The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 04, 1888, Image 1

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Trenurer, tf -Attruy,
1 -Kiifiiir.
Coua iliiien, 1st ward,
2nd "
' 3rd
4th. "
.1 l Si m i'mo.n
J !I Waikuman
liVll'lS Cl.AHK
A Ma koi. k
11 M .Ion km
I Wm Wkbmi
) M K Mt urii V
S W 1 1 Urn N
I P M;Cai, I'hks
i .1 W John ,:
Board Pub. Workup Kkk.ii (ioiiiiKii
I I) II IIawksWo
V JoHSrt ,'ll AIUM AN
- TlKM. I'ol.l.OI-K
Jofl N M I.KYI'A
W. (.'. NllOWA I.TKIC
A. Maiiolk
A I. I.P.N IlK.KS'-.S
0. JlL'.-rtil.b
Weeping Water
- - lionwood
Itoputy 1'reAsurer, -Clerk.
Deputy Clerk,
ilecorderof ImpI.i
1'nputy KecorJer
Clerk t Ulntrlcl Co art,
Miirveyor. -Attorney.
h'Jpt. of I'uti. School,
County J uiiije.
IMAItU of su
A. Ii. Tokk,
Loins, Ch'm.,
A. B. Dl'Ksov,
CiASS 1.00iK No. II-:. J O. o. F. -Meets
every Tuesday evening of e.ioh week. All
transient brothers are reepectlully invited to
O V.. meet every alternate r rtduy In
each month In the Masonic Hull. isitwig
Brother are invited to attend.
fllKIO LOIICK NO. XI. A. O. U. W. Meets
L every alternat- Friday eveulutf at K. of 1 .
hall. Transient brother are respectfully in
vited toattend. F.J Murcaii.M il r Workman ;
K. S. Barttow. Foreman ; Frank Itrowu. over
seer; I. Bown, Outilr; lle.nce lion-worth.
ICeeorder; II. J. Klriaiieier; :ih.
Hmitli. Iteeeiver ; M. Maybrljtht. Pa?t M. W. ;
Jack Daughrrty , Inside Guard.
' of Aint-rica Meets second and fourth Mon
dayeveuiu :it Iv. of I, hall. All transient
brother are requested ti meet witli u. I.. A.
Newcn iter. uerabl Consul ; ti. Nile.
Worthy Adviser ; l. It. Smith, Ex Banker ; W.
0. Wllletu, Clerk.
M-et every alternate Friday eveninn at
Kockwood hallatso'clocs. All transient broth
ers are respectfully Invito. 1 to attend. 1 fj.
J.arsou, M. W. ; F. Boyd. Foreman: S. C.
Wilde. Kecorder : Leonard Anderson. Overseer.
J. W. 4onsoS - . ..Cotnniander.
C.S.Twis Senior V ice "
v a P.ats Junior
f;Vo: xilX" ...... Adjutant.
M alox I s oft he t wy.
AXDICRox FRV SerKt Maj nr.
.l.wrtHti)HB'.EMAS.. ..i!iarrer Master seir.
L. C.CtKTirt l'o.t Chapl uii
Meeting -aturday evening
Personal attention to all Xiuainae Kntrust
to wy care.
ntle Ks imlr.ed. Alsfats Compiled, In
surance VYntitii, Keal E-stit Sold.
Better Facilities tor laitlus Farm Loans than
Aoy OtUcr Agcacjp.
Pta(tmout:i, - Xcliraska.
Notary Public. Notary Pubiic.
attorn oys - at - XjG.w.
Oflje ovfcf Cank vt a County.
0 0
Kcpresent the following time
trie J and lire-tested companiee:
American Central-S'. Louis, As?ets 1.2M.lno
Commerchil Uniou-Ensland, " 2.596.314
Fire AssoclaMon-P'iiladelphla. 4.415..T7C
Franklin-Philadelphia. " 3.117.106
Home-New York. " 7.8.w. 0
Ids. C , of North America. Phil. " 8.4742
LiverpoliLondn & ;iobe- Ea " 6.639.7S1
Narth British Mercantile-Ea' " 3,3Trf.T34
Korwich Union-England. l.245.403
Springfield F. A M. -Springfield, 3,041.33
Total Assets. 512.11.774
Lasses Afljnstai ana Faifl attaisAgcncy
Cor. 12tb aud Granite Streets.
Contractor and Builder
Sopt. 12-6m.
The Belt Lino Employes, at a Meet
ing, Decide to stand by
Their Company.
They Will Hand o All Frelaht Offdr
d Them- A Favorable
Chicago, April 8. Two tboutnud del-egat-,
reijrunentiii the ininfceis, fire
men aud switcluien of nil roli leading;
to Chicaoo, held a riietting this afternoon.
General Manager JciTrejrf, if tho Illinois
Central, mad a kpwecli, at the conclusion
of wLich it was resolved that the men on
each road be allewed to ue their own
judgment in all questions growing out of
tho fctrike. Thia it considered to le n
virtual endorsement of the Michigan
Central's men todaj.
TIic Frt Wavne strikeia today asked
the gfBrul eupcriistendent whether if
thj rut urn wl to work in the morning
they vrLulC bo tkeu back. He replied
in the affirmative, provided thej would
handle all btikiuess without discrimina
tion. This is thought to indicate that
the Fort Wayne strike will soon be over.
The belt line employes decided tonight
to btand by the company and handle all
freight as directed. This settles the
treuble on that line.
Chicago, III., April 3. The striking
St. Paul yard men held a meeting tonight
and appointed a commiltte to wait on
General Superintendent Clark with a
proposition that they would go to work
if tho new men were directed to clear
the yards of Burlington freight. This
Clark rejected and the cemmittce re
turned to the meeting place, where it was
instructed by tho meeting to again see
Clark and offer unconditional surrender,
lie received this proposition, and the
men go te work in the morning.
Another Sudden and Mysterious
Death at Mason City
Mason City, la., April 3. It is now
thought that II. C. Avery, who died sud
denly Sunday morning, was atllicted with
the same trouble that caused tho death
of the two members of thoBrewn family.
Tiic latter death, with tho mysteries sur
rounding it, again renews talk relating
to the Brown family trouble. About 10
o'clock 5Ir. Avery, who was a strong, ro
bust ma::, was attacked with dizziness,
and in abrut ten minutes was seized by
violent purging aud voinii'mg. Ho was
given sonic cold tea to drink, and all his
pains seemed to pass tway. In a little
over three hoars hi w a corpse. What
has caused the deaths is a complete mys
tery. It is generally argued that it is
some kind of poison. Not long ago n
poison known a3 Tyrotoxican, a putriti--cation
farouut, a poinon generated in de
cayed matter, was discovered in cheesa.
Butter rontaiiiiug fjniilar ingredgients
might contain, a like poison, aad the
Brown family and Mr. Avery both ate
butter at their lat meal.- Coroner Mc
Neal exhuuied the body of II. L. Brown
and the slomach was 'taken out. The
board of supervisors, who are now in
session, have been asked to appropriate
sufficient money to make a thorough in
vestigation. The appropriation will un
doubted lv bo made and Brown's stomach
sent to Chicago lit one.
Oetoctsd by a Woman's Wit.
T;s s2;ana, Ark., April 3. Last night
a msit giving his nn:io as Dave Dixon
was detected in burglarizing tlieiise of
Mr. "eter Ivy, and was arrested and
locked up in the Bowie county jail. He
came to Mr. Ivy and engaged to turn
over to him a lot of beef cattle which he
claims to own on Red river, and was to
hvc ai&rted ihli pj-.jrniug lo thow Mr.
Ivy the taiii, Imi bit. Ivy'a suspicion!
were art-used by his artiois. When she
notified ber husband, his watch dis
covered the would be cattla dealer plun
dering bureau drawers, closets, etc.
With be aid of neighbors he was ar
rested, and oti pcron was found all
the jewelry and silvcrwaio w;Jh many
articles belonging to the children's ward
robe. Light on a f&urcter Mystery.
Kearney, Neb., April 3. ThecUrp
Knocrzer, a resident of South Omaha,
I was found wanderiug around on a prarie
Sunday in the vicinity of Gibbon, and
when brought iff town was found to be
insane. While confined in the calaboose
at G bbon he came near ending his Iii
by batttring his head against the door.
He seems to be bothered about some
murder and says often, twl didn't kill
him, Jake did it." He says he was
stopping at Grand Island some six weeks
ag, when the dead body of Valentine
! Gulcher was fonnd in a field near there
under circumstances indicating that he
had been murdered.
Covernor Thayer at Kearney.
Kearney, Neb., April 3.- Governor
Thayer spent yesterday and part of today
visiting the state industrial school. He
expressed himself as will pleased with
the institution under the management of
Superintendent John T. Mallalieu. This
is his first visit to the school and he was
surprised at its siza aud the work being
tloue. The governor was given n recep
tion by the citszens of Kearney at tho
City property of all kinds in exchange
for lands unproved or unimproved. Apply
to Windham and Dtivics. w-ot.
Probable Fatal Accident.
Bcrwbix, Neb., April 3. Jacob Fry,
a farmer living three miles south of this
place, today met with an accident while
at work in a well that may lvsult in
death. While working at a depth of 180
fet a bucket fell and struck him on tha
head. At present it is not known just
what his injuries are.
Lot in South Park until the first of
April at $150.09 a piece. Payments to
suit purchaser.- Windham A Da vies.
One, two, five and ten-acre tracts for
sale on reasonable terms. Apply to
Windham and Davics. . d-w-lm. .
Firo Insurance written in the
Etna, Phoenix and Hartford by
Windham A Davies.
There aro 21 reasons why you
chnulri nurRhass lots in South Pa rk.
Seepage 4. fOtf
Smoklnc; k Meerschaum Pipe.
The pride of the smoker is to color bis
pipe. A new pipe should never be filled over
a quarter full and the quanity increased only
as the smoker observes the line of color ad
vance. By following this rule the pipe will
be uniformly browned. If a pipe is mottled
it Is a sure indication that it was not thor
oughly dried before being placed in the bath
of spermaceti. In coloring a cigar holder an
additional piece of wood or some earthera
material hollowed to receive the end of the
cigar should be placed in tho end of the
holder, that the moisture may not come in
contact with the meerschaum until it i3 col
ored to the rim.
The reason why these rules should be ob
served is that tho nicotine naturally settles
to the bottom of tho pipe, and if tho bowl is
load'id to tho brim the heat from the burn
ing tobacco will drive tho nicotine forcibly
to tho bottom, aud then all hope of giving
the whole pipe that beautiful light chocolate
appearanco must be abandoned. Smoke as
sists the process, and by blowing it gently
upon the outsido in a few week3 the effect
will be noticeable. Philadelphia Times.
Of Use to YVrlier.
A recent article mentioned cei"tain ways
of making paper capable of taking ink when
it has been roughened by erasure as by
powdered resin and by rubbing with a knife
handle; but pray, havo any of my readers
ever heard of pounce? I do not know
whether stationers keep it nowadays or not.
It is a fine, white resiuou3 powder the cy
clopsedia says powdered sandarach. A small
bottle of it will lost one a life time. Along
with tho powder used to bo sold ai elegantly
turned pounce lox, like a little wooden oil
can, which would sift a small quanity of the
pounce on the paper, as needed. My pounce
box has been an inseparable article of my
writing table for many years. To rub the
pounce in after it has been sifted upon the
erased spot, I use a small stick with a ball
whittled on the end, over which a bit of
chamoi3 skin is tied, as on a painter's maul
stick. Nothing could be more simple or
more convenient. John F. Genung in The
Beggars In Southern. Italy.
Children are very annoying as beggars in
the south of Italy; for half a dozen of them
will sometimes cluster around a stranger,
imploring birn to give them something. Olio
of tho St. Nicholas artists traveling in Italy
had a curious way of ridding himself of
these youngsters. He carried a toy watch
which was a little out of order, and the
hands of which, when it was wound up,
would go round with a buzz, until it
ran down, lie would fix this in one eye like
an eyeglass, and turn fiercely upon the im
lortunato youngsters. The sight of this re
volving and buzzing tyi, ccared the little
rascals, and they fled in every direction.
They thought it was the J?Evil Eye,?' of
which they pro very much afraid. The Ar
gonaut. Dog Markets of Paris.
Among tho curious sights of Paris are the
dog markets. The animals offered for sale
are almost always mongrels of low degree,
any pf good blood being taken by the regu
lar dog venders. ' The ' ieUwra ask fabulous
prices for their curs, but are willing to make
a reduction. They begin by demanding from
120 to $12 for each animal, and usually end
by accepting forty cents. A policeman
presides over all the operations of the marta,
Chicago Herald.
In Plain English.
Patient (to "family physician) rr In ypur fttr;
sence, doctor, I was compelled "to call in
young Dr. Sawbones. He said that 'the
clinical spmptoms indicated chronic inter
stital inflammation. What's that in plain
English f
Family Physician In plain English i?
means that Sawbones didn't know what was
the matter with you. New York Sun.
A Reputation Easily 'Earned.
Old Lady (to saleswoman) You don't seem
to posses? the pttience of Job, young wo
man! Saleswoman No, ma'am; but Job never
clerked in a dry goods store. The Epoch.
Pur Great TJeer Range.
The great deer range ui the country is in
northern Wisconsin, Minnesota and Dakota.
Though the Indians slaughter great numbers
of these animals, yet the deer continue very
numerous. JJostou Budget.
A lost r5rt- The shoemaker's shop.' -
Otcaninc from the Press Gathered by
the "Sclittor and Paste' Kdltor.
I Tetit Journal, of Paris, on one dny
during tho recent excitement printed
0(50,000 copies.
The Municipal School of Art of Bir
mingham, one of the greatest industrial
centers, shows great progress in technical
The bell which was used at Anderson
ville prison during war times is now in
possession of one of the Ileys brothers, of
Ameficus, Ga., who values it highly ai a
war relic.
It is a singular fact that in Nebraska
there are no legal holidays established by
stalute, and in Minnesota Washington's
birthday i.s the only general holiday
provided by law.
Dr. Hammond in strongly opposed to
tho substitution of electricity for bang
ing, arguing that death by strangulation
wiih a silk or cotton ropo id painless and
altogether a rather afrrwablo Kon-.".tion.
An artificial limb maker said recently
that "after the war it was thought that
the wooden arm and leg business was at
an end, but the locomotive and labor
saving machinery have continued to
create augmented demands."
The attempts to employ dogs in tho
sentinel service have so well succeeded
that it has been decided to extend them
to the whole army in the mountains of
Bosnia and Herzegovina. Consequently
the dogs are now being trained so as to
bo able to bo employed in the great
maneuvers in the summer.
Senator Stanford's California ranch
contains CO, 000 acres, and is probably
the largest in the country. Some 3,b00
acres are planted in grapevines, arid bo
has a wine cellar that holds 1,000,700
gallons. One bonded warehouse now
contains 70,000 gallons of brandy mado
on the senator's ranch last year.
In Nebraska, where glandered horses
are exterminated by order of tho author
ities, the state pays the owner the value
of the animal. It is said quita a profitable
business is carried on by parties who tako
over the state line lots of diseased horses
from Dakota, Iowa and other localities
for tho purpose of receiving the bounty.
Seaweed is coming extensively into uso
for decorative purposes. It will be used
during the summer to ornament di-esses,
instead of flowers, and is already in uso
for decorating dinner tables. It can be
had in the natural color or delicately
tinted, and the effect is charming. It
has also tho advantage of never fading or
looking the worse for wear.
According to the latest accounts tho
Ixmisiana strawberry crop is the largest
ever grown. The west Tennessee straw
berry crop will bo far below the average,
and so will that of Kentucky, southeast
Missouri and southern Illinois. The Ar
kansas crop will not lx) much over half
the regular yield. Texas will not raise
more tlum enough for home use. Ala
bama will not bhip many to northern,
markets this season, Tho vegetable crop
in most of the southern states will ba
large. Louisiana and Mississippi will
have fully double the output of any for
mer year.
New Method of Weighing.
A novel scale has been invented. In
stead of weighing in pounds and ounces
it indicates the value of articles weighed.
Fer example, if a man buys butter at
thirty cents a pounds, an indicater i3
placed at thirty. . This so adjusts thfe
scale h.'i the lower indicator shows tho
value of any weight of butter at that
price that is put on the scales, The ma
pkinea on this principle will be manu
factured to weigh up to tons. Chicago
XIow to Loau tt voi iv
One way to load a live pig is as follows:
Back the wagon up to the pen, place two
planks side by side, with one end in the
wagon the other on the ground, making
an inclined plane. Then turn the Log
with his tail toward the wagon, put a
basket over hu head, and ni he steps back
to get his head out, follow him up, taking
care that he does not step over the side,
and to his surprise he will find himself in
tins wagon without a struggle.
VThen u Uosne Reform.
"W e frequently take a man's picture out
of the" Rogues' gallery and cancel his record,"
said Inspector Byrnes.
"When he dies?'
"Yes, and when he reforms also. When
we have evidence that a man is trying to live
straight we are always ready to help him,
and will remove his f rorn the Rogues'
gallery ithan vqursstud. Thi;sc piotures and
the accompanying records aro filed away
wher-e we can reach thcuu should we need
them.. New York Sun,
Tho Constitutional club of London has &
Dicmbi rship of 0,400.
The gates unclasped, the gold aisle ope'd to her.
She entered trembling, with her white rube
Across her shoulders, for the winds of fear
Swept o'er the pallor of the maiden dawn.
With faltering steps, she slowly passed her an.
And as she weni'a haud ouisped to zest
A glowing cluster of warm, roses red "
Above the drapery crossed upon her breast.
In vestal rob.-s, wine roses on her breast.
She onward sped, when lo, upon her way
A sudden light burst, brilliant till with hands
Beclasped before her eyes the dazzling ray
be hid, vet blazed it stronger still
Ber veiled eyes, plain caught the high, white
light. - '
When lo, a darkness swept, she glanced aloft,
Still in the aisle she stayed, but it was night,
Pallid she stood, la shadowy robes of white,
All marbl still; the roses red had paled,
They could not lire in gloom, and eo in dust they
From the proud heights, so late their fragrance
Bertha May Ivory in Home Journal.
The lhyligkt Store.
Just after our inventory, we reduce
prices to sell the goods rather than to
carry over. We are willing to sell our
entire Winter Goods at cokt. Staples vu
have a largo quantity and offer them
very low. Calicos 3 to 5 cents per yard,
making; the bent htaudard of them at !i0
yards for $1.00. Gingham best dns
styles 10 cents per yard. Dress god
all kinds at tho very lowest prices, from
5 cents per yard upward. Woolen hoso
wo offer at cost, extra fne. Ladies
merc hose, worth if 1.00, now 75 cents,
fine heavy wool 40 cents, now 25; child
ren's fine ribbed worth 50, now 'M. Un
der wear must go at low price, as we
will not keep them over.
0.. ., . . r (...,.v Mtlilll) .m,i,.la
una uittvviis, former prices 50 now 35.
Our Gents Silver grey marino f,hii ts
and drawers, extra quality 75 now 50.
Our Scarlet all wool shirts and draw
ers fine quality $1.00 now 75 cents.
Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw
ers, lino quality $1.25 now 1.00.
Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw
ers, line quality $1.75 now 1,25.
O Jr scarlet all-wool shirts and draw
ers, fine quality $2.00 now 1.40.
EjacHcs9 - Uiidomvesir,
Our 25 per cent, discount on cloaks, is
still good. W e are determined to close
out our entire stock and never before
has such an opportunity been offen d to
economical buyers to purchase the btt
qualities for so little money.
Joseph V.WcckbacIi.
As per previous aniioiinccniont, we had
iully determined to discontinue lmsincss in
PlattsinoutJi and go advertised aecordiiirlv and
now, as satisfactory arrangements have been
perfected for the continuance ot same under the
management of Mr. J. Fi.-iley and . V.'
nei as hook-keeper and cashier, we herewith
notify our friends and patrons of our final de
cision and kindly solicit a continuance of your
kind patronage, so ireiiy extended during the
past sixteen years, ly the addition of compe
tent clerical force.
On account of Mr. Solomon leaving the
city and by the adoption of the stijictlv
Courteous treatment,
Bed-Rock Prices,
We trust to merit your good will and patron
The New Photograph Gallery
Will be open January 24th, at the
All work warranted first-claso.
I h&AM
and an elegant new
Mb. I