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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1888)
Hie oftto 1 tmnfh 'mm. FLATTS3IOUTII, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 11, 1888. NUMBER 1TA FIRST YKAIl . V; t Gi'i'Y oiaaGiiis. Mayer, - Clerk, - Treasurer, Attorney, Engineer, - - . Follow J U'lfce, - - J l HIMPHON ; 11 Smith J II Watkkman liVUN Cl.AlIK A Maixh.k J H M A Til K Wit V II MALICK V WKt'KIIACU Maranall, Caunolimen, 1st ward. A w wmric " 2ud 3rd 4 til. II M .Ion k.h I Wm Wkmkk i M It M UK PUT I W Durro t K S (iUEL'H!!. 1 1 MoCallkn. fuss I J W JltHNIt KKK.1 (iOKU I 1) 11 II AW Hi W John n,Ciiaiuman Beard rub. Work KK khWoktii C Treasurer. - - 1. A. Campiskli. I Iuutv lrcnurer. - - Tium. 1-oli. k Clark. - - Hini CiiirciiUKUi Deputy Clerk, K X A C It I I C HHK I.U Recorder of Deeds W. II. I'lKII. John M I.kvua Deputy Recorder Clerk of Dlatrict Co art. Sheriff. Surveyor. Attorney. - . -8 apt. of Tub. School!. County Judge. W. C. MlOW AL.TKK J. C. KlKKKHAKY A.MAl'OI.K AIXKN IlK.ICHON MaYN AKI Srlfi K C. Hess it li. BOAU OF aUl-KttVISOKS. A. B. Todd. riAttSllKMltlt Louis Foltz, Ch'in., A. Ii. Dj-KSON, Wei-pInK Wtr tuiiwoou GIVIG SOGIKIVMS. - CAS.H I.OIm:K No. 1IC. I O. O. K. Meets eyery TueJay cveniti of :ieh week. All tranaieut brothers are respectfully iuviied to attend. 1ILATTMOUTII ENCA M I'M KNT it tr moiii eerv iiitrit No. 3. I. O. Friday In each month In the Maoni Hall. Brothers are invited to attend. V iltlli! mitIO LODGE XO. 81. A. O. U. W. Meets A very alternut Friday eveulnir at K. of 1. fcs.ll. Transient brothers are respeeliuiiy iu vltedtoatteud. K.J. MorBan.Mast.-r Workman ; K. 8. Baratovr, Foreman ; Frank Bron. over seer ; I. Bowen, Guide; tiemtje Houswnrth. Recorder; II. .1. .lohmou. Financier; Wash. Pmlth. Heeelver ; M. Maybriislit. 1'aat M. W. ; Jack DaiitfUerty, Inside tiuam. 11AS5 CAMP NO. 332. MODKKN WOODMEN of America Meets . second and fourth Min ay evening at K. of i iiau. aii iwijwih brother are requested to m?et with n. L. A. N.weoncr, Venerable Consul ; G. K. Nile". Worthy Adviser ; D. B. Smith, hx-Banker ; W . C. VTlllotts.CK'lk. 11LS.TTSMOUTH LODGE NO. 8. A. O. V. W Meets every alternate Friday evening at Rockwood hall at 8 o'clock. All transient broth era are respectfully Invited lo attend. L. S. Larson, M. W. ; F. Boyd. Foreman : S. C. VTUde. Uecorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer. McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R- ROSTER. J. T. .Iohxso ronimander. C.S.Twiss Senior V ice K. A. Bat Juuior (4KO.NILKA AdJUAa'i ' If -.mdv inrnwt4ltT . W. 31- Malom 1ixom Officer of tlio lay. i--ar . ifrtiin.... UuarU A x.' r Kiev" . ... Sert Major. JAf!OB(iBB.KMAK.. ..Quarter Master Strict. L. C. CCRTIH t osi tllllll" Meotiui Saturday evening rwnr I. BROWNE, r arson at attention to my care. to all Business Entrust- XOTAUV IX OFFICE. Tltlea Examined. Abstarcts Compiled, In anrance Written, Keal Estate Sold. Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than Any Qttier Ageacyv Plattmouth. - !telrasb.a. Jt. B. WIHDHAM, JOHX A. DAV1K.8. Notary Public. Notary Public. WIXIH1AM4 DAVIEM, .Attorneys - at - Law. Office over Bank of Ca county. Plattsmoutii, - - Nebraska. H.E.Palmer&.Son OENEBAL INSU RAHCE AGENTS Rep resent ine ionowin tune- tried ami fire-tested companies American CenTal-S. Louis, Assets Commercial Uuion-Ensland. ' Fire Assocla:lon-P:llade:ihla. rrankUn-PhllaielpliIa. nome-New York. " Ics.C.of North America. Phil. " Llverpool&Loudrtn & Globo-Eng Harth British Mrcantile-En " jiorwich Unlon-Enpland. Bprlngfleld F. Sc M.-Sprinfleld, " SI,2.8.100 2.59o.rH 4.4 15.576 3.117,106 7.8iSf9 8.47 1 .362 6.639.7S1 378.754 3.044.915 Total Assets. $42,115,774 ... . . -in.:t,..l i AajUSlRl 2Ha fdiaalia5SfiEfHI WHEN YOU WANT -OF- m mm Tl JtT el mr -CALL ON- ILx. G. Ulnars on. Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and Bnlldcr WORK DOM A New Bank Organized. York, Neb. April 11. Article of in" corporation for Mead's statu bunk were filed with the county clerk yesterday, with an authorixed capital of $500,000, 20 par cent of which ia already paid in. The incorporators are W. D. Mead, F. F. Mead, D. T. Meore, S. II. Sedwick, S. C. Griffen, J. V. Gardnsr, Gsergo Jerome and L. L. Mcllvain. A two-stery brick will be erected bj the company at the corner of Grant avenue and Sixth street as saon as brick can be procured. Desperate Encounter In Which Three Men Are Killed. Oklahoma. L T., April 11. A courier from Shawncetowa bringi word of a des perate fight between officers and desper adoes. Three colored horse thieres were beinjj pursued by a deputy United Statea marshal and three Indian police. AThen the negroes were hard pressed they halted and a pitched battle with Wincheaters en sued. Two of the negroes nnd two of tho Indian police were killed, and the marshal was badly wounded. Thrown From aWagcn and Killed. Paksoxh, Kan., April 10. Mru. Eliza beth Gear, aged 33 years, and wife of George W. Gear, a wealthy farmer, living eight miles southeast of this ci y, had her neck broken by beiuz thrown but ef a wagon Saturday evening. Her two sons were engaged in breaking a colt, and had it hitched witli an old horse to'a farm wa gon. The boyi, thinking they had the colt sub lued, drove home to let their mother see how well Lt worked. She got into the wagou to ride a short distance, when the team started to rim off. One of the linea broke and the team ran into a wire fence. Mrs Gear attempted to get eut, but the team started agaia and threw her head long to tho ground, breaking her neck and causing almost instant death. Tailors on a Strike Montgomery, Ala., April 10. Th tailors' unian of this city went on a strike today. They all sjuit work this morning and tonight the striktt wag officially declar ed by Sscratary Ryan, of the union. The trouble originated in the fact that Alex ander Rice and Lilienthal & Gassenhei mer, merchant tailors, have several non union men in their employ. The union men demanded the discharge of the non union tailors. The firms refused to ac cede to their demands and the union or dered a strike against them. The union man have quit work and some of them have left the city tonight to - seek work elsewhere. The merchant tailors say they will not discharge their non-union men, who have served them long and faithful An Apacherlsoner Decamps. Mobile, Ala., April 11. Since the Apache prisoners iiave been located on the Government reservation at Mount Vernon Barracks they have been allowed a'great deal of freedom. The limits have been pointed out to them, inside of which they camp out as best suits their inclination. They rarely stay in one place longer than a week. An officer superin tends the encampment, and . inspects it daily, but there is no guard except at the barricka'gate, placed there to prevent their entrance. Tho whole world is open to them in all other directions, and they are frequently at the railroad station, a maile and a half away. It was consid ered that this restraint would be suffic ient. It is now learned, however, that dav before vesterday Louie, one of the Indians, left at night for the far 4Weit, taking an Indian maiden with him. A mounted troon is in nursuit. but so far the reikkin lias eluded them. The Morocco Troubls "vTasuin-gton, April 10. Commauder McCalla, of the United State steamer Enterprise, has made a long report of the secretary ef the navy ou the difficulty with Morocco. After stating the general situation aa already published, the com mander says, while he has do desire to pass upon the questisn of the equity of tho nrntprtinn av& involved in the dispute, he is of the opinion that the rights of the Lnited States arc TerJ clear under the treaties, and that they should be uoheld ao lonz as the provisions of the treaties are not modified." While the Moorish officials should not be held to the' strictest accountability for violation f conventional rules adjpted by more highly civilized -nations, it is well to un derstand that the oriental character is I quiwjt La.H Mil Ullk..'. v. ... u u . u J - j f guch ruiag attj to 8Ccept as right I . . 1 . l.. : n 1 .1 .1 point wnicn migiu occasion" jiciu.- pA. Consul Lewis has. HtUalla says, in the interest of conciliation and from the highest motives, yielded at times when he was clearly supported by existing treaties and tnizht with nroprietr have insisted upon the rights they accorded, These same rights, it would appear, very often have not been questioned when the proteges of any other nation have been under consideration. "In short," the commander says, "the rights of the Unit ed States have been denied us, while the same rights under tho same conventions hare been freely accorded to other pow ers represen ted." He saja the United States government is at a disadvantage ou account of the fact that, while all other powers, parties to tb convention of 1880 are represented by ministers resi dent, congress only provides for a consul for the United States. The commander thinks if the position could be raised to a diplomatic one we should go far to wards preventing questions which fre quently arise now. MEN OF NEWSPAPER NOTE. Personal Paragraphs Clipped from the Exchanges "3 tray Bite of Ooaalp. Rev. Mr. Spurgeon sometimes wears a single barreled eyeglass. Swinburne, tho met. is pcarcelv five W M. T fet-t tall and ia very slay of women. Charles Pratt, the Brooklyn million aire, lias given $1, G00, 000 for the estab lishment of a manual training school in Brooklyn. ' An Arapahoe Indian of full blood, now taking a post graduate course at Hobart college, is a regularlv ordained clergy man of the Protestant Episcopal church. lie is known as Rev. Sherman Coolidee. Joaquin Miller is living at present in a little redwood house, about twelve feet high by something like thirty feet in length, perched away up on tho side of a naked and rocky mountain near Oakland, Cal. , at a height of several hundred feet abovo the sea- Mr. Vanderbilt, just before leaving Paris, had a iortrait of his child taken by Chaplin, and it was so pretty that the proprietors of the Bon Marche thought it worth whilo to put it on their confection box covers and to copyright the design. The picture represents a little boy play ing with kittens. Thomas Starr King used to tell that one of hfs kinsmen was much opposed to hi entering tho lecture field, and was in clined to belittle his abilities. So one night Dr. King invited huu to hear one of bis most brilliant discourses, and at the door asked him what he thought of it. "Waal," was the cheering reply. "you warn't half as tejus as I thought you'd be." Kaiser Wilhelm used to sign himself "Wilhelra: Imp. Rex," and everyone wondered thereat. Whv not in full. "Imperator et Rex?" Or, if abbrevi ated, why not "I. R.?' He voluntarily explained it one day to one of his minis ters. "I sism myself in that way," said he, "because I feel that I am only partly an emperor, wmle X Know that 1 am al together a king." Andrew J. Blackbird, a m of the fa mous Indian chief Blackhawk, living at Honor Springs, Mich., has written a history of the Ottawa and Chippewa tribes that will soon be published. Black bird is a well educated man. having been a diligent student at the Ypsilanti Nor mal school in his youtli. He expects also to publish some day a treatise on the lan guage of his tribe. Gen. Adam Badeau is thus photo graphed: ''He is a stout, little man, but live feet Fix in height, with almost as much paunch as height. lie is not at tractive, has a large, full face, a good square head, peevish lower jaw and mouth, near sighted eyes, which neces sitates wearing spectacles. There is nothing unpleasing, but he is certainly not a handsome man." The Bloors of Holland. In some provinces In Holland there are large tracts of heath and moorland, which at present have no value whatever, although once covered with dense forests. An effort is now being made to utilize these moors, and several land owners have combined to form a company, whose object it will be to attempt a gradual fertilization of the soil by replant ing trees. How much good such an enter prise can work under careful manage ment is shown by a similar undertaking in Denmark, which has been in existence for the last quarter of a century. The Danish society for the fertilization of heaths and moors, chiefly by forestation, has now some 4,000 members,, among whom may be found the principal agri culturists of the kingdom. It enjoys large subsidies from the- Government and from the agricultural societies, so that it has been enabled to start some 400 "conces sions" or plantations in different parts of Denmark. In the Netherlands it is pro posed to work the schhe upon similar lines. lioston nanscripo. The Australian War Dance. The customs of the "black fellows" of the Australian bush in their wild state are not uninteresting. Their grand dance or corraberoe, performed on occasions of irreat state, such as a victory over an enemy, or to appease an angered deity, for they have crude notions of a Supreme Being, is a weird and ghostly spectacle. It is always performed at midnight in the darkest elade. A husre bonfire is built. and the natives, with their bones outlined on the surface of their bodies with white naint. thus civine them the appearance of skeletons, leap and jump in a circle about the fire to the tune of a rude cnanc Faster and faster the dance becomes, hicher and higher the leaps are made, till. In one trrand finale, all fall fiat to the trround. Should one fall before the end, he is at once tabooed as possessed of the oyil spirit, and death will be his lot if he fails to make his escape. Alta California. THE FAIR SEX. A granddaughter of Charles Dickens Is now a typewriter and copies manu script for a living. Emma Abbott believes firmly that she will die in a carriage accidentally. She says that the quiotest horses become un manageable when drawing her carriage, and 6he has frequently been thrown out, but lias so far never been seriously in jured. Mrs. Hall, the wife of Professor Asaph Hall, of the naval observatory of Wash ington, teaches her boye Greek and Latin, keeps pace with her husband's wander ings among the Etars, is an expert house keeper, a fine historical scholar, and is Baid to write delightful poetry. Christina, the young queen regent of Spain, is very fond of music, but does not care to go to public places of enter tainment, so she has a large speaking telephone, connecting her palace with the Madrid ojera house, and listens to all tho great 6ingers without leaving hor room. Susan King is said to be the most suc cessful woman engaged in the real estate speculation in New York, if she is not the only one engaged in that line. Like many a successful man, 6he came to the metropolis with little or no money in her pocket, but by strict attention to business and some lucky investments she accumu lated a fortune. Mrs. Phillips, a white lady, eomo 30 years old, made last year thirty odd bales of cotton and plenty of corn, peas and potatoes on Capt. G. O. Riley's place, in Great Cypress township, Barnwell county. S. C. She plowed with an ox, and did all tho work of repairing, plant ing, cultivating ana gatneruig. lnis year she has bought a mule and is all ready to plant. Miss Dora Wheeler is making a portrait gallery of American men of letters, all of her own painting. " She has Mr. Lowell, Mr. C. D. Warner, T. B. Aldrich and Frank R. Stockton completed, and John Burroughs and Walt Whitman in tho early stages. For tho Whitman she has only had one short sitting, but she has mado a very strong sketch of the poet s patriarchal head. The romance of the London season, social and financial, is the story of Miss Corn well, "the gold queen of Australia, or "Princess Miuas, as they familiarly call her in the city. She is a mining ex pert ; 6he brought over tho prospectus of her mine, which she called Midas, situ ated at Ballarat, and sold it in London, stocking it for 100,000, and the capital was subscribed twice over. The famous nugget "Lady Brassy" and other great lumps of gold were taken out of this mine. They say in Australia that Miss Cornwell has a second sight in the matter of gold discovery Miss Corn tv ell is a womanly, gentle, colonial lady of 33, dresses very plainly, has no social ambi tion, but is as charming m society as sh is powerful among the great money men of London. Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett is showing herself a keen controversialist in her case against the pirate Seebohm, who cribbed her mart charming story for a third rate play. "In describing to me," she says, "the enormous success of his play, and the universal rapture with which it was received, Mr. Seebohm writes, 'The greatest fault found by captious critics is that I have rendered your conceptions too literally. Natur ally I felt regret on realizing that it was my conceptions alone which had spoiled Mr. Seebohm's play: but the one thing I had not taken into consideration in writ ing 'Fauntleroy was that I must make my work worthy of being ranked with Mr. Seebohm when he thought proper to use it I As for my own play, it will be presented as soon as possible. Who knows but that the public, which has already been kind to me, may like it a little better than Mr. Seebohm's? That might simplify matters." A. Cake Old Enough to Vote. A little over twenty-one years ago Albert Watson's grandmother, down east, mixed into a yellow spotted mass Hour and sugar and milk and citron and currants and raisins and eggs and spices, and baked the mass in a hot oven and placed ic outsido the window to cool. Tho cake was laid f"ay quietly then. Three months later ft was laid away with great ostentation, as the birthday cake cf Albert Watson, who was bora that day. Last week a piece of that 6ama cake, moist and appetizing, unnibbled by the snaggle tooth of time, was received by Albert Watson's aunt, in this town. The cake was cut up at the celebration of Albert's 21st birthday in Boston, and it stands as a monument to the ability of the New England women to cook a good, solid, palatable, scrumptious, old fash ioned cake that will be nico .to eat and pleasant to look at when the new fangled impositions of the French chef have crumbled and decayed and passed away from the memory of man. The cake is twenty -one, years old, Albert has a beard, and the good old housewife who prepared tho hardy sweet ia long since dead. S500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, Bick headache, indigestion, constipation or costivcnes3 we cannot cure .with West's Vegetable Li ver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Well ,-., 802 W. Madison St. Chicngs, Its Solu: uyw. .J warrick. . Fira Insurance written In the tna. Phoenix end Hartford by Windham A DyU8, The )iyligkt Just after our inventory, wo reduce prices to sell the goods rather than to carry over. We nro willing to sell our entire Winter Goods at cost. Staples we have a large quantity and offer them very low. Calicos 3 to 5 cents per yard, making the best standard of them at 20 yards for $1.00. Gingham best drete styles 10 cents per yard. Dress gioda all kinds at the very lowest prices, from 5 cents per yard upward. Woolen hose wo offer at cost, extra fne. Ladies cash mere hose, worth $1.00, now 75 cents, fine heavy wool 40 cents, now 2."; child ren's fine ribbed worth 50, now 30. Un der wear must go at low prices, as we will not keep them over. n- r, o.-;v r G evM.rino Shirts uua drawers, former prices 50 now 35. Our Gents Silver grey marino fchirts and drawers, extra quality 75 now 60. Our Scarlet all wool shirts 'and draw ers fine quality $1.00 now 75 cents. Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality $1.25 now 1.00. Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, line quality $1.75 now 1,25. Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality $2.00 now 1.40. XinilicM9 - Underwear, EQUALLY AS CHEAP. Our 25 per cent, discount on cloaks, is still good. We are determined to close out our entire stock Vnd never before has such an opportunity been offered to economical buyers to purchase the best qualities for so little money. Joseph V. Wcckbacli. olomon NOTICE. As per previous announcement, we had fully determined to discontinue business in Plattsinouth and -so advertised accordingly and now, as satisfactory arrangements have been perfected for the continuance ot same under the management of Mr. J. Finley and V. F. Iluff nei as book-keeper and cashier, we herewith notify our friends and patrons of our final de cision and kindly solicit a continuance of your kind patronage, so freely "extended during the past sixteen years, by the addition of compe tent clerical force. On account of Mr. Solomon leaving the city and by the adoption of the strictly One-Price System, Courteous treatment, and an elegant new Spring - Stock Bed-Roek Prices, "We trust to merit your good will and patron - age. VERY RESPECTFULLY, So onion Ma The lew Photograph Gallery 4 Will be open January 24th, at the OLtD STiLf) OF F. IT. . C&TOUTrT. All work warranted first-class. WVIEJ. OTTTIjrEIR,. Store. 551 it. ii an & NeSten. Sept. 12-Oin.