The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 18, 1888, Image 4

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The Evening Herald.
J. H. KING, City Editor.
A. lUIUbary, DratUt, KoekwooJ Bailtling,
TWp boat o. &.
Dr. Klrgln!, Ofttrm aad
Bleak, Tlrphin X. .
Keildeara Sherwood
The Vonti'4 Men's Democratic Club
meet in I) vcy' Hall tonight..
The sewing society of St. Luke's
Guilil will mee t at Mrs. Klsou's on Thurs
day the 10th at 2 p. in.
Medical authorities in this citjr oon
eider the cause of ex-Si-nator Conkling's
death to have len meningitis.
Judg Rusell issued ft marriage
license today to Mr. Vf. L. Holland and
Mi Etta A. Clark, both of Greenwood.
Yesterday engine No. 121 whilo
pushing cars under the dump nt the Cul
lom gravel pit, went too far and broke
its smoke-black and bell off.
Sheriff Kikenbary sent his deutv,
Dave Woodward, to Greenwood, this
county, this morning to bring in a desti
tute person for the poor farm.
The case of John 1 Polk vs. V. W
Welchcr nnd U. I) Vaueoui t is on trial
today. This involves a claim to some
pottery clay at Louisville the property of
John V. Polk.
Harry, the irrepressible, made an
offer of t?2.-,n00 for Waterman's opera
house, he was told ho could have it for
$10,000. Uj was alo bidding for a'livcry
barn while hero but he did'nt buy.
Mr. Jones, the contractor, is receiv
ing words of praise from prominent men
of this and other cities, for the rapid and
substantial man in which ha is erecting
the building corner of Fourth and Main
Mr. Wcttencamp, who owns the lot
on which Mr. O'liourk's tailor shop
stands, said that if be had been aware
of the progress being made on the An-hauser-Dusrh
block, he would have put
up a brick block adjoining on the Ea&t.
As it is he thinks he will wait till next
The caso of Aaron G. Barhydt vs.
Thomas Covcrdale and F. A. IIaruin,
that has been on trial since last Saturday
was decided today. The jury found
"that the right of possession of said pro
perty at the commencement of this action
was in defendant Coverdale, ar.d we
assess his damages in the premises at the
sum of $500 and costs of action."
Homer Colwin, real estate agent of
McCook, but raised in Flattf mouth, is in
the city visiting his sisters, Mrs. Drew
and Mrs. Kennedy. He will remain here
about a week. Mr. Colwin left this city
when he was about elevsn years of age
and went to Arrapahoe, Nab., where his
f ather died. From there he went to Mc
Cook, where he has established a good
name for integrity in business circles.
Manager Young recciyed a lstter
from Mr. Pottle, manager of Eunice
Goodrich Company saying that they
opened Monday night at Crcston, Iowa,
to a packed house, making a big hit in
4i Pearl of Sayoy," which play they pre
sent here to-morrow night. It will only
co3t you 50 cents for yourcelf and" wife
for reserved seats. This is within reach
ol all, and is a ra-e chance to see a fine
play. Come early and get good seats at
J. P. Young's.
The ball given last night in Fitzger
ald's hall by the ladies guild of St.
Luke's Episcopal church was well at
tended. Supper was served on the stage
and superintended in a" yery courteou-.
able nianuer by the ladies of the Guild.
Momus reigned supreme till about 3 a.
in. this morning when Morpheus took
control of the fair dancers. It was a
pleasant participation of cupid's dart?,
fluttering hrarts, gliding feet and looks
so'swect, that will prove an unresisting
attraction to the sequd of a Leap year
A team of hor?es, which were at
tached to Murphy's delivery wagon,
while standing on Winterstein hill this
morning, got an idea that they were on
a race-course trying to beat Jay-Eye-Sec's
record With that end in view they gal
loped madly past the quarter-pole and
flew up the home stretch on Main street
and pulled up victoiious under the wire
at Sixth street. Time 1:03. The driver,
W:llic Alexander, was then thrown out
of the wagon and received an in-
jury to one knee. He wears the winning
colors and is still able to shout 4i Let her
go Gallagher.''
Mr. Brry of Omaha, who has been
dilly-dallying around this city for the
pst month saying "Keep it dark," has
evaporated, gone, never to return. He
was going to buy the Perkins hous, two
lots near the opera house, the Fitzgerald
block and the Stadleman House -in his
mind. He has gone like a "Midsummer's
Night's Dream." Peac's be to his ashes.
. We were on to yer scame. Barry my bhoy,
all the f while you stopped here. It was
lore, ye divil, that kept yees blatbering
firound. We'll always cherish your part
ing, expressive adieu!" Tat-ta. I'll see
Z'rrt later otfVKeep It dark!"
PI?.ttmouth Points Proudly to her
Prosperous Pontoon.
The pontoon bridge will be located
either TOO or 1,700 feet south of th rail
road bridge and about a mile in a direct
line from Main street. It will be built
in about two months from the time the
bonds arc granted.
Col. S. N. Stewart wants the city to
grant $10,000 bou ! to aid him in his
speculative enterprise. $2,000 to be paid
one year after the bridge is built and
put in placu, and $2,000 a year for four
years afterward?, he promising to keep
the bridge in thorough working order
during that time.
.Such a bridge would be of incalcuable
beneiit to this city, and they are used all
through Europe and over every river of
any importance in all oriental countries
where civilization has reached. This
bridge will be the first of its kind ever
built over thu Missouri. It will be com
posed of scows or boats 24xlG feet and
can be built for $20,000, which will be
at the bridge company's expense. The
bridge company would require new
bo:its every five years. Tha fare for
teani3 would probably be twenty-fivo
cents each way and pedestrians five cents
for going and returning.
Circulars would be distributed for
thirty miles in every direction among the
farming community and sign-posts erect
ed indicating the direction of the bridge
Ten of our piouiinent citiz-ns have
bi'en appointed, to confer with Col
Stewart and listen to his proposition which
will be in writing, and look after the
intrreits of the tax-payers of the city by
seeing that the bridge company giye
bonds for tha constant repair of the
bridge for a specified length of time,
They will report at 7:30 tomorrow night
it a special call of the board of trade,
The committee arc W. S. Wise, S. Waugh,
F. S. White. J. W. Johnson, J. A. Con
nor, J. G. Richey, Geo. E. Dovey and L,
E. Skinner.
Col. Stewart spoke at great length con
cerning his sensible system of naming
streets of whic h we haye already madt
mention, namely the centre street of n
city to be called "Central Avenue" all
streets north to be called "Avenues," and
to be numbered consecutively all streets
south to be called "Corso's." (Corso is an
Italian word meaning avenue or boule
vard.) Dr. Shipmaa, Mr. Waugh and Mr.
Baeck have been appointed a committee
to investigate the mutter and submit
their report to the city council for their
approval. The following diagram ex
plains the system:
5 Fourth
2- Fifth tr Street.
The matter cf building this bridge is
of vital importance to the future pros
perity of this city. It is the first round
of the ladder by which Plattsmouth may
achieve greatness. It wa3 shameful to
witness the indifference of our business
men in this great project by their absence
at the meeting last night. Go tomorrow
night and investigate the matter aud
then if it meets with your approval go
ahead. Let the sewers be built, let the
streets be paved, let the money flow.
Increase your business by giving employ
ment to about 500 additional urtisam
and laborers. Increase your commerce
by getting the trade from miles in every
direction on the Iowa -shore that now
diifts to Glenwood and Council Bluffs.
Go to the meeting and push thing3 along
or else write your epitaph "My name is
An adjourned meeting ef the Board of
Trade will be - held Thursday evening
next, to further consider the proposition
of Col. Stewart to bridge the Missouri
river. We earnestly request a full at
tendance of the members.
R. B. Windham, President
F. Hebumaxs, Secretary.
Mrs. J. P. Taylor, wife of roadmaster
Taylor of Central City is visiting in the
13. F. Allen, of Wabash, secretary f
the Nebraska Farmer's Alliance is in
town today.
Hon. John Fitzgerald came in the
city this morning and will return to Lin
coln tonight or tomorrow.
The wife and children of Mr. Pond,
rgent for the Singer Sewing Machine
Co., arrived in tha city this morning
from Lansing, Michigan.
Nail Brushes, Cloth Brushes Tooth
Brushes, Shaving Brush3f, Feather Dust
ers &c, at low prices at Warrick's Drug
If You'rs Coins to QuitQuit.
The Chicago papers are bothering
oyer the question: 4 Can a man who
has taken from fire to ten drinks of
whiskey a day fr four or Are years,
top suddenly drinking ?" Of course he
can. A little self-control la needed. If
he has not eaten hardly any food for a
week, let him swallow some eggs with
out tha yolks being broke, that are
soaked in vinegar Crosse fc Black well's
is preferable. Cover the eggs and vine
gar with plenty of Cayenne or black
pepper. Rest the body after iho first
and second dose,, which should be two
or tinea eggs each time. Drink carefully,
but plentifully, of milk nnd cocoa until
you think the stomach is cipable of re
taining food, then go ahead, but don't
gorge. A few oranges through the day
will be beneficial as well us plenty of
milk, cocoa or water thes will satisfy
the craving for something to drink, as
wall as nourish and stimulate the di
gestive organs. If the stomach will not
retain the first or second doae, persist
until it does. Exercise your will power
nnd determination. Take a little exer
cise through the day, and when night
comes walk at a rapid gate until you
feel fit to drop from exhaustion, then go
to bed. You will dream and kick and
toss about in your sloep and wake early
the next morning and want a drink.
That's where your resolution comes into
play. Don't touch a drop of intoxi
catinir liu'ior even if you feel near
death's door. That night you will
sleep a great deal better than the night
before and the next day you will feel all
right and have no desire to " bowl up.
In two or three days from that you cuu
say " Richard is himself again."
Evangelistic Meetings-
After their noon repast many or the
workmen in the shops feasted on the
bread of Heaven. The evangelists, Rev.
Mr. Clagett and Mr. Bilhorn, by so:
and address turned their thoughts to the
Giver of every good and perfect ifift.
They warmly set forth the wonderful
love of God in seeking to save.
Those present greatly enjoyed the in
structive lessons drawn from the word of
God in reirard to practical duties and
Christian work in the afternoon service.
The church was comfortably filled
with children at th children's meeting.
All seemed deeply interested and an
swered the questions proposed to thrm
with hearty en husiasm. Evidently
many would be glad to haye the services
repeated every day.
The young were urged at the oveiung
service to remember their Creator in the
days of their youth. ' Some forty or fifty
were willing to come forward and express
their desire for the prayers of Christians.
Many eves were filled with tears at the
scene and many hearts were made glad
by the hope that they would become
faithful Christians.
Brutes vs- Animals
It is a pity this city haa not a "Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."
Two old ragmen are going around the
city with a wagon that is drawn by two
poor horses that resemble a sketch of
Pegasus drawn by an artist who had suf
fered for a long time from delireum tre
mens. Every few moments the Shylock
driver will whack their hide with his
whip as though he was dusting a carpet.
He might as well be whipping a clothes
horse with a rag thrown over it. The
poor animals are so accustomed to hard
ship and cruelty that they treat their
punishment as a huge joke. They remind
one of the lines on humility: "So doth
the fragrant sandal bow in meek forgive
ness to its doom, and o'er the axe, at
every blow, shed ia abundance rich per
fume." The perfume in their case is im
maginary. Louisville.
Dr. A. V. Robertson visited Ashland
The long talked of Temperance con
cert has, or will be given up on accouut
of sickness.
Mr. Elmer Noyes made a flying trip to
Omaha, Lincoln and Grand Island, the
latter part of last week.
Tuesday morning we recievod a beau
tiful shower which in a do the grass lift
up its head and look green.
A young lady called at the residence
of Mr. Chas. Clifford on the morning of
April 13. All doiug well.
Mies Chevrant is not yet aide to resume
her place in school. Miss Edith Shryock
is teaching in her room this week.
The M. E. church is undergoing ex
tensive repairs. They will hold their
service in tha Baptist church next
It has been reported that the Chris
tians are going to rent J. K. Nichols' hall
to hold religious services in. Wish they
were ready to build, we need another
church in town.
The measles are Etalking abroad, visit
ing many families; about twenty cases
are reported to be in the village. Dr.
Meredith of Ashland, visited some cases
in town "Sunday, he says they are genuine
malignant measles.
It almost seems as if a migratory season
had been ushered in so many families are
going away from town and others com
ing in. AmoDg those who are leaving
are James Roertson going to Weeping
Water, where lie is operating a large
stone quarry; Charley Mullens to Manley,
to start a drug store; Mr. Hughes to
.- Exaat, i
Mrs. John Meyers is improving.
J. W. Brooks has just returned from a
visit to relent ives in Iowa.
S. H. Watson just returned from aAuit
to his uncle at Scribner, Nebraska.
Dr. J. E. Hall of Weping Water, is in
town today attending Mrs. Meyers.
Ex-Senator Orlando Ttfft is on jury in
Plattsmouth during the present session of
Miss McGinness, a niece of C. A Kauf
man, is teaching the school two miles
west of Avcea.
Alden Bard en has a new ten pound
girl and as the old proverb goes, "Just
like its father."
Roy Marshall has returned from He
bron, and will go to Acliool lure this sum
mer, and stay with Grandma Beatty.
Amos Teff t was called quite recently to
Elgin, 111., on account of the sickness of
his brother at tht point, ha has returned.
About ten of the Avoca boys were on
the Smith vs. Harslimau trial at Platts
mouth and the trip, with its attendant
fun, was the merriest kind of a picnic, for
the boys.
We haye a dandy republican club with
about forty members. How is that in a
democratic village? The following are
the list of otiiceis: Orlando Tcfft, Pres.;
C. A. Kaufman, Vice- Pres.: Joseph Gra
ham, Sec: Robert Malcolm, Tics. At
our last meeting some finart discussions
were provoked by the intervention of a
worth dMitleman who is a brother of
Hon J. C. whi'h certainly showed
a lack of knowledge ot parlimcutary
rules. Friend E. observe order, don't be
so vacilliating in your argument, be some
thing or nothing. "Mugwump." How
ever we h ive some good speeches sonao
times. Hon. Oilando Tefft, O. H. Crom
well, C. A. Kaufman. S. S. Sliver nnd
other-1. We meet every two weeks.
Our next meeting will be in Tefft's office
Suturday evening, April 2S.
Mi! Crovo.
The farmers ars busily engaged in sow
ing oats, some have commenced planting
Ed McComb moved west and took
charge of his farm. He anticipates a
cook in tha near future.
Mr. C. Vallery met with an accident
one day last week. A very fine colt
while playing slipped and fell and broke
its neck. The colt we learn was very
biifhly valued on account -of "Shaker-
boy," its sire, whose time is 2:25.
Miss Lenora Brown has returned from
a visit and has began teaching at theSei
boldt district.
imiit JUile tirove school is in session
again under the charge of Miss Tillie
Gapin. Cottonwood school is under the
charge of Mies Lee Perry. A'l, as far as
is known by the writer, are meeting with
The boys of Eight Mile Grove will
meet April 2, at 1 o'clock p. m., to or
ganize a basj-ball nine; meeting to be
half mile west of C. Vallery's.
We are sorry to note that our black
smith, Mr. TIios. Fullerton, is not aide to
resume his work yet.
Mr. and Mis. Stokes have moved on to
Mr.- Morgan's place.
Mr F. S. White has received his outfit
to bferin canvassinsr. We learn he will
work by the day and receive three dol
lais for every day's work consisting of
eight or more hours. Revilator.
All parties are notified that the ordi
nance to prevent live stock from running
at larcrc will be enforced on and after
Wednesday. W. II. Maock ,
mon 3 t City Marshal.
Southeast quarter section 14, township
10. ranee 12: price $1,800. Northwest
quarter section 8, township 12, range 10:
price $2,000. Wixdham & Da vies.
B.'& M. Time Table.
No. 1. 5 :20 a m.
No, a. (5 :40 p, m.
No. r, 9 ::-r. a. in.
No. 7. 7 :-55 p. in.
No. 9 6 :17 p. m.
iNo. 11 G :05 a, ni.
No, 2.-4 :25 p. m.
No. 4. 10 :HO a, m.
So. 6 7 :15 p. ni.
No. 8.-9 :50 a. in.
No. 10. :45 a. m.
No. 12. -0 :i0 . hi.
AH tralno run daily by way of Omaha, except
Xos 7 ami 8 which run to and from Schuiler
daily except Sunday.
No. 30 is a stub to Pacific Junction at s 30.a m
No. 19 is stub from Pacific Junction at 11 a.m.
FOB- ALE On reasonable tfrma my resi
dence on tho N. V. corner of Kim nd Hill Sts.
Said property consist of '4 block with a eood
story Rnd a half house f six rooms, two ward
robes and ene pantry ; good well and city
water ; twerty-feven bearinji apple trees, and
n abuadauce ol small fruit of all kinds, tf
Te have our house filled with
And are prepared to deliver it daily to our cus
tomers in any quantity desired.
Leae orders with
At store on Sixth Street. We make a Spec
ialty of
And Loading Cars For terras se us or
Telephone 12, - - Flattsmonth.
H. P. Whisler's,
The City Bakery,
New England
Home Made Bread.
He has procured the scrvlees of I. J. Rirayer,
of Omaha, whose xpcialiy U Id makiuj;
this light, easily digested.
rurchate a five or ten cent loaf nnd you will be
convinced of hs mem.
If it is real estato you want, see Wind
bam & Davits' colaua on second pg&
o o o o o o
o o o o o
This waist is designed to meet tlic requirements of ladies who
cannot, comfortably, wear a still and rigid cornet, while it can LcMorn
with as much comfort as an ordinary drees waist. It will give tho
same elegance of contour as tho heaviest honed corset in the market,
while the stays are so arrarged that they will give fujij)ort to the Lack
and spine and in nowise interfere with the fuidom and comfort
ot the wearer. The weight of the clothirg is transferred from tho
hips to the shoulders by means of the shoulder-straps, which are ad
justable to suit any form or length of waist.
"We have these waist? in "While, Grey ami Gold and the rice to
introduce them will be $1.00. Skes IS to 28.
Wn nlnn HnnTiTT n TTnll finn
frc QiDU uaujf a run mua
Bortrees Duplex, liortrees Skirt !bupj ortirg, JJIsec Coreefs,
Loomers Elasting Comfort Hip, Satin Corsets, F. C. Corsets, J. C.
Corsets, C. P. Corsets. Our Cleopatra is the best 51.00 corset ever
thrown over any counter; our 70 French "Wove at $1.50 cannot be du
plicated in this city; our Blanche Extra Long Corset at $1.50 ie a bar
gain; Childrens Corset "Waists at 15 and C5 cents.
On Door East
Bargains ! Bargains I -
The firm "W. A. Boeck Sz Co.. have succeeded Boeck & Bird
sail with
a f AB Bwmm iw
Gault's Jewelry Store,
Jewelry, "Watches,
Clocks, Silverware,
Optical Goods, etc.
Mr. Carmichael, an experienced "Watch-maker, lias taken charge of the
Repair Department. All repairs
And Satisfaction Guarenteed.
By fair and honest dealing we hope to merit a share ol the public pat
ronage. Give us a call.
fl It o u u
II u o o
nP thn fnllnnrinnr Hniinntn
ui lua iuiiuwm& uuiouio .
2Tirst STat'l Sanls.
:oes !