The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 27, 1888, Image 3

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TIiIm I m Kurd 'VVoiM AWimeii, and
AI fin 3l-n A rl.J!it-r'ji Ii Uui-iim of
Illiiiifiiof itiid l.ristln; Im j;ul (iinoo on
VlllOIII ; IKTjttillllS.
Bitooi:iv.v, l' !. i:r,. The r.. v. T. Do
"Witt'c, 1). J)., reached in tho
Brooklyn Taoernaele lty (lie eighth of
liw bfiios f ".Sermon. to the women of
America, with huporhiiit hints to men."
Jlis hiibjif.-t was: "Tin; (Iramlmother and
HerChildn n." A vast coirr: ;;atioii was
present. Tho ojH.-nhij hynm l.ejdij;;:
Gi.e trt Ui'j r. iiJ t!iy (-. i
1 1 1 3 1 : i : j 1 ti" i:ml! vi i ;
C!; il.y ri;;h.: -:i!iIs thy tar:,
iii k!i:1I lift ii liiy h'ruil.
lh: Tal male's text was from II
Timothy i, .": 'Tho unit hm d ailh that is
la thee, v. lii h dw !t iir t i:i thy grand
mother he:;;." The eloquent preacher
In this love Mi-y which Fan!, the oil
minister, i; writing to Timothy, tho
yemn.ej iiii.M ! ;l-r, th'- family ret old is
brought out. Vaul practically .says:
"Timothy, whnln ,'")il raiidmothcr you
had. You onehl to he Letter than most
folks, I;cca:;..i-i;o! n! ;.' : a.-; v our lnothcr
good hut our -;: a. ;;!;:. th'-r. Two pro
ccd'tnir -':. -rati i f t i i i v" ou-.rht to
giv.j you ii ,:i v pa
recti' :i." Tin f.e-t
!. ;.. i-;..i.f
t!i;it Timothy
iit-ede-d fucountgcijK-.'it. He was in poor
he-abb, hah:; a weal: stomach, ami v;ia
riy.-;popi ie, :onl prc.e;i!ied for him a
to! tic. "it lilt!'? win- for thy stomach's
Kike" lot much wine, hut a little wine,
liii-l only ;n a mchoin"-. nd if the wine
then had 1 ou as uuu-h adulterah-d with
Jogwoi:il and strychnine as our modern
winea, he Willi!'.! not have j.nwrihe.i any.
Hut Timothy, ni.! physically, is
rncouragcil spiritual!;,- hy the recital of
grandmotherly o.eellei;co. Paul hinting
to him, :; 1 hint this day to you, that
C IolI sometimes gathers up as hi a reser
voir away hack of the active generations
of today a godh' inl'uence, and then, in
response to prayer, L-ls down the jxtwer
Upon fliiliiren. and grandchildren, and
great-grande-hihlren. 3'be world is woe
fully in want of :i table of statistics in re
gard to wliat is the protract til i less and
immensity of influence; of one geoel wo
man in the cfiurcli and world. Wo
liavo accounts of how much evil has
Leen wrought hy Margaret, the mother
of criminal-, who lived nearly 100 hun
dred years ago. and of how many hun
dred. of criminals her descendants fur
nished for the penitentiary and tho gal
Jows. and how many hundreds of thou
sands f dinars they cost this country in
their arraignment and prison support, as
well as in tlio property they burglarized
or destroyed, Ihit will not some one
come out with brain comprehensive
enough and heart warm enough and pen
keen enough to give v.a the facts in re
nr.Lto M:;:e good '.von ::m of a hundred
years ago. and let u; know how many
Christian men and women and reformers
and useful people have liecn found anions
her d--aeeudan(s. and how many asylums
Sind cJ.egcs ait 1 chuiv'ies they built, and
Jiow many miiiions tf iloJI.u" they ron
Irihuted for humanii.uian and Christian
The gtxxl v.-o.r.ori wiioso tombstones
rero plant-'d in tho Eig'.;ieer.t!i century
cro more al-vo foi good jn th; Nineteenth
century than they wero i'for?, as tho
pood worn n of this Nineteenth century
v.ill be m i; ;.;;vv for good in the Twen
tieth century tiiau now. ..lark you. I
have no idea'thrii tho grandmothers were
any letter than their granddaughters.
"You cannot get very old people to talk
jnuch about bow things were when they
were boys tu;d girls. They have a reti
cence and a ;.cn co-:iT;t.tali-,:n which
xnalies me think, t'.u y feel themselves to
be the custodians of the reputation of
their earlv comrade. Vriiile our dear
old folks are rehear s'mg tl.c follies of tho
present, if you put them &.i t lie witness
.Ktand and c'ro. s-f.c.'.uiine tiiera as to how
things v.-etv ::.' .-nJy yeoi'S ago the silenco
Jx'comes o ? ; ;v rr i v e.
A ch bialf 1 Froit-liman by tho".o
xrf Toiiic- wilted this country in 17S0.
.and be f:iyj et v. rta.n's diet in thos
ii;nes: "if u prenu;;, i . v.-, .wTered for 5
rciiiTOn mv: desi rticlive to hcaii!., r;on?
could I? devi-;ed more eOicncious for
tae33 efut than that in use among the
XionlA " 'iiKit cciipvvs our lobster sabd
t inidr;'-it. F-vervLcdv talks about the
dissipations of mod,rn society mid how
womanlv li-.-iih g-"- down under it, but
it was worse a b --in-.lred years ago, tor
the chaplain of a French jvgnncnt m our
revolutionary war wrote in 1 7&2, hls
book of American women, saying: - ihey
are tall and well 107' rtionsJ. their feat
ures are genenJiv lvgular. lbt'ir complex
ions are generally fair and without color.
At 20 vears of age the women havo ivy
ionr" the freshncrs of youth. At SO
or 40 thev are decrepit." In 1S12 a for
An consid wrote a book entitled "A
Sketel' of the Uniuil States at the Com
'jnenee'ment of the Present Century, "and
he savs .of th women of those times:
At the age of :0 all tlieir charms have
.disappeared." One glancu ct the ior
raits" of the a hundred year
,a-o and their styL- of dress makes uj
5vonder how tlu-y ever got their breath.
AU this makes me think that the express
rail train is no wore an improvement on
the old canal boat, or the telegraph i,
more an improvement on the old time
saddlebags, than the women of our day
croan improvement on the women of tho
last contury.
Bat still, notwithstanding that those
times -were so much worse tliaii ours,
there was a glorious race of godly
women, soventv and a hundred years
a"-o, who held she world back from n
and lifted it toward virtue, and without
their exalted and sanctified influence be
fore this the last good influence would
have perished from the earth. Indeed
All over this Und there are seated to-day
not so riuch in churches, for many of
them are too feeble to come a great
manv aed grandmothers. They some
times fel that the world has gone past
them, and they have an idea they are ot
little account. Their head sometimes
cets fiching from the racket of the grand
children down stairs or in the next room.
Thev steadv themselves by the buitera
ns thev goim and d3m. YsTien they
pet a cold it hangs en to them longer
than it ud to. They cannot rear to
liavo thograndcliildrcu iiunfaiied even
when they deserre ifc, and have so re
laxed their ideas of family discipline that
they would spoil all tho youngsters of tho
household by too great leniency. Theso
old folks are tho resort when great trou
bles come, and thero is a calming and
hoothing ower in tho touch of an aged
hand tliat is almost Kticrnatural. They
feel they aro almost through with the
journey of life, and read tho old Ijook
more than they used to, hardly knowing
which most they enjoy, the Old Testa
ment or tho New, and often stop and
dwell tearfully over the family record
half way between. We hail them today
whether in tho hou.'ie of (Jod or at the
homestead. Blessed is that household
that lias in it a Grandmother Lois.
Where she is angels are hovering round
and Cod is in the room. May her last
days be like those lovely autumnal days
that we call Indian summer.
I never knew the joy of having a
grandmother; that is the disadvantage
of I icing tho youngest child of the family
The elder meuilM-rs only have that Ikuc
dii tion. But though she went up out of
this life liefore I licgan it, I have heard
of her faith in Clod, that brought all her
i 'e'dren into tho kingdom and two of
liiein into the ministry, arid then brought
all her grandchildren into tho kingdom,
myself the hist and least worthy. Is it
not time that you and I do two things, open a picture gallery of the
wrinkled faces and stoojiod shoulders of
the past, and call down from their heav
enly thrones tho godly grandmothers, to
give them our thanks, and then iorsuade
tho mothers of today that they are living
for all time, and that against the sides of
every cradle in which a child is rocked
lx-at tho two eternities.
1 ero we have an untried, undiscussed
and unexplored subject. You often hear
about your inlluences upon your own
children lam not talking about that.
What alxnit your influence ujion the
Twentieth century, upon the Thirtieth
century, upon the Fortieth century, upon
the year two thousand, upon the year
four thousand, if the world lasts so long.
The world stood four thousand years be
fore Christ came; it is not unreasonable
to suppose that it may btand four thous
and years after his arrival. Four thou
sand years the world swung off in sin;
four thousand years it may be swinging
back into righteousness. By the ordin
ary rate of multiplication of the
world's population, in a century your
descendants will be over six hun
dred, and by two centuries at least
over a hundred thousand, perhaps
two hundred thousand, and upon every
one of them you, the mother of today,
will have an influence for good or evil.
And if in two centuries your descendants
shall have with their names filled a scroll
of hundreds of thousands, will some angel
from heaven, to whom is given the ca
pacity to calculate the number of the
stars of heaven and the sands of the sea
shore, step down and tell us how many
descendants you will have in tho four
thousandth year of the world's possible
continuance. Do not let the grand
mothers any longer think that they are
retired, and sit clear lack out of sight
from the world, feeling that they
have no relation to it. The moth
ers of the last century are today
in tho senates, tho parliaments, the
palaces, the pulpits, the banking houses,
the professional chairs, the prisons, tho
almshouses, the company of midnight
brigands, the cellars, the ditches of this
century. You have been thinking about
the importance of having the right in
fiuenco upon ono nursery. You have
been thinking of the importance of get
ting those two little feet on th.3 right
path. You have been thinking of your
child's destiny for the next eighty years,
if it should pass on to bean octogenarian.
That is well : bv my subject sweeps a
thousand years, a million year&, a quad
rillion of years. I cannot stop at one
cradle, I am looking at the cradles that
reach all round the world and across all
lime. I am not talking of mother
CuTiice, 1 am talking of grandmother
Lois. The only way you can tell the
force of a current is by sailing up stream ;
or the force of an ocean wave,
by running the ship against it. Run
ning along with it we cannot appreciate
thu force. In estimating maternal influ
ence we generally run along with it
down the stream of time, and so w-e
don't understand the full force. Let us
come i.ip tc it from the eternity side,
::ftor t has been working for centuries,
and see ali the good it has done and all
the evil it has accomplished multiplied in
magnificent or appalling compound in
terest. The difference between that
mother's influence on her children now
and the influence when it has lcen mul
tiplied in hundreds of thousands of
lives, is the difference between
the Jlississippi river way up at
the top of the continent, starting
from the little Lake Itasca, seven miles
long and ore wide, and its mziuth at the
Gulf of Mexico, where navies might ride.
Between the birth of that river and its
burial in tlia sea the Missouri pours in,
and the Ohio pours in, and the Arkan
sas pours in, mid the Red and White and
Yazoo rivers pour in, and all tho states
and territorities between tho Alleghany
and Rocky mountains make contribu
tion. Now, in order to test the power of
a mother's influence, we need to come in
off of thte ocean of eternity and sail up
toward the one cradle, a;d we will find
ten thousand tributaries of influence
pouring in and pouring down. But it is
after all one great river of power rolling
on and rolling' forever. Who can fathom
it? Who can bridge it? "Who can
stop it? Uad not mothers better be in
tensifying their prayers? Had they not
better be elevating their example? Had
they not better be rousing themselves
wth the consideration that by their
faithfulness ,or neglect they are starting
an influence which will be stupendous
after the last mountain of earth is flat,
and the last pea has been dried up, and
the last flake of tin? ashes of a consumed
world shall have been blown away, and
all the telescopes of other worlds directed
to the track around which our world
finrp swuni shall discover not so much
! as a cinder of the burned down and
i swept off planet. In Ceylon there is a
I granite column thirty-six square feet in
f'i;:e, which is thought by the natives to
: decide the world's continuance. An
i angel with robe spun from zephyrs is
once a century to descend and sweep the
hem of that robe across the granite, and
wlwriby that attrition the column is
worn away they say time will end. But
by that proow tbt granite rAiumn would
be worn out of existence before n
mother's influence will begin i'o givo
If a mother tell a child bo U not good,
some hugalmo will come and catch him,
the fear excited may mako tho child a
coward, and the fact that ho finds that
there is no bugaboo may make him a
liar, and the echo of that fa!;;j alarm
may le heard after fifh-on generations
have been Ikhii and liavo expired. If a
mother promises a child a reward for
good behavior and after th' good be
havior forgets to give the reward, tho
cheat may crop out i.i soin- fait hi : .Lisn hs
half a thousand years further on. If a
mother culture a child's vanity and
eulogize his curls, and extol the
night black or sky blue or nut brown,
of the child's eyes, and cail out in his
presence the admiration of si. !( at ors,
pride and arrogance may lo prolonged
after half a, do.en family r( cords have
been obliterated. If a mother express
doubt aljout some idatement of the lloly
Bible in a child's presence, long a fur ibe
gates of this historical era have closed
and tho gates of another era have opened,
tho result may bft seen in a champion
blasphemer. But. on the other hand, it
a mother walking with a child t.oo a suf
fering one by the wayside and says: '-My
child, give that ten cent piece to that
lame boy," the result may he seen on
the other side of tho following
century in some George Muller building
a whole village of orphanages.
If a mother sit sAmosl every evening
by the tiundle bed of a child and teach
it lessons of a Saviour's love and a
Saviour's example, c-f the importance of
truth and the horror of a lie, and tho
virtues of industry and kindness and
sympathy and self sacrifice, long after
the mother has gone and the child has
gone, nr.d the lettering on both the tomb
stones shall have been washed cut by the
storms of innumerable winter;, there
may be standing, as a result of tlio.e
trundle bed lessons, flaming evangels,
world moving reformers, cm t kiting
Summerfieldj, weeping Paysons, thunder
ing White-fields, emancipating Washing
tons. Good or bad influence may skip one
generation, or two generations, but it
will be sure to lanel in the third or fourth
generation, just as the Ten Command
ments, speaking of tho visitation of God
on families, says nothing about the sec
ond generation, but entirely skips tho
second and speaks of tho third and
ties of
generation: ''Visiting the iniqui
the fathers upon the third and
generations of them that bate
Parental influence, right and
wrong, may jump over a generation, but
it will come down further on as sure r.s
you sit there and I stand here, Tim
othy's ministry was projected ty hn
Grandmother Lois. There are men and
women here, tho eons anel daughters of
the Christian church, who are such as a
result of the consecration of great -gror.t-grandmothers.
Why, who do yon think
the Lord is? You talk as though his
memory is weak. lie can no eas-.ier
remember a piayer live minutes than
bo can five centuries. Tills explains
what we often see some man cr woman
ilistinguished for benevolence when the
father and mother were distinguished for
penuriousness, or you sco some young
man or woman, with a bad father and .1
hard mother, come out gloriously for
Christ and mako the church sob ar.d
shout and sing under their exhortations.
We stand in corners of the vestry and
whisper over the matter anel say : ' 'How
is this, such great piety in sons and
daughters of cueh parental worlui
ness and sin?" I will explain it to you
if you will fetch me the old family Bible
containing the full record. Let some
septuagenarian look with me clear upon
the page of births and marriages, and
tell me who that woman was with the
olel fashioned name of Jemima or Betsey
or Mehitabel. A h, thero ' she is, the old
grandmother or great grandmother, who
had enough religion to saturate a cen
There she is, the dear old soul, Grand
mother L013. In our beautiful Green
wood may we all sleep there when our
work is done, for when I get up in tlte
rcsurrectiou morning 1 want my congre
gation all about me in Greenwood there
is the resting place of George Yv.
Bethune, once a minister of Brooklyn
Heights, his name never spoken among
intelligent Americans without suggesting
two things eloquence anel evangelism.
In the same tomb eleep3his grandmcahc-i'.
Isabella Graham, who wc.s the chief in
spiration cf his ministry. You are not
surprised at the poetry anel pathos anil
pulpit power of the grandson when you
read of the faith and devotion of his
wonderful ancestress. When you read
this letter, in which she poured out her
wielowed soul in longings for a son's sal
vation, you will not wonder that suc
ceeding generations have been blessed:
Kfw York. May 20, 1701. This tlay my only
Ron left me la bitter wrinciags of lioart; be 3
n.crain launched oa the ocean, God's ocean. The?
Lord saved htm from shipwreck, brought hiiu to
my home, and allowed me cace more to indulge
my affections over him. He has been, with mo
but a short time, and ill have I improved It ; he
is gone from my sight and my heart bursts v. iih
tumultuous grief. Lord have msrey on tho
widow's son, "tho only eon of his another. '-
1 ask nothing la all this world for htm; I repent
my petition, save his soul alive, give him salva
tion from sin. It is not the dacyer of the sea?;
that distresses me; it is not the hardships ho
must undergo; it is not the dread of cever seein
him more in this world; it Lj because I cannot
discern thc fuiSUmpiit of the j-.ronue in fcim. t
cannot discern the new birth nor its fruit, but
very symptom of captivity to Satan, tho world
and self will. This, this is what distresses
me; and ia connection with this 1A-,
being shut out from ordinances at a ci
tance from Chrietiaus; shut with, those v.lio
forget God, profane bis name and bs-cak his Sab
baths; men who often live and die like beasts,
yet are accountable creatures, who must answer
for every moment of time end every word,
thought and action. Oh Lord, many vrond.-rs
hast thou showa nj thy ways of dealing with
co and mine have not been common ones; aC-.i
this wonder to the rest. Call, convert, regenrrste
and establish a sailor in the faith. Lord, aii thia.:
ere possible with thee; glorify thy son end e:."
tud his kingdom by eca end land; tahs tli 1 :cy
from tho sfrontj. I roll him over upii thee.
Many friendj try to comfort me; uiLserabls ivm
fortera are they c'.l. Thou art the (Jod of conso
lation; only confirm to me thy precious word, ci
whleli thou causedst me to hop in t'.: ? 0:".v
when thou saidtt to me. Learw thy fi.Jl:crl.;
children. 1 will preserve them alive " U;.iy l .
this life a spiritual life and I put a U.vj!: i:;
thy hand as to all temporal things.
I wait for thy salvation. Amen.
With such a grandmother would you
not have a right to expect a-George V.
Bethune? and all the thousands converted
through his ministry my date the sav
ing power back to Isabella Graham.
God fill the earth and the heavens wit::
such grandmothers; we must some e!aj
-go tip and thank thene dear old soul.
Kurt ly God will let urj f,o up and ti ll
the;. 1 of thi results of their influence.
Aiu::g o;:r fuvt ': 't ions in heaven v. ill
I.e. 'Wh;nj i-iur..iv)x-)vr:'' Thev will
point her out, for wo woijM hardly know
li rci u if v.'i; IimI KOi licr 0:1 ;:r; h, po
l ent over v, i:h year.- once find there o
Nfraight, f dim of cy throu-;!! the 1. Glid
ing of earthly tears avd now her ye :
clear as heaven. m full :..
pains once and now h agile v . c !
tial health, tin.' wrirddt-s h!Hitiii ; : .'
carnaiiim ro s. and h' r step h!:- the ic
on the !i:iU!:i.:;ns. Yi - I !::;: t : ;-e :--r,
my i-n my f:-ih r'.-i ;-i-".-,
'htry McCoy, ue. ' : n-":'::L of i;.'- :-Vote.i.
Wli' fl I ic.-t i-po'io tit ji l ;c; ii ). in
G!a-'-o.v. Ko tlaj:d. at-d fell. .-..e:.-v.-;.at
dilii-ienr. being a i-t ran 1 I . ;. :m ! y
tciiieg 1 1 1 -1 1 icy ;. v.-. n hi :: in : wis a
Kcoii u!an. and tiin tit: v. . nr i;
:i ut cf welcome which in n!.- ; : i 1 i
as ca-.y as 1 do h; re. 1 nil' t m-c !:-r.
You nii-L sc.- those ;i'i 11 ' f ;he
.ill-," ?n:;( e.vth c;
Kiyhtei ;uli century, th" .:n. ,.v . i v. he.-o
prayer.-; ii in your w eh'are l d:;v. Cod
i .Jess all the sure: I women u; mi-l'dov. n
the laud ami in :,d land:;! What a h.!p;.y
thing I'o'npouius Aitii'its to i.:y v. Inn
making the funeral ndun-;.;i his mother:
"Though I have rc-idod with her .sixty
seven year.'? 1 wa i never one r-cnellid
to her, because there m.-vcr hipp'-m-d (he
leat discoi d be t we en im, and tn n: e-qii'-ntly
there wa-j no need of ree'cncilia
iiou." Mako it us ea;-y for the .M foil.:;
ns you can." When th'-y are : ick get
for th.-m the be: t dootom. Giw them
your arm when the Civets arc slippery.
.Siay wiili them r.!l th'; time you can.
Co home and f - i ' ' ' ' ""
place for them in ihe hymn Look. le.vr
be ashamed it' they prefer fcty'.cs of apparel
ii li! lie antiquated. Never say anything
that implies they are in the way. Make
the road for the last mile as smooth as
you can. Oh, my! how you -. i'i n:,i:-s
1:' r when uhe is gone. I wonl.l el.e th.?
houso from over my head to s-.oe m -ih- r.
I have so many things I would l i.o to
tell her, thing-; that have l.appeiu d i:i t'u
twenty-four years since i he went rvA-.y.
Morning, noon and night let us thank
Cod for the good inlluences that 1
come tlovvn from good mother; nil the
way back. Timothy, don't forget yo u
Mother Kunioe, and don't forget yo :i
Grand mother Lois. And bat-.d dov, ;i to
others this p:ttrim'ny of M-.:s:ig. 1'a s
along thv coronets. ':a':e religion
an heirloom from generation to
generation. Mothers of America, con
se'crte yourselves to Cod mid
you will help coiT-ceratc- ail the
ages following ! Do not dwell m much
0:1 your hariehins th:.!- you year
chance of wielding an moii-mec
t-lf.M look ! upo.i yo;i fi-om the
towers of an cr.dies; riLnre. 1 1:. ow
Martin I.uihcr was r.i;;!,l . h-n he on
soled bis wife over the death f their
daughter byfuymg: "Don't tp.i.o on : . .
wife; remember that this is a hard world
for girls." Yes; I go further and say:
Ifc is n hard world for women. Aye. I
go further nnd Kay : Ifc i; a hard world
for men. Cut for all women ?md mm
who trust their b' dies mid .'.on! ; m the
hand of Christ the shinhig :iv" will rcon
swing open. Don't you st.- the si kiy
palior on the f.-ky? 'ihat is tho pallor on
tiio c: '.Id c'.ieeli of the dying night. Don't
vou fee the briglitcivug of the cltiu.-l-;?
That is the flush on tho warm forehead
ef the morning. Cheer up, you are
coming within fight of 1 he CV'e&Lkd City.
Cairo, cnpiial of I' :ypl, was cr.Ih d
"City of Vieie-rj-;"' Athcu:;, ctipitr.l t f
Greece, wos called "City of the Yi k :
Crown;" Eardoeck was cail-:d "Citv of
the Sun;" London was ctdljd "The Cit;
cf Masts;'' Luciau's imaginary r.uJ'
City .f Lanterns." But the city to wide h
yen journej' iiat'.i ali theio in one tho
victory, the crowns, the masts of thes-e
that have been harbored after the storm
Aye, ail but the lanterns and the sun,
bccaeisG they have no nceel c-f any other
light since the Lamb is the light thereof.
Women SuITi-aista 1:1 Iit.-i:-!.
Mrs. Frank Leslie, cleverest of I'eu
York builneas women, disctr-seel some
points of her recent sojourn in Europe.
F-ho met there all u
of i ropl-s imdr-r
all sort3 of circumstance.?. fcdio happened
to m:'i;'.io:i the fact tl:aj: she was Lrou vht
in -contact with a inimber of voren who
dc-vcte their lives to the fitrug-Je fo-r
woman suflrago in Er.giand. h-l.c v. as
asked how this set of women comj arc
with their sisters in tho United intc?.
She said: "They are quite as earne.-.t and
indomitable, and fire away at p'ariiamcut
as regularly ns our women eh at the
legislatures." Tl-c- only points cf differ
ence which I observed were t'neso: The
woman suffrage champions whom I mat
In England 'wore ladies charming m
manner and fair to look upon, and,
strange as it may seem, ladies who took
considerable intereit in gentlemen ar.d
their society. Here, you may have oh
serveel, they arc iot always charming,
are seldom comely, and, as a rule, a! her
tho society of men e::cept . aeh as openly
ei'pouso their theories." New York Sun
hiiaia l igtit in tliC:iir.a.
The Rtos'-ians recently laid a sham
fight at Sevastopol in the Crimea. The
ships anchored in the roads r.s were the
allies in the Crimean war. sending a
force afhere to assault the wo-.-Uo. Th'
landing was made under a heavy fho
from tho marine gims, and was ivp" 1
to from the old Keel an and the ia-w works
by what is dcicribed as a terri'.le cress
fire concentrated, pofr.t by point, : the
line cf t lie advance from th-; sea. The
Woehenl latt says that, while these f mr;
remained is hard .--.e how
euch a maneuver as that ef the
armies could be repeated, even id
night, for such is the di-pesHi; n of the
electric s?arch lights that ev. n the d:rk
ne?3 of night would f carcely rove a saf
ficient clak for such an auvenrrre. It
does not say, however, what mi .' hi !. ."
pen if these oh rating the light we 1 e
shelled out. S'ciontiiic Ame-rie.n.
a-i Najvr.lpni n "err.i:m?
M. Pe-yre, i:i Ids new lxiok, rav;o!on
I ct Hon Tim; V proves by Miiii-!i:.:ry
evidence to hi ; own sad-i.a ti n that the
great I-T'e:c5:::ian wtiis in -rigin a Cc-r-mun.
T!--C-d; hagrrs, a Ce:int:u fam
ily in Gem a. hacauM- met;.b-.-;r, cf the
Good patty ;l"u,in.i Tavt ') in Ghibe llit.e
limes, and ilnaily f-. ttle I in C v.-;c:a wi.ore
thty adc.pud the j arty iiiclmame as Iheit
rv.riiame, and th Ur?t Napaleon was cne
of tlitiii. Laiclnuije.
r VA !
W'lU be oim !iirii:p' Wliicii ll;o sii :. (( - of
national inloiosc nml impoilajicc will ! i
stiono-ly itgitali ! and tl,-' ( !ec!i.:i d' a
I'i'e&ivlent v.iil lake j.l.-icc. j-o,)-,!.. ,.'
Cass (.Vuisity wiio v,o;;l lil:e ! !car;i of
Political,- Commercial
and Social Transactions
of this yenr juh wo old keeii lapnc.' wild
the times sIkmiUI
jow v.liile wo lntve the .-ulicet heforelho
people we will venture lo pcak of our
X '::JS y'y; f- -Is : Z . 2
Witic-h U 'Hrit-cl.-i.-s in till respects and
from which or-i- job printers are turning
out ranch satisfactory work.
n I
W U t 'A
i s a a uci
i:n !!i;u tiii-;--
Me raid.