THE. DAILY J1KUAL1), L'LAJ'isu 1 n, iuCASK A, MONDAY, A PHIL 2, 1SS8. The Plattsrnouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS BBOS., Publishers & Proprietors. THE PLATTSMOUTII HKKAI.D la publithrd eterjr ermine rirrpt Sunday ad Weekly evrry;iy morning. ICgi tred at tha i.ntofli-, riult.muutli. N'Hr.. Mro(l-cUit matter. Ollice coruer of Viue anil JTlUh ttreets. TIlHi fOR UAILV. One copy on ear la alTane. by mall $0 00 Oncoy per inonlli, by-arir, 60 Oua ctiy per week, by canlnr, 15 TIIUI yon HKEkLT. One copy ou year, in advuaee $i nt Uneeupytlx mcntB. inadvauce 75 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION.' Tbe Republican electors of the State of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several counties, to meet in con vention, at the city of Omaha, Tuesday, May 15, lfc88, nt 8 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of elocting lour delegates to the National Republican Convention, which meet in Chicago Jun 10, 1888. T1IK A ri'OKTIOXMENT. The several counties arc entitled to rc presentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell, supreme Judge, in 1887, giving one del-cgate-at-large to each county, and one for each 150 votes and major fraction thereof! : COIINTIF.H. VoTKS.ifOUNTIFS. VOTED. Adams Antelope .. Arthur )(Utne ltauue IJux Butte . lliown . ... KufTVo Mutlur l!urt t'ais l'flar ('hare ....... Cherry... . Cheyenne . l.iy ColfiiX fuming .... Cusle" Uukota iMwes awoti ... Ihxon Iode .... PourUis ... Ixiuily Tillmore. . Franklin... Frontier ... Fur n a ;asre Cartield ... ;oser (irant ireeley .... Hull Hamilton Harlan Hayes ltttencjck . Hols Howard . w'.leffersou . y JohnsoD . 1 Kearney . 2 KeyaTaha . Kcuii . 4 Knox . ! Lancaster .U Lincoln . V l.i;au . 9 l-oup .16 Madivon . ,v Me' liersou . fiLMerrick . 5;Naucn .11! Nemaha .liNuckol!K . 7'Otiitj . 7 I'awneo . it; Perkins . . Pierce . 7 l'olk Platte . r.ll'ht'lps .VS iclianlson.... .a7 Heil Willow . 4 Saline lo Sarpy . T.Sa.iiuIers .10 Seward . o .iheridau . I'.i 'lieruian . 3 Sioux . b stauton . 1 Thayer . 4 Thomas .11. Valley .10! VMShington . x Wayne . 4 Webster . t' Wheeler .14 York . 7 I'nore. territory.. . s . u . 3 . 8 . 1 . 7 . 5 . y . 6 .12 . 8 ! 4 . 6 .10 . 7 .12 . 7 1.1 6 .12 .10 - 7 . 7 . !i . 4 . 6 . 9 . 5 . 9 . J .11 . 1 It is recommended thnt no proxies be admitted to the convention, except such as are held by persons residing in the counties from the proxies are given. Geohge I). Meiklejohx. Walt. 5L Seelky, Chairman. Secretary. The political cauldren is boiling right merrily today. How are you Dr. Salisbury ? Council man from the First. Although we have had a Democratic mayor and council for the last two years, the Democratic party have just discover ed that they were in favor of public im provements, and "resolved" in prepcr shape at their convent ion Saturday night. Marios Richey is the man that used his influence towards the securing of gas m works and water works here, and was successful. He is the man who will fa vor street paying and sawerage, and. if elected will see that these improvements are made. Sherman of the Journal shows pretty clearly what he believes and about how much patriotism h is posessed of when lie clips and endorses the state rights edi torial from the Louisville Courier Jour nal. A man in this enlightened com monwealth 6hould be ashamed to print such stuff, let alone endorse it. TnE Heral has been so far a very successful prophet; several days ago we predicted who the Democratic nominees would be, and the result was exactly as we predicted. We w ill now make the Tes that the entire Republican city tick et will be elected by good round major ities. There are numerous and we think sufficient reasons why it should be done. Tub silk stocking Democracy were suc cessful as twual. and had no trouble in nominating Jarac-e Patterson, jr., for city treasurer, although he was opposed by a very popular young man in the person of Frank Morgan. Frank, you don't be long to the right wing; you should leave the ranks of the Fleheians and join the ranks of the upper tens, you would stand a better show for success. BASE IN GRATITUDE. Not a word of commendation was heard at the convention Saturday night in favor of Mayor Simpson or his retiring goTsrnment Tub Herald is not now engaged in writing Democratic eulogies; if it were it could find several things in Mayor Simpson's reign to commend. - By the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, elas ticity of step, boyancy of spirits, and the bloom of health, may be restored to the system which has become enfeebled with disease. The best vitalizer and blood purifier is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Sold by RIGHT HERE IN NEBRA8KA. What Your Friends and Neighbors Say on a Matter of Vital Importance JJelow will be found a sample of the multitude of letters of encouragement Messrs. H. II. Warner 6c Co., of Roches ter, N. Y., elaily receive. The subjoined unsolicited testimonials are from your friends and neighbors, ladies and gentle men you know and esteem for their hon or and straightforwardness, and who would scorn to be a party to any decep tion. What has been done for others can be done for you, and it is folly, nay sui cid .l, to longer suffer when the means of recovery lie at your very door: McCook, Ne.b Jan. 31, 1888. "War ner's Safe Remedies" have become a sort of necessity or "cure all" among us. Several of my relatives particularly have taken "Warner's Safe Cure" for kidney troubles, and found it beneficial. McCook. Neb., Feb. 1 1888. In 1882, I lived at liellwood, Neb., engaged as a contractor and builder. During all the summer of that year I was troubled with Kidney Complaint. I got so bad that I had to quit work and put myself uuder a physician's care, who pronounced my ailment to be Bright' s Disease of the Kidneys. I kept tailing in health all the t ine and could only leave my bed or room on very pleasant days. I suffered terrible pains and was constantly grow ing weaker. I thought something must be done and that quickly. I tried an other physician, who was a Professor in a Medical College at Omaha. I had to go on the cars about ten miles to his ollice in David City. One day I went to see him and he was not at home. I went to the hotel to wait for a train home, bht was in such pain that I could not keep still. I was so far gone that I kept passing blood every few minutes, together with small pieces which looked like liver. I went to the drug store to get something to ease the pain and saw there a bottle of "Warner's Safe Cure" on the counter. I bought it and began to take it. The first twelve hours after taking it, there was but little, change. First I noticed that I began to sleep bet ter and the discharge began to grow ! thinner and l:ghter and gradually re sumed the natural color. After taking less than throe bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure" and remaining quiet for a few weeks, I was well and able to resume work nt my trade. I did not take any medicine but "Warner's Safe Cure." I am now 53 years old and have never had any return of my former complaint. I tell all who suffer with lame back or kidney complaint to try "Warner's Safe Cure." I am sure that if I had not missed the doctor on that day nt David City and found "Warner s Safe Cure" I would not have lived thirty days longer. Clause, Neb., Dec, 9. 1887. I have used a number of bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure" and it has given satisfaction. I would advise every one that is troubled with their kidneys to use it. Chester, Neb., Jan. 3, 1888. In the summer of 1881, I took cold, which led to catarrh of the bladder. I was confined to my bed for weeks. I had a good doc tor, but only partially recovered from the attack. I was so bad that my bladder gathered and broke and I passed a tea cupful of pus through a catheter. After that time, whenever I would take cold, I would experience the same old trouble. Two years ago I began to take " Warnei's Safe Cure," and after taking four bottles I got well and I am today as well as ever. I am 58 years old. My wife has been troubled for several years with kidney complaint, &ut at times was so bad that she almost Jot her mind, She com menced to use "Warner's Safe Cure" "Warner's Safe Nervine" and "Warner's Safe Pills," and now she is feeling as well as she ver did. We feel very grateful. 3 i Gibbon, Neb., Nor. 29, 1887 I take "Warner's Safe Cure" as a Tonic and Liver Regulator. My wife takes "War ner's Safe Cura" fpr Liver complaint, and it seems to do her more gG6d Jhan any thing she has yet taken. (Beaty & Baatty. Hardware and Furniture) Liberty, Neb., Noy. 29, 1887. My wife has taken "Warner's Safe Cure" and fii&3 its effect extremely beneficial. Regulate the Regulator with Warner's Log Cabin fe.-ushpan'Ila. Manufactured by proprietors of Warner's Kafe Cure. Largest bottle in the market. All drug gisjs sell it. When the blood is impure or impover ished, boils, pimples, headaches, jieurft gla, rheumatism, and various other di seases arc developed. Take Ayer's Sar saparilla, It purifles, iavigoraties, and vi talizes the blood, and restores vigorous h ealth. We take pleasure in recommending the use of Halls Vegetable Sicilian ftair Re newer as safe and reliable for restor ing gray hair to its natural color. . The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pill; they never disappoint you. 30 pills 25c At Wan rick's dru store. Henry Waterman is an honctt, care ful man; he is one of the best city treas urers Plattsmouth lias cyer had; to defeat him would not only be unfair treatment after one term of succesful service, but it might prove a bad thing for the tux payers to do. Mr. Waterman' opponent is a young man with no experience, and with nothing to recommend him except that his father is cashier of the Cass county bank, and that, of course, he will represent the interests of that institution. But if Tub Herald is not mistaken, we are not electing bank"treasurers"so much as we are careful financial agents of the city. What skill would young Mr. Pat terson evinco in the collection of special license taxes, one of the most difficult mattei s that falls to the lot of a city treasurer. We think, however, there is bo dangsr of Mr. Patterson being wor ried with the job. He will probably re nviin a clerk iu his father's bank for some time yet. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER TO ALL WANTING BMPLOYMENT. 1 We want live, energetic, agent In every county in the United States and Canada to sell a patent article of great merit, ojr itb mf.kits. An article having a larj;ea1e paying over 100 percent, profit, having no competltiog, and on which the ayent Is protected in the exclusive sale by a deed tiiven for eacli and every enmi ty he may seeure from ur. W'itli all these ad vantages to our age. its. and the fact that it it an article that can be sold to every lioiist liol, it miht not be neer.esary to make "An ExtraordiUHiy Offer" to secure uood agents al onee. but wo l-ave col clink ! to make u to show, not only our confidence in the merits ti our inveu ion. lvit in it- pahtbMty by any ate t that will hnnc'le it v ith eneicy. mr agents now at work ere making from $l.oio 3i o a month clear, and tins fact makes it s.-.fe for u to make our offer to ul w ho arc cut of fmploy nient. Any agent t liv t will give our bu-incs a thirty d-ys' trial and fail to c'e;r at lmsi $10,i in (bin t;inr, above all expenses, can re turn a!i goods unsold to us a"d we will refimt. the money pa d for them. Novtich employei of I'gent- ever dared to make such offers, not would we if we did not know that we have agents now making more than double tlii amount. Our l.irg descriptive circulars ex plain our oifer fully, ati'1 thet-e we wish to sen' to every one out ot employment who will tcial us three one cent stamps for postage. Send at ouee and cecure tbe agency in ti-r.e for the boom, and go to work oti tbe t. rms named in our extraordinary offer. Addles, at onee. National Novkity Co., fl8-3m-tl&w 514 Smitlilield st , I'ittsburc, Pa Costumes of Greek Women. Though the Greek women in the towns have almost entirely discarded their picturesque national costumes, they are still worn in the country. Iu soma districts those costumes boar a great resemblance to those of the Bul garians, though without their gnudincss of color; in others they consist generally of a skirt ot brightly striped stuff, aud an em broidered cloth jacket, while for out-of-door wear a fur lined pelisse is added. The hair is braided into numerous tresses, and sur mounted by a small red enp decorated with gold and silver coins similar to thoso worn as a necklace. Boston Budget. Disposal of Sewage. From time to time some local quid nunc rushes into print with the advico that Chi cago should follow the foreign practice, and instead of seeking to dispose of her sewage by water carriage should utilize it for fertil izing purposes, "as they do in England and France." Such wiseacres may Iks interested to learn that a steamship costing nearly $1(5,000 has been constructed to carry 1,000 tons at each voyage of the solid residuum of the London sewage out to tho North sea from the Barking crock seware works. Four or five more such ships will be required to deal with the entire quantity. Cliicago News. Payment for a Poem. Some publishers have their own ideas as to the manner in which compensation for liter ary service should be sealed. In a monthly edited by on acquaintance of niino appeared a poem. It was a very good bit of verse by a local literariau, rather given to negligence in the matter of attire. The editor marked it "on his pay roll as being worth $5. "That's too much," said the publisher, promptly. ''He's a very shabby fellow, you know; $3 is enough for him." And that is all ho got. Alfred Trumblo in New York News. Emerson's Greatness Criticised. There was in Concord an excellent lady of tho old school, who, having heard Mr. Em erson's greatness spoken of, said: "Yes, Mr. Emerson is a pretty smart man; he keeps his head up there in the moonshine, and he says things that nobody can understand, and folks think it's wisdom, and he writes it all down, and people buy it of him; but I guess if he'd 'a' turned his attention to tho butter business he'd 'a' got along just tho same." The old lady meant this as a compliment, and, no doubt, as tha world goes, it ought to be taken as ona. Boston Transcript. Iry Rot Contagious. It is said that dry rot, the enemy of build ers, is a sort of contagious disease. Good authorities state that it can be carried by saws nnd other tools which Lave been in con tact with affected wood, and that such con tact and impregnation is often the cause of the mysteriously rapid decay of originally sound timbers Chicago Times. A Collector of Idols. 8. M. Zahn, of Lancaster, Pa , is an idol collector. Among his collections are an Aztec idol, taken from the mound in Mexico, and supposed to bo thousands of years old; a Hindoo idcl, a Japanese god, Arizona Indian idols, and a sandstone god taken from the bexks of the Susquehanna. Chicagc Herald. A Mohammedan Slave Market. There is a well patronized slave market in Cabul for the sale of slaves brought from Kafristan. Girh bring higher prices than women, and are told accordmg to height. Only Mchammedans are allowed to buy. liew York Commercial Advertiser. Buddhist Missionaries. A society has been formed in Ceylon which has for its object the propagation of Bud dhism throughout tho world. New York Tribune. A shoemaker's sin, supposed to have been carried from Mount 'Vernon, Ills., dropped from-tue sky, six miles northeast of Coving ton, Ga., the other day, Bouckhoff is the name of a Russian who travels about his native country urging the natives to commit suicide. An elephant in the funeral precession to a recent Hindoo cremation wore a silver collar worth $25,000. The silent man is often worth' listening to. Japanese Proverb. Degg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re lieves a cough instantly and in time effects a permanent cure, Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3ui(,d w. An observant metropolitan barber says that he can tell one's physical condition by the state of the hair! Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is warranted for all that the label rails for, so if it does not relieve your cough you can cull at our store and the money will be refunded to you. It acts simul taneously on all parts of tho system, thereby leaving no bad results. (X I'. Smith & Co., Druggists. j25-3md&w Di. Schlicmann has gone to Alexand ria with Professor Virchew, and will spend several months in Egypt making explorations, Bega's Blood Purifier and Blood Maker. No remedy in the world lias gained the popularity that this medicine lias, ns r. hold on family medicine. No one should be without it. It has no calomel tr quinine in its composition, conscqucnt lj no bad effects can arise from it. We keep a full supply at all times O. P. Smith Co. Druggist. j25-uimd&v If Diogenes lived today he would be out with a lantern looking for a Demo cratic lawyer who hasn't been mentioi ed for the office of chief justice of the fcu preme court. Who is Your Best Friend? Your stomach of course. Why? Be cause if it is out of order you are one of the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair chance and see if it is not the best friend you have in the end. Don't smoke in the morning. Don.t drink in t lie morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with brcckfnst. You can drink more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your food ferments and docs not digest right- if you are troubl ed with Ilearll '11111, Dizniess of the head, coining up of the food after eating, bil iousness, indigestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August Flower, as no person can use it without immediate relief. IS WifeLTr- ! fie i C I S3 Dr. E. C. West 's Nerve and Urain Treatment a guarantee specific for Hysteria li.ziiiess. Convulsions. Kits. Nervous Neuralgia, Head ache, Kerveous rroslration caused by the ue of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Menial He pression, fof leiiing of the iirain resulting in in sanity and leading t misery, decay and death, -resnatitre !! Age, Iiaiicniicss, Loss of Pow er in either sex. Involuntary J.esees ani Spcr mat rrho-a causrd by over-exerrioii of the brain, selfabuse or over-indulgence Fach lmx contains one month' treatment, SI 00 a bi.'X orsix boxes for s-D.oo, stilt by mail prepaid or receipt of pi ice WE GUAUASTEE SIX BOXES To cure any cas" With each order received by us for six boxes, aecoinpan ed with $5 00, we will send the purchaser our written guaran tee to return the money if the tif atrneut does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Will J. Warrick sole agent, I'lattsinouth. Neb. $5QO Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness . we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They arc purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Larsre boxes containing 30 Sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by nil druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Well & Co., S(J2 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold byW. .J Warrick. Every Household Should have Ayer's Cherry reetoral. It saves 'thousands of lives annually, and is peculiarly efficacious in Croup, Whooping Cough, and Sore Throat. "After an extensive practice of nearly one-third of a century, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is my cure for recent colds and coughs. I prescribe it, and believe it to be the very best expectorant now offered to the people." Dr. John C. Levis, Druggist, West Bridgewater, Pa. " Some years ago Ayer's Cherry Peo toral cured me of asthma after the best medical skill had failed to give me re lief. A few weeks since, being again a little troubled with the disease, I was promptly Relieved By the same remedy. I gladly offer this testimony for the 'benefit of all similarly afflicted." F. H. Hassler, Editor Argus, Table Rock, Nebr, "For children afflicted with colds, coughs, sore throat, or croup, I do not 'know of any remedy which will give more speedy relief than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have found ft, also, invalu able in cases of whooping cough." Ann Love joy, Washington btreet, Boston, Mass. "Ayer's Cherry- Pectoral has proved remarkably effective in croup and is invaluable as a family medicine." D. M. Bryant, Chicopee Falls, Mass. Ayer's Giierry Pectoral PREFAB ED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists. Price $1 ; six bottles, i5. JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUFACTURER QF AX WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEAXER IX THE Choicest Brands !f Cigars, including our Flor d Pepperbergo end 'Buds FULL LIXE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nor. 28. 1885. I fei jig U7M, CSS -I must muko Largo Stock of Coming and therefore will reduce Jill leather goods 20 ptr cent, below regular prices for catli only. Goods Marlsod in Plain iFiguroo. Ladies' French Kid ." 00 20 per cent, discount $4 0 Ladies' French Kid 4 50 " " " 3 50 Ladies' IJright Dongola 4 00 " " 3 20 Ladies' Jiright Dongola 3 00 " " " 2 40 Laeies'Kid 2 25 " " 1 80 Dadies' Feb. Goat 2 50 " " 2 00 Ladies' Feb. (roat 2 25 " 1 80 Men's Burt Shoes . . S 00 " " " 6 10 Men's Shoes 4 50 " 3 CO Men's Shoes 3 75 " 3 00 Men's Shoes 2 50 2 00 Childrens "Little Giant School Shoes," the best in the market, mini reduction. .Now is jour chance to lay in a cheap niply. FURNITURE Parlor Sets, -FOR ALL FINE :-: FUBNITTJRE Parlors, EScclrooms, Dining-rooms. Kitchens, Hallways, v-Ollicejs, GO TO Where a magnificent stock of Goods and Fair J'rices abound. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH k f). B E jSf JST E. TT. 0 JUST RECEIVED. I hav just received Neufchated Cheese, Edam Cheese. Bosuia Prunes, Macedonia Prunes , Cal if or nia and Turkish Prunes Celery Relish; Clam Chowder; Beef lea very fine. Fresh Dates and Figs; Oranges, Bananas, cheap . U D. BEKNETT. Subscribe iij! Jonathan LUtt. JC&LfAMASI C3 3 EF B 3T & PORH PACKERS and dealers in BUTTER AND EGGS. BEEF, PORK, MUTT0K AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. f Sugar Cured Keats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &o ci our own make. The host brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Oe D room for my- Spring Goods EMPORIUM. Bedroom Sets. CLASSES OF- -FOIJ PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. i J. W. AIabthis. SiAff (CO., ran rv r?" nsr i ic a I he Hera i