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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1888)
TJIE IJA1LY UtUALU, l'LArrcsavoorn, MiIiNtASK A, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1SS8. Tho Plattsntouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS EUO S., Publishers & Proprietors. THE rLATTSMOUTII HERALD I pulllibel evrrr evening except Sunday Aid Weekly every I hurtl;iy morn Ilk. Kegtn lered at the poHtolIlce, rialtiinoulli. N'ehr.. i s ei-onil-cUNa mailer. Olilre comer of Vine and lllu Irtels. TlkMS rOK DAILY. Ou copy on e:ir In advance, by mall....$0 00 Oaeciy per month, byrar'ler 60 One copy per week, by earlier 16 TERM rOK WCKKLV. tyi eopy one year, in advance $1 Si Un cjpy nix montti. in advance 75 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. The Republican electors of the State of Nebraska are r-fiucft-tl to scud delegates from the several counties, to meet in con vention, at the eity of Omahn, Tuesday, May 15, at H o'clock p. in., for the purpose of electing lour delegates to the National R-iublicun Convention, which meets in Chicago June 19, 18SH. THE A ri'OUT I ON M ENT. The several counties are entitled to re presentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for lion. Samuel Maxwell, supreme Judge, in 1887, giving one del-egate-at-largc to ach couuty, and oue for each 150 votes and major f ruction thereoff : Engineers now Las to decide is not the fate of the strike but the fate of the order. By ten years of careful observance of the law, since the - strike upon the Grand Trunk and the Boston and Lowell in the troublous times of 1877, this order lias held an enviable position. It has been known as intelligent, conserva tive and law-abiding. It has secured the confidence and the respect of the public. It lias, in that time, by virtue of this very reputation, had greater intluence with railroid oilicials and been enabled to secure peaceably a greater fcliaro of its demands than it pusibly could by any other course. And its reputation enlisted upon its ride the tremendous power of public sympathy. It is now in danger of forfeiting the benefits of this slow and painful work of years. Its eafety depends upon cutting loose from the lawless elements whose co operation it has invited by the continuance of a hope less strike. If it shall continue to in rite the perpetration tf such acts as these, they will be charged to its account. It can not avoid the responsibility for oc currences which come as a sequence of COtlMTlKS. VOTES. COUNTIKS. VOTK.H. A!;i'ns Antelope . A rdi nr..... I'.lailio .... J'.oone , Jiox tiutte i'.mwn . .., l;:i(T-i o Kuller . H Jefferson o .I)I14UU s 1 'Kearney fi 2 Keyal'ulia 6 8 Ken li 4 Knox 7 pl.aiicasler Lincoln S y loirau ... 'l Hurt tf l.oup : V;i IG Madison .... 8 Cedar .V Mc lieisuu 1 'liii!e si.Merriek 7 ('deny 5, Nance... Cliesenue ll.Nniuha CI ly ll!uckol! ;n(t;tx 'inniii Cit-te" Iakota 1 two l;twsoil Dixon l.d OIIlli Kunily Fillmoro . . . Franklin .... Frontier Furnas I llOM . . "I Pawnee ..I7i Perkins ... .. .'. fierce 7 I ilk . . . . . . . ft Platte . . ; l'lielps . .l'J icli.-trtlson ..37 Kel Willow .. 4 Saline . 10 Sarpy . . .. .. 7 .Sajnders .. ..10 Seward lc . . r' .Sheridan 7 . 4 . 6 .10 7 . 12 . 7 13 n u t Jaire Ourneld ... iolT. .. irant ireeley ... Hall Hamilton Harlan.... , 11 ay en liiteticjck . Holt Howard lumberman 3 Sioux 2 . ... 5 Stanton 4 1 Thayer 7 . ... 4' Thomas 2 U Valley 6 101 .V;ish!ngtni i) .... s Wayne 5 4; Webster V . . . 6 Wheeler 3 .. . .14 York 11 i Cnorfj- territory 1 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, except such as are held by persons residing in the counties from the proxies are given. Geokgs I). Meikj.ejoiix. Walt. M. Skeley, Chairman. Secretary. its own course. If its strike against the Burlington weie upon the eve of success it would be none the less ruinous to pay tho price of direct or indirect complicity in violence which raises indignation in the breast f every free man. Tho strike is doomed. Let the brotherhood take heed that it do not carry down with it the prestige and the future of an order w hich has been and yet may be an in strumentality for good. MODEL COFFEE HOUSES. SUPPLYING CLEAN FOOD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. A Question WI1W-I1 Thoughtful and I'll lantlironle riom Hate Studied A Field for I'rac-tlc-al lleiievolenee I'lilt adelplila'a Model toffee lloune. DIRTY DETECTIVE WORK. We were asked yesterday wny we did not say more about the strike, and take the offensive against the strikers. All we have to say is we wrote our opinion at the beginning of the strike, and have nothing new to say. "We have consider ed the strike ended for the past two weeks, and the raising of he boycott yesterday in Chicago convices us more than cyer that the Brotherhood is left out in the cold. And to keep pounding away on the same subject eyery day and nothing new to sty about it becomes mo notonous, and just keeps things agitatet where as if lot alone it soon dies out of its own free will. The threatened strike of switchmen on the lines connecting with the Burlington road indicates that it may yit becme necessary for the railway companies of the west in general to make a fight in defense of their right to do business ac cording to law, notwithstanding the de mauds of their employes that they shall haul only such cars as are painted in given colors or received from certain sources. Of course the ultimate result of such a coutest must be in favor of the railroads ; and it is lamentable that class of laborers who have every reason to be satisfied with their condition seem to think that they can better it by throw ing themselves out of employment on pretexts which an intelligent public can not possibly indorse. Globe-Democrat, A stMMEK hotel planted onthe shift ing sands of the seashore is liable to meet with the fate foretold in scripture, unless when the ocean's ravages become loo threatened some way of escaping from theui is conceived and put in practice. Two different methods are illustrated at Coney Island. The Manhattan Beach property has been protected for half a dozen years by a barricade of piles and s torn work; although this plan has been pooh-poohed by some people at first its wisdom has been demonstrated. The big Brighton Beach caravansary is now mounted on cars and rails, and this week the work of hauling it back beyond the reach of the wares is to be done. It is a costly job. If successful, it will make seaside property of this character a safer investment than it was. New York Tribune. TUB FATE OF THE STRIKE. St. Paul Pioneer Press: The out break of violence at Chicago seals the fate of the Burlington strike, if that were not already decided. The question which the Brotherhood of Locomotive How Victims Are Sometimes lllackmalled by Unprincipled "1'rlvate Detectives." "Something ought to be done to control these private detective agencies," said a po lice officer of rank to a reporter the other day. "They are a nuisance, and work more barm than any one imagines. I don't refer to the straight agencies, but these concerns that do all the dirty work are the ones I re fer to. Anybody can start a detective agency, and sme of the men who work for many of those in Chiengo ought to be in the jwnitentiary. Many private detectives make their living by blackmail, and it is easy to see that they have a fine field to work in. " 1 ake, for instance, a case of a woman, or even a man, who has some standing. Some one it may be a husband or wife, or even an outsider puts a detective on the track of the oue bo wants to find out about, and the victim is followed everywhere. Suppose something is found out and there's nobody but has a little dark spot that shouldn't bo ercposcd and here's where the chanco for blackmail comes in. Tho detective makes his report end receives his pay, but doesn't let tha matter rest there, lie has a hold on oil the one ho'a been shadowing, and when tho proper time comes he works tho racket for what it's worth. He wants a loan, after kiting the victim know, of course, what knowledge he possesses, and nine to one he r,3zs it. The ore affected knows that ho can't tuTord exposure and he is willing to pay for secrecy, ilind you, all private detectives doa't work this snap, but many of them do. "I know of a young man who robbed bis uaployer. The latter knew something was vtrong, so ho hired a shadower. Proof e.gainst the young man was complete, and when he was confronted with it ho confessed everything. lie begged not to be exposed, and the employer consented to hi9 remain ing provided be made up the shortage. This he did and afterward regained his employ er's confidence. Then he married a fine girl on the west side and was happy. The world smiled on him and he was getting along as nicely as any one could wish when one day be was called on by a strange man, who soon let him know that he was the detective who bad done the shadowing. He didn't say that he would expose the young man, but the latter knew what the matter was and readily consented to make a small loan. In stead of telling his wife and employer about it he struggled on, meeting demands on him, and finally took to drinking. His employer discharged him, he went lower and lower, and when he gof clear into the gutter bis wife left him bemuse he couldn't support her. The other day, I see by the papers, she sued for a divorce, and she'll get it. Chicago Tribune. I'rcKervatiou of I'orets. The preservation of forests from the depre dations of insects and apludes is largely de- lendent upon the spiders that inhabit them, more ellective work of this kind being per formed by them than by the insect-eating birds. Examinations of the viscera of the spiders kept in captivity show them to be vo racious destroyers of these creaturers, and as toey prefer dark spots in the forests, which ore the places most infested by vermin, the raf.ilts of their labor are very beneficial. Globe Democrat. AVater I'roof Rook Bindings. A composition has been produced which may prove valuable to book binders, having fr its purpose the rendering water proof of k:ither, cloth, paper, etc. It is a mixture of water, silicate of soda, resin, alum, potash, ll: h glue, sulphate of zinc and sulphate of copper in various proixrtious, The applica tion is said to render the material impervious to tho influence of oil or water, and, if a variety of ingredients increase practical utility, should be very valuable. Chicago 1 lines. Market for Uetl Oak. A profitable market Las been found for the poor, despised American red oak, that has been co:isidired of no value at all. Ameri can dealers are buying no all they can rret ;M of and shipping it to Liverpool. TLoro the lumber is manufactured into fancy fur niture and shipjcd back to ITew York, where It i sold to wealthy people as the real Eng- liijh oak. and at pretty fctiff prices, too. Chi cago Herald. Thousands of brain and hand toilers take their midday meal in down town re'Staurants. It is within tho memory of most people when this was practically unknown here. Tho growth of tho city anil the extension of tho limits of residence districts have served to bring this alout. In this respect Chicugo is merely having the same experience as l'uns, London, New York, Boston, Philadelphia and the other large cities of the world. The great metropolitan centers have also long hud to do with tho matter of supplying to tho people th3 cleanest and most nutri tious food at the lowest pritw jiossible. Thoughtful and philanthropic persons have studied the question in its economic and moral bearings, and tho experiments made in other cities have generally been very sat isfactory and successful. Tho coffee house of Great Britain is known tho world over. The British workman is as familiar with it as with the church or chapel he attends, the vocation he follows or tho vernacular ho speaks. It is a place where lie can get for from three to five pence (from six to ton cents) a suljstantial repast of good food and cotTee, tea or milk, served in a cleanly man ner, in a respectable place, to which he could take his wife or daughter, or some one's else daughter. The same conditions and classes are to be found in America as in London or Liverpool, Glasgow or Manchester, Birming ham or Bristol. The cities of the United States like New York and Philadelphia, Bos ton and Chicago, have had growing up the past twenty-live years the same lunch or res taurant system which has long obtained in the cities beyond tho sea. CHICAGO ItKSTACRANTS. Chicago is as well supplied with excellent restaurants as Paris or New York, according to its size. No visitor from the near or far east fails to compliment this city in these particulars. Tho traveled, cultured and well-to-do classes recognize and appreciate such comforts and conveniences more readily than any other. There is, however, a portion of the community whose members are not often heard on these matters. They are not tho opulent or middle classes, but tho wage work ers. How many places are there down town where respectable shop girls, for example, earning from $3 to $5 anil $G a week, could afford to go and get a warm noon meal, or even a lunch, suitable to a brain or hand worker! There are restaurants without number where persons earning from 10 to or $100 a week can suit themselves as to the bill of fare, and jet how does the case stand with respect to those who cannot afford to pay more than 50, 75 cents or $1 a week out of their hard earnings for lunches, and who feel they must have somo nutritious food in the middle of the day? The TV. C. T. U. has undertaken and maintains a lunch establishment where healthful, plain, nutri tive food can be obtained at about cost, but in the nature of the case this coffee house can do no more than suggest what might be done. In the average restaurant all articles of food cost five cents or multiples of five. There are several establishments where from 8,000 to 4,000 persons are fed daily. The charges are reasonable, the coffee, rolls, milk, etc.. aro excellent, the places scrupulously clean and neat, and the service all that could be wished ; and yet many of the working jx?oplo are nnablo to patronize them because of tho scanty wages they receive, and the strict economy they must constantly exercise. In some of the experiments in Great Britain, Philadelphia and elsewhere, there have been maintained eating houses for just these classes, and they have been successful. YThv might not some of our philanthropic citizens find in this a field for their practical benevo lence? Is it not worthy of attention? PHILADELPHIA'S MODEL, A model coffee house has been maintained in 1 nnaueipnia ior j ears. it began in one room. The food was good, well cooked, clean and cheap. A pint of the best coffee, with cream and sugar and a roll, cost five cents. It was no charity. Patrons paid for what they got, and got what they paid for. The idea was not one of profit, but purely of phi lanthropy. It steadily grew in favor, and its generous founder, a leader in the Society of Friends, has had it enlarged time and again. Then a room was opened to women, Tho workingmen were benefited, and work ing women came to bo by the addition of tho department for them. A reading room was added in time, and a hall that would seat S00 Iersons. Other coffee houses hare been established on the same general plan. The original re freshment room, opened in 1874, has crown to accommodate 400 persons at a time, and over 3,000 meals are served dailv. The bill of fai-e provides for some seventy articles, whose cost is from three to ten cents. This will give some idea of expense to customers: Oatmeal, grits, mush, stews, pot pie, codfish cakes, liver, eggs, potatoes, corn, peas, and tea, coffeo or milk, with bread, five cents; peaches, frozen custards and melon in season, six cents; beef, veal, mutton, ham, fish or baked beans, eight cents, and sirloin steak, chowder or egg omelet, ten cents. The dishes are large, and are described as ample for ail the requirements of the inner man. This model coffee bouse has no cigar stand, al though very high prices have been offered for a corner to sell tobacco. The idea of the Philadelphia coffee house may lead some philanthropists in Chicago and elsewhere to go and do likewise. Inter Ocean. She Though So Too. ne Do you know, ?Jis3 Mabel, I have dis covered why my brain is so active? She- No, Mr. Minuswit, what is your theory i He It i because I so often start a train of thought. She Ah, yesl The "Limited." Tid Bits. The World's Way. My friend, don't forget t!u's if ypu lie down, the world will go out of its way to drivfc over j'ou; but if you stand up ami look severe, it win give ypu nail the road at least. L uclo Ezek. The Romans Not Dancers. It is an erroneous impression that is in vogue in certain quarters that the Romans were dancers or encouraged dancing. That was one feature of the Grecian civilization that the Romans did not adopt. In fact, dancing was always in disrepute among the Romans, who were too practical a people to indulge in such fantastic recreation. A Ro man historian refers to this fact in connec tion with the trial of Claudius, who was charged with having fraudulently got him self elected to the tribune. Jt was also charged as a further allegation of Claudius' bad character aud unworthiness that he had been guilty of dancing. This charge, how ever, 13 refuted by Clandius' counsel in an address to the tribune, who stated that his client bad too much sense to be guilty of such foolishness as bopping around on one foot and then on another. Father John N. Po land in Globe-Democrat. The early bird catches the worm, and it is the early crocus that catches the nipping frost. Earlincss is occasionally a bad habit. Hot a Small Mau. There is a fallacious notion abroad that Lord Randolph Churchill is a very small man. I he humorous papers or London, in allusion of his youth, as well jn politics as in age, have clubbed him "lttfe Kandy, "The Boy," and such epithets have so constantly been bestowed upon him that most people who have not seen him suppose him to be in reality little. In good sooth, be stands about five feet eleven Inches In bis boots. He i; spare and not very upright, being of a very delicate constitution, New York Press. Boss's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re lieves a cough instantly ami in time effects a permanent c ure. Sold by O. 1. Smith & Co., druggists. j2.,3mu,d-w. An observant metropolitan barber says that lie c iin tell one's physical condition by the statc of the hair! Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is wam.ntcd for all that the label calls for, so if it does not relieve your cough you can call at our store und the money will be refunded to you. It acts simul taneously on all parts of the system, thereby leaving no bad results. O. P. Smith ?c Co., Druggists. j25-3md&w Di. Sehliemann lias gone to Alexand ria with Professor Vircliew, and will spend several months in Egypt making explorations, Degc's Elood Purifier and Blood Maker. No remedy in the world bus gained the popularity Unit this medicine has, 11s it hold on family medicine. Isro oue should be without it. It has no calomel 1 quinine in its composition, consc quent j no bad effects can arise from it. "We keep a full supply t all times O. P. Smith Co. Druggist. j2o-3modfcw If Diogenes lived today he would be out with a lantern looking for a Demo cratic lawyer who hasn't been mentioned for the ofiice of chief justice of the su preme court. Who is Your Best Friend? l our siomacii 01 course, vv iiy f lie cause if it is out of order you are one of the most miserable creatures living. Give it n fair chanrc and see if it is not the best friend you have in t lie end. Don't smoke 111 tne morning. I'on.t urinif in tno morning. It you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with breakfast. You can drink more am smoke more in the evening and it willtel on you less. If your food ferments and docs not digest right- if you are troubl ed with Heartburn, Dizznicss of the head, coming up of the food after eating, bil iousness, indigestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August Flower, as no person can use it without immediate relief. HEALTH W6LT' ! 15 , I biiAtu V TREATMENT "r"" Dr. K O. West's Nerve and Hrniu Treatment Kuiraniee siieeinc lor livsteria Dizziness. oiivulsions. Kits. Nervous Neuralgia, llfiul- aehe. .KervemiA Prostration eauseU ly the line it alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental Jie- resfion. Softening of the Hrain resulting in in sanity auil leading t misery, decay $uid ''path. reniaiure oiii Age. naneiiiiess. loss 01 row er in either Sijx. Involuntary Losses aim Sj-er- mai rriia'.-i caused ny over-exertion ot the br;tin. pelf abuse or over-tiulnlgence Kaeh box contains one month treatment, 00 a box orsix boxes for 5.00, sent by mail prepaid or receipt of price WE GUABAICTEE SIX BOXES To cure an v case With each order received byusf'i' six boxes, accotupan eii with fa 00. we will srnil the purchaser our written guaran tee to return the n-oney if the treatment does not effect a cure. (Suarantees issued enlv by Will J. Warrick sole agent, Plattsmruth. Neb. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER TO ALL WANTING MPLOYMKNT. We want live, energetic, agents in every county in the United States and Canada to sell a patent article of great nieiit, n its jiekits. An ai tie e having a large kale paying over 100 percent, profit, having no compel ii ion, j-nd on which the agent is protected in t he exe'ufive sale by a deed given for each and e ery erun ty be may secure from us With all these ad vantages t' our age .Is. and the lact that it in 111 article 1 1 :- can be sola to every honsehol w e , it miiUit not be uecrf sary to make "An L'xt raoi'diuary Offer" to secure gor.U aients at nce, but e l ave eoi eluded to make ii to iliow, not 011 y our confidence in the merits of ur inven ion, b it in its ealabiUt) by any ace t hat will handle it villi energy. Our agents iov at work . re making from ?150lo t-ato a uohlli eler. and ibis fact, makes it t fe lor us 0 make nur offer to all who are out of employ iient. Any agent tlr-t will give our bu iues 1 thirty il vs' trial u'.d fail to clear at least ;oa 111 11114 tune, an expenses, can re-un-all good uns.-iM to us a-d we will refund lie money pa d for them. No Mich employer I gent - ever dare-l to make sucli oners, nor voiil'l we if we did not know that we have ge ts now making more than double-tliis mount. Our lrge descriptive circulars ex am our offer fully, an ' these we wish to seu eveiyoue u- ot employment who will send is tlii'ee one cent stamps for postage. Send at nc and secure the agency in ti-ne for the -:om, and go to work o;i the t mis named in ur extraordinary offer. AdfJres-, at once, .National NovkityCo.. 18 3m-diw 514 Smithfield St , Pittsburg, fa. It may be that there is a land that is drcr tiiau this, but it would take an art ist to find it. I'or sale or exchange. A number of line pieces of residence property. Apply t Windham and Davies. d-w3w. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward fcr any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costivcnoss we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu- ne manufactured only by John O. Well & Co., 862 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold byW. .J Warrick. The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pill; they never disappoint you. 30 pills 23c. At War rick's drug store, Eureka leaf Marks; X, J. THOMB WIIOLKSAI.K AM) ItKTAIL DKAI.KIl IN Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal .and Poultry. Z invito all to givo mo a trial. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, IJacon, Lard, etc., etc. Fresh Oybters in Can and Bulk at lowest liying prices. Do not fail to uivc me your patronage. T. T. THOMAS. AND ALL KINDS OF- HOUSEHOLD GOOI)S. KITCHEN, BED FOOM, wO FURNITURE FOR . PARLOR FURNITURE. ( HALLWAYS, OFFICES. Lowest Prices in th.0 City, bo Convincod. Call and SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND VINE. PL A TT8M O UTI I, NEB. FURNITURE EMPORIUM. rmri s 0J anor .OliOpi Sets, edroom Sets. FOR ALL CLASSES OF- FINE FUBNITURE -FOl Parlors, -Bedrooms, Oiiiing-rooma. Kitchens, Hallways, Offices, -GO TO- E1T E-sr s o Where a magnificent i .A stock of 1 rices abound. C Goods ami Fair UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH PLATTSMOt1 NEBRABKA. f) S E jt E T T. Cheese , JUST RECEIVED. I have just received Neufehated Edam Cheese. Bosuia Prunes, Macedonia Prunes , Califor nia and Turkish Prunes. ueiery Kenan; uiam Chowder; Beef Tea very fine. Fresh cheap . Dates and Figs; Oranges, Bananas, Ii. D. BED NET T. Subscribe or The Herald; Jon Al HAN 11A.TT. JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THE Iioicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo and Buds FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES alwap in stock- Not. 20, 1833. J. W. M JIOHATHAS MKAJETP k (CO., CITYffilEAT RHARKGTT. PORK PACKERS and dealers in BUTTER AND EGGS BEEF, PORK, MUTTOJV AND VEAL. TnE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. ! Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, Gc.f &o of our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and buik al WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. '