The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 29, 1888, Image 1

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la 1
.1 it Si mi-son
CM .sm nil
J II Wai I', km an
A Maixm.k
.1 S Ma iiikwh
i .1 V Vi." Ki; cii
I A W W 1 1 I I K
t l .M .! KS
I V.-i i:
.. ) M il , ML. II . IV
"lu s V lii; t i"S
... ., K LIU. I SKI.
I' Ml O lU.KN, 1'JiKS
(.1 W.loil.NS .. llAllt.MAN
Board Tub. Work--' - c.i- i Cui-.iu.u
I'ulic .In
Mam hall,
Couuciliix-ii, l' w.iril,
in. I "
I l II llAWKs Wold il
Both Sides of the Great Strike on the "Q"
Lyatem Given in Detail.
Tho Demand of tro Engineers and
tho Letter of Refusal.
GOLTjV'l'Y' OKKKil-aiS.
jMimiy I re nmer, -
Iniiy CI' i!.
Kn-nrili-r r,f llet-ils
Jt:tltv Kt:e I t
t;lerli "( IJi-tiic; t ' li t,
Suit. of l'!i!. -'rli'inl
County J u lize.
I: )AI!I Ol' .MCClllVISoiS.S.
A. It. Tii. - riattsniMitli
l.OI'ls F..I.T.. Ii'iii., V.e:-,me VVHlri
A. It. Dl Kmon, - - " ialllWllOll
i A . ( ' .M IMU'.I.I.
i i: . l oi.i. i.
I l l; i I 1. i i n I 1 1- i.n
I.s a Ui: irriiH i.i.i.
V. II. Tool.
Let N M l.l-.i n.
W . :nn v A I.TKIt
.1. i; Ki w KNUAiil
.. M ii'ii. i'
Al.l.K'f I:i:es '.
.M N l Si-I Mi
;i"H S(XVi I?!' KS.
(iass i.:'.. U'l. i . . f. .mis
A'vcry l';:i--il.iy i-i.iii-: of I'l-cli v. !:. All
trarfimit lucllum me ia - i.i ell uiiy inMU il lo
riiuio i.o'ti;!-: N;. xi.
r-,f rv il' "i n-
il l' V. '. .2t-Hs
ii I ': V i vi-1: il: Z :it K . of I.
hull. I' ni lirii fis art' i --l i n ; : y ! n -Vilcil
i i. !''.' i'i.!.is!i-: W.n liiiiaii ;
li. S. I". ir.-low. i .i--i..:!i ; I' i a i. I.ihai). v.-i-r
; I r.,v--!, ; ii :tl ; 1 1 "'!- "l I 't.
Jfritrili-r ; il. .1. .i !i:hui. I it -aiiv k-r ; Vali.
Hniilli. Ki.fiv. r ; M. M;li ; II. fist M. W. ;
Jack )uiik1: Hi . Ii..::c i
ilASS 'ir Nil. M(li".KN v.'liltinil'N
f VliH'i ii i -Ait-rts m ci'tiii am! I'.tili i il Moll
1 ay Vi-itiii'4 K. ot I'. Il:.!l All I : ;t ii : fll t
brother riv r-.-iiUv.stiil l' i;i' - wi:'a u. L. A.
NeWi'iMior. V !.! .Itl.- .ii - i! ; ;. Nilfs,
Woltliv VilvNi-r ; i 1!. Smith, !ix Il inUer ; W .
C. Wiliftts Ck'i l;.
iLVTTSM'Jl-Ml l.llli:;K N'). s. A.O. V. W.
M.'i'M cvi'v :s!t.-i-.i.ili- l-'ii.lay -s :iiii;r at
Itoi-k-.voo'l hail :il s n'i-1 mv. Ai! 1 1 luU-nt lnotii
is an- rip"'-! in'! ." i I o aitca.l. I.. S.
I.-irsosi, M. SV. ; 1". l:.t..i. ! oi. ii:;ii. : S. '.
Wil.ii'. K-Jd'ti'ii'T ; l.cimaiil -Vini"! vu'rs"?r.
J. W. .ToiixsoN CoMii iiHler.
O. S. Twiss, sMii-ir ice
1 A. r. r..s luai'.r - ;
C.F.n. Xii.ks Ailj'itant.
A IT!17! I' I'Aitrs 11 .. ... M.
M.v i.o.n' in: in' i'liii -. i uf tli" !;ty.
IMiai:i.i:s !':;!' "' ' t:;iril
ItKN.i. II km St-:.'t lajor.
J Ainu: t;iii- I-, max.. ..ij.iwi'" MasVr Scrt.
Al.l'liA Wi:n;."T I'V'l tliai'Uiu
i.'eeti'.i-.; --atunlay ev'uias
rirsonal .atiention to a'.l X5usiiie-:s Entrust
1 o my tare.
Titles Kamintl. Altstairt Vi:n;iiIeiI, In
' sur .Mice Written, f KMute Sold.
fitter Facilities for making Faun Leans tlian
Any Other Ageucj
ushiu! vk
gj- e i-t r: n j.
Ileprcseiit the i'ollowlr. limc
trietl iire-tcstc'l ci)inpnie-:
Ataaricv.1 '-.':i:r.,!-S - I-::'. A-fts !.-2-.l00
Comm.-rcia! U-ii :-:i:!:im .i. 2 .v.ic.-'U
Fire Asioc'.i'iou-!' il s-U'tii'aia, ' -J.IIj.'TC
Fraukliu-riilia:;..-!; 1:1 a, " ;;.!17,liG
Home-X"w Vork. " T.iv.--o
Ii.s. C or A'!i' lie l. Vliil. " .17!.3C2
i,ivtrp.xlvil.'ta i-';i 'v 'lioiio Ilar " c.!'.::i.Tsl
Kurtlt Bnti-ili x- M i:til-i:a . " ::.:.T.7o
fonvii-Ii l"ni ):;-K:i.';. i:i.l. " l.Jt'i.-liX;
Kprin-lieli F. M.-Sf :ini;;::M, " ;; i:41.0!5
Total A- ;'ts. sl2.11"',77J
Lw AiljR til na Py attulsAiiry
B if a .
2 O.
Library Lamps
niiaao Desisms an Patterns
-Cheap Prices
is a fullowe:
UiiVisfcd ached ulo of wages jjuveruiug
tlic ixiv of en'iiieti and firetueu on the
(;hka Iiurliii":ton and Quiuey railroad
mid operated lines, presented to the gen- iiunu''uii on rvbiuarj a, loiso, bj
coiiiniittee f nineer bnd lireinen:
iS engineer or lireman shall be sus
pended or discharged without juat and
suflkient cause, and in case- an engineer
or fireman believes hia suspension or dis
charge to have been unjust he shall make
out a written statement of the facts iu the
iiictniHcs and submit it to his master me-
( h'lii'u, and at the same time designate
any other engineer or liremnn (as tho ac
cused may wish) who maybe in the em
ploy of the company; and the muster me
chanic, toiftthcr with the cnriner or
lireman lat referred to, shall, in conjunc
tion with the superintendent, investigate
the caso in question without unnecessary
delay and render a prompt decision, and
iu case the aforesaid suspension or dis
charge is decided so be unjust, he (the ac
cused) shall be reinstated at once, and
shall be paid for all time lost on such ac
count Engineers and firemen shall be called
at a reasonable time before leaving time.
Tile caller must have a book in which
engineers and lireinen must register their
names and time when called. Engineers'
and fin men's time shall commence when
they take charge of the engine, or, if the
engine is not ready, fie time they report
at the olliee for duty, and shall end at
the time designated on roundhouse regis
ter instead of conductor's register or train
sheet. When engineers or firemen are or
dered out and not used on account of train
being abandoned, or other causes, the en
gineer and lireman called on duty shall
tec-' ive pay for one-half (i) day or five(',5)
hours or less, and stand first out.
running four-wheel connected engines
shall receive three and one-half (3 J)cents
per mile; six-wheel connected engrnes
three and eight-tenths (3 8-10) cents per
mile. All passenger ii rentes firing four
wheel connected engines two and one
tenth (2 1-10) cents per mile; six-wheel
connected engines two and one-fourth(2J)
cents per mile. One hundred miles or
less to cons itute a day's work Over one
hundred miles at the same rate per m le.
All freight engineers running four-wheel
couuected engines four cents per mile;
six-wheel connected engines four and
three tenths cents per mile. All freight
firemen firing four-wheel connected en
gines two and four-tenths cents per mile;
six-wheel connected engines two and six
tenths cents per mile. One hundred miles
or less to constitute a day's work. Over
one hundred miles at the same rate per
Engineers runningcorsolidatcd (eight
wheel conuected) engines, four and one
half (4) centa per mile. Firemen iire
tng co solidated engines two and four
teuth (2 4-10) cents per mile. Two iiire
men on each consolidated engine. One
hundred miles or less to constitute a day's
work. Over one hundred miles at the
some rate per mile. On freight runs
which occupy more than ten hours to the
one hundred miles, overtime shall be
p-iid at the rate of forty (40) cents per
hour for engineers, and twenty-four (24)
cents per hour for firemen. Local freight
runs on middle Iowa division will be al
lowed one trip and one-half (li) each
v;:v; overtime to be allowed after being
en the road fifteen (15) hours.
iu computing delayed time the first
hour shall not be counted; but if delayed
one hour and thirty minutes shall be
counted as two hours, and any fraction
of thiity (30) minutes or over, thereafter,
shall be considered one hour. Engineers
on freight to be paid forty (40) cents per
hour; firemen on fivight,tweuty-four (24)
cents pur hour; engineers on passenger,
thirty-five v.o5) cents per hur, and lira
men on passenger twenty-one (21) cents
per hour. This article refers o.dy to de
lays before starting and after arriving at
terminals. Engineers and firemen called
to go to transfers or junction points be-
I fore card time, delayed tine 6hail com
j meuee from tims of leaving round house,
i On passenger ruus that elo not exceed
'?.7 per day, engineers shall receive
and lirrmeu 2.2.1. Overtime shall
1 be allowed in s:tme proportion whsn on
j duty over twelve hours when making
. such runs. In case actual mileage cx
! ceeds $:J. 73, actual mileage shall be s.1
; lowed at the late of three and one-half
cents for engineers and two and one
', tenth ('z 1-10 cents for firemen per mile.
J Short freight rutii of less than eight
I when doubled within twelve heurs.
i mileage allowed according to section 2,
; article 3, and if not doubled within
i twelve Lours to be allowed one day eah
j way. Ail engineers or firemen of work
trains or helpers to Ls paid 3.50 per dsj
i for engineers and ?2.10 for firemen,
i twelve hours or lesa, una hundred miles
or less to 1 e called a day's work. If the
run should exeeed one hundred miles
full freight rate as per class of engine for
the entire run.
(when on duty) shall be paid at the ratr
uf $l per day for engineers and S3.G0 for
firemen, ten hours or less to constitute a
il.-.ys work; all over ten hours to be paid
at tho rate of 60 cents per hour for en
! irineer and 35 cents per hour for firemen,
i When enghvs in snow-plow service are
j held iu round bouse subject to call fr
service, the engineer of said engine shall
be paid $4 and firemen 2.40 per day of
twcnty-lftur hours or le.s. Engineers and
firemen on weed-destroying engines shall
be paid at the tame rate as in snow-plow
service. Engineeis and lireun.ii n sub
urban trains between Chicago and Dow
ner's Orove will iec-c-'ve: the igincr
$1.75 and the liireman $1.05 for each
round trip.
Switch engineers to receive $3 and
fireman $1.80 per day of twelve hours or
less. All over twelve hours to btt paid:
Engineers thirty (SO) cents per hour, and
firemen eighteen (18) cents per lio'ir, ex
cept in Chicago and Kansas, City Var 's,
where ten hours or less will constitute a
day at $3 ptr day for mgineer and
$1.80 per elay for firemen, and 30 cents
for engineers ttnd 18 cents lor firemen
per hour all over ten hours. Any frac
tion f thirty minutes or over shall be
counted one hour. They sluill have reg
ular engines and shall not be taken oil'
f give extra men work. Wl'cre engin
eers and firemen are compelled to double
hills they shall receive one (1) hour's pay
per double, at 40 cents for engineers and
24 cents for firemen per double.
Hostlers shall be paid at the rale of
$2.40 per elay, twelve hours or l;s to
constitute a day's work; all o er twelve
hours to be paid at the rate of 24 cmlsper
hour. They shall not bj required to
knock iires. Hostlers to be piovidtil at
all terminal points. In all tas-.s where
engineers and firemen have to watch their
engines thsy shall be paid fit the full
rate per hour. Engineers a;ui firemen
taking light engines over tho road or
deadheading over the road on company
business will be paid passenger rates,
and where light engines are taken over
the road a fireman t be furnished. In
case engineers and firemen by olf to at
tend court on company business, cngin
eeis to receive $4 per day and exp. n
s.a and firemen $2.40 per day and ex
penses. Th'at no engineer or lireman be
required to pull any train without a
conductor or a man to take charge of
said train. Engineers and tire-men will
run first in, first out, as far na practica
ble, on their repectiye divisions, and
whtre engines are pooled not to be gov
erned by train department.
when ability is equal will be governed
by seniority. Engineers and firemen
having regular ruus up to the agreement
of 1886 will not be affected by this ai ti
de. No more extra engineers or fii eii.t-n
will be assigned than is necesarr t " move
the traffic with promptness an I dis
patch, and should any engineer or lire
man feel himself agrieved by the assign
ment of too many engineers or firemen
he can proceed as iu first paragraph, but
will receiye no pay for loss of time.
Galesburg engineeis and fireni';n will not
bo required to run east of Aurora. !;
road engineer or fireman will bo expected
to do regular yard work at terminal sla
tions. In the event of their being calleu
upon to do said work they will receive.
the engineer 40 cents per hour and fire
man 24 cents per hour. ro fines shall
be assessed against engineeis or firemen.
That engineers and firemen find their
families be given transportation wlirn
applied for, and onto arrangement be
made to pass brotherhood mtu over the
road. That where time is not allowed
the mastr mechanic shall caus the hi;'
report to be returned to the engineer er
fireman sending it in, stating why tune
is not allowed as soon :is practicable.
All officers, engineers, and firemen will
observe strict courtesy of manners in
their intercourse with each otlur.
All road engines will be provided
with cracked coal suitable for firm . and
the company shall do all outside clean
ing, and where engines re pooled tli
company to do all cleaning. Engincrs
and firemen shall not be required to g
out whether they need rest or not. It is
understood there will not be any more
examinations or test., except such as are
agreed upon by the general manager and
the general grievance committee. That
on the adoption of this schedule it shall
bo kept posted in a conspicuous place in
all register-reoms on the line of the road.
All previous schedules and contracts
shall be considered void.
S. E. Hodge, Chairman Engineers.
J. H. JIukpiiv, Chairmau Firemen.
of the company, in reply to the demand,
bearing date of Feb. 22, ibS'j, u given
Committee cf your number presented
to us on Feb. 15, 1833, for our consider
ation, a schedule providing for a n:'v
basis and rati of pay for engmetuen.
The important changes which your com
mittee suggests are as follows:
1. Pay to be governed solely by the
miles run without regard to other condi
tions or circumstances.
2. A large average increase in ex-sting
rates of pay.
3. The aboliti n of any classification
based upon length of service, ge or ex
perience. You are requested to carefully consid
er the following objections to tlitse sug
g. st ions:
1. That our prescut basis is in force
upon many important railre.ids in this
country and is preferred because it is the
best one to fairly provide for difiereiu-rs
jn the amount of labor, time, and respon
sibility required of euginemen upon dif
ferent runs and divisions. A branch
passenger engine hauling two or three
cars vliere there are two trains each way
daily is more easily handled than an im
portant main line passenger cngir.s where
there are twenty or more trains each way.
A branch freight engius hauling right or
ten car, with easy and regular hour?, and
by daylight deinnnds less 1 ilor from en
ginen4cn. than an engine rn a niain line
with a heavy freight train, although thi
' mileage may be the s ;i:i The t.) f...-.
; in view ot all tli3 varying c. .million.-, .
( overs value ixc; i cd. An aibitr.iiy mi- j
' leege basis disregards Ihe value in l.. '
' bciviee lendo-l ed and in tin; lui,- inn. v. e
! fear. Would be u::sa;.-i l.'.cto! V t o t:i I l !i
and to t lie company. For e.v.iiii : : !
J the Cab sl.'Urg division n' tin.- Im.. ... , !
15ill hugtoii anil Ohi!iey railroad :.n ii.,,i- ;'
lircr on a light pasvug'T run of two '
bet wevn Eudu and Vciii!oii, tin:' t luc!
pi'tki-nt schedule, carnsin twi my x ',. v j
$123.50 and tli-: li.-i.u n $7-1.11': ti:. '.i i ;
tin schedule which y. ill pr -ou.1? t': -' .!
giueer would rec i v :,' 173.'i"j ;a;,i t'.v. ;i: - ;
'men N102.IJ1. I
Upon I he lii'sl ('.j of tli- '.- v- ,
eime brant: Ii ol t..- I.Ui iiiigtoii a:.. .'..
souri Kir- r railroad a pus, ii' i train i
I hr'-e cat s i t quiring si x ht.urs and -si
miutitex daily, i:. p;.jing imiir the till
ing schedule to engineus r ! ! I per i.-n i-'ii.
Upon y our ii lieii n 1'- it would pay '-,1 -'.)
per month. a the Kausai C.'.y, St. t
una Council ill li 1 railroad, on tin lun j
from Vilisca to i'l. .b.;.!i and l' tuin.
under the present st li- iluir- the envj-.r. r
earn-; lor a una. tli of t w nty six ii:-
$143, and the lin l.e v f-7 .-.Mi.
L'i-v :. : . . .
which you j ropos-j th tnginrer would '
ixeive J !'.!. 2'J and the l':;a iik n s-1 H. o.
Tliis is a three-car run. the en :'iie -r and
fireman r -turning home ewiy nit !ii: it is
i-ii h daylight run. a toe Chicago
:ttl l-.wa rai a iigh' pa.-M-ng-r r n
b.-t ween Itockfoitl Mid .u:ra. '.-.lii'li
o clipi. s four hours and fifty miiii.t'S i.i
making t'.if rouii ! ti i;. v hi. ii 1 : v. s tee
eiii-iiici-r e.t iioiii ' v : i.i ;!it and i ". . ; y
Sun l.v. and givis him t!c gif ..t"i- pa-t
of each day to hmiii lf. pay- t!i i !i; iiic r
.-.t ii t si nt $l!'! ..r ihiaith. Und r !'"
schedule v.hicil you pr pose thi-o m;:i
would i -ay $13 l.'i-J p r m-.::! !i, v, !.; !i i.-.
out of all propor! ion. Till' above aci
pl-s illiu-tndj tli it v..i;n light, it::' ; are
paid hi'.di in piogo! : i. n to tic
htary runs. v. lu re most of tin m -n .arc
etnployrd. Olhrr similar i r: s t ail 1"
,iven to show thnl Tour sch-d ui - v.ouid
create high-; .aid and tiii ii disre
gards what is itr-iin-.l .j (o the io:ii;'i:iv
nnd fair to th" me:!.
2. Owing !o ill ei.-!ii.g .-la! aiol in
terstate laws, poo,- ci and i nioiy
low rates, as v." il a-; a great int.iiipiic.i
tioii of ik-,y line-. t::c W'-M-.tii n a s :.
passing throng!; a cr'iuai pvi ioti. It
at pre-sent imp;-a. tie tbl.- to maii.tain!
that cover the .-1 of i i -in-; i.i! ion.
R ulroa.l (): i n. I i.-a ! i.- a m -: f inite
ly Cea-'ed. Tic r.i! i.i.lis ;.-:. Oil: :
lactoiief. iii.d tiie'r if;-:eis-i h i-;i'g :
the demand for labor !--'; . i:ig !
wag'-" are lik'-lv to d crc.t-a'. Ai a '. i:u
when wag s a:-" f iling d -)v.-iiv i d n-gin..-men
cannot cxgact in-u-..- ' ;'. ifib-rs
th?v are underpaid. ir.w i:i c i -:i- n
with other workiiigmf-n. E. b..- is a
stateni' nt ot ti: I''ny-? p- r i .
g'neiiien (:; to t he (Chicago, I't
and 2':mf'V i'-iiha-ad.
in.'.r tlie v.-liole mi ::! 1
i ,
T .!. ' ')
: 1 ' ' t "A
d dm-
ill ll.e
1. 1,. :j ,.:
rolls of XllVi !:
'7.irj. l.. .?l-s - .
j:-. isi..n .--e v. -
ii'c at' 77 el. O "i
ialc-a. . . .'-s i M .".ti
st. Leu; '. . .:;! 1 " .'it
I-: "t lew a . . . ..; ; c a
Mi.ei:.- ..u:i.:-i ii:a . :
We-: I ."-.) l.s 7 i
Upon the ihiriin-'li-'n and Xia-ci: ; j
liiver n!!iri.-ad lor O.U-ia.;-, ,'-. , ao ; i
ami I)ceMii'.'--r -'- ngf cu . ; :;e. . .-. ..- j
WO! ked liuiing lei: v. iioi-j m.-i.ta ayet ;
td $ 125.17 pel ttiotila : : t 1 iihi e. j
ee-rs $13V.Cj p r ni::i:::i. la il.:.- j
month of tip.;:: tli . Lai lo... ;
ton and IvL.-'ettri iliv-.r r.-idr-.-a-l j
pri-er.g-.-r ti.i;i;. . ; - . a;;:, d mme u!;.:.
$im'', ami several i'r :.,!.: ;;;dn:e.s m . j
th;t!l $lt: TilC lib.AV 1; .:! -.;!;. h, j
dieate that the wage- of e-:tgii-ei!.'.-ii arc j
to say tliC L a.-t, i:d.. t -t. : d V. .1.; j in t.the-r branches of the. s.rvie-.:- j
It must b: n;-tic :d;ie to Voil ti, ,t fvv.. ii I
any, Chicago, Uuriingbm nn 1 Ooi. cv J
raiat)ati t-nginemen are now siikii.-r cm-
plovlui nl upon ( ti; . r l liiroa. is wiach ai
pa;.ii:g i.iore-! ne .rly in ac?. ordure wit:- j
yt-iir proposed sell. did. 'J he i of !
ne n wiio have v.oiS:ed for tiie (.';,!;'.". !
Umliimt.m and Oaim y : ad: oad.a:i d :d-o j
for other roads paying tiji-m a md J
b-t -is. sman to p:cf.-r to w-a k for ::. j
Chicago, E'.irlingtcn and 2!ii;---y. S; ;,: j
who have be. n tern; ti d to t r : i;: ix-
peri.nmit of changing their Hag h i v r-.- ;
turned at their own canc t so;ici:;,i ion I
to the Chicago. IHiilingtm'i a:: i vb::n--y ;
r.tilro-id service-. ;
3. Al pi'(-s--:;l we have i ;:e rato t.f pay
or cm
which continu.s uii- v. iii'.
an lo'em n,
t:.e , ( ,-lUi
year ol scl vico a- cigmeei- a;; a i vane i;i
pay is given. On the expi.alii.ii i i ti.
secouct year a fu:tin-r ..dvam e to full en
gineer's pay i i gi ve;1.. The cii-.-.!uk-proposed
by the coi.i'.:. ll'o clues away
with this
full pay for every man m
ll.;.;t;. Uj.ui;
i-.H.ii ms ne
runs an engine. 1 ii- ci:.s.;hcutmn ;.r
raiigtiig for lowir ay Ji.-r ii.g:m;rj i i m
force in every i r.-ncii ot t.ce rvia,
Titcre is no coiuplaiiit am.cit tLi- .-y.-t m
Inmi any ul' tin.1 Cai. i;1. iki: iiim".. n
(2'iii-cy empioves. liiei-j.iing engiu -m. i.
timre seems to be no explanation ear. -co
th-.t th? clussi.icr.tit.-n ot w isle It y u com
plain i-i nut is ap; tied -ie to the cng'n-'-r.ien
as to other employes. To ma s
eii 'lneiis intt one common l-.adv. ; ii.'
to pay all sdike, tahiug no !.e1;.:::;t t.f j
f up'rt"raoai:y or iv.i-. ii:gc-s:ce, sce-n.- to u
e :-iT sT a: i fm--.i:i, j in direct oppo.:lio:t to tlei ppiiit ol j
the tii'.ns we li e in. v. 'aic'.i t n U t-) -s- j
sure eaeli ma?i '.y.intcivr r-.-wards nr : (.r.
to ill
oil th'J levi. 'i ii - rules now i:;
force provide in article 1 for -.i .Al ;.a 1
i n partial im aing in a ;y r-,- s i- i -n-sion
or u'.nnia.- il of a?i engine r Tti
!a-t alter i la; inentoi. v. ' loiiio'
pi'.ii-'.i, I! th' i.itlcl' l!:. iii Iii
t a. : y i -. tr. ','e :ae willing .i m II i.ui'
t nl V i nt .-r i-"ids at t o. I. S'aph ; c
hive a luge q'laulily Mid oliir them
Vt ry low. C.ilictt . 3 to 5 ci-nts p'i'a:l.
nia..oig il.e In -I -'alidaid of them el -.'(
yard- for 01. (iiagii mi b,-t tire-.
-;. !. - I'm , t,;.; i.-.-r end. 1 r.-s-t -i cd t
ell hilld :,1 I he eiy I ...,'( -f pi ii- , In i-i
i . ns p a- ;, at it tipwar.!. Wooh u h .
l.e i i ;'.-r at c.t. t. IXll'.l I'll-.'. l. ldie:, c.,- li-
ni' re 1;. ."i!h $1.0 I. now 7", o i:!.-,
li-!-.- li. -ivy i.e.! ! c-nm, cow .'."; thiol
rcn's line ii'.!,. d wcMit 5n, :;n. p,,
tier wear mil '. gi at l.r' pnc. . a w e
V. i! 1 ilo! keep tie In evi l'.
Our J -it-; Silver Ciey Mtiino .vddi!,
and tlrawir-', foi iner pi ices .,o r .; :::,.
' M:- -i.m J- , v I'l-Ma-., hbm
. , ..xt.. i ij.iiili'y 7- noiv
( ip Seal let ai! wool f-hnts :,nil draw
ers fin'- quality $1.00 now 75 cci.K
( lir seal h i all wool elilrts raid dlaw -CI-
. line iplelil V $l.-.'5 now I. dO.
Oiii'seaihl ail-v.-m 1 shirts ami tlraw
i !'. iim: qualify $1.75 now 1,25.
r earl. ' all-wool shirts and dia'.v
etv. iin-' .pialily $2. Oil i,..w 1 -lo.
- 'id.T::c2cvt't:fi',
ii'd'Ald.V AS eilllAI'.
' . r p- ; c.-at. di-ciml on cli ..!, .. i .
t-'.iil good. We ale di t e: liailetl lo the
on! loir i l.liit: slock :a:d mm I' bef.-ie
111!- .Miell ,-ni oppol I V b.' Il oil", lid Iu
cc.iiemiical loiyer i to pmohiee tie- ! .
qiiii 1 1 1 k s for so Utile mom .
v- t-r-1' t mi .;-
hm -7.
-- ' :.
F -' . m4 It .
UJl: b
ri- ,i i
. - u
As I'd' ,i'uiuii ;i;.i:ia-;,:( ::t. : Jmil
fully (ie'er;;, inml t,, ,:.:,': lamiiiC: s in
Platt-MtiufJi u;.'.! : :.lve-;-'t :-.!i;r-lv : ia!
lluVt'. :ts i.i hia'urv -p-.'i!:
I i- ( ! I
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te- vi 'eel mi i'f.v ): ',,;) Im;- ;:(-,' ,g -: 1 1 1 : - i:iilt.-r fla-liiuna;re-;:i.-al
id Mr. A. I'iaiey :.:nl 11. i'. liufi its I.aei ai-ki e; a-;- a-ai c 'liiai', vi- Iioi'c'.vil ii
notify aiii' i'l ly.-:ii a;ai !.:: t.i' :iv lira.! 1,c-
cision siiiil 1- ii 'S
a ci'li? i !l iiaii'-o of a iii ;
U" iial )-it iv:;:.g;.- en i:'o"!y '. i a.iiiig- t iio
prit rt:. .-a vc;!i. llV i-l - mi-':.' il i-f i- lill-l.-tC!it
clt ; :m;l
( 'il J.ev'oiiiii ! a!;-. S. '-., :i ,;j I' -a' i np- ; iic
C'ltV al.'I v iiia aadidiiil! :' li;c --i;a 'M v
" " , 'r-- ti v v
C tli rtc fa..- tri'i.tiai ):f, a:a! ;-.n jie-gant now
t -
E rffj i? li
"Wo tr'a-1 fi ;i-
a t O w ir
-. 'tit .'g'.JU
I wlil :::ai tiatiii-
VERV n?-::-I'KCTrf'I.LV.
t G -f. - : t 3 ;'i 1 r.. : B 4 ' :' i t ti " u t
p i t -n i t: : J. ; : j. h 3 f V- M 5 L: 3 8 M
1 1 L
iurt 1 1 u MJg s Uf J ! Ivy U ! ! u 1 J
Will ha open Jar.r.itry at tl.e
STllX 1:) OF F. 1 . Gi-ir'l Y Tlf
o Ids own abilities ami si; Hi, :..i I :m! AT , "! -A
il-od'.m . caste's, all nt .aib.'-s of v. a; l a: a i V- J J.
Ai! t'.mrk v;irrantcl
(C'vlittrl'Jtrl Oil Fourth i'c
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1 1