The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 29, 1888, Image 1
PlMtettiiftiiilj in. ffl M . I . a Mi - III AW FIItST YILVK PL.ATTSMOUTII, NKIJKASKA, THURSDAY KVKMX(i, MAKCI1 21), 18S8, t t - 7. ci'rv oiauJKr,s. Mayor.. Clerk. Tro turor, Attorney, Kiig Uie'-r. 1'oln; Jiidgw, Mandittll, Couuclliuen, Ulw-irj, 2ud " " 3rJ " ttli. " J 1 HI M I'rtO.K J II Sm i rii J II Wa i kkh an ItYIO.V I I.AIIK A MAIM.I.K I LATEST BY TELEGRAPH . 1.1 W J'OISH ., II A I It. M N Bo.L,-t rub.Work- hki linnmn W 1 JI llAWKt Woltl II Russia Boycott ng Bible Societies. liDMio.N, March 28. The Kussiau gov- JVlV iamck l cr"m-nt l,as rohibitcd opetations by the American bible so iety in the lialtic prov inces. It U pruliaM'j the government will ultimately vpell all representa tives of the lhitisJi and American Ilible SOC'ititrS. J V Wm kllACIl I a W Mini k ) l M ! KH I Wm Wmi.k i XI it M Ki-iiY I S W lU IT' N K S l.llt.l nH. I I M-(Ji.ln. Vut. Tryingto Unseat Ferdinand- t , j Viknna, Maich 2h. KuruvnloiT, tlio GOLTj'I;V 0KV'I( J'tljS. j Iiulgiriaii political leader, has received from St. Petersburg instructions to co-op- Treasurer. Dertuty i're.nurer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk. Jtecorder of iMeiN - limy K-vr.i?r Clerk of iJlittricl Co irt, MherliT. Surveyor. Attorney. Hupt. of 1'ub. School. County Ju lne. ItOAKO OK NUrKltVISOltH. A. B. T"11. ... ri;itttiin.iit!i Loci Cli'm.. Wee pin ? V-.t.-r . It. lit KSO.N, - - - l..lllWM'J 1ft A fAflliVfl Tium. l oi.i.o' k ernte with ZuikofT us the ti rut step in the !iki t'umiiti . I . . . , , , ,, , , r.x A C ii 1 1 -i-1 m.i I 1'inii lur ui': rnnuTui ni j- viiiiu urn noui GIV1G SO(iI CIAS I.OLSK No. in;. 1 O. O. V. -Mt-fis 'every rinl;ty evenin..' of em-h .vn-k. .Ml transit-nt lrotlnis aie ri rix-ctiitU; h.i:nl to kttoud. 1H.ATTMOCTII KNCAMI MhWT N....1. I.O. O. V.. IWl'tn -Ty 'ti'a!t' l'lt.l:tv III each inontli In ili Muxunii; 11. til. Viitin Jtrothcm are Invited to uttfinl. l-.'ix m'V.kvi'.'a ' tU I'""0"'- I the llulgarian ladei up W.c. SMowAi.TKH prove the plan Knravaloff It promised J.C hllil-MUAtO 1 a. M imi.k i the itrccrjsrirv means to carry it out. A 1. 1. K.N l!KM"Jl i . Mn.svHn Si-ink , r. . ,i l)i.s Moines, la., Marcli 27. The Des Moines clul. si social organization of representative young men, tendered re ception thu evening to a hundred prom inent rapitalVti of St. I'aul, Minneipolis and Kansas city, vrho are in the :ity guests of thu ('oininercial excln'nga. The visitors are spending week Iuto; and conilt ring the advantages of Des Mt'ines for in vi-tiuent. ri'KM) I.OIXli: NO. 81. V. O I. W. Meets every nf'Tiiat - Kriitay ereulu- at IC. l 1. ball. Transient lrll'er an ri-i.iei-tiiilly hi vlleU tat leml K..I Mm mii.M.isI i Virkinii ; K. M. lt:irtw, Fore:naii ; trunk l' tiver ieer ; I. It -men, atl ; ;ii;e llm-w-..i tli. Recorder ; II. .1. .I"liiis.n. Kinam-ier ; Wa-li. Hniltll. Keeeiver ; M. Ma) I'liul'l. lft M. W. ; Jack Uauherty, liis cle Ciiar-!. (1A8S CAMP NO.XT. MODKICN VilMKN J of Amerie i Meets ieeii"! al ("iirtli Mon d ay evening al v. ( I', hall All transient brother are reiinested to meet with u. I.. A. Nawcomer, Vener-ibl C"ii-ul ; ;. e. Niie?-, Worthy Adviser ; 1, U. Sinitli. Kx I'. inker ; V. C. WlUetts. Clerk. Uf.ATrS.MOUTII I.OIXIB NO. . A.O. M. A Republican CSub Sm.NKY, Nd., March 2S. A Ili-nuhli can chili for Cheyenne county omani.'-'d tonight. A large mass meeting vs held in Hie rour. hous . Sixty-tiv5 menihers elected the following officers: Henry S, Uaynor, president; Ieonard IJ. 'ry, vice president; W. Patrick - Mills, secretary; Adam Jckef, treasurer; executive com mittee, Judge Hob Shutuan, Julius Ntu- haur, CUarlcs Trognitz. t;. w. Meet everv alternate Kridav evening at Koekwood ball at h u'cIuch. All transient broth ers are respeetfully invited to attend. I.. S. . . Larson. i. r. ioyi. rnrenian: i , .. . . . , . t WiUe.itecorder ; Uoiiard Anderson. tiverseer. week, an attempt was made to hum the Terminal oomnanv roundl onte. Ihe The Fourth Attempt at Arson. St. Joseph. Mo., March 23. Lat Tiiirlit. for the fourth time in tlio last McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R. nOSTKlt. , ('nmmandei, Senior Vice " Junior Adjutant. M onieerot the lay. .... " " i uard Sert tajor. Quarter M:ister Seruf. . cnal'i.iin J. W. Joiixsox. C. . Twhh K. a. Hath Cko. N I Lies HZ1BY STKITIOIir. MaloX Dixon ClUHILRH KOIII) ANOItBSON Kkv. .. .1 AOOIl iO KB '.KM AX L. C. Curtis... ttio Saturday evenmj; WM. L. BROWNE, P -rsonal at'entlon to all Cusiiici Kulrust to my care. XOTAIIV IX OFKICK. Title Examined. Alstarct oinpiled, In arance Written, l eal Kstate Sold. Belter Facilities for niakini; Farm Iians tlian Any O Agency. Plaltmoutlt, - b:nka. K.B. WlSMIAM. , Jl.lIN A. n.WlFS. Notary' Tublic. Notary v'ul)lic. W1MM1AM ItAVIKM. Jlttomoys at - LaT-. Office over Hank f fa- County. Plattsmoctii, - - Xebkaska. company hre was kindle.l in Hie oil room hut was discovered lv watchmen heforu serious damage. The roundhouse is the property of the Sf. Joseph & Grand Iland and the St. Joe, St. Louis & Santa Fe. Three watchmen have hetn employed to guard the lui!ding. No cause (an be assigned for the attempted arson, and the Terminal compan is ignorant of any grievances against them. One, two. five and ten-acre tracts for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to Windhr.m and Da vies. d-w-lm. H,E.Palmer&So GENERAL insjui;-: i 3 s Represent tlio fullowinp; timo trieJ a:iA tire-tcitetl co!njvine: Assets 5S.J."S l(Hi 2."W.''1-I Amerie m C'entr.U-Sr. L uiis, Cmii inerlal U on- K u (?! a n J . Fire Assocla'ion-PhlUulelphia. 4.4 1-"'.."'!'.elphia. " Home-New York. " 7..si9 Ins. C . of Vorth Amerie V Phil. " S.474.3a l.tve,.Mlira'.n& ;i-.tie-E!ii " c.tP:.7si Kort'i British Mrc.ntile-En ' 3.1TS,73 yonHi Uniim-Kiii'land. " iV. 8prius1eM F. M.-S'. rina-l 1. " 3.C41.U'3 An Anti-License Ticket. Yokk, Xeb., March 2S A very large and enthusiastic anti-liccuse caucus was held here last evening fur the purpose of nominating candidates for mayor, cun cilrueu and other city officers. The Hon. -lohu Ii. Fi ance was chosen chairman and Judge Dennett secretary. Dr. A. D. Wy koff was then nominate d by acclimation for mayor, and D. VT. lloyt. J. F. Jones aind Dr. Henry Header for councihnen. Dr. WjkofF. after thanking the meeting cordially for the. honor conferred, made some vtry timelv remarks in regard to the immediate and future wants of the -i t y to insure its permanent growth and prosperity, among winch was the neces sity for a most thorough regulation of its sanrtary conditions. After passing the usual anti-license resolution the meet ing adjourned. l or sale or exchange. A number of fine pieces of residence property. Apply to Windhan and Davies. d-WoW. Investigating Texas Outrages. W.-HiNfii ox, March 2S. The inrtsti gaiion into the nlleged outrages in Wash ington county. Texas, wera resumed to day. Two colored Hepublicuns of Wash ington county testifi id that there was lit tle if nny interference with election in the county, and that a good feeling ex isted betwucn the whites and blacks. F. 1). Jovlou, counsel for the negroes lyncli e l at the time of the election, testiritd t... i .,t j c i 1 1 -:i ! that hs had i)ee'u assaulted last October by Bob Wright, a former witness. After j that assault he had never left the house L3SSefAiill5teJ:5!l3PdMattlliSAEECYi''-pt ill th.-day time, !. it .3 WHEN YOU WART- WOI II -OF- ! not safe. Other witnesses said that Jo don was fcafe in Benham, if he"behaved" himself. If he "bothered" men as he had done, tif corrse lie would get into trou ble. Tliis practically closed the invtsti gation. o.fiOO posts for sale, leave orders with John Tutt at L. D. Bennett's grocery store. f23-d w-liu CALL OX- IEa. . ILaron, Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and Builder Sept. 12-GW I .The standard remedy for liver com- ! nlainf w Wiit T i rr T Ji 1 1 a - iliAir nprpr disappoint jou 30 pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. Lot in South Park until the. first of April at $ 15.1.00 a piece Payments to suit purchaser. Windham fc Da vies. There are 21 reasons why you should purchase lots in SoutnPark. See page 4. fO:f Thirty Thousand Homeless. Uh.Ki.iN, March 2S. The damage by Hood U estimated ut $5,000,000. The towns of Uortzenbiirg, Domitz and Dam cuberg are still flooded. Twenty-uiue lives haye been lost ami 10,000 head of cattle perihhed. The reports from the flooded districts along the Vistula say that seventy-seven villages ara submerged within an area of ten milts sipiare and 30,000 people made homeless. Disastrous -t ruis are lcj oi tsil in Spain and much dainii'e has been done to property. City propel ty of all kinds in exchange for lands improved or unimproved. Apjiiy . 11 .1 ? ft. to inuiiam niut iavicr. w-oi. Firo Insuranco written in the Etna, Phcanix and Hartford by Windham &. Oavies. A VA9T MILITARY CAMP. Russia StandiiiK Army the I-argeiit In Kurope Tlio Unserves. Russia is a vast military camp, and has been smeo the war with Turkey; l.KuO.OtX) nlile iKKlied men coiiiikw the statidin-r army. the lar-st in Ktiroje, supported nt a cost of nearly Ki.OlK'.OOil a 3'car, whilo tlie work in the wheat Holds and tho gardens is done by women a!l girts. I saw women carrying hodri, dicing stivers,' ilitehes, and doing nil sorts of niaiiual laiior, which in other coun tries is done only by tlio strongest men, and when I asked why it was so, was told that all tho men were in the army. A few days after I took a trip to Krasuoe Selo, ntxmt forty miles from Petersburg, and saw 10,000 idle men in camp. Until the late war with Turkey, it was the custom to recruit the army in tho agricultural district, and in the cities, resorting to con scription only whenever the ranks needed to bo iilled; but the late czar reorganized the military establishment, ami issued a ukase re quiring every mail citizen of thoempiro to serve as n soldier for fifteen years, five j-ears to be spent in actual service, and ten as a member of tho militia or irnixrial reserves. At the age of IS every young man, therefore must enter the service or furnish a substitute who obtained, usually, by the payment of a small bounty to some professional sol dier who has served his own time, but who- over offers a substitute must serve in the militia reserves, and is liable to be called into the Geld at any time. The substitute is merely a hostage, and does not relievo his principal from service if the czar needs his arms. After five years of active service, the young men, well drilled and having a know ledge of military duty, are sent homo to serve in the reserves till they are 33 years of age, being called upon each year to spend a lew weeks in camp, so as to keep their hands in. W. E. Curtis. THE FROST ELVES. All nlcht the frost elves in the starliirht co; Their wings are white on meadow .land and vale. Their feet on mountain tons and lakes below 1 lance to the icy music of the bail. They make the voice of hhe aud river fail, '.they rob the forests of their golden glow. And round ubout the moon of vajior frail They wind a Rloriola. white as snow. Their eyes are iditterinr; in the freezing dew Keen, radiant spirits are they; but not glad Their kisses kill the llowers they press them to; They could not find in all their straying sad So much exulieranee of green aud blue As April iu a single violet had ! Dark Waters of Canadian Iiivers. Tho water of the Saguenay appears to be as black as tar until air bubbles are mixed with it, as in breaking seas or the wake of a steamboat; it then shows its real color to be that of brandy. It receives its color from inland rivers, which pass through swan: s filled with moss and other highly colored roots and vegetablo matter. Nearly ell the rivers and lakes noith of the fc?t. Jawrenco present tho same appearance. A waterfall in the sunshine seems to le a sheet of liquid amber. In addling about tho shallower bays and reefs tho bunches of olive green seaweed, the reddish rocks, the gray pcboles, now and then suggested a painter's palette lying in a basin Df golden wine; and the air bubbles drawn downward at the end of thepac?dle m to fringe it with andier colored gems. In tho shadows ami the reflections of rocks and trees :ho water has a remarkably black surface; a hen a ripple there catches tho light of tho ;ky it is inteuscly luminous by contrast; and f a smoky air hapjK?ns to gio the sunset a Uiliiy hue while a bn-oze blows, then tho sullen current looks like a dark molten metal stirred into ripples of Came. C. II. FamLaiu in Harper's JJagazine. "Ln:j" and "Woniai;." Shortlv after the war closed the negroes began to call each other ''lady" and "gen tleman," but in speaking of the whites, they generally called them that 'man'' and that "woman." An instance oc curred a few years ago in which Gen. V. T. Sherman played a part. The generr.l was sitting iiWront of his house one f leas ant evening with some friends, smoking and talking, when a fellow as black ns the ace of sp.cles sidled up, ami, address ing the general, said: "Is de a lady here earned Johnson?" 4,2,o," said the gen eral. "Well," said tho darky, "I think there must be n. lady of that name living here, because she is my wife, and she is working for a woman named Sherman." Washington Critic. An artificial ivory of creamy whiteness and great hardness is now made from sound potatoes washed ia diluted Sul phuric acid, then boiled in the same solu tion until they become solid and dense; they are finally washed free Jrom the acid and slowly dried. This product may be dyed, turned, carved and made useful in nearly every way that genuine ivory is.- Chicago Times. The Spanish senate has approved a bill tsbibliihing trial by jury. English officers who are acquainted with the Grecian army declare that 20,000 Greeks would not be a match for 12,000 trooos of any other nation. There is no fight in them unless they can tarn brigand. Detroit Free rrlmiiiv rWutlne'n Tar Cathay. A correspondent of The Xorth China Daily News, of Shanghai, describes it priming establishment which he foiinil in a vitiate in the interior, about 150 miles from Shanghai. The printing wus being temporally carried on iu the village temple, and movable type only was used. In the lare central hall ol the temple were placed about twenty ordinary square tables, on which the cases of type were spread out. At the time of the visit one man was engaged, in setting up tyo. an other was printing. The former ht'l le fore it table, on which Wus what may be called the Chinese "case." It was ti solid block of hard wood, about twcniy two inches long by fifteen inches b-Oiid, and perhaps three inches deep. The in side was hollowed out to a depth of about a quarter of an inch, this depression being still further hollowed out into grooves about three-quarters of an inch deep. Tho block had twenty-nine of these groove.-", each filled to the depth of a quarter of an inch with ordinary stiff clay. With his copy before him, armed with a small pair of iron pincers, the competi tor began his work; character after char acter was transfcrcd from the case i.nd firmly pressed into the clay. When the form" was complete a Hat. board was placed on tho t p ;:" ( .: : pressed perfectly even ami icel with win surface of the wooden block, the edge of which was cut to form the border gener ally found round every Chinese page. 1 he printer now leceived tiie form and caret' illy brushed his ink over his type. inking ii sheet of paper, he prosed it dovu all over the form to that it might lie brought into contact with every char acter, lie then removed the sheet anu examined eac ii character, carefully adjust ing those whicn were not quite straight with the pincers, and apparently never touching the type with his fingers. After Mdiicieiit copies had been struck off the type was distributed, each character being returned to its partic-ularbox. The wri ter was told that the art of printing in this way had been handed down in the; same family since the Sung dynasty, more than GOO years ago. No strangers were ever taught, apprentices being always taken rroni the same cum. fall -Mali Gazette. Interesting Kelics of Liiiet;ln. The talk about the removal of Llbby prison to Chicago starts afresh reminis cences of the war. There is living in Chicago today a lady to whose house Lin coln was taken from Ford's theatre on the night that the president's life was taken by J. Wilkes Booth. Tho lady was at that time a child. Her people were southerners, and hated everything Yan kee. However, they were the letter class of southerners, who never permitted any one beneath their own roof to be treated otherwise than as guests. When Mr. Lincoln's body was carried into this hoii' the family yielded everything to the comfort of the patient, ami weru deeply grieved at the misfortune, as they subsequently showed. The lady in ques tion has the pillow upon which the mar tyred president breathed his last. The piece of candle which was held for the surgeon as he was dressing the wound is preserved and in her possession. The coverlet which was thrown across the suf ferer, and many of tho little things that were about the room, and some of which were used on the fatal night, were all preserved, and ar.- in the keeping and tiie ownership c- Mrs. Charles lice tor, a north tide lady cf Chicago. Chicago Mail. A Cook witu Centrifugal Motion. A well known Paris scientist, Dr. De- launay, has made some curious discover ies which show the connection between little and great things. To ascertain the qualities of an applicant cook he says it is sufficient to give her a plate to clean, a sauce to make, and watch how .she move 3 her hand in either act. If she moves it from left to Tight, cr in the direction of the hands of n watch, you ma y trust her; if the other way. she is certain to be stu pid and incapable. The intelligence of people may also be gauged, the doctor further savs, bv asking .them to make a circle on paper with a pencil and noting in which direction the hand is moved. The good students in a inathemaife.-d chiss draw; circles from left to right. i'i e inferiority of the softer sex, as well as male dunces, is shown by their drawing from right to le-ft. Asylum patients u-.i the same. In ii word, says the doctor, centrifugal movements are characteristic of intelligence and higher devclopin'.-nr; j cent ripetal are .t mark of incomplete evo lution. A person, as Ids faculties arc i"e- 1 vcloncd, may even come to draw circk-s iua different way from what he did in his youth. Chambers' Journal. Enthusiasm Over Scotch Soitjs. We met with several instances of how 3nthusiastic Scottish feeling exists in the midst of colonial life, , which, with its prosaic feature and 5 truggl.? after ma terial wealth, is not nlwavs the best ton- server of n.:t;o:ial sentiment. The feeling is apt t-.i become eccentric, ns was the case of the Stsman of Kir.:: William's Town who had a portrait tf Mary, Queen of Scots, hung in his bedroom, and who every morning on rising stretched his hands toward it, crying, "Oh! my mur dered queen!" Once we overheard an enthusiast saying. "My Am Iireside, 'Ye Banks an' Braes," "The Land c' tho Lea!, eh, 11 body could be lit to gang to heaven hearing thao sangs sung." And was ever love of country more strongly expressed than in the case of the Fort Beaufort Scotsman, who exclaimed: "Giule 6ave us! I'd rather gang hame an' be hanged than dee here a natural death!" New York Times. A New Kiitd of Dog. A dog about as big as a rat, with no hair and pink skin and eyes blue as sapphires was airing itself on rifth avenue the other morning. It was in charge of a nurse maid and a small boy with more buttons 0:1 his jacket than hairs on his head, and if it had been a young prince they couia not nave ex hibited more solicitude ubout it. The small boy informed me that this prize animal came from "Honolulu, or souiewueres out there," and added that be was "one of them kh:d of dogs a9 people eats." Whether it is to deck a Imnqueting board on the avenue and intro duce society to a new delicacy he did not ex plain. Alfred Trumble iu New York New Tho Sh'jiigl't Stoic. Just alter our inventory, we reduce prices 'o sell the goods rather than to cany over. We are willing to sell our entire Winter Goods at Staples we have a large quantity and oiler them ry low. Calicos to 5 cents per yard, making tl.e- best standard of them at UO yards for ifl.UO. Gingham best dros styles 1 0 cents per yard. Dress gods all kinds tit tin- very lowest prices, fiohi 5 t ents per yard upward. Woolt n Ih.m; We idler at cost, extra Inc. Ladies ca-h-mcre hose, worth $1.00. now 75 cents, H sic heavy wool 10 cents, now '5; ihild ren's line ribbed woith .10, now M). fu ller wear must go at low prices, as wc will not keep them over. Our Gents Silver Grey Merino Shuts and drawers, foiincr prices .10 now JM. Our Gents Silver grey marino shirts '; !' ... 'j 71 1.0 w 50. Our Scarlet all wool shuts and draw ers line quality $1.00 now 75 cents. Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality $1.L'5 now 1.00. (Vir seal let all-wool shirts and draw ers, line quality $1.75 now 1,25. ) ;r scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality $2.00 now 1.40. ILnflicM9 - 1f3t'rivni EQUALLY AS CHEAP. Our 25 per cent, discount on cloaks, is stdl good. Wc are determined to close out our entire stock and- never before has such an opportunity been offered to economical buyers to purchase the- best qualities for so little money. Joseph V. Wcckbacli. 1 Solomon HI ti O OT Z O 3E3. As per previous aniioiinct incut, we had fully determined to discontinue business in Plattsmouth and so advertised accord in'dv and now, as satisfactory arrangements have Leen perfected for the continuance ot same under the management of Mr. J. Fiiiley and J?. F. IJuf rei as book-keeper and cashier, we herewith notify our friends and patrons of our final de cision and kindly solicit a continuance of your kind patronage, so freely extended during the past sixteen years, by the addition of compe tent clerical force. On account of Mr. Solomon h avino-the city :;ul ly the adoption of the stkjcii.v yne-rnce System,'! c Courteous treatment, and an elegant new l 1" i r If Bed-Roek Prices, Wc trust to merit vour o-ood will and nation- ti " 1 k I age. VERY RESFFCTFCLLV, 1 Qnlnlmnn Oln.7h.on 1 uumiMuiiaiiiaiii Ihe lew Phot ograph Gallery Will be open January 24th, at the OLD ST& jTD OF F. 1. CiLl UTr All work warranted first-class. SKT. IE. OTTTILjSIrH,.