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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1888)
Tilt-- DaIlY HERALD, 1 XA-i'l'MMOut 11, NKIiUASKA, 1-1UDA V, Al'lill, is, Mi. Largest and Most Com- plete Stock off a If orrin !o i u ui oi Pel Mil' jpr j ill i i i m r ihttt n arm -n The Evening Herald. J. H. KING, City Editor. A. Nllbrjr, Doatlot, KocknooJ Building, Tr Upton .No. i-i. Dr. Sl-tlif, OlDro ! Jlrlrinr fcbvrwood Block, Tfii-plione . 4i. CITY CORDIALS. Advertise in tlio IIkbai.i. Iiirthdsy cards at Warrick's. Subscribe for The IIkkai.d. The city council meet tonight. Copperas only 5 cts. lb. at Warrick'6. Fine Stationery in boxes ut Warrick's. Paint IiriiHlies at low irico3 at War r k's. For first class job work coll at IhU oUice. llonm-opathic Medicines at Will J. Warrick's. A tlie leaves come out let the city in nkc improvements. The 1 list 10, 15 mid 20 cent Tooth Jirushe.s at Warrick's. The seats are now on sale for the Welsh Prize Singers at J. 1'. Young's. Sassafras Hark 20 cts. a lb. at Warrick'. , The improvements in the city have begun and we say "let them roll." Druggit's Toilet Sonps the best 10 cent soap in the market. Will J. Warrick. ' We issue one thousand copies today and aim to put a paper in every house in the city. Everything usually kept in a first-class drug store and at low prices at Will J Warrick's. There was a rumpus in the gallery of the opera louse last night that wr.s quickly settled. White Lead. Linseed Oil, Mixed Paint?, Colors-, Varnish fcc. at bed rock prict at Will J. Warrick's. The Zo-Zo opera company left this morning at 10:18 for Atchison, Kan., where they expect to arrive at 3:15 this afternoon. Wall Paper. Will J. Warrick has the largest and most complete stock of wall paper in the city, see Ins stock before buying. William S. Wise ys. Thomas E. Tootle was decided yesterday in the dis trict court. Verdict for $100 in fayor of plaintiff. Nice clean Ilird Seed only 10 cents a pound at Warrick's. If you are dissatis fied with what you have been using try our seed. It will please you. A letter was received in the city to day from Mr. Cutright, formerly of the Journal, lie says that himself and wife re enjoying good health and well pleased with Chadron. lie has our best wishes for his future prosperity. We guarantee our mixed Paints to give entire satisfaction to cover more surface, last longer and ltk better than any other paint or lead and oil. Will J. Warrick. Jack Ilcgas, who was dismissed the other d.iy by Justice Mathews and brought up again on the same charge be fore Judge Russell yesterday, was ac quitted. Gerin and Sullivan defense, Jess; Hoot prosecution. ' Just as Cheap Will J. Warrick sella everything just as cheap as he docs Patent Medicines. Remember this when buying Paints Wall Paper &c. As the new city ofiicershave all been sworn in and Wm. Hayes and D. B. Smich are elected members of the school board, and the bonds carried, while the Daily IIeraxd has proved a stayer, let the city improvements be made while the tewn is booming. We shall this season make a speciality of Fine Wall Paper, Decorations &c. We believe we can suit you in Selections, Assortment, Quality and prices Look at our stock before you buy elsewhere. We take pleasure in showing our goods. Will J. Warrick. Mrs. Fahey of O'Xeill, Neb., sbtcr of Hon. John Fitzgerald of Lincoln, Jied in Chicago last Mondnv. where she w-te undergoing medical treatment. Mr. Fitzgerald and numerous other relatives were present at the funeral that took "place last Wednesday. He left Chicago for home this morning. The Largest Stock of Wall Paper at Warrick'. If you want the news of the day take the daily IIeaald. Remember to go to Warrick's for wall paper, paints, varnishws, etc. The Hkbalu gives more news than any other paper in the county. Best white leud $G.75 per hundred lbs., at Will J. Warrick. Our adrcrtisers gets tha benefit one more of a 1,000 extra copies. We tako pleasure in showing our stock. Will J. Warrick. The daily IIkhai.d delivered far only 15 cents per week. Hood Sarsaparilla only 75 cts. a bot tie at Will J. Warrick's. The daily Herald is the best adver tiding medium in the city. Nice clean Bird Seed at Warrick's at 10 cts. a lb. the very best in the. market. John 13. Marshall, who has been foreman of our composing rooms for the past f-ix months, leaves this evening to visit his parents at Dexter, Iowa. Don't do it Don't go to Omaha to buy Wall Paper or Paints. Wo show a very large stock and at low prices Will J. Warrick. Mr. J. 13. Robbins, who lately grad uated from Ada, (Ohio), Normal Univer sity, has taken up I.i3 residence in this city, and will shortly be ready to receive pupils in artistic and high art classes. We Sold over two tons of Kalsoinins last season. They are the best and prices tlie lowest, try them, they will givctatis- faction. Will J. Warrick. - Mis3 Eda Wiggerhorn, a society belle of Ashland and a neice of Mr. F. O..Fricke of this city, is in town visit ing her relatives and a large circle of friends. If you are dissatisfied with the Bird Seed you have been using, try our nice clean seed and you will use no other. Hemp, Canary or mixed only 10 cts. a lb. Will J. Warrick. Mrs. W. Partridge and Mrs. J. Ken worthy of Iowa, both nieces of Judge Vanatta of this city, who have been here on a visit, .returned home this morning. Their yisit was a very pleasant one as the Judge had not seen them for the past thirty years. The largest stock of wall paper and paints at Warrick's, at prices to suit the times. The very best kalsomine only 8c ptr pound at Will J. Warrick's. Plattsmouth is yery fortunate in gi-ttiHg her streets paved. Lincoln, that stands on a wind-bag trumpeting forth to the world her natural advantages, has streets so deeply covered in mud that a boat could float from the principal" hotel to. the legislative halls. It took six horses the other day to pull a light load of scenery, of the Zo-Zo troupe, through the streets of that city from the depot to the theatre, and then the pole broke twice. Lincoln has more blow tban boom. One dollar's worth of Neal's carriage paints will make your buggy look as good as new. At Will J. Warrick'a. He boards on Vine street. The other morning he raised his hands piously and said emotionally, as he addressed the landlady reverentially, "Do you know, madam, that the only way to reach n woman's heart is through her baby or the table?" The old lady indignantly replied. "I have'nt got any baby, I guess I set as good a table as anybody else for the money, and I don't want any of your flattery." The good man arose from the table aud went into a secluded spot and sang, "The mistakes of my life have been many." 110 Naw patterns of Wall Paper at Warrick's Drug Store. In these columns will be found two beautiful compositions which should be p'aced in the bible of every family that have a son, for his guidance, as they are true pictures from life and not imaginat ive. The writer heard them recited once by a young man who had given away to the temptations of drink and destroyed a brilliant mind and bright anticipations. We sincerely trust that they will be the means of preventing some brigot promis ing youth from deliberately destroying body and sonl by throwing himself over the brink of dark futurity before he is twenty-tight. A Mother's Adyitfe to Her Son. Sit down by the side of your mother my boy, you have only a moment I know, but you'll stay till I givo my parting ad vice it is all that I have to bestow. You'll leave us to seek for employment my boy; by the world you are yet to be tried, but of all the temptations aud struggles you make, may your heart in the Savior confide. Hold fast to tLc right! hold fast to the right! wherever your footsteps may roam, but forsake not tli truth of salvation, my boy, that you've learnt from your mother at home. You'll find in your satchel a bible, my boy, 'tis the boHk of all others the best, it help you to live, it helps you to die, it ltads to the gate of the blest. Your fathur is comiug, to bid you good-bye. O, how lonely and sad we shall be, when far from the scenes of your childhood and youth, you'll think of your father and ma. Now, I want you to feel every word that I've said, for it came from the dtpths of my love, and, my boy, if wo never behold you on earth, will you prom ise to meet us above. A Penitentiary Soliloquy. It's curious, now isn't it Billy, the changes that twelve months may bring; last year I was at Saratoga as happy and as rich as a king, I was raking in pools on the races, feeing the waiters with X's, nipping my julep by twilight, and today I'm here in the pen. What led mo. to do it! Ah! what always leads men to de struction and crime, the "prodigal sou" whom you've heard of, has altered some what in his time. Last night as I sat and pondered, on the end of my evil ways, there 'rose like a ph'antom before me, of my childish and boyhood days, I thought of the old achoolhouss that stood on the hill, then again I thought of my mother of my mother who taught me to pray whose words was a precious jewel that I heedlessly casted away. It takes some courage, now Billy, to laugh in the face of fate, when the yearning anticipations of manhood are blasted at twenty-eight. Read This. Below are a few of the leading patent medicines with our price, showing the discount we f,ive from regular price : Our Regular Price Fi Ice Warner's Safe Cure $1.00 $1.25 Kennedy's Discovery, 1.25 1.50 Hood's Sarsaparilla 75 1.00 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 75 1.00 King' New Discovery, 75 1.00 Pierce's O. M. Discovery 75 1.00 Smith's Tonic 75 1.00 Castoria, 30 .35 Tonic Vermifuge, 30 .35 Ayer's Pills, 20 .25 Carter's Pills, 20 .25 All other pills, 20 .25 Allcock's Porous Plasters, . . .20 .25 All other plasters, 20 .25 We carry the largest stock of patent medicines and give 10 to 25 per cent discount from regular prices on all pro prietary medicines Will J. Warrick. The Meetings. The interest manifested at the meetings held in the M. E. church is increasing wonderfully. The result of these meet ings has rlready been about twenty con verts, it is hoped that tho interest will increase until every one will become a follower of Christ. Let every man in Plattsmouth, secure a ticket for tho meeting Sunday after noon, 3:30 in the opera house. Come and hear the beautiful singing of Mr. Bilhorn. Brushes Nail Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Feather Dust ers &c, at low price at Warrick Drug Store. Paint your buggy for one dollar, tho best in" the market at Warrick's. Photograph Albums, Mirrors, Whist holders, tc at bottom prices at Warrick's. We make a specialty of filling physici ans prescription with only pure drug at legitimate prices, Will J. Warrick. We buy direct of four of the largest manufacturers of Wall Paper in the coun try, selecting the best Patters from each and we believo we thow more new and desirable goods than ever leforc brought to the city. See our selection before you make purchases. Will J. Warrick. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. J. A. Connor went to Ashulnnd this morning. J. H. Watermau wj a passinger to Omaha this morning. (Jo to II. P. Whi.-lcr's for ice cream nnd get your dinner for 25c. Mrs. Wash Smith, Mix. Clin. Butler nnd Mrs. Kunpstcr went to Omaha today Mrs. S. II. Shoemaker and Mis-j Lena Smith were pasMiigers to Lincoln this morning. Mrs. M. II. Madden, sister of Mrs. J. A. Connor left this morning for her home in Ashland. Mis. A. M. Alexander, the mother of Key. W. B. Alexander, and Mis. Ll. Alexander a former resident of this city arc visiting at the M. 13. parsonage. Wo Will Repaint your building with any mater ial you may select, if after using our mixed paints you are not entirely satii-fi'-d with them. We guarantee thein to last longer and look better than any ether paint. Will J. Warrick. Welsh'Prizj Singers All lovers of muic will mi. -a a rare treat if they fail to h ar tho concert, at Waterman's opera house Monday evening April 10. Tin.- following is a clipping from the Wichita Dally Euyl ol April 10. Lat night a very meritorious perform ance was given nr. ill.: Crawford Cruinl by the Welsh Pii.u Singer. The audi ence, while not a very lure one, was a very appreciative one, almost every num ber of the program bting greeted with an encore. Tlie ladies appeared in their national costumes, and while they may not have made up so well or created no favorable an impression as the female members of the opera company; yet they have 6weeter voices nnd know how to sing better than the majority of su called operatic singers. The ladies Quartette, "I've Watched You from the Shore" made a most favorable impression and on an encore they gave "Home, Sweet Home." The tenor solo of Mr. Beddoe and the male-quarfeltft were, too, both worthy of the most favorable mention. A most delightful part of the " program was the harp soloes by Mr. Barker. His performance was. encored time after time; in fact it seemed as though tho audience could not get enough of the sweet, de licious music. They go from here to NewtOu where they appear tonight. Circulating Library at Warrick's Drug Store. Spring:, Beautiful Spring The following essay on spring was wrote by a little boy, but his remarks about the dollar andlarg family contain more common sense than many an older head is capable of comprehending. Such spontaneous outbursts of youthful hearts and minds arc far more preferable to pedantic or s!udied phrases : &FKI3. Winter eemes before Spring, and when Spring conies flowers, mosses, and nearly everything becomes alive again, and thou it gets warmer and warmer until! it gets so warm that we can hardley stand it, and also when spring comes fanners can plow their ground and sow their crops, and when it gets too warm some folks move north and in winter go south again but those folks who go from north to south must havo many a dollar to move so far, but I don't think any one who has a very large family doei not do such a thing. Last Night's Zzo. Geo. II. Adams' agility and puns on words were very amusing ai.d novel. Joseph M. Doner boats the world for amusing contortions aud grimaces. lie would make Widow McCree laugh. Oh! hone! Tiie school uirl seen? was a fine piece of subtle acting. The drill of the youir ladies ia black costumes was splen did, their military evolutions being per formed with exact precision without any whistleor word of command. The trans formation scenery was lovely. The whole performance was chaste and amus ing without any rude suggestion or vul gar action. There rniht have been a little more drapery to suit prudish minds, though "to the pure, all things are pure." The house was crowded from pit to the "eternal." A subscription is on foot for the the benefit of the wife and children of Mr. Stowe (deceased). Every individual in this city, regardless of nge, sex, color or religious belief, should give some thing, no matter how small, to help this poor woman in her distress. Any money forwarded to the Herald will be duly credited and handed over to the lady on whom this sad affliction has fallen. "To err is human, to forgive divine." i'ou all feel safe, the future is hidden, but some day the veil may be lifted and you will view misery and adveisity that you thought would never come, therefore "do unto others as you would they should do nnto you." THE PIPE IN JAPAN. Vo of l ine Cut unit Ilran I'lpi Howl. Iliitlnn anil W:il IloloVr. Tho visit' .r a a Japanese hous after 1 in regaled with tea uri-l ciiUo in tiny dishes. Hex!, sees the l "-y cla-elo il maid enter with tin- toUioeo On it liiiniie mountain of wliito iislies revises u ml etuio of K1"" Coal lil.o a volcano peak. A pineli of lino cut rolleil into a pill is put into th.-l.r..-. pi- bowl, gu1 n Jil't i- ba.l 1-y towelling it to the coal. Then ilti.". back on one's he-els dhow in palm nnl pi) in mouth, x;i"-iabi!ity an.l Miiol.i- l;s eoino tuo (inler rf tin- hour. l'. ii(l'"it from the girdle of tho vi.--ii.or onev.ill Me lo;e; narrow, an oblong, mid perhaps a small o al, Ima of leather, or of li:m plaited bamboo thread, or of paper slaiiipx-d ao as b rh.ely iimLito leather. These three pouches con tain the pilt, lino cut t bae. o, and Hint and steel. The clap of the- pouch will usiirdly bo a piece of elaborate art in K"''b inlaid or rciKHisM metal. Connecting these ut ii.-ils . tin! smoker by a sii;.--n cord, li!:o a j.aiillo:i its nerves, is a l:i!ob or ma.-s of carved ivory called u netsuLc. The iiet. ul.e as t u.-e i-i it button; a; to art it u a statuette, portrait, bu-t, fi'.ire, jjroup, pua, or riddle, carved with ex'jiiisito shill. To tho production of this 0:10 article nearlv all tho ivory imported Japan during the last three centuries has been applied. I hi u Japaneso dress of the old st !.! neither j ins, hool;s and eyes, nor buttons (in our sensi ) ovro u-vd. All the ;;.unientv, whoso weight fell on shoulders or waist, were held in ord -r by fho wide and many folded jird! '. Fashion, the real tycoon of Japan, d. -creed I !.e use, not of the ponderous clay pipes or china boV.Is of til'- lKliehm ol, but of J.iiiipll: i iu pellet holders of brass the si.v of a e'liu c.npiu shell. Tin's lv.p'.iiV:; c - . ant relIili.i-4, ami fire at hand to nli;;i;t. 'i bis may bo done t-i; h r at t!:.- e.lov.d:!. charcoal in ti.u house Li'aehi (lire bra.i -i ), or uilh a In'.'- of s:;i '!:ii!nr tow heid in the 1 .!::! :.s one v.ail.s. Th li! ;st common method, lio;ev r, is to dump the spviil. and s:iioid::;r wad, i nd bor row lire- from that. Ili-m e t i:o need .f a. ih e holder ever ready at baud and port. ;!.!-. I'.y u happy thought the button holding t ho pouches to tho girdle was boll jwed out on tho uipcr sido nnd .ndo tho receptacle. At first this butt hi was cut from hard wool selected from brier and other l oots, as beiny le:;s likely to burn an idea illustrated in modern Ameri can pipes of tho same malt-rial. Tho Japan ese word for root i.- ne, and that meaning to fix, hold, or to ban";, is t.suke, hence tho origin of tho name ijetuke. Jveu low tho Japanese bimbo, or poor man, only a wooden button and wud holder a true ne tsuke while the rich and well to do sport their ivory carvings, which rano in valuo from a bu (piartor dollar) to S.VJd. Tim but-' ton tucked up under the light girdle holds pipo and pouch snuly and gracefully. William Klliott in Ilarpt r's Magazine. I'lre in Wasps' N'est. It i-3 a curious fact that wasps' nests sometimes takes fire, as is supposed l.y the chemical action of the wax upon the material of which the rest, is composed. Undoubtedly many fires of unknown ori piti in haystacks nnd farm buildings may thus be -accounted for. Chicago Times. When Ilortoi-8 Iisag;ioe. Why docs medicine exhibit such rf,r progress toward scientific results v. hen applied? What disease is not yet been accurately defined, as no two cele brated physicians will :g-ree in the diag nosis of a case. Hall's Journal of Health. A liij; I' I'g'g. A fossil egg In the Paris Academy of Sciences measures 3-1 1-2 inches one v.r.y and 20 inches another. The original is supposed to have been the egg of a bird three times as big as an ostrich. Chicago locts. a quire for best Writ Ling Papf r at Warrick's. Try the Eureka Corn Cure, a Homeo pathic Remedy, only at Warrick's. Epsom Salts 10 cts, per lb., Claubc-r S.dtii 3 cts. per lb. at Will J. Wajrick's. Haas' Hog llemedy $2.50 size for $1.50 only at Will J. Warrick's. Strong Aqua Ammonia 15 cts. a pint at Warrick' Drug Store. 21 beautiful shades of Mixed Paints at Tv arrick's, The best goods in the maiket. Bars ball god at cost to cloiu out stock at Will J. Warrick'-. We so1! Ayer's Hair Vigor at T?c. We make a discount on 'II Patent T;fcJ.ic'n :.. Will J. War; ick. C.'.il and xatidne our La..Il s .-''sort Jackets, the 1 at vat fckad: s. ni':-'-j Every body invit-.-d to look through our stock of Wall Paper. P.did :, ..r iiishes JvC Wc have a large sdo ;, our assortment is the best and our pruts are low. We believe we can suit you. Will J. Warrick. Southeast qua; t'-r section 1-1, town-hip 10, range 12; price 1,800. Northwest quarter section 6, to wnship 12, run:?? 10; price 2,000. Wikliiam & Da n. Will J. Warrick sells Warner's B.fe Cure at $1.00 per bottle. Just received a new line of carpets and rugs, at the Day Lijiht Store. al2d3 Wc guaren'ee all Patent Medicines sold by us to be "genuine." Some cue has said becausa we fcc-11 goods cheap they must be counterfeits. We guuru.tee everything juat as represented and gen uine. Will J. Warrick. a.A. M. Tliuo Table .ol.v: W K I. liolSH I'AST. No, : ii a in. No. 'i 1 . In. No, i. . ia i, in. No. I - In :: ii. in, n. .. - a in. No. ; 7 ::m p. in, ii."'. .- -7 : i . i.i. Nil. . -!i :'.() a. In. Vn J i:ll i in. No. in. -a . 1 1 u. In, No. II ii ;i, in. No. 1.'. :i i. hi, A 1 ' i ' ! .11 I mi it ally by Wu v of f mall it. rxo-.t Nn- i ... I - tli'.-li I mi to ami fri'in heliuili-r ila ily i -) Sunday . ". i :s !i tub to Pat-llli' .lillirllnii al N in. No. i.i i a : ! ii 1 1 1 1 I'.c- !ir J inirl lull lit 1 1 ;i In. tsT CMINENT CUSINESS MLN. Kc-w Ico Men. W. :! . in. lea Iy lo iii:t!-.o contiact to 11. ei ice l.y I he hiiiiI, iiniuth or Ni-asiin. Or 1. i h ft at .1. V. lleanaii iMci's Mole will re- c. i e .i : 1 1 j . t i.t ! re 1 i i n ll. r. Vi'Maiii;n&Sjm. I'(i: ' . ! i: - on I i i.iiiu :i!c i-i in my iff I -ib i.t u on t :.e N. '''. en. Ii. I id 1:1 III hiiiI 1 1I Ii Mm. S;.. i-i i ilv ci. n-hlK of block with a enod - Miiiy .hi i a half In. i l -l ii.i.iiim. tv waul- .lis an. I i ne a. .11) ; (..... I .11 unit illy water ; Iwi i.iy txcii beainii: ai.e trees, iiml el all Mini . It v. i, 1; vi i:h. WATERMAN OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY Ivlcuday, pril lGth.. "A l.'IIAI ON y .Si Al VNV1KOU." - Spi ri..! t nv.":4' na hi of Tho We:ih Prize 5 ingcrs, i i:;. u i t tiii r, w ai.i:s. 'i v I. 7 a !! I H . nn I V.i, limlir I ho an ;,:i.-...; m- I ' j.--- u l. r. n m I'm a a, ! Ion. 1 i . . ! !n..-e- :-ii--: are w ii.iu i.i of iieai Iv iol tin- in..- ; a! j I .'- n. I In- Jainoii I I ' .1 i P. !:..! - ..' p. i . i l.'.l ill. II. I'. hi; 'ill ill . I I . njie -. i.- NmI V. I 1..MI nnd i N (II li .:!. . .- M A I K 1 1 i A I.S, '. i l1'' Mi- e ' . - ,,t 1; i ir vl- v.i'-; v v. : i i , - a e- i I ..a i i-. .Mr. V. aller'l'. I a' .1, A. :;. Hai l. III!,..- ii. Ml. li. Milled- ! i i - ' i ; I - - -. s I ... 1 i.i I In- v orl.l. 'I hU i-.-.-. .-i i i . ! i- ii. in in oi Ho- V. I, K. It. A. . . -' . i- .1 -. ii! ana i ( v il at .1 . I'. Youi.k'h f'riccs, oC, CO and 75 Cents. Dr. C. A- Mar shall- ; . a. :'"'- :) . , : . .''2 I'l efrci val ion i natui ! t'e!i a Kjir-ehtlly. if lit tj li ticl- ! ii illioul imiit t.iiuijlilitg All vvoi'k vyai i antcd. 1'i iees n Ksonablc. Fi i zwi- iiA i n "a I;i. a .'i i s . in. l i ii, Nni Son Dry GoGil?. KcI-gi-s Ecots raH Stoes or Lad ie.s and Ginfs FURNISH IN(5- (iOODS. lie keeps as large and as well ;Jz:xJJI:c;TJ7 stock Af r;;n he foinul any 'aee in t In- city ami tniike ju.i j rii-es that di fy eoinj eti'iion. Ais'-nl for iLij'r's lazi Prttsrns aid Ea'J's Corset?. 4 N". SI "i.i-1 A '.. At'orii.-y at Law. Will five ii'.: t .il t .-1.1 i i, lu Ion-jiiem t n -rssUnf tn 't: -. in ("iii.u lilock, Kat --I . I'"- i.e.-i! !i, ;m-Ii. C. F. SMIT H, The Boss Tailor. Mai; i S!, lv( r Mr-r;:i-s' S.hee Store. Has the liet and most comjlete ptock of siMupl'-s. both foreigji uiul domestic wool. n:i tbat ever came west of Misfcuri rivir. Xole these; pi ic-s: IJusinef-g suits froni to ;Jo. dr-s f-uits, t5 to -1., pants ( i. $'o, Nt, .:;() and upwards. Z?"nl gnararitf.-; .! a f.t. rriccs Defy Compotilion. Prcfc;t3 KotJce. In tin- ii at'-! f the 'a t v i:i a;.I testcineiit cf I: .1. ia I . 1 -- e,; :i d.-' i--; " -!. Iii !!.!.: i a-1. ! ;-.. n.::: ! y. N ' h. : n i.i i - i . i i a.' -lin.t .vii 1 ae "th flay of r-tay. ) la.;- -'. ai a. aMv .'ii-.-" clliei; in !;.-. ,:!':. ': '-!.!. ty. Nei.r.-,-ka, at 11 oa-'..i-.. i : t i mi -i. ti e i ! .v. i a. u,n'.f-T v.j:! 1 he;. i'.! . : : ; U r; i : '! h. ; iinlir-ution ' V-.';-1- to !i ;l ! ) o!.;-;c no an- i 'a -a' ir ' i: i :" !!.- a- t v.-ii! ;; T -Tmnent of I- .!.-t: i.. li .,j ;:s, ha- of C'jUiieil iiluO, J' . ha.. ' i. '-'l ! I ifv' J;v or... i:.e"e-.''..a.' C. !.!'SKr.L. i-".'t " t ee.'.ty .lede. We 5 II K'ng'a Xew I;-.ovc-' v at ?5c a bottle. Will J. V.'arrick. Just recei ve-d two m.-- 3 "jc. Calico at's. ul2-d:i St. Jac-'b's Od irJta. h bottl", regular price ZO: i.. ev rywh're. 'e li.ake it 15 cents. W ill J. Vitrlic-. Our stock of lillhi' ry wry complete and prici-s b.-w. al2-d:i CVstoifa :JG cts. r. be tile at Warrick', regular price nil over town 2-1 cl?. If it is real c -tate you ward, see Wind ham L Da vies' column on s ccnd pae. Carttr'b Little Livir 1 'ills only SOcts. a bottle at Will J. Wanick.s. V Urge amount of remnants in Dree Goo. Is sind Oini.liaiiiS. Pi ice very low at Week bach's." al2-d Twenty-fojurBeautiful Shades of (Mixe d Paint War W h I j ricks.