The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 27, 1888, Image 1

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111 IH l
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GH.Y Ol.a'HiKtJS.
I'olic.t Jtl l ',
CouiiclI:ii(.ii. l-il ward,
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.1 ll SI MI'SO.N
c ll Smith
i;viti: Ci.aiik
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i I m (X 1. 1. km . runs
i .1 v J.
I1 UK li
Boaid rul.WorkH
(.mill. If
Treasurer, - i A. ('a.mi,
ljUy TitM oirer, - - Tin l. 1 I-lock
Cflvrk - - !'n:ii i:iti iiUM.n
yiinputy Clerk, - l.l icil iki.ii
Itfconlrr .f D..-.N - - V . I J. I'mu.
Uepiuv IC -i; . -!-. - -I i n M I.kvua
Clerk i'i( UI-UI.JI. Co u W.C. Sihiwai.tkk
Kaeritf. - - - J.c. JiiKKNiiAin
Burvryor. - - - - .-. . M a ooi.k
Attorney. - A i.l.l'.N liKl-.sii.N
Bn;t. nf I'uli. Sc'.i.ioK - MM-'iAiuiSnxK
County Ju - - - O. Kusski.i.
it a;ih of scri.ievisons.
A. 1. Tm:, - - riattsinoiitli
Loois l-'.u.i';. ( ii'in., 'ciiin;4 AVuti-r
A. li. Dl ksdN. - - " l.aii.voml
riA'SS I.OIX;!. .i. 11,.
I .. l' Meets
hi cai'li wi'i'l;. All
in ctlally invitetl to
L'vcry I iiirfil.iy i vciiiiii;
transient bretli. is aic !
rnitio I,1:
:!: :). m. A. . n. v,. .Mci-ts
every at' '
,i:t. l"ri.l:iy :il l. ol i .
.-.-.) -I i i.i,-iil hro! -i :ire ri-siii'i-ii liny 111-
vUtiiiloii!H'"-l I". l M'Oiir'.ii.Miist. l Wil kliiiill ;
S. u-..itov.-. id :m : M.'.' iv I'l'iMi. ovi-r-M-or
1- liiiwi'ii. Cii'Hi-; ;.. lr limi.-v-oilh.
ICfi-iinliT ; H. .r. 'I:i)s i. I i-.:in. i r ; nll.
Bmilli. i:ieiv r ; .M. -M:. ! i -.l-t. l'i-H -1.
Jack I:;ii' l H- : icIi-:i ;.n'.
lA.s-i CAMP N. :::
u:i'l loill'I ll .Moll
A ay v-l:in at K. of I'. U.i'.l. All lialisifiil
iri!hi'r ri- r- n-sl'-'l l nit t ' Willi ii. I- A.
Niv- r.K'r. Vcii''i-'.!'l" C.iumiI ; i. : .
NVor'hv V'lW'vf ; !, li. Siniui, l-x UanUtr ; av .
C- Will'-tts. vu-ik.
!LT rsMDir ni i.mimii; n. p. a. o. y. av.
M"h'.j Vi-rv ai!.Ti,:ii I lliiay i-vim-iii;; ;ii
Kookwoixi ii.ill ;:l suVI k. All t nmsicnt urolli
t aro ifs(!'!- t u'.'y invil;-il -o :t tt'inl
I.. S.
l.-irsiin. Til. V,.: 1 . i;o.I. j'OKiuau
s. c.
WiUo. Ki'eoril. i : J,enii;inl .VmU'ison
A. R.
J. V.. .JoiS- iv
4i. S. Twjs,.
y. a. I!irm...,
4ro. Nu.i'.-s
ACtsiMr rAUis.H..
Mai.N Ihx in
((K.V.I. IlKMI'I.K ....
....:o ..iiiaiuior,
.St' Vine
Juiii.ii- -
Hii-i-r of tlie D;y.
'"..' Si?rj;t Major.
.Vu:irTor M.istcr Sorjjt.
To-it Chaplain
AM'MA WHUilli.
Jtecli-.-.K alin i '-Y fvi'iilns
Zj-W office.
1 r-.ftual at'cist'ou
to wy care.
TitK' V. i:ni:ii il.
urancf Wrilten, I
;s!a;-t- i'oini)i!el, In
il i:t ite SSo'.il.
3Htt( j-aeiliiiesforinak ii ,' Kaim Loans tlian
Any Other AA-eacy.
Plattsmu::!::, - Si'braska.
tried ;i:v.l
tcted colli p:une :
St. 258. 100
4.4 15.570
S.l l",li
S,i: 11.915
Co:ii:nvrcl:i! r:.)!:-!-
Fire Assoel:i!i-.;-P- it : J jU'ina.
Franklin-I iii;.i;'. l,'i:ia.
Home-X.".v York.
Irs. C.of Ncrili Aiarik
l.iverp-.)o!;tI.')iel::i & I-
Tfortli British Mercw.ule
yorwioli li;ia- l-'iiIaa-l.
BprlnaeM i- . M,-Sp;i;r:li
Total AfSPtS, 542.11S.77
Lasse3Afija-M::u5 PaiiBtftisfessncy
5 3 M S
Libraxy - Lamps
Ufliano BesisLns aaA FaUerns !
Cheap Prices
HUH i- ' air- 13 P IS Ti
Already Proyed, to bo Proved Again
A tliort time ago a geQtlemun named
J. S. Putnam (emilojetl by Mr. Edward,
of Den Moines, Iwwa), came to PlatU
inouth for the purpoaa of Holiciting orders
for silvtrvrnre. lie went t the mayor
or city clerk and offered to mj foO to be
allowed to tbecity. Ho was told
that the city ordinance demanded $10 a
day. lie refused to pay the licauap, went
about his hufcincss, was ai rested and lined
JCO mlcosts, wouldn.t pay waa put in
jail and handed over a watch and $C0
in care of the jailor. His fine Avas taken
out of that moniy and he was released.
Whether that transaction wa juat or le
gal we do not know. After he got out
of jail he cauyassed aain, was arrested,
ably defended by Covell & I$eesn, of
this city, Byron Clark prosecuting attorn
ey and lined $25 and costa. The case
will be appealed to the suppremc court
unless compromised, which shonld bo
done immediately, for the city will hare
to pay hundreds of dollars for lawyers'
fee, "win or loose " and it in yery prob
able that they will see a remnant of the
ui?der-jj:rment of their opponent at the
finish of the race. Business men, resi
dents of Ihis city, pay a tax of a
year. S nic also pay $23 for the stock
they carry, or a total of $ 30. A peddler
is required to pay $10 a day or $3,050 a
year. The absurdity of such a law re
quires no argument. Protect our own
industries and trades-pet. pie by eycry
means, but don't pull the string so tight
as to be liable to throttle yourself, 'ihis
class of men coma to this city, make
money, and spend lots of the money they
make. We know this firm to be honest
and square. Give every ouo a show. Let
every body rustle. No. 2, volume 33,
Federal Jirporter, published Feb. 3,
188,1 contains acaso "Ex-parte Stockton"
as follows:
First. That such a statute is utterly
yoid. the judge saying, "The idea of a
citizen of the United .States being chal
lenged anywhere in this nation by any
power other than national, in the con
duct of his lawful business in states other
than his own, is decidedly absurtl and
ridiculous. If the power by the consti
tution has been lodged in congress, aa in
this case, and congress shall not have ac t
ed, both states and people must wait un
til congress legislates upon the subject.
There is no state or community of indi
viduals that can make any laiv upon that
Second. That where a party is arrest
ed for an alleged violation of such a law.
the federal couits have jurisdiction to,
and will discharge him upon a writ of
hadeig corpus. TJjis pase waa decided
by the United Statee circuit court for the
eastern district of Texas, and will un
doubtcdly, if occasion shall arise, be fol
lowed bv everv other federal court. The
remedy by habeas corpus under this de
cision is certain, expeditious and inexpen
sive. The wisesi course for the city r.uthori
ties to do, now, is to pay Putnam for his
loss of time and apologize for his arrest,
insfend of contesting the case m the su-
- v
preme coui "
Handy With his Gun.
13JJOWK3VIM.E. Tex., Feb. 27. It is re
ported that Deputy Sheriff Coy was at
tucked at Elcuero ranch by avo J;ndits.
IJe killed four of them and badly
wotiudej the other.
A Cyclone Bsnefssee.
Cedar IltrJ., Tenn., Feb. 2f. A aevei e
wind and hail storm parsed through this
s-ction Friday night. A cyclone btiuck
Rolicrt Sherrod's farm, sweeping it bare
for a space of fifty yards wide. On the
a'djoiuing farm of Samuel Sayers it car
ried away ail the fences and outhouses.
The barns and outhouses throughout
this section were destroyed.
Smallpox in Kansas. City, Mo., Feb. 27. Dr. John
Free of thiscity returned from McPhcrson
Kan., Saturday, whither he had gone tt
f the request of the authorities of McPhcr
son to iiiy estimate some supposed cases
j of smallpox. He report thzp several
j cases of the disease undoubtedly exist
i there, but that measures have been taken
which will effectually prevent its spread
ing. A Cut on .he Gulf.
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 27. The Kan-
i a City, Fort Scott & Gulf railroad Sat
urday n!tii; sweeping reduction in
freight rates. The Gulf ouilc J;ui been
ratlier slow in cutting, but Avas forced to
this by the extremely low rates made to
pojuu in Us territory from St. Louis and
vice versa, which y3 gradually drawing
shipments from instead of oansas city.
' The rates formerly prevailing on classes
j 1, 2, S and 4 Avere 50, 40, 30 and 25 cenU
j respectively. At present tho rates on
these classes ars 25, 20. 15 and 10 cents,
i All the points on the Kansas City," Clin
j ton & Springfield, and Kansas City. Fort
Scott & Gulf r ads will be nffectccl by
I Km?
the cut. A farther Reduction is not un-
legend of Serpent Wornon.
In tho early Egyptian hieroglyphics
we lind representations of snakes' bodies
crowned by female heaip; and, indeed,
this class of terjx;nts seems to have
proved equally attractive to all nations,
an evidence of which subtlo fascination
i.3 that the legends of tho -'snake mai
dens' still live in the nursery tales of to
day, ierennially young and beautiful as
though their birth were not wrapped in
the mysteries of u prehistoric age. Of
this family came Larnia, the witch of
Crete, whose woman's heart rendered
her doubly sensitive to the degradation
bho suffered during her incarceration
within her scaly prison ; nor did she, on
renewing the pristine glory of her hu
man form, completely lot-e the essence of
her seriR-nt nature. Ilannonia, the wife
of Cadmus, to Ik a companion in her
liusoand a misfortunes, also took iiimmi
herself the scrrcrit's shae, but ln-in
devoid of evil intent, never, it i baid,
shunned, but rather sought man's pres
Perhaps it is but another form of the
classic llarmonia which has lieeomc fa
miliar to us under the name of the fairy
Gentilla, who, in an adder's shape,
bought refuge with Prince Lenuder from
the vengeance of the irate gardeners, but
at the end of several days dropped her
ocaly mantle, and, I'.rrayed in super
natural charms, munificently rewarded
her protector. In some of the later ac
counts of Melusinushe is cited as a mem
ber of this sisterhood. Jean 1)" Arras
represents her as a serpent "enameled
blue and white;" thus also did she pre
sent herself to tho commander of IviMg
nan, a fortress which i.ho erected i:i the
early days of her wedded happiness. If
there he any who wonder that this union
of serpent and woman should have
r roved attractive to our ancestors, might
not the sinuous grace and enigmatical
character of our own Elsie Vernier plead
el quently for the charms of her myth
born sisters? North American Review.
Colors of tho Aliino Shy.
When the Alpine sun is cetting, or,
better still, some tirnv after it has $;et,
leaving tho limbs and shoulders of the
mountains in shadow, while their snowy
crests are bathed by the retreating light,
the snow glows with a beauty and solem
nity hardly equaled by i;ny other natural
phenomenon. So, also, when fir: t illum
ined by tho rays of tho unriscn sun, the
mountain heads, under favorable atmos
pheric conditions, shine like rubies. And
all this splendor is evoked by the simple
mechanism of minute particles, them
selves without coIjv, suspended in the
air. Those who referred the extraordi
nary succession of atmospheric; glows,
witnessed some years ago. to a vast and
violent discharge of volcanic ashes, were
dealing with "a true cause." Tho line
floating residue of such aphes would un
doubtedly bo able to produce tho cilc-cts
ascribed to it. Still tho mechanism to
prpduco tho morning and evening red,
though of variable efficiency, is always
present in the atmosphere. I have seen
displays, equal in magnificenco to the
finest of those above referred to, when
when there Avas no special volcanic out
burst to which they could be referred.
It was the long continued repetition of
tho glows which rendered the volcanic
theory highly probable. Professor John
Tyndall in The Forum.
The American Club in I.oi.don.
Among the many burning questions
which yet remain to be settled between
tho United States and Great Britain,
none have caused more dissatisfaction in
social circles on the other side of the At
lantic than the lack of reciprocity shown
by us in the matter of club hospitality.
To tho English gentleman every club in
New York is open; but the citizen of the
United States, on arrival in London,
finds tho portals of the leading clubs in
Pall Mall sealed doors. Distinguished
men, it is true, are madg honorary mem
bers ot the Athcnxum; but it is not every
one who can find exuberant joviality
within its walls. Cur countrymen who
have resided in America, struck by the
very one sided nature of the club treaty
existing between the two countries, have
recently started a fresh addition to tho
jnany London clubs. The American club
idnis'at affording a meeting place in Lon
uon for all men interested in the westma
hemisphere. Hers members of the Pa
cific club at San FrancLco, of tho Mani
toba club at Winnipeg, of tho Ccrcle dc.s
Etrangers at Rio. the Knickerbocker at
Nev York and the Turf in Piccadilly
meet on terms ot' pertect equality. St.
James' Gazett
Frcservation of Jfesativcs.
The best way to hold a iK-rson or keep
track of him is in the possession of a
good negative. Or her would do bettrt
p.3 there are more illustrations of the
truth of this remark in the case of
women. I have had a great deal of ex
ttrience in this line and have never
known it to fail, end for that reason i
am rdAvays very particular to preserve
negatives. They are tetter than bail
bonds. I havo negatives cf a number of
.eople now who have left the city and
who "want their friends tM forget theiri,
and to that end have very carefully
avoided allowing ihoso friends to knov
A-here they are or which way they had
gone. Yet I hear from them frequently
by means of orders fcr p.ictures printed
.V of sucu and su"b negative. I have
knoAv of people, missing for months, anei
even for year?, and whose friends hael
given up the search for them, to write to
their photographers for pictures off of an
pld negative. Photographer in Globe
Democrat, Folks whit laughs ycr en not at yer,
dee makes de house full t-r sweetness cz cr
comb be er honey.
cider we get th f?wer fri-jrids
We hHA-en-'t time to try them.
ITiore l.rte a tin!" city in th" I !!!s;
V.'iiite i'.n; it r"oi".., li it j i-e.:ili "!v. -!!ii.
Auil ;::.( wit !i jiiTK-et iv ! i! Irfi-'.in I.!!
Tlit-ri" lli'' purl- mi I, l':c ii y il (' " : :
4m-s r. i li v. l,i!i' s-.i I liati-1. j:;; I i1' : ... . . r
Aii'l liurh": i'.i t ''. I :, e i.i'.-l t i.i!'-. !y. I
T'ustirr' il i:!iil "!:. i. i.i i 'i.i-: iiif''. :' .
I.! vJ:-r. il !.:. fa.- i'i'.M lin' i 'i ' .! ; .r, '
AVitli 'ii t rti'.laiifj ii iv l, as if liiM.'l . .. ,
oil. In-art that .-r.-.yi : t ro r .rCi-J l I j
Homo l.iv:?: I. i-i:--i r to .' l.-ft ro j
Ami l.Mil I v. r-.y ( w i.-. r - ! ::,.::-; 1 I. i
lIi'f.Mn-. !! i-ry si;r., t!rit .".mi v. i'.l
liU l.iiiili- i :irif 1. .-.:.! t .;! li f.-.-.u u- T .
Ii.!;j till' ii ; - 1 '.. !.'..: tl.i. I:ia:i'. 1
;:.!;. ill. j
SI.oi-h in l!i' ?3ii il!i' A;;is. j
In the ?;!!:! Ages sho:v. of an j
travngaM. li-ng:?i I ei-ame rt.p;:!;:r. In
the rein of lii' ! i I lli" li; "i :-n::.o
reached to the 1. 1;!-;-. t v. l.i..-!i ii.i-y avi ro j
secured by gold and ; ilver ci:a;iv:. 'J!u j
upper par is were fr qm-i.tly nit to in,:- j
taie church windows. 'u-h slices wi ro ;
ealir 1 '-(Vaekows,'' aflt-r l!i" oily of (';; !
cow. They were iutrodi:eid I-'.ig-
land ill the n in of i;ieh::rd 11 by Je'iii, i
the gra.'idfat !n-r of Ids i- :. v. t
Lulls were i -. . : ;
gances. but long to.rd shoes held their t
own for rearly :''( yi-;ir-
The Enli.-h parliament at one '. i:e
regulated l-y a"l m.-t isly the e;i;:ii;y if
the Latin . r. but the miiiii.-fi- i I' .-tkeli'
to 1 e tal.en in i:::.!:i: ;; vi ry : !.',. :i
1 10:J jiariiami nt'ited ila- i:iaki?:g
of any shoes I'm- t li. u.. i i . :,..( d
eiarse ;" v.-iih p.iints r:oie .i!i:.n Uvo
inches long. Tir- 1 1 , li o! ', s r
ti us ia ti e piciureso!' the i :;i I y 1 :r.;I
tasis. were iiitre.::e. d i.i ihe M.;: l!itil
C"i:tur-. l'ii'lad. I; hia Time
!:ii:si:i:; 1 1 1 .a.':.
A curious and nov. ! mrsl-.o-l of sa'ing
hie in ec ilain ca-'cs of poi-o!)i';,;- has I.i en
originated by Dr. C'u;io ! :;!! fiirico, ( t
Sienna. By largely i::c:ea ir; thevol
u:::e of the blood, v. hi -!i can ! e l .;:e hy
injccliiig into the i:rietv-4 sali;r ; .'l;:t:o';s
to the uuiount of a' e;:! Li per e. i.i. ( !' the
weight of the Mihn.J. the :o:,e::s siro
actually rinsed o;.fc ;!; i eiiieiii.'.u il from
the s-.-;U in. hi this Avr.y iivi-s of
dogs and f.T.inea i Ave re saved after
being do-e l a-, hh d . i!iv aii-.outs of
strychnir.'g cl.i' a!eoi: 1, aee-i ilits-,
paraldehyde, ch i;:e :.n 1 u:v;h:'.i. "."ii:i
cv riain other poI. : ; n:orj ei::a
rine and luc-.iiino, the method fa d; d. it
is not at inq-o.-siMe tiatt thisd.i.;c;vrTy
may introduce an i:::;. rove I l!vatiuc::t.
not only for cares of pokoniug, but f.r
certain ui'SCUw' .
Mail and
The ItaMe.a r.iuvi h-!::-h's ts:-very.
The misrch of iinvrovemci.t is slid on
ward, mid t!i ilahua bo-ill. I.;..!; l;n .;
caught its sle;. A geui!e:;!::u who
wLkcd to have his ii::d-.'r-.;.-:i.iI':g ! right
fv. to-.rk ld-i i:i the e'-sir t' ;::i cu
terprling son of haly ,-":d hn-.l o:;e
of lli-i sllOC'S f!:Or!!l'd Wliil a
1 ?alher shine.
l:t e lUiii.-Ie.e.l
his Avork he took from 'Jr.: i"rnve r c-f his
bo:: a piece of canton f nr.i.vl ii'iov.t six
incher; wido and u foot 1 g. Fimdy
grasping its ends
itr. V.-;-o'
side to tho tip of first tho r; ,ht and th :;
the l ewly shiucd boo!.;, ar.d rubbed th.. -.u
no until tlic poli 1- iii the:. i was a.i
smootli iai that of the .: ., -nt leather.
'It maka the sh:;.e verra i.ier, ' he
explained, n.3 he poe"hi" l the nickel.
New York E veiling .San.
Tho fUuiTy f S i::-:in;3.
ICothing, in my judggi.-nr. i -urpr.
tho study of hcrthai.d raent.-.i u-;-'.i-irg.
It ii.iii iti vi ry c - : an ac;
quirf mcr.t t;:at 1! i'.-.r u; id:: -f the
mental K;mt: rgtaiiia' ; ? r.. ey, end
ti e apt'Meaiion of il ; ; via-i, :.-:; cadi for
tL2 coii.Uuit e:-:evcr-.' :' a gr;:g r : -..!
:-.U adier pow:-r ci' :..;;: Mra.k'-.i tna'.i : ho
teehiiicedi'.ies i' r.ny oihci- kaoivu s.crom
plLhuient. The fasteri wvitcr i h;.".i.u
allv, on the aver.?;;-?. f-oni sij; t do:: :i
wJrda behind th"- Freak-:-, and to civ..-;,
these in the mind, vrhtie at thtj sr.-tso ti.:;-;
executing muliifavioufi si: no;:-,-rphie i::
tricacies upon the paper, i ; a ; '..-at wi h it
can hardly be said, with truth, to l. s u
the'ii leter.tivo faculty. A. Ii,
Leon in Tha Vr'ri'ev.
V.'Iio:i r:i;Vn Vi'cavir-fj A; :;rc'.
l't is astonishing to o! rvo bow frr
people understand tha ( rimon ride.-; cf
lix-asurement in purclitt.dng wearing ap
parel. For, a man will buy a
coat that is a -'siae" too -nail or tv
large. A ''siiio"' s-ua'k: or a --lire '
larger is vhat ho probably nee is, br.t b-',-docs
not know what a --ir.e"" i :. A'. e-Ii,
a "siso" in ti coat ii an inch, a tine in
underwear is 2 inches, n hizo in a sock is
1 inch, in a collar 1-0 an inch, in a shirt
1-2 an inch, in slices 1-Gih an ir.eii, a nt -.
1 inch, glove.-, i-4 or an h:c-h. rnd iii bats
1-S of V.n inch. Very few purchasers
ever understand the sci;elule named.
C lobe-Democrat.
l""ierc::tlois t I.vajiri'ii'in-.J.
A Colorado farme-r recommends
somcAvhat novel method of preventing
the loss of water by evaporation from
oK?n tanks cr ponds. I r consists in giv.
ing tlie surface of tho waiei- a thin eoa1
big of oil, and waa uccei--.fuliy r.doplcd
by' him during tho t:::usur.i drouglit f
Iflt-t furamrr. He demo: .-tr: !; s the cor
rectness cf his theory by Jiiiir.g two ves
sels of equal size with the k pth f
water a nel peu:ir.;r n. fe-.v do- gs e f oil cm.
the water of o.-.e. . in duo couu-o tin:
water i;i the other A'-s :;1 will entirely
eA-aporato. Avhile the one that was oiled
shows no b iis. Chicag.i Time?.
V. li it "Mav.i" Tliu i-i.
'I-lam" is the fa-oo.ite Avo-.d amo.-ag
the rioiiamm. da-s. by wlae'i siie-y desig
nate their ovon l-.-Iigiivi. 1; i.:.:ai:s abso
luie, i;;s;ii::-:i g i-.:b:::I:. i a t J t!:o will
r f (tod, c-: ei i.-i v lf:i i r-.-veal-oil in
is.nni:i a;e
a tue trr
s r.r. ot Aio-
:6 Gosotl in Ail LT.-b.
Iti-I a:tiieti:- inventory, v. ii.Iiae
pih-s'osll tii' goods i a I In r thin to
i.i o',. r. 'i'.'.'.Ui' willing tisili our
el. to Winti r (! ods ;it i t. St.ij l -. We
h.i", a huge q.iantily and idfel' them
el V !ov.'. ':dio , I! to ." en;! ', per ai d, tie bet standard of tiieiu at V
aids fm- ;!.'!. I i 1 1 1 1 na l-.-t dn-s-.
i I !i s I I) e.-li's p- r X.'lld. );-( S iiuls
a!! 1. th. i ry lr.',r:l juiee, li'ei.i
" eeiiis pi i y.ii 't lipvai.!. Wool n In
ve oiler a! io !. eti:i I."diise;i h-
llM'le l.( ', V.OIlil sl.hi). now 7. Cents.
tine ieavy wool 4(1 eei,t, nov, Wi; lidht
leli's line li! .!)(( woilli ."(, Iiinv In
dor weal- niti't go at bev pr.i . a, e
ill not kl ( th 111 OVef.
Mir ( Jeiits Silver ;,ev Mcrhio M.iits
and drawi rs. foim:-r H'i' cs ') i-..v;
-'-"el .- . : ,., shi,.
, v .. i : :i qu.ii i!y 7" liow .V).
Mir Seal let all wool .-huts and draw
ers till" ipialiiy s'.J.OO now 7-"i eints.
Mir scarlet a!! Avool shh t.-. aad ilrv.v
eis. line quality :?l.Wi now I.t.'l.
Our .-.eai b t all-u ool shirts and drawer.--,
line quality sl. 75 now 1,W.
r -i vii'h t a!!-wool shirts and draw
crs, iiae qiiaiity -'yl. 00 now 1 )o.
Our .05 ) -r ce:;t. lihcuinit un cloaks, is
stdl good. ','e :ire ih teriiiiiu'd t o close
out our ( lit ire- Muck and never before
has such an op;iort unity been offend to
economical huyers to jiureli'i.-e the bc-t
qualities for so little money.
Joseph V. Wcckfosiel!.
Parlors, fSv.droamn, EX'hsis.roosii.s.
Kitchens, Mull ways, Jillces,
Where a r-:n;;ii fW-ont. soi
tAe.;.' i
' 'a 9 ' '
JC s
Crystal Apricots , --Something fine. Evapo
i rated Gold Drop Plums.
Silver Prune?. All kinds of Dried Fruits.
Sa3Gafra3 Eark. Neufehatel Chesse.
Schepps Cocoanut Puddings , --Something new
! and ni ee ,
rrt- n
5.1 I zT.
j Will Ix- o:..:i Jni.nary Ul-tli, at the
j OltTD S'TAXf) ( ) V Y. J(.(; i 1 I T'l 1J
rll o'oik
W -S3. OTJMTXjSil'E.
f J
r r v r?: r tT
-...J i - Jf O"
k of (JooiU ami F:
ii.-' l-
T b A TT SM il'Til, X EiJi J A SKA .
i era m
1 C k
-3 5 JL JL
Witri-iiiitcil iht-claM;.
o hai firv