicit a continuance of your kind patronage, so treely extended during the past sixteen years, by the addition of compe tent clerical force. . On account of Mr. Solomon Raving the city and by the adoption of the stkicti.y ne-Price System, J Courteous treatment, and an elegant new Fj 1 ISpri k w ng Stock Bed-Rock Prices, We trust to merit your good will and patron age. V Eli V " RESFECTF ULL Y, mon&Nathan it -CO TO- H. P. Whisler's, AT The City Bakery, FOi: FINE New England ! Home Made Bread. lie hss pre.-ured the ervic-of I. .1. Kirayer, of Oni:iT:a. whose specialty is i making tins liglif, easily digested. 3KTT) TBITIOTJS BREAD Purchase a five or ten cent loaf and you will be convinced of bs luer.U. nsrzaw ice hvleust We have our house fli!td v. ilh A FINK QUALITY OF ICE. And are prepared to deliver It dai:v tooureus-t'.Miit-is iu any quantity desired. ALL 0EDSES PROMPTLY. FILLED. Loae orders with At (tore on Sixth Street. We ii;nlc a Spec ially cf CUTTING, 3P-A.G:KX2T0 And Loading Cars for tcrn:s sect oa or If. C. write. MeMAKEN SOW. - Plat