The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 19, 1888, Image 4
Til E DAILY IIKKaIJ), i'l.ATirt.Kin,, i,Zi.KAKA, .MONDAY, MAPCH liK 1SSS. The Evening Herald. - . J. H. KING, City Editor. A. Nallnbarjr, DcalUt, Boaknood TUboat .tu. ti. Dr. Kbrlngi, (fflr aad Blok.Tlpbaa No 42. fUildeaee Sharwaod CITY CORDIALS. M. McKlwain ia roportctl as bcinij very sick. Frank LunJnccker of St. Joe ia in town todad. . Chariey Hammer buried hit nine day old child today. Attorney Uyron Clark went to Lin coln today on lejjal business. The Presbyterian Sowing Circle will meet with Mrs. Ambrose Patterson Tues day, Marc h 20, at 2 I. M. There lias been no c.vprosa from eabt of Chicago received by the express com- lrny of this city for tho last six days. William Carruth, a machinist in the II. fc M. shops is happy. Cause, a bright cherub. Time of occurence, last niht. Little Frank Sullivan who has been reported as being sick from u bloT re ceived from a school-fellow is repo:ted better. Thwre i-t an article in today's istsue signed "Individual" for which we arc not responsible. Our columns are open to everybody. Mis Kurt, residing in the "old S!iuh Farm," north of town is very low through exhaustion caused by a hcuior rhage frefli the nasal organs. Don't fail to attend the spelling school in Kockwood hall tomorrow night. Admission 15 cents. You will be highly delighted, interested and amused. The storm iDterferrcd with telephone messages between here and Omaha today, but Steve Buzzell was out with his force and speedily rectified the damage. . At lleadyille. Pa., it is said, where Allegheny college is located, a sign post ed on a fence in a prominent alley read "Hieh noe horses hear, 5 dolers fine." 1 lie station agent at Oreapous re ports an extraordinary number of clucks in that vicinity. Now is a good oppor tunity for hunters to have lots of sport. A popular gentleman of this city will probably leave tomorrow to take up his permanent residence in Chadron, th:s state, to hold a position in ths laud office of tht city. A cordial invitation is extended to young and old to be present at the old fashioned spelling school, given by the Y. L. K. IL A., at Hock wood Hall, Tues day evening, March 20. Admission 15c. There it a funeral today of the step daughter (Miss Thomas) ot Mr. "Wool worth. This young lady dietl last Satur day night of typhoid fever. She will be burried in "WoolwortlTs cemetery. Cellar Creek. Frank Burgess and Robert II. Liv ingston, who lately passed a successful medical examination at Omaha Medical College, went up today to receive their diplomas. Plattsmonth is. proud of their success. The parents of Gecrge Oliver of the Journal force paid him a visit yester day. They reside in Council Bluffs, George is a chip of the old block" and highly respected for his straight-forward, manly character by his associates in this city. Engine Xo. 38 run into engine 460 at midnight last night near the coal sheds in the yards. Xo. 40S' pilot was mashed all to pieces. Hudson was the person on 3, and was just getting ready to run out train 31. When asked by the night hostler: "Why did'nt yon stop?" he said "How could I, she hail too much steam." The following notice has been receiv od by agents B. & M. "Agents : T)n ac count of Cattle Growers' Convention, round trip tickets to Denver may be sold Macli 20, at following rates: Frou Plattsmouth $25 for the round trip. Lim it return in each case to April 5, 1888." An amusing occurenc Happened m the yards last night. A person was run n:ng an engine from the round-house with the object of pulling ont Xo. 2ii when he had a collision with another en gine in th yards. When asked by thf night hostler "why he did'nt stop her," lie replied "I could'nt, she had too much steam." The editorial and composing rooms of The IIekald return their sincere thanks to Hilladny's minstrels today for their serenade this morning. The gentle men composing this company, although colored, are a living representation of politeness and intellect against the im putations that soma addle-heads would try to put on the colored race. You should not pay attention to the inclemency of tbe weather tonight but wrap yourself up warmly and carefully and go and witness the performance of of Halladaj's Mintnls. Their enter tainment is clean and chaste. If you take a pleasure in fun, iu tense excitement, encores and rapturous applause don't fail to witness their performance tonight It will be a long time before you gtt such an opportunity again. STORY O? A SONG-WRITER. Tho Downfall of a Brilliant Com poser Brought About by Drink Standing at the window today tho crash of brass instruments was borne suddenly up to tho writer's ear from the street. Halladaj's minstrels were playing "The Cricket on the Hearth The melody brought vividly to mind its brilliant, but erratic, composer, the late James E. Stewart, the atory of whose life uud sad, untimely death is well wvrth telling. Though Stewart himself lies forgotten in his western grave, save by a few, his songs will livo long after him They rank with those of Foster and Work in popularity, the best-known be ing, perhaps, "Jennie, the Flower of Kil dare,'' "Only to tec her Face Again, "The Old Iron Sign," "Mary's Gone With a Coon ami"! lie Cricket on the Hearth. These have all in their turn enjoyed the fullest measure of tho evanescent success accorded to sentimental souirs, "The Cricket on the Hearth" being at present all the rage. Stewart was born in Detroit, in 1812 His musical talent manifested itself at an early age, and when he was but six years old it is said that he could plav a good accompanimunt on the piano. He re ceived his first lessons from a London organist of some note, named Yarndley who had settled in Detroit. The pro grcss made by young Stewart was remar HnMc, and in a khort tune he could ren d r t he most difficult compositions wit! an case that was accounted marvelous in one so young. He was afterwards en gaged by the well-known comedian. Sol Smith Kusscll. who was giving his mon ologne at the time in the small towns of the interior. Stewart acted as pianist, accompany in" Itussell upon the instrument while the latter was giving his graphic elelinea -- r . . 1 ..... 1 lions of character. The tour completed he returned to Detroit, where, by the ad vice ot J. Henry Whittemore, a publisher of music in that city, 3 composed his first song. Other songs and instrumen tal pieces followed in rapid succession, the first, as Well as the greatest, hit of his life being made with "Jennie, the Flower of Kildare," which was sung and whistled everywhere. The phenomenal success of this song firmly established the reputation of Stewart, and henceforth his work was eagerly sought by the pub lishers of music throughout tho country, In 1880 Stewart took up his abode in Cincinnati, at the request of George D. Newhall, a well-known publisher of that city. He had by this time acquired the consuming thirst for liquor that proved his downfall anil resulted finally . in bis tragic death. At first Xewhafl was obliged to go out with him every hour of the day to purchase him a drink, and it was with the utmost difficulty that he could be induced to work. Then a place was made for him in the back of New- hall's music store, where nearly all of his later compositions were written. Thesje include "Only to See Her Face Again, "Mertie Gray " "Clin" to Me," "Bring Her Back to Life Again," "Fairies. Watch Her in Her Cradle," "Where the Birds Sing," "My Jennie's Over the Sea "Once I Loved Her," "The Cricket on the Hearth" and Mary s Gone with a Coon, til of which have brought a fortune to his publisher; but the opportunity to en rich himself at the same time was wasted by Stewart. He was generous eyen to a fault, and, however large or small the sum he had upon his person, he would share it wMi tho lust unfortunate who accosted aim. Phis led to so many impositions that fin ally, at Stewart's request, Xewhall doled out to him frequently during the day small sums, ranging' from twenty-five cents to $1, so that, as Stewart emphatic ally put it, "he would not be taken in so hadly." Nearly all of his songs had for their inspiration incidents in his life that would have seemed trivial to many, but which impressed him 6trongly. As an instance, "The Old Iron Sign" suggested itself to Stewart late one night in Cincin nati when he was returning to his room from the theatre in company with Frank Morton, known to the vandevilles as a member of tha ''Big Four" organization. It was bitter cold and the wind was blow ing hard, causing the poor wretches who wre out to seek the protection of the doorways. "We were all alone." said Morton, "and suddenly I saw Stewart stop before an old sign that was creaking on its hinges. 'Them's music in that sign,' he said. When we reached his room he told me to bring the gu tar out, and. seating himself at the table, he wrote The Old Iron Sign.' " Xot so happy was the origin of "Only to See her Face again." So hopelessly had Stewart become addicted to drink that his wife finally abandoned him The blow was a keen one to him. It was shortly after this in Peters' music store :n the old Melodeon Hdl building, a place where Stephen Foster had been often years before him, that "Only to See her Face Again" was written. The writ er's thoughts go back to a snowy night in Cincinnati several years ago, when newspaper duties led him to one of the variety theatres in the precinct known as "Over the Rhine." While he was there Stewart staggered in upon the arm of a companion and seated himself in an or- hestra chair. He was palpably under the influence of liquor. A week's growth of hair was on his face, his linen was soiled, and his clothes were frayed and lusty. The performance proceeded, but he gave little heed to it. Finally a bell fiukled and a tawdrily-dressed woman issued from the wings, while the orches tra played in low tones the prelude of 'Only to See ;ller Face Again. llei voice was one or uncommon sweetness for the concert-halls, and while she sang he house grew wrapt and still. Who an tell what memories that song aroused in one listener's heart ? . At last Stewart eould 6tand it no longer. Bursting into i flood of bitter tears he rushed up the lisle, to the pity of the few who knew him, and, be it said, to the intense amuse ment of the others, who drowned the singer's yoico with their uproarous laugh ter. Finally Stewart's' condition became one of hopelci inebriety. The haunts he frequented brought him into contact with low vagabonds, and he fell an easy vic tim to them. One 'peccadillo followed fast upon the heels of another. Out of these he was always assisted by Xewhall, who was his good, kind friend to the last. And then came the debauch ended iu his death. Of this Stewart must have had a premonition, for several days before it occurred he brought to Newhall a mournful little ballad which he had called "Siug, Sweet Birds O'er Jamie's Grave." He also gave to him a waltz song with tho title "Autumn Leaves." which, in his opinion, was the licit of all hin productions. Thus far, however, its success has not been commen surate with that of his other songs. In the month of June in It 34 Inger- soll gave a lecture at the Grand Opera House in Cincinnati. While the crowd was passing into the building Stewart stooel at the entrance with a friend, who was notorious as a worthless chataete-r. Both had been thinking heavily, and were without means to continue their de bauch. Leaving Stewart for few min utes the fellow accosted a stranger, to whom he sold w hat purported to be a pass to Ingersoll's lecture. It was pre sented at the doer, only to be refused, and the angry dupe hastened to seareh for the man who had swindled hi'$. He recognized him standing some distance away, where he had rejoined Stewart. An officer having been made acquainted with the case, both were arrested and taken to the station-house. The fellow has since confessed that Stewart was en tirely blameless, not even having had an inkling of what he had done. The next morning both men were brought up in the police court, before Judge Fitzgerald, who sentenced them to the workhous-3 for thirty days, Stew art f;lt his disgrace too keenly to s.nd for his friend, Newhall to intercede for him. Neither did ha attempt to offer any explanation to Judge Fitzgerald, who is known for his kindness of heart and who surely would have listened to him. In a dazed state Stewart was led away to the wugon that stood waiting at tho door to convey prisoners to the workhouse. At that institution the nexu morning he was aded to a caii of men who were engaged in constructing a road in that yicinity. The clay was ex cessively warm, and in his weak physical condition Stewart was unfitted for the hard work at which he was put. Sud denly he was seen to fall while at work. Some one went to his assistance, and it was then discovered that he was very ill. He was thereupon carried back to the workhouse, where in a few honrs he breathed his last. The first intimation that Newhall had of the misfortune that had overtaken his friend was when the local newspapers i.i a few lines chronicled his untimely death All that he could then do to show honor to the dead was done. He had the body removed from the workhouse and fol lowed it, its only mourner, to Wesleyan Cemetery, where it now lies . buried. Poor Stewart, his worst enemy was him self. The autumn leaves that formed his last musical theme are falling thickly new upon his. grave, yellow and red and gold. Surely we who have found so much pleasure in his sngs-enn pass pity ingly by his faults in the contemplation of his virtues, for he had many, and more than one thought will ?o out to the lonely mound up in old Wesleyan. where, far awav from home and kindred he lies, his warm, impulsive heart stilled his earthly troubles ver in that long slerp which knows no waking. With that supreme degree of gall for which we American patent-medicine advertisers are pre-eminently distinguish ed we send Tiie Herald twenty five lines of an ad. for a medicine warratited to cure catarrh. "Please insert this no tice. lsy so doing you will give us an idea of the value of your paper as an ad vertising medium, as we wish to do con siderable cash advertising in the near future." If this firm does not speedily stop sending such communications to newspapers, they will have such an over flow of gastric juice as will cause them sudden death. M. II. Packard, who was advance agent for the Stuart Co., while in this city, has accepted of the same position with the Curran Comedy Co., now in Wayne, Neb. He wil1 leave this city to morrow. Hie company is meeting with deserved success, this being, their 13th week on tho road. Wc have already ;oken of Mr. Packard's abilities as an advance agent and there is nothing fur ther necessary to state only that he is a gentleman who will always guarantee the success of the company he represents whenever they reach Plattmouth. The annual issue for 1888 is just at hand, and we uaus" say in behalf of w es tern enterprise that as a work of art it ex cels anything in this line we have ever seen both in its exceedingly beautiful gold and colored cover and in its readable print anel handsome wood engravings. It should be in the hands of every one who p'ants a garden," and can be had by send ing five stamps to J. C. Vaugan, 88 State Street, Chicago. The river this morning during the snow storm presented a glorious sight in regard to an ocean view. Neither the bridge nor the Iowa shore was visible, and the wind ruffled the waves in such a manner as to suggest the idea that one was viewing the Atlantic. Judge S. M. Chapman came home Sat urday evening and spent Sunday with his family returning; to Lincoln thu morning, he expects to close this term of conrt there this week. A common proverb is that when March conies in like a lion it goes out like a lamb. It came in like 'a lion but we fail to soe the 1 ' - ' r ' FREE PARLIAMENT. . ( We irfil n;t !. rfcp-.tnsihle lor any cxpni eil in lhi euiuiiin.) c:luIous Frco Parliament. Editok Heuai-D. I notice an article in the columns of Tun lIizit.w.D in which the "Sympathizers" uphold engineers of this place in thfir peculiar act ions of bi'iueauing men or engineers who see lit to take a position that another man haves hecuusu the B. tt M. will not assign the whole railroad over to the Brotherhood. Just look at this matter from the oth er side and see what tlnre is there. Is there a set of men as laborers that are ietter paid f ,o not much; and again i.s titers a more overbearing set of men? There is not one of thesa engineers that have been brought up here lately but what is as big headed as G. C. They (the sympathizers) say that the C, B. fc (). will not trut them as they are not tru to tlu rank. Why are they not J Why are they here in the employ of the B. 6c M.. then? Just because they were true and got left just ns the Brother hood men on thvi "Q" strike are. They talk of incompetency. Why, you just go and look over the list of collisions on the B. fc M. of the last year ami see if ther do not average more than those of the last tiirce weeks, not considering that these men were never over the road be fore. The Brotherhood men say they have hurt so many engines. I have it from good authority that Here has not been but one engine hurt on. tho whole B. & M. and that yery slightly. To see ths old engineer stand around and when thoir old engine comes in say she is get ting ruined and go so far ns to weep over. If they were so interested in th:; spoiling of engines why did the not stay on them. There is one more thing I would like to speak of and that is for some one who has been here eight or ten year; and see where the most of the en gineers of Plattsmouth started. There is not one out of a dozen that could make an honest living until the company seen fit to take them up and give them a job and to hear one of these very ones say, "By J we must win this fight." Individual. Tonight's Sacred Concert. ITallidny's minstrels have decided to give a sacred concert tonight at the Grand opera house, at which will be in troduced a large number of the old plan tation hymns and camp meeting melo dies, which have made the colored con cert companies so popular wherever tboy have appeared. The present company is well sulied with talent of the kind and a thoroughly enjoyable performance may be expected.- Omaha Herald. II. Cypher, the imprcssahle, who represents the Rubv Lafavelte Co., with pen, pencil or paste pot, has been in the city for the past few days looking after the interests of the company, who will appear here in about n week's time nuclei the auspices of the Knights of. Pythias, in the historical brotherly drama of "Damon and Pythias." This gentleman is a jewel iu his profession and will be a great loss to the above company whom he shortly leaves. YV. A. JMahara, advance agent for Beach & Bowers Minstrels, passed through the city yesterday. The are company from L aven worth, Kansas, and arc going to Des Jloines, Iowa. They will arrive in Plattsmouth ou their journey in about a week's time frwin today. Miss Lena Hardman, daughter of Ilev. Hardman, Glen wood, Li., arrived in the city yesterday, the guest of L. E. Karns. This lady, who has charge of the telephone exchange in that city re turnee!, heme last night. As a proof of the salubrity of Platts mouth's climate is Levi Walker, an old gent eighty-four years of age, living three miles soutli of town, who could 13 seen last Saturday with his shotgun out with the I oys shooting elucks. PiOMIKEKT BUSINESS MEN. Hay for Sale- Tbree huiuli ed tons of hay for sale for ca b, either delivered or on the ground. Leave or ders at Ileury Weckbiich's store. L. 81x1.1.. .Jau. 3 iu3d&w Kotlce. Ti e firm of Eotek & i;ir sail will db-aolve April 1st. All paiiii's indebted are uctif.eJ to settle before that timemid sav the expense ef a lawyer. ll'.jUCK t- BIKDSAI.L. 1113UI0 FOR -ALE On reusoaoble terms my re-i-dence ou the '. W. corner of Elm ar.d lltli Sts. Said property consists of U block with a j;cod story Hiiil a half house t-f six rooms, two ward robes and cue . pa::try ; good well and city water ; twenty-even beaiins apple trees, and an abundance of small fruit of all kinds, tf 1. L. UAlEi. For Sale. A nice neat cottage, 5 rooms, tewly papered and painted; 2 blocks from poFtofilce. Good eistern and city waterattacbed. One f 01 tbe sli balau; e montliljfc.payuieuts t suit. Enquire of O. F. S3IITH.- n:12J6 Fire Insurance written in tha Etna,. Jicenix and Hartford by Windham a. Davies. S.iOO posts for sale, leaye orders with John Tutt at L. D. Bennett's grocery store. . f23-d w-lm Repd tho reasons why you sltotiX-.l f'iiir"' "-""5 lots in T Dissolutions. DfcTotiL Dissolution of Co-partue-rship by and between If. M. Gtult and l of the firm of Gault & Vain of Plattsmouth, Cass Co., Nebraska, is this March 1888, diisolved by mutual consent. Geo. W. Vass retiring and 1.. . to retain all book accounts of said firm and assume all liabilities of said flrti. (Signed.) G. H. Vabh. H. M. Gault. H. M. Gault, who will continue tho hutineki, will ue evry effort to procur first-clam workman, and will be prepared to do all claws of watch work. Thai ing you for tho past favou and hoping to merit a share of your trade, I am JOU. truly. WHEN YOU WANT iimBTi 1 -OF- CALL ON Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and BuSIdor Sept. 12-Cm. Furniture for the cellar, kitchen ane! parloi- sold on weekly or monthly install ments at I. Pearlman's. 12 dtf K. 11. WlNim am, John A. Da vires. Notary 1'iililic. Notary Public. V JMHIA31d IIAVIKK), ttorncyc - at - Law. OHlce over ISank cf Ciin County. Plattsmouth, - - Neuuaska. A. N. SULLIVAN, Attorney ;it Law. Will (tive iiiTfiiitit attention to all biiHiitesa in trusted to him. Oilier lu Union liloek. East vlr. 1'iattsiiioutl), Neb. VVUII D. BEJSTJSTETT. Li. JUST RECEIVED. Finnan Haddiea- California Evaporated Nectar ines they are Boston Brown Bread and nice. Prunells and Apricots. Asparagus in Cans. Clam Chowder. Is. B. BE1IET T. Reasons for Fiirt'liasing l ots in South Park. 1. As u whole thty are Ihc finest lying lots in the city. 2. They are shaded with Ictaitil'ul ibiefet trees. 3. They are located between Chics go and Lincoln Avenuw, the two finest drives about the city. 4. They are only a ten-minutes walk lroni the btuinets portion of the town. m 5. Uy reason of their location between the two main thorough faies into the city, they are more t.ccessible than lots in other additions. 0. The only addition to the cily readied by two establiehed avenues. 7. The only new addition to the cily reachtd by water mains and with a prospect of being supplied in the near future with com plete water privileges. 8. Kew sidewalks recently constructed to within a lew ftet of the addition ar.d will shortly le extended. U. Yviil ceitainly have street car privileges at no distant date. 10. If you wish a fine view of the river, locate on a lot in Sontk Park. 11. If you wish a sightly and pictnresepr.e view of Plattemoth, it can be had lrom a South Park lot. 12.. To persons in the railroad employ, the eastern portion of South Park is the most desirable residence locality in the city. 13. To persons desiring a residence on Chicago avenue, the western portion of South Park is available for that purpose. M. The P. & railroad track runs near the east line of the ddition, turnisliing good lacilities Alexander, John Moore, M. A. Jo. It you locate in South Park you will have good neighborg : Mayor Simp-on, John II. Cox, John A. Davies, John L. Minor, J. V. Weckbach, Chas. Harris, John II. Young, Henry Waterman, V. C. Ingraham, P. Spurlock, Jerry Farthing, Thos. E. Reynolds, S. A. Davis, L. A, Miner, C. JU. AVead, Frank Irish, J. ST. Glenn, C. l)? Coleman, S. A. Speakman, Frank Peeson, Chas A. Pankin. Sarah K. Faught, Clayton Barber, "NY. J. Ilesser, Harry Kneller, J. E. Warwick, J. G. Poyal, W. N. McLennan, P. C. Minor, h . McCourt, J.C. Fought and others are owners of South Park property. 10. Over 12,000 worth of this desirable property lias been dis-. posed of within a short period and no part has been sold to outfde speculators which is solid proof of the substantial growth of this part of the city. 17. More substantial houses were built in South Park in the fall of 18S7 than in any one locality in the city and the prospects ior spring building are much greater 18. Lots will be sold until the 1st of April, next, at $150 each; after said date the price on the must desirable lota will be advanced. IV. Terms cash, balance in one and two years, or lots may be purchased on monthly payments. 20. Any number of persons, not less tli2n five, purchasing ten lots in one transaction will be given a lot free to dispose of as they may deem proper. 27. Any person or persons purchasing 20 or more lots and pay ngi fash, may have one and two years on balance without interest. 22. If any other reasons for purchasing lots in fouth Park are desired they will be given by calling at the office of If. M. Gault. OO TO Win. Ifcrold & Son TT'l rry Goods. Notions Eoots anSfaeM or Ladies and Gents FURNISHING - GOODS. He keeps as large and as well BBLBCTPD STOCK As can b found any plaeo lu tha rity and maka jou iiicea that dtty competition. Anntls for Harper's Bazar patens and Ba'l's Ccrcttf. C. F. SM ITH, Merchant Tailor. Krfps constantly ou hand namplei of tbe Ix-st. k1 to bo procured. Is prepared to inuktt pants fur H oo and upwards and tulta fo $10.00. i 2 e pa i r i 11 g & CI ea n i n u Neatly and promptly don at tbe lowait prices Over Tetur Merges' store, North Eld Malu Sttaet. I delicious. Mixture , --Some thing nw for manufacturi'ii" industries. Shipman, 1 illie Kaliskv. T W