The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 09, 1888, Image 4

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    THE DMLX HERALD, KLAi'iaanOU in, xtiSilKASKA, MONDAfr AfrBIL 0 1S88.
The Evening Herald.
J. H. KINQ, City Editor.
A. SalUbarr, D.atUt, Kokwood BaildlBf,
TeWekeee 5e.
Dr. fMlag, Ode mad Bealtleace Saerwee'
Bleek, Talrpheae X. 4.
The April term of the district ceurt
in thin city opened today. Judge 8.
Chapman on the bench.
The evangelieta drew a large crowd
of persons by their beautiful siny'iB out
side Young's store lat Saturday night.
All members of the Y. L. It. II. A.
re earnestly requested to be present at
tho Reading Room Tuesday April 10th,
-at 4 r. m.
TTe will publish an article ia to
morrow's issue suggested last night by
hearing Mr. Clagctt, the evangelist re
mark: ''Simply to thy cross, I cling."
Four weeks from March 23 there will
be a very good circus iu this city remain
ing two days. Price of admission ten
cents. The town will bo billed shortly.
The Ladies Aid Society, of the M. E.
church, will meet Tuesday afternoon at
three o'clock at the home of Mrs. D. M.
Jenes, corner of 11th and Oak streets. A
good attendance is des;rcd.
When Rockwood Hall was packed
with .an attentive audience laEt night
and while Mr. Bilhern was singing
"Sweet peace, a gift from above," two
bums were having a fight in the alley at
the back of the building.
"A Chalon Yscafn Yn Y Frou."
This is to be pronounced slowly with
chewinz cum under the lingua. It is
not Sanskrit but the title in Welsh of the
famous singers who appear at the Opera
House in this city, Monday, April 10.
The following attorneys" wero
in attendance at the district
court today: E. II. Wooley, W. D.
Gibon, II. D. Travis, J. II. Halderman,
Weeping Water; Ed. Jeary, Greenwood;
Mr. Day, Omaha; Jos, Arnold, Mr. Wil
sen, Ashland.
The ladies of St. Luke's Gaild will
give a calico dress leap year party at
Fitzgerald's hall on Tuesday the 17th.
Each lady is expected to furnish a neck
tie for te gentleman whom she invites, to
correspond with Ihc dress worn by herself.
Dance tickets $ 1.00; supper 50 cents per
couple; admission ten cents.
The good people of Plattsmouth are
just now clamoring to know what has be
come of the (200 subscribed by them Inst
winter to the Shuttuck fund. It seems
the money was turned over to Jie editors
of the Jovmal, but what afterwards bo
came of it deponent sayeih not, as it wns
never received by the p.-eper ones. An
explanation, it would seem, is now in or
der. Greenwood Leader.
The B. & M. band played 6ome
choice selections last Saturday night
while marching up and down Main street.
They also serenaded the Brotherhood at
their ball. This band is a credit to the
state of Nebraska. Their drum-major,
J. T. Morrissey, wears a splendid and
very expensive uniform and has n
method of twirling the staff quite novel.
He formerly held a position of impor
tance in the 72nd Gordon Highlanders in
the British Army.
Last Saturday afternoon the Brother
hood, old and young, were sportive, and
gay out at "Fitzgerald's Forly." Their
amusements were bass ball and football.
The object of these games is to occupy
the minds of the young, impulsive mem
bers and keep them away from the temp
tations of the streets of the c'ty, when?
they are met on every coiner by dirty
scoundrels who try to get them under the
influence of liquor, and then wo'in out
secrets of the Brotherhood, or else try
and wheedle them into a quarrel or any
thing that would tend to br?ng d'sg.-ace
on the order.
W. II. Packard, formerly with th
"Stuart Comedy Co." as advance agent,
has been appointed general agent for
Laschaller, Wertz Bross circus.. The
show opens up at Lincoln April 23 Four
weeks from that date they will give a
performance in this city. M Packard
leaves to join the company at Lincoln to
morrow. "Pack" has formed a good
many friends during his stay among us.
who will no doubt visit the show on its
arrival here on that account. Good-bye,
"Sis!" Good good bye.
The spectacular drama of 'IZozo,
the Magic Queen," had its first produc
tion at the Academy of Music last night.'
The play is one which will please every
class of theatre-foer. There is a bril
liant and sparkling dialogue, conducted
chiefly by Washington Kaowall, a typi
cal American, which continually recalls
the spectator from fairyland and reminds
him by very practical remarks of mun
dane affairs. Miss To ma Ilanlon as Rho
dodendron, and Tootsie. Mr. George II.
Adams, as " Washington Knowall," Mr.
Charles Ren wick as "Captain Randall"
of the' wrecked ship, and Mis Pauline
Montegriffo a3 "Zozo the fairy queen,
are the principal actors of a strong and
well selected company. Baltimore Herald.
A Dastardly Deed.
Between Friday night and this morn
ing, some scouudrel spawned on society
from a chaotic vacuam of infamy, broke
into the Mercer school-house west of
town and tore to pieces all the school
books and broke the school-slates and
scattered the pieces all over the floor.
An anatomy of negation capable of do
ing such a mean, spiteful trick is like the
society sneak. He would scrape a fleet
ing sunbeam for fear it would reach the
bedside of some sick child. Ho would
steal the prattle from a baby's lips, would
run a mile to seize his own shadow, and
like the dog iu the manger, who
fould'nt eat the hay himself and would'nt
let the cow he would not breathe
hard for fear ot waking his own oil
Dpring and thereby being deprived of
that nutriment he was too old to take
He would steal bread and nutter from
a child going to school, or take tho last
coin from the tin cup of a blind beggar,
and finish one chapter in his infamous
career by stealing the coins from the eye
lids of his dead mother.
"O, the) Memories of the Past."
Appomattox-Anderson anniversary this
eveniug, Ap-il 'J, at Rockwood ball, to
celebrate tho surrender of Gen. Lee at
Appomattox. The entertainment will be
under the auspices of McConihie Post
G. A. R. Captain Henry, grand com
mander department of Nebraska, has
promised to be present, with Brig-Gen.
R. R. Livingston and others will rnak
addresses. The glee club will assist.
Admission free. Refreshments will be
served after the entertainment Every
body is invited.
Who will now tell the fortunes of
the gushing, romantic, stage-struck
novel-reading maiden, the idiotic mole
cule, stick-of-celery of the male gender,
the hopeful old maid, the grass widow,
and the sprightly female violin, who
sings mezzo-so-squeaky, "I'm ninety-five
I'm ninety-five, and to keep single I'l
contrive." Our old friends the gypsies
are leaving us today, weather permitting.
During their rcs:dence for the past
six months in this city they have
ea'-ned themselves a good name fo
square-dealing and manliness and as law
abiding: people. We concur in the wish
cs of many of our best people when w
wish them a hearty farewell combined
with hopes of prosperity in their futun
wande ings over God's domain.
A census taker once asked a fellow
who'had eon on a long drunk, "What'
your name?" "Put me down A. Total
wreck!" replied the unfortunate inebri
ate. The same cau be truthfully said of
tho Bellevue wreck brought in the yard
last night. It was a chaossd conglomer
ation, twisted and tangled like Medusa'
ringlets. The engine was battered out
of shape, tank the same, and pilot
smashed. A flat car was broke in two
pieces as though it had been a stick o
The B. & M. band offer to give an
open air concert on Main street, or-some
more suitable spot, once a week, if th
merchants of this city wil1 subscribe suf-
ncicnc iuncis to erect a osna-stanu. jt
would be a good idea for some speculative-business
man to pay the expense
himself as au advertisement for his busi
Tomorrow there will be a fresh elec-
t'on at the original polling places for
each ward for the purpose of deciding
whether G. B. Smith or W. Winteisteen
is to be elected a member of the school
board. This action has been taken by
the city council as there was a tie of
rotes for these two gentlemen at the last
c'tv election.
If you are patriotically inclined
and love your country and her
ncble defenders go to Rockwood hali at
8 r. m. this evening and hear seme noble
old "Vets" give some soul-inspired
speeches of incideuts of the war. Ad
mi&siou free.
The Pinkerton men plead guilty be
fore Judge Stiles this morning to an as
sault committed on J. II. Sullivan by
sti'king him over the head with a re
volver. They were fined $25 each and
costs $150
The city council meets this evening
and we've no doubt but that something
to excite, surprise and interest will be
brought to the nr.tice of the conncil.
Two iron horse-troughs arrived in
the city this nionaing. The city council
will probably tonight decide in what part
of the city they will be placed.
Buy your ice of McMaken & Son.
Leave o.'ders at J. F. Beaumister's stors.
Hon. Orlando Toft, of Avoca, was in
town today.
Frank Toulo, of Weeping Water, is in
the city today.
J. JL Carter, of Weeping Water, came
in this morning.
S. F. Rockwell, of Louisville, is in the
city attending court.
T. B. Stevenson, of Nebraska City is
here attending court.
Rev. George Hindly, of Weeping Wa
ter, is in the city today.
C. S. Pold of Greenwood is here help
ing his brother M. D. Polk during court
Surveyor Hermann Schmidt went up
to Omaha today to consult with architects
Vosa and Lietz in regard to the new
buildings to be erettetl in this city.
tight Mile) Grove-
A noer of our farmers are sowing
vb. turning the soil with the stirring
plw this week, and if the weather re
mains fair farm work will Cegin in ear
nest next week.
Doc Carev and family moved further
west this spring on their farm, which
they will improve up for a home.
Mr. J. T. Lloyd's family, equipped
with all their household goods, moved to
Plattsmouth to live.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Orgonner, of Three
Grove, will occupy J. P. Lloyd's vacant
house, and Charlie Beverage will larni
his land this summer.
T. S. Latta. of Murray, was in this neck
of the woods taking in the sights and sit
uatious one day last week.
Robert Troop, of PlattsmoHth, came
out Wednesday to the Grove on business.
Samuel McConkey, living near Platts-
mouth. came out to the Grove on mora
dav. his obioct beins to sell a peice of
.land lying near here, to some one of eur
wjalthy farmers.
Norman Swciecr has cone to visit his
uncle, Norman Slocum, living ia north
ern Otoe county, and to get a job of car
penter work.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. White moved on a
farm near Rock Creek one day last week
and have gono to housekeeping by them
Dr. S. Miller is still unable to be out
of doors, as his health is not improving
much; but he thinks when the weather
grows warmer he win get strong again,
Mr. and Mrs. Antony Howard after
spending a week at her father's, ism Par
. . . ., . , i
ker, departed to tueir noma iu 10m
county, to begin life anew.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Barker are contem
plating a trip west soon, for the purpose
of viewing their farm in Lincoln county
upon which they will settle this tail.
John McConkey. of Hall county.
spent a few days visiting with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. McConkey, living
near Plattsmouth.
Chas. W. Jeffers and family are prepar
iner to move net Monday 'to Lincoln
county, where Mr. J. intends bteaking up
200 hundred acres of prairie land this
Miss Nora Brown will return one day
this week from Fairview, where she has
been visiting relatives a few weeks, and
will begin a summer term of school in
the district east of the (drove.
Roziel Morrow attended Mr. Hepner's
sale, near Weeping Water, Thursday
Mr. II. is selling off his stock to move
faither west. He has lived in this coun
ty twenty-five years or mere.
Dr. Brindle. of Murray, in company
with his brother, who is also a doctor
just from college, was at this place not
lone since viewing a location for ttie pur
pose of establishing the latter gentleman
here as a local physician.
Joe Matheny delivered his fat steers In
market last Saturday. He had twenty
head and they averaged 1,300 lbs. per
head and he got $4.23 per hundred ibs
Mrs. Atlanta Cabel returned home from
Lincoln, this time apparently all right in
mind, but her health is very delicate.
We hope for her recovery, for when she
is not suffering from mental derangement
she is a very fine woman.
Winfield Brown, of toward county
bousht a farm consisting of 160 acres o
T. A. Seabolt, and took possession ef the
same on Thu sday.
Our school meeting came off Monday
A. S. Will was elected director and R.
J. Winsord was elected moderator. They
are both good men and doubtless will
fill their offices in the school board
very satisfactorily to the district.
Oxe of Many.
Evangelistic Meetings.
The mass meetings yesterday, conduct
ed by the evangelists in the HeLhodist
chnrch and Rockwood hall, we.e largely
attended, especially in the evening. They
had such a tendency which is hoped will
bi the means of bringing forth a great
revival in this city. The talks of Mr.
Clagett were practical, interesting and
full of thought. The singing by Mr.
Bilhern was cheering, quickening and
soul-inspiring. The talking and singing
has undoubtedly left some good impres
sions upon the hearers. The meeting in
the afternoon at Rockwood hall was held
under the auspices of the Young Men's
Christian Association. The subject talk
ed on by the evangelists was: "What
think ye of Christ ?'
There will be a meeting every day this
week at 3 o'clock p. m., in the Methodist
church, to which everybody is cordially
invited. A hearty invitation is also ex
tended to the meetings every eyenlng
this week, at 7:30 o'clock, at the Metho
dist church. Come, you will be cordially
Tingle, Ting, Ling.
He was pondering deeply over some
inancial scheme Saturday, as with head
bent had hands crossed behind his back
he listlessly walked passed Clark's gro
cery store. Suddenly there was the jingle
of falling coin. He stopped and looked
en the ground behind, before, and right
and left, thrust his hands anxiously in all
his pockets, scratched his head and walk
ed on. He again stopped abruptly and
went through the same motions, while a
number of spectators on the other side of
the street laughed at his discomfiture.
The cause was some young ladies who sat
in a window above and threw a coin or
a piece of tin, to which was attached a
string, onto the sidewalk and then rapid
ly withdrew it. The impression 'created
in the mind of the person who hears the
jingle is that they have dropped some
money, but feel like "Bo-peep who lost
her sheep," when they find their search
Couples as They Pass.
Bee ! yonder comely youth, hia active arm
With bundle Uden.
Escorting In slipshod kind of way
A pretty ma'deii.
Often ho Jrov a yard or two beblud
Before lie's ii.lsxed her ;
Ah I her relationrblp Is plain
She U his ulster.
And clove behind the couple we have seea
Appears another ;
A younx man with a venerable dame
Of course, hi mother ;
For hi has with a patronizing air
Jier eye enlisted.
And tell lierthlnx of which she ai aware
Before he existed.
Another plr. who, walklnt far apait,
t corn conversation
He evelnK every till en but her
NVttll UilliiiiHtio.l ;
She, wiih a w;iry nir loaded down
With goods he shoird .i:ive carried.
Seeing filled with care ; al ! the fact is clear
Theee two are married !
One couule more : their liande slyly c'asped ;
'lliey seem dvotd ;
The E'anoen of sardonic passern by
Are all unnoted.
Her ees the color of the radiant sky
Within ihem hovers
Look fojJW his. :om, let us K.
Ihcsu two are lovers !
Lincoln Jow.ial.
Cowardly Assault.
This afternoon about half past two Mr.
C..A. Gret'n, an engineer in the employ
of the Burlington road here, was attacked
orthe street by a Mr. Jack Hogau, a
brotherhood man, assisted by two others
of like ilk, and severely treated. He
.was severely bruised about the head. The
entire affair was witnessed by the city
marshal, yet no arrests were made. Wo
had better have more Pinkerton men, if
the city police are to lend their aid to
mob violence.
Plattsmouth was the first city after
Omaha to raise a Shattuck fund. Where,
Oh where! has it gone? tf
If it is real estate you want, see Wind
ham fc Davies' column on second page.
Southeast quarter section 14, township
10, range 12; price $1,800. Northwest
quarter section 8, township 12, range ID;
price f 2,000. Windham a jjavtks.
B. A M. Time Table.
oivo wet
No. 1, 5 :20 a m.
No, 3. :40p, in.
No. f. 0 a. in.
No. 7.-7 :45 p. in.
No. 9. --6 :11 p. m.
No. 11 O :03 a, m.
No, 2.-4 ;'J5 p. m.
No. 4. -10 :30 a. m.
No. 6.-7 :30 p. m.
No. 8.-9 ;o a. m.
No. io.--9 :45 a. m.
No. 12. -9 :38 i. m.
All trains run daily by wavof Omaha, except
Nos 7 and 8 which run to and from Hchuyler
daily except Sunday.
No. 30 Is a atub to Pacific Junction at S 30. a m
No. 19 Is a stub from Pacifle Junction at 11
New Ice Men.
We are now ready to make contiacts to de
liver ice by the pound, roonih or season. Or
ders left at J. F. Beaumeisleis's store will re
ceive prompt attention.
A9-dc. II. C. McMaken & Son.
FOR BALE On reasonable terms my resi
dence on the N. W. corner of Elm and 11th St.
Said property consists of hi block with a Rood
xtory and a half house of Mx rooms, two ward
robes and one par.try ; s;ood well and city
water ; twenty-seven bearing apple trees, and
an auunaauce oi smaii iruit oi u muus. n
Moaday, April 16th..
Special engagement of
The Welsh Prize Singers,
Now making a tour of Amer'ca. under the
auspices of .he Kedpaih Lyceum Bureau, Bos
ton.' a liese celtsbta'ed artists are wuner.i of
ne?rly a i I h principal prizes in the famous
C'rvstal l'a'ace competition!. London. Ku'and
Their programme consists of WELSH and N
ULi"ri (il.KE. 8 US and MADKIGALS.
which aie suos twin onthusiasm. fire and vi
vacity whicii is indescribakie. Mr. Walter T.
Baker, A. H. K. M., Harp Virtuoso, undoubted
'y ice jtriaiest harp soloist, of the world. This
concert is lot tiie benefit of the T. L. li. It. A.
Prices, 35, GO and 75 Cents.
Dr. C. A- Marshall.
rreseryatiou vl natural teetu a specialty.
Ceeih extracted without pain by use ef Laughing
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Win. Herold & Son
Cry Goo. Notions Bools an Stoss
or Ladies and Gents
He keeps as large and as well
As can be found any place in the city and make
yen prices that defy competition.
Agents for
Harper's Bazar Fittens ni Ball's Corsets.
AN. SULLIVAN, Attorney at Law. "Will
five prompt attention to all buiinesa In
trusted to him. Office ia Union Block, Ernst
side, Plattsmouth. Neb.
The Boss Tailor.
Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store.
Has tbe best and most complete stock
of samples, both foreign and domestic
woolens that ever came west of Missouri
river. Note these prices: Business suits
from $16 to $35. dress suits, $25 to $45,
pants $4, $5, $6, $6.50 and upwards.
E3TWill guaranteed a fit.
Pricros Defy Competition.
) o o u o
o o o o o o o
This waist is designed to meet the requirements oi ladies who
cannot, comfortably, wear a stifi and rigid corset, while it can he warn
with as much comfort as an ordinary dress waist. It will give the
eame elegance of contour as the heaviest boned corset in the market,
while the stays are so arranged that they will give support to the back
and spine and in nowise interfere with the freedom and comfort
ol the wearer. The weight of the clothing is transferred from the
hips to the shoulders by means of the uhoulder-straps, whith are ad
justable to suit any form or length of waist.
We have these waists in White, Grey and Gold and the price to
introduce them will be $1.00. Sizes 18 to 28.
We also Garry a Fnll Line ofl foMii Gursets:
Bortrees Duplex, Bortrees Skirt ? bupporting, Misies Corsets,
Loomers Elasting Comfort II ip, Satin Corsets, F. C. Corsets, X. C.
Corsets, C. V. Corsets. Our Cleopatra is the best 51.00 corset ever
thrown over any counter; our 750 French Wove at $1.50 cannot be du
plicated in this city; our Blanche Extra Long Corset at $1.50 is a bar
gain; Childrens Corset Waists at 45 and 65 cents.
Ono 33oor East
Bargains I
The firm W. A. Boeck & Co., have succeeded Boeck & Bird
sail with
casif business
Gault!s Jewelry Store,
Jewelry, "Watches,
Clocks, Silverware,
Optical Goods, etc.
Mr. Carmiehael, an experienced Watch-maker, has taken charge ol the
Eepair Department. All repairs
And Satisfaction Guarenteed.
By fair and honest dealing we hope to merit a share ot the public pat
ronage. Give us a call.
131. IMI. G ATJLT,
n o o o o
ITEiLIiTIf V Tf li
e o o o o
& CO.,
First XTa.t'1 Sauls.
Bargains I