The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 17, 1888, Image 1
imi $ T ? " 'tf . . o iff . , SJ II i . i A. .Ill a. JfJ to IL ll I M fikst yi:ak PLATTSMOLTII, XKISISASKA, TUESDAY KVK'ING, AIiIII. 17, 1888. MJ311Ji:Jt 178 jTl ..-. - - - 1". M 'M. nr.v i;!--ik. - - - " "J'r.M-.ii.-r. - .1 i !-.- tv. i-1 .'.: . . i !. Ai t"i ,i - , - - i; ii : ' i.f k hie i i. ... - - - A "I vim.i.i; I i t ; , - - - S ' i i.'r i;i M rh -M. ... .-. it t i i . . I .1 V V. 1. 1; ii CoUil'-.i .ie:l. It ..'1.1, . j.; - v l ..J .) I Mr. .V MIII'MAX ) M I. l.lvt ... i i Li' In: i i . v .... J oN ' ( i ;. O I I.' '. . I'Ufs (J W.J'Hi.VS , liAIK.'.l l.N P.Dai d ru!.V."oik-.- i-1: i i i iK' f 1 il II awk A oi-tii t7 GOL'jX'l'Y Ol'KIGKiiS. Treasurer, lMmty ti-e;fturer, - Clerk. leputy Cl.-rk, ltcconlcr f l.eil Jointy K.,''i'lr CliTK l Oi-luet. Co irt, ShcriiT, - - - Surveyor. -Attorney. Sunt, or t-'n !. School-, County J ii lae. HO.KI OK MCI'K A. 15. T'll. Louis r' i.r. Ch'iii., A. U. 1I KsoN", ! A. Cam pi', ki i. TllU-t. I'lll.l.lH k I'rni hitch n i.n 1- XA Ci:l (nil- IKI.: w. ii. r .'! M W. C. MloWA l.l Kit J.C. KlKKNKAI A. M AOOI.K Al.l.KN iiKK.H .N Mays mi s-i n k " O. ItCSSKl.l. KVISOIES. riatlMflKMlill Weeping Wit.-r K in wood (IYIG SOGIK'IUSS. W 'V r ' Ciass i.o; , 4no. m. i . o. f. -M.M ts every rnr-ii:iy cvimiIii of wt-fk. All tr:ii.hi.-nl l.rt tlurs aie ri'i-ifctlu'.ly Inviu-il to httvutl. M. CO.KU.'tC'S COUOITION. Nkw Yokh, 17. In uu otlitial j Lull, lin iiu:l at 8 o'clock tlii.s iii'irnln Jit was' il tii.ii! .vii.-i no tliunj;o in . C-HiLliii;;'.! ( -oiitiitioii, an I liia uo mul ; l'-u rutiire w.-r.- s!'ut t ho .i!ii The iuticiit fc.' j.t f-.i- fi-tir hums tlin snj the night aii-l v a t : 1 1 n Arc :it y o'clock. About J 0 o'clock this moinii) I Jr. ll-rk-er annouiH.rtl tli it ConLliii'; had pas -rd a n-ry coi;ifort.t!Ji. r.t.rhf. The .hvicin J now places C(.nklin;'s clianc. ofucovo ' ry one in live. He fayn Conklin i I quite f trolly, cjMiij.arativtly spenking, w j ing so the nniout of nourishment ho hu iwen taking;. Dr. Uarker called about 9 o'clock, but only icinniiicd it few minutes, lie suid: "Conk ling is greatly improved, and bis chanc..'s for recovery i greatly inoreasud." When an Iced if Ibo critical point had been reached, he said: "No; not yet." To night wan thft liifct timo he has taken a glu-ts of milk in his own hand. He took twenty-seven unces of nourishment since the afternoon visit of the doctor. Alder man C'onklbig left the houso soon after Dr. Darker, lie 8cenis more hopeful, and told a repoiter ha now thought his uncle would recover. 1H.ATTMOI HI KNCAMI'.MI'.NT '. :i. I. C. V.. nn-i-ix v-ry u.t-ri;it. t-ri'la7 In each liiiuilli In ihf Maoni ilull- Vihitmi; Jlrotlu-is iire i'.itcl to attt ii'l. fiutlO IJMMiE X . . A. ). U. W.-.M. Hs ef v iil'-Tiiiti Kri.lay oveniuir at Iv. I 1 . hall 'lii:si-'i liroidiTH ar- ri'sin-rt f u!ly in vit' l .i.i".i-!mI. K..I M.i'i;!-i' Workman ; K S . Koifinaii ; I'rank l! over lifer; J. U.iw.mi, Ciinl'; ;.-.. Ic lloilswoitli. Itreonh-r ; II. J. ..liiis.n. r iiianc-HT ; W:-li . Hmitli. K-i'MVT ; M. Ma brliit. 1'act M. W. ; Iani:herty, InsUle Ciiild. ,s ri'.tl XO.3.12. MOIlKliN WOOliMKN J of u'i'.ii.-a Meets. secoml an.l foiirlli Moll day OV....1..,' t K. of r. hall. All transient M-otiier. r r.- iure.l to meet xv.ili iih. U. A. Nbw.-o .or. Consul ; C h, Worthy V.I.Ner : J. Ii. SmU. Kx-Hanker ; W . C. Willetts. Clerk. IlLiTrS.WlUJI II I.ODC.E NO. I. A. i. V. . M.'-i fvi ry alternate Friday evening at Kockwoo! Jiall at h o'clock. AH transient br..tli rs are res-trnlly invited 10 iittend. I. . I. Hrson. M. W. i . ISoyl. Foreman: S. I. Wll.le. Recorder ; I.sard Anderson, uverscjr. r!3CO?iHI POST 45 G. A. R- nosrrii. J. V..loii:sos ...,'o nnandrr. C. S. l ,vi-.s Senior iee F. A. Hat., Junior .,, .,.,, , II. tNitY siitKioiir vi .i..v imv.v... nleerol urn ." Cit milks F : ' . ". AXUKBM1X HtV ;rr.':V Jer .lAiMiit;...-!: km A. v.. ..CJlSir cr Ma- er I I.. C. Cl'Urn I t ' ej.i .' al ii' i'H':il"'r: in' r-rv.v;S;iltcn;!vi tt all Uiaii-' liu" "" to in y caie. .TA!JY IN OKflOJ:. Title- Fx n'.:i-'l. ii-t.sivt' Cims piiod. In surance WriiU'll, i'e:-.l K-li.t.r So! J. Bettor Faeiiitl-s for inakiu ; Farm I.o ui- tli.t" Any Otficr Asvcncr. II. B. V.'iNtHiAM. John a. Davif. Notary rul.r.c. Notary I'lililic. nM1SAJI A I,VV I Attoraoys - at - XiCitt. Offiee over Hank I C'ai Com:! y. Plattsmoctii, - ' Xkiiraska. H,E.PaImer&Son lilSUBA? CE AGEfiTS Roproseat tlie following titne-tvli-1 an 1 lire-tcsteil companies: Ameil-Mi VVr!-3-. Loirs, Aet St.2.w,lM Coinnicroial t-' ii n-F:rlatid. Fire Aoi la ion-Philadelphia, rranklln-i'tii'.ad lpliia. llome-Xe-v Y r'i. " Irs. C-. of Vortli A-nerica. Phil. " Uverptol-SL .i l n : llbe-Ens " North British . Mew intiie-Fii Norwich L"iiion-In'.':a:i.l. " tJpriutieU V. M.-SprhigReld, " 2..v.);.su 4.1 13.70 3,117.106 7.8"3.M 9 8.47t.3'2 C.r.31.7.l 3.STS.75J I.21"..4W 3.044.&I5 Total A-setS, $42,115,774 WHEN YOU WANT Double Murder. Cheyenxk Mills, Col.. April 17 Saturday while X. B. llcConiull and John Jlotrison, two youths from Iowa, were passing the house Frederick Baker, live miles north, the latter commanded them to stop. They piyiug no attention to the orders Baker fired upon them a shotgun loaded with slugs. The driver waa uninjured, but AlcConnell atd Mor rison were riddled with shot and died in five minutes. Baker waa arrested, and tonight fifty armed men went to the jail demanding that the deputy sheriff turn the prisoner over to them. The officer refuso to do ao; but the men say they are determined and will ta!;e Baker out and hang him before morning, if they have to tear down the jail to get him. Ti.o MfibibiIit'us are that the murderer will be hanging to & telegraph pole be fore davlinht. CrlY?n Crazy by Elondine. BiitMiMiiiAM. Al.i.; April 10. G;it rn.b.. ll.icni r, a good-looking G-ifi-an ill; apparently about IT year a of ag-.', Ma?3cdthniiL'h this city yeiterclay afttr-'l-'-on. The unfortunatgirl v.'ti a ra in; -.sruiiac- .Mul v:i; en her way to tha SUte Insane Asylum 'it Tuscaloosa. llt r in sanity Wrt ar.( -.1 by the exect-sivt use f U!..i:'iur'!" riicnn.'al prcp;:i:ilion which she used U5 dye hvf luir. S!ie had used sn. h a quantity of tii Stuff that it had worked through her skull and affected her brain. IJer mind wr.s completely deranged and she became so violent llirt it was necetnary to confine her in a room to ktep her fiom attacking and injuring members of her family. She lives near Cullman, this State. Shot by His Fcur-Year-Old Cousin Evansniile, Ind., April 10. News was received this evening of a terrible accident near Sacramento, Ky., in which Walter West, aged 17, was hot and fatally injured by his cousin, Eddy (Jwyim, ged 4 years. West had just re turned from a hunting expedition and laid down on the porch with the gun by his side. Gwynn came up and pulled the gun away, "West holding to the ninz.i.-. When he wti etched tho boy's arm to full length, Gwynn asked his cousin if he could Mioot. West replied: Yes; shoot away." Gwyna pulled the trigger and the charge of shot entered West's side, goin through one of his lungs. He was reported dying this morning. Firo at Colurr.bu3 Colcmbc3, Neb., April 17- The Union Pacific coal chute wns discovered on fire at elsvcn o'clock this evening. The wind was blowing a gale. The fire department promptly subdued what early ti.i f 'itened a big conflagration. A few moments previsus a tire was quenchr ed in a big pile of ties, supposed to be the work of vagabond tramps for the purpose of pillage. WORK 1 -OF- CALL OX Cor. 12th and Granite Street. Contractor ctrI Bnildcr Sept. 12 Cm. gunk in a Collision. Losnos April 17. The British steam er B rlin, from Antwerp, had her bovra stove in aud afterward seriously damaged in a collision off Deal ia a fog with the st.aiiKT Venn, from Balboa. The Vena sank, and sixteen of the persons on board her lost their livis. The Republicans Win. Xkw Ouleans. La.. April 1C The j supreme court has aflirmed the decision j of Judge Houston, giving n peremptory j m to the republicans, for a ciJinmfiiMoner of election at the yarious voting places tomorrow. Tho Coin Collecting; Craze. "The coin collecting craze begins In curious ways," said B. If. Collins, of the treasury department. The foremost colj lector of the United States, who died rn cently, beeamo a collector through an accidental desire to possess a big cent of the year of his birth, 17!)i). His collection xvassold after his death at auction. It brought $20,000, and it would today real ize double that sum. Tho cost of rare coins increases year by year, and the in crease in values during the past five years has been over 5J0U per cent. Coins must not only be rare, but they must be in good condition, and the best are hard to obtain. A perfect coin of some dates are as rare as a Maud S., a peacliblow vase or a Koh lnoor dlauiond. " "What are the leading specialties of the United States collector??" "Three-fourths of the collectors of tins country collect United States and colonial coins, and I iie others collect miscellaneous coins, ancient and modern, foreign and United States. Some collect only certain peries, some only gold coins, some silver and tome only cupper. My specialty Is copper cents, lis coins are the rarest to bo found in perfect condition, nnd the val ues tf copper coins are more certain. It is very hard to find line specimens. The cents and half cents have circulated to ku.r.lj fin extent that they have become worn, disfigured, black a Act smooth, and rare cents in good condition are thus very costly. Washington Cor. New YorU Worid. Choosing a Ptijsiclan. "Doctor," said a prominent scientist to aa equally prominent physician, "when you are sick, who attends you?" "Why do you askr-" replied the doctor. "Oh," was the response, "I want to find out whom the doctors select to at tend them; that man shall be my physi cian." But shun the man who habitually speaks ill of his professional brethren; lu; is not a generous man, probaldy nor a just one. Shun also the man who has a sure cure for every ill, and is always ready to promise that lie 'can help you; who boasts of his wonderful cures, and never owns a failure; who is always talking about his cures, and telling what a heavy business he does. His stock in trade is bluff and brag. And shun the positiva man, who has a ready answer to every question, who can tell exactly what the matter is, how it was caused, and what ths result will be. He knows too much to be honest. Medicine is not a positive science, and where there are so many ele ments of uncertainty, it is not in human nature to know the end from the begin-ning.-r-Demorest's Monthly. The Slav's to?e of Music. The Bohemian Dvorak relates in an au tobiographical sketch that in his country every child must study music. "The law enacting this is old; it was once repealed, but is in force again. Herein I consider lies one great secret of the natural talent for music in my country. Our national tunes and chorals came, as it were,, from the very heart of the people, and beautiful things they were. I intend some day writing an oratorio into which I shall introduce some of these chorals. Tho Slavs all love music. They may work all day in the fields, but they are always sing ing, and the true musical spirit burn bright within them. How they love tho dance, too! On Sunday, when church is over, they begin their music and dancing, and often keep it up without cessation till early in the following morning. Each village has its band of eight or ten musicians." Home Journal. Exercise for Heart nisease, The mistake is frequently made of ad vising subjects of heart disease to keep absolutely quiet. This 13 all wrong. Exercise in moderation is beneficial, and protracts the course of the disease. The muscular substance of the heart, like all other muscles, needs exercise, and must have it, otherwise it cannot keep up its nutrition to the highest point possible. Indeed, Professor Oertel goes so far as to recommend mountain climbing a3 the best form of exercise for these cases. It may be that this id going a little too far, but there can ho no question as to the benefits to bo had froai moderate exercise in this class of cases. Globe-Democrat. Newspaper by rhotosraphy. Books are reproduce.! in this country : directly from photographic plates, and ho C'hcaply as to xell lor one half the price of ivpriuts by the usual type methods tho Eucycloiieditt I'ritannlea, of which seven teen volumes have been issued, lacing the most important work thus far photo graphically reproduced. ly chance it was iiseovered that the gelatine plate, front which the electrotype is made in this pro cess, could be printed from directly, giv ing a larger number of good copied than ; the hardest electrotype. The New York '. Evening I'o. t now nays the most recent development in this direction, and one ' which has scarcely been foreseen untd very recently, is the proposed use of the gelatine proces.-j of printing for newspaper work. A western inventor has been engaged for some time in tin experiment, which aims at nothing less than the entire elim ination of the compositor for book work and even newspaper work. The process is virtually that already followed by tho firms which reproduce works by photography, but instead of photographing a printed page, it is now projHtsed to photograph from type written pages, nnd reducing the plate nt tho same time to the Fize of ordinary print to place the result ing gelatine plate upon sprinting press and use it instead of the electrotype made from the metal types. The late Col. ltichard Howe, the veteran press inventor, in reviewing the development of the print ing press during his lifetime, said: "I have some idea that the next jump will bo in the direction of photographing the newspaper upon the sheet of paper as it ilies through tho press. I don't know how such a thing can be done, but with the instantaneous process of lightning photographs some genius will use it for the newspapers." He did not live to see any experiment made in the direction of nctural photography of newspapers, but there seems to have been something al most prophetic in his suggestion of pho tography for tho newspaper of the future. Chicago News. !i ut Kollirrii'it Practical JnUct It is relate J of Hot hern that once i:i Lon don, ho entered an iron juoii;-,er'd s!io;iunJ, advancing to tiioco.m'cr, sa;d: "Have you tho fcrjond euitioa of r i.:ca, day's 'IIL.tory of England J'" The .-.ine, :.;. r c:;;.!:i;ne:l that ho l:e;.t a. iron;,e; ;n r i .--:;:l.;.!.:nent. "Wed, it don't matter wheiiurit ii bound i:i calf or Dot," answered tho cli't'uniT. "lint, sir, this is not a bookseller's." "It don't mailer how you put it up," says Soth ern; "a piece of brown paper th sort of a thing you would give your own mother." "Sir!" bawled the idiopkeepcr, "we don't keep it! No books; tli is is an iron moii gering shop." "Yes," says Hot hem, "tho binding diilVrs, fc.ut I'm not particular as Ling a 3 I havoa 1'y leaf, don't you know." "Sir!" fairly screamed ilio shopkeeper, "can't you tee wo keep no books.' This is nu iron monger's shop!'' "Certainly," said Sot hern, seating himself. "I'll wait for it." Believing that hi.s customer was either hope lessly deaf or equally mnd, the man called another from the other end of the store nnd explained that ho could do nothing with tho gentleman. "What do you wish, siri" shouted tho second man, advancing. ''I should like," says Kolhern, quietly, "a small, .lain file about so long." "Certainly, sir," said tho man, civ l-.y i-; !''''. '. 1 a glance of the moi.t unmitigated" disgust. NewiYork Commercial Advertiser. Making Proper Allowance. Mr. Holworthy Believe me, Clara, you have no reason to be jealous; I havo been devotedly true to you true as as the needle to the pole. Miss Vassar I take it then that I am to make proper allowance for magnetic variations. Town Topics. Iiet for tho Engineers. Engineers on the Great Northern rail way, England, are given at least nino hours' rest between one day's labor and another, as a precaution against accidents. Chicago Herald. Tiirc-3 ana Saturday Mcitiiec uu uu j -COMMENT. IXC- Eunses Goodrich : i- ic: :.: -BY A CO .! F A N Y O F M ER IT Tt'Ui.SD VY FlilDAY- - s.ut:i;l vy UTOii:-". ri'ALi.f FiAV;iy. D AD'S B' )Y. 'VAVf: i). a liviiivsii 2 p. u. atnr by ADMISSIONS 15. 25. 35. end 50 eis. As SwivH-irf of tl.e ";. tlrieh Kiu two Soil;', ti';l'J V, .IC:!( S Wl.i In; (ilv one Satur-ay .Matinee, oiicttt' e.rtlay ieii ent n av.av. Uht, .1 :. f.ri.l.l V AN. AHon.:V at taw. WIU Cive frvliiv! Alle,.;i.r i,i .r! i'iiii.' Trusled to hie. "tiee iii L'uiua iUoek, East side, i'lalisinoLth. Nf!;. Dr. C. A- Marsha!!. V -v. v,"f - i . ;9 &vm g a ' Preservation f uatund teeth a sprcially. Cccth extracted icithout pain by iwe of Laughing ; All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FiTZOKitAi.n's 1J: riv Pi.'.tt jmoutii. Ns n m. Iferokl & Son Cry Goou?. ITctlons Eoots End Siiocs or Ladies f.r.d Gents FUIINISIIING- GOOPS. lie keeps as large i;nd as well SHLEOTrr STOCK As can b found any p'r.ep in thf- city and ir.i'.ke jou juices th:U dtiy eeinieif; ion. Agents for Harper's Eazar Patera; and EaTs Genets, C. F. SM ITH, The Boss Tailor. Tho ljyligt Store. Just after ( ur inventory, we reduce prices W s-II the goods rather than to c.nry over. We are willing to sell our entire Winter (foods at cost. Staples we havo a l uge quantity and ofTcr- tluin very low. Calico !J to 5 cents jar yard, making ti e best standard of them at k'O yards for $1.00. Gingham best dmu s'.ilos 10 cents per yard. Dnss giod all kinds ut tin; vi iy lowest pric es, from 5 cents per yard upward. Woolen bono we oiler at cost, extra fne. Ladies cash mere hose, worth LOO, now 7.") cents, fine heavy wool 40 cents, now Si.".; child ren's fine ribbed woith HO, now liii. Un der wear must go at low prices, as we will not keep them over. Our Gents Silver Grey Merino Shiifs v ' ! L - e.i ".0 now !. Our Gents Silver grey marino shirts and drawers, extra quality 75 now 50, Our Scarlet all wool shirts and draw ers fin..' quality $1.00 now 1 cents. Our scarlet nil-wool shirts and draw ers, fino quality $1.2."i now 1.00, Our scarlet all-wool shirt nnd draw ers, fine quality $1:73 now 1,2.1. O ir scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality $2.00 now 1.40. Xi-ndics9 - Uiidci'ivcHr, EQUALLY AS CHEAP. Our 2. per cent, discount on cloaks, 1 st'dl good. We are determined to clo,o out our entire stock and never before has such an opportunity been offend to economical buyers to purchase the best qualities for so little money. 'Joseph V. Wechhsidi. i As per pi-cvi'Uti :ui i.ou ncfjiic i; t, we Latl Inllj (.k'tcniiin (1 to (lirfojitiittK; l,u.-inc in Plattsiaoutli and eo uuvt-r accoixlinly um now, as sati.-fac-lorv arrar:;;oiifiit:j liave Lcrn i! perfected for tlie continuance of same under the management of Mr. J. Fmley and j:. F. lluii nei as book-lxejier and cashier, we herewith notify our friends and patrons of our final de cision and kindly solicit a continuance of your kind patror.cge, so freely extended during the past sixteen years, by the addition of compe tent clerical force. On account of Mr. Solomon leaving tlie city aud by the adoption of the htuicti.v 1 une-rnce system, Courteous treatment, and an elegant new dunm o - 5I0C: Bed-Roek Prices, "We trust to merit your good will and patron age. VEIi Y KESFECTF ULL Y j Solomon &Haihan,j Main S' Over Merp s Shi.e Sioie. Has the best and mot complete stock of sanmhs, both for.ign and doni'stiQ woolens that ever came west of Missouri I river. Xote these prices: Business sn r .'.1 i? ... r- .") f.n , . - C- T . C 4 T irinu iftu hi .inn, t - iu f-t-, i pants $4, $5, S3. ?i)..r0 and" up varda, uWill guarante. d a fit i Prices Defy Competition J vV The Nev PhotographGaliery Will be open January 24th, at the SS OLdD STilND OF F. 1. CilUTlf All work warranted first-clas.