THE DAILY HERALD, PLArrfcttOUin, MjfiiSiCASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAJICII 28, 18S8. The Evening Herald. J. H. KING, City Editor. A. KalUkarjr, DeatUt, U or k wood Batldlar, Taltakaaa tV. Dr. Mlif, Odea aad Bmldrar Sherwo4 Block, Tclrphoae 5a. 42. CITY CORDIALS. Mr. McElwttia ia alowly improving in hea'tli. There has not been much change in the condition of health of Dr. John Kl&ck for the past few days. Dan O'Kourke, cam in from Mi touri Valley, Iowa, lat night. He will remain litre about a week. Regular meeting f the W. C. T. U. Thursday afternoon at S o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. S. A. Daris. Don't forget the republican prima ries tonight for the purpose of sleeting delegates to the city convention. llr. P. . llowland, road machinist for the B & M., cams in from Cheyenne this morning and goes out to-night to Holyokc on Iso. 3. Koland Heed, next Saturday sight, will s;ive a refined and very laughabla entertainment. This is the last chance to witness the celebrated comedy entiled, "Cheek." The engineers arc sick, the firemen are fcick, the switchmen are sick and the II. & II. is sick. They are all out except the B. & M. and they can't go out, al though they are ont lots of money. The Cleveland Young Men's Demo cratic Club ars making arrangements for a large room in the Dovey block to hold their meetings. It an agreement can be arrived at they will meet at that place next Monday night The action sf Sherman & Cutright in the county court against the Commer cial bank of Weeping Water as garnishee of James M. Cole, tried a few days ago, resulted in a decision for judgment for the defendant, costs taxed to plaintiff. April 3, being election day, the ladies connected with the Catholic fair have been requested to giyo a dinner in Fitzgerald's hall, between 12 and 2 on that day.' The cost will be 3 cents. As the proceeds are to be devoted to a char itable object the ladies effortsbhould be appreciated. It don't soem tojnako any difference whether a lady is employed in a work shop or an office, a refining influence is always evident among the employes or the surroundings. This is especially no ticeable in the transformation of what was once a dirty, musty, official apart ment of this city, that was stored full of mouldy-looking ledgers, into a clean at tractive place for transacting business. Mr. W. L. Tucker called in our office today and showed us his book ia whi'h he has kept the condition of the weather for a number of years back, and on the 28th of March for the past four years it has not varied more than three degrees, and one year ago, yesterday, there fell four inches of snow, and the next day five-eighths of an inch of snow fell. The thermometer registers just the same today as it did on the same date last year. The case of J. M. Schnellbacher vs. Jones & Fitzgerald, tried in county court before a jury yesterday, resulted in a verdict of 40 for the plaintiff. The amount sued for was $173. The case was contested with earnestness and skill and especially inasmuch as the defend ants were compelled to nuke their de fense from the plaintiff's books in other words go into the enemy's camp for am munition to fight him Tirith. "Mr. Voss the architect is in the city with instructions from Mr. Fitzgerald to meet him here and give him figures on n structure adjoining the opera house." Journal. Mr. Voss may have said so, but it's not so. Mr. Fitzgerald telegraph ed from Lincoln for M. Voss to meet him at Plattsmouth and as Mr. Fitzgerald did not get any reply to his telegram he did not come. Mr. Voss did, but it was not in connection with any "structure adjoin ing the opera house." We will inform our readers concerning Mr. Voss's mys terious visits in doe time. Last Sunday will be long remember ed by two young ladies of this city. One of them is a school teacher and was guid ing the gentle footsteps of the other maiden across the velvety lawn, (it was plush last Sunday) in the direction of the Stull scheolbouse about three miles north of town.- After they Lad transacted their business and counted the surrounding ob jects, they undertook to survey the coun try in the direction of Oreapoli?. Tbey arrived at that classic region safely by four o'clock, waited till seven for the train, and then returned to Plattsmouth. Stanley's trials and tribulations in ford ing streams on the "Dark Continent" was nothing id comparison to what these ladies had to undergo., The water was icy cold, and in some places very deep, .but there was no help for it, "we must get home before dark." fAre there any men around?" "No!" "Well, Jump." Oh! immortal shades of Mary Walker with bloomer costume, why were you. not aroaad to atczti those ladies in their dis tr" " SOCIALLY SERIOUS. A Simultaneous) Strike Soon Ex pected on Side-Tracks. Ciiicaoo, III., i Marcu 28. OJJii'e of lleathjuartem of Brotherhood of able-Tracks and Ji ranch Line Railways. City Editor, Plattsuiouih IIkkald: Inclosed you will find the stenographer's report of the proceedings of the Brother hood of Side-track and Branch-line Rail ways, transacted at a meeting held Wed nesday afternoon and evening, March 21, at their office in the Bodkin block, which I sead you by order of the Association, and request that you find room for their publication in your worthy paper. The delay in sendiag them to you was caused by the sudden and severe illness of the stenographer. T. P. Switch, Sec. AFTUIIXOON SESSION. "The gieivance committees of the varT ious lodges of B. of S. T. fc B. L. K. It. the "Q." system met at their head quar ters Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, March 21, for the purpose of considering and taking steps in regard to the partialities now in existenpeon that road, between the main line and branch and side-tracks; the meeting being in response to a call from Pres. Rustyrail. There were 105 of the membsrs of the association present. The afternoon, until 5:30, was taken up in speeches, laying cut the complaints and questions to be acted upon; speeches were made by Messrs. Frog, Creston; Stoneballost, Plattsmouth; Spike, Bur lington, and F. P. Tie, of Minneapolis. At 5:30 the meeting adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock. KVKXIKG SESSION. "Promptly at 7 o'clock p. in., Pres. Rustyrail called the convention to order, and a committee ef eight was appointed to draw up resolutions. The committee consisted of Messrs. J. T. Roadbed, llast tings; F. R. Steelrail, Quiacy; M. P. Smokestack, Kansas City; F. 8. Coupling- pin, Chari on; A. B. Frog, Creston; J. D Stoneballast. Plattsmouth; O. II. Cow catcher, Denver, and L. Sidetrack, Chi cago. 4.t9o clock tue committee pre sented the following resolutions, which were adopted without alteration : Whereas, It is a greivous fact that there is a wide discrimination on the great "Q" system between the side tracks and branch roads and the main lines, and we, the factors of such side-tracks and branch roads, failing to see a just cause of such discrimination, do hereby Resolve, That we shall endeavor to in duce an abandonment of this discrimin ation and have one road brought ia the same appreciation as another; aud Whereas, The discrimination consists largely in the abandonment of the side tracks and branch roads, aud the using of a better rail on the main road, and the permitting of empty and freighted cars to remain upon us,so that our bright faces which are the rails are obliterated by rust for want of use, and the heavy cars upon us shade us from a view of the sunlit skies by day, and the star- spangled firmament by night, and which vision supplies a joy unspeakable, be it Resolved, That we demand that the volume of traffic on side tracks and t 1 ... a Diane a roaas do increased until it be equal to that of the main line in all res pects, and Whereas, The company cannot trans act business without our aid, we, the side tracks and branch roads do Resolve, That if a chance is not brought about by April 1st, 1888, which shall coincide with onr wishes, that at noon of the aforesaid day we shall lock eur switches and refuse to further trans net company business, at least till our de mands are satisfied. Whereas, Beins in sympathy with our brethren, the factors f the main line, who are compelled under the present plan to do much more than by right be falls them in the transportation of freight, and Whereas, Much of the freight is un limited as to time, be it Resolved, That we invite the factors of the main line to cooperate with us in oureffoit to obtain our just portion of traffic; and that in place of standing un limited freight upon side tracks, it shall be run out over branch lines and returned for the purpose of keeping things in mo tion and insuring the lightness of branch railroads. On motion of Mr. Stoneballast, Presi dent Rustyrail and Mr. Frog were auth orized to confer with the "Q" authorities and attempt to bring about a change with the proposed force. The meeting then adjourned. S. T. Cattleguard, Stenographer. Treat All Alike- At the lost meeting ef the city council an ordinance was passed in regard to the volunteer fire department of this city. It was ordered that the chief be paid $100 per annum, tae assistant chief $25 per annum and the secretary $50 per annum. This is causing a great deal of dissatisfaction among the rank and. file of the department, and they say let the department be a paid department or a volunteer department. They don't want any distinctions to be made only in the case of the secretary, who they say should get paid. A petition to that ef fect will be banded to the city council next week, and if they don't approve of it the wLole of the hose companies and the book and ladder company will hand ia their resignations. Choir Meeting. The members of the choir of the M. E. church are requested to meet at the church this evening at the close of pray. rrrJ:::. SENTIMENTAL GUSH. "The erubescent excrescence on your olfactory organ is yet in its adolescence," said a physician to a young man with an abnormal development of his noise. The doctor merely meant that the boil on the youth's nose was not yet ripe. It wae a Boston girl who asked: "Why is it that two souls, mated in the impera tive mystery of their nativity, float by each other ou the oceau currents of exist ence without being instinctively drawn together, blended and beautified in the assimilation alembic of eternal love?" "The concatenation of circumstances," said Evarts, "has not cnvolved out of my pre-eminent position in the adminis tration any elements except such as were disscutancous to a successful aspiration after a more elevated situation; all my strivings for a boom have resulted in a boomerang." "Most beautiful, accomplished, and charming madame, would your ladyship, by an unmerited condescension, transmit your most obsequious, devoted, and very humble servant that pair of Pyrepenten tigists, that he may cxupenite the exu cences of this nocturnal cylindric lumi nary, so that its refulgent brightness aim resplendent brilliancv mav dazzle the yision of our occular optics more potent ly." lie simply wanted the lndy to hand him a pair of snuffers across the table. An exquisite once drove up to the door of a couut.-y tavern, and address ed a small boy who came to the door, as follows: "Adoloscence, extricate my weary quadruped fr6m the vehicle, stab ulate him, tender him a sufficient quanti ty of nutritious ailment, and after a reas onable length of time has elapsed, and he has ceased transpiring, manipulating his coat meinwhue with a whisp of hay, nl low him to quench his thirst with a mod icum of aqua pura. When the aurora of morn shall have illumed the Eastern horizen. and I am about to resume my pereginations, I will amply recompense thee for thy hospitality." The boy ran to the door, and brawled out, "Dad, dud. come out here; there's a Dutchman wants to see you." PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Jesse L. Root went up to Bellvue to day. John Robins went to Omaha this morning. Mrs. Andrew Dill left this morning for Ulysses, Neb. W. II. Newell was a passenger to Lin coln this morning. J. II. Haldcrman, of Weeping W ater, was in the city today. Miss Evalyn Wise was a passenger to Omaha this morning. Mrs. J. D. Simpson went to Nebraska City this morning to visit relatives. John Becker, who has been sick for the past ten days is reported better today Bert Wheeler, who has been visiting Byron Drew left this morning for his home in Omaha. Master John Ilaitigan went up to Bellvue this morning and took his gun along intending to walk back and bring some ducks and geese. Mrs. Frank Shopp left this morning for Maywood, Frontier Co., Neb, Mr. Shopp left day before yestrday with his household goods. They expect to make that place their future home. Felix Kennedy, who has beeu employ ed in the boiler shops of the B. & M., leaves tonight to take up his permanent residence at McCook. Felix is one of those popular young men we hate to lose, He has a great many warm friends in tkis city who will regret his departure. He has always been respected for his hones ty, industry and generosity. Oood bye Felix and may prosperity attend you. Baby's Prattling Replication?. "This is the house that Jack built!'' "The house- Jack built!" "This is the corn that lay in the house that Jack built!" "This is the cow that Jack built!" "This is the rat that eat the coi n that lay in the house that Jack built!" "This isthecruinpledy horn that tossed the corn that Jack built!" "This is the cat that "Papa! Mrs. Jones' cat's get kittens, I seed um." "He is not Dead, but Sleepeth-' The following has reference to the dis trict court now in session at Council Bluffs: "During the afternoon session the case of Carruth vs. the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad was on trial. This is a damage casein which the plaintiff asks $20,000 from the road on account of the death of Frank Carruth. Mr. Carruth was a conductor on the road in 1884, and was running a passenger train int Pa cific Junction. His train was backing and a collision was about to take place. He rushed to the rear platform and pull ed the bell rope to signal the engineer to stop the train. The rope broke aad he fell from the platform and was run over and killed." Omaha Herald. Poor Frank! Our belief in spiritulism becomes more cenSrraed. Instead of Frank Carruth it should have read "George Foster," Frank's brother-in-law, who was killed while a conductor some years ago on a passenger train running between Omaha aud Pacific Junction. Mrs. Foster, the plaintiff, is now in Council Bluffs attending the trial. For Councilman. By the request of n:any citizens I con sent to become a candibate for council man in third ward, Bhould the voters 6ee fit to atan 1 by me. Respectfully, Tako Kctlco Members of Plattsmouth Eucampinent, No. 3, I. O. O. P.: You ure herewith requested to meet at our ball Friday eveaing, March 80, for special work; also Saturday evening, March 31, for work in degrees, conducted by the Omaha Degree Staff. By order of H. C. Smitu, C. P. L. O. Lauhox, Sec. tf Y. W. C. T- U- A regular meeting of the "Y's" will bo held tomorrow afternoon, at i o'clock, in Miss Cranmer's rooms. All members are urged to be present. Postmaster C. W. Synder, of Ceda Creek is a prisoner in Omaha charged with embezzling and destroying :i lette containing $75. lie plead not guilty. and was bound over to the sum of $1, 000 to appear boforc the United btates district court. The Home Fire Insurance Company. of Omaha, insures working horses againh nre in any private Dun, .stauie or siie en farm, or within twenty-five miles o farm, and against lightening, winds, cy clones and tornadoes, wherever they may be. O. & M. Time Table. ;oixj wk-t. No. 1. 5 :.) a m. No, a. 0 :40 j), in. No, r 9 a. in. No 7.--7 : 15 p. in. No. !. 0:11 p. in. No. 11 G :0j a, HI. (iiUMi ICASf. 'o, 2. 4 ;l!5 . in. 0. 4. 10 ::'.() a. in. No. o 7 :::n p. in. No. 8.-9 :.r,(l si. 1:1. .'. 10 0 :-!" si. in, No. V. -i) :3S c. fci. A'l train rim daily by wavof !nialia. excep IN oh 7 and 8 winch run to ana Iroiii heliuile daily except Sunday. No. 30 is a etub to Pacific Junction at 3o.a in No. 11) Is a stub from Pacific J unction at 11 am PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN. Notice. The firm of Eoeck & Pir'sall will Uisaolve April 1st. All parties indebted are notified to settle before that time and save the expense of a lawyer. JJOEUK .tBIKDSALL. ni9d20 roil KENT. An eflh-e in tiie best location on Alain street, inquire at this efiiee. M23U6 Hay for Sale Three lmndi ed ions of bay for salo for caeli either delivered or ou the ground. Leave or ders at Henry W cckbach's store. I.. Sxlll. Ja i. 3 ind&w FOH ALS2, A new seven-roomed house, all complete, on street-car line, in monthly pay ments or iu exchange for farm land. A pply at Su-Uh & Co.'adniij store. rn27dS VOll SALE. The lot corner of Seventh and Gold Streets, ulso the lioiue. which contain six rooms and a double parlor. Pal-. cu easy terms. Apply at residence or of Kobt. Fitz Kerald. in24-7 We have jvut received the beat ati tuiPnt of complete dimer. tea, '-number and roninioas sets ever brought int this city. Call in and examine. No trouble to show oi;r gode 11128-lw. M. C. Mcthy& Co FOB ALE On reasonable terms niv resi dence on the N. W. corner of E!i;i and 11th Sts. Said property roni.ts of H block v.ifh a irood fctory ami a half house i f rooms, two ward- roues and cue i a::try ; good whi and cut water : twentv-seven hcarim; aiudc trees. a;id au auundaiiee oi sma'i la it oi an kiihis. n P. 1. ISA I li-J. Br. C. A- Marshall Preservation t natir al teeth a specialty. fceth extracted uilhout j:iin hj uoc of Laughing All work warranted. Pi ieeres'nable FlTZOEKALU'S IJL CK PLATTSMOUTH, NFI1 -G-O TO Wm. Hcrold Son cm FOR Fry M. Mps Boots ani liocs or Ladies and Gents FURNISHING - GOODS. lie keeps as large and as well SELECTFI) STOCK As can be found any place in the city and make jou piiee3 that defy competition. Ageuts for HarDT's Bazar P. Kerns and Ba-l's Corset. Repd llie reason vt'Iiy you should purchase lots iu Soulii Park, on puge 4. Gtf C F. SMITH, Merchant Tailor. Keeps constantly on hand sample of the bVt poods to be procured. Is prepared to make pants for 4-00 and upwards aiidkuus fo $16.00. Repairing; dvsuting Neatly and promptly done at he lowest prices. Over Peter Merges' store, North Side Main Street. 4N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. Will give prompt dtieniion to all biiPiness in trusted to him. Office ia Union Block, East side. Hattsmoutb, Neb. Notice of Partnership. Notice is hereby given tha the partnership heretofore existing and kn-rn onc er the firm title of R. K. A T. P Mvinestnn. i? bereby charged t Dm. K. R. Livingston & Sons, the Junior member. Itobf. K. Liv ng on. jr.. having been taken lulo the firm, to take effect April 1, ISsi. K. If. Li vi oton. Sr., M. U. T. P. i l vinos-! nv. M. I. m2Cd2w K. it. Livingston Jr., M. D. Public Notice. March 17. lfuy. Puhllc Notice is hereby civen ! the citizens of Plittniouth. Neli.. ltat si nu'jlic insn ction of the sanitary coii'HMou f all T ieniisex yards and alleys witnin mul city wi i te neiu. cum. lucncii eon the first day of A mil. 18S8, and in evry ertfe wheie parties bare t that dare failed to cP-a" tin and remove any aud all filth on or about their premises and a leys such persons will forthwith be prosecuted before the PnllM Jnrfro and nnnished aeeordinir to Ixw 7'"- ""Ttrtt!Pr"'lof r-irt. CORSET DEFTVTMJSXTT, tAJ)6FftVCWT WAIST AND ECONOMICAL Tin's waist is designed to meet the requirements oi ladies who cannot, comfortably, wear a still and rigid curaet, while it can be worn with as inn cli comfort as an ordinary dres waist. It will give the fame elegance of contour as the heaviest boned corset in the market, while the stays are so arranged that they will give support to the back and tpinc and in nowise interfere with the freedom and comfort ot the wearer. The weight of the clothing is transferred from the hips to the shoulders by means of the bhoulder-straps, which are ad justable to suit any form or length of waist. "We have these waists in "White, Grey and Gold and the price to introduce them will be $1.00. Sizes 18 to 28. ?fe also Carry a Fall Line of the followiG Corsets : Uoitrees Duplex, Bortrees Skirt Supporting, Misses Corsets, Loomers Ela&ting Comfort Hip, Satin Corsets, F. C. Corsets, I. C. Corsets, C. P. Corsets. Onr Cleopatra is the best 1.00 corset ever thrown over any counter; our 750 French "Wove at $1.50 cannot be du plicated in this city; our Blanche Extra Long Corset at $1.50 is a bar gain; Childrens Corset "Waists at 45 and 05 cents. On 23oor East Reasons for Purchasing Lots in South Park. 1. As a whole they are the finest lying lots in the city. 2. They are shaded with beautiful forest trees. 3. They are located between Chi ergo and Lincoln Avcnuee, the two finest drives about the city. 4. They are only a ten-minutes walk frem the business portion of the town. 5. I5y reason of their location faies into the city, they are more 0. I he only addition to the avenues. 7. The. only new addition to and with a prospect of beijig supplied in the near future with com plete water privileges. S. -ew sidewalks recently the addition and will shortly 1 e 0. v ill certainly have street car j-rivilctfc at r.o distant date. 10. If vou wish a fine view ot the river, locate on a lot in Sonth Paik. 11. If you wish a eighth-and it can be had lrom a South Fark lot. 12. To persons in the railroad South Fark is the most desirable liS. lo persons desiring a western portion of South Fark is 14. llie 1. tv w. railroad track runs near the east line of th addition, furnishing good facilities lo. It vou locate in South Fark you will have good neighbors : Mayor SImp-on, John 11. Cox, John "Week bach, Chas. Harris, John H. Young, Henry "Waterman, W. C. Tngraham, J3. Spurlock, Jerry Farthing, Thos. E. I'eynolds, S. A. Davis, L. A, iliner, C. JM. "Wead, Coleman, S. A. Speakman, Frank Feeson, Chas A. Fankin, Sarah E. Alexander, John Moore, M. A. Shipman, J.illie Kalisky, T. W. Faugh t, Clayton Barber, "W. J. IIe;ser, Harry JCneller, J. E. Barwiek, J. G. Uoval, W. X. McLennan. I. C. Minor, b. McCourt, J.C. Fought and others are owners of South Fark 10. Over 12.000 worth used of within a short period and peculators which is tolid rrooi ot of the city. 17. More substantial houses wee br.ilt in South in the fall of 18S7 than in any one locality in the city and the prospects lor spring building are much greater 18. Lots will be sold until the 1st of April, next, at 150 eacbj after said date the price on the most desirable lots will be advanced. - 19. Terms cash, balance in one and two years, or lots may be purchased on monthly payments. 20. Any number of jiersons, not less th?.n five, urcLasitg'ten lots in one transaction will be given a lot free to disrose of as they may deem proper. . 21. Any person or pertons purchasing 20 or more lots and pay ing l cash, may have one antl two years on balance without interest. 22. If airy other icasoris for purchasing lots iu South Fark are desired thev will be civen bv calling at the office of WINDHAM Oven ocx c?aaco coct: CGMFORTAB LE AND 1 A (i ti (i o u o V) RHMANN Ss CO., 2Tirst 2Tat'l Bank. between the two main thorough- f;ccessible than lots in other additions. city reached "by two established the cily reached by water main constructed to within a lew ket of txtended. picturesque view of l'latttmoth, employ, the eastern portion of residence locality in the city. residence on Chics go avenue, tht available for that purpose. for manufacturing industries. A. Davies, John L. Minor, J. V. Frank Irish, J. Is'. Glenn, C. L. property. this desirab.e picperly has been dis no art has leen fold to outside the giibttantial growth of this part DA VI EC.