The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 02, 1888, Image 1

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mm w'wr iu
1LiATTS31(U Til, INI-lil-Ar-iv--, rnii'.n 1 . . .-j.-ius
. ........ r' i itii- rirnvn'i' -, i t f
I 1SS.S.
Tie. 1 1. 11 -r,
All tni'-y.
Knitm - '.
I'.jiio .1 'nl-,
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.1 W .1 .i.'.S -,".ll VllC.MAN
Operations o, tie ''Q" System Btiil Very
I .1 W .1 a.'.s -.".u VI
Hoard rul.Woiks- 1 1:1 i in-'-
I) 11 ll.wi.sWiit'rii
i5puiy 1're icn'or, -
Ieiuty Ch-il.
Jteconli-r of Dfi-il.s
ldlllV IC:--nrt.rj-
Clerk of Oelifi, : if,
Klicrlir. -.
Hurvcyor. -Attorui-y.
Kilpt. of l'iil. School-,
County Jii'lij.
ir i ok SL'l'K
A. B. Tii,
Louis Foi.t.. ('h'lll ,
A. 15. 1I -KrSU.N,
D a. i:MritKi.i.
'lil'M. I'iO l.ocu
Hutu riii'ii hi 111.11
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V. II. Tool,
lo 1 n M M:
W. :. snow a
.l.i: Ki kim: n
A. M lol.h
A I.I.I-. ISl'.KS l.N
M V N A'illS'lXK
V. kU.-.-i'tl.l.
Wee-nun Vnter
CAS" i.i )''.'.' No. IK.. I O. II. V. --.Meets
'pvth ici-.l iv Mi" :: i.t !i v. ::. Ail
truitsic'iit l i - -: 1 - - ii:- : i Li. ii! j united te
mitio 1.0 '.:;;: N . si. a. o 1 w. -.i-it
' vi i" .1' i i.i. I'iiil.i r ui im :i K . of 1.
I'Hll. Tr.t'.-.i-it lir.-t ;;!: ar. rs. tui iyiii-
v it '! i' ;i' i :! ! '. .1 I .1 - in. MmsI'-i V.rkn':m :
i:. S. I. 11 -I '..'. :. : n ; : 1 i ' !".i 1 v:i. vi-r-!
; I II-i.v.". 1,11 . I ii.vl.-.v.illli.
iJi'i-iirl'T ; I!. .!. .1 'i" '.' i. I- : 1 : :t 1: " i : ; V.'anli.
Suiilii. II. v.-i ; M M.. I r -.ill. 1;H .'.J. W. :
Jacl. I 11; 1. 1 1 - . ! 1 .-;'; 1 . i.;;n .
(ias-j :.Mi" No. ',.!'M':;:n ''."ui)i)Mi:N
of Ami:-:. 1 --Mi i:-; !' :".! :;.: l-.i:rih .Mitli
(liivi'vcuiii; '! K. ( I !' A!l I i 1111 -iflil
l.riilll-Ti al'j i'i; l'-.if.l I" in- I.. A.
Xewi'l -. Vi I' C'l.sil;!.. . f.iitif,
Wm-iiiv i: 1. ;. Siaiiii, ; .
C. ill t is. !,. ...
in. vr ! :i i. :;:: ;. s. a.o. r. v.
ilei'i i' -iv ; ;:::; -- 1 itiir :il
Kockw.xiil :.: s n'l 1 . i I . ; 'is jiii' l-ri-tii-ri
arf rij'f; 1 ; ;.I . u i'lti'i'.-l. I..
l.irs.isi, M. W. ; lr. I ! ih;h. : "
Wil.ii'. K.-i-.i:- ;.' ; I i:.:.. 1 Vi 1 wrM - r.
klaiUliizli J. :j05) 45 a. A.
Ml- I' v.'l.
J. W. JilMXSlIN-.
I. . i ivi.s
K. a. H r.
;;. Nil. 1 '
A run ' 1 'I' a :: '. ii
M AI."X '
Cil AiiLK- !.'
I'.KX.t. llK.vr:.K
J a;. : i: n . . .
A 1. 1'il A 1
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. ..Co i.aii:Ier.
'. A1J .ta-H.
i.i.-c i i.-: ! hi i !.
' iliialU
. . . . . Si 1 Mair.
i-c MavVv "-'i-i-t.
. . . i'o I plain
iVl i-J A-M ? 1.1. J.:
7' : :. I i. .!: : rein.- s I'ntJ Ust
to my cuii.
Till!- K '. ui .'i-::n i- Ci-mpIIea,
SUraiu. W i T l : 1 , ' .'.'l i--t i'h z-.j 1.
Bettor l'acUitit'-! i r i:::iki:i4 i":ui!i I.o:ii: than
Any Other Agency.
Iteproseiit the following time
tried a:i l lire-tested companies:
American ( Louis. Assets 5l.25s,liV'
Conunercial tTai,m-i:ni;l;ina, " 2..r)9G.3H
Fire Assocla'i iii-P;.ilaao!iihia, ' 4.45.f76
Frauk!iH-riiilaiii-l!;ii 1, " 3,U7.10f.
Honic-Xew York. " 7.s."5.5(9
Ir.s. C . of v.irr:i Amf-ric 1. Phil. " 8,474.362
iivri.-!&T.'-'i I i:i & ;'.i!)'- Ku O.iiJ.iSl
North Kritis'.i .i M r i:uile-Ka " 3.373.751
Norwich LTiiii:i-Kni'!.ii'l. " 1 . I5.4r6
Bprinliuli K. x M.-.S; i in;;a -M, " r. O44.015
'".; i'. A?c is. ?42.115,774
Imi Aijn lal'inPaittliisApiicy
B 3
1 I
II I !, PT-
-- OF-
ra-xy - Lamps
Ufiiaia Bosifis aMPallepfis
Movements of the Brotherhoods at
Dk.nvek, March 2. The Hurlington got
u train out Wednesday night for the east,
hut without any passengers. It was the
first train since Monday.
Ckkston, la., March 1. The west Iowa
division have run thirty-nine trains since
midnight last night ou the luui-i line and
all Brunches. Good order fctill prevails
Cheyennk, Wyo., March 1. The Bur
lington ollicials succeeded iu sending a
passenger train out from here this morn
ing. The engineer and fireman were im
portations, who came in from the eiu-t
over the U. 1. No trains have arrived
here since the strike commenced.
IIoj.yoke, Colo., March 1. The strik
ing engineers are very quiet here. The
pass -tiger train from Cheyenne arrived
here 2:o0p. m. and left for Holdre;r at
5:40 p. m. A passenger train is expected
hern tonight from the east.
XtnKASKA City, March 1. Several
freight trains on the B. fc M. went out
today and all passengers, except the dum
my between East Nebraska City and the
junction. Several engineers arrived here
today to take the strikers' places, and the
ollicials say all trains from here will In
moving tomorrow.
Indianoi.a, Neb., March 1. On the ar
rival of the west-bound passenger today
Sheriff McCool arrested four striking en
gineers and took them before Judge Kcyi
ui'uii a charge of rioting at McCook.
Thoy pleaded guilty and were fined $100
and costs. Public sentimont is divided,
but mostly in favor of the company.
Dies Moines, la., March 1. The Iowa
railroad commission will visit Creston,
Iowa, soon, to investigate the charges
made by the
against the Chicago. Burlington & Quin
cy, that passenger trains were being run
by incompetent engineers. The brother
hood have published tonight the names
of eighteen men now running engineers
whom they claim are inexperienced.
St. JosEni, Mo., March 1. Tiie strike
still remains quiet at this point, and,
with the exception that the company
seems to be strengthening its position,
affairs are unchanged. A large number
of engineers arrived from Chicago this
afternoon, and immediately assembled at
General Manager Merrill's office. The
management refuse to' fctate where they
came from, but tne strikers ar of the
opinion they are Reading engineers. In
answer to the question as to where they
were from, OLe of them said," we are from
the east."
Chicago, March J. r-Great excitement
was occasioned at the union depot this
evening upon the departure of the train
known as the Denver express. The en
gineer of this train was a Heading engi
neer and fireman, with an old brakeman
iu, the cab with them, and all were armed
with revolvers. About 5:30 a detail of
police came to the depot heading a pro
cession of 200 men. These were Reading
engineors aud firemen who had come to
help out the road in is ditficulty. The
200 men were placed in the four day
coaches, each in clurge of four Pinker
ton men. The crowds flocked about the
eug'ne at the depot, but four policemen
drove them away and kept everybody at
least thirty feet away from the locomo
tive. General Manager Stone, Supt.
Ilowland and Supt. Rhodes of the Bur
lington were on hand to witness the
departure. Tha train started off very
slowly and there was a gaod deal of fetL
ing s'iowd by the crowd, but no person
attempted or offered any violence.
F. P. Sarg nt sent the following tele
gram tonight:
Henry Walton, Chairman Executive
Board Locomotive Firemen, Philadelphia;
See all members of the Reading road that
have taken the places of men that were
on December 4, 18bi, and r.quost them
to severe their conns' tiou with the eoni-
1 f.nnv nnd T irill nnv them until l!i:v P:in
I 1 1 j " j '
j find employni?nt elsewhere rnd allow
i men now out to return to work. By do
; ing this the bad feeling now existing
j will Iff obliterated aud will nis-t Ui to
i win our struggle with the Burlington
road. Signed F. P. Sakgent.
Mr. Walton has wiied he would at
once transmit the n :ccs--ary orders for the
brotherhood lodges. Chief Engineer
Arthur then transmitted the lollowing:
Edward Kent. Chairman Executive
Board Engineer, New York: Go to
Philadelphia at once and use your influ
ence to get all t lie brotherhood 1 ngiin era
who took the places of the Reading btrik
ers to leave th service of the company,
furnishing them with financial suppoi t of
the brotherhood. The Chicago, Burling
ton & tjuincy are using strikers to beat
us in the conflict. We must chcrkinatc
them. Signed P. M. A mum.
The local press hurt an at a late hour
tonight furnishes the following intelli
gence on undoubted reliability:
"It was learned at a lute hour tor.ight
that the chairman of ths engineers' and
firemen's grievance committees upon
railroad lines intersecting, parallel to or
connected with the Chicago. Burlington
& Qu'ncy system, will meet in this city
tomorrow or next day. This meeting is
preparatary to a general strike upon all
these lines. This includes the Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Chicago &
Alton, the Northwestern, Wisconsin CVn
tnd, Rock Island aud Minnesota -X: N 01 lii
western. tiif. situation in;nr.
The strike here seems unchanged, as to
firmness of the nun on stiike and the "li"
authorities. The yard., however, are as
suming a slight shade of life. Throe
freights left the city this morning, two
for the west and one for Omaha, while
, liT and
three switch engines, Nos. 2:5,
are buy in the yards. Three
trains arrived and continued
this morning; the K. C. at 10:.50, No 1,
came in from the west at 12,m. ami No.,
the Schuyler train arrived at about the
same time. No. o, from tin: cut, d:
here at !):." a. m was expected in about
3 o'clock this afternoon.
passeng' r
their wv
Th Pinkerton fie.i-
The m m belonging to the Pinkerton
force who has been on trial today for
assault and battery, has been published
in the Om ilia Jlev and copi.fd by the
PI ittsir.outh Journal as -'Michael F.
Donnelly, a hack-driver from Lincoln."
aud that the rest of the foreo hero are
"riffraff picked up from Omalri and Lin
coln." Wc do not seek the friendship of
tiuse men, we hate them, but w consider
it a newspaper's duty to ascertain f.uts
and not be guided by hearsay.
The name of the nun i "Mi- ha -1 T.
Daniiehy." He was born and raised i ti
Chicago, III., and has been in the s.-rvice
of the Pinkerton Agency for the past t 11
years. He has in his piscssion key
check, No. 1052, belonging to the Na
tional Safety Deposit Co. of Chicago,
who have his address in that city and
know his history. We can give his ad
dress if necessary. Tiie reason he did
not give his name at first to Judg Math
ews, was prompted by humanity. ILs
wife, now living in Chicago, lately gave
b'rth to a child, which died a few clays
ago, leaving her iu a condition, well un
derstood by mothers and medical men,
that any sudden shock might cau-e her
death. The husband knowing her deli
cate condition of mind and body, and
that, in all probability, his arrest would
ba sent oyer the wires, published in Chica
go papers, and be seen by his wife, re
fused to give his name. Mr, Danuehy
has been on the Pinkerton force for the
past ten years and has charge of the resl
of the men here who are stopping at the
Perkins house
None of these twenty-three men are
from Omaha or Lincoln. They are old
employees of the agency and have been
on duty in St. Louis, Chicago. New York
and lately in Michigan, before com:ng
hero. Their names ait: p. F. "iiiDCiian,
Win. Gordon, Fred Avery, Vnos. K 11
sella, I. M. Richardson, Oscar Hainrg.
Wra. Elliott, John Walker, John Houli
han, J. Webster. Jas. Owens. Dan Graves.
J. Laucr, W. II. Burt. F. Sherman. T.
Lund, C. Turk, Geo. Ray, W. Rowe, S.
Courtright and Ed Lynch.
Janauschck Telseram.
The opera house mr.nngc? of this city
received ;he fallowing telegram yester
day in reply to one he sent inquiring, if
Mme, Jauausehek was certain to visit
Omaha. N::i;.
J. P. Yonnj,3I;r. Opr. II.
"Yes! Why do vou ask?"
FiiANk V.
Mr. Young asked because
that the strike nayt ca might
y.ith their arrival in this lity.
"oTiiit I'Oi-tiv th Tal'or.
It; is it m t -1 ihnt fTi- day, I in
Canglit in hi - -:iv;d drr. - ing n'i,n ;i
f.ii! r wlio 1 T. :;i:d mM 1i v.- :!! v I
I-avo till !:. liud U-"M p:ii-l his I ill. C!:.l
D'Or.-.iy li-.l.ncd 1 L-iu-.!;t fnHy for .1 ti: .
living iiis e. iij.'.-ii :i j-.u-k:;;i- t!i:;? .lit
ira'c tailor had ilcjio-ite'l ii;';ji a I;::':-.
This p.iekngc was nvelo'M.d in ;i cu.:;.'
fort if ean'as.
Have yo:i much of that stuff ia y.-ur
hlio).'"' f;:iid ('unlit D"Or-:iy.
'Wh::t l.ind that uly ranva . ': li'I
wanted H 1 could to-morrow liav. i-tion ,h
to wrap up all the iiiiTchuimiM- 111 too
Iiondoii dok. "
"London docks!" said tlio oiu:t:
'don't talk ln,n;ri!so. ('i)!i;t' l:e- to
morrow ;st -1 o'-li-k and take my iik :-.-
uro for a pair of trousers cut from t!;i:
In vain the (:iilor endcavon-d to ii -suad
th eoiii t , )-t:iling that tho ithiv;:;
was not suitable fur a garment, and in a
short time Count D'Oi-.-ay was .suppli.-d
willi the cai)a.-i trou..-iH.
At 5 o'c!v; k 0:10 ariernoon ho -lii5i' i-.-.l
the vast staire.-i.o of Crock ford's, i'kii
one of the fashionable clubs of Lunuwii,
ami tli. first person whom li i-e ;
Ijord (Miostt ; . !.
"Upon my word," said th? noble lord,
'you have a singular garment there
something rare, without doubt. Always
the same origin-il and charming
The count 1 l!i , couijilinn nl
with w!ii' ceiii'n'.io.i.
"It i-A pc rhaos not e::ncily ele n.t." ;r
said, '-but it i-' very 'i-n-iy ::i:d lre h.
especially i niled (. on lior.-e! .:!(!;."
Iu a few i!:i.!-u::; n ;;:'o:ip f d: .1: !i s
bad t)iivroum'.-i the e!e r Vcnrl n); :i,
lird'iild i 1 lb': main parlor v.vs
e.vjiaiiating 0:1 iiie oiigiiK'.iily f
D"Ors:iy"s ta-.:'. e. :i A -v.- day.-, :;i"t r-
ward the t.iiii.r fuund l.iiii:-; it' ovcrruii
with order.-- for l li'. ; . n vas l rot t.sers. Loil
'hesteriielu hUw cli' ordered a :o:v. 11
'"tir.s. Count 1 )':;. ty b . 1 jivco::! li-he.l
In'.; purjo: e. and 1 i :o ! !i : ' 10 .l l;:l!or
:a:ne r.o inoro with bis lr.i!.ie.-xiie biil.
Edward King i:i Co .nioi.-iiitan.
A i'ic-'.aio :f tn-j iin.:::n.:.
I:i his !v'-!.'ir on i; i::i:nl;-'!-: :- '' Dr. I; '::;
e-.ive a pletar of lln im-i';-"-'-'- t I -.v
l.'iv 1 1 1 v. h;.h hrt ivr.v m . . '.. O.i
board a. i.'oani -e i.t t!w All: a !i.: t.t btr
v.-lmrf in Iialliin v.i n l.".r;,. !--:-:,'.;-i -r tlv..3
a!:!!' i-i raUi-vl t'fi';-1' .-.. 1. T:r
an 1 1 1 ' nl ' '; e.i'j';eilt
her i 1 ; :-:o
with ';! e.s ii j'-i I aoeorn;..i!::;:".it. C!;.ia
cml in .;;'.::-on tbi t'oe!; r.'jnL c.t-'.i k-l'. le,
tlio only k-.iu'o passes. ion of rr.v!j rj'-'.-'J
Win v.. :c I by the Ursfc mvn, v. '.:-j oT .1
f liers of X'rlc and jiassed (3:o l::i.'?. t Ins
rxiIib'r. Makin;; r. cli;) "f tho mor.S 1 y tl;j r.f Lij al::i anil b; i!: II .;-: . -.;- i:.-;;t
hivit w.1.5 to seou'-o a. poti'.o r.r,d .l:.e.i it en
th'?1:u::: cad !' hi h.i:vl. Tiit-n v. t!:o! i bo po'.;iv.i ii: r. .' i t .r j-.tat r.:id
lot it ir: .!.! down n tlie meat. l;y r.-voi-s.:n.-j
Lis h:-:;-. arid cv.i;:;:.': fro.n '.1 1 .: 1 1: ii
teruately ho v,-.-j ab!j to out i ier.t, pot:,:--
fcisd K'-u; cil ia onj j roec.i-. Tlu : l-j'.-.t, of a
chip load of jrf.-l- in:'.': vo l iu t-n-? fH."u-a-tlo'J
must havo iO'.n iasiiiriii. .do LI:;-,
In-culiax I'.yc f fv T:.r2:in:a.i.
This men f- v. ivr.y, who wantj to bo a tr.-:ia
rcblirr, r r..i isn't, L.v; most iemc;-i:rdle cyt .
31 is a i'om'I ::':ot. ii :.i:--ii a tLi::g o::i-1 ;i.:.l
yon won!, 1 think sov,i;'.;i y..-a t;:-. t 1 .i !: ...
him. Iiis 1. vos. v. bieii r.iv very dirk i
piui line;, n.Tcct t no usi:l.'..:.a.!tiy, mrinily 1 1
va:i:73 l;j l:i: in iho 1; is, ami iimncuiut'-iy
:.rou:i 1 tho 1 -JiiL. p. i'.?;li. gray rlnrv ikat yoa
will nit Und i. l!.tfi!i-:ary Inii:::-." .yo. i.i
fact I i;cvor sm..' but chivy v. ill; 11.: t r:n;j
and thry wci ail el :i-1 slio'.s wi.'.i j liik or
i"evi..-!ver. 1 havo hear.! and L-.-u."- - Hint Vol.!
Lind 1 i" i.n nl..i:y:; i'e;n: I in .o. -.i
lnavke-mon: bn.t It c:e5 i.c-i folio v. b u;-.r
n:?:it.s that a 1111:1 v. l:i:-j;:t it i .a't ; I s!;.,i.
Yon bear a H'e..t de:-.i iibent i.... n U-i .; u:..
biuoxtcvons in 1 ho v. of thj 1
l;:ivo met i::ini,'i t.-v..iid s'".et Mill wi;'-Ctih-:c
li'ua!, l-.:t il.e;:c l! ;..r.j.i j'"n hen. ah-.;:'.
sue!i men as lUsiido unci cLn;-; l.-:::ig able
ilro eacccssfuil-j
:i two mnrl::;-
10 t..
extrcnio ri'jht and t ho other t j tlio e::1iva.
left aro in inyt i inion fairy talus. D -Ui
iv fc iu GIo'jo-Democrat.
i-rntrel laj; Tl.eiii s fi-m.i I iro.
As n procae.iion aiii
re, s;-n 1 one of the Lr:: . ,. i ; t ::::! i
was coated two years j;,o with a oii!i -si!ion
largely con.i iing of ahn i ;,; "1
a:,best')5. li'-eent e;:'i i:oi-;;-s vi;!i ! .
scenery fo prepared, vie; n;. -2 :-;:;:! 1 ; : r
cures ein thus be rc.i.'-.'i- ' .-v
Combustible. It is si; i th:.- : i::., i
appli.-atam d"ic;j n - t iii'.erf. re i:i any '
w;t!j tiio materia le-on !-,i.-h the - -, ...
are painted, ln-r d ; . i it b a e ;-ny prej-i- li
ei;d effect nj.uii u.-j colors cuiloyo.l.
Chicago Tiiiies.
Mais. 1.
Haw i.::y.
he thought
EgS, Esgs, Eggs!
Lots of eggs and no fick, drooping
chickens where Will J. Warrick's Im
proved Poultry Powder is used. Just the
thing to make hens lay and keep them In
good hcnUU. Try or.e pound, it will
only cost you 20 cents, and if yc u are
not satisfied he will refund tin money.
Also Ground Bone and Oyster Shi II. 4fos.
for 21c at Win. J. WAnuicnis.
j6 am tLtw-th.
JJrsratli fi-em Tii Ju'i'i'iiS'iiis I'ri'. ioTi.s.
At e r:-ent ia -ti'i ; of the I'i--i nl . '
tty it' '.'... i.'.-.i ! .i;:t lt:o ri. .:en y
tabi'-.-e'i.-ins v.. . ;::-!. 1 1 ' V ia-.;ii' e. tn-e-: i
co'ita: 1 a. iv 1 :: .- - ai-.-l tii;;t tl.o ij--rn :i
p'.Vi'.in i:. jaa; . i. ; nl in t-he tiuAc.";:-.-:. : i
hiieo. .:. di . . At t:.;- s.:.n tiai--, oi ;
Ivy : :. r i: h ;s i eon -?sov. n tin'
r i.- -eii-vj from th- I... ;s!:!ty liu5:n:; I 1 :
ci-::tiisj iio;;iei; 1 natters 1l.1t uro et-rialniy
pol .onous ii !ij en-Louie acid ) ing inciuv,
of oour 1, anl I!- L are rnvi n tin by the Ian :
iis'-ii'. Thy t-riut l-hysl jhigist lialk-r L-.i
already cravr. c I !-. id: 1 iliat s-.ioli mnir-?;-;
iln ercit. i'u.ii Col. cicm.'e e'--.i.
?7t -. ?-S;ro I.ia':"" t ( " . u: ;i.ioii.
Dr. ::iy:: ha- t ::ie;; for man
''ik;. i'i-i:i 1. Ilk--, and nho i.r otli-r
vount: a.. n..-l ili-'ls th..!, ; j i-rra'; the,- e,
tl-.-y '-tahlM: tin fa: t 1 .-;.-.-::?! a d !;' t i;;-;r.
in civil::: ! life the l.iule s.-:-: i-: hah: ? t-3
j-.UxUii v. a ., c n..iie ';..tit.u iSiUi the female.
i'or.ii'ai- 't ir';. 1 I-.'j-vs.
rI'li(5 Ljyiiglt Store.
la-t nilii-iii!- inventory, v. iidine
p:i ; 'o : tin. goods father l!i:,n to
e.niy ever. We are willing to sell our
i nti; . iii'ier Coods at cost. Maple s we
b IV. a hit':;- q-I.mtity and oiler tliolu
ei low. C.d i. c.s it to cc nts pi r ai d,
making the bet stanclaid of 1 1 1 111 at to
y.ods An- :;:!.')'. ( i invbain bet dr.--,
.-:i.'s kleenis per yaid. ' liss eioils
ai! hiini . at til - c !y lowest prices, lie ai
"i eel ,t , piryald U;i,lll il. Woolen 1.
V. j oo'e,- at c ..-I, ( -.tin far-. 1. ode e.i.-!i-lii
-l i- b .. Worth C-i-''''. IIO'iV ?" ial .
till - If .ivy V. o.d -III cent--. lio. ,.",; eiiio-I'-'il':-.
i'n.o I'i l.b.-d WuitlloO, I'o,'. Ml. I he
ib r wear inii-t t'.'1 at I m' pi i' - . a- W e
,'i!l le t k; 1 (, !i;-m o . r.
ur ( ! n! 3 :'.i! a r Ike,' fi'ii.o .'-kiit,
and iliawi r.-, loiiner aic-s .'(o n-.w .. ,.
').- 1 1 .... r 1 .-,.'!:i : ,
1 , . a .i a 1 11 a 1 1 y now .',".
)ie- Sen lot all wool shuts and i'.;t,-
O! s til" quality fS ! .(Ill Im w 1 O it-.
ur : nil I-1 ail woo! shir!.- iiel i!: ..'.v
I . s. '!,. (jo ,!it Sl.t-'o in v,'
0;ii:eai! t a!! v, ov I siiii t- ind draw
1: . i'h.- quality l.hi n-w 1.'. a.
' r .-' l.-i a!! wi.i - 'lilts and till.,
era. iine qil.di; y :) 2.'i;i ,n ' 1 ..'0.
E' d'Akl.V A . i ( HEAI.
( l i i- 'J j j .1' - -a 1 . 1 1 i oi p n ; 1 ' 1 ,n ! 1 1 :i I -. i .
.'th! gooib Wc M" c. t: : lain 1! In iv
out ocr ntire sl-el: and m er b f h
b:i - mi : Ii an e; el t m "ity li.-i ;i 1 .-. .i .
( eoin.n.iea! buy: 1: h. p-j!cl..i.o tii ! I
qualities for so little men -y.
- r i tj
"j i'-Cii till ' 1 : .
ZSJ : J -t,
I I,
i -. 1
1 i
f i
i -
c : :
.' A"", -i .' f . .c- r- . '
; h -i -1
i. it n
-. 1
1'. . 1
I 1 !
Afi per J)i't: io'.is iil I.oiii'i - fic-1,1. We i:n
ltillv (let' riiiim cl to !i ionc lo; iiii.-s jn
I'lfitt.-I'Kit'.tli :tiiil .-ci nth'c; 1 :,( nivlin'lv nial
IIO'.V. ti-s S.lti-facfiifV n.'Tn'.loeilifiii.- l.T.'c 1;. II
perlV-etet! for the ecu,! in-:n:..-e ci ;n:,.e tnaiei- !he
ni:ui;tk'.i:it nl d Mr. A. V-A:: v.vA V-. l' Kti-i-lit
l t.s 1 iiuk-la ci,i;i' :tnil cashier, we InTc-willi
liolify our i"i Iei i I uiid :!! :: of utir '!e
cinioti nnd kiniliy .dliei'". n c-u ! iunnnec of vu::r
lei ml ii.tino'.'. Ireclv . vleia'. d c'hiiiiio' ', In
pust si v ti!:i enrs, ly tin- : -1 - -1 1 i - t 1 ej' -.ii j
tent ele."ie:i! lot (;(...
( Ml ne.-c, .:( of Mi'. S -.ii !' ;;V i I ' t in-
c:ity Mti'l liy the ii;t!.;i oi' ll:e !i:ic ri.-,
CutirlC'-tis Ireatiio ot. ntnlnti !er:iii t
ci fV ;'- '
v j 1" ' '
s J Li
': ti '.
A 1 C-
r 1.. i . t
l ,
B ed-Fvoek r i e e s ,
We trust to v.u vi vottr "-uoil will iwA t ttron-
0 0 B5 s'
h ? i r-A All A I
r J i w ti a I J . t .J t i Li k,a 2 -v. S I S
3 !
It would b:. a .rood thing if every ut-v.-s.
, iwiier would vrii.t a ::! titla at the ton of
(he e.hnin o'- i-v, ;v
toU-rt Leu-is St-vo:.M-n Fays that tbrj ioct j C)Tc 1')
ii in fv-i'v r-"- A : lin. Wry r.1n.i. ! - Jl
4 "Ah, there: trt.iy there:''
Germany has now more than seventv manu
faitonh s ef "champagne fran.eais " Of i'jis -C'J
bottks iniw it-Hl amiur-Uy by Itus-ia.
tterroany nnnunllr rrovides :XX) (XX)
Will be open Jun-i.-trj kMtii, Jit the
All work warranted lir-t-cltuLk
W. jBJ. OCJhX!I,H33
; r