The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 27, 1888, Image 4

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The Evening Herald.
J: H. KING, City Editor.
A. HslUbary, Daallit, Itoeknood BaiMiay,
Telepaoae Ma. 4o.
Dr. HIircfaR, OfBca anil. Henldf are 8hrwooJ
Blork.Talrphoaa Ho 42.
Th Latest Special.
This afternoon at 4 i m. the following
wai receired from the grand master of
the B. of Jj. F., Chicago, by thu Brother-
hood of Locomotive Firemen and Kngi-
aeera of this city:
"All is well here, and stand firm."
F. P. Sakosnt.
Miss Williams won the doll at
Saturday's matinee.
The strike in this city of engineers
and firemen affects nlout 200 men.
We suppress the name of the man that
handled tha throttle of No. 4 this morn
ing on account of the honorable and
maul action of thin afternoon.
The signs of the city swung and
creaked last night like those of a well
author, who says, "we go from Hhe Moth
er's Arms, and stop at the'Dust Shovel." "
The Ladies Ai l Society of the M. K.
church will meet Thursday afternoon at
thrco o'clock at the home of Mrs. House
vrcith, on Main St., between 10th and
The stove at the M. K. Church "took
a tumble" about half an hour baforc ser
vice yesterday morning. Tho fire alarm
waa rang. One bucket of water put it
out. No damage.
"VYrho wrote Hamlet C " liichard
son !" answered a member of the Stuart
Co. to a newspaper man in this state.
The editor published that statement as
an actual fact, so now Bacon cm take a
back seat.
Mr. II. V. Packard, the courtaous
and obliging advance agent for the
Stuart theatre company, has left the ser
vice of that company and accepted the
aame position with the "Lasehalhr, "Wertz
Bros." circus, which starts out from Lin
coln, Neb., this spring.
The telegraph epcrator who has been
on duty at Ashland, F. P. Perry, arrived
in the city this morning, and takes the
position of night operator at the depot,
in relief of Mr. Karns, who will hereafter
do the day work. Mr. Karns has been
faithful at his post each night for three
years, and the change to day strvico will
likely be highly appreciated by him.
5 Mr. B. Jones, employed at the gas
works in this city, went into a building
connected with the works yesterday noon.
In the shed is a coil of pipe through
which runs water to supply the boiler.
His object was to thaw out the water in
the pipe, by employing heat produced by
gas. Just as he entered the pipe explod
ed, blowing off a portion of the roof.
Mr. Jones went up "like a rocket and
came down like the stick," and "slightly
disfigured, but fitill in the ring."
This lovely sentiment was the last ut
terance from "After dark" that we re
member of the Stuart Theatre Co., that
Jiave been in this city for the past week,
and are now in Fremont, Neb. This
company is composed of ladies and gen
tlemen with kind hearts and noble nanu s'
seldom mt with those on "the road."
They ben?2t a city in many ways. Their
intelligent and witty anecdotes add to
the intellect of their listeners, and their
generosity benefits commerce. This
company took in lots of money while
here but returned to our store-keepers
for purchases made, at. least fifty dollar
a day. One member of the company ex
pended twenty-three dollars in one pur
chas at a clothing store in this city Satur
day. We mention this to illustrate our
argument, and refute the idea that the
theatrical troupes take away money f ron
a city without making a proportionate
return. Will Atkinson, that plays "Skin
ny Smith" in "Uncle Dan'l," is the orig
inal impersonator of the character when
the play was first produced. Monti Her
nandex (Shorty) traveled through thb
state in '54 with "Hernandez's Juvinilcs '"
G. N. Richardson, ("Pop") who play
the "villain still pursues her" is an ncioi
of acquired reputation. While, the com
pany were here he visited Omaha and met
an old friend "Where's Tim?" he asked of
his companion. "Tim s dead!" was the
reply. Tim was "Pop's" brother, whom
lie had not seen or heard from for nine
years. Harry Freeman ("My dear boy",
is a young actor, who, with his accom
plished wile, Helen Freeman, have nr
cstablisred and brilliant record with the
New York Clipper and other theatrical
authorities, is a relative of the school
teacher of that name who was lately lost
in a blizzard in th;s state and comes from
a noble English family. Mr. Stuart
(Colonel) and wife, Lilah, have a repu
tation of histronic ability, probity and
generosity, that will bear repeating
"when the light has come." We wis-h
the company success and promise them a
hearty welcome when they return to this
I shall purchase a new stock of goods
of the latest patterns and at reduced
prices. Respectfully,
f20J3w2 J. SinrriTEB, Jeweler.
Plattsmouth's Future Prosperity
The above remark is uttered by "a
clam" in "Alvin Josyln," who comes on
in tli commencement of each act to catch
a train, but the train is "(Jone ! Lost!"
This anecdote illustrates Plattsmouth's
inactivity in a good many respect. She
has had plenty of opportunities in the
pakt of becoming as big as any city in
Nebraska, and all those chances have been
missed still it is not "Too Late" now to
make Plattsiuouth prominent. lJuiiifcrH
men are here every day making iuipYuies
about establishing manufactories in this
city, and if they are not mighty quick
about making up their mind, real state
will hare assumed such a valuation that
they will have to locate somewh'-rc out
on Fifteenth street. This statement is
not a "blow," but the actual truth, ascer
tained after nocks of careful investiga
tion. A simple illustration of the pros
perity of our city is tho weeks' stay of tiie
Stuart Co., the coining of Kate C'-iSth-l
and .laiiauschc-k. If our city was net
progressive and possessed of money and
brains, thu wide-awake manage: of these
persons would not bring their companies
lure. Another incontrovertible; fact is
the stylish, fashionable, and expensive
manner in which the audience wcivj dress
ed, that attended Inst Sat urday's nntinci. :
also, that the same company a year ago
took in, for a matinee performance, 1.
Last Saturday their receipts for matinee
were $'J3.?"i.
Mr. McHugh, son-in-law of Mr. Morris
O'ltouik, of this city, who lias a factory
at Malvern. Iowa, has been in the city for
the past week exhibiting his patents, con
sisting of a bit for unmanageable horses,
a listing harrow, and other fanning im
plements, which seem to bj highly appre
ciated by the fanners, as ho bus received
numerous order. He is an hone-1. clever,
"s.piare" man, and intends to "grasp the
golden opportunity" and establish a man
ufactory in t 'lis city, if he is emo-en'd
by the board of trade. Now, gent lenK n,
gt this man to come here, orcl.;e we v, ill
ri.-vive an incident that occurred sony
years ago, in which J ml go Donsigliue, of
this city, remarked to a prison.-r, "Arc
vers guilty " "No sir !" " Yee'd better
plade guilty, and I'll let yees t.ff aisy, if
not, I'll t'ue yc out of town!"
We have citizens that represent every
portion of the known globe, whose con
versation and intellect is capable ef enter
ing into any subject ef interc.-t, whose
sociability, politeness and deportment is
not surpassed by the residents of any city
iti this oi any other country. We have
schools and churches to suit any shade
of b.lief, and minds cosmopolitan a Tom
More's poetry "Shall I eliagree with
th-j maid that kneels not at the same al
tar as me i" We have canning factories,
gas factory, waterworks, streetcars, union
shops enploying six l;u?dred men, thea
tres, reading room, and assemblies of
every known secret society in the world,
as well as thess for the betterment of the
dumb creation, prevention of cruelty and
vice, anil the advancement of Christian
acts ami scientific progress in mankind.
All that has ever been wrote by persuasive
pens about the beauties of the Rhine, the
Alps, the chatcaus on lofty peaks and
perspective views of Switzeiland, ic
equaled "right here" i P'.iUstuouth.
Further eommeut is needless. "Stranger,
if you want to make jnouey,"comuiunieate
with our board of trade. "There is a
elead certainty" for anyone that will come
to riattsniouth and open up a ilrst-clfirfr
two-dollar a clay hotel. Address this
ffice and we will give you positive proof
of this statement. Come while the price
of real estate is low, or else you v, ill ex
emplify "Gone ! Lost ! Too Late !"
Lines ooniposetl lv a father mn the death :
h 8 liltlt! elaubter.
' car Mamie, thy prattling voice :u;cl busy leei
No nme on -ai :h v. a two "can Kroe't,
uul though to us the one most :,-ar.
Ool called thee home to a it!ai:-in -1e.-:r,
I o reijm with Kim. a sweet lit' le tuont
Ai.d ting with the cliildr'n ttat -;Vsus hastl'st
Oh I al trial was it Mmie, far us to obey
'J he w il of tli JtU. who lias ta:c-:i thee away
Ami 'e t us jehii-.U. our riumher on !ess
o linger anil tili for .Mamie's ee.-e.----.
1'i'P ami uumi'ma. brother.-! sister elrar
Will --ft in iaeiu !y of .bee shed a:i atlee ioa
'e tear.
Oli I ancel -f death, shall v- n ever foisj -c
1 Le time of thv ;:i!l i:r our e ;:"ii v lu-a-i pt
With i-er he. n't full of u'ee.:iiil r "if. et dclhl
TlMt 'd Sa-ita was c joiinij ii'-xt Satiird'y a h ;
V:tti presents for s: 11 lit l ie .-tH-k ;nut t" IP!.
-o ehce'lul w.tu hop.he e julii u-a be still.
Krar.kie nn Carii wifn their ;;p t snvl ma'a-a
We:e eoinii'ir to l a n.iests with l'epe,
auel brotiier-i ah. h i.
All s pretended to m iki hapiiy li'-.irls.
Aij.I littie did w tht'ik how ssiui we m:;; p::t
Korlioii'suaisaie often Imi-.i and in:cii us,
And lor our ;ood He ol't makes tiie.u eci iou.
T;:e last triln-tr we e sild po-siL!y letovr
s'::t to dres hrr eo'.J lorin in a iiucu le white
as Fimw.
I:t lierlijly wlii.e h:'id we pTaeed a bi::et,
nd on tii-rgiirni bre:i-: a e;ulr.d di! law,
Wtien :u he- wh'f er-ttin. Ih'eeater of a crania
V luotiraruily beti-.U l he las pieiure oi
Mamie. -
in tlio month ef Ifeeiu!.eT s u'.'v c'i.l t:-.':e
To hores I.u'.vn ce iiivtei v, i.ear i'.orciice '1 owi
Wliereaii nature fachisi.? ami beauty e" niposco
an-.l it I'.t il tliee.ild s.iil it njMil:irf r.';.isr.
There, ! j m tlief ground weii i lav f.tiln May.
Till eiiiUiici shall b-uv at the lat reat ilay.
Ten yoars ant a !ri!f an.l ninrtiieii .lays
Were llie spun of !ieriit. anil liiijiress! vc va s.
Slit' li s imw passea av:iv lrein rU-aaiircs 'o
Kx- liangr.l all f r a rown ttiat is In ilit.
siweej-m? m to j"ory. n.I safn wiiliin lie vait :
iid lie i us e.:i Uie av as we follow in her trail.
C. XV. (Jb.kj-. Cmah i. Neb.
I wish to inform my customers that I
hava concluded t remain in business at
Plattsmonth. liespe-ctfnlly,
I20d"lw2 .7. Scui.atei:,
t r,,T"7I -n,, i.
Question. TrioDav'a Doings-
At -1 A. M today ilia engineers and '.li e
men 3'f this city cp;it work. Tli'; 1'i.a.iou
appears just and rirht. It was a ":i j without a diiLjiviiee," e-rii; oil i '
word.-, one man received a 'n
sann amount of wot!: ti;;.t i
seventy-live cni .ui: 'I".
we want to he :.;. ulik -.
pany npli' d in u 1 -. : . I !!...- ;-,,
U' t i
i.i 1
'i i;.
! Hi
as usud by "Old i:. !' m
chc.v, "No, I'il !t; d d if I '. ,
the k'ei.ticiiiHti with t'we old t..;ice..
Tiio ::.j.eiri' r due I'imih L.:i-
10: ."i 0 this liii.liili,-; was ai."i;-
hour late. A laro ciowi
bled at t:ieiiepd, coa.-i.-.'.in
of tlie brolhi-i ho ,-.!, ;.s well
;t 111- il.! - iS
i-.s l.-u-i::. i
nun ot ii i e;ty, ;., s i
to b.? with tin: st:"i ! ..-,.
o . i i e -) i : - - -
t .1
e w:t
,';n , t
ii.: ..:
tl i:...
engineer or lir.-m.ri on e
no -t. was ;.t tii
and il wi;ie r I ; o:a I.i;:. . r: v
shovel eoal. 'i he it: i:j ;
to have from l."0 to i-lt pom..!-!
Shu had only i.i ;c ". j j t:: 'i '
val and dep il t nr.! ol i'nt t.'i: v.;
as fait ie.-il :i; a .-t jh l'i 'o.'in:: ne -.
;t board !" sio'ut.'d tilt eotn 1 ucl ; ,
aboard !" but the ti:.!.. ili(hi"t
Arontid tli
who jeei'ed and
reni n k- of 'e a!'
idiolieally ptishi-d
i.too-1 ' e-r.iwi
e- ii'- t : . 1 ( I .--:
.M t!- i
the couducteir cu
' P.nek her
lie to the cab ;
He In d
her about two l!iti:ilr -d .:S!s
reel ion of Oimdiii. and then l
tei iiM'.s means h :-.-b d
If those -.r.r.: -. s wh-j
train ic-ver olf. red n- a ' :-:v:
1 1
!t Iter it.) so ;:t o!
e..'- i'ofl'e ir.-.l".
ov.-r tho ?li-soi.r! biid:;-'.
Nor.e of th- me.n!-. .'.' t'..-
h- l d Utter. (1 the I.I l re::.:.lii t-
:n c i : -i ; : r- of ti) -i;:.-Ti . 'i
e-fiVnsive end d!. ::'.. : :.l (;:' '.
lH-d by lo'-kt-rs-oii, and i-o; i- :
The men e-n strike -1 A ;.t!y :..
tek of v. h:.i wn.- -..-::. n. .-. !-.
ler miidit t:-. v.-i 11 intervi'-w r, vi i u .Is of "Sh-. jy l-o!!ov." i.j
Van V.'inkle :;s to ask i.m :i 'i
ei-iieci nin th" strike. 'i'ie-:n- . r ;
have i.e-u d -rdri from ih :r h
t 'i to ali.i v tliir ;.k .j.'u is 1) j :: :
tr..ins, but i'.'i o!h-
Jen. Si'j.t. Caivcit, U. . .M., : a
ejfam t- a prc-nd:;: nt ra'.ln -;d :":
this city, at IC: 15 t irio: i.:iv, 1 '
him to Oleur the l)!!;:: h i! of tii.s eii
swear in a dozen r.ii-:i t.s r, e- i d e-u:
Id. s. The mar.-.h:dl ciiel i?'d sec :in
c;-ity for soe-h a i m;r.. '. r.s
men unslii';" ;.re oi;!ri!y a;. 1 e - :
tlb-mst-1 v.':. 1 i I : :r- n'.:. i:.; p, b::t ;.
ronsiilLatioii v- ith .!. ma;, .-r t v. . -eided
to sweer in t.i:-! l: r :.:
tlu railroad was r.;- :.!! to -. v x',
for their ie s. As for i::
oi !ji:s;t;rc? men, u;u-r -v
potter, govs, lhi is n i.
additional police la
The "flyer," engine iu7.
Lorn Ci.k.
due hcr-t at 5:20 a. m., did not arriv
noon today. She v'nf. bror.ii'i ov.-r i'.
l'acitic Juhction i.y friigkt Coriw".!.
Miller who he no more mca of t eii.
;m engine than a iin;!o driver.
At 10:4.5 this moininj while yavd r.i
ter, E. E. Ymins;. v.-us r;:n:dn:; c-:;;ii':
at Pacific Junction, ho eollid'-d A:
K. V. south-bound pass.Msjcr train, dv.
considernbie chuit,.e to iie::;e i
Xeither engine sounde d the Vi hl-:l"
stepped for f he ero:-:n?. AV -.; ;
ct once sworn out for t !:; n , -it o f Y; v
and tiie K. C. tn I;ie cr- v.-.
Sis cars are in th? yards fro!:! f 111:.
two for Grand Idand, 1 i.. and f-.-r.:-Yuma,
C.d., They v. ill htivo to
there unless, ihis very : ii:-:s ir.i.ti-.-.-spocdly
settled. Our bte ki- e, m vii s::::
have nioro say i.-i this m-:t'.:-r. ::ml d;T-;.-
a ?;;2ev!v settKiiivi.t. Ts..- jr. e-n are i :
i:i tiieir deii;;;;.e-.-j 1
i-r.? to t-
i'OlAtl'i'' 1: J to
the slbihU: t
the ir.Oist i ' ! ii! e-r
v-orid, and it is of ie.-i
of the railway company trvii:; to l';;kt
them, and their delay in (ryi:: to di ;
s line si.hetoi- to do ?o. i only ii.f.'e ie.;
injury on this city and v.kereve.- ;i. '..
lino runs,
A spet i il meetiii' o.' th ! i.i
trade is lie reby called f-'i' T w -in-,
at the O. A. 11. h-11. at H e-'ch-e'--.
Im:ortant bii-iiu-.- ti b. e ..;-:! ,d.
If. Ii. Y'!.-:r,-HAM,
Fi;kd IIf-::;r.MANX. S c'y.
l.O Ji; t t -. S- fl .. s. -....' IT- ; s
Frutik H.'t.ert, ;ui old ('..-: ecu.
tier, but wh.iwt tit ii--n I:i-re t..
City. D-k.. and in vie )A U ii-.n t
I i ; ir tin. is ::i til j citv vt.-it
x,' .
.a. 1 1 c.i.
A Xe-.v Yen h b:V 1: l- leil r::R.Tp:.
living, two re.sii 1 i':.t ii;rs. two
nu.ther, two rre:it-:p-.;ndf::di r:e
tr iva t -irr a n d in ; t h . r s. -
Hoiica to Ccr.tractcrs.
Uids will l e nc.ivid et I"...ti..
2-Teb., up t- 11 a. m , Yha-td -.y. M:::
is?1;-, for a t'.vo-stfiy 'ei'.'i- e buildir
t!ie Anh.;'.i-er Bu?ch ih iy Co.. e:
Louis, to be erected ?t i'I'ii;"
I'-lans can be s n sd !! Y-v"? s
Plattmou!h, and at t!'e o!
Ycss, lieddick'sbb.H;. Cve.b f.
r-serves tl'.e lipid to .iccot or
r ir
5,i .0 pe .-i.i
! -ToloiTulL at
lor mi 1 . :;;
L. i. i. .
,-e .; iie:. with
;:i ; ''s 'i (jcery
1 ::;) ! v, - tm
r :i
V. ( t 1 : , !
! .!. I'-, '':
!.-. !.50 per
L ! nett.'ri
i ' ( 1 1 .
b. si
1 : if
1 t
. y-'J
itf ;
fet.;i e.
:'.. ) .
i lTZOEl!"S li
.'i,70o "V'.,rtli
:s- ViV
-M i:-t Io
As i ii r.f !- Ivnvr i take: ciiM'j oj'my Father's husiiieB.s in Ottuin-
on ; !inr id' his c u t in t:c 1 ill heallh. Now in lite time to ly in
i smvm'v ;' HOOTS and SIIOKS at
J tr l CiJ Iku CO U3 Vl W
. elii ' i'i ( in I, IC il l.fiiid-turnf d shms. 5 00 reduced to (4 35
.ins" I '; 1 1 Kid e eininon sense s-.hoi , 00 " 4 5
. iii e-' i . 1 Kid e ininon s irse shoe s U 75 " 3 &
!i.s!a i:i!i;d sewed shoes 4 50 " 3 9S
e-di . .-' CI .Ion;.;. !:i l:es 3 25 " 2 70
. .Ii s' S-:::i-;lit e...-,l she s 3 00 " " 2 BO
. (lie,' I'm :i,ni I iKion shoes 3 20 " " 2 7ft
'dk s' !!:-.r:d-s. wed but ten shots 2 75 " " 2 510
aue.r:' 1 :il i J 1;! t. !i shots 5 25 " 1 8,
':-' ' ! ':rai!i button shoes 2 00 " ' 1 75
. Ccv e , if i, nit. ;ii l or, " ' 1 25
. 1 ! ti- bi 1oed button shoes 2 00 " ' 1 4H" v;;.ii,i bitltoti thocs 1 25 " " 1 00
ess School Shoe Reduced 25c apr
.i Ki.l ai.d (bed Sp:ini( heel,
I l-nnd ( v. il sho-s
i C..!:" sewed fhoc
! !v.- n;;:i: no w d shot'
I ( ;d i M Vi (1
1 eoi'ur-. ss or bi.iton shoe. . .
1 ' )' '. t s
i v-v 1
od k:p bi.'otS
'.if ;i"
: r
. I
- ' : J
c:i i
11 Coccus szivst "b sold at once. TToix
ilvi d it "to ycuriirfcorcst to call early.
c s ki - lor Purchasing Lots in South Park.
j. As ;, wLclf tlif y t ;cj iluvat Jots in tlic city.
::. '!'!; y mic !-lit.lel vitli 1 ct;utif'ti! forest trees.
:. TL-.y mo Uv:A(.d between Chicago and Lincoln Avenues, tie
i'.Vc;.il::r; about llic oily.
-J. H:t y ::ie only a tcn-tmiiutc h walk from the LuitinesB Tiortion
!' Iji" 1..V.-.1.
G. I :.v l L'ii.voii of tiieir local ioii Letween the two main tliwoiigh
f:ieif i:'u the city, tlity are more accessible (ban lotsin other additions.
H. TI:o only addition to the city reacbeel, by two established
V. '!'!:r i.iily HOT audition to the city reached by water maius
; j pect of being nij.j.iied in the near future with com.
. ... p, '. Ilee..
: . :ew .-itlewaiks recently ecjiMrncted to within a few feet of
: ' ' v. il! shortly 1 u etej:.h-d.
i:i - . lajbly ii:ie .-itctt car riviiepes at no distant date.
' :i y'- 11 is- -'t the river, locate on a lot in Son tie
li. Ji' Veil V.'i.-ii a s?."htlv :ifd
.... i -j.. .mi vi j. iiinejiioiii-
'.; .:: ; t? 'el-el irt.m a h'outh i'rrk lot.
1-2 To p iVjn.i in the railroad employ, tho eastern portion of
.i;; i r"'':th I;: 1 Ic i the nict denrablo rcideitce locality in tiie city.
ii rJ'j pviv-ons des-iriu u residence on Chicago avenue, tho
- e t. : i; fM t'oti of &nth Park U available for that jiurpose.
11. Tl;e 1. tlc M. railroad track runs near the line of the
: dii'u-u, iV.;;ii hii.jjr ood facilities for manufacturing industries.
j iG. Ji you locate in Snsth Park you will have good neighbors :
I ';!.v- i' S'.n p-oi:,. Joint P. Cox, .John A. Uavitr, John L. Minor, J. vl
C T V.'.ckbuci'. Cl.;.:e. Harris J;hn II. Young-, Ucnry Waterman, W. C.
I ; ; in I',. u'hvJc, Jerry 1-a i tiling, Tho?. E. Ikynolds, S. A.
; . L. A. Miner. 0. ;.!. Wead, Frank 'Irish, J. i. Glenn, C. L.
; tV,'c::::;n. SA. h'pcakinan. Frat:k Ptet-on, Clias A. Panlcin, Sarah E.
.!.;.:. r. Join ?.Ioore, A. S'hipiusn, J.illie Kalitky, T. W.
. j : ; -'h.t-'ii Paibor. Y . J. litter. Harry Knelk-r, J. E. liarwick.
' ; " 'y N..-McI.(iRnan. P. C. Minor. I McCourt, J.C. Fought
; :.:.c ;!. '!e: : ..v.'iier.-? of South Park propertv.
(vc;' vl"000 worth of this desirable property lias been die
i ' ' ' t vihi;: a short jieriod and no part has been kohl to outside
i-enhdors wli-u h is olid proof of the sulisttintjal growth of this part
' 'il til'-: Ci! V.
37;, :Y '' substantial were built in South Park in the
i'r 1 th,i'i in any ot:e locality in the city and the'proepects for
. j.-;:-.:; buil iii g are much greater
; ly- !t v i'l be sold rntil the 1st of April, next, at $150 each-
"' V- 1 tieeiraoie lots will Le advanced.
i'A. Terms cash, balance in one and two yearp, or lots may b
purl-harcel oil mottthly iavn:euts.
0. Any ninnber of persons, not lets than five, purchasing ten
: re -:i one tran. action will be given a lot free to dispose of as ther
mry deem j-ropr-r. J
Auy person or jersons purchasing 20 or jnore lots and pay-,
u cah, may have one and two years on balance without interest-
viia-i ie.i; rons ior
. i -. :n 1.. : i ii-
s desir-vd they will be given by calling at the office of
2?losorvod for
of the I Jest Makes of
sold in the-
.$2 50 now $3 39
4 ou
n oo
5 oo
n oo
2 50
2 75
4 50
a 50
a oo
4 85
4 25
2 75
1 85
1 75
8 75.
2 CO
Tiir-tn ice. i no vu.u. ,.t TJ.. tt.
iiurciiasing Jots in touth Park are
. ,t