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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1888)
! i fiiwt yi:aii PliATTSaiOUTII, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APKIL 18, 188tf. XUMISEll 110 ! i i I i J- Mayor, TruiMiirr, At-riif y, I ii :iir."'-r. Fmie .In Al.irli.Ul. F.M. Kit 11 KY W K tux .1 JtHKi Pa t i, I1VII IN Cl.AKK A Maohi.k W II Mai. I k CouncllniBM, H., J wA,.,.J v ) I) M KH R03C0E CONKLING DEAD. 2.-1 3rd I til Boaid Pub.V.'ork t M is v 1 S V 1m: it - .s J I "ON 'l'(.!l,".ull.. J W , 11 a I km an KlIK.H fJOHl'I'M. i II II aw ks cm: m Treasurer. Ifl"liy i'::liiircr, - Clerk. J-Inty Clerk. Itt-Olier of l - lj;U'.y it-irt. .l -r CI-tx f Dhiiict Co irf. Slier nr. Surveyor. Attorimy. Keiit. of l'u! Sell .l-. Co'.miy Ju U '. HOAHO OK Sl' A. Ii. Tcri. Lor is K m. i .. CIi'hi., A. 1J. Ul USON, 1. A. I'AMI'IIKI.I. fll'M. I'ol.l.iX'K 1!IU l.'ITi'H H !-l.l l.A A 1:1 . CHI I K.I.!. V. II. Fool. .f' . N M lA V. (.'. SUuvVAl.TI'lt .1.1," KlKKMtAHt A. M AIIOI.K AM. K.N liK.K.H 'N M V -V 'l S - I X K '. lCUfSi' 1. 1. vis.::s. n.ilt-in.Mi !i Ve ;;iii, u hi. r V.X W (ia'ss mum: No. nr.. 1 O. O. F. -Meet 'eviry i"f-il:)' fVi'nlii; of h;m-Ii w.-k. All tru:irlenl t.-n tin is are rer iiee-tii.iiy iuv i:t-.l t-ftttoiitl. "i ji.attm'H' f i! i:M'Ai'Mi:r No. :i. i.o. 1- t. I'j.'i'if i ti-ty :i t.T:iti Fnjtay in raeli liiontli in tin- .Mai.uie!. Visiunj.' j;rot I'.t'iH arc i- i!e-l lonMcnJ. m;uo !.)!:!: N'. . a. o. i - v.-m. c t- PVi-V ulli'i' I'ri'l iy Vfl'.ii! lit K . of I . h!l. l'rt'.i-vii iH'-itttrxt i-:--tni!ly in Tifilt ;i't;nl I".. I M (:i'i.M:i!J'-i oiK':m : K. S. Il:irt'i.v. Fr"1i:in : KliiliK Itlo vll. VT r'rr; I. U-.' i. ;inli; ; ! IK" llo'.i-i.rlti. H-coTil'-r ; ii. J. .1 .li'is "I. Fiiiiin:-iT : W i-U Htr.illi. Ut-cfiv.T ; M. Ma) Li iiit. i'i-.fl -M. Jai-k'tf) . Ii fiUlc Wurc. i IV S CVM!' NO. M rI)K:.:N V' :(: M UN j ,,r i,.,,ri'i i -Co'"! -'li'l fonriii Moi. day cw:i:ii'i .it K. ! '. i '! ah iianvc-ijt bntn.'r- r" i-.-i.i..'i i" in---i . u-. N r, Vi'iut iii ":n: i'il ; Nil. Worthy Ail vi-T ;1. 15. ? in. t!i, -). 15 ui-u r; V. . C. Wi'.UtH.Ch'iii. 1"iLTrsM-.)i'i n i.(nx;r. n x. a.. r. w. .M-eC ev.TV ;i11-t:i.iUt i'ci l ty :H Koiliw!Hil !i ill :-.t k uVl.i(. Ail rr.i-iM-ni !- ' crf r ivi--f ful'y ii.vll-.l attiMi i. I... l.nrton. M. V. ; I. Iio.. !".-r iiimh : s Wil If. lli'i:orl.T ; Um i'J A:i-I'Thu. .v-r- POS r 43 G. A. R. UO-tTKi: J. VT. Jrtiifi.iv t S. Tfl F. I'.A T.'. :fi. nii.ks lltNuv si ukicii r.. MALIi.N l'X ""' :if Mtt.KS F !" AxiKiiM)X Fi:v. .. .1 :i;. .! km.v.v. i,. r. ( t'firiH i-leott'i -ut'ir.i iy rve:il ...'"( ;li:iiii5' I ..Si'iiuir Vice " Ju.i:r " A:IJ- .t t l v- i!icTof t .io I . .. .. " ' Scr-t M:.i.!l .y.iar'er M:s'f.r Sti. I'oil t'lial'liii IW OFFICE. rToji:tI at'enUoii to all Buslac.'e Enlrust to uiy c.:re. XOTAUV IX OKFICE. TUt-- KM'iii:i--J. Ah-tarc! I'onipileJ. In-surauc-d Writteu, real Folate Sold. Belter rucHiiies fr waking Farm I.or.n lLan Any Other Agency. K. B. Wi vnii am. Jon.v a. Davif.s. otry IV.'.Iic. Notary Public. Attorneys - sxn - CPl.-e over i t 'a.-s C unj. PLATT3MOUTII, - - XUBBASKA. It r n ! x, 8 iTO&dBii on GEMEIIAL i : V llpreCMit tlio fallowing lime ti-L-.l a.Ti-1 lirc-testoJ campiniei: Amerii: in " :-i-r.U-S-. Lais, A-ets ConiTDSi ii i! U ii !l-K:.l:tnJ. Fire A-K-l.v:t-s-Ft:it;idelp!iIa, ' Franknis-J'Hii.iIi-Ii-'.iiA. Hotne-Ne -v V-.-k. " Ir.C, ot "''".irt'.i Avwrlca, Phtl. " Llvorp HlJiL :i t 1 & ';i l-e-Fng " Kartli BritNU t:-raAH.i!e-Ea " Korwich liiiin-i:a.'.A:vl. " Kpda-neld F. A M,-Syri:i-rifM. " 9 ."-.; ''14 4,lii.57k 3.1 17.1CC " 8",'il P g.i;t.3vj G.C-W.THI 173.754 :isazc- Ha Sinks Into Unconsciousness end Passos Away Without Btrugslo. Th uoath Scane-Tho Last Hours -Peace Aftor tho Strons Man's Gt rujjS-o. Nkw VohK, A;ril IS.- C)iiklii!;( d'ud at 1:!0 a. in. t t!n; liediiule of tlio il'in ni;:ii we re Mis. ('.inkling, JikIjju t'nx", I . Aiiilcrsiiii :ir.d .Mih. (Jik;nan. Mr. CoiikJin p is-c l away vitli;nit mnv inf a liinl. II-: lookoti as tlioiiich pcacf fully sl"cj;ii)j;. 'I'liere wars u miin'isr of IH-ixuis outside tu tlic s-lre'-t waiting to (ntcli th.' last report. Within ilcors liicrc wcro l-rtwcen furt' anil (5 f ty p-Tsons, tlso waiting to h'.nr t!;;: v.orst. Tli.'V WL-n compose. I rhii lly of rep-rts-.ntHtivrs of th pri'M anil fri-.n Is of the ilencl sen ator. Mr. C'onklin clii-il in tli rear ohaiiihcr on t Fie second floor uf the rcsi dciKi'. '-It was a ilrcadful struirylc t lint tho patient fought aainit death,"' said Jitdt? Coxt; "hut the tnd was peaceful and un.'irconipanied ly i)ain." His por rowiii wife and daughter were weeping at hi . sidt;. hut one;; thn keen eyes were hiZ'-tl and sc t in the t-trnyl?. Mrs. Coiil.lii:,' and daughter bolii bi:rc up iravely, hut th;: wifu was most pros trated. Nrt. O.iknian tuppoitrd her moth: r. Tlie ashen jiallor d.-cpened upon the eiua: iated face. Mr. Conkliii"; ;ra-ped :!iree or four times and passed away. In death the lin-s ahout the. moulli and on tlrj face we rc slightly drawn. lie v.a niiuh d, "Hit atlll in deatii the fiee S'c uu'd natural. Immediately Sifter ta.'' death Judj-j Coxo and Dr. AndeiMon I ? ft tlij house. No arrnnctnetits can he tonilit f.r the funeral. The ri r.iu;;:ner.(s will he definitely Rettlctl when Mr-. Ccmkling In comes more compored. -Iud..e C'oxe snid that it. death Conkling's iiiru:!i was slightly' o;cn. as though he h ul eiied with a tjas;- Mis. Conklin-j is alor.e with her daughter aud U com pletely plo.aled v. ith giif. I.Ai :;ii The iiite-rm.-iit will he at Utica. Btforo tho D?ath. Xi.v.- Yohk, April 17. Dr. Fordyce ii irker seem: d nuitc ovirrome as he stood '.i tiu steps of Conkling's house this afternoon and tolil t!is re'iorts of the impending dissolution of his patient. He made no effott to conceal the fait that death wa3 r-ad)" ntany moment to set its seal on the? hrow of the uobee victim wh had struggled so long whec a weaker nature would have succumbed. Thero was a hush in the corridors of th; h tels near by, and a prevading. oppre? sive quiet and solcmuity all tlie after noon, while sick statesman lay niution less in his bed. Larg.? crowds of people congregated in the streets through the evening, owing to the bulletniJ announcing that the end was near. Tromineut politicians aud membars of the bar were seen in the cor ridors of tho Hoffman housa discussing the abilities of the dying senator, and inquiring the latest news. A sorrc wful group turrounded the sick min'b !nd. M.s. Coukling, whose vigils have bon boyoii.l t It 3 endurance of m my stronger women, and who had wateli-jd her husband since early morn ing, was at hts fide 'ooking worn aud despondent'. His nephews," Judge A. C. Cope, and A-Mcrtnan Coukling, and his brot r '. Colonel P. A. C'tj&kling, and Mr. Oakiiiau wereso'rowfulobs rve:s of C.i ::.'R:ng av.-.iy of t'u great senator. Dr. Barker culled bt 10:.j0 and remain ed U'ltil 11 o'clock. He & aid Mr. Conk liii'4 was falling rapidly. His extremi ties were becoming col l. H'u lcg3 were quit - Ceil t ;:11 the way up.' lie as pr.lsc lbs. and 1.1: . pirall.m very quick, lie didif Co.ikling could" live much longer, lie v.v. suffering frcm a general failure of the- nervous system. LKssjlija!! -i PoilaltSisfEi WHSH YOU WANT mm mm -or- CALL ON Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contraetor and KnUcIer Sept. 12-Cnu A "oted Ilsrso Thief Captured Mi"s:u r.-i:, I. T., April 17. Geo. Myers a t.-,t.d horse-thief, who has been op.r. t; g in the territory for a long lime, was c.r ture 1, afitr being serirouly shot, ya-!e.tlay. A pessa of ollicers ovcttook ji jcrs ami a compmiion near Patcrick's l-'eriy, tome miles cast of here, nud a pitcliLel b:.tUe ensued. Myers diel" not give up till he was shot in the forehead. His companion escaped. He was brought to tins city, and after haTirsg his wounds dr s-- il was turned over to the proper jSli' ers. A Strike of Stcnscutters. NASUViLLe, Tenn.. April 17. Thirty stonecutters, members of the union, cm- pliiynd in the ynrels in this- city, struck toel'ar. The local branch of the union mud a de mand on employer? for a re duction of working hours with the same pay, f 3 p.-r day. They wanted to work nine hour instead of ten. The demand was not grauted and so they stopped w,rk. A Texas Republican Convention- Tkxaukana, Auk., April 17. The Republican Convention of the Fourth Texas Congressional District met at Ohio's Ojjcra House in the city today, to ("elect delegates to the National iU puhlirau Convention and to elect two m"i:ibers of tl;e St .te Mxeculive Ce;m mittee. A full delegation from the counties comprising tho district were pre.-etit. The Chairman of the CVtitral Committee, XV. II. Singh ton, called the convdition to. ether, inldresf-ing it at length ;n tlie opiiiious of th-j eliy. The (-'on vention wis orgatiiz- d by the btlt c tion of P. V. Miner, of Paris, as chair man; F. W. Troupe and W. II. Wnims as KoUeitois Hon. J. S. Cuffy, of Hopkins Comity, find Col. D. J. Wright, of Puis, were elected delegates to the National Convention, with V. II. Graham of La mar, and XV. M. Johnson, of Fannin County, as alternates. T. C. Gibbons, of Lamar, v. as elected as Chairman of the. Congressional Committee. XV. 11. Singh ton, of Jeff.rson, wa.i chosen a elector at large. A SIGNMAKER'3 LAMENT. Decay of a I'.raucli of the l'aintlns llccl iiess M'cirlia of Art. Any person anxious to know what has be come of the majority of tlio emblematic signs which ton or Gl'tooii years ao huug half a dozen in every block should visit any largo sigmnaker's workshop. Tho oneo familiar wiisc-solier's bunch of grapes, tho glover's hand, tho locksmith's key, tho carpenter's saw, tho blacksmith's mighty arm, tho butcher's boar's head, tho hundred and ona fljrres that fe.rmerly stK)il in front of tobac conists1 fahops inviting customers to enter, are all on duty s'e.olves in tho storerooms. "They are all gone out,"1 said a signmaker, ruefully looking over hi3 collection. "Truo, the idea of painting tobacconists1 signs white and making them look weird and ghost like reviveel that particular sign for atimo and brought back same of its old time effective ness, but emblematic signs in general belong to tho past. About all wo sell nowadays cro mortars, boots and clocks. Singularly enough the demand for them is not from country houses, but from tho city. Oue would think that city people in the hunt for originality that business competition eora lels would reject sooner than countrymen tho oldest merchant's siu known to man. Emblematic signs need pushing. They ouht to bo Kiill a good advertifemcut. Why, somo of them, particularly tho life figures, are works of art. There arc wooden and fuetailic Indians and leasts in stock that pretentious sculptors would not be cibamed of. Ixok at that bull's head and at that bu.;t of Gambrinus! Look at the care aud time it took to carve oven so simple a thing as a gun and get it true to life. Emblematic signs cro carved no. more. Those that are built aro njiuto of iron, either cast or spun. A uso for which somo of them yet command a good prico is as weather vanes and as the tops of flagstafrs. There are numerous men in town who have expensive emblematic vanes on their stables. I heard of one man who took his indoors at night. It was so ct3tly Le was afraid it would tempt thieves. "But business in other kinds of signs is brisk enough," ho continued. "We make them of wood, iron, glass, mirrors, porcelain, copper, wire, silk, velvet aud plush, The signs in this city, as a wLolo, are sejeond in artisticnecs only to those in New York, cud that city's signs are second to none. Tho tendency is all toward display, wilh a3 much gold and glitter a3 possible. I wouldn't dare gues3 how many Immlrcd3 of thousands of dollars' worth of gold leaf tho cignmakers of tho country use u;j in a year. Carved signs aro the most expensive. It's no unoommoii thing for a mfr'-Lmut tc plaster f 1,500 ta .2,(XX) worth of signs on tho front of his store." Chicago Times. A Oievit J'lero of I.-.icJi. "Ah! how d ye d, .Toms I had the greatest piece of luck last night.1' "I low bo!"'1 "Why, you fsee, one of my tenement homes burned down" "Vou don't mean it! Did the families get out in wife tj '. ' "Xo, 1 believe a few of tlicm were burned to death. But that's neither hero nor there. 1 was going to tell you about my good hick. I had intended to put fu a live escape this very week the paper are making such n fuss, you know and it would have cost me $i00. I've saved that now. How's that for luck:-''1 Boston Transcript. l uliln Tiiulo Ton Fur. "You must push matters a little, James," said the druggist to the new hoy. "By calling n customer's attention to this article and that article you can often effect sales." "V'es, fcir," responded the new boy, find then he hastened to wait on an elelerly female who wanted a stamp. "Anythin1 else, mum?" inquired tho ambitious boy, politely; "hair dye, cos metic, faxic powder, v;:eHnyTie cV--'-. 1 : l ladonna, mole ".:. i.jc. ' The elelerly female licked the stamp viciously and left the door open as she went out. Texas Siftings. Tho Gratlnute'n Nell;;eiioe. School Girl Mamma, my head aches so I can't see the figures any more. Won't you do this bum? Mamma (looking over the problem) I dem't know how, dear. "Why, grandma said you graduated wilh the highest honors." "Yes, I did. I could have answered any question in the books then; but I can't now." "Have the books clfftnged?" "Xo. but after leaving school I negli gently allowed my head to stop aching." Omaha World, La ilUlU i'.ili.i Uhll iJalalhUJ llii.i' U. COMMEN'CINU Tlvarsciay, .pril 19. Eunice Ooodrioh Sl'l'l' KiiiD BY A COMPANY OF MERIT KEPEltTOIKK. THUHPDAV - - rEAKL Ol'SAVOV. Flit H. AY - r t - DAD'S BOA". SAIX'ItQVY - VAVrrD, A HUSBAND. Grind Family H !.is5 at 2 p. ra. Tatur-iay ADmSSlOIIS IS. , 25. S3, ar.d 50 eta. As Sd'ivp-i'ii cf tl'e f:on!r!el! Kisjjagerr ent two SoH't (I'll-.I V.;t-iies will !e uiveii away. oik Satur ay Atatiaee. 1.110 Sa'urJay l.iht, 4 X. St'Ll.tV AN. A ;' - e !.:(W. Will :vs Mi.:qt Urii.Sfii to;vl bushicsf- ..-trmte-t t-; si!:'. ;; it, tf.:n Block, Fast '(li. iidt!SI!tti:i Ne-b. Br. C. Marshall. lit. iitev tho I.ln. 3viJister (discussing religious matters) Of course, Mr. Hendricks, one can be too narrow in his ideas regarding the ob servance of tho Sabbath, but there la fishing, for instance. Do you think it is right to fish cn Sunday? .Mr. Heudrieks (evasively) Well er 1 think! would draw the line at Csluu3 on Sunday. Texas Siftings. After tlie Storm. Jinks (who has just lipped and tum bled down tho front steps) Never mind, old fellow. Guess I'm not hurt much. How do I look? Blinks Never looked more natural in your life. Jinks Impossible! Blinks- I tell you it is eo. You lock just like your rolled self. Explained by Science. Science has at last furnished an un answerable reason why very young men know so much more than old ones. Tho brain decreases in weight with age. It is heaviest between the aces of 1-J and 0, The old gentlemen should now get off tho band wagon as gracefully ns their ago will permit. Denver Republican. liie'.n't Quite Understand. Tobacconist Customer The figure cf the Indian is all right and true to nature, but I don't understand why you put thai bottle of mm in his hand. Sign Sculptor Reckon you've never seen a live Injun, boss. Tid Bits. A Serlcm Difncnlty. Since a Russian law forbids the use of exclamation points in a new spaper art icle, One i3 at a loss to see how can bo properly interpreted therein n Muscovite's out burst when he steps on a tack. Boston Budget. ZalediscofTokenonischi is the name of a man who i3 working in the Schuylk'U .coal mines, lie has a . thoroughly an? thracite name. r-c- ati.t-3 cSSe c r", cm o PrescrYatiea f -1 t.-ctU a Fpecia!y. Ccclh niraclcd u itiiunl pai:i tnj unc of Lastyhiiig Jr,x. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FiT'.c.E:iAi.:'s lit, R Fr. i rs mouth. Xs'it Win. iieroid & Sou FOR Fry Goa& KcIIom Bests iti Slioes or Xadies r.?ul GtRis FURBISHING - GOODS. He keeps as large and as well SELEGTPr SOTOC-Kr As can be fennel anv j.'ace in lb city and make jou prices ttat ilfy eeiiiietiiioa. People are constantly Hiking: "13 Lfa worth living?" uad Liking medicine at the same time. A;entsfor Barurr's Bazar m,tm an! Ball's Corsets. C. F. SMIT H, The Boss Tailor. Main Si, Over Merge s Slice Store. Has the bes-t and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens-f hat ever came west of Missouri river. Xote these prices: Business suits from $1(5 to Jo3, dress suits, $25 to $45, psnts $4, $5, t5, $-3.50 and upartls. C"Will guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Competition. Tho ItoyligM Store. Just after cur inventory, we reduce prices ?o sell the goods rather than to cany over. We are willing to sell our entire Winter Goods at cost. Staples wo have a largo quantity and offer them very low. Calico. 3 to 5 cents per yard, making the best standard of them at 20 j arils for ?l.dO. Gingham best dri m styles 10 cents per yard. Dress gi ods all kinds at the very lowest juices, from 5 cents per yard upward. Woolen hoso wc offer at cost, extra fue. Ladies cash mere hose, worth 1.00, now 7." cents, line heavy wool 40 cents, now 2."; c hild ren's line ribbed worth 50, now I50. Un der wear must go ut low prices, as wo will not keep th'-ni over. Our Gents Silver Grey Mrino Shuts - : I--, .e..i..e j.iiCLa 6(1 now IJ5. Our Gents Silver grey mariuo jdiirts and drawers, extra quality 7o now 10. Our Scarlet till wool shirts and draw ers line quality 1.00 now To crnls. Our scarlet all wool shirts and draw ers, line quality 1.25 now 1.00. Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality 1.75 now 1,25. O ir scarle t all-wool shirts and draw ers, line quality 2.00 now 1.40. r 3Lnlcvs' - 'KTiKtlerivcar, EQUALLY AS CHEAP. Our 25 per cent, discount on clonks, is still good. We are determined to close out our entire stock and never befon has fcuch an opportunity been offered to economical buyers to purchase the bct qualities for so little money. Joseph V. Wcchbach, 4 i :2 '3 n "-f I Hi 13 As per previous .iiiiio'dnccixient, we lmd lully detennintd to li.'c;iitii: we IjiisJuc ks in Plattsinouth and eo advertised ticcorclingly and now. as satisfactory arrangements Lave been perfected for the continuance ot same under the management of Mr. J. Finley and 1.. F. Jitin nei as book-keeper and cashier, Ave herewith notify our friends and - patrons of our final de cision and kindly solicit a continuance of your kind patronage, so freely extended during the past sixteen years, by the addition of compe tent clerical force. On account of Mr. Solomon leaving the city and by the adoption of the stijictla' ne-t rice system, Courteous treatment, and an elegant new ill a 51 p trtk P N Hi 'A a s u Stock Bed-Roek Prices, Ve trust to merit your good will and patron- age. VER Y RESPECTF ULL Y, i Solomon&Nathan. ! Thn MniA? Dhninnrmnk Will be open January 24th, at the OLiD ST3.JTD OF . i. CiLfUTlT All work warranted first-elass. If A I 1 baliery