The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 03, 1888, Image 1

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Title- Kxaailae.l. Atxtaict- "oiii In
surance Written, ! f -al fcUte So'.J.
Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than
Atiy OtUcr Agency,
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A Callod Meeting for Monday Aid
From Canada.
Chicago. March 2. The agreements
lct ween the brotherhoods of engineers
und firemen anil the Knighta of Labor
Iiutl no apparent effect on the number of
applicants at the Burlington oflice this
j innrniiig. A maiority ot tue men, iiow
i ever, look more like firemen than enni-
n.'cis. The ofiicials of the comuany
cluini fjic situation in steadily improving.
Four pahsenger traiui were sent out from
Chicago to-day and sixteen came in.
The company commenced running coal
trains on the Chicago division today, and
claim they are running local freight
Uaii. a on most p-its of their yttem.
A most important move was made to
day ly Chief Arthur in the ttrike. The
following telegram was sent to each
chairman of the general grievance com
mittee of the ''rotherliood of engineers
mid fiii-men on the following lines of
railroad, viz: Chicago & Alton, Chicago
fc Xt.rt Invest em, Chicago, Hock Island
and I'.t'iik-, Wit bash railroad, Wa basil
& Western, Missouri Pacific, Atchison,
Tooel.a fc Santa Fo, and Widcousiu Cen
tral. Di.Aii Siu and UnoTiiiiu: You are
laici.y authori.ed and ordered to come
to tii-: city of Chicago at once and re
poit at headquarters. There are many
inipoitant matters to consider in connec
tion with the Chicago, Burlington &
('iiiney strike, anil your immediate pres-i-uce
i imperative. Be prepared to con
vene your committee from litre at a mo
ment's notice.
Up to midnight nothing definite has
been heard at the engineers' headquarters
as to whether the brotherhood men on
the Reading were withdrawing from
their places in compliance with the ar
rangement between Chief Arthur and
representatives of the Reading kuights.
The principal event of tne evening was
the arrival of fifty Canadian engineers to
take situations on the Burlington. A lit
tle apprehension was apparent among the
brotherhood leaders over this accession
to the company's strength. They stoutly
maintained that the Canadians would be
promptly disposed of under the federal
statuts J prohibiting the importation of
foreign contract labor.
Pnii.ADKT.i'rirA, Mar. 2 General Super
intendent Sweigard, of the Reading com
pany, said this afternoon that reports
from the west telling about hundreds of
discharged Reading railroad engineers
taking the places of strikers on the Bur
lington road were greatly exngerated.
Referring to the records, Sweigard found
that the entire number of locomotive
engineers who left the Philadelphia &
Reading during the recent labor distur
bance was 109. Road Foreman Cobson
and Master Mechanic Vermon both de
clared that not more than twenty broth
erhood engineers were employed by the
Reading compaqy during the strike.
Red Cloud, Neb., March 2. The
strike here 13 practically uncharged,
with the exception that three trains came
in last night after a hard struggle. The
iirt mail that came to the city came on
these trains. The engineers are firm.
There have been no riotous demonstra
tions here." No. 89, the - cannon ball,
cane in this afternoon, five hours late.
Council Bluffs, March's. A petition
hns bjcn prepared signed by all the mail
eleiks on the Iowa division of ths Bur
lington road, asking General Superin
tendent Nash to have the government
compel the railroads to put competent
engineers on the mail trains.
Kansas City, Mo., March 2.- The
Kansas Citr. Ft. Scott & Gulf rai roid
coiiipr.ny at a secret conicreuee witli tliij
grievance committee of its engineers to-
day granted the concessions in wages
asked for bv the men.
Passenger train No. 5, from Chicago,
came in last evening at 5:45. being eight
hours late. On board were 180 engineers
and firemen, who have taken employment
on the B. fc M. Five engine crews of
these men remained here. All five of the
regular passenger trains passed through
last evening, most f them howercr, were
erably behind time. The passcn-
! ger traius this morning were quit? late
; but all passed through except the flyer
..tVII liao ftm c!n o Afv-.! . T .
lar No. 5 this morning was followed -by
an extra which carried west bound pass-
enters wh were arrivals at Pacific Juno-
i t
tion oa the '"Q" train No. 15, known as '
the -Ely" 1
Mont of the freight- cars which have
stood in the yards fince Sunday hve
been removed and regular fast freight
No. 29, was sent out. Three freights ar
rived, one from Chicago, one from Si.
Louis and one from Pacific JuncMoii.
The Great Solcllei'd Tribute lit Ills
Kruziliuu IVIfe.
I had neel of some human Ik-i'ii who would
lovo me. AV'ithotit such a one near me ex
istence was Imi-oiihii Al
though not nli, I knew men well enough to
know how difficult it is to find u. real friend.
But a woman. Yes, u woinun; for I had
ul ways considered them t ho most perfect of
beings, and, whatever men may suj-, it is
infinitely easier to find n really loving heart
among them. I was walking on tho quarter
deck of the Itapariea, wrapped in my sad
thoughts, and, having reasoned tho matter
in all ways, finally ooneluded to seek n wife
for myself who would draw mo out of this
depressing and insupportable stato of thinjjs.
Jly glanco fell ly chance upon the houses
of the Bnrrn, a little hill thus called at tho
entrance of the Lagiuia (of St. Catherine, in
Brazil), on which aro tonieuiinplo but pictur
esque dwellings. With tho uid of my glass,
which I habitually held in my hund when on
tho quarter deck, I saw a 3-oung girl. I or
dered tho men to row me ashore in that direc
tion, and disembarked and made for tho
houso which contained the object of my voy
ag.; but could not find it, when I encoun
tered a person of tho place whom I had
known on my first arrival. lie invited me
to take cofTeo at hia house. Wo enter;::!, end
t ha first person on whom ray ynu: foil wru;
the ono who had caused ny coniiii-; c;i ; i:ot-.
It was Anita! The mother of my children.
The companion of my life und good ci.d c vil
fortune. Tho woman whoso ccurauo I I: .ve
so often desired. Wo botii remaine'l i:i a:t
eestatio silence, (razing t ea."h other, lil;o
two persons who do not meet for the- first
timo, and who seek in each other".! linea
ments something which sh-11 revive- rcmem
Lerance. At last I saluted her, and I said,
'You must bo mine." I spoke, but Utile Portu
guese, and I spoke these audaeiou:; words in
Italian. However, I seemed to hav.' some
magnetic power iu my insolence, i had tied
a knot which death alon-a could break.
Autobiography of Garibaldi.
How They "Move" in Russia.
Thy have a funny way of moving rjcoda
iu. Russia. I remember ono day seeing a
procession of men going through tho ttrcets
with the household effects of a well known
family. Four of them had the picno resting
on their shoulders, while a ranga was carried
by two others. Then followed men j a single
file with tables, mirrors, trunks, wash boilers,
tubs, bed clothing end other goods on their
heads. Wagcns aro seldom employed in
h.auling articles from ona part of the city to
another. A Russian transfer or freight
man carries around under his arm a head
pad about the size of tho crown of a large
cap. It is usually made of leather and siufTcd
with hair or hay. It is soft and jyencrpHy
four inches thick. On a plate attached to
his coat lapel is a word of llussiaii announc
ing that ho is an cxpressmau. Ho has no
cart, horse or help.
This man, single handed and clone, con
tracts to remove every character of goods
as rapidly and safely as if they wero in
charge of the great expres.? companies of the
largo American cities. Ho associates with
hiui, if there is heavy furniture or haste 111
the work, a number of his confreres, and
tho men, sometimes to the aggregate of a
score, simply walk into tho house, pielc vr.
the goods and carry them out and to tneir
destination in a twinkle. There is nr groan
ing, packing, raising and adjusting about
drays or wagons. When tho men get their
loads on their heads they start out in Indian
file and make a little procession through the
city. They never go down an unfrequented
street, as they would lose an opportunity of
advertising their trade. A Russian thinks
no more of picking up a warm cooking stove,
placing it on his head, and walking a couple
of miles with it without rest than an Auitr
can would of carrying an overcoat. Phila
delphia Times,
An Old Time TvopUet's AVarulnff.
April 23, Good Friday and St. Gcorgo's
April 29, Easter day and St. Clark's day.
Juno 24, Corpus Christi and St. Jolm'j clay.
In tho year 1880 occurred for the first tim-3
in centuries that combination of holy days
and saints' days which Nostradamus predicted
would be the sign of tho "End of tho
World." His prediction, raado in Litm over
VM years ago, was that tho end of the vorl
would come in tho year in which Good Fri
day came on St. George's day, and Ea'.ter
occurred on St. Mark's day, Corpus Christ i
came on St. John's day.
Nostradamus was a celebrated 1 hys'cian
and astrologer in France, who dl-. l in Vi,-,
aged CO years. "H:s predictions have been
for centuries the subject of an i.-r.mcnne
amount of illustrative and controversial
literature." In regard to tho timo fo:'. Ihe
fulfillment of fhesa great prophecic:;, no
thoughtful observer wid say that the a -;ti elo
per was very far wrong, for the sig::3 f lerrly
indicate the beginning of tho end. V.'iLhin
the next century wo may seo tho downfall ef
tho old despotisms in Europe: the desolating
wars; the great tribulation; tho rule of com
munism, nihilism s.nd anarchy: the !i-solving
of tho British empire, tho di ii.-:i of
her landed estates following th? connse.-.iion
of her church property; the fall of iho Turk
ish power and tho restoration cf tho J-jWrj
to Palestine. Courier-Journal.
Pope Leo is verj- fond of the classical 1 .m
guages, of which bo has a a vide and cri.Uvr.l
Gotham's Hebrew Clubmen.
The Hebrew clubmen of New York city
are as distinct in their club life from Ameri
can or English clubmen at New England
Yankees from rambling Sioux. The mem
bers of the Harmonic, the Progress and tho
Metropolitan, the three great Hebrew clubs,
seldom dine at the club house, never sleep
there, and do not have their mail addressed
to the club. They are home bodies until 9
O'clock, when they stroll around to tho club,
take a hand at poker, pinochle or euchre, and
aro back home again somewhere near mid
night. In some of the other big clubs at that
hour many of the members are planning how
to spend the evening;. New York Sun.
capital riisinn;:,
A Serious .TI.iltii- of 'tiiis -i7i-r.i I i 10 for
I. iivixers T!;e :ii I : ! i-ie, I lie .:t-r(c,
tile- ;;illoB uuil Ch- Uiii Slli'iit I5o:.l!i
by i:ii--!i l il .
'.Tho ex'-eiit ion of inal.-l'a'-ii.r? ha.-. ! 1 'ti a '
forioua m;;S tcf !'' i..!i !' 1 .'.v;': v
in all nations t.nd i.i a-! t!ac-s. i ! c i.:i i 1
b.-a-h.-irous t'.- ' p. '-j a- ll: i.:o;-t; !.. rU.:'i-i ilxj
in tho.I. Torturi ..' ; , :i r.l .-r- 1 u .. , .- ad- ;
ju.K-t to ca;.il:'l p'i::i fcr . 1 a. :: I j
The ivh, tii- c ,ii'-lri.:i, tho fv', '..'imii. 1': j
P'-avi-n'.-'-r' ; .;::-:;!. t r, j i.i - ; . 1.;.: ,k j
i.ii.l K--.i;r.j" w i--:r: .y -l. I-'- .u:l:i;t i":o
: !! v.-!i" d i.'.-. . j-' .: l'-r v. lo;-..;; (i-:-.- i
tho f. -!oa bi-in j f i ;t-i. !.' i !i i. :.;.:'.".:::- I !
U-.i ..t!-;, I : ! . v.!-- !, i.i ; i ... -.; v. . :. ,
bri !:'-:i ly 1 ! i"-: 1. '.:. i.'-ia 2 li:U'-
f.:ctor . v.v;- l- ! 1 a :: ".- i. ; .;. ' 1. ; ;
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end i-a n-.i, 11 ah- !
ft.i-1 ro i-1 -d, .-.rrv.-ti a , l- !e. : ,.
vay.:, each 11 ; -. ' .
Skill.'- 1 i.i --a:; ... 1. . . . . -.
'.'II !
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wl. !(.;: sh ill lMtsvv':, a., i a ; .
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i a.---.-.- .11 - . ! v ; .a
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moau'.l l ia :.: ll.v j.ii ;a. .:a. la
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tlio day rnr tii-; ii-v.u a- a-.i .' !. 'J
a. a a in
'. " li:aj'.v
' -1. 'i 1 1 : 1
' lai- a. -i, a. ail
'a; a: 1 a ai-
was ai-.iiiai' 1 ii
llirta 1. aai. t-u a. : , . - a:
ing, into tae yaa.i, !,;-.: 1 a ;';-.. ti;t
iniitst a: a.. 1 i.!,ai-n i.i i jv.v ., ra
llies. Tiie.v w, , a r...v-..;. li. ii of 1 i . a, a
lirtio I !::.: oi th i. o.:o c..;iv a! :-.,
lu-vv;:v.'!i:, oil 1,1;.' 1.; '. :. ia. i..-a i .1-a.a ; !
front thi- iiaie i.. ; la 1 L.-. .1 a..,.: .1 I
from Ids s: -. -. 1',.- a -a' -a:, a r- i a, 1.1.-; j
th' tippar:;: of isa-i'i .- v :r:.
Rf-headiag.;.- the s :-r a la, -en a i'av. : Ita j
ineliio.l in :aa:o t :;ji -jmi i-1... 1 : -a a,
hand t,tru"k -Vi' l.y i'..-i ha-..a a! rr.w.v 1 i in j
cut i iiiT atvd his a :a v. .ai? . iii,;
coal. The latter knelt a-al l-.tad
The former drc-.v hi.: Jiaa; a:: i !.ll::--r::a.;- I
woapau. l--e;i as n rnaur, v. it wiih a i.i: I
of gaudy adi:, to..l; 1::-- : .a, iv.isai t I
sword, and wiMi u -a: 1. 1 .-.:wi:c f !..';. !
severed flic head, gi'.-;:'.j vanl b a J-a.i 1, j
hissing- as;ir::!o as lie aid a.. Th" i'i-a:t
the weapon did n.-fc reach tla; ,';:- .-rai. Ti c i
OXceut ioRer th'tt rainaaid la - ftaai.-. w,' '1 !
swin picvi-i of tia.-me if!:er, v. od the Ida 'j i
r.gain with tht' siik, r'v r:.l-d it and 1.1. i. !
protxlly away, fo: lowed byemioi:.-. eye.-.. The :
0T1 -nder had, I lielle--.-, t- '.ill -.i f.-das Ir ia an i
exaaiinati..-! !y t'ao i:.x e al-i --. .a-.
Thi e-arrul'- i; wt :.; to my notion than
tae gi!:lI.;i:vthou';h bu. I.-i'e is hr 1.
Tho felon situ ia a chair. To a stout pos bc lii;n are afli::o.l two fii.-i- of iir.;;,
which v.h.xt joiaad e::t h-cl-- ! nc.-.'v.
laroa.a tae poss p:m t.if o:se:: fr 1 a? coliir !
pisses p ar-:-e-.v. A. 'hen t hia io turne-l by tli
execul io:i?r tho collar is t:;3hr::icd, a:.d an j
iron wed;j enlrr,; the nee'; at; - ha ha -i- -J' .
brain, ili.l .'c; i la? c.r.i pi i.iiar thaa-.i-
lia! card and pro j -a;;.;; doai.'i. 1 sn-.v 1
U la iand fhtss kiikat at Vala-jaia. T..?ra wa- 1
a cap over the face. T.iir.i the iaial !.. canio I heard, or f ancied I ! '.
sn ip of tho l.-ono, and tla; coafortlo-.i or ta -faeo
war. gha;-.lly. Ti.e i:c--d fa.i l-iaai i ,1 ;
tae caiaiiaai v.':i--. daa-i, ba; tit s rrif-ly aoaa
oil the laaaacr of 1:1s t-l,i:ig oli h.aia.a I 1 ..
for yea:-...
E:??'i!-i'-;'y is tau r.wl "va ir f.r.d ra ' cortr ' :
oil ail .D--1 .:! Ki"i.i: ; I - a hi'-h i ! a.' h ! .- !
ia-.-...- : : i .a-ti - a.. . '.i .' -. . ' - -i
':- travi 1 a.O : ) ail. - i.i a l a- ., - - :
ti::u. Taela-'a ,: a i ; . . -' : e .
i'e.l the k. ; i- vl. 1 1 ...' .': -passes
frma ii..- x a- a ' , i -. :. a. ' ;
tho Llo-.r. (a. v a i.. a 1 ; a . v : 1 1 ; . '.:
i-i 1 '.i :a.--i '. 1. i.i".l' . : La';'. ' a ;
ia; -: ij. Taa e nrr.-a- ; a. .1 '-. .' 1
joiniag of tli wlr-;-.. . ...
(;-..-'-. Tl. 1: aa.. a . , - 1
caaaan ' 1 :r; 1 :r. - a 1 a. . . . : -i . :
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ea 1 1:0' 1;:'..
';' . tan.l ilia-cari-cal; :: hra-1 lo f :a:
p:'.iai.c-l, ij . a ivi: j: -l-.- a. 1. . 1 l1; .1 - 'I. .' ; y
trial nuiviii..; ai v. ..aa ' i.. r.- al.; il.j
lausrl.s wool 1 n iii 0 i.i .oa . . .- .a la
1 Vara..: j'i il. ' a.a.i, i ai i.i-.- ..';
tlx lif-j centc-r.s v.v,sl.l L-i iV - raid co
sioa voiiid follow, li?1 ia. . a i ; v. -a: iiiTiiila
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of vi.; coin a: n t- . l.y 1 . il.. .iu.,
thi ia .'i-alelTvjei u-oa thlhr a . a vies ivoulu
La -o . d.
Tj have t'.ie tliy ra.d l.u:- ia...r v 1
fraaa tae dead maa v.-...v.": 1 r a 1 I.l- la ., a a
of the rac-I 'ch::aatlc ia: -raal t'a p. . i r '
h:.-. ieiio:vs in :i.ui !:::!. tla- : aa.-.
tej'riola. There v. e a. 1 i a- : lia. t , . t.. :
Lea-1 of a felo.i wLj j. a-.a i .-taiis ; ..-La-:
m r. ly to Lo hurie.l on ..;? via a-.:-,.: d. .-.
tn-.l unknown Lour by a .'A .a- 1 :ai.ia.a ...: 1
out froai tiw wi,r! 1 1. 3 l.u- .l'-..-l.- i. Ho
boasts of "'dying ;?a . ." :. . ia. a ...aa,:' ia' ;
lasD day and List ir ars i.otla aj h:;: lal.,
being svalkweil up iVia.; '.y jrlai walls
of the penil jatiar y ;m ! c . t i-aaa r. till, Iav dead, N..-.' York WorliL i
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